Understanding Wine: A Practical Guide to Wine Basics
Understanding Wine: A Practical Guide to Wine Basics
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Mexican Crock Pot Recipes
Mexican Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Easy & Delicious Mexican Crock Pot Recipes
Mediterranean Diet: A Complete Guide for Normal People Who Want to Eat Healthy a
Mediterranean Diet: A Complete Guide for Normal People Who Want to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight
Insulin Resistance Diet 101 & Cookbook
Insulin Resistance Diet 101 & Cookbook
Instant Pot Cookbook for Beginners
Instant Pot Cookbook for Beginners
Kutyák és macskák kultúrt?rténeti kislexikona
Meskó Zoltán Temesvárról indulva valósította meg az amerikai álmot, egész életében fittyet hányva esélyekre és valószín?ségekre, amióta csak családjával bekerült az ?tven?tezer nyertes k?zé a z?ldkártyalottó-sorsoláson - tízegynéhány millió jelentkez? k?zül. Hihetetlen utazása során meg sem állt a világ leggazdagabb sportbajnoksága, az NFL nagyd?nt?jéig, a híres Super Bowlig, mik?zben kétszeresen is kívülállóként - bevándorlóként a t?sgy?keres amerikaiak, és kül?nc rúgójátékosként a vérbeli amerikaifutball-játékosok k?z?tt - a Michigan egyetem legendás csapatának kapitánya is lett. Játszott minden id?k egyik legjobb és leg?nt?rvény?bb edz?je, Bill Belichick keze alatt, szerepelt egy csapatban a t?kéletes futballjátékossal, Tom Bradyvel, és a New England Patriots, a Pittsburgh Steelers és a Cincinnati Bengals együtteseinél megtapasztalta a profi elitbajnokság csillogását és árnyoldalait egyaránt. ?s mindig volt egy B terve... "?desanyám mindig azt mondta, a tanulás a legfontosabb, és ha nem egy gyorsétterem pultjában akarok kik?tni, akkor ezt véssem az eszembe - talán az anyai intelemnek is k?sz?nhet?en kezdetben a foci számomra pusztán eszk?z volt ahhoz, hogy bejussak az egyetemre. Nem akartam mindenáron NFL-játékos lenni, csak elvégeztem, amit kellett, a legjobb tudásom szerint, aztán egyszer csak eljutottam a Super Bowlig... Ha a kis dolgokat lépésr?l lépésre megteszed az életedben, esélyes, hogy azon kapod magad: valami nagy lehet?ség kapujában állsz! Err?l szól az én t?rténetem is." (Meskó Zoltán) A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. októberi számában megjelent cikk: Aki meccseket d?nthet el A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. novemberi számában megjelent cikk: A legkisebb fiú Super Bowlja
The Oyster: "Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat It"
THE OYSTER; WHERE, HOW, AND WHEN?TO FIND, BREED, COOK, AND EAT IT!??OF the Millions who live to eat and eat to live in this wide world of ours, how few are there who do not, at proper times and seasons, enjoy a good oyster. It may not be an ungrateful task, therefore, if I endeavour to inform them what species of animal the little succulent shell-fish is, that affords to man so much gastronomical enjoyment—how born and bred and nurtured; when, and where; and, lastly, how best it may be eaten, whether in its living and natural state, or having undergone the ordeal of cooking by the skill of a superior artist.??Now let us proceed to open the oyster.???The Oyster! The mere writing of the word creates sensations of succulence—gastronomical pleasures, nutritive food, easy digestion, palatable indulgence—then go sleep in peace!??Lobster salads, beef and veal, truffles and chestnuts, all good in their way, are, nevertheless, attended with evil consequences to the human frame.??But oysters—ye pleasant companions of the midnight hours, or the mid-day feast; is there a man, woman or child in all Europe—ay, or in Asia, Africa, or America—who does not owe you a debt of gratitude which they repay to the full by the enjoyment of your society tete-a-tete? ??You are eaten raw and alive, cooked and scolloped, in sauce and without sauce. ?True, true, oh oyster! ??Thou art the best beloved of the loved!
Diet and Health: 'With Key to the Calories'
In war time it is a crime to hoard food, and fines and impris-onment have followed the exposé of such practices. Yet there are hundreds of thousands of individuals all over America who are hoarding food, and that one of the most precious of all foods! They have vast amounts of this valuable commodity stored away in their own anatomy.??Now fat individuals have always been considered a joke, but you are a joke no longer. Instead of being looked upon with friendly tolerance and amusement, you are now viewed with dis-trust, suspicion, and even aversion! How dare you hoard fat when our nation needs it? You don't dare to any longer. You never wanted to be fat anyway, but you did not know how to re-duce, and it is proverbial how little you eat. Why, there is Mrs. Natty B. Slymm, who is beautifully thin, and she eats twice as much as you do, and does not gain an ounce. You know posi-tively that eating has nothing to do with it, for one time you diet-ed, didn't eat a thing but what the doctor ordered, besides your regular meals, and you actually gained.??You are in despair about being anything but fat, and—! how you hate it. But cheer up. I will save you; yea, even as I have saved myself and many, many others, so will I save you.? Spirituality vs. Materiality?A Long, Long Battle
An Introduction to Yoga
THE NATURE OF YOGA?In this first discourse we shall concern ourselves with the gaining of a general idea of the subject of Yoga, seeking its place in nature, its own character, its object in human evolution.??THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE:?Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies; and the events the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of states ??are the most shad-owlike dance of all. Even if the historian tries to go deeper, if he deals with economic conditions, with social organisations, with the study of the tendencies of the currents of thought, even then he is in the midst of shadows, the illusory shadows cast by unseen realities. This world is full of forms that are illusory, and the values are all wrong, the proportions are out of focus. The things which a man of the world thinks valuable, a spiritual man must cast aside as worthless. ??The diamonds of the world, with their glare and glitter in the rays of the outside sun, are mere fragments of broken glass to the man of knowledge. The crown of the king, the sceptre of the emperor, the triumph of earthly power, are less than nothing to the man who has had one glimpse of the majesty of the Self. ??What is, then, real? What is truly valuable? Our answer will be very different from the answer given by the man of the world.??"The universe exists for the sake of the Self." Not for what the outer world can give, not for control over the objects of desire, not for the sake even of beauty or pleasure, does the Great Architect plan and build His worlds. He has filled them with objects, beautiful and pleasure-giving. The great arch of the sky above, the mountains with snow-clad peaks, the valleys soft with verdure and fragrant with blossoms, the oceans with their vast depths, their surface now calm as a lake, now tossing in fury, they all exist, not for the objects themselves, but for their value to the Self. Not for themselves because they are anything in themselves but that the purpose of the Self may be served, and His manifestations made possible.
Dezleg?nd misterele na?terii ?i mor?ii... ?
Un ghid complet pentru femeile care doresc s? r?m?n? ?ns?rcinate. Con?ine aspectele medicale, sociale, psihologice ?i sexuale ale unei astfel de ?ncerc?ri ?i este relatat? cu umor ?i compasiune, ?n stilul unei discu?ii cu o bun? prieten? care a trecut prin toate acestea. Analiz?nd cantitatea imens? de informa?ii – uneori contradictorii, frecvent alarmiste ?i adeseori descurajante – culese de pe internet, de la rude ?i prietene, ?i din c?r?i, autoarea ne d? o veste bun?: lucrurile nu sunt at?t de stresante cum par s? fie.Pornind de la ultimele studii din domeniu, cartea abordeaz? problemele esen?iale legate de sarcin?:cum s? te preg?te?ti fizic ?i mental c?nd vrei s? r?m?i ?ns?rcinat?;cum s? discu?i cu rudele, prietenii ?i partenerul t?u;cum s? treci peste marea triste?e a unei pierderi de sarcin? spontane.De asemenea, afli:cum s? ?tii c?nd ai ovula?ie, c?nd s? faci sex;cum s?-?i programezi sarcina;cum s?-?i maximizezi ?ansele de a r?m?ne gravid?;cum s? determini probabilitatea de a avea b?iat sau fat?;care este cea mai bun? diet? prenatal?.Ce e adev?rat ?i ce e fals ?n toate aspectele ?ncerc?rii de a deveni mam?, de la perioada optim? pentru sex, la problemele legate de stres ?i la alegerea unei alimenta?ii care s? duc? la cre?terea fertilit??ii… ?i nu numai at?t!?Aceast? carte este exact?, lini?titoare ?i foarte amuzant?! O recomand c?lduros!“ – Dr. Christiane Northrup, obstetrician ginecolog, autoare a c?r?ilor Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom ?i The Wisdom of Menopause
Sous Vide Cookbook: 2 Books In 1.: The Revolutionary Cooking Technique For Meal
Sous Vide Cookbook: 2 Books In 1.: The Revolutionary Cooking Technique For Meals Of Complete Wow!
Sous Vide Cookbook: The Revolutionary Cooking Technique For Meals Of Complete Wo
Sous Vide Cookbook: The Revolutionary Cooking Technique For Meals Of Complete Wow!
Fatty Liver: Proven Strategies To Prevent And Reverse Fatty Liver Naturally Plus
Fatty Liver: Proven Strategies To Prevent And Reverse Fatty Liver Naturally Plus 85 Powerful Recipes
Sous Vide Cookbook
Sous Vide Cookbook
Phrixus, the Little Mouse
Lydia Galanou offers the world of children's literature, an amazing little story which talks about relationships and love and how one can impart to them important advice about their future in a beautiful and vivid way!
A három csepünyelv? leján: Bukovinai székely népmesék III.
Перед ароматом домашней выпечки не устоит никто! Слюнки потекут уже от одних названий – хачапури по-аджарски, творожный тарт с грушей, сливовый пирог, самса с мясом, слоеный пирог с рыбой – все они станут вашими любимыми блюдами! Здесь вы найдете множество рецептов открытых и закрытых пирогов, закусочной и сладкой выпечки из песочного, слоеного, дрожжевого, бисквитного теста с различными начинками. Зоряна Ивченко ведет популярный кулинарный блог. Ее лучшие рецепты вошли в книги, ставшие бестселлерами: ?Пиццы и открытые пироги?, ?Домашние сладости и конфеты? и др. Вместе с автором вы приготовите из привычных продуктов вкусные и красивые блюда.Pered aromatom domashnej vypechki ne ustoit nikto! Sljunki potekut uzhe ot odnih nazvanij – hachapuri po-adzharski, tvorozhnyj tart s grushej, slivovyj pirog, samsa s mjasom, sloenyj pirog s ryboj – vse oni stanut vashimi ljubimymi bljudami! Zdes' vy najdete mnozhestvo receptov otkrytyh i zakrytyh pirogov, zakusochnoj i sladkoj vypechki iz pesochnogo, sloenogo, drozhzhevogo, biskvitnogo testa s razlichnymi nachinkami. Zorjana Ivchenko vedet populjarnyj kulinarnyj blog. Ee luchshie recepty voshli v knigi, stavshie bestsellerami: ?Piccy i otkrytye pirogi?, ?Domashnie sladosti i konfety? i dr. Vmeste s avtorom vy prigotovite iz privychnyh produktov vkusnye i krasivye bljuda.
A to Z Canning and Preserving for Total Beginners The Essential Canning Recipes
Food that last forever Includes links to 50 Healthy Mexican Recipe Videos Preserving food to last through the cold months or packaging or bottling it to travel long distances has long been a concern. Napoleon stated, "An army travels on its stomach." He was referring to the problems involved with transporting sufficient food to keep his men fed. The Napoleonic soldiers were often hungry, thanks to the difficulty of transporting fresh food. Just to show that he was serious about solving this problem, he offered a reward of 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with a solution. The award was given to Nicholas Appert in 1810. After trying a variety of methods – including attempting to remove air from his glass jars – he devised a method that worked. The food was placed in a glass bottle, then corked and sealed with wax. The glass bottles were then wrapped in canvas, and boiled in water. The result was bottled foodstuffs that could be transported, even though the jars were breakable. Appert published a book titled, The Art of Preserving Animal and Vegetable Substances. Two years later, Brian Donkin found a way to substitute tin for the fragile glass, and the canning industry was born. It made its way to American, where Gail Borden used the technique to preserve milk so it could be transported to the inner cities. There were problems along the way with this journey toward portable food preservation. The first was the sealant used on the cans. The early ones were soldered closed using lead solder. Of course, if you are on a battlefield where you could be shot down at any minute, lead poisoning probably isn't high on your list of worries. Second, it took forty years before anyone invented a can opener. Napoleon's men were forced to use their swords to open the cans, a process that probably didn't do the sword any good, and no doubt was less than satisfactory for getting those cans opened without spilling the contents. Readers might be wondering at this point why modern home canning is usually done in glass jars, following methods that are similar to the ones Appert developed. The answer is somewhat complex. Canning in metal requires more specialized equipment than canning in jars. Once the cans are filled, the lids must be sealed on. The cans will then need to be heated to destroy bacteria. (The first ones were made fifty years before Louis Pasteur did his ground-breaking work, so neither Appert or Donkin knew why it was that some cans would be just fine, while others would spoil. In early canning efforts, if the can was sealed and did not bulge, it was presumed to be safe to eat. No one knew about botulism, that hidden killer that can lurk in an improperly bottled jar of green beans. The equipment for canning in tins is more expensive than that needed to can in glass bottles. It is also easier to see if the food is still good when it is preserved in transparent glass. Incidentally, "can" is short for "canister." As we all know, canisters can be made from all sorts of materials, so if you've ever wondered why foodstuffs preserved in glass jars was said to the "canned," rather than "bottled", that is the explanation. Since this is a book about the very basics of home canning, it only addresses putting up your food in glass. Preserving food in metal cylinders requires a specialized sealer is a technique for experienced food preservers.
Femeile nu-?i dau seama
Un program revolu?ionar, bogat ?n nutrien?i, pentru o sc?dere ?n greutate rapid? ?i sus?inut?. Sl?bi?i peste 10 kilograme ?n doar 6 s?pt?m?ni.Din cuprins:cazuri de succes care v? vor inspira (?nso?ite de fotografii relevante);m?rturii ale celor care au sc?pat de foarte multe kilograme ?i s-au vindecat de boli care le-au pus via?a ?n pericol;cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice actuale;re?ete noi;idei de preparate ?i multe altele.?O adev?rat? inova?ie medical?… Nu am nicio ?ndoial? c? va func?iona ?i ?n cazul t?u.“ – Dr. Mehmet Oz??n sf?r?it, o carte despre diete care trateaz? riguros ?tiin?a alimenta?iei. Majoritatea c?r?ilor despre diete con?in pu?ine informa?ii de baz? ?n ceea ce prive?te fiziologia. M?n?nc? pentru a tr?i analizeaz? motivele pentru care ne ?ngr???m ?i ne sf?tuie?te cum s? sl?bim ?i s? ne p?str?m silueta toat? via?a, r?m?n?nd totodat? s?n?to?i. Toate afirma?iile sunt sus?inute de date ?tiin?ifice reale.“ – Dr. Thomas Davenport, Spitalul General din MassachusettsM?n?nc? pentru a tr?i ofer? un mod de a sl?bi rapid, foarte eficient ?i demonstrat ?tiin?ific. ?n esen??, planul revolu?ionar pentru ?ase s?pt?m?ni al doctorului Fuhrman este simplu: s?n?tate = nutrien?i / calorii.Dac? raportul dintre nutrien?ii ?i caloriile din alimente este ridicat, sl?bi?i. Cu c?t alimentele pe care le consuma?i au o densitate mai mare a nutrien?ilor, cu at?t pofta de gr?simi, dulciuri ?i alimente bogate ?n calorii este mai redus?. M?n?nc? pentru a tr?i v? va ajuta s? tr?i?i mai mult, s? reduce?i dependen?a de medicamente ?i s? v? ?mbun?t??i?i starea de s?n?tate ?ntr-o m?sur? incredibil de mare. V? va schimba modul ?n care v? alimenta?i.?Cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa?? ve?i sl?bi mai mult dec?t a?i crezut vreodat? c? este posibil ?i ve?i reu?i s? v? p?stra?i noua greutate.“ – Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Inversarea procesului de ?mb?tr?nire. Revitalizarea celulelor. Refacerea vigorii corporale?n cartea deschiz?toare de drumuri Enzima miracol, dr. Shinya ??i prezenta teoria enzimelor surs? ?i modul ?n care acestea influen?eaz? longevitatea. ?n cartea de fa??, autorul introduce ideea unei noi categorii de enzime, capabile s? inverseze deterior?rile produse de ?naintarea ?n v?rst? prin cur??area celulelor senescente sau ?zombi“, pe care ultimele cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice le arat? ca fiind cauza principal? a ?mb?tr?nirii. ?n paginile c?r?ii de fa?? vei afla:cum reu?esc enzimele ?ntineririi s? distrug? celulele zombi;de ce alimentele de culoare vi?inie contribuie la ?mbun?t??irea vederii ?i a memoriei; de asemenea, este prezentat un plan complet cu ajutorul c?ruia po?i s?-?i activezi enzima ?ntineririi ?i s?-?i revitalizezi s?n?tatea.totul despre comutatorul cancerului;de unde ?tiu celulele ce trebuie s? fac?.?tim c? un num?r tot mai mare de oameni sufer? de demen??, de Alzheimer sau de efectele unui atac cerebral. Celulele ?mb?tr?nite pot s? ne fac?, de asemenea, mai sensibili la bolile infec?ioase. Aceste celule pot chiar s? duc? la cancer. Esen?a vitalit??ii ?i s?n?t??ii noastre este dat? de buna func?ionare a celulelor organismului.
San-Antonio. Lupul travestit ?n bunicu??
Secretele c?mpului energetic uman sunt ?n sf?r?it dezv?luite! ?Pentru oricine dore?te s? examineze c?ile de integrare a cuno?tin?elor despre chakre ?n propria via?? ?i s?n?tate, cartea constituie un ghid valoros.“ – Dr. Larry Dossey, autorul c?r?ii Cuvinte t?m?duitoare ?n Puterea chakrelor, Susan Shumsky studiaz? am?nun?it literatura tantric? ?i vedic? antic?, pentru a ne pune la dispozi?ie cele mai autentice informa?ii despre cele ?apte chakre, cele ?apte sub-chakre ?i sistemul de energii subtile. P?n? acum, o mare parte din aceast? comoar? de ?n?elepciune a fost ?inut? ascuns? ?n p?durile ?i pe?terile Indiei ?i Tibetului. Citind aceast? carte de referin?? ?n domeniu, elogiat? de mae?trii spirituali din India precum ?i de mii de cititori recunosc?tori: ??i vei descoperi corpul subtil ?i c?mpul de energie ?i vei afla cum s? vindeci blocajele; vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? kundalini ?i sistemul de chakre; vei ?nv??a cum s?-?i men?ii s?n?tos c?mpul de energie.
San-Antonio. Splin? ?n suc propriu
Cre?te-?i energia ?n mod spectaculos pentru a nu te mai sim?i obosit niciodat?. Oboseala tinde s? devin? o adev?rat? epidemie. Oameni altfel s?n?to?i, cu v?rste ?ntre 30 ?i 50 de ani, se simt epuiza?i f?r? vreun motiv clar ?i totu?i, c?nd merg la doctor, li se spune c? nu e nimic ?n neregul? cu ei. Sim?i nevoia s? bei ceai sau cafea ca ?s? te treze?ti“? Te sim?i epuizat f?r? vreun motiv aparent? E?ti complet stresat vineri sau extenuat la sf?r?itul unei zile de munc?? Dac? ai r?spuns DA la oricare dintre aceste ?ntreb?ri, atunci a sosit momentul s? preiei controlul asupra s?n?t??ii tale cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa??. Acest ghid practic pentru ?nvingerea oboselii, scris de unul dintre pu?inii medici generali?ti din Marea Britanie av?nd preg?tire at?t ?n medicina conven?ional?, c?t ?i ?n cea holistic?, te va ajuta: s? alegi regimul alimentar ?i tipul de exerci?ii fizice corecte pentru a-?i reface nivelurile de energie; s? descoperi cele mai bune suplimente care s? te ajute s? te sim?i excelent ?i s? ar??i mai t?n?r; s? atingi un echilibru hormonal ?i s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti func?ionarea intestinelor pentru o stare general? bun?. Citind aceast? carte, vom ?n?elege mai bine leg?tura dintre nutri?ie, exerci?ii fizice, mediu ?i s?n?tate precum ?i faptul c? trebuie s? ne asum?m responsabilitatea pentru propria noastr? stare de bine. ?Am scris Vindecarea oboselii pentru a eviden?ia un concept foarte important care este uitat adesea: nim?nui nu ar trebui s?-i pese de s?n?tatea ta mai mult dec?t ?ie. TU trebuie s? devii specialistul ?n tine ?i TU e?ti persoana responsabil? de s?n?tatea ta. Da, TU! Medicul generalist ?i al?i profesioni?ti din domeniul medical te pot ?ndruma, dar, ?n esen??, controlul depinde de tine ?i de alegerile pe care le faci. Nu?i a?a c? asta ??i d? putere?“ - Autoarea