The First-Time Cook
Setting up home for the first time and feel lost in the kitchen? ‘The First-time Cook’ is a one-stop guide which shows you not only how to cook delicious food but also how to understand ingredients and techniques so you can feel completely confident cooking on your own. Assuming no prior knowledge,'First-time Cook' takes you through the basics of shopping and cooking equipment. Sophie Grigson then covers each essential cooking technique and food in turn, moving step-by-step through the basics with lots of incredibly useful advice on the possible pitfalls and showing variations and alternatives once you have mastered the essentials. From the perfect roast chicken to twenty variations on the quick-and-easy omelette and pasta of all de*ions, the recipes have been chosen not only to show core techniques but also to provide a fantastic collection of dishes that cover everything from quick (and cheap) supper ideas for one, to coping with Sunday lunch for six for the first time Interest in cookery has never been greater but the number of people actually able to cook continues to decline. Sophie Grigson's TV experience has given her a natural ability to teach cookery in an informal and friendly way and, with this book, she fills the gap left by conventional cookbooks which assume a knowledge most people don't possess.
Skinny-Size It
"Skinny-Size It is full of nutritious, delicious recipes that my whole family enjoys! Molly adds in great skimps, swaps and skips to keep the calories down and the flavor up. I am a big fan of Molly's recipes—eating healthy does taste good!" —Chris Freytag, national fitness expert and contributing editor for Prevention magazine Tired of giving up the meals you love because you’re trying to lose weight? Stop depriving yourself and start skinny-sizing! Dietician and nutritionist Molly Morgan shares 101 recipes that give your high-calorie faves—think pancakes, muffins and lasagna—a skinny makeover. The only things you’ll be missing are those extra pounds. Traditional breakfast burritos have 600 calories and 35 grams of fat. Skinny-Sized burritos have 300 calories and only 9 grams of fat! Traditional blueberry muffins have 380 calories and 19 grams of fat Skinny-Sized blueberry muffins have 130 calories and 2 grams of fat! Traditional lasagna has 870 calories and 47 grams of fat. Skinny-Sized lasagna has 260 calories and 7 grams of fat! Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD counsels individual and corporate clients on good nutrition through her company, Creative Nutrition Solutions. She has been featured on CNN and in national magazines like Fitness, Shape, Women’s Health and many more. She is the author of The Skinny Rules and created the nutrition plan for The Cosmo Bikini Diet (Hearst Editions). Visit her at
I.B.S.: Reduce Pain and Improve Digestion the Natural Way (Eat to Beat)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is now extremely common with at least one in three adults being affected. A controlled diet is the most effective way to deal with this painful problem. A new title in the Eat to Beat series, following up on the enormous success of Eat to Beat Arthritis Eat To Beat IBS provides recipes and advice to help with IBS and digestive pain. Written by a medical doctor (and Telegraph columnist) and and a well-known special diets cookery writer, it offers the health advice and support that IBS sufferers need, as well as providing a range of 60 good gut recipes. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is often the result of a basic food intolerance and can often flare up at times of stress. Aside from well known IBS ‘baddies’ such as caffeine, there is a range of common ‘trigger’ foods. Readers are encouraged to focus on different food ranges to help them identify their personal IBS triggers. Contains: ? All of the mainstream medical information – in an ‘easy to digest’ style. ? The low-down on the full range of effective complementary health treatments available. ? 60 good gut recipes that allow IBS sufferers control their diet, whilst still enjoying their food.
My Kitchen
My Kitchen is a collection of James Martin's favourite seasonal recipes. Be inspired in your kitchen all year round with more than 100 of James's tried-and-tested favourites. As the face of British food, James Martin knows how to cook for an audience. But what happens when the cameras are turned off and it's time to feed himself and his friends? Here James shares the recipes that see him through the year, with plenty of easy and irresistible ideas for fantastic food, even when there's no occasion. James firmly believes that fresh, local ingredients are always the best, and he often uses his own home-grown fruit and veg in his everyday cooking. His recipes are organised by the seasons, so that whether your produce hails from the garden, the greengrocer or the supermarket, you'll never be short of ways to celebrate delicious seasonal food. A vocal supporter of traditional British grub, James also includes ideas for using different cuts of meat, harking back to an era of 'waste not, want not'. Determined to prove that game, such as grouse, rabbit and venison, is not only affordable but also very delicious, he finds versatile ways to turn these meats into mouth-watering dishes that everyone will love. Discover over 100 no-nonsense recipes from James's personal repertoire, all explained in his straightforward and easy-to-follow manner. Accompanied by beautiful food photography and seasonal reportage images which offer a view of James's own house and garden, this is a book which cannot fail to inspire healthy, hearty home-cooked food. RECIPES INCLUDE: ? Leek and Potato Soup with Smoked Salmon and Poached Egg ? Cromer Crab Toastie ? Beef and Fennel Koftas with Corn on the Cob ? Marinated Loin of Lamb with Warm Figs, Coriander and Honey ? Herb-crusted Baked Cod with Spiced Cauliflower Cheese ? Roasted Turkey with Guinness Glaze ? Rabbit Casserole with Grapes and White Wine ? Thyme-roasted Apricots with Honey Madelines ? Swiss-style Hazelnut Meringue with Coffee Cream ? Christmas Pudding Ice Cream with Warm Satsumas and Caramel Sauce
Aprenda a preparar os 10 coquetéis mais famosos do mundo
Aprenda a preparar os 10 coquetéis mais famosos do mundo
Casa cu ieder?
Vrei s? afli secretul suprem al s?n?t??ii ?i al frumuse?ii? Nu-l c?uta ?n cutia cu medicamente, caut?-l aici!Apel?nd la doar c?teva schimb?ri de regim alimentar:vei ob?ine o str?lucire tinereasc? a pieliivei sc?pa de acnee, petele de pe ten ?i ridurivei avea un p?r cu un luciu s?n?tos ?i unghii tarite vei descotorosi de kilogramele ?n plus ?i nu vei mai calcula niciodat? caloriile!?Nu-mi place s? ?in diet?. ?mi place s? m?n?nc s?n?tos ?i tocmai ?n asta const? filosofia lui Kim. E genial?.“ – Drew BarrymoreKimberly Snyder, nutri?ionist? ?i expert? ?n ?nfrumuse?are, este cunoscut? ?n lumea celebrit??ilor din industria divertismentu-lui, pe care le ajut? s? arate excep?ional. Acum ai ?i tu posibilitatea s? beneficiezi de tratamentul vedetelor.Kim avea probleme cu p?rul aspru, st?ri de disconfort fizic ?i o burtic? ?nc?p???nat?, p?n? c?nd a ?nceput s? c?l?toreasc? prin lume ?i a aflat secrete ale frumuse?ii vechi de c?nd lumea.Astfel a descoperit c? ceea ce m?n?nci constituie cel mai bun produs pentru frumuse?e ?i a elaborat un program de anvergur? care cur??? organismul de toxine astfel ?nc?t s? po?i ar?ta splendid ?i s? te sim?i minunat.?Cartea lui Kimberly Snyder este o lectur? obligatorie, care scoate ?n eviden?? importan?a introducerii ?n alimenta?ie a c?t mai multor legume ?i fructe. Ea ?i ?nva?? pe cititori cum s? valorifice la maximum ceea ce m?n?nc?.“ – Dr. Mehmet Oz
Dezleg?nd misterele na?terii ?i mor?ii... ?
Un ghid complet pentru femeile care doresc s? r?m?n? ?ns?rcinate. Con?ine aspectele medicale, sociale, psihologice ?i sexuale ale unei astfel de ?ncerc?ri ?i este relatat? cu umor ?i compasiune, ?n stilul unei discu?ii cu o bun? prieten? care a trecut prin toate acestea. Analiz?nd cantitatea imens? de informa?ii – uneori contradictorii, frecvent alarmiste ?i adeseori descurajante – culese de pe internet, de la rude ?i prietene, ?i din c?r?i, autoarea ne d? o veste bun?: lucrurile nu sunt at?t de stresante cum par s? fie.Pornind de la ultimele studii din domeniu, cartea abordeaz? problemele esen?iale legate de sarcin?:cum s? te preg?te?ti fizic ?i mental c?nd vrei s? r?m?i ?ns?rcinat?;cum s? discu?i cu rudele, prietenii ?i partenerul t?u;cum s? treci peste marea triste?e a unei pierderi de sarcin? spontane.De asemenea, afli:cum s? ?tii c?nd ai ovula?ie, c?nd s? faci sex;cum s?-?i programezi sarcina;cum s?-?i maximizezi ?ansele de a r?m?ne gravid?;cum s? determini probabilitatea de a avea b?iat sau fat?;care este cea mai bun? diet? prenatal?.Ce e adev?rat ?i ce e fals ?n toate aspectele ?ncerc?rii de a deveni mam?, de la perioada optim? pentru sex, la problemele legate de stres ?i la alegerea unei alimenta?ii care s? duc? la cre?terea fertilit??ii… ?i nu numai at?t!?Aceast? carte este exact?, lini?titoare ?i foarte amuzant?! O recomand c?lduros!“ – Dr. Christiane Northrup, obstetrician ginecolog, autoare a c?r?ilor Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom ?i The Wisdom of Menopause
Vegan Soups and Stews Recipes
Vegan Soups and Stews Recipes
Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Meals: 75 Simple Homemade Recipes with 5 Ingredients
Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Meals: 75 Simple Homemade Recipes with 5 Ingredients or Less
Balanced & Nutritious recipes for Kids: Cookbook: 30 Creative recipes for the He
Balanced & Nutritious recipes for Kids: Cookbook: 30 Creative recipes for the Health of Your Baby.
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustr
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Ballad of Reading Gaol
The Ballad of Reading Gaol was written in exile in France. The poem narrates the execution of Wooldridge; it moves from an objective story-telling to symbolic identification with the prisoners as a whole, highlighting the brutalisation of the punishment that all convicts share.
A Kidnapped Santa Claus
Santa Claus lives in the Laughing Valley, where stands the big, rambling castle in which his toys are manufactured. His workmen, selected from the ryls, knooks, pixies and fairies, live with him, and every one is as busy as can be from one year's end to another. One would think that our good old Santa Claus, who devotes his days to making children happy, would have no enemies on all the earth; and, as a matter of fact, for a long period of time he encountered nothing but love wherever he might go.
Phrixus, the Little Mouse
Lydia Galanou offers the world of children's literature, an amazing little story which talks about relationships and love and how one can impart to them important advice about their future in a beautiful and vivid way!
Arteries in Harmony
I'm a practicing cardiologist, and I'm passionate about prevention. As a society we have a serious job to do: defeating the obesity-diabetes-artery disease epidemic. I want to see the rates of obesity and diabetes down to the levels they were 50 years ago. To achieve this, we cannot simply rely on doctors and nurses, hospitals and universities. Me and you and all of us in the community need to fight against sugars and prolonged sitting, have a zero-tolerance policy for high blood pressure, high LDL, and smoking, and learn what gives this epidemic strength and what its weak points are. We must band together and fight the enemy in our schools, our workplaces, and our homes, day in and day out.
Day Of Reckoning
Day Of Reckoning: A uplifting compilation with a protagonist Head Coach of the California Pirates expansion team in pro football.? Chaz Wellington; the architect of a team in the American Conferences West division. Wellington drafts from the State schools across the 53 man roster. Powerful rhetoric delivered by Chaz when psyches up his athletes come game day. Action packed throughout, where covers job losses in manufacturing, a large part of the fan base. Wellington an Icon to the poor to middle classes of stratification based on his aid to those who had their work outsourced.? A must read for the athletes derived from the public schools.
Fogalmazásfüzet: írásbeli feladatok mintasz?vegek alapján
A szerz? fogalmazásfeladatai gyerekeknek vagy írópalántáknak a szerz? saját r?vid m?vei alapján.
The Original Suffrage Cookbook
As featured in The Guardian - Superb edition of this historic gem! Celebrate the centenary of women getting the Vote by cooking and eating some of the Suffragettes’ favourite meals. Dozens of vintage recipes contributed by some surprising supporters of the popular?cause, including famous writers, governors and even a judge. With none of the fads of modern-day cooking, these simple recipes range from hearty breakfasts to healthy soups, salads and meaty casseroles, alongside witty?contributions such as Pie for a Suffragist’s Doubting Husband and the Dumplings?That Never Fail. Choose between the many tasty desserts such as Suffrage Angel?Cake or Devil’s Food to enliven your party. Why not devise your own Suffragette Menu with recipes like Blanquette of Veal or?Sweet Potato Soufflé? And don’t forget your Creole Balls! You might follow that up?with Parliament Gingerbread or Strawberry Shortcake á la Mode. To top it off, why?not toast the Suffragettes’ success with a Peppermint Cup or an Albuminous?Beverage? Originally published in 1915 to help raise funds for the campaign for the vote for women. History and fun all in one book! This new edition includes vintage illustrations and short biographies of many of the contributors as well as a new endnote by award-winning writer Cheryl Robson, which places the book both in its historical and contemporary contexts. Authors Mrs L.O.Kleber (compiler) Born in Freeport, Pa on April 4th,1867, she moved to Pittsburgh where she lived for 40 years and was often referred to as Pittsburg's 'most interesting woman'. She devoted herself to public works and was years ahead of her time, organising food relief and garden projects in the city's slum districts. Initially opposed to women having the vote,she was converted to the suffrage cause by Mrs Henry Villard, the daughter of William Lloyd Garrison, a famous slavery abolitionist. She wrote to many famous men and women to collect the recipes for The Suffrage Cookbook which she published in 1915 to raise funds for the suffrage cause. Theodore Roosevelt was the only man who failed to send a recipe, claiming that he was too busy to do so. Following the success of the campaign for the vote in 1920, she became the director of the Allegheny County League of Women Voters. She died on April 4, 1939, aged 72 at her home at 1135 Murrayhill Avenue, Pittsburgh. Cheryl Robson (editor of new edition and author of afterword) Cheryl is the founder of Aurora Metro Books. She has won numerous awards for her plays, books and films. She decided to revise and re-publish Kleber's 1915 Suffrage Cookbook to coincide with a touring exhibition that she had produced about the suffragists' campaign for the vote in the UK. Titled 'How the Vote was Won', the exhibition toured to libraries, museums and theatres in southeast England in 2018, the centenary of some women gaining the right to vote in the UK. You can watch a video about the project here.? Reviews “It’s a fabulous historical document of its time but also an interesting cook book to boot, interspersed as it is with line drawings and including letters to the editor – or Editress as she is described? in the contents section of the book.?Recipes aside this is a great gift idea. It’s both practical and fascinating on so many levels and I’ll be trying out more of the recipes over time. A unique way to celebrate the centenary of women getting the vote.” –?Frost Magazine “Great fun for cooks.”?***** – Robert Armin, Amazon “The recipes in the compilation run the gamut from simple soups to fish (Virginia fried oysters and ‘shrimp wriggle’ both make the cut), meat (the baked ham à la Miller is described as “a dish fit for the greatest epicure”), breads and puddings, the latter section incorporating a series of “admonitions” directed at “those who would excel in cake making”. As the writer Cheryl Robson observes in her endnote, “most of the contributors to this cookbook are long-forgotten but their legacy survives today in the spirit of social activism that inspires others to work for a better, fairer world”.? ?– Town and Country Magazine “Giving Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson a run for their money, the cookbook includes a wide range of soups, salads and casseroles. Drinks also feature, from the “Peppermint Cup” to a wide selection of “Albuminous Beverages” (“When a large amount of nutriment is required the albuminized drinks are valuable. The egg is a fluid food until its albumen is coagulated by heat.”)? Kleber, however, writes in her foreword to the book that “as it is a serious matter what is put into the human stomach, I feel it incumbent to say that my readers may safely eat everything set down in this book”. She does add that, while she has tested most of the recipes herself, “it being a human Cook Book there will likely be some errors, but as correcting errors is the chief duty and occupation of Suffrage?Women, I shall accept gratefully whatever criticisms these good women may h
Balancing Your Bipolar: A Holistic Approach to Living a Life You Love
If you ever felt alone, like you're different and don't quite fit in, that is how the Author felt for many years. This is her story of how she navigated her diagnosis and came to create a life she truly loves. It isn't perfect and she makes many mistakes along the way. Join her on the rollercoaster that is Bipolar and see how she navigates its unique challenges. Techniques you will find inside this book: How to manage expectations How to manage your activity level for greater success How to get a hold on your finances How to balance exercise, nutrition, and sleep Balancing Your Bipolar gives you a view into bipolar disorder and proven strategies to live a life that you love.
Favorite Dishes
Over 300 different classic recipes, covering every aspect of cooking from starters to puddings.Included are recipes for:BreadOystersBouillionSoupFishSaucesMeatsSweetbreadsPoultryVegetablesEggsSaladDoughnuts and FrittersPreservesPickles and CatsupCheesePiesPuddingCakeCookiesDessertsIce CreamCandyPunchBeveragesChafing Dish
Virginia Housewife
The world's first truly American cookbook, the Virginia housewife contains many Southern classics, such as ochra soup, barbecued shote and gumbo, as well as many other dishes from around the world. Starters, main dishes and desserts (including over 20 different recipes for home-made ice cream flavours!) are all covered.