

Igor Eliseev
Two conjoined babies are born at the intersection of two social worldviews. The girls are named Faith and Hope. After spending their childhood in a foster home and obtaining a basic education, they come to realise that they are different from other people in many respects. The problems of their upbringing are only made worse by the constant humiliations they suffer at the hands of society. Eventually, fortune smiles on them, by seemingly opening up the door to happiness: a separation surgery that can theoretically be performed in the capital. Thus begins a journey fraught with difficulties and obstacles for the sisters. Will they be able to get past the wall of public cynicism, together with the internal conflicts they have among themselves? Will they find a justification for their existence and learn to accept it? The search for the answers to these and many other questions constitutes the essence of this novel. One-Two is a psychological drama, the main events of which unfold in the 1980s and 1990s in Russia. The novel reflects on how difficult it is to be a human and how important it is to stay human until the end. It is a message full of empathy and kindness addressed to all people.
The Grand Harmony
The Grand Harmony
Bohdan Ihor Antonych
The extraordinarily inventive Ukrainian poet and literary critic Bohdan Ihor Antonych (1909-1937), the son of a Catholic priest, died prematurely at the early age of 28 of pneumonia. Originally from the mountainous Lemko region in Poland, where a variant of Ukrainian is spoken, he was home-schooled for the first eleven years of his life because of frequent illness. He began to write poetry in Ukrainian after he moved to the Western Ukrainian city of Lviv to continue his studies at the University of Lviv. He published just three collections of poetry in his lifetime: A Greeting to Life (1931), Three Rings (1934), and The Book of the Lion (1936), with the latter two firmly establishing his reputation as one of the best poets of his time in Ukraine. Three additional collections, The Green Gospel (1938), Rotations (1938), and The Grand Harmony (1967), were published posthumously. A collection of poems on religious themes written in 1932 and 1933, The Grand Harmonyis a subtle and supple examination of Antonych’s intimately personal journey to faith, with all its revelatory verities as well as self-questioning and doubt. The collection marks the beginning of Antonych’s development into one of the greatest poets of his time. During Soviet times it was banned for its religious content. It was first published in its entirety in 1967 in New York. The Grand Harmony first appeared in English translation in a bilingual edition with Litopys Publishers in 2007, which has long been sold out. The poems “Musica Noctis,” “De Morte I,” “Ars Poetica 1” and “Liber Peregrinorum 3” were reprinted in The Essential Poetry of Bohdan Ihor Antonych: Ecstasies and Elegies (Bucknell University Press, 2010). One can find additional poetic renderings of Antonych’s selected poetry in the translations of various well-known American poets under the title A Square of Angels (Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1977), which was edited by Bohdan Boychuk.
The Frontier: 28 Contemporary Ukrainian Poets: An Anthology (A Bilingual Edition
The Frontier: 28 Contemporary Ukrainian Poets: An Anthology (A Bilingual Edition
Anatoly Kudryavitsky
This anthology reflects a search of the Ukrainian nation for its identity, the roots of which lie deep inside Ukrainian-language poetry. Some of the included poets are well-known locally and internationally; among them are Serhiy Zhadan, Halyna Kruk, Ostap Slyvynsky, Marianna Kijanowska, Oleh Kotsarev, Anna Bagriana and, of course, the living legend of Ukrainian poetry, Vasyl Holoborodko. The next Ukrainian poetic generation also features prominently in the collection. Such poets as Les Beley, Olena Herasymyuk, Myroslav Laiuk, Hanna Malihon, Taras Malkovych, Julia Musakovska, Julia Stakhivska and Lyuba Yakimchuk are the ones Ukrainians like to read today, and each of them already has an excellent reputation abroad due to festival appearances and translations to European languages. The work collected here documents poetry in Ukraine responding to challenges of the time by forging a radical new poetic, reconsidering writing techniques and language itself. Edited and translated from the Ukrainian by Anatoly Kudryavitsky.
Herstories. An Anthology of New Ukrainian Women Prose Writers
Herstories. An Anthology of New Ukrainian Women Prose Writers
Michael M. Naydan
Women’s prose writing has exploded on the literary scene in Ukraine just prior to and following Ukrainian independence in 1991. Over the past two decades scores of fascinating new women authors have emerged. These authors write in a wide variety of styles and genres including short stories, novels, essays, and new journalism. In the collection you will find: realism, magical realism, surrealism, the fantastic, deeply intellectual writing, newly discovered feminist perspectives, philosophical prose, psychological mysteries, confessional prose, and much more.
A Poet and Bin-Laden: A Reality Novel
A Poet and Bin-Laden: A Reality Novel
Hamid Ismailov
The “reality novel” A Poet and Bin-Laden set in Central Asia at the turn of the 21st century against a swirling backdrop of Islamic fundamentalism in the Ferghana Valley and beyond, gives a first-hand account on the militants and Taliban’s internal life. The novel begins on the eve of 9/11, with the narrator’s haunting description of the airplane attack on the Twin Towers as seen on TV while he is on holiday in Central Asia; and tells the story of an Uzbek poet Belgi, who was disappointed in the authoritarian regime in Uzbekistan and became a terrorist in the eyes of the world. His journey begins with a search for a Sufi spiritual master and ends in guerrilla warfare, and it is this tension between a transcendental and a violent response to oppression, between the book and the bomb, between Archipelago GULAG and modern Central Asia and Afghanistan, that gives the novel its specific poignancy. In this book Hamid Ismailov masterfully intertwines fiction with documentary and provides wonderfully vivid accounts of historical events such as the siege of Kunduz, the breakout from Shebergan prison and the insurgency in the Ferghana Valley as witnessed by the Byronian figure of Belgi, who enters the inner sanctum of al-Qaeda, and ultimately meets Sheikh bin Laden himself.
The Sarabande of Sara’s Band
The Sarabande of Sara’s Band
Larysa Denysenko
Sarabande is a novel presented mostly through the rapid-fire interactions of the characters in one-on-one situations or in small groups. Most of the novel revolves around the male protagonist, the journalist Pavlo Dudnyk, who takes his schoolhood friend Sara Polonsky as his second wife. Sara, who blossomed from an inconspicuous overweight adolescent into a vivacious woman, used to mock him in school with the nickname “Underbutt” for his bony derriere that always needed padding on the classroom chairs. When Pavlo marries Sara, he doesn’t realize at first that he’s also married into her extended family, Sara’s band of Polonskys, with their myriad quirks and manifestations of peculiar behavior.
Depeche Mode
Depeche Mode
Serhiy Zhadan
In 1993, tragic turbulence takes over Ukraine in the post-communist spin-off. As if in somnambulism, Soviet war veterans and upstart businessmen listen to an American preacher of whose type there were plenty at the time in the post-Soviet territory. In Kharkiv, the young communist headquarters is now an advertising agency, and a youth radio station brings Western music, with Depeche Mode in the lead, into homes of ordinary people. In the middle of this craze three friends, an anti-Semitic Jew Dogg Pavlov, an unfortunate entrepreneur Vasia the Communist and the narrator Zhadan, nineteen years of age and unemployed, seek to find their old pal Sasha Carburetor to tell him that his step-father shot himself dead. Characters confront elements of their reality, and, tainted with traumatic survival fever, embark on a sad, dramatic and a bit grotesque adventure.
Andrei Tarkovsky:A Life on the Cross
Andrei Tarkovsky:A Life on the Cross
Lyudmila Boyadzhieva
Andrei Tarkovsky died in a Paris hospital in 1986, aged just 54. An internationally acclaimed icon of the film industry, the legacy Tarkovsky left for his fans included Andrei Rublev, Stalker, Nostalgia and a host of other brilliant works. In the Soviet Union, however, Tarkovsky was a persona non grata. Longing to be accepted in his homeland, Tarkovsky distanced himself from all forms of political and social engagement, yet endured one fiasco after another in his relations with the Soviet regime. The Soviet authorities regarded the law-abiding, ideologically moderate Tarkovsky as an outsider and a nuisance, due to his impenetrable personal nature. The documentary novel A Life on the Cross provides a unique insight into the life of Andrey Tarkovsky, the infamous film director and a man whose life was by no means free of unedifying behaviour and errors of judgement. Lyudmila Boyadzhieva sets out to reveal his innate talent, and explain why the cost of such talent can sometimes be life itself.
Wolf Messing:The True Story of Russia`s Greatest Psychic
Wolf Messing:The True Story of Russia`s Greatest Psychic
Tatiana Lungin
In this, the first biography and personal memoir of WOLF MESSING to appear in the West, Tatiana Lungin limns a revealing portrait of one of the greatest psychic performers of the twentieth century. Born a Polish Jew near Warsaw, Messing ran away from home at the age of eleven and soon discovered his psychic gifts. Supporting himself by performing mind-reading acts in Berlin theaters, at fourteen Messing was sold by his unscrupulous manager to the famous Busch Circus. In no time Wolf gained an international reputation as the world’s greatest telepath as he toured the capitals of Europe. In Vienna Messing met Albert Einstein who brought him to the apartment of another admirer of his abilities, Sigmund Freud. His touring days ended abruptly in 1937 when, after Messing publicly predicted the downfall of the Third Reich, the Nazis placed a sizable bounty on his head. Summoning all his hypnotic powers, he escaped capture by the Gestapo and fled to Russia. In the USSR Messing’s displays of telepathy, uncannily accurate predictions, and psychic crime solving gained him a rare celebrity status. While most parapsychologists were forced to conduct psychic research in secrecy, Messing thrilled audiences in packed theaters across the country. His fame was all the more amazing coming as it did in the Marxist society dominated by Joseph Stalin, the man who had officially abolished ESP. Even Stalin himself was intrigued by Wolf’s ability to influence thoughts at a distance, and devised a number of unusual tests of Messing’s powers. The stories of how Messing successfully took on Stalin’s challenges to hypnotically elude his personal security force, and even commit psychic bank robbery, are colorfully related. As Messing’s longtime friend and confidante, Lungin draws from personal notes, conversations with Wolf, and reports of other eyewitnesses of his performances to chronicle Messing’s incredible life and career. At the same time, she provides an inside look at parapsychology and psychic research behind the Iron Curtain.
Hardly Ever Otherwise
Hardly Ever Otherwise
Maria Matios
Painting a tortured picture of life’s harsh brutality in the region, Maria provides an insight into the complicated history of this remote corner of the Carpathian Mountains. Against the colourful backdrop of local traditions and highlanders’ rites she weaves her story of love, intertwined with a heart wrenching human tragedy, not avoiding intimate details of the anatomy of relationships between men and women. Enchanted by the impeccable style of this family saga, the reader becomes baffled by the character’s actions. In the words of Maria Matios the book is about people’s deeply concealed nature. When familiar passions like love and hate, joy and envy overcome them and it’s not in their nature to resist, consequences reach the catastrophic magnitude. Each character is flawed, detestable, but in the book’s finale they incite compassion as their painful past is steadily revealed. The eternal dilemma of sin and atonement pervades the pages of this book. The author does not shy away from carnal encounters and masterfully describes the psychology of lovers, accentuating people’s struggles on different levels.
The Vital Needs Of The Dead: Chronicles
The Vital Needs Of The Dead: Chronicles
Igor Sakhnovsky
The Vital Needs of the Dead is a tender coming-of-age story set in the provinces of the Soviet Union during the second half of the 20th century. At the center of this story, praised by Russian critics for its blend of realism and lyrical sensibility, lies the relationship of young Gosha Sidelnikov with his alluring and mysterious grandmother Rosa, who becomes his caregiver when he is virtually abandoned by his busy and distant parents. This relationship colors Sidelnikov’s subsequent forays into first love and sexual awakening. Even after her death, memories of Rosa accompany him into his adventures and misadventures as a provincial student. Then, one miserably cold winter night, her voice commands him to immediately depart for a place he’s never been before, precipitating a mysterious chain of events.
Dornen im Wind: Facette eines Narzissten
Dornen im Wind: Facette eines Narzissten
Jo Liebling
Buchbeschreibung: Jo Liebling erz?hlt die ungew?hnliche Liebesgeschichte zwischen Evelyn und Martin, die romantisch und z?rtlich beginnt und als Alptraum endet. Martin entpuppt sich als Narzisst. Evelyn begibt sich in eine ungesunde Opferhaltung und bringt sich damit in eine gef?hrliche Lage. Evelyn verliert ihr Ged?chtnis. Martin wird tot aufgefunden, fast nackt, mit einem String gekleidet und einem Eispickel im Hals. Die Spannung steigt. Es ist pur, auf den Punkt gebracht - Romantik, Erkenntnis, Dramatik und Mordaufkl?rung in einem Buch. Es lohnt sich!? www.echt-lieblich-verlag.de , kontakt@echt-lieblich-verlag.de.
Zo Gaat Dat In Rusland: Of Hoe Te Leven Tussen Russen
Zo Gaat Dat In Rusland: Of Hoe Te Leven Tussen Russen
Maria Konjoekova
Maria Konjoekova’s Zo gaat dat in Rusland, of hoe te leven tussen Russen is niet alleen een grappige, vol zelfspot geschreven handleiding voor het dagelijks leven in Rusland, het is ook een scherpzinnige en praktische gids voor het doorgronden van een land en van mensen die we vandaag de dag overal ter wereld kunnen tegenkomen. Waar komen onze meningen en vooroordelen eigenlijk vandaan? De schrijfster onderzoekt de culturele eigenaardigheden, waarvan het Russische leven doortrokken is, en geeft ook een verklaring voor de stortvloed aan ongebreidelde Russische emoties in alle mogelijke situaties. Zo rekent ze moeiteloos af met de vele misvattingen die er over de Russen bestaan en kweekt op humoristische wijze begrip voor hun, in Westerse ogen, soms onbegrijpelijke gedrag. Konjoekova wil met haar boek preken noch bekeren, ze beoogt daarentegen een brutaal, maar liefdevol inkijkje te geven in de Russische ziel. Eigenlijk is haar boek een minihandleiding voor de mens in het algemeen.
A History of Belarus: A Non-Literary Essay that Explains the Ethnogenesis of the
A History of Belarus: A Non-Literary Essay that Explains the Ethnogenesis of the
Lubov Bazan
Rare materials on Belarus are a potential treasure trove for the English language reader. A blank spot on the map for many, Belarus is an undiscovered mystery in the heart of Europe – undiscovered, because little has been published on the country’s history and current affairs, and the origin of the ethnic group that calls itself ‘Belarusians’. Author Lubov Bazan attempts to uplift the veil of secrecy surrounding Belarus and answer an important question of the ethnogenesis of the Belarusians. Unique in its ongoing struggle for independence, throughout its history Belarus has been deprived of this luxury by being continuously included in various state formations such as Kievan Rus’, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Kingdom of Poland, the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union. A History of Belarus is a thorough chronological narrative that covers major milestones of Belarus’s journey into the 21st century. Lubov Bazan gives her readers plenty of leeway to form their own conclusions about the historical material presented. By incorporating different theoretical viewpoints on fundamental issues such as the ethnic background of the Belarusian people and formation of their national identity, the origins of the language, and the historically complex religious composition of the country, Bazan offers a platform for discussion.
A Russian Story
A Russian Story
Eugenia Kononenko
He is young, intelligent, well educated, with patriotic sentiments. But certain misunderstandings oblige him to flee from Ukraine. For some reason, everything in his life builds up to a certain Russian scenario. So to what extent should one burden Ukrainians with the outcome of this Russian Story? Finding himself involuntarily identified with Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, the hero of the novel, Eugene Samarsky, becomes a 'superfluous man' in Ukraine. The novel by Eugenia Kononenko deals with love and the quest for one’s own identity, with the vaguely remembered circumstances rendering life nonsensical in Ukraine during the last years of the empire and the early years of independence. It considers the possibility of a mid-Atlantic meeting in today's globalised world.
Leo Tolstoy:Flight from Paradise
Leo Tolstoy:Flight from Paradise
Pavel Basinsky
Over a hundred years ago something outrageous happened in Yasnaya Polyana. Count Leo Tolstoy, a famous author eighty two years of age at the time, took off, destination unknown. Since then, circumstances surrounding the writer’s whereabouts during his final days and his eventual death bred many myths and legends. Russian popular writer and reporter Pavel Basinsky picks into archives and presents his interpretation of facts prior to Leo Tolstoy’s mysterious disappearance. Basinsky follows Leo Tolstoy throughout his life up to the very end. Reconstructing the story from historical documents, he creates a visionary account of events that led to the Tolstoy family drama. Flight from Paradise is of special interest to international researchers of Leo Tolstoy’s life and work, and is recommended to a wider audience worldwide.
Groot Slem en Andere Verhalen
Groot Slem en Andere Verhalen
Leonid Andrejev
Andrejevs actieve periode als schrijver besloeg zo'n twintig jaar in een tumultueuze periode van de geschiedenis van Rusland. Hij ondersteunde de eerste Russische Revolutie daadwerkelijk en kwam voor het verbergen van medeplichtigen en het organiseren van geheime bijeenkomsten in de gevangenis terecht. Toen in 1907 de reactie op de revolutie kwam, nam de schrijver afstand van alle revolutionaire opvattingen, omdat volgens hem de opstand van de massa slechts lijden en slachtoffers zou brengen. De vertwijfeling en de onzekerheid die de oorlog en de revolutie met zich meebrachten be?nvloedden in zijn werk. Thema’s als de tragiek van eenzaamheid, angst voor de dood, existenti?le vertwijfeling en vormen van waanzin en hysterie, die zich veelal in een ziekenhuis of op het sterfbed afspeelden, zijn niet weg te denken uit Andrejevs boeken. In veel van zijn verhalen lopen waan en werkelijkheid door elkaar, waardoor een persoonlijk drama wereldomvattende proporties kan aannemen. Hoewel Andrejev zich aan zeer gevoelige onderwerpen waagde als verkrachting en geslachtsziekte, en daardoor de geschiedenis is ingegaan als een sensationeel en overwegend pessimistisch schrijver, worden veel van zijn betere verhalen gekenmerkt door een humoristische inslag. Deze uitgave bevat een aantal verhalen van Leonid Andrejev die in hun compleetheid en originaliteit de thema’s en stijl van deze grote Russische meester uitstekend weergeven.
Down Among the Fishes
Down Among the Fishes
Natalka Babina
Down Among the Fishes revolves around the story of a woman named Alka, native of a small Belarusian village near the Polish border. Alka’s unfulfilled desire to have a child turns her into an alcoholic and a drug addict. Then, a family tragedy turns her world upside down, forcing her out of the self-destructive cycle. Together with her twin sister, she sets out to examine the chain of events that led to her grandmother’s unexpected death. Their inquiry quickly changes into a murder investigation. As the twins uncover new facts of the crime, more questions need to be answered. But will they? A rural intrigue continues to hold the villagers firm in its grasp until the very resolution.
Sberbank:The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant
Sberbank:The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant
Eugeny Karasyuk
The book sheds light on how Sberbank of Russia was transformed from the old-school institution with outlived Soviet practices into a decent member of the world’s financial elite and one of the richest brands on the planet. Sberbank reform was an unprecedented event in the history of Russian business. Never before such a large post-Soviet establishment has undergone such a radical and total reorganization according to western patterns. Initiator of the Sberbank reform in 2007 is the ex-minister and well-known liberal German Gref, whose ambitious plan was to turn this huge, unwieldy institution into an advanced financial company. Wins and losses of Gref’s team became not just a personal achievement or the bank’s chief failure. They essentially answered the key question of Russian business: can people in Russia work on the same level as people in the West? For the purpose of this book, journalist Eugeny Karasyuk conducted dozens of interviews with employees of Sberbank on different levels. The result is a breathtaking economic thriller with a remarkable story of how progressive management techniques were implemented in that reality. Sberbank: The Rebirth of Russia’s Financial Giant will be interesting to anyone seriously considering reforms in one’s company, and those who are curious about doing business with Russia. Translated from the Russian by Lewis White.
A Book Without Photographs
A Book Without Photographs
Sergei Shargunov
Sergei Shargunov’s A Book Without Photographs follows the young journalist and activist through selected snapshots from different periods of his remarkable life. Through memories both sharp and vague, we see scenes from Shargunov’s Soviet childhood, his upbringing in the family of a priest; his experience of growing up during the fall of empire and studying journalism at Moscow State University; his trip to war-torn Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan during the revolution; his first steps towards a fledgling political career. The book reflects the vast social and cultural transformations that colour Russia's recent history and mirrors the experience of an entire generation of Russians whose lives and feelings are inextricably intertwined with the fate of their homeland. Shortlisted for the National Bestseller Prize and a contender for The Big Book Award, A Book Without Photographs showcases the talents of one of the country’s brightest lights; a key player in a generation at the forefront of change in contemporary Russia.
disUNITY:A collection of novels
disUNITY:A collection of novels
Anatoly Kudryavitsky
The two novels included in this book are works of Russian magic realism. In the first novel, Shadowplay on a Sunless Day, Anatoly Kudryavitsky writes about life in modern-day Moscow and about an emigrant’s life in Germany. The novel deals with problems of self-identification, national identity and the crises of the generation of “new Europeans”. In the second novel, A Parade of Mirrors and Reflection, the writer turns his attention to human cloning, an issue very much at the centre of current scientific debate. He looks at the philosophical aspects of creating artificial personalities who lack emotions and experience of everyday human life through a story about secret cloning experiments being carried out in an underground laboratory on the outskirts of Moscow. Most of the clones find themselves in Grodno, Belarus, a city that, due to its geographical location, has always been an important crossroads in Eastern Europe. Each clone is a featureless person looking for their own identity; however, only one of them has a chance to succeed.