

Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Alex Cuc
Planul de 28 de zile pentru creterea energiei i a imunitii i scderea n greutatePotrivit autorilor acestei cri, stilul nostru de via actual duce la o diminuare i chiar eliminare din alimentaie a micronutrienilor – vitamine i minerale eseniale pentru o sntate optim. Iar acest deficit cauzeaz majoritatea bolilor larg rspndite n prezent. Mira nsi sufer de osteoporoz avansat la vrsta de 30 de ani. Dar, cu ajutorul lui Jayson, a reuit s inverseze evoluia bolii prin terapie cu micronutrieni. Soii Calton au creat Miracolul micronutrienilor", un excepional program de vindecare general.CarteaMiracolul micronutrienilorne dezvluie adevrul despre ceea ce mnnci de fapt i motivul pentru care obiceiurile legate de stilul de via pot duce la epuizarea micronutrienilor. Ofer, de asemenea, un plan de 28 de zile pentru inversarea acestor efecte prin refacerea nivelurilor de micronutrieni. n carte gsim reete delicioase care pot fi adaptate diverselor stiluri de via: fr gluten, hipoglucidic, hipolipidic, vegan i Paleo.Deficitul de micronutrieni eseniali cauzeaz boli grave i cronice, cum ar fi osteoporoz, cancer, diabet, boli de inim, demen, obezitate i altele. Autorii au identificat cu precizie problema i ne ofer o soluie care ne ajut s scdem n greutate, s fim mai plini de energie i s inversm evoluia bolilor mai rapid dect am fi crezut vreodat." -Dr. Mark Hyman, autorul crii The Blood Sugar SolutionDac eti stresat, supraponderal, epuizat sau suferi de orice boal, citete aceast carte." -Dr. Sara Gottfried, autoarea bestsellerului The Hormone Reset DietMicronutrienii sunt adesea veriga care lipsete pentru meninerea unei snti optime. n aceast carte revoluionar, Mira i Jayson Calton ofer un plan eficient i uor de implementat, care te ajut s-i pstrezi supleea, tonusul muscular i s ai o sntate excelent." -JJ Virgin, autoarea bestsellerului The Sugar Impact Diet
Cavalerul templier
Cavalerul templier
Jan Guillou
Dr. Moalem spune poveti fascinante astfel nct cititorii s neleag uor complexitatea tiinei moderne a geneticii.“Dr. Temple Grandin, autorul crilor The Autistic Brain i Thinking in PicturesO carte revoluionar, care va transforma ceea ce nelegem despre noi nine i despre familiile noastre, dezvluind c tot ce credeam c tim despre genetic este greit:genele nu sunt fixe;trsturile pe care le motenim nu sunt de nemodificat;comportamentul nostru poate afecta modul n care genele sunt transmise copiilor notri.Am fost nvai c nu prea avem de ales n privina a ceea ce primim sau ceea ce transmitem mai departe, pentru c motenirea noastr genetic a fost fixat n momentul n care prinii ne-au conceput. Greit! Genele noastre sunt dinamice, unele se activeaz, altele se dezactiveaz, ca rspuns la ceea ce facem, vedem i simim. i toate aceste lucruri se pot schimba, ceea ce nseamn c i noi ne putem schimba. Genetic.Cartea aceasta este un ghid pentru aceast schimbare. Nu mai suntem nevoii s ne mulumim cu ceea ce ne-a fost dat. Putem s ne scriem singuri istoria!
Day Of Reckoning
Day Of Reckoning
Jeff Carlucci
Day Of Reckoning: A uplifting compilation with a protagonist Head Coach of the California Pirates expansion team in pro football.? Chaz Wellington; the architect of a team in the American Conferences West division. Wellington drafts from the State schools across the 53 man roster. Powerful rhetoric delivered by Chaz when psyches up his athletes come game day. Action packed throughout, where covers job losses in manufacturing, a large part of the fan base. Wellington an Icon to the poor to middle classes of stratification based on his aid to those who had their work outsourced.? A must read for the athletes derived from the public schools.
Foamea de a fi
Foamea de a fi
Christi Aura
Superimunitatea ne explic tiinific care sunt originile afeciunilor ntlnite n rile occidentale i propune soluii viabile pentru un stil de via sntos. n mod cert, o voi recomanda tuturor pacienilor mei!“ – Dr. Garth Davis, director medical al seciei de chirurgie de slbire a Memorial City Hospital din Houston, Texas Superimunitatea este o carte necesar, ce conine soluii pentru bolile care ne afecteaz viaa. n sfrit, o dovad de medicin luminat.“ – Dr. Alejandro Junger, autorul crii Clean, bestseller New York Times Dac ne pregtim organismul corect, hrnindu-l cu alimentele adecvate, vom fi mult mai sntoi. n Superimunitatea, doctorul Joel Fuhrman abordeaz sntatea i bolile ntr-o manier echilibrat, tiinific, att interesant, ct i practic. Aceasta ar trebui s fie cartea despre care s vorbeasc toat lumea. V ndemn s o cumprai, s o citii, s o aplicai.“ – Dr. Wayne S. Dysinger, preedinte al Departamentului de Medicin Preventiv al Universitii Loma Linda i preedinte al Colegiului American de Medicina Stilului de Via. Pornind de la cteva ntrebri eseniale, cum ar fi: De ce unii dintre noi se mbolnvesc mai des dect alii Ce ne face mai predispui la boli Suntem condamnai s ne mbolnvim i noi cnd se mbolnvesc colegii sau membrii familiei Exist vreun secret al pstrrii sntii – autorul ne pune la dispoziie un ghid cuprinztor pentru o sntate nfloritoare. Bazat pe cele mai noi cercetri tiinifice, cartea de fa ne arat cum putem deveni aproape complet imuni la rceli, gripe i alte infecii. Schimbndu-ne alimentaia i combinnd alimente care au proprieti puternice de ntrire a imunitii, putem s prevenim instalarea celor mai rspndite afeciuni ale timpurilor moderne. Cu toii avem capacitatea de a tri mai sntoi, mai puternici i mai mult. A venit vremea s afli despre superimunitate.
Weightlifting For Beginners
Weightlifting For Beginners
Dan Kent, Mihai Ivan
A complete step-by-step guide to weightlifting, including the snatch, clean and jerk, assistance exercises, mobility, nutrition and beginner training programmes.
Redu?i la t?cere
Redu?i la t?cere
Ohlsson Kristina
Healthy is sexy. You can spend all the time you want working out but you will never achieve the body type and healthy glow you can with these smoothies. These recipes aren’t just good for you, they are also delicious. You will be happy to drink your way to a new, happy, sexy, healthy you. The sooner you get your copy of this book the sooner you can have the body and looks you want.
Ziua recuno?tin?ei
Ziua recuno?tin?ei
A. M. Homes
Cum s? cre?tem copii care s? aib? ?ncredere ?n ei O dispozi?ie ?ncrez?toare ?i fericit?, bazat? pe respect s?n?tos de sine, este cel mai bun cadou pe care un p?rinte ?l poate oferi copilului s?u. Nu exist? formula perfect? pentru a fi p?rinte ?i a?a ceva este, ?n orice caz, un vis irealizabil. To?i avem momente c?nd nu facem fa?? presiunilor. Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer porne?te de la premisa c? respectul de sine este ingredientul de baz? al fericirii profunde ?i c? st? ?n puterea noastr?, ca p?rin?i, s? le d?ruim celor mici un respect s?n?tos de sine ?i, prin aceasta, fericirea aceea durabil? dup? care t?njim cu to?ii. Ce ?nseamn? respectul de sine? S? ne sim?im bine ?n leg?tur? cu noi ?n?ine, s? fim m?ndri de cine suntem. Dac? ai stim? de sine, e?ti fericit ?i ai ?ncredere ?n valoarea ta intrinsec?, ca persoan? unic?. Copiii, la fel ca adul?ii, au cele mai bune rezultate atunci c?nd se simt confortabil ?n propria piele. Iar acest lucru se ?nt?mpl? atunci c?nd li se spune c? au f?cut ceva bine, c? sunt simpatici, c? sunt o companie pl?cut?. Un copil ??i va dezvolta respectul de sine ?i va deveni o persoan? ?ncrez?toare, independent? ?i fericit? numai dac? este ferm convins de dragostea ?i aprecierea p?rin?ilor lui. Dac? te ?ntrebi cum po?i s? ??i aju?i copilul s? ??i dezvolte respectul de sine, ?n aceast? carte vei g?si solu?iile! Cartea cuprinde: - 9 capitole despre cum s? ??i cre?ti copilul av?nd o atitudine pozitiv? - Concepte-cheie precum ?laud?“, ?joac?“, ?timp“, ?atingere“ ?i ?discu?ie“ care te vor ghida ?n interac?iunea cu cel mic - ?ntreb?ri care te vor ajuta s? ??i ?n?elegi ?i s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti comportamentul - Informa?ii punctate, cu caracter concret ?i u?or de parcurs - Casete ?n care po?i face noti?e personale - 2 schi?e care explic? perfect raportul de cauzalitate dintre emo?ii, comportamente ?i urm?rile lor ?O carte practic? ?i bine scris?, care ofer? sprijin p?rin?ilor ?i expune multe idei utile.“ - Nursery World ?Se spune c? adev?rata fericire nu este reprezentat? de linia de sosire; ea este constituit? pe parcursul care te duce acolo. Dac? vom concepe fericirea drept ceva ce trebuie atins, g?sit sau cump?rat, rezult? c? ea poate, de asemenea, s? dispar?. Acest tip de fericire exist?, ?ntr-adev?r, dar este, prin defini?ie, extern, trec?tor ?i fragil. Exist? ?ns? o fericire mai ad?nc ?nr?d?cinat?, mai durabil?, ?i anume una care este situat? ?n interior. Dac? o avem sau nu depinde de cum ne apreciem pe noi ?n?ine, adic? de respectul de sine.”
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
Arthur Magoulianiti
If You Don’t Claim Extraordinary, Ordinary Claims You!?What does it mean to be an Extraordinary Man? What does it mean to live an extraordinary life, and why should you care to find out?? The simple answer is that becoming an Extraordinary Man is the only way to achieve true joy and happiness. That process of becoming involves living passionately, feeling excited about life and prioritizing a life of abundance, meaning and deep fulfillment.? But what is at stake if you do not pursue an extraordinary life? If you don’t claim Extraordinary, ordinary claims you!? An ordinary man lives a mediocre life defined by surviving instead of?thriving, where things maybe?just OK, but are hardly ever great. Ordinary is where work is an emotionally-draining necessity, where relationships are a challenge and where finances are never too far away from going flat.? At the heart of creating and living an extraordinary life is the process of becoming an Extraordinary Man. The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think! In order to have more, we must first become more and?The Extraordinary Man?lays out the principles and practices that can change your life - literally overnight.? Each new habit, each new strategy applied changes your life for the better. Adopting these time-tested and proven principles will create extraordinary results for you and, just as importantly, those around you like your family and loved ones.? All men know deep down that they have more to give, they know that deep down they are powerful. But on the surface, anything that blocks our masculine power prevents us from accessing our innate powers to create, to love, and to live life to the fullest.? It’s time to leave behind the ordinary and become your best self; to fully become?The Extraordinary Manthat has always lived inside of you!
Real Passion Revolution: 10 Secret Ingredients for Healed, Healthy, Happy Relati
Real Passion Revolution: 10 Secret Ingredients for Healed, Healthy, Happy Relati
Denise Darlene
Real Passion Revolution?is designed for men and women who are frustrated, disappointed and struggling in their romantic relationships.This book is also invaluable for single persons or new lovers who want to avoid the most common destructive mistakes nearly all couples make - ultimately leading to a failed or unhealthy relationship. This book offers hope and healing for all wounded lovers.Real Passion Revolution?offers the same tools that my lover, Joe, and I use every day to support a Loving, peaceful, safe, authentic, passionate relationship.When applied, these principles will have a significant impact to better your life for a healthier, happier you!Your mission today, should you choose to accept it is to: Transform your life by learning highly unique and effective tools to bring a deep sense of peace, happiness, and passion back into your romantic relationships. Identify and eliminate the hidden fears that govern and derail both your life and your romantic relationship. Heal your inner wounds that cause you and your partner so much conflict and suffering. Learn to be completely authentic and vulnerable in all of your relationships without the fear of judgments or rejection. Become aware of, and avoid, the common, destructive mistakes most couples make in their romantic relationships. Implement the revolutionary, supportive, and empowering Transformation Tips I teach to create the fun, passionate, happily-ever-after relationship you long for. I promise you this:?if you do the work I’m presenting here, your relationships will change radically. Even better than that, My Friend, you will be transformed dramatically - you will be happy, peaceful, and content. You will be healed and on your way to experiencing the relationship you have been longing for.
Living with Grace: A Story of Love and Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart
Living with Grace: A Story of Love and Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart
Marita Rahlenbeck
Are you looking for more Grace in your life? Grace as a word is familiar, but do we really know what grace is and what it takes not only to achieve it but recognize it, in ourselves and others? Living with Grace is a story of how I found Grace through a cat named Grace. Indeed Grace found Grace through her struggle with fear, trust, love, illness, and ultimately death. Join us on the journey of discovery where we both found not only grace but ourselves at the deepest core. This is available for you, too. Shadow us as the story of trauma, trust, forgiveness, and letting go unfolds through the evolutionary stages in the Journey to grace. Learn about The Tapestry and how everyone you meet brings you a thread to weave into your own private Tapestry — and you theirs. Meet Grace. Meet her right where you are in this moment.
Tana Ramsay’s Family Kitchen
Tana Ramsay’s Family Kitchen
Tana Ramsay
Bestselling author, Tana Ramsay, knows the challenges of cooking for a demanding family – as a mother of four and the wife of Gordon Ramsay, she's certainly put to the test. Now, for the first time in paperback, Tana shares the delicious recipes, kitchen secrets and shortcuts she uses to satisfy the Ramsay family. Time-pressed parents will swear by Tana's simple and delicious recipes – although not in the traditional Gordon way. Tana has a tasty solution for every occasion, from lunch bites and tea-time treats to weekend lunches and party foods. She also offers personal tips on a wide range of issues all parents face, including how to adapt dishes to suit different ages and tastes and how to encourage children to experiment with food. Whether you only have minutes to rustle up Lime and Ginger Salmon Fillets or fancy a fun afternoon with the kids creating Gingerbread Lollies, this lavishly illustrated book is an adventure in the kitchen for adults and children alike.
Home Made: Good, honest food made easy
Home Made: Good, honest food made easy
Tana Ramsay
Nothing beats the taste and comfort of real home made food. Bestselling cook Tana Ramsay has devised a fabulous range of mouth-watering recipes that will leave family and friends begging for second helpings. Always easy to make, you'll be free to spend more time with the people that count. Great food brings people together and Tana Ramsay's Home Made will do just that. Her recipes are a perfect combination of traditional flavours and modern twists, and are divided into 12 ingredient-led sections for ease of reference, including Chicken, Lamb, Pizzas and Chocolate. Beautifully illustrated throughout, highlights include succulent lemon chicken stew, crispy roast pork with haricot beans, pancetta & thyme, lazy bubble & squeak and a seriously sticky chocolate treacle pie. This is the perfect cookbook for anybody who wants to feed their loved ones great food every day.
Cooking Without Made Easy: Recipes free from added Gluten, Sugar, Yeast and Dair
Cooking Without Made Easy: Recipes free from added Gluten, Sugar, Yeast and Dair
Barbara Cousins
This is the third book in the ‘Cooking Without’ collection written by nutritional therapist Barbara Cousins. This series of cook books has been an enormous success. They have been recommended by nutritional therapists all over the world and have transformed the lives of thousands of people. In ‘Cooking Without Made Easy’ Barbara offers ultra-simple new recipes all of which are free from gluten, dairy, sugar and yeast. They include lots of one-pot meals, and cakes and cookies also rely on the all-in-one method for simplicity. In this book Barbara summarises the effect that ‘Cooking Without’ can have on people’s lives. Barbara tells her own story and includes lots of client case histories to inspire you. They help one to realise the extent to which dietary measures can improve not only our physical health but our mental and emotional states too.
Great Family Food
Great Family Food
Kevin Dundon
Irish celebrity chef Kevin Dundon shares the recipes he cooks at home and shows how easy it is to eat good food every day. Do you have a kitchen full of hungry kids? Expectant guests sat round the dining table? Perhaps you need a hearty pick-me-up or a quick and comforting supper at the end of a long day. Kevin knows that the best home cooked food is straightforward and satisfying but certainly never boring. He gathers together classic dishes and creative twists to give a delicious collection of recipes for all types of occasion. Full of bold flavours and fresh, seasonal ingredients, these confident recipes are guaranteed to become firm family favourites. Kevin also shows how to get a second outing from your efforts, with clever ways to turn leftovers into a whole new meal. Whether you're a beginner in the kitchen or an experienced cook, these are reliable recipes you'll return to again and again. Recipes Include: Roasted Root Vegetable, Chilli and Pumpkin Soup Traditional Beef Casserole with Herb Dumplings Pan fried Trout with Toasted Almonds Savoury Bread and Butter Pudding Pot Roasted Pork with Apples Chicken and Broccoli Taglitelle Summer Berry Pudding Treacle Tart Chapter breakdown: One Pot Wonders, Quick & Easy Suppers, Roasts & Family Meals, Leftovers, Accompaniments, Desserts
The Irish Farmers’ Market Cookbook
The Irish Farmers’ Market Cookbook
Clodagh McKenna
Both a cookbook and a culinary tour of Ireland, celebrating the diversity and quality of local food and showing how the experience of shopping at farmers' markets can transform your everyday cooking. Over 100 recipes range from new takes on traditional Irish favourites to dishes with more Mediterranean flavours, always emphasising seasonality, local produce and fresh ingredients – the return to slow food. Includes a guide to the best farmers' markets in each region of Ireland, with profiles of some of the farmers and producers bringing their food sensations to market. As well as using ingredients available at the market, recipes also recreate some of the breads, cakes, chutneys available, like Gallic Kitchen’s organic steak pies and Giana Ferguson’s baked cheese with winter herbs – so even if you can't visit the markets you can still enjoy a taste of Ireland. Recipes for everyday cooking – Fried mackerel, Cork Beef Stew – as well as more unusual offerings that reflect the wider range of produce available at farmers' markets, such as Roast Pheasant with Apple and Sweet Geranium Stew.
Bacon: A Love Story
Bacon: A Love Story
Lauer, Heather
It's salty, smoky, and sweet. It's experiencing a culinary renaissance. It can make almost any dish better. It's bacon, and it's the best meat ever. And now, here's the book that celebrates that deliciously sinful strip of cured pork belly. In Bacon: A Love Story, popular bacon blogger Heather Lauer serves up a piping hot dish of fun and facts with this definitive love letter to what she calls meat candy. Heather explores the ins and outs of how bacon finds its way to your skillet and what to do with it when it gets there.Bacon: A Love Story features:Makin' Bacon: a tour of country-style bacon outfits and their time-honored methods and traditions. Hankering for some pepper, cinnamon, honey, jalape?o, or vanilla bourbon-flavored baconThey've got it! There are also tips for making your own signature cure."Bacon Nation": profiles of bacon-loving chefs across the country who incorporate the meat into their menus in increasingly innovative ways.There's Bacon in This?: Heather dishes out more than twenty delicious recipes for tons of bacon goodies like Bacon-Wrapped Tator Tots, BLT with caramelized bacon, Jalape?o-Bacon Pizza, and a few surprises like Bacon Bloody Marys and Bacon Brownies.Bacon 411: an extensive resource section on all things bacon.Written in a witty, engaging style and brimming with Lauer's infectious passion for the Best Meat Ever, Bacon: A Love Story is a must-read for anyone who loves bacon or is passionate about food.
Not for Bread Alone
Not for Bread Alone
Halpern, Dan
Twenty-two acclaimed writers celebrate the art of eatingWendell Berry Colette William Corbett Michael Dorris Alexandre Dumas M. F .K. Fisher Michael Frank Betty Fussell Evan Jones Judith B. Jones Barbara Kafka Madeline Kamman Charles Lamb Rose Macaulay Henry Matthews Joyce Carol Oates Francine Prose Paul Schmidt James Seay Charles Simic Edward Steinberg Alice WatersThere is more to be gained from our daily bread than mere sustenance. Curiosity, romance, ritual, and insight can be as much a part of a meal as any of its edible ingredients. In this delectable collection of essays on fine food and drink, twenty-two renowned writers capture the gestures, the celebrations, and the moments in which food, wine, and the act of eating transcend their initial purposes to become something far greater. A window into the eating lives of a handful of our finest literary artists, Not for Bread Alone is a tasty and most satisfying delight—a true culinary classic.
Turning the Tables
Turning the Tables
Shaw, Steven A.
Award-winning food critic Steven A. Shaw (a.k.a. "The Fat Guy") can get a last-minute dinner reservation at the most popular hot spot in town. He knows how that flawless piece of fish reached your plate. He can read between the lines of a restaurant review, and he knows the secrets of why some restaurants succeed and others fail. Now he shares his insider's expertise with food lovers everywhere.But Turning the Tables is much more than an invaluable how-to guide to eating out. Written with style and humor, it's an in-depth exploration of the restaurant world -- a celebration of the incredibly intricate workings of professional kitchens and dining rooms. It is a delectable feast from a uniquely down-to-earth gourmet who has crisscrossed North America in search of culinary knowledge at every level of the food chain -- from five-star temples of haute cuisine to barbecue joints and hot dog stands -- and who has never been afraid to get his hands greasy on the other side of the swinging kitchen door.
Skinny-Size It
Skinny-Size It
Molly Morgan
"Skinny-Size It is full of nutritious, delicious recipes that my whole family enjoys! Molly adds in great skimps, swaps and skips to keep the calories down and the flavor up. I am a big fan of Molly's recipes—eating healthy does taste good!" —Chris Freytag, national fitness expert and contributing editor for Prevention magazine Tired of giving up the meals you love because you’re trying to lose weight? Stop depriving yourself and start skinny-sizing! Dietician and nutritionist Molly Morgan shares 101 recipes that give your high-calorie faves—think pancakes, muffins and lasagna—a skinny makeover. The only things you’ll be missing are those extra pounds. Traditional breakfast burritos have 600 calories and 35 grams of fat. Skinny-Sized burritos have 300 calories and only 9 grams of fat! Traditional blueberry muffins have 380 calories and 19 grams of fat Skinny-Sized blueberry muffins have 130 calories and 2 grams of fat! Traditional lasagna has 870 calories and 47 grams of fat. Skinny-Sized lasagna has 260 calories and 7 grams of fat! Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD counsels individual and corporate clients on good nutrition through her company, Creative Nutrition Solutions. She has been featured on CNN and in national magazines like Fitness, Shape, Women’s Health and many more. She is the author of The Skinny Rules and created the nutrition plan for The Cosmo Bikini Diet (Hearst Editions). Visit her at www.mollymorganrd.com.
More Slow Cooker Recipes
More Slow Cooker Recipes
Katie Bishop
Over 100 delicious, each-to-achieve recipes for your slow cooker. Tired of the same slow-cooked meals? Best-selling cookery writer Katie Bishop's latest collection of mouth-watering dishes will motivate you to dust off your slow cooker and enjoy tasty, satisfying food. From flavour-packed main meals such as Beef Curry with Whole Spices, Aromatic Chicken with lemon and Creamy Roasted Garlic and Rocket Pasta Sauce, to yummy desserts like Moist Orange and Almond Cake and Double Chocolate and Pear Pudding, Katie offers straightforward dishes that can be prepared in advance and eaten when you're ready. Katie’s fresh ideas, helpful advice on making the most of your cooker and easy-to-follow recipes provide new inspiration for anyone who wants to produce perfect meals every time. Enjoy: ? Soups and light meals ? Chillis and pasta sauces ? Curries and spicy dishes ? Braises and stews ? ‘Roasts’ ? Super-slow food ? Feasts and celebrations ? Puddings, cakes and sweet sauces
Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook
Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook
Levi Roots
TV chef, dragon slayer and bestselling author Levi Roots brings carnival to the kitchen with his hot'n'spicy Caribbean cookbook. After winning over the business minds of The Dragon's Den with little more than a song and a smile, entrepreneur Levi Roots has since sold more than one million bottles of his delicious Reggae Reggae Sauce and now he has his very own cookbook! Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook brings the excitement and vitality of Caribbean flavours to your own cooking. An eclectic and colourful range of recipes from simple dishes for students to fantastic feasts for friends are all accompanied by heart-warming anecdotes in Levi's incomparable tell-it-like-it-is style. This bright and colourful book brings together influences as diverse as Jamaican folk tales, Notting Hill Carnival and the music of Bob Marley to create family-friendly food with that famous jerk kick. Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook will surely add a funky beat to what you eat! Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Cookbook features more than 80 simple and exciting recipes such as Mash-Up Eggs, Salmon St Jago de la Vega , Guinness Punch, Rum Cake and Sweet Potato Pudding. Levi also offers a diverse range of vegetarian dishes and puts a Caribbean twist on classic European favourites such as pizza and pasta.