Planning for Learning through Making Music
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of making music. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of making music. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: voice and body music, using musical instruments, and beat and rhythm.

Sugar Crush
Sugar =Chronic Inflammation + Trauma =Nerve Damage, Pain, and DysfunctionDo you suffer from ailments your doctors can't seem to diagnose or help—mysterious rashes, unpredictable digestive problems, debilitating headaches, mood and energy swings, constant tirednessIf so, nerve compression is likely the cause.What Grain Brain did for wheat, leading peripheral nerve surgeon Dr. Richard Jacoby now does for sugar, exposing the shocking truth that a diet high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, and wheat can compress and damage the peripheral nerves of the body, and lead to pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet, as well as a host of related conditions, from migraines, autism, and ALS to gallbladder disease and diabetes.Over the years, Dr. Richard Jacoby has treated thousands of patients with peripheral neuropathy. Now he shares his insights and tells the story of how he connected the dots to determine how sugar is the common denominator of many chronic diseases.Practical and accessible, Sugar Crush breaks down our dangerous addiction to sweets, offering a unique, holistic understanding of the toll sugar and carbs take on the body, and demonstrating how dietary changes can help nerves regain their normal function dramatically.Whether you have diabetes or prediabetes, or are even just concerned about your health, Sugar Crush is the essential guide to knowing the dangers of nerve compression. Complete with dietary advice, the latest thinking on ways to prevent and reverse neuropathy, and a quiz to help you assess your nerve damage, this book will give you the tools you need to quit sugar, calm your nerves, and reclaim well-being.

The compelling drama of American herbologist Rosita Arvigo's quest to preserve the knowledge of Don Elijio Panti, one of the last surviving and most respected traditional healers in the rainforest of Belize.

Radical Remission
Discover the nine keys that can unlock your pathway to dramatic healing.Kelly Turner, Ph.D., a researcher and psychotherapist who specializes in integrative oncology, gives the reader the results of her research on over a thousand cases of Radical Remission—people who have defied a serious or even terminal cancer diagnosis with a complete reversal of the disease. The results of this study, which focused on seventy-five factors, include astounding insights of the nine key factors that Dr. Turner found among nearly every Radical Remission survivor she has studied and an explanation of how the reader can put these practices to work in his or her own life.Every chapter of Radical Remission includes dramatic stories of survivors' journeys back to wellness. The realization that the possibilities for healing are more abundant than we had previously known gives people concrete ways to defy the overwhelming prognosis of terminal cancer. This is a book for those who are in the midst of receiving conventional cancer treatment, who are looking for other options because that treatment has done all that it can, or who seemingly have no options left but still feel that the future holds the possibility of hope.Kelly Turner's Radical Remission shows that it is possible to triumph over cancer, even in situations that seem hopeless. Encompassing diet, stress, emotions, spirituality, and other factors that profoundly affect our health and well-being, Turner's discussion of how our choices can cause the seemingly miraculous to happen will open your eyes to what is possible when it comes to lasting healing.

Your Health Destiny
From a board-certified internist and lecturer in medicine at Harvard Medical School comes a scientifically proven mind-body pre*ion that will help you prevent disease, bounce back from illness, and manage life's ups and downs—all while achieving a greater sense of well-being, now and for the rest of your life.There's no way around it: the human body is designed to get sick. Illness is the body's way of calling attention to a bigger problem. Aches and pains—whether annoying or debilitating, acute or chronic—mean that something's out of balance. What they don't mean is that you're not in control. Because your body takes its cues from your thoughts and emotions—and not the other way around—you can take control of your health, rather than letting your health take control of you. In Your Health Destiny, Dr. Eva Selhub shows you how. After treating thousands of patients with a myriad of health problems—from heart disease and cancer to depression and anxiety—Dr. Selhub discovered that simple and easy-to-implement shifts in lifestyle, attitude, and overall approach to stress not only reduce your reliance on conventional medicine but, more important, prevent and reverse all types of disease before they can take root. Bringing together timeless Eastern practices with cutting-edge Western research, Dr. Selhub teaches you how to tap into the powerful connection between your mind and body, and, in the process, jump-start your body's built-in healing capabilities. Proactive and pre*ive, this revolutionary program puts the power of health back into your hands, now and for the rest of your life.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility
This new edition for the twentieth anniversary of the groundbreaking national bestseller provides all the information you need to monitor your menstrual cycle—along with updated information on the latest reproductive technologiesAre you unhappy with your current method of birth controlOr demoralized by your quest to have a babyDo you experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycleThis invaluable resource provides the answers to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your body.Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women avoid pregnancy naturally, maximize their chances of getting pregnant, or simply gain better control of their gynecological and sexual health. Toni Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:Enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices Maximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor or resort to invasive high-tech options Expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievement Gain control and a true understanding of your gynecological and sexual healthThis new edition includes:A fully revised and intuitive charting system A selection of personalized master charts for birth control, pregnancy achievement, breastfeeding, and menopause An expanded sixteen-page color insert that reflects the book’s most important concepts Six brand-new chapters on topics including balancing hormones naturally, preserving your future fertility, and three medical conditions all women should be aware of

Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Ho
Women over the age of 40, as they move towards menopause, usually experience an increasing waistline and multiplying fat cells…no matter how much they exercise. Hormonal changes start to affect your weight when your 30 billion fat cells detect a slightly lower oestrogen reading and come to your aid to produce oestrogen for you. And the fat cells in your waist grow the largest because they are better equipped to produce oestrogen than those in your bottom, hips and thighs. Debra Waterhouse provides her usual sound strategies to cope but also explains the positive side: that the more oestrogen you produce the fewer mood swings and hot flushes, less intense PMS, improved sleep, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis you will experience. And she warns: the harder you try to lose weight by dieting the more powerful your menopausal fat cells become . Positive actions Waterhouse proposes include: ? Encouraging a positive attitude for your change of life, embracing your body changes ? Following her tailored exercise programme which includes building bone density and gaining muscle ? How much to eat, when and how often. What to eat, including plant oestrogens. And how to start trusting your body’s messages and cravings.

Happy Adults
Number 1 bestselling author, Cathy Glass, shares her experience and expertise gained across 25 years as a foster carer in this brilliantly practical self-help guide for adults. The long-awaited sequel to her much-loved parenting guide, that fans of Happy Kids have been clamouring for. Cathy Glass reveals the secrets of happiness and contentment in adulthood by combining common-sense psychology with tried-and-tested strategies and case studies, always from her own unique and insightful perspective. With practical guidance on how to develop your own optimistic personal philosophy, tips on when to listen to intuition, and attitude and lifestyle suggestions, Happy Adults is the essential manual for getting the best out of life. The recipient of thousands of letters and emails from readers touched by her inspirational memoirs whose own life stories resonate with those of the children in her care, Cathy has identified the key traits in happy readers that have buoyed them up during harrowing childhoods, through to functional and successful adulthood. Compiling these valuable lessons on outlook and behaviour, for instance, how to dispel negativity and unproductive anger and embrace empowerment, and the importance of trust in oneself, Cathy has produced a single invaluable handbook for adults seeking fundamental life guidance or useful effective approaches for a lifetime of hope and fulfilment.

Your Personal Horoscope 2012: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign
Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2012. This fantastic and in depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead. Discover when your lucky days will fall and when it might be better just to stay in bed, with your complete one-volume, month-by-month guide to the year 2012 – the only horoscope you will ever need. This bestselling guide gives you individual predictions for the year ahead and shows you how you, your friends, your family and lovers will fare. It includes: ? A month-by-month forecast for every sign ? A personality profile for each sign ? What to expect in terms of love, sex, work and money ? Detailed predictions of your best days and worst days – and the ideal days to attract love or money. ? Invaluable advice on exactly when to ask for that pay rise, what days you should be on the look out for exciting revalations and the days you should probably just stay in bed!

5-Minute Memory Workout (Collins Gem)
A pocket-size guide featuring 5-minute techniques and ideas for improving your memory skills. Train your brain to work more efficiently and keep your mental agility at its peak with a bite-size exercise every day. These days, it is rare for people to use their memories. Computers, emails and mobile phones ensure that instant information is at our fingertips and that we never again have to rely on our memories. However, there is evidence to show that the less you use your memory, the more it deteriorates as you age. Your mental health should be as important to you as your physical health. In just five minutes a day, this pick-up guide gives you instant access to quick-fix exercises to improve your mind. Whether you are revising for exams or wanting to stave off memory-loss in later life, a test a day could make all the difference to your mental agility. The introductory section of the book explains how the brain works and the importance of adopting a ‘use it or lose it’ mentality, with general advice on what can be done every day to help your brain stay in shape. A practical, workbook style selection of specific, targeted ‘brain trainer’ exercises follows to improve the reader’s ability to remember and memorize all kinds of information, including names and faces, long numbers, lists etc. With interesting tips and facts throughout, Gem 5-Minute Memory Workout is the perfect way to test yourself to a more active and efficient memory, whatever your age.

The New IQ:Use Your Working Memory to Think Stronger, Smarter, Faster
IQ tests, which measure our ability to retain information, are out-dated. In the digital era, the new IQ is not about retaining knowledge, but managing it. Working memory is the brain’s Post-It note. It allows us to make mental scribbles of what we need to remember and process. The bigger the ‘Post-It’ we have, the more proficient a multi-tasker we are. And in a modern world, where technology and busy lives place an increasing strain on our working memory’s capacity, its strength becomes an important predictor of our success. But what determines the strength of our working memory? How does it change over the course of our lives and is there anything we can do to improve its capability? Through research, observations and anecdotes, ‘The New IQ’ explores these questions, dispelling the myths that surround modern intelligence and IQ and explaining how working memory differs across a spectrum of people, with varying aptitude, experiences, and expertise. It looks at athletes as well as chess players, memory champions and autistic savants, the young and the old, examining the impact of working memory on finances, relationships and work. ‘The New IQ’ provides an understanding of working memory as an evolving mechanism of the modern brain and shows us how to enhance it in order to improve our chances of success in all aspects of life.

The GL Diet Made Easy: How to Eat, Cheat and Still Lose Weight
Dieting is so much easier thanks to Nigel Denby's fantastically simple GL diet. There's no calorie or point counting, no hunger, no guilt and no faddy food rules. Even better, you can drop a size in 10 days – and keep it off. All you need to do is stick to a few simple eating guidelines and enjoy his delicious recipes and flexible meal plans. GL, or Glycaemic Load, gets better results than GI (Glycaemic Index) because it helps you manage the quality AND the quantity of the food you eat. For example, on a GI diet chocolate is off the menu because a single bar of chocolate and a truckload of chocolate have the same bad rating. It's a different story on GL: you can cheat a little and still enjoy your chocolate fix. This diet is so easy and so indulgent that you'll hardly notice you are on it until your unwanted pounds disappear. ? Simple eating guidelines – no rigid rules ? Safe, permanent weight loss ? 10-day flexible planner – drop a size and get on track ? Mouth-watering choice of 10-minute recipes

The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet:The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss
Want to lose weight with minimum effort and maximum results? You can – and it’s as simple as eating three apples a day. Apples are the magic bullet for losing those excess pounds and when you eat them in combination with this low GI eating plan the pounds will melt away. What’s the secret behind this diet? It’s down to ‘pectin power’. The pectin in apples gives you a feeling of satisfaction so you don’t feel hungry. They are also a low GI food so you don’t get that sugar high and then crash, which encourages your body to store fat. Even better, the good fibre in apples can lower your total cholesterol by as much as half. Has this diet been tried and tested? It sure has! Dietician and nutritionist Tammi Flynn first experienced incredible results with apples when one of her clients was stuck on a dieting plateau. She got her to eat an apple before every meal and, without changing anything else about her eating habits, lost 1% of her body fat in just one week. Since then, hundreds more of her clients have lost an average of 17 pounds each over three months on her 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet. Now you, too, can lose weight effortlessly with The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet. All you need to do is eat your three apples and follow Tammi’s low GI eating guidelines with the help of some easy meal plans. She also includes some simple exercise guidelines if you want to get physical.

Happy Mealtimes for Kids:A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love
Number 1 best-selling author, Cathy Glass, shares her experience and expertise gained across 25 years as a foster carer in this accessible and practical guide to establishing healthy and happy mealtimes. As well as bringing up three of her own children, Cathy Glass has had to radically improve the diets of most of the seventy-five children she has fostered – encouraging them to eat more healthily and helping them to understand the importance of mealtimes. As a result Cathy has become very good at producing simple but wholesome meals that appeal to children of all ages – here for the first time she shares her knowledge. Children with bad diets are often under or over weight, short in stature, with dull skin and hair, they can lack energy and often have difficulties concentrating. Cathy will help to explain what constitutes a bad diet and why foods heavy in sugar, fat and salt should be limited. She will explore the effect a poor diet and food additives can have on a child’s behaviour and intelligence. Most importantly, she will suggest quick, easy and straightforward ways of making a difference. From how to establish routines to what to feed your children for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the importance of mealtimes for family bonding to the impact of the recent UK legislation governing school dinners, Cathy has compiled a comprehensive yet accessible guide to all you need to know about producing healthy and happy family mealtimes.

Step by Step Tarot
An excellent introductory course that demystifies the ancient art of tarot reading. With equal appeal for both the beginner and the more experienced student, this complete guide gives you all the training you need to start accessing the ancient wisdom of the tarot. This comprehensive workbook guides you through a practical step-by-step course that is fun and simple to use. It gives all the advice you need to choose the right pack and learn the meanings of each card. Various spreads are described, along with tips to help you achieve accurate readings. Whether you feel that you have psychic qualites you’d like to develop, or have a more down-to-earth interest, this book contains all you need to start working with the tarot. If you have been studying the subject but do not feel confident enough to read for other people, this is the ideal book to help you develop your skills.

Noises from the Darkroom:The Science and Mystery of the Mind
Noises from the Darkroom draws psychology, biology and mysticism together into an exciting new theory of human consciousness. Starting from an evolutionary perspective, Guy Claxton shows how the mind has emerged from the brain, and how, along the way, some crucial misapprehensions have slipped into our unconscious models of ourselves. Through its masterly and engaging synthesis of different perspectives, Noises from the Darkroom offers a view of the totality of the human brain-mind that illuminates clearly both its blind alleys and its potentialities. Guy Claxton’s many books include Wholly Human, Beyond Therapy and The Heart of Buddhism.

Drink:The Deadly Relationship Between Women and Alcohol
The new face of risky drinking is female. The problem: a global epidemic of bingeing. The solution: a brave new approach to female recovery. This is my story, and it's particular. But I am not alone. Drinking problems challenge a growing number of women. The new reality: binge drinking is increasing among young adults – and women are largely responsible for this trend. Women’s buying power has been growing for decades, and their decision-making authority has grown as well. The alcohol industry, well aware of this reality, is now battling for women’s downtime – and their brand loyalty. Our relationship with alcohol is complex, and growing more so. This book will be essential reading for a huge number of women, a book that's breaks a major taboo. This will be a book for best friends to give one another, mothers to give daughters, sisters to give to each other – a book to read in hiding, when you know you're in trouble. This book will offer companionship for women of every age. It will answer a myriad tough questions. Intimate and startlingly honest, ‘Drink’ will be a book to change the lives of women of all ages – and those who love them. A book for anyone who thinks they have a problem, or knows someone who may have a problem, and wants to know more. Which means: just about everyone.

Ghost Writers
In this life-affirming book, author David Shaw explores ten major themes that affect us all – and offers a unique way to engage with them. Whether it’s fear or forgiveness, credence or clarity, materialism or acceptance, Shaw gives us the benefit of ten spiritual authors who pen their intriguing and stimulating words through him as modern parables. In doing so they offer us a steadying rudder in the choppy, often violent, sea of life’s cruelties and uncertainties. Presenting an engaging and fascinating blend of fiction and nonfiction, Ghost Writers presents ina non-stuffy style information whose light-hearted humour belies its powerful emotional punch. So sit back, relax and share David’s absorbing, gripping and spellbinding journey of a lifetime – and beyond.

The Beauty Detox Solution
Looking for the ultimate secret to health and beauty? Don't look in your medicine cabinet. Look here. Celebrity nutritionist and beauty expert Kimberly Snyder helps dozens of Hollywood's A-list stars get red-carpet ready-and now you're getting the star treatment. Kim used to struggle with coarse hair, breakouts and stubborn belly fat, until she traveled the world, learning age-old beauty secrets. She discovered that what you eat is the ultimate beauty product, and she's developed a powerful program that rids the body of toxins so you can look and feel your very best. With just a few simple diet changes, you will: ? Get a youthful, radiant glow ? Banish acne, splotchy skin and wrinkles ? Grow lustrous hair and strong nails ? Get rid of the bloat, melt away fat and never count calories again!

How Winning Works
Robyn Benincasa has made an art form of extreme performance by competing and winning at the highest levels of sport and business. In her 15-year career as a professional adventure racer, she has biked through jungles in Borneo, climbed Himalayan giants in Nepal, trekked across lava fields in Fiji, rafted rapids in Chile—and racked up multiple world championship titles along the way. In her spare time, she is a firefighter and a sought-after keynote speaker on the subject of teamwork and leadership. In How Winning Works, Benincasa shows you how to climb to new levels of professional and personal success. She shares the eight essential elements of teamwork, learned through her extreme adventure racing, that create synergy with all of the teammates in your life, from colleagues and customers to family members and friends: Total Commitment Empathy and Awareness Adversity Management Mutual Respect "We” Thinking Ownership of the Project Relinquishment of Ego Kinetic Leadership This field guide to success shares the same training tools and exercises that have become wildly popular in the leadership seminars Benincasa gives to corporations such as Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Nestle, Boeing and many others. Stories from her adventure racing also illustrate how winning teams interact under the world’s most extreme conditions, from jungles to mountain peaks. Whether you’re trying to beat the competition to market with a new product, scale a looming mountain of deadlines or simply get your kids to clean up their rooms, the advice in this book will take you on an adventure you’ll never forget, and coach you over the finish line to success.

The Beauty Detox Foods
In her bestselling book, The Beauty Detox Solution, Kimberly Snyderone of Hollywood's top celebrity nutritionists and beauty expertsshared the groundbreaking program that keeps her A-list clientele in red-carpet shape. Now you can get the star treatment with this guide to the top 50 beauty foods that will make you more beautiful from the inside out. Stop wasting your money on fancy, expensive beauty products and get real results, while spending less at your neighborhood grocery. Enjoy avocados and sweet potatoes for youthful, glowing skin Snack on pumpkin seeds for lustrous hair Eat bananas and celery to diminish under-eye circles With over 85 recipes that taste as good as they make you look, you can finally take charge of your health and beautyone delicious bite at a time. "