Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustr
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Burroughs includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Burroughs’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles

A to Z Canning and Preserving for Total Beginners The Essential Canning Recipes
Food that last forever Includes links to 50 Healthy Mexican Recipe Videos Preserving food to last through the cold months or packaging or bottling it to travel long distances has long been a concern. Napoleon stated, "An army travels on its stomach." He was referring to the problems involved with transporting sufficient food to keep his men fed. The Napoleonic soldiers were often hungry, thanks to the difficulty of transporting fresh food. Just to show that he was serious about solving this problem, he offered a reward of 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with a solution. The award was given to Nicholas Appert in 1810. After trying a variety of methods – including attempting to remove air from his glass jars – he devised a method that worked. The food was placed in a glass bottle, then corked and sealed with wax. The glass bottles were then wrapped in canvas, and boiled in water. The result was bottled foodstuffs that could be transported, even though the jars were breakable. Appert published a book titled, The Art of Preserving Animal and Vegetable Substances. Two years later, Brian Donkin found a way to substitute tin for the fragile glass, and the canning industry was born. It made its way to American, where Gail Borden used the technique to preserve milk so it could be transported to the inner cities. There were problems along the way with this journey toward portable food preservation. The first was the sealant used on the cans. The early ones were soldered closed using lead solder. Of course, if you are on a battlefield where you could be shot down at any minute, lead poisoning probably isn't high on your list of worries. Second, it took forty years before anyone invented a can opener. Napoleon's men were forced to use their swords to open the cans, a process that probably didn't do the sword any good, and no doubt was less than satisfactory for getting those cans opened without spilling the contents. Readers might be wondering at this point why modern home canning is usually done in glass jars, following methods that are similar to the ones Appert developed. The answer is somewhat complex. Canning in metal requires more specialized equipment than canning in jars. Once the cans are filled, the lids must be sealed on. The cans will then need to be heated to destroy bacteria. (The first ones were made fifty years before Louis Pasteur did his ground-breaking work, so neither Appert or Donkin knew why it was that some cans would be just fine, while others would spoil. In early canning efforts, if the can was sealed and did not bulge, it was presumed to be safe to eat. No one knew about botulism, that hidden killer that can lurk in an improperly bottled jar of green beans. The equipment for canning in tins is more expensive than that needed to can in glass bottles. It is also easier to see if the food is still good when it is preserved in transparent glass. Incidentally, "can" is short for "canister." As we all know, canisters can be made from all sorts of materials, so if you've ever wondered why foodstuffs preserved in glass jars was said to the "canned," rather than "bottled", that is the explanation. Since this is a book about the very basics of home canning, it only addresses putting up your food in glass. Preserving food in metal cylinders requires a specialized sealer is a technique for experienced food preservers.

The Vegan Bundle:Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners
Feel?the Difference of a Plant-Based Vegan Diet! Whether you want to improve health, lose weight, show compassion for animals, or help the environment, The Vegan Bundle?shows you the way. This 3-part series of vegan books will guide?you every step of the way, giving you the tools, resources, and recipes you need to make the vegan transition - healthfully, joyfully, and deliciously. In The Vegan Bundle: Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners,?you will find practical advice for: ·Evidence of why going vegan is the best?option·How to stay fully nourished and healthy·Common nutrition myths and explains the best sources of nutrients·How to choose healthy options while staying animal-friendly·How to adapt gradually to a vegan lifestyle·Practical strategies for eating out, traveling, and attending social occasions·How to become a savvy shopper, eat healthfully affordably, restock your kitchen, read labels, and prepare nutrient-rich meals without feeling overwhelmed·Over 50 delicious yet practical recipes sure to suit the most discriminating taste·A 5-Day & 7-Day Sample Meal Plan·And so much more Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to start your healthy vegan lifestyle TODAY!

The 10 Best Vegan Dishes:Quick, Easy & Cheap Recipes
Grab the Ten Best Vegan Recipes That Are Cheap, Quick and Easy to Make Have you struggled with finding GOOD vegan recipes that are easy to Do you need to find recipes that are tasty AND cheap? With 10 vegan recipes and a number of options and alternatives to some of the dishes, you will have plenty of vibrant, flavorful meals that will fill you up, keep you healthy and looking forward to your next meal. The 10 Best Vegan Dishes has just what you need to satisfy your appetite, to spare your money and to save you time: ·3 Awesome Varieties of Breakfast·4 Different Delicious Lunches·3 Distinct Dinner Dishes·Many tips and notes to get the most out of every dish·Options and alternatives for some recipes Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to experience these tasty dishes today!

An Introduction to Yoga
THE NATURE OF YOGA?In this first discourse we shall concern ourselves with the gaining of a general idea of the subject of Yoga, seeking its place in nature, its own character, its object in human evolution.??THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE:?Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies; and the events the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of states ??are the most shad-owlike dance of all. Even if the historian tries to go deeper, if he deals with economic conditions, with social organisations, with the study of the tendencies of the currents of thought, even then he is in the midst of shadows, the illusory shadows cast by unseen realities. This world is full of forms that are illusory, and the values are all wrong, the proportions are out of focus. The things which a man of the world thinks valuable, a spiritual man must cast aside as worthless. ??The diamonds of the world, with their glare and glitter in the rays of the outside sun, are mere fragments of broken glass to the man of knowledge. The crown of the king, the sceptre of the emperor, the triumph of earthly power, are less than nothing to the man who has had one glimpse of the majesty of the Self. ??What is, then, real? What is truly valuable? Our answer will be very different from the answer given by the man of the world.??"The universe exists for the sake of the Self." Not for what the outer world can give, not for control over the objects of desire, not for the sake even of beauty or pleasure, does the Great Architect plan and build His worlds. He has filled them with objects, beautiful and pleasure-giving. The great arch of the sky above, the mountains with snow-clad peaks, the valleys soft with verdure and fragrant with blossoms, the oceans with their vast depths, their surface now calm as a lake, now tossing in fury, they all exist, not for the objects themselves, but for their value to the Self. Not for themselves because they are anything in themselves but that the purpose of the Self may be served, and His manifestations made possible.

Scorned, Torn And Reborn
Scorned, Torn & Reborn is written for women who are undergoing a divorce that has been initiated by their husbands. The author’s purpose is to help women in this group work through the changes that are occurring in their lives with dignity and grace. The goal is to come out on the other side of the transition whole and ready to embrace life and happiness. The book begins with guidance and support for the raw emotions the reader may be experiencing after having learned that their marriage is ending. The author discusses grief, betrayal, the need for self-care, and ways to start rebuilding lost self-esteem. The book then follows chronologically as the divorce process continues, giving practical advice for legal representation, financial awareness, and dividing households. Scorned, Torn & Reborn offers tools for supporting the children through the changes,communicating with the ex, finding support from friends and family, and dealing with loneliness. The last section of the book focuses on moving forward, establishing co-parenting strategies, various aspects of dating, finding what the reader truly wants, and building a better life and a happier self.

Healthy Life Cook Book
Hundreds of traditional healthy recipes, from casseroles to curries to cakes, as well as useful advice on beverages and snacks.

Eating Out - By Staying In
This entertaining and humourous book is laid out in twelve country chapters - each chapter detailing recipes and suggesting menus, from that country, thus effectively giving you a choice of twelve ethnic restaurants to imitate. The countries are: Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Greece, Turkey, Goa, India, Thailand, China and North America. Within each chapter are detailed recipes using that country's local ingredients, allowing the choice to construct a one, two or three course ethnic meal - Firstly a soup and starter, then a choice between fish or shellfish in a seafood section. For the main course choice recipes are provided using the following as their dominant ingredient: Beef, Lamb, and Pork (where permitted) Chicken, Game, Offal and a Veggie option. Finally a pudding recipe is offered. Penned by a retired grumpy Old Man as a guide for fellow harassed males allowing them to transport and manufacture their favorite cuisine to their own dining room - instead of traveling miles to find an ethnic restaurant in which to spend a fortune on grub they can easily cook themselves - saving a good few quid and allowing them to do their impression of the late and much lamented Keith Floyd, without worrying about the boys in blue on the way home, also putting them on their bride's team, providing they clean up after themselves in HER kitchen...

Domestic Cookery
Hundreds of useful recipes: soups, meats, fish, cakes and many more, all written with economy and self-sufficiency in mind.

Dressed Game and Poultry a la Mode
Fantastic classic recipes for cooking game and poultry, from classic favourites like chicken, to more outlandish like quail.

The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
If You Don’t Claim Extraordinary, Ordinary Claims You!?What does it mean to be an Extraordinary Man? What does it mean to live an extraordinary life, and why should you care to find out?? The simple answer is that becoming an Extraordinary Man is the only way to achieve true joy and happiness. That process of becoming involves living passionately, feeling excited about life and prioritizing a life of abundance, meaning and deep fulfillment.? But what is at stake if you do not pursue an extraordinary life? If you don’t claim Extraordinary, ordinary claims you!? An ordinary man lives a mediocre life defined by surviving instead of?thriving, where things maybe?just OK, but are hardly ever great. Ordinary is where work is an emotionally-draining necessity, where relationships are a challenge and where finances are never too far away from going flat.? At the heart of creating and living an extraordinary life is the process of becoming an Extraordinary Man. The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think! In order to have more, we must first become more and?The Extraordinary Man?lays out the principles and practices that can change your life - literally overnight.? Each new habit, each new strategy applied changes your life for the better. Adopting these time-tested and proven principles will create extraordinary results for you and, just as importantly, those around you like your family and loved ones.? All men know deep down that they have more to give, they know that deep down they are powerful. But on the surface, anything that blocks our masculine power prevents us from accessing our innate powers to create, to love, and to live life to the fullest.? It’s time to leave behind the ordinary and become your best self; to fully become?The Extraordinary Manthat has always lived inside of you!

Jewish Manual
A fantastic collection of hundreds of traditional Jewish recipes from the 19th century.

365 Foreign Dishes
Are you ever stuck for a fascinating new dish to try? This amazing cookbook contains 365 regional dishes from around the world - one for every day of the year. From Egyptian Cabbage to Scotch Scones and French Spiced Venison, this amazing list of recipes will have you trying new foods in no time! Each recipe is presented in a simple way, with easy-to-understand instructions. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
This excellent book, specifically formatted for today's e-readers, is a wonderful treasure-trove of recipes involving chocolate. Despite being first published before the second world war, the sweets, cakes, desserts and dishes contained within these pages are as tasty now as when they were first concocted. Allow your taste-buds to experience the wonder of chocolate, cocoa and candy, and be amazed at the variety that you can cook!

25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is often referred to as 'the silent killer'. High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of people all around the world. It can be as a result of lifestyle, genetic or happen for no apparent reason at all. The medical profession has to deal with high blood pressure issues on a daily basis doing their best to stope people from having a heart attack or stroke. Drugs are often prescribed to combat hypertension and keep it under control. Some of these drugs have unpleasant side effects and can make a person feel unwell. Author Russ Brandon suffered with pre-hypertension with a BP reading over 145/90. He was given a couple of months to try and bring his blood pressure down and chose to do everything he could to ensure that blood pressure drugs would not become part of his daily routine. Exercise and a sensible diet were the start but then he decided to research food types that had lowering blood pressure level benefits for people who suffered from hypertension. His levels are now normal even though he suffers from a bit of 'white coat syndrome' - a nervous and anxious reaction to seeing a medical professional. '25 Superfoods That Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure' is the result of his research. Each food type has blood pressure lowering constituents and the research to back it up. A sensible diet, not smoking, low alcohol consumption all help with lowering blood pressure to health and normal levels ,but, so does having the right sort of diet. Discover the superfoods that could stop you having to take blood pressure drugs or prevent you from ever being prescribed them in this short book packed with useful evidence and facts. If in doubt about any of the 'superfoods' and what effect they may have on your body you should always consult a medical professional.

Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle
Lynne Mackenzie is a qualified Usui and Tibetan Reiki Master and an Angelic Reiki Master. 'Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle' is a new book that not only explains to the reader what Reiki is and how it is of benefit to people from all walks of life BUT how it can help alleviate all sorts of health issues. Lynne challenges the reader to forget all preconceptions of Reiki and alternative therapies and explains in details how Reiki works on the human body. Reiki is one of the most exciting healing energies of modern time even though it has been practised for a long while. Human energy is called 'Ki' and any blockages of this universal life force withing the body and mind can adversly affect a persons wellbeing.A good comparison is a light-bulb that flickers or breaks if the supply of electricity is interfered with, so it is the same with the energy within the body. Lynne explains how Reiki can help simple complaints like headaches, general pain and discomfort through to managing anger, emotions, stress and anxiety. A body with negative energy responds well to Reiki treatment and this therapy can help with conditions such as depression, MS and is a most beneficial addition to medical treatment for conditions such as cancer.Curing and healing are two completely different things and for a body to be cured of many conditions the healing process must be restored and Reiki aims to help this process. Lynne answers Reiki safety questions, can anyone recieve Reiki treatment , explains the bodies Chakras that control our life force and shares case studies from her clients to explain the benefits of Reiki for good health.She answers the critics who claim Reiki is just a placebo and explains the bodies response to everyday ilnesses and complaints from I.B.S through to migraines, allergies and many more common complaints. 'Reiki For A Healthier Lifestyle' is a complimentary, spiritual book that explains how this accepted form of therapy works in conjunction with any exsisting medical advice a patient may be following from a medical practitoner. Reiki therapy can help with so many conditions and complaints that a person can suffer with and this book - her first on the subject - aims to explain why Reiki is a safe, practical and effective treatment for better and continued good health.

Mastering My Mistakes in the Kitchen
For years, Dana Cowin kept a dark secret: From meat to vegetables, broiling to baking, breakfast to dinner, she ruined literally every kind of dish she attempted to make. Now, in this cookbook confessional, the vaunted first lady of food and exceptional entertainer finally comes clean about her many meal mishaps. With the help of friends—all-star chefs, including Mario Batali, Alex Guarnaschelli, and Tom Colicchio, among many others—Cowin takes on 100 recipes dear to her heart. Ideal dishes for the home cook, each recipe has a high "yum" factor, a few key ingredients, and a simple trick that makes it special. With every dish, she acquires a critical new skill, learning invaluable lessons along the way from the hero chefs who help her discover exactly where she goes wrong.Hilarious and heartwarming, encouraging and instructional, Mastering My Mistakes in the Kitchen will inspire anyone who loves a good meal but fears its preparation. Featuring gorgeous full-color photography, it is an intimate, hands-on cooking guide from a fellow foodie and amateur home chef, designed to help even the biggest kitchen phobics overcome their reluctance, with delicious results.

Simple Italian Sandwiches
With nothing more than a panini grill, a toaster oven, and a few simple ingredients, Jennifer and Jason Denton bring the fresh, robust flavors of Italy to your home table in Simple Italian Sandwiches.Eating in Italy is all about simple pleasures, relaxing with good company, and savoring fresh, no-frills foods like traditional toasted panini, crustless tramezzini, and crunchy bruschetta. In Simple Italian Sandwiches, Jennifer and Jason Denton offer up a collection of recipes for these classic bread-based dishes, plus condiments, antipasti, and salads that are easy enough for the novice cook yet tasty enough for anyone with a sophisticated palate. From Soppressata, Fontina, and Arugula Panini, to Mozzarella and Basil Pesto Tramezzini, to Roasted Butternut Squash, Walnut, and Asiago Bruschetta, the dishes can be prepared in minutes and require minimal cooking.With simplicity the governing rule for today's busy schedules, Simple Italian Sandwiches is the ideal cookbook for anyone who wants to prepare vibrant, flavorful food for family and friends, and then sit down and enjoy it with them.

Living Raw Food
Picking up where the bestselling Raw Food/Real World left off, Sarma Melngailis invites us inside her glamorous restaurant, Pure Food and Wine, with dozens more recipes for fresh and vibrant juices, shakes, soups, simple dishes, main courses, desserts, and cocktails. Whip up an antioxidant-rich Goji Tropic Shake or a sweet, cleansing Cilantro-Pineapple Shake for delicious nutrition on the goCool down with a Cucumber-Mint Gazpacho Soup and an Heirloom Tomato, Fennel, and Avocado Pressed Salad with Caper Dressing, Pistachio, and MintFind out what makes the Chanterelle and Kalamata Olive Ravioli the restaurant's most beloved entrée Celebrate with a raw Thanksgiving dinner, complete with "dark meat" portobello, "white meat" large oyster mushrooms, stuffing, mashed celeriac, cranberries, and brussels sproutsSatisfy your sweet tooth with a Classic Sundae and Caramel Bars No juicerNo dehydratorNo problem! Sarma shows that raw food preparation doesn't have to be daunting, and she helps you work your way from the fastest, simplest, freshest recipes to immensely satisfying main dishes that you'll have a hard time believing are raw. A definitive list of ingredients, tools, techniques, and sources make raw food a snap, while information-packed sidebars introduce the world's most powerful super?foods, from kombucha tea to chia seeds. And Sarma is refreshingly honest and real as she describes her personal breakthroughs—and struggles—living on raw foods.Whether you're snacking on the run, having a quiet dinner at home, or throwing a festive cocktail party, eating raw food makes you feel alive. Filled with sensuous, sexy, and energizing food, this book is sure to enrich your life, whether you're a carnivorous epicure or a raw-foods junkie.

The Big Sur Bakery Cookbook
Here from the celebrated California restaurant Big Sur Bakery is a stunningly photographed cookbook showcasing seasonal ingredients, local vintners, fishermen, and farmers—and the food that makes the Big Sur Bakery unique.Tucked behind a gas station off California's legendary Highway 1, the Big Sur Bakery is easy to miss. But don't be fooled by its unassuming location—stumbling across the Bakery, as countless visitors have done on their way up and down the Pacific Coast, will make you feel as if you've discovered a secret: a gem of a restaurant where the food, people, and atmosphere meld together in a perfect embodiment of the spirit of Big Sur.The three restaurant owners, chef Philip Wojtowicz, baker Michelle Wojtowicz, and host Michael Gilson, escaped the Los Angeles food scene to create their version of the ideal restaurant, nestled in the heart of some of the most beautiful country in the world. This is simple, wood-fired American cooking at its best, executed in a way that lets the ingredients—seasonal and often locally produced—shine. Weekend brunches feature thick, nine-grain pancakes and savory breakfast pizza topped with crisp bacon, fresh herbs, and pasture-raised eggs. At night, Phil offers classics like Grilled Prime Rib Steak with Red Wine Sauce along with twists on traditional favorites like Venison Osso Buco or Rockfish Scampi. And every meal should end with one of Michelle's great desserts, whether it's a homemade Peppermint Ice Cream Sundae or Hazelnut Flan with Roasted Cherries.But this is more than a cookbook; it's a yearlong glimpse into what it's really like to live in Big Sur, introducing the people and places that make the restaurant's renowned food possible, including Wayne Hyland, hunter and forager, Jamie Collins, organic row cropper, and Gary Pisoni, the eccentric vintner who supplies some of the restaurant's most beloved wine. With its outstanding photography, lively profiles, and dozens of must-make recipes, this book helps bring the experience of Big Sur home.

Cooking Outside the Box: The Abel and Cole Seasonal, Organic Cookbook
A cookbook to love, a cookbook to read. Delicious, beautiful, organic, seasonal recipes from Britain’s organic food hero! A cookbook to love, a cookbook to read. Delicious, beautiful, seasonal recipes from Keith Abel, the utterly charismatic co-founder of Abel & Cole, Britain's most successful organic home delivery company. Cooking Outside the Box : The Abel & Cole Seasonal, Organic Cookbook provides mouth-watering excuses for eating glorious food exactly when it comes into its best. These are inspiring yet unfussy recipes that let simple ingredients speak for themselves (but don't try to stop him speaking on their behalf). Brilliantly written and entertaining, even the most timid cook can approach these recipes with gusto. Who wouldn't want to cook Keith's way? So throw out your measuring cups, get rid of your scales, and get to know your food! Recipes include Pork Loin Chops on a Bed of Sweet Orchard Apples, Husk-Wrapped and Roasted Garlic Corn, Venison Fillet with Black Kale and Port, 45-Minute Pumpkin & Parmesan Bread, Chargrilled Asparagus and Halloumi with a Citrus Dressing, and Rhubarb Bread and Butter Pudding. Keith also suggests delicious smoothies and soups to help you find a use for that inevitable glut of leftover fruit and veggies at the end of the week. Fully illustrated with beautiful finished food shots, inspiring atmospheric pictures and charming visual references to Keith's own quirky style. Cooking Outside the Box also features Keith's anecdotes on organic farms and small producers, stories about the friends and family who have inspired him, and hilarious suggestions for getting the most out of your cooking experience. So eat with the seasons and eat well!