

?g veled
?g veled
Leiner Laura
Egy olyan asszony, n?, feleség vagyok, aki mindennél jobban szeretné egy babával megajándékozni férjét, családját és ?nmagát. De valahol homokszem került a gépezetbe. Err?l a homokszemr?l és az ebb?l adódó kalandokról szól a k?nyvem. Igyekszem minél életszagúbban leírni saját t?rténetemen keresztül, hogyan is jutunk életünk ezen szakaszában egyr?l a kett?re. Hogyan is lehet megküzdeni ilyenkor az arctalan démonnal, kinek neve: medd?ség. Ezt a k?nyvet a leend? anyáknak írom, és akik segíteni akarják ?ket, hogy anyává válhassanak. Remélem, átsegít benneteket útmutatásom ezen a küzdelmes id?szakon! Mihamarabbi eredményes megoldást kívánok nektek!
Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes
Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals In Minutes
Rose Elliot
In this cookbook for vegetarians on-the-go, Rose Elliot shows you how to create tasty, original, meat-free meals – fast! It contains over 200 recipes for every occasion, all ready to eat in under half an hour. Rose combines ingenuity with speed to create mouth-watering, original, vegetarian meals in no time. This is fast food for any occasion – from a quick snack for one, to a speedy lunch with a friend, or a last-minute impromptu dinner party. Starting with the store cupboard, there are essential tips on what to have in stock to ensure you always have the basis of a quick meal or snack. The next six chapters are each based around a key main ingredients: ? Bread ? Eggs, Cheese and Dairy Foods ? Pasta ? Pulses, Grains and Nuts ? Vegetables ? Fruit. Delicious ideas include quick pizzas, pittas and crostini, fillings for frittatas and tortillas, spicy lentil burgers, risottos, soups, dozens of pasta dishes, gratins and grills, stir fries and salads and plenty of tempting desserts and puddings that you can whip up in a flash. There are also more applied recipes (but nothing longer than half an hour) such as Polenta with Grilled Vegetables, Mixed Vegetable Curry and Red Beans with Thyme and Coconut Cream. Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Meals in Minutes is the perfect book for the busy veggie. Keep it handy in the kitchen and you’ll be able to rustle up a meal in no time.
One-Pot Cooking: Casseroles, curries, soups and bakes and other no-fuss family f
One-Pot Cooking: Casseroles, curries, soups and bakes and other no-fuss family f
Katie Bishop
Love cooking but tired of of washing up all those pots and pans? One-Pot cooking contains over 130 delicious and easy-to-make recipes that can be cooked in just one dish. Bestselling food writer Katie Bishop shows you how easy it is to produce fast, hassle-free meals for all the family. From favourites such as chicken curry and oven-baked risotto, Asian-inspired noodles and stir-fries to mouth-watering desserts, every recipe will delight those looking for good food that requires minimal clearing up. Katie's straightforward, helpful style and inspired recipes, which use easily attainable supermarket ingredients, will be loved by anyone who wants to produce perfect meals every time. One-pot is divided into six accessible chapters and recipes include: * In a Pot - Sausage, bean and tomato hot pot; Thai coconut beef curry; Creamy cauliflower cheese soup; Toffee apple pudding. * In a Pan - Big brunch breakfast omelette; Pesto pepper chicken and potatoes; Speedy pasta and meatballs; Emergency prawn curry. * In a Wok - Lemon Chicken with rise; Lamb, spring green and garlic noodles; Rainbow vegetable and cashew nut stir-fry. * In a Bowl - Watercress, blue cheese, pear and pecan salad; Smoked salmon with celeriac and capers; Chicken and lentil salad; Rocky road; Strawberry and vanilla shortcakes. * In the Oven - Quick Fish Pie; Baked garlic mushroom risotto; Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding; Creamy potato and blue cheese gratin; Easy apple pies. * Under the Grill - Pork burgers; Lamb and mango chutney kebabs; Charred steak and onion sandwiches; Sticky balsamic duck and fig salad; Caramelised bananas with pecan praline.
Slow Cooking: Easy Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow Cooking: Easy Slow Cooker Recipes
Katie Bishop
This handy kitchen companion offers a hassle-free approach to home cooking. Slow Cooking includes 140 mouth-watering recipes that can be prepared in advance and cooked while you're at work or just relaxing at home. More and more people are discovering the benefits these affordable cookers – they are economical, environmental and produce perfect results every time. Cookery writer and journalist, Katie Bishop, shows just how little effort is required to make great family recipes such as Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, Mini Chestnut, Mushroom and Red Wine Pies, Classic Bouillabaisse, Herby Italian Stuffed Peppers and Oat, Sunflower and Honey Bread. This book provides a fresh insight into this old-fashioned method of cooking, with straightforward dishes that will delight your friends and family.
What to Eat: Food that’s good for your health, pocket and plate
What to Eat: Food that’s good for your health, pocket and plate
Joanna Blythman
Covering all our pressing food dilemmas, the award-winning food writer leads the way to sensible and practical choices about what to eat. Food should be one of life's greatest pleasures yet, increasingly, choosing it is becoming a chore. Bombarded by questions such as ‘Is red meat bad for you?’ and ‘Is local always best?’ it’s difficult to know what to eat. At the same time, even the basics are becoming more and more expensive, making it essential that we choose the best foods for ourselves and the planet and make them go as far as possible. Packed with brilliant ideas for choosing lovely, wholesome meat, fish and veg and quick, easy suggestions for cooking them well, without compromising your principles or emptying your purse, this is the modern manual for eating well in the twenty-first century.
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
Gary Kaplan, Donna Beech
12 principii pentru a supravie?ui ?i a fi eficient la serviciu, acas? ?i la ?coal?Cei mai mul?i dintre noi nu au habar de ceea ce se ?nt?mpl? cu adev?rat ?n capul lor. Totu?i, oamenii de ?tiin?? care studiaz? creierul au descoperit detalii pe care orice lider din domeniul afacerilor, p?rinte ?i ?nv???tor ar trebui s? le ?tie – cum ar fi faptul c? trebuie s? facem mi?care dac? vrem s? avem un creier care s? func?ioneze la parametri maximi.Cum ?nv???m? Ce efecte au somnul ?i stresul asupra creierului? De ce nu se recomand? s? facem mai multe lucruri deodat?? De ce e at?t de u?or s? uit?m ?i de ce e at?t de important s? repet?m cuno?tin?ele noi? Este adev?rat c? b?rba?ii ?i femeile au creiere diferite??n fiecare capitol al c?r?ii, autorul prezint? c?te o regul? a creierului – ce ?tiu sigur oamenii de ?tiin?? despre felul cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman – ?i ofer? apoi idei care ne pot transforma via?a de zi cu zi. Astfel, cititorii vor descoperi c?:* fiecare creier este condi?ionat diferit* activitatea fizic? ?mbun?t??e?te cogni?ia* nu ?ncet?m niciodat? s? ?nv???m ?i s? explor?m* unele amintiri sunt efemere* ?ntre somn ?i capacitatea de a ?nv??a exist? o leg?tur? puternic?* stresul schimb? modul ?n care ?nv???m?n final, vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman ?i cum poate fi exploatat la maximum.??Autorul reu?e?te s? prezinte func?ionarea creierului pe ?n?elesul tuturor, explic?nd care este rolul acestuia la locul de munc? sau ?n s?lile de clas?… ?ntr-un stil care d? via?? cuvintelor.“ - USA Today?Regulile creierului este una dintre cele mai informative, antrenante ?i utile c?r?i ale vremurilor noastre.“ - Garr Reynolds, autor al c?r?ii Presentation Zen?
Din Liverpool ?n Carpa?i. Cum mi-am g?sit fericirea ?n inima Transilvaniei
Din Liverpool ?n Carpa?i. Cum mi-am g?sit fericirea ?n inima Transilvaniei
Arabella McIntyre-Brown
Kilogramele ?n plus: avantaje ?i dezavantaje Descoperi?i ?tiin?a din spatele paradoxului obezit??ii ?i modul ?n care pute?i ob?ine s?n?tatea maxim?, mai degrab? dec?t greutatea minim?! Nu trece nicio zi f?r? s? ne g?ndim la ?gr?sime”. Suntem asalta?i de mesaje care ne avertizeaz? c? tr?im ?ntr-o societate ?n care mai mult de dou? treimi dintre indivizi sunt supraponderali sau obezi. C?r?ile, revistele ?i articolele online ne ?nva?? cum s? sc?p?m de kilogramele ?n plus ca s? ne bucur?m de o s?n?tate mai bun?. Produsele alimentare sunt promovate prin sublinierea con?inutului caloric redus. Nu e de mirare c? cei mai mul?i dintre noi credeau c? longevitatea depinde de men?inerea unui indice de mas? corporal? normal. P?n? la apari?ia acestei lucr?ri revolu?ionare... Cu ajutorul bestsellerului ?Paradoxul obezit??ii” ve?i descoperi c? pute?i fi ?n acela?i timp gras, ?ntr-o form? bun? ?i foarte s?n?tos. Aceast? teorie este sus?inut? de rezultatele uimitoare ale cercet?rilor efectuate ?n ultimii 10 ani: persoanele supraponderale ?i chiar moderat obeze cu anumite boli cronice – boli de inim? sau cancer – tr?iesc adeseori mai mult ?i au o via?? mai bun? dec?t persoanele cu greutate normal? care se confrunt? cu acelea?i afec?iuni. Cardiologul Carl Lavie ne explic? de ce avem nevoie de gr?sime, cum contribuie la procesele vie?ii ?i care este modalitatea prin care ne ofer? combustibil suplimentar ?n lupta cu boala. Ne sunt dezv?luite ?i motivele pentru care unele persoane care par slabe ?i cu un fizic de invidiat pot suferi totu?i de afec?iuni metabolice, cum ar fi diabetul zaharat de tip 2 – a?a-numitul ?paradox al suple?ei”. Am ajuns at?t de preocupa?i de obezitate, folosind-o ca argument pentru a ?ncadra problemele de s?n?tate, ?nc?t trecem cu vederea alte cauze posibile ale bolii. Informa?iile inovatoare din aceast? carte le vor schimba viziunea despre gr?sime ?i ce ?nseamn? s? fii s?n?tos at?t celor care ?ncearc? s? nu se ?mboln?veasc?, c?t ?i bolnavilor care tr?iesc cu o afec?iune de durat?. Ea se adreseaz? ?n egal? m?sur? celor tineri ?i supli, ci ?i persoanelor mai ?n v?rst? care se lupt? cu acele ?nc?p???nate kilograme ?n plus. Este o carte pentru oamenii care se consider? ?n form?, dar ?i pentru cei care prefer? un stil de via?? mai sedentar.
Dieta DODO. O zi da, o zi ba
Dieta DODO. O zi da, o zi ba
Drew Price
Cum ne putem bucura de o S?N?TATE DE FIER De cele mai multe ori, ne consider?m s?n?to?i pentru c? putem spune f?r? rezerve ?Sunt ?n regul?, sunt bine, nu m? pl?ng de nimic”. Dar S?N?TATEA DE FIER ?nseamn? s? te sim?i entuziast, s? pulsezi de energie ?i s? debordezi de vitalitate. S?N?TATEA DE FIER vine la pachet cu pofta de via??, cu dorin?a de a face ?i de a fi dincolo de capacit??ile ?i limit?rile obi?nuite, cu o energie neobosit? ?i claritate a min?ii. F?r? ?ndoial?, S?N?TATEA DE FIER este funda?ia pentru o via?? mai bogat?. ?i nu se poate realiza dec?t dac? alegem calea natural?. Dr. Norman W. Walker, unul dintre cei mai importan?i nutri?ioni?ti din lume, a tr?it 99 de ani pun?nd ?n practic? rezultatele cercet?rilor sale. S?N?TATEA DE FIER, a dovedit Dr. Walker, se ob?ine prin controlul g?ndirii, al dietei ?i al ?ngrijirii corporale. Mai mult dec?t at?t, bun?starea ?i via?a ?ndelungat? merg m?n? ?n m?n?. Programul s?u este singular pentru c? se bazeaz? pe for?a exemplului personal ?i nu folose?te cuvintele promo?ionale ?miraculos”, ?revolu?ionar” sau ?la mod?”, nu are nevoie de acestea! ?n tinere?e, Dr. Walker s-a ?mboln?vit din cauza surmen?rii. Pentru c? nu se putea ?mp?ca cu ideea unei s?n?t??i precare sau a unui trup bolnav, s-a vindecat singur. De atunci, ?i-a petrecut aproape 70 de ani c?ut?nd modalit??ile prin care oamenii se pot elibera de boal? ?i ??i pot prelungi via?a. Dac? e?ti ?n c?utarea secretului pentru o via?? lung?, s?n?toas? ?i productiv?, ai g?sit cartea potrivit?! Lucrarea cuprinde 36 de capitole dedicate s?n?t??ii ?i nutri?iei ?i se bucur? de succes ?n toat? lumea.
Jurnalul expedi?iei spre Polul Nord. Vol. 2
Jurnalul expedi?iei spre Polul Nord. Vol. 2
Fridtjof Nansen
Cum s? ob?ii energia de care ai nevoie ?nainte, ?n timpul ?i dup? antrenament?Diferen?a principal? dintre a m?nca s?n?tos ?i nutri?ia sportiv? const? ?n aten?ia la detalii ?i nuan?area aportului de substan?e nutritive. C?nd m?n?nci s?n?tos, scopul final este buna func?ionare a organismului pe termen lung ?i eliminarea riscurilor de boal?. ?n schimb, nutri?ia sportiv? vizeaz? performan?a, fie c? asta ?nseamn? s? alergi timp de 45 de minute de trei ori pe s?pt?m?n? sau s? te antrenezi pentru a concura la triatlon." - Renee McGregorPerforman?ele ?n sport sunt influen?ate decisiv de alimenta?ie.?Pentru a te ajuta s?-?i atingi obiectivele ?i pentru ca organismul s?-?i func?ioneze eficient, cartea de fa?? ofer? sugestii pentru un program de alimenta?ie zilnic adaptat fiec?rei ramuri sportive: mic dejunuri hr?nitoare, pr?nzuri energizante, cine revigorante ?i gust?ri pentru deplas?ri. De asemenea:* explic? ?tiin?a nutri?ional? sportiv? prin sfaturi alimentare practice;* descifreaz? afirma?iile exagerate din reclamele la ?produsele pentru sportivi", propun?nd alternative s?n?toase, preparate ?n cas?;* con?ine peste 100 de re?ete delicioase ?i u?or de preg?tit pentru ?mbun?t??irea performan?elor.Indiferent c? e vorba de ciclism, atletism sau sporturi de echip?, Alimenta?ia sportivilor ??i va ar?ta cum s? te hr?ne?ti ca s? ob?ii rezultatele pe care le dore?ti.
Planul. Sl?be?te rapid elimin?nd alimentele ?s?n?toase“ care te ?ngra??
Planul. Sl?be?te rapid elimin?nd alimentele ?s?n?toase“ care te ?ngra??
Lyn-Genet Recitas
10 sfaturi simple pentru o via mai fericit i mai sntoas Un ghid scurt pentru o via lung! Ghidul nordic pentru a tri cu 10 ani mai mult este o carte pragmatic, n care este sintetizat modul de via simplu i sntos al scandinavilor. Adoptnd un stil concis, doctorul suedez Bertil Marklund apeleaz la rezultatele cercetrilor tiinifice de ultim or i prezint 10 reguli de aur pentru o via sntoas, printre care somnul, nutriia, activitatea fizic i cum s ne ferim de impactul negativ al stresului. De asemenea, prezint n premier conceptul de lagom, sau ceea ce neleg suedezii prin moderaie.Cu toii putem adopta cele 10 sfaturi menionate n carte fr s ne schimbm radical modul n care trim. Aplicnd sugestiile practice i realiste ale doctorului Marklund, vom putea s ne schimbm n bine viaa, acum i n viitor.Dup hygge din Danemarca, avem acum sundhet din Suedia – o abordare echilibrat a vieii, caracterizat de stabilitate i coeren. Acest bestseller suedez ne nva cum s efectum mici schimbri n zece domenii, de la somn i atitudine la sntatea dentar i relaiile interpersonale, pentru o via mai lung. De asemenea, demonteaz unele mituri, artnd c multe lucruri considerate negative sunt, de fapt, bune pentru noi. De exemplu, cafeaua are efecte pozitive asupra sntii. Stilul direct i simplu al crii este reconfortant!" - Saga MagazineCeea ce difereniaz Ghidul nordic pentru a tri cu 10 ani mai mult este simplitatea, neobinuit pentru o carte de autoperfecionare, mai ales una scris de un profesor universitar." - The Times UK
The Green Smoothie and Juicing Bundle
The Green Smoothie and Juicing Bundle
Dale L. Roberts
Over 60 Delicious Green Smoothie & Juicing Recipes to Destroy Fat!? Learn How Green Smoothies & Juicing are the Best Kept Secrets to Losing Weight! Have you struggled to shake off that unwanted fat? Or, do you drop the weight only to have it come back time and again? Then, The Green Smoothie & Juicing Bundle?has exactly what you've needed all along! The Green Smoothie & Juicing Bundle includes: ·Over 30 different, green smoothie recipes·Over 30 different juicer recipes for fruit and vegetable blends·How to get all of the USDA's recommended daily intake for vegetables and fruits·What food is ideal to make the best beverage·How to thicken a smoothie to your preference·How to prepare the vegetables and fruits·What amounts of food makes the best beverage·An understanding of why green smoothies & juicing is so effective for weight loss·How to get the most from every glass for losing weight·Tips to alter flavors to your taste·Advice on how to save money when juicing·Recipes that will suit all dietary lifestyles - vegans, and vegetarians·And, much more!· Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Get Your Copy TODAY!
Juicing for Health:How to use natural juices to boost energy, immunity and wellb
Juicing for Health:How to use natural juices to boost energy, immunity and wellb
Caroline Wheater
Updated with healing Superjuices and the most refreshing smoothies. Our new edition of this extremely helpful guide to using juice contains all the right updates for today’s juice market. Superjuices such as Wheatgrass are now included along with delicious, fresh fruit smoothies. Juicing For Health will also look more attractive than ever before – with a larger format and a 2 colour design throughout. Juicing For Health is comprehensive without ever rambling. It includes: Over 200 juice recipes and blends. ? The vitamin & mineral content of over 60 different fruit & vegetable juices. ? The basic healing qualities of each fruit and vegetable juice. ? Nutritional therapy juice blends for a whole range of specific – and more general – ailments. ? Beginner-friendly guide to starting up and managing a healthy detox programme. ? A–Z Vitamin & Mineral hotlist – with the “Best Fruits” and “Best Vegetables” for each nutrient.
I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days
I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days
Andreas Jopp
You Really Can Quit –Now. ?This German quit smoking bestseller is already translated into 10 languages and over 100.000 smokers have quit with it.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something. “Every smoker has his or her own personal beliefs, fears, and questions about quitting. This interactive coaching program, including the book, online program, and personalized app will support you in every aspect, every step of the way. I don't expect that every reader has already decided to quit smoking. This decision happens when questions are answered and fears are alleviated, and that's what this program is designed to do,” says author Andreas Jopp. For those who are ready to quit, or ready at least to consider it, here is a modern handbook with a fresh approach.?Gone are the days of quitting by willpower alone! Using the latest findings in addiction research, Jopp explains the thought patterns that keep millions from trying to quit—and details the most successful strategies for quitting. Divided into 30 chapters (which can be read one per day leading up to quitting day, or at the reader’s own pace), the book presents an appealing mix of evidence-based research and insight and guidance informed by Jopp’s experiences as both an ex-smoker and a health coach who has already helped many thousands of smokers to stop smoking. Jopp never loses sight of what is most important for smokers to understand: exactly how nicotine induces both physical and psychological dependence—and by knowing all this, how to break free. Additionally, readers can download a free mobile app that lets them track and share their progress. Andreas Jopp’s comprehensive approach and straightforward guidance will help anyone kick the habit for good! About the Author ANDREAS JOPP is a medical journalist and health coach. He has published 7 books which have been on the best seller lists for weeks and translated into 16 languages. * His latest book on quit smoking book has been translated in 10 languages and is the No 1 quit smoking book in many countries. * Mr. Jopp has been a smoker himself in the past. After quitting he has coached thousands of smokers for the last ten years. * In addition Mr. Jopp is one of the most prominent nutrition and diet specialists in Germany. His books on losing weight with protein, vitamins & cancer, fats & longevity were on the best-seller lists for weeks. * These are also important topics of the new quit smoking book because smokers do not want to gain weight and many would like to lower the cancer risk once they stop. To download the Hypnosis MP3: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/englishFor more information: www.jopp-online.com/en
A h?tlen, a megcsalt és a szeret?: A szerelmi háromsz?g pszichológiája
A h?tlen, a megcsalt és a szeret?: A szerelmi háromsz?g pszichológiája
Gelsei Bernadett
Szabó Magda?hagyatékából el?került két, kézzel írott, recepteket tartalmazó füzetecske. A megsárgult lapokon található ételek sokszín?sége és érdekessége csupán kultúrt?rténeti szempontból is kiadásra érdemesíti ?ket, ám ezen felül olyan emlékekr?l van szó, amelyek számos szálon k?t?dnek Szabó Magda életéhez és írói világához, és ahhoz a mili?h?z, amely a hétk?znapokban k?rülvette ?t. Vélhet?en ennek is k?sz?nhet?, hogy az írón? gondosan meg?rizte ?ket az utókornak. Az?Egy meszely az fél icce?receptjeit nem az írón? saját maga készítette el, de minden bizonnyal ezeket az ételeket ette gyerekkorában és a kés?bbiekben is. A visszaemlékezések szerint egész életében ragaszkodott a házias ízekhez, azokat értékelte igazán. A régebbi füzet – melybe az 1800-as évek végén kerültek az els? bejegyzések – bels? borítóján a k?vetkez? felirat olvasható:?Jablonczay Gizella szakácsk?nyve. Jablonczay Gizella neve jól ismert a Szabó Magda-olvasók el?tt, hiszen a családi mitológiát elbeszél??Régimódi t?rténet?egyik fontos szerepl?jér?l, az írón? édesanyjának, Jablonczay Lenkének a nagynénjér?l van szó. A másik, szintén kézírásos füzet szerz?jét nem ismerjük, és a receptek valószín?leg kés?bbi keletkezés?ek. A receptek mellett található bejegyzések, kiegészítések arra utalnak, hogy mindkét szakácsk?nyvet gyakran forgatták, és a legt?bb recept valóban el is készült. A két gy?jtemény k?z?s vonása, hogy a korabeli irányvonalnak megfelel?en a francia ételkészítésen alapul. Egyik füzet sem spórolós, b?ven bánik a mandulával, mogyoróval, tojással, és a ma már kevésbe hétk?znapi és drága (például vel?, libamáj, szarvasgomba) alapanyagokkal. A receptek m?g?tt egy változatos elkészítési módokat felvonultató, igényes, az újdonságokra nyitott, kifejezetten jómódú háztartás képe k?rvonalazódik el?ttünk. Mindenkinek ajánljuk, aki hajlandó egy kis gasztronómiai kalandozásra, és nyitott a kül?nleges elkészítési módokra, hogy vállalkozzon a száz évvel ezel?tti konyham?vészet rekonstrukciójára. Mindazoknak pedig, akik nem éreznek erre késztetést, talán épp ugyanannyi ?r?met okoz majd, ha olvasás k?zben megpróbálják átérezni azokat a régi ízeket és illatokat, amelyekben annak idején Szabó Magdának is része lehetett. Mint ahogy a családregényeiben is megelevenedik t?bb mint száz év kultúrt?rténete, úgy ebben a receptgy?jteményben is felfedezhetjük egy let?nt világ életmódjának, étkezési szokásainak lenyomatát.
I.B.S.: Reduce Pain and Improve Digestion the Natural Way (Eat to Beat)
I.B.S.: Reduce Pain and Improve Digestion the Natural Way (Eat to Beat)
Dr. Sarah Brewer,Michelle Berriedale-Johnson
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is now extremely common with at least one in three adults being affected. A controlled diet is the most effective way to deal with this painful problem. A new title in the Eat to Beat series, following up on the enormous success of Eat to Beat Arthritis Eat To Beat IBS provides recipes and advice to help with IBS and digestive pain. Written by a medical doctor (and Telegraph columnist) and and a well-known special diets cookery writer, it offers the health advice and support that IBS sufferers need, as well as providing a range of 60 good gut recipes. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is often the result of a basic food intolerance and can often flare up at times of stress. Aside from well known IBS ‘baddies’ such as caffeine, there is a range of common ‘trigger’ foods. Readers are encouraged to focus on different food ranges to help them identify their personal IBS triggers. Contains: ? All of the mainstream medical information – in an ‘easy to digest’ style. ? The low-down on the full range of effective complementary health treatments available. ? 60 good gut recipes that allow IBS sufferers control their diet, whilst still enjoying their food.
Luke Livingstone titkos élete
Luke Livingstone titkos élete
Charity Norman
Soha nem számoltam, hogy hány mérkzést bundáztam meg, de úgy gondolom 80-100 meccsrl lehet szó” - Wilson Raj Perumal, a Bundakirály. Wilson Raj Perumal kétségtelenül a modern futball legnagyobb fogadási csalója, akit csak hátán hordott a fld. Szingapúr egy eldugott falucskájában született az 1960-as években, innen küzdtte fel magát a bundavilág csúcsára, és lett a FIFA által leginkább keresett bnz. Perumalt 2011 februárjában tartóztatták le Finnországban. gy dnttt, együttmkdik a hatóságokkal, és segít feltárni az egész világot behálózó bnszvetkezet titkait. A Bundakirály nem fogja vissza magát: kitárulkozása során elképeszt mennyiség meccsrl lebbenti fel a fátylat. Olyanokról, amelyeket mi izgatottan néztünk végig, és amelyeknek már azeltt megvolt a végeredménye, hogy elkezdték volna.
A 19-es holttest
A 19-es holttest
Belinda Bauer
A média elszeretettel írogatja, hogy: Van Gaal egy diktárot! Ez nem igaz. A szabályaim kell mozgásteret adnak: mindenki, aki velem dolgozik, meg tudja rizni az identitását. Nem hozok szabályokat csak azért, mert megtehetem. Viszont figyelek, vizsgálódom, és megteszem a szükséges lépéseket. A világon senkinek sincs korlátlan szabadsága” – LOUIS VAN GAAL HOGY KICSODA IGAZBL LOUIS VAN GAAL Egy egykori tornatanár, aki csak a diktatúrában hisz Vagy minden idk egyik legnagyobb európai edzje, aki elre látja a futball jvjét Bárhová is sodorta az élet, mindenhol azzal vádolták, hogy egy megszállott, aki kényszeresen kontroll alatt tartja a krnyezetét. Azt maga is elismeri, hogy nem szereti a véletlenre bízni a dolgokat. Játékosként a totális futball mámorító szabadságában ntt fel, edzként azonban homlokegyenest más elveket vall: az egyénnek a csapat érdekeit kell szolgálni. Az egységben, a kzs erfeszítésben hisz; abban, hogy minden részletre kiterjed haditervvel kell felruháznia csapatát, amelynek nincs más dolga, mint hogy teljesítse a parancsot. 1995-ben Van Gaal egy nagyon fiatal Ajaxot vezetett Bajnokok Ligája-gyzelemig, a keze alatt olyan játékosok váltak sztárrá, mint Davids, Overmars vagy Seedorf. Egész Európában aratott gyzelmeket a Barcelonával, az AZ Alkmaarral és a Bayern Münchennel, ekzben két alkalommal is dolgozott a holland labdarúgó-válogatott szvetségi kapitányaként. Pályafutása sosem nélkülzte a drámát, az intrikát és a botrányokat, az újságírókkal szembeni kirohanásai legendássá váltak. Van Gaal nem szeret fegyver nélkül menni a csatába. Ez az életrajzi knyv a holland futballkommentátor, Maarten Meijer munkája. Hitelesen mutatja be Van Gaalt, az embert, és az edzt is. A gyerekkorától a holland futballban elért korai sikerein át a legnagyobb gyzelmeiig tart az utazás, amely során Meijer betekintést enged annak az embernek a lélektanába, aki most a Manchester Unitedet készül újra a legnagyobbak kzé emelni.
Cheap and Easy Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget (The Essential Rose Elliot)
Cheap and Easy Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget (The Essential Rose Elliot)
Rose Elliot
Essential vegetarian cookery for those on a budget. Updated version of Rose Elliot’s vegetarian classic – Cheap and Easy is an essential guide to vegetarian cookery. It includes a wide range of recipes for all tastes, but keeps in mind those with a low budget.
Hó, mint hamu
Hó, mint hamu
Sara Raasch
Ароматная пицца с хрустящей корочкой, пироги с сочной начин?кой – это невероятно вкусно! В книге собраны очень простые и доступные даже для начинающих кулинаров рецепты угощений из дрожжевого, бездрожжевого, слоеного, бисквитного теста. Приготовить их можно в духовке, мультиварке или даже на обычной сковороде. Медовый пирог с грушами, пицца на сковороде, пицца с грудинкой, лимонный пирог, манник с вишней, киш с помидорами, пирог с курицей, фокачча с сыром, шарлотка с яблоками, пирог с капустой – с таким разнообразием рецептов вы сможете чаще радовать родных вкусной выпечкой. Aromatnaja picca s hrustjashhej korochkoj, pirogi s sochnoj nachin?koj – jeto neverojatno vkusno! V knige sobrany ochen' prostye i dostupnye dazhe dlja nachinajushhih kulinarov recepty ugoshhenij iz drozhzhevogo, bezdrozhzhevogo, sloenogo, biskvitnogo testa. Prigotovit' ih mozhno v duhovke, mul'tivarke ili dazhe na obychnoj skovorode. Medovyj pirog s grushami, picca na skovorode, picca s grudinkoj, limonnyj pirog, mannik s vishnej, kish s pomidorami, pirog s kuricej, fokachcha s syrom, sharlotka s jablokami, pirog s kapustoj – s takim raznoobraziem receptov vy smozhete chashhe radovat' rodnyh vkusnoj vypechkoj.
FIFA-maffia: A futballvilág mocskos üzelmei
FIFA-maffia: A futballvilág mocskos üzelmei
Thomas Kistner
Более 100 разнообразных рецептов сыров Подробные инструкции Рецепты блюд с готовым сыром Любите сыр и хотите быть уверены в качестве Тогда приготовьте сами! Сделать настоящий сыр в домашних условиях несложно, для этого потребуются простые и доступные продукты, посуда, которая есть в каждом доме, и наша книга. В ней доступно рассказано обо всем, что необходимо знать начинающему сыроделу, даны рекомендации по выбору молока, закваски, ферментов, различных добавок. По предложенным рецептам вы без проблем приготовите вкуснейшие бри, маасдам, маскарпоне, брынзу с лимоном, мягкий сыр с укропом, мраморный сыр, пармезан, гауда, камамбер и др. Bolee 100 raznoobraznyh receptov syrov Podrobnye instrukcii Recepty bljud s gotovym syrom Ljubite syr i hotite byt' uvereny v kachestve Togda prigotov'te sami! Sdelat' nastojashhij syr v domashnih uslovijah neslozhno, dlja jetogo potrebujutsja prostye i dostupnye produkty, posuda, kotoraja est' v kazhdom dome, i nasha kniga. V nej dostupno rasskazano obo vsem, chto neobhodimo znat' nachinajushhemu syrodelu, dany rekomendacii po vyboru moloka, zakvaski, fermentov, razlichnyh dobavok. Po predlozhennym receptam vy bez problem prigotovite vkusnejshie bri, maasdam, maskarpone, brynzu s limonom, mjagkij syr s ukropom, mramornyj syr, parmezan, gauda, kamamber i dr.
Eating for England: The Delights and Eccentricities of the British at Table
Eating for England: The Delights and Eccentricities of the British at Table
Nigel Slater
Like Nigel Slater’s multi-award-winning food memoir ‘Toast’, this is a celebration of the glory, humour, eccentricities and embarrassments that are the British at Table. The British have a relationship with their food that is unlike that of any other country. Once something that was never discussed in polite company, it is now something with which the nation is obsessed. But are we at last developing a food culture or are we just going through the motions? ‘Eating for England’ is an entertaining, detailed and somewhat tongue-in-cheek observation of the British and their food, their cooking, their eating and how they behave in restaurants, with chapters on – amongst other things – dinner parties, funeral teas, Indian restaurants, dieting and eating whilst under the influence. Written in Nigel Slater’s trademark readable style, ‘Eating for England’ highlights our idiosyncratic attitude towards the fine art of dining.