

Cooking for Friends
Cooking for Friends
Gordon Ramsay
TV’s most famous chef, Gordon Ramsay, throws open the doors to his home and reveals what he cooks, away from the frantic pace of his restaurant kitchen, in a relaxed domestic setting. Retaining all of his trademark excitement and passion for food, bestselling Cooking for Friends is packed with simple, seasonal, modern British recipes. Now in paperback, Gordon gathers together over 100 inspiring recipes that everyone will enjoy cooking and sharing, perfect for a celebratory dinner with friends or simple Sunday night suppers. Learn how to quickly and easily whip up delicious Chorizo, Broad bean and Mint Couscous, Scallop Brochettes with Coriander and Chilli Butter, Smoked Salmon and Horseradish Cream Tarts and Toffee and Chocolate Steamed Pudding. Recipes that extol the virtues of supporting local producers and farmers’ markets, which can be cooked with seasonal fresh ingredients that haven't travelled miles to reach our plates and which celebrate the wealth of regional dishes available to us from Cornish Crab Soup to Bakewell Tarts. With chapters covering Hot and Cold Soups; Pasta and Grains; Fish and Shellfish; Meat and Poultry; Pies and Tarts; Vegetables and Salads; Puddings and Ices and Coffee and Chocolate, each recipe delivers stunning results.
Floyd Around the Med
Floyd Around the Med
Keith Floyd
A paperback edition of Keith Floyd’s bestselling book which accompanied the television series of the same name. Floyd tours around the Mediterranean countries, looking at the different cuisines, lifestyles and countries, and cooking as he goes. In Floyd around the Med, Keith Floyd shares his experiences of travelling around the Mediterranean, exporing the food, drink and people of each region. He mixes with the glamorous jet-setters of Monte Carlo, endures a vertical mule ride in the Greek Islands, and shares wine with the monks of Saint Honorat off the Riviera coast. He barters in Turkish bazaars and Tunisian souks, explores undiscovered pueblos of Spain, checks out the North African coast and shares pink gins with the ex-pats of Marbella. And in each place of course Floyd cooks up delicious dishes using local produce. The countries he visits are Greece, France, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
Fresh and Wild Cookbook: A Real Food Adventure
Fresh and Wild Cookbook: A Real Food Adventure
Ysanne Spevack
Fresh and Wild is the hippest and most successful organic supermarket chain in the UK. Now organic cookery queen Ysanne Spevack has joined forces with Fresh and Wild to bring us a book packed with recipes using organic, healthy and adventurously unusual ingredients. With 100 wholesome, tasty and easy-to-prepare recipes, this book answers all your questions on unusual new and trendy foodstuffs. From quinoa grain to wasabi, many foods in delicatessens and organic supermarkets are unfamiliar to the British cook. This book has been designed to unleash the adventurer in all of us. Like Nigella’s Domestic Goddess and The River Cottage Cookbook, the recipes are accompanied by fascinating stories and details – a real social, historical and geographical smorgasbord for any food lover. The sort of recipe book which makes a great armchair read. Contains tips useful to newcomers and committed organic consumers alike, such as: – choosing produce for ideal taste, according to appearance and texture – buying, storage and preparation for tonight’s meal and beyond
A?a ceva nu ?i s-ar putea ?nt?mpla niciodat?
A?a ceva nu ?i s-ar putea ?nt?mpla niciodat?
Jon McGregor
Progresele“ moderne care ne-au invadat stilul de via i obiceiurile alimentare i au preul lor: sntatea noastr. De la pesticidele din sol la refrigerarea i pasteurizarea alimentelor la abuzul de antibiotice i obsesia pentru produsele de curenie, dorina noastr de a fi mereu curai i n siguran ne expune, n realitate, riscului dezvoltrii diverselor afeciuni cronice.Faptul c ne-am concentrat tot mai mult pe eliminarea microbilor a avut un efect devastator asupra organismului uman i, n special, a sistemului digestiv. Lipsa nutrienilor, alimentaia bogat n cantiti toxice de alimente procesate i pline de substane chimice, stresul i utilizarea n exces a produselor antimicrobiene au creat fisuri microscopice n pereii intestinali, care au cauzat o inflamaie generalizat i au sczut imunitatea, simptome asociate cu o boal denumit sindromul intestinului permeabil“.nMnnc murdar”,Dr. Josh Axeexplic efectele generalizate i cauzele ascunse ale acestui sindrom, o boal considerat a fi punctul de plecare pentru numeroase afeciuni, printre care: alergii, astm, sensibiliti alimentare, diabet, tulburri digestive, artrit, disfuncii tiroidiene i chiar boli greu de tratat, precum oboseala cronic i autismul.Dr. Axearat c soluia pentru aceste probleme de sntate este foarte simpl: nu trebuie dect s folosim mai mult pmnt“. El ofer sugestii concrete care s ne ajute s ne murdrim“ puin: s renunm la spunurile antibacteriene, s folosim uleiuri eseniale pentru produsele de ngrijire personal, s reducem consumul de antibiotice, s consumm miere natural, s petrecem mai mult timp n aer liber, s mncm produse de sezon, s reducem stresul i s includem mai multe alimente bogate n probiotice n hrana noastr zilnic.Mnnc murdarabordeaz principala cauz a tuturor bolilor bazndu-se pe dovezi concrete. Sntatea intestinului este prima condiie n procesul de vindecare. Folosind tiina microexpunerilor,dr. Axene ofer un ghid simplu privind cei cinci pai necesari pentru repararea intestinelor afectate i nvingerea unei game largi de boli, de la cele autoimune pn la inflamaia cronic.“ - Dr. Mark Hyman, autorul crii The Blood Sugar Solutionnelegerea noastr privind ceea ce ne pericliteaz sntatea sufer o revoluie, iarMnnc murdardescrie ntr-o manier magnific aceast schimbare de paradigm. ndrumriledoctorului Axe, centrate pe refacerea bacteriilor intestinale sntoase, sunt n concordan cu cele mai respectate i mai naintate cercetri medicale. Citind aceast carte, vei deschide ua spre o sntate durabil.“ - Dr. David Perlmutter, autorul crii Grain Brain, bestseller New York Times
Kladstrup, Don
Throughout history, waves of invaders have coveted the northeast corner of France: Attila the Hun in the fifth century, the English in the Hundred Years War, the Prussians in the nineteenth century. Yet this region – which historians say has suffered more battles and wars than any other place on earth – is also the birthplace of one thing the entire world equates with good times, friendship and celebration: champagne. Champagne is the story of the world's favourite wine. It tells how a sparkling beverage that became the toast of society during the Belle Epoque emerged after World War I as a global icon of fine taste and good living. The book celebrates the gutsy, larger–than–life characters whose proud determination nurtured and preserved the land and its grapes throughout centuries of conflict.
The Pioneer Woman
The Pioneer Woman
Drummond, Ree
"That's when I saw him—the cowboy—across the smoky room."I'll never forget that night. It was like a romance novel, an old Broadway musical, and a John Wayne western rolled into one. Out for a quick drink with friends, I wasn't looking to meet anyone, let alone a tall, rugged cowboy who lived on a cattle ranch miles away from my cultured, corporate hometown. But before I knew it, I'd been struck with a lightning bolt . . . and I was completely powerless to stop it.Read along as I recount the rip-roaring details of my unlikely romance with a chaps-wearing cowboy, from the early days of our courtship (complete with cows, horses, prairie fire, and passion) all the way through the first year of our marriage, which would be filled with more challenge and strife—and manure—than I ever could have expected. This isn't just my love story; it's a universal tale of passion, romance, and all-encompassing love that sweeps us off our feet. It's the story of a cowboy.And Wranglers.And chaps.And the girl who fell in love with them.
Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen:A book of Essays with Recipes
Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen:A book of Essays with Recipes
Igor Klekh
The polyglot Igor Klekh is an extraordinarily erudite and accomplished Russian writer, journalist, and translator, whose formative years were spent in Western Ukraine, mostly in Ivano-Frankivsk and in the multi-cultural city of Lviv where he had access to the literature of East-Central Europe. He currently resides in Moscow. His complex prose style has been compared to that of Jorge Luis Borges and Bruno Schulz, whose novellas he was among the first to translate from Polish into Russian. He has authored seven books of prose, essays, translations, and literary criticism and has been a frequent contributor to the best Russian literary journals including Novyi mir, Znamya, and Druzhba narodov. His works have earned numerous prizes including the Alfred C. Toepfer Pushkin Prize (1993), the Yury Kazakov Prize (2000) for Best Short Story, and the October Magazine Prize (2000) for his book on the artist Sergei Sherstiuk. His works have been nominated for the Russian version of the Booker Prize twice (1995 and 2012). Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen: A Book of Essays with Recipes is a cultural study of the role food plays in the formation and expression of a nation’s character. It focuses primarily on the Russian and Ukrainian kitchens but discusses them in the context of international food practices. His prose works have been published in English translation under the title A Land the Size of Binoculars (2004) by Northwestern University Press.
Alpine Ballad
Alpine Ballad
Vasil Bykau
A handful of families, several generations, more than a few wars. MoscTowards the end of World War II, a Belarusian soldier and an Italian girl escape from a Nazi concentration camp. The soldier wonders if he should get rid of the girl; she is a burden and is slowing him down. However, he cannot bring himself to abandon her in the snowy wilderness. Somewhere along the way, the two develop feelings for each other, but their love is not destined to grow beyond the edge of the mountains. Yet their bond cannot be denied, and in the end it proves stronger than death itself. From the master of psychological narrative whose firsthand experience with World War II enabled him to re-create the ordeal on pages of his books, Alpine Ballad is Vasil Bykau’s most heartfelt story. Bykau sends a powerful message to his readers: human values can be extrapolated and in the context of war people can still uphold their humanity. An altruistic, philanthropic project of Glagoslav Publications, Alpine Ballad is coming out as a gesture of peace and a reminder to all of the human cost of wars that ransack our planet to this day. Translated from Belarusian by Mikalai Khilo. The previous translations of Alpine Ballad were based on the Soviet-censored Russian version of the original manuscript. ow, Kabul, Barcelona. Anna Nemzer announces herself on the literary scene boldly and loudly with this debut novel about the insane, unspeakable nature of war, about human fears, treachery, lies, fateful coincidences and destinies during warfare, when there is no room left for love. The protagonists survived the war and are rescued from captivity. They are not able, however, to leave the experiences of the war behind them and move on with their lives. The novel explores what happens once the conflict is over, as they learn to live without the war, with all their loves, passions and weaknesses.
Huckelbridge, Dane
A rollicking biography of bourbon whiskey that doubles as a rich and surprising history of America itselfFew products are so completely or intimately steeped in the American story as bourbon whiskey. As Dane Huckelbridge's masterfully crafted history reveals, the iconic amber spirit is the American experience, distilled, aged, and sealed in a bottle. Bourbon's essential ingredient, corn, is indigenous to the Americas and had been fermented by its native peoples for centuries. At Jamestown, the earliest colonists applied their old-world distilling know-how to produce the first corn-based whiskey. After winning the American Revolution, George Washington turned his attention to establishing one of the new nation's largest distilling operations at his estate, Mount Vernon, making him a Founding Father of both the United States and American whiskey. Whiskey-swilling Scots-Irish immigrants had perfected bourbon's recipe in the rugged oak forests of the Appalachian frontier by the early nineteenth century. Kentucky-born Abe Lincoln received a liquor license in 1833 before turning his attention to politics; during the Civil War, soldiers on both sides liberally imbibed before, during, and after battle. Then, in cowboy saloons and gambling halls of the late-nineteenth century, bourbon put the wild in Wild West. During the early twentieth century, Prohibition fa-mously sought to curtail America's drinking but instead expanded alcohol's reach as speakeasies run by gangsters and bootleggers welcomed women and made drinking more fashionable than ever. Bourbon-consumption reached record heights—both at home and abroad—as America came of age as a superpower after World War II and labels like Jack Daniel's and Jim Beam emerged as global brands on par with Coca-Cola. Just as bourbon fueled the novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, and Ernest Hemingway during the first half of the twentieth century, the 1960s and beyond saw rock-and-roll bands and country stars knocking back bottles of Old Grand-Dad and reclaiming bourbon's unruly reputation. Today the story has come full circle with a renewed appreciation of craft-distilled whiskey produced in small batches, much as it was 150 years ago.Bourbon has been at turns rebellious and traditional, liberating and destructive, regional and global; to know it is to understand the American story. Crack open Bourbon, and come along for the ride.
French Food at Home
French Food at Home
Calder, Laura
The French cooking of everyday life is lighthearted, accessible, and suited to modern tastes. Whether it's getting weeknight dinners on the table fairly fast (Basil Beef, Rhubarb Chops, or Carrot Juice Chicken) or leisurely cooking for dining at a slightly slower pace (Lamb Tagine, Holiday Hen, or Fennel Bass), Laura Calder shares recipes she's created at home in her own French kitchen.
Good Luck Life
Good Luck Life
Gong, Rosemary
Good Luck Life is the first book to explain the meanings of Chinese rituals and to offer advice on when and how to plan for Chinese holidays and special occasions such as Chinese weddings, the Red Egg and Ginger party to welcome a new baby, significant birthdays, and the inevitable funeral. Packed with practical information, Good Luck Life contains an abundance of facts, legends, foods, old-village recipes, and quick planning guides for Chinese New Year, Clear Brightness, Dragon Boat, Mid-Autumn, and many other festivals.Written with warmth and wit, Good Luck Life is beautifully designed as an easily accessible cultural guide that includes an explanation of the Lunar Calendar, tips on Chinese table etiquette for dining with confidence, and dos and don'ts from wise Auntie Lao, who recounts ancient Chinese beliefs and superstitions. This is your map for celebrating a good luck life.
Balancing Your Bipolar: A Holistic Approach to Living a Life You Love
Balancing Your Bipolar: A Holistic Approach to Living a Life You Love
Blythe Edwards
If you ever felt alone, like you're different and don't quite fit in, that is how the Author felt for many years. This is her story of how she navigated her diagnosis and came to create a life she truly loves. It isn't perfect and she makes many mistakes along the way. Join her on the rollercoaster that is Bipolar and see how she navigates its unique challenges. Techniques you will find inside this book: How to manage expectations How to manage your activity level for greater success How to get a hold on your finances How to balance exercise, nutrition, and sleep Balancing Your Bipolar gives you a view into bipolar disorder and proven strategies to live a life that you love.
Scurt? istorie a ?apte crime
Scurt? istorie a ?apte crime
Marlon James
Cum s? ave?i o flor? intestinal? s?n?toas? pentru a v? proteja de demen??, ADHD, autism, cancer, diabet ?i alte afec?iuni graveToate bolile ?ncep ?n intestine Copilul dumneavoastr? are ADHD sau autism? Suferi?i de astm, oboseal? cronic?, depresie ?i anxietate, insomnii, hipertensiune arterial?? Potrivit celor mai recente studii ?tiin?ifice, flora intestinal? ne afecteaz? starea de spirit, libidoul, metabolismul, imunitatea ?i chiar percep?ia asupra lumii ?i claritatea g?ndirii; contribuie la faptul dac? suntem gra?i sau zvel?i, energici sau apatici ?i poate fi considerat? un organ ?n adev?ratul sens al cuv?ntului, juc?nd un rol la fel de important, ?n ce prive?te starea de s?n?tate, ca inima, pl?m?nii, ficatul ?i creierul. Autorul ne arat? c? nici un remediu farmaceutic nu se poate compara cu alimenta?ia ?n ceea ce prive?te controlul bacteriilor intestinale, recomand?nd o diet? ?i un program simplu ?n ?ase pa?i pentru resetarea ?i re?nnoirea microbiomului, care vor face minuni ?n tratamentul a numeroase afec?iuni neurologice, de la autism la Alzheimer ?i scleroza multipl?.
Eat This!
Eat This!
Jackman, Ian
Ian Jackman believes that life is too short to deny yourself our nation's true culinary treasures. Guided by food experts throughout the land, he travels from east to west—from small town to big city—uncovering local treats, guilty pleasures, and some oddities that no true food lover should miss. From lobster rolls and buffalo meat to banana cream pies and clam stuffies, Jackman finds the sinful temptations your taste buds crave—and he writes about them in a way that's certain to get any confirmed foodie salivating!Where you can find the very best burgers in America 21 varieties of apples you must try Lamb fries—eat or avoid?The country's primo pizza parlors And more!Escape the guilt and anxiety propagated by our puritanical, diet-obsessed society and indulge yourself with Eat This!
The Batali Brothers Cookbook
The Batali Brothers Cookbook
Batali, Leo
Inspired by their dad's fiftieth birthday and their family's love of food, Benno and Leo Batali prove that you're never too young to start cooking like a grown-up. With additional recipes from Mario for Batali family favorites, The Batali Brothers Cookbook is a must-have both for young chefs and seasoned pros alike.
Everyday Asian
Everyday Asian
Henricksson, Marnie
Love Asian food but too intimidated to make it at homeDo you find yourself flipping through an Asian cookbook, and then going out for Thai noodles or Korean Barbecue, rather than going into your kitchenWhen Marnie Henricksson gave up her noodle shop in Greenwich Village, and settled down to raise her kids in the 'burbs, she had difficulty finding her favorite Asian ingredients at the local supermarket. So, Marnie tweaked her recipes to work with readily available ingredients, allowing her and her family to enjoy Asian food everyday. In Everyday Asian, Marnie shares seventy-five of her favorite dishes with home cooks.As the recipes draw on the traditional cuisines of Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and India, Marnie begins the book with a chapter detailing how to find, make, and store necessary ingredients, as well as giving advice on invaluable kitchen equipment for Asian cooking.Here's your opportunity to master classicdishes such as Pad Thai, Chinese Pork Roasts, Spring Rolls, and Vietnamese Pho, and expand your imagination with Marnie's innovative recipes for Asian Pesto (replace pine nuts with peanuts and Italian basil with Thai basil, cilantro, and mint) and Spicy Chicken Wings (an American classic with a good dose of Asian spices).It's clear from the abundance of Japanese, Korean, Indian, and Vietnamese restaurants that Americans are crazy about Asian food; however, cooking the real thing at home has always been a problem if you don't live near an Asian market. Now, with Marnie's easy-to-follow recipes, enjoying Asian food as often as you like is just a supermarket aisle away.
Cooking the RealAge (R) Way
Cooking the RealAge (R) Way
Roizen, Michael F., M.D.
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of RealAgeand coauthor of You: The Owner's Manual shows you how to cook your way to a younger you.In his RealAgebooks, Dr. Michael F. Roizen proved that incorporating simple changes to your lifestyle can take years off your biological age and leave you looking and feeling younger. In Cooking the RealAgeWay, he and nutritionist and professional chef Dr. John La Puma show you how you can create RealAge-smart and energy-rich meals that are as delicious as they are healthy.Cooking the RealAgeWay includes more than 80 savory recipes, from asparagus frittata with smoked salmon to a chocolate strawberry sundae, as well as tricks and techniques to help you maintain your RealAge lifestyle, from stocking your pantry to tips on eating out and preparing time-friendly meals. It's the ultimate guide to eating and feeling younger—without sacrificing great taste.
The Happy Baker
The Happy Baker
Erin Bolger
This is a girl's guide to emotional baking. We've all been there. The blind date from hell. The Big Hurt. The guy who details his various surgeries over Caesar salad on the first date. Who needs a pint of rocky road when you can head to the kitchen and work out your heartache with a whisk and a bottle of wine? Erin Bolger has been there, dated that and baked through it all. Turns out the more bitter the heartbreak, the sweeter the batter. So don't cry over bad dates, bad boyfriends or bad breakups - whip up a batch of My-Mom-Didn't-Like-You-Anyway Cupcakes and bake yourself happy.
Double Delicious!
Double Delicious!
Seinfeld, Jessica
The follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestseller Deceptively Delicious goes beyond purees and kids' foods to make family mealtime more delicious, more wholesome, and simpler than ever. In her bestselling book Deceptively Delicious, Jessica Seinfeld inspired millions of parents to improve their kids' eating habits by giving everyday classics a nutritional boost with hidden vegetable purees. Now in Double Delicious!, she's turned her attention to the whole family. Here are more of her easy, imaginative recipes that use the power of purees to make everything healthier, from a hearty Turkey Meatloaf to an irresistible Tiramisu. Again, she's raised the bar nutritionally and eliminated unnecessary sugar and fat, boosted fiber and nutrients, and cut way back on sodium to bring us more healthful food with fantastic flavor. (She's even developed a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie that nutritionist Joy Bauer loves!)
Guy on Fire
Guy on Fire
Fieri, Guy
When it comes to cooking and eating outdoors, I take it to the extreme. I'm a huge fan of monster-size camping trips and full-tilt backyard parties. Whether you're hosting a poolside barbecue, relaxing around the campfire, or tailgating on game day, my favorite outdoor recipes are guaranteed to get your grill going. Deliver a taste of Flavortown in your own backyard with Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs with Spicy Fruit Relish or Crispy Zucchini Planks with Parmesan and Aioli. Take your tailgating party to the extreme with Asian-Style Fried Chicken and Spicy Cracked Chile Crab. Turn up the heat at the lake with Chorizo and Polenta Casserole and Chipotle Corn Salad with Grilled Bacon. Rock the campground with Smoked Salmon Hash and Old School Baked Beans with Molasses. And celebrate the holidays with Fire-Roasted Margherita Pizza and Brandied Green Peppercorn Hanger Steak.
Morrissey’s Perfect Pint
Morrissey’s Perfect Pint
Neil Morrissey,Richard Fox
The beer-fuelled book for blokes! The companion book to C4’s new series which follows Britain’s favourite badly behaved man and his best mate Richard Fox as they set up their own brewery and try to make a go of their laddish dreams. With this book they share their secrets to the truly important things in life: home-brewing, pub games, bloke jokes, anorak beer & pub trivia, drinking games that may or may not get you arrested, chat-up lines that may or may not get you slapped, beer recipes guaranteed to pull, where to find the best beer festivals and everything in between to make this a must have for every lad (or ladette’s) shed library. Neil and Richard’s wry sense of humour and beer credentials make this a hilarious and compulsive read whether in small sips or downed in one. Full of lists, factoids and quirky illustrations, this is the perfect gift for any beer fanatic.
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