

Delphi Complete Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Illustrated)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, he is a modern master. This eBook offers you the unique opportunity of exploring F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work in a manner never before possible in digital print. The edition includes every Fitzgerald story collection (published in his lifetime), short story, with poems and non-fiction articles and other bonus texts. (Version 2) Features: * annotated introductions to the works, giving contextual information * illustrated with many images relating to Fitzgerald’s life, works, places and film adaptations * ALL the novels, each with its own contents table * ALL the short story collections and each with their own contents table * overall contents tables for the short stories – both alphabetical and chronological – find that special story quickly and easily! * rare short stories previously uncollected from periodicals and magazines * includes Fitzgerald’s poetry and non-fiction printed in the periodicals of his day * EVEN includes the unfinished novel THE LOVE OF THE LAST TYCOON, available nowhere else * UPDATED with Fitzgerald’s St Paul plays – explore the young writer’s first dramatic works. * UPDATED with Fitzgerald’s letters – spend hours exploring the writer’s personal correspondence. * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Fitzgerald’s works Please note: we aim to provide the most comprehensive author collections available to our readers. Sadly, it’s not possible to guarantee an absolutely ‘complete’ works, due to copyright restrictions on plays and the scarcity of some minor works. However, we do ensure our customers that every possible major text, with bonus material, is included. If you feel a significant text is missing, please contact us via this site. Biographies and critical works are unavailable at this time due to copyright restrictions, but they will be added when they enter the public domain. CONTENTS: The Novels THIS SIDE OF PARADISE THE BEAUTIFUL AND DAMNED THE GREAT GATSBY TENDER IS THE NIGHT THE LOVE OF THE LAST TYCOON The Short Story Collections FLAPPERS AND PHILOSOPHERS TALES FROM THE JAZZ AGE ALL THE SAD YOUNG MEN TAPS AT REVEILLE THE PAT HOBBY STORIES MISCELLANEOUS STORIES The Short Stories CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES The Plays and Screenplays THE GIRL FROM LAZY J THE CAPTURED SHADOW COWARD ASSORTED SPIRITS SHADOW LAURELS PORCELAIN AND PINK MR. ICKY THE VEGETABLE, “SEND ME IN, COACH” THREE COMRADES INFIDELITY The Poetry LIST OF POETRY The Non-Fiction LIST OF ESSAYS AND ARTICLES The Letters LIST OF CORRESPONDENTS
ALL, biografia unui succes
ALL, biografia unui succes
Penescu Mihail
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) este o figur? important? a filosofiei secolului XIX ?i unul dintre prefa?atorii principalelor curente de g?ndire din secolul XX, fiind considerat fondatorul pragmatismului american. Cele dou? eseuri prezentate aici, primele din seria cunoscut? sub numele Ilustr?ri ale logicii ?tiin?ei, sunt reprezentative pentru opera sa, caracterizat? de profunzimi ?i subtilit??i specifice unui g?nditor care beneficiaz? ?i de preg?tirea unui om de ?tiin?a.Cu toate c? sunt uneori pur abstracte, observa?iile privitoare la convingeri ?i idei r?m?n, indiferent de sistem, puncte principale de sprijin pentru distinc?ia ?ntre g?ndirea s?n?toas? ?i cea viciat?.“ Este groaznic s? vezi cum o singur? idee neclar?, o singur? formul? f?r? ?n?eles, care se furi?eaz? ?n capul unui t?n?r, va ac?iona uneori ca un obstacol de materie inert? ?ntr-o arter?, ?mpiedic?nd circula?ia ?n creier ?i condamn?ndu-?i victima spre ofilire ?n plenitudinea vigorii intelectuale ?i ?n mijlocul abunden?ei intelectuale.“ - Charles Sanders Peirce
Avu?ia na?iunilor
Avu?ia na?iunilor
Smith Adam
Scriitorul francez Xavier de Maistre (1763-1852) este fratele mai mic ?i mai pu?in celebru al g?nditorului Joseph de Maistre. Ironist fin ?i amator de filosofie, el ??i invit? cititorul ?ntr-o c?l?torie prin propria camer?, prilejuit? de cele ?ase s?pt?m?ni de arest cu care a fost pedepsit pentru participarea la un duel. Umorul ?i ingeniozitatea fac din acest text aparent banal o critic? spumoas? ?i fascinant? a viciilor umane ?i sociale bogat ?i expresiv ilustrate de contemporanii autorului ?i ai cititorului deopotriv?. Leprosul din Cetatea Aosta, un text prea pu?in semnificativ ca dimensiuni, constituie ?i el una dintre cele mai mi?c?toare incursiuni ?n arcanele condi?iei umane.
C?l?torie ?n jurul camerei mele
C?l?torie ?n jurul camerei mele
Maistre Xavier de
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) este unul dintre p?rin?ii liberalismului ?n g?ndirea politic?. Textele de fa?? reprezint? cel mai important segment din Leviathan - cea mai important? lucrare a lui Hobbes, scris? ?n 1651, care poate fi considerat pe bun? dreptate punctul de pornire al trecerii de la sabie la cuv?nt ca principal? arm? ?n politic?. Cititorul poate descoperi ?n aceste pagini un filosof care s-a aplecat asupra temei societ??ii cum pu?ini au f?cut-o ?nainte de secolul XX, ?ntruc?t acesta este ?miezul fierbinte“ al g?ndirii hobbesiene, pe care arhicunoscutele sintagme ?starea de natur?“ ?i bellum omnium contra omnes nu au reu?it niciodat? s?-l scoat? la iveal?.
Disconfort ?n cultur?
Disconfort ?n cultur?
Freud Sigmund
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) este cunoscut publicului larg ca autor al C?l?toriilor lui Gulliver. A fost considerat de mul?i un mizantrop des?v?r?it, de?i a f?cut parte din clerul Bisericii Anglicane. Va r?m?ne ?ns? ?n istorie ca primul pamfletar de limba englez?. Povestea unui poloboc este cea mai consistent? lucrare de acest gen, de care ?nsu?i autorul s-a declarat ?ntotdeauna foarte satisf?cut. ?n aceast? ?poveste“ satiristul irlandez ne propune o ingenioas? alegorie, ?n egal? m?sur? un atac la adresa bisericilor occidentale care au pervertit p?n? la desfigurare credin?a mo?tenit? de la biserica primar? ?i la adresa modelor care au infestat at?t operele spiritului, c?t ?i discursul teologic.Pus? la index la vremea apari?iei ei de regina Ana a Angliei din cauza nest?p?nitelor ?arje la adresa papismului ?i a puritanismului britanic, considerat? un text ?reac?ionar“ ?n Rom?nia epocii lui Ceau?escu, aceast? carte nu este, cu siguran??, o lectur? confortabil?, dar r?m?ne una dintre cele mai spumoase ?i mai fine satire scrise vreodat?.
Delphi Complete Works of Herman Melville (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Herman Melville (Illustrated)
Herman Melville
Herman Melville is a giant of American literature, whose novels are hailed as literary masterpieces. This eBook offers readers the complete works for the first time in digital print, as well as an array of bonus features. (Current version: 1) * illustrated with many images relating to Melville’s life and works * annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works * ALL the novels, with separate contents tables * MOBY-DICK and other works are presented with their original illustrations * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * the complete short story collections * rare short stories like DANIEL ORME – first time in digital print * the complete poetry collections * the scarce poetry collection WEEDS AND WILDINGS, which Melville wrote for his wife – first time in digital print * separate CHRONOLOGICAL and ALPHABETICAL contents tables for the poetry – find that special poem easily! * includes Melville’s complete essays, available nowhere else * bonus collection of letters by Melville – explore the writer’s personal correspondence * boasts a special criticism section, with essays by writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf examining Melville’s contribution to literature * features Raymond Weaver’s seminal biography on Melville, which sparked the great revival in the author * scholarly ordering of texts in chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Melville’s immense oeuvre Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels TYPEE OMOO MARDI REDBURN WHITE-JACKET MOBY-DICK PIERRE ISLE OF THE CROSS (lost novel – information only) ISRAEL POTTER THE CONFIDENCE-MAN BILLY BUDD, SAILOR The Short Story Collections THE PIAZZA TALES THE APPLE-TREE TABLE AND OTHER SKETCHES BILLY BUDD AND OTHER PROSE PIECES The Short Stories LIST OF THE SHORT STORIES The Poetry Collections BATTLE PIECES AND ASPECTS OF THE WAR CLAREL: A POEM AND PILGRIMAGE IN THE HOLY LAND JOHN MARR AND OTHER SAILORS TIMOLEON AND OTHER VENTURES WEEDS AND WILDINGS, WITH A ROSE OR TWO UNCOLLECTED POEMS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Essays FRAGMENTS FROM A WRITING DESK ETCHINGS OF A WHALING CRUISE REVIEW AUTHENTIC ANECDOTES OF ‘OLD ZACK’ MR PARKMAN’S TOUR COOPER’S NEW NOVEL A THOUGHT ON BOOK-BINDING HAWTHORNE AND HIS MOSSES The Letters SOME PERSONAL LETTERS OF HERMAN MELVILLE BY MEADE MINNIGERODE The Criticism THE BEST SEA-STORY EVER WRITTEN BY ARCHIBALD MACMECHAN HERMAN MELVILLE’S MOBY DICK BY D. H. LAWRENCE HERMAN MELVILLE’S TYPEE AND OMOO BY D. H. LAWRENCE HERMAN MELVILLE BY VIRGINIA WOOLF The Biography HERMAN MELVILLE: MAN, MARINER AND MYSTIC BY RAYMOND WEAVER
Din registrul ideilor ginga?e
Din registrul ideilor ginga?e
Zarifopol Paul
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) este o figur? legendar? a filosofiei germane, opera sa fiind baza ? revolu?iei copernicane“ petrecute ?n istoria g?ndirii ?n plin? er? de av?nt al romantismului. ?n volumul de fa?? sunt cuprinse dou? eseuri foarte pu?in cunoscute publicului amator de filosofie, ?n care vom reg?si g?ndurile filosofului privitoare la ?nceputuri (ale istoriei omenirii) ?i sf?r?ituri (ale lumii ?n general). Scrise dup? celebra triad? a ? Criticilor“, textele poart? amprenta sistemului kantian de g?ndire, dar constituie totodat? ?ncerc?ri remarcabile de abordare a unor subiecte de larg interes, analizate din perspectiva ve?nicei clauze a ? condi?iilor de posibilitate“. Orice minte uman? care va ?ncerca s? cuprind? ?nceputul ?i sf?r?itul se va vedea constr?ns? ?ntr-un fel sau ?n altul de limitele pe care Kant ?ncearc? s? le expun? aici ?n idei c?t mai simple.? Istoria naturii ?ncepe a?adar cu binele, c?ci este lucrarea lui Dumnezeu, iar istoria libert??ii cu r?ul, c?ci este lucrarea oamenilor. Pentru individ, care, ?n exerci?iul libert??ii prive?te doar c?tre sine, o astfel de schimbare a fost o pierdere pentru natur?, ale c?rei scopuri sunt orientate spre oameni ca specie, a fost un c??tig.“
Despre om ?i societate
Despre om ?i societate
Hobes Thomas
De numele lui Sigmund Freud (1856-1929) se leag? poate cea mai controversat? teorie din filosofia culturii ultimelor secole: psihanaliza. ?nceput? ca ?ntreprindere psihoterapeutic?, prima cur? – din punct de vedere istoric – ?n care rolul terapeutic revenea exclusiv cuv?ntului, psihanaliza a fost condus? de Freud ?n mod firesc ?i ?n direc?ia descoperirii resorturilor abisale ale culturii.Disconfort ?n cultur? (1930) este o lucrare de maturitate ?n care p?rintele psihanalizei investigheaz? mecanismele care men?in coeziunea social?, respectiv contraponderea lor, manifestat? prin senza?ia de disconfort care ?nso?e?te mai mult sau mai pu?in evident fiin?a social?.?Supraeul unui epoci culturale are o origine asem?n?toare cu a celui individual; se sprijin? pe impresia pe care au l?sat-o mari personalit??i conduc?toare, oameni de o for?? spiritual? cople?itoare sau cei la care una dintre tendin?ele umane a g?sit configura?ia cea mai puternic? ?i mai pur?, de aceea adesea ?i cea mai unilateral?.“ - Sigmund Freud
高兆明 著
49元5本 马克思告诉了我们什么
49元5本 庄子的开放心灵与价值重估——庄子新论
一个被我们忽视的幸福难题——优逝 一本颠覆你对衰老与死亡认知的书 ICU重症监护专家关于衰老与临终选择的理性思考 王一方、刘端祺、郎永淳等知名人士 慈怀读书会陈晓峰 鼎力推荐 在中国,每年至少有成百上千例濒死抢救案例,人们一生75%的医疗费用都花在了*后的无效治疗上,有时甚至会为延续亲人几天的生命而倾家荡产。作为幸福指数的核心指标之一,中国的死亡质量却在世界排名极低。 之所以会形成这种局面,一方面是因为医生认为自己的职责就是救死扶伤,治疗病人,永不放弃,放弃就意味着失败;另一方面是因为家属背负了巨大的情感压力,觉得即使倾家荡产,也不可轻易放弃亲人,放弃就意味着不爱、不孝。而此时,病人自身已经丧失了决策能力。结果就是,人们的死亡已经被过度医疗化了,这不仅给当事人及其亲属带来了折磨,还导致了医疗资源的过度消耗。 要改变这一状况,我们就需要对自己的临终负责,清楚地思考如何面对不可逆转的衰老与死亡,如何告别人世,补上人生重要的一课。 当然,要改变这一,除了个人,还需要我们的社会以及医疗系统共同努力。
49元5本 中国哲学简史--国民阅读经典(平装)
冯友兰著 赵复三译
《中国哲学简史》原名A Short History of Chinese Philosophy,是冯友兰先生于1947至1947年在美国宾夕凡尼亚大学讲授中国哲学史课程的英文讲稿。该书在世界范围内都影响巨大,是迄今为止西方人了解、研究中国哲学的书,是世界各地许多大学教授中国哲学课程的教材。本次收”国民阅读经典”丛书的《简史》,采用赵复三先生的中文译本。
西方三大师——苏格拉底  柏拉图  亚里士多德
西方三大师——苏格拉底 柏拉图 亚里士多德
本书从不同角度介绍了苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德的思想,同时深地研究了《形而上学》等哲学问题,也介绍和评价了陈康、苗力田、王太庆等人对亚里士多德的研究情况。既是一本合集,是学术著作。同时作者能够比较深浅出地介绍西方哲学的精髓,有助于普及。 目录如下: 在苏格拉底的审判庭上 柏拉图辩证法 亚里士多德 “人是万物的尺度”——柏拉图和亚里士多德对于普罗泰戈拉的批判 亚里士多德关于本体的学说 亚里士多德论哲学和哲学的对象 亚里士多德提出的哲学问题 亚里士多德和分析 亚里士多德《形而上学》一书的结构(译文) 《王太庆译柏拉图对话集》“前言” 王晓朝译《柏拉图全集》“序” 要重视对亚里士多德的研究 亚里士多德——陈康——苗力田
49元5本 中国社会中的宗教与仪式
(美)武雅士,译者 彭泽安,邵铁峰
【内容简介】 本书是美国著名人类学家武雅士等著名学者有关中国社会宗教与仪式主题的论文集。作者在实地调查基础上,对华南民间信仰做了具体而细致的研究,构建了汉族民间“神灵”的人类学解释模式,总结了汉民族的民间信仰的三种模式:官僚模式、个人模式、异端模式。所收论文16篇,如“一个台湾城镇历史中的宗教组织”、“香港的乡庙”、“台湾的建筑与超自然”、“广东的萨满信仰”、“道教仪式中的正统与异端”、“祖先崇拜和丧葬实践”、“神、鬼和祖先”等等。所论主题包括台湾、香港等地区的民间宗教信仰以及各种仪式,如道教、萨满教、祖先崇拜、鬼神信仰、丧葬仪式等等,分析潜藏在这些信仰和仪式背后的深层的社会、文化因素,揭示中国传统文化与当代社会的碰撞与交融。
49元5本 佛教与儒家礼仪论集(第一辑)
49元5本 张载关学的历史重构(精)
49元5本 体道
李宇林, 著
本书运用道家经籍阐述道家思想,重在体现道学的思想内涵,让人们认识关于道家论述道的概念。 道家认为:道是宇宙天地自然万物的原动力、原始能量,它虽然无形无象、无色无味、无方无圆、无外无内、虚无空静,但却是无处不在,无所不有。万有都是道的派生物,生而不有、为而不恃。道生之、德蓄之;道无为、德有为,有为又是在无为的基础之上,无为之为,并不是人为之妄为。德的有为在于顺应自然,辅助、协助而无私情私欲。也就是道生长万物而德蓄养万物,虽蓄养而不为己有、即行善而不求名利,助人而不彰显功德,完全是一种博爱、大爱。万物都是道的化生物,道对于他们是齐同的、统一的,顺应他们的本性去体现万物各自的姿态,顺其自然生生化化,无穷无尽。天地有道则风调雨顺,四季有序万物盛长,自然有道则万物繁茂,则人民食物丰厚,社会有道和谐而安宁,国家有道、则民富国强,万国来朝,家庭有道则父慈子孝、万事兴起,自身有道则血脉和顺阴阳有节,身强体键。 道学从研究天地自然的永生不变中,去觉悟到人类社会的变化,缘由,一步认证了他们之间的关系,“人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然”。顺应根据遵循自然人类社会就可以繁荣昌盛,国家就可以长治久安,家庭就可以和睦相处,自身就可以健康长寿。这与《易经》、《黄帝内经》倡导的天人合一、天人相应、阴阳和谐是同一理念。  人不能脱离与天地自然的和谐统一,人不能离自然而独立存在,也不能离社会家庭而独自生活。人与天地、自然万物的相通相应就说明了,一个人的个体只是万物中的一物而己。庄子说:“我与天地并生、万物与我为一”,强调了万物相齐和谐统一的理念,而道家又是特别的珍爱生命,珍惜健康,一直以来人们都认为道教是尊生贵术的宗教,这是道教继承道家思想的缘由。珍爱生命,看重使人健康长寿的养生方术,倡导身心同治,心性与身体同样重要,是道家几千年来研究道德、以道德的理念指导医药养生的精神本质,也就是医学结合健康长寿的*秘诀。 从人与自然社会、家庭以及人本身的和谐层面,论述道的理念,又从修齐治平的概念去体现道的内涵,目的是使人们返淳返朴,求证生命的本真,“坐忘”以求本、“养真”以合道,回归上古自然无为,清静恬淡,“甘其食、美其服、安其居、乐其俗,邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻”的原始生活状态。这或许是实现和谐、和平,回归自然的*好方法。
49元5本 脑洞大开的哲学简史
哲学一直给人一种远在云端的感觉,对于很多人来说,读不读哲学对生活没有多少影响。但其实,这种高高在上的哲学是被经院化和学科化了的,是对哲学原来面貌的*扭曲! 七格说,哲学与我们的距离并不遥远。哲学家可以很有趣,哲学可以很辛辣,哲学与我们的生活息息相关,可以启发我们从不同的角度看待生活中的问题。 《脑洞大的哲学简史(*部分:八世纪前)》带你认识48位哲学大师的前世今生,风趣幽默的观剖析,独具一格的人物短评,各类学科与哲学的激情碰撞,让你畅游哲学海洋,重塑不一样的哲学态度!
49元5本 政治生活的限度与满足(“经典与解释”第23期)
重拾中西方古典学问坠绪,不仅因为现代性问题迫使学问回味古典智慧,更因为古典学问关乎亘古不移的人世问题。古学经典需要解释,解释是涵养精神的活动,也是思想取向的抉择:宁可跟随柏拉图犯错,也不与那伙人一起正确(西塞罗语)。举凡疏证诠解中国古学经典、移译西学整理旧故的晚近成果,不外乎愿与中西方古典大智慧一起思想,以期寻回精神的涵养,不负教书育人的人类亘古基业。   关于什么是*生活方式及其政治体现,理性与信仰发生过激烈的争吵。亚里士多德的*政制学则揭示了这场几乎为人遗忘但又无法调和的纠葛。亚里士多德否认神法声称的优越性,赞同由独立的理性引导人类生活。但亚里士多德知道,只有与神法相对抗,科学才能避免衰落为教条主义。而现代政治学可能并不晓得这一。对亚里士多德和神法来说,对正义的关注都事关根本。 亚里士多德坚持认为,人类组织的首要形式,即家庭,是两种不同自然联系的结合。一是情欲的,男一女或生殖关系;一是主一奴关系或在现代意义上称为狭义的经济上的劳动分工。……亚里士多德认为,“野蛮人”的错误在于混淆了这两种性质截然不同的关系,这时女人就被当做奴隶。