Royal Weddings, A Very Peculiar History
With the echo of regal church bells still ringing in the ears of royalists and well-wishers worldwide, Fiona Macdonald take a look at the quirky, odd and downright bizarre circumstances surrounding the weddings of the kings, queens, princes and princesses of Britain. One must leave one's sense of decorum at the palace gates as the author tells the wacky stories surrounding the preparations, dresses, ceremonies and national moods that went with the excitement of a royal wedding, from England's resident marriage addict Henry VIII, through Anne Hyde, the 'commoner' who birthed two queens, right up to Prince Charles, Princess Diana and their son and daughter-in-law to be. Featuring facts, figures and family trees, Royal Weddings, A Very Peculiar History is sure to keep one in the spirit of things, even after the last fleck of confetti has touched the ground.

Queen Elizabeth II, A Very Peculiar History
EIIR Queen Elizabeth II, 60 Years a Queen, A Very Peculiar History' uniquely explores the life and times of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as we approach her 2012 Diamond Jubilee. The story that unfolds is one of doughty determination - the story of a young monarch who finds herself thrust into a new world of relentless public exposure, whose own family turns out to be as frail as everyone else's, but who somehow, for a full 60 years and counting, manages to steer the institution through the choppy waters intact. David Arscott provides an eccentric account of the trials and tribulations that have beset the Queen's reign, from the glamour of her coronation, through the gloom of her 'annus horribilis' to the impending dawn of her Diamond Jubilee.

Great Britons, A Very Peculiar History
Great Britain can be accused of many things; a proliferation of queuing, a fondness of the demon drink; but it's not without more than its fair share of important historical and modern people. 'Great Britons: A Very Peculiar History' looks at a myriad brillliant Britons and their influence on the world. The book features a short potted history of each person, detailing their acheivements, personalities and lifestyles in a quirky and memorable way. From kings and queens, pirates and politicians, actors and directors to sportsmen, explorers, scientists and inventors, 'Great Britons: A Very Peculiar History' celebrates the men and women who have shaped Great Britain and made it what it is today.

Tudors, A Very Peculiar History
The Tudors were an odd bunch, even weirder than their subjects, perhaps. When they weren't beheading wives and enemies they were threatening to, or going around earning themselves nicknames like 'Bloody Mary' and 'The 9 Day Queen'. 'The Tudors: A Very Peculiar History; tells the story of the Tudor monarchs, their castles, their lives and their subjects in a time when it was fashionable to slash up your clothes for that 'fresh from battle' look. The book details each monarch's reign and casts light on the more bizarre elements of their time in power, right down to an analysis of their seals and signatures and the various torture and execution methods they liked to use.

Planning for Learning through Nursery Rhymes
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of nursery rhymes. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of nursery rhymes. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffet, Jack and Jill, The Grand Old Duke of York, Hickory Dickory Dock and Little Bo Peep.

Planning for Learning through ICT
Planning for Learning through ICT aims to introduce young children to what ICT is, and provides over six weeks worth of activities that explore a range of technologies suitable for children 3-5. The book provides ideas for helping children learn about the different purposes of ICT and explores how to use ICT to create, to find information, to play, to shop. The book focuses in particular on how to use ICT creatively as well as outdoors. Whatever your daily learning, this book aims to show how ICT can be easily and appropriately included in your everyday play and learning.

Laurie Lee Selected Poems
Lee's first love was always poetry, though he was only moderately successful as a poet. Lee's first poem appeared in The Sunday Referee in 1934. Another poem was published in Cyril Connolly's Horizon magazine in 1940 and his first volume of poems, The Sun My Monument, was launched in 1944. This was followed by The Bloom of Candles (1947) and My Many-coated Man (1955). Several poems written in the early 1940s reflect the atmosphere of the war, but also capture the beauty of the English countryside. The poem "e;Twelfth Night"e; from My Many-coated Man was set for unaccompanied mixed choir by American composer Samuel Barber in 1968.

African Millionaire
African Millionaire

101 Amazing Facts about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
On the 19th May 2018, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot in a beautiful royal wedding ceremony. But just how much do you know about the Prince and his former actress wife? This fascinating eBook contains over one hundred amazing facts about the royal couple, covering everything from how the two of them met through to the many ways in which Meghan has broken the mould of a traditional princess. Whether you're interested in the royal rule book and official protocols, or you simply want to know more about the controversies that have surrounded both of these two prominent figures, this is the perfect book for you!

50 Quick Cleaning Tips
Contained within this book are 50 quick and easy common-sense tips to help you clean your home and possessions. Despite a huge number of specialist - and expensive - cleaning products on the market, time has taught us that you don't have to spend a fortune to make your household look like it has been cleaned by the professionals! This quick-read guide has been specially formatted for today's e-readers, with each tip indexed for easy access.

Ten Days in a Mad-House
This is the true story of reporter Nellie Bly, who pretends to be insane, and manages to get herself committed into an insane asylum in the USA. This revised second digital edition is a fascinating account, specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.

Arthur Balfour's Ghosts
This book tells the incredible story of the cross-correspondence automatic writings, described by one leading scholar of the field, Alan Gauld, 'as undoubtedly the most extensive, the most complex and the most puzzling of all ostensible attempts by deceased persons to manifest purpose, and in so doing to fulfil their overriding purpose of proving their survival'. It is an intensely personal and passionate story on so many levels: May Lyttelton trying to convince her lover Arthur Balfour of her continued existence; Myers with indomitable persistence trying to produce evidence to prove survival generally; Gurney and Francis Balfour striving from beyond the grave to influence the birth of children who would work for world peace; Gerald Balfour and his lover Winifred Coombe-Tennant believing that their child, Henry, would be the Messianic leader of this group of children.

Getting Darwin Wrong
Brendan Wallace, with a background in psychology, demonstrates that the key claims of Evolutionary Psychology (EP), popularised by Steven Pinker and others, are based on the 'brain is a digital computer' argument. He then argues that as we now know this model of the brain will not work, therefore EP won't work either, since it is based on a fallacious view of the mind/brain.The book, which is written in a reader friendly but rigorous style, is a timely assault on one of the most fashionable philosophies of mind currently 'out there'.

Faking the News
Donald J. Trump's speaking and writing invite passionate reactions - maybe he's a bluecollar, billionaire hero who speaks the language of the common man or maybe he's a gleefully illiterate, tremendously unqualified idiot. Whatever the case, he was persuasive enough to get himself elected President of the United States and he's been persuasive enough to keep a majority of his supporters behind him. In Faking the News: What Rhetoric Can Teach Us About Donald J. Trump, eleven prominent rhetoric experts explain how Trump's persuasive language works. Specifically the authors explain Trump's persuasive uses of demagoguery, anti-Semitism, alternative facts, populism, charismatic leadership, social media, television, political slogans, visual identity/image, comedy and humor, and shame and humiliation. Faking the News is written for readers who may not know anything about rhetoric, so each chapter explains a feature of rhetoric and uses that lens to illuminate Trump's rhetorical accomplishments. Specifically, about how he has used and still uses language, symbols, and even style to appeal to the people in his various audiences.

Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
This book gives us an in depth look at the court of Queen Elizabeth I from birth to death. Widely acclaimed to be one of the most accurate accounts, it features letters, quotes and even sonnets from all the leading people of the day. The intrigues and deceits are written about in great detail - A gripping classic read from AUK's Revisited series.

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey has held a hugely important role in Britain's History over the last 800 years. This fascinating book describes the inside of the Abbey, giving the reader an amazing insight into the architecture, history and feel of the building. Many full colour illustrations are included to give the reader a complete picture of this historic abbey where Kings and Queens are crowned. This version has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Prince William and Kate Middleton
This excellent quick-read biography of the life so far of Prince William and Kate Middleton is a fascinating read, and will make an wonderful addition to the library of any fan of the British Royal Family. Tracking William's life from birth, through school, the death of his mother Princess Diana, university, his career in the forces, his engagement to Kate and more, it also looks at Miss Middleton's background and is full of interesting facts about their lives. Containing many colour pictures, this royal mini biography has been specially formatted for today's e-readers and is written by top-selling celebrity biographer Chris Peacock.

10 Science Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
These 10 Science Lessons cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Science as set out in the National Curriculum and are also based around the QCA topic 'Sorting and Using Materials' .Within the lessons are opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and understanding from first-hand experience as well as developing investigative skills. Each lesson includes a list of resources, practical activities, lesson objectives, outcomes and extension activities for cross curricular work that include ICT opportunities as well as assessment.

10 Geography Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
These 10 Geography Lesson plans cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Geography as set out in the National Curriculum and are based around the QCA topics 'Our school and the local area' and 'An Island Home' which studies a contrasting locality. Within each lesson are opportunities to develop geographical enquiry and skills through knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes, as well as development and change. Each lesson includes practical activities and as well as setting out lesson objectives and outcomes. The lesson plans also offer extension activities for cross-curricular work and ICT opportunities as well as assessment.

The exceptional circumstances of Lionel MosseIri's short but remarkable life and military career are described by his stepfather, Louis Marlio, in the Preface to letters which Lionel wrote home to his family.Highly-intelligent, articulate and revealing a disciplined, philosophical and visionary mind, Lionel's letters are sufficiently thought-provoking and well-written to justify publication. He had received an English public school education and was trained and served in both British and French armies. When he was killed on 25 November, 1944, Lionel MosseIri was leading a French detachment into Masevaux, the first city in Upper Alsace to be freed from the German Occupation. He was just twenty-three years old. Who knows the future there might have been for him in the peacetime Europe for which he fought so hard?This book is dedicated by his step-father and brothers in honour of his memory, and to his fallen comrades who are remembered with him.

Respect and Reputation
In this increasingly violent and troubled world, people demand to be respected. But what is exactly is respect? Is it learned or earned? How do you go from being a 'nobody' to a 'somebody'? How do you respect others and equally how can you get other people to respect you? Can you only be truly respected if you have a reputation? There is probably no one more qualified to talk about respect and reputation in prison than Charles Bronson. Tagged one of the most violent prisoners in the UK, Charlie has spent over thirty years in solitary confinement, is respected by both prisoners and wardens alike and has a fearsome and frightening reputation. In complete contrast, although he has spent much of his life surrounded by violence, former bouncer and bodyguard Robin Barratt would now prefer to take a passive path away from any conflict. In this fascinating book, Barratt and Bronson examine in detail respect and reputation including how to behave in prison, how to treat other prisoners, how to be a great door supervisor, when to show respect, how to gain the respect of others and ultimately how to develop an awesome reputation both in prison, on the doors and in life generally. With lots of real life anecdotes as well as contributions from many other hard men (and a few women), this gripping book takes its reader into the psychology of a world rarely explored.