

Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting
Dexter Jackson
Intermittent Fasting
Kevin Gise
Master Key System
Master Key System
Charles F. Haanel
Master Key System
Introvert: How to Boost Confidence and Overcome Social Anxiety
Introvert: How to Boost Confidence and Overcome Social Anxiety
Aya Chante
Introvert: How to Boost Confidence and Overcome Social Anxiety
An Introduction To Healing
An Introduction To Healing
Pat Smith
This book aims to answer the question How do I become a healerIt is a comprehensive explanation of spiritual healing, the aim being to inform, encourage and enlighten the reader. In easily understandable terms, the book describes the background of healing, how to tap into the universal energy and how to protect oneself. Spiritual healing is traditional in its origins and there continues to be an urgent need for it today. The complex and seemingly strange energies which spiritual healing involves are explained and terms such as energy , spirit and protection are demystified. Pat Smith, believes that anybody who wants to help others can become a healer and within this book she shows how.
After the Rehearsal Living with Dementia
After the Rehearsal Living with Dementia
Jill Grey
At the heart of this book is a carer's story. However, it is much, much more than that. It is a book about being human, about the ups and downs of life, about loving, about trying to make sense and work out, and around the things that life throws at you how you have to find a way of living without ever forgetting your loved one. Beautifully written with love and confidence about a poignant time in the life of a family. The Struggle to retain the self of a beloved husband and father and the harsh reality of living with dementia is all too clear.
Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment
John Butler
Even if there is a realm beyond mortality, would finding it improve our lives on earthWhat use is Spirit to a troubled worldDo prayer and meditation workAs a young man in search of love and a purpose to live for, the author could not fit within the world he found. Longing to be useful but unwilling to conform, he went out to South America. It wasn’t so easy. Alone on a mountainside one day, an inner voice said, ‘To make whole, be whole’. This was a turning point. He realised that, before being able to help others, he first had to work on himself. Once back in England, he found a method of meditation. Love of nature led him to become one of the first organic farmers but, when asked what he really wanted in life, he answered ‘God’. He’d been schooled in the Christian faith but was not at this time attracted to the Church. Meditation proved an ideal accompaniment as further adventures took him to Africa and, in particular, the desert. Later, at a low ebb in the USA, he ‘met Jesus’, which brought his practice of meditation and Christianity together. At the age of 51, he re-entered university to study Russian prior to visiting his mother’s homeland for the first time in 1991. This led to several years living in Russia, where he realised the similarity between his own practice and traditional Orthodox ‘prayer of the heart’. The book is based on notes of the author’s unfolding spiritual experience, which taught him that the wholeness he sought is actually – Spirit. How is it attainedWith many encouraging examples he shows how, with patient perseverance, the grip of the ego with all the restrictive unhappiness it brings, can be released. Being then more open to the influence of Grace, we may come to discover the Kingdom of God – our original, spiritual and perfect home. Dear John, ‘I hope you won’t mind my addressing you by your Christian name but having read your book twice as well as highlighting many paragraphs to study, I feel you are a dear friend. I am writing to say that your profound insights are enormously encouraging, an awakening, a wonderful inspiration for me, and I feel so fortunate to have found them. Your experiences in Spirit are conveyed so clearly and simply ‘ I find them truly uplifting. Every day I read some pages and always seem to find something new. I feel extremely grateful that you chose to write of your experience ‘ your legacy is to inspire countless other people, and to enrich their lives as you have mine.’ ML, 2011 Dear Mr Butler, ‘I am over half-way through your book ‘Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment’ and feel I would like to express my gratitude to you for helping me gain clarity in the process of awakening. It is difficult to express in words the way your writings from personal experience have helped crystallise my sense of ‘Being’ in Reality. Your notes on waking from the dream or illusion we mistake for life and the sense of non-attachment to the world this engenders ‘ greatly assist me in releasing my conditioned perception. It is wonderful to find that someone living so near me, geographically, can write with such clarity and, knowing that you are here in the flesh confirming the truth of the possibility of waking up, has been a great affirmation to me and is supporting me in my own journey of awaking or coming home. Thank you so much.’ L, 2011 ‘This is a moving, honest ‘ and long ‘ spiritual autobiography, interestingly given in two voices: contemporary notebooks interlaced with present day ruminations. Butler met the meditation early and it colours his early days of self-sustaining farming after Cambridge, and his many adventures described in detail and with compassion in South America, Africa (sharing keenness of hunger and the haunting splendour of the night skies) and India, culminating in coming ‘home’ to his core way in the Russia of his mother and its Christian orthodoxy. It was love that led him through the labyrinth of his life ‘ a path we all recognise. As he says, ‘to surrender myself and let the spirit act.’ Throughout it is his honesty which makes the book valid for us. His spiritual insights have all been gained through the experience of this varied life which he seems to have accepted with the innocence and enthusiasm of a child. His way is our way. It is a book of vivid de*ion and some very helpful insights.’ Contact 55 – Summer 2011
Yoga Lessons
Yoga Lessons
Swami Mukerji
Student! Your life is your own. You have only yourself to thank for what you are, have been and will be. Take your present into your own hand. Consciously shape out of it your future. Direct your forces along lines of study and endeavour that have the strongest attraction for you. Such attraction is the indication of need. It is the hand pointing out your Life-purpose.
Yoga Introduction
Yoga Introduction
Annie Besant
These lectures are intended to give an outline of Yoga, in order to prepare the student to take up, for practical purposes, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the chief treatise on Yoga. I have on hand, with my friend Bhagavan Das as collaborateur, a translation of these Sutras, with Vyasa’s commentary, and a further commentary and elucidation written in the light of Theosophy. To prepare the student for the mastering of that more difficult task, these lectures were designed; hence the many references to Patanjali. They may, however, also serve to give to the ordinary lay reader some idea of the Science of sciences, and perhaps to allure a few towards its study.
Weight Loss Beginner’s Guide To Food Points
Weight Loss Beginner’s Guide To Food Points
Vivian Robbins
Weight Loss Beginner’s Guide To Food Points
The Ultimate Food Points Weight Loss Guide
The Ultimate Food Points Weight Loss Guide
Sonya Patel
The Ultimate Food Points Weight Loss Guide
Renal Diet Cookbook
Renal Diet Cookbook
Matt Payton
Renal Diet Cookbook
Simple Tea Leaf Divination
Simple Tea Leaf Divination
Deran Gray
Simple Tea Leaf Divination
How to Improve Emotional Intelligence
How to Improve Emotional Intelligence
Sam Reddington
How to Improve Emotional Intelligence
One Pot Keto: Easy Ketogenic Meals For Your Slow Cooker, Skillet, Stockpot And M
One Pot Keto: Easy Ketogenic Meals For Your Slow Cooker, Skillet, Stockpot And M
Ronnie Israel
One Pot Keto: Easy Ketogenic Meals For Your Slow Cooker, Skillet, Stockpot And More
Develop Insane Self Confidence and Naturally Unleash The Supermodel Within
Develop Insane Self Confidence and Naturally Unleash The Supermodel Within
Nicky Westen
Develop Insane Self Confidence and Naturally Unleash The Supermodel Within
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
Sanger Brown II
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
EQ Genius: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
EQ Genius: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
Gloria Moses
EQ Genius: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
Running for My Life
Running for My Life
Jennifer Faris
Running for My Life
Yoga for Complete Beginners
Yoga for Complete Beginners
Jennifer Faris
Yoga for Complete Beginners
Age Crisis
Age Crisis
Kitty Corner
Age Crisis