

Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
Dorothy Hoobler, Thomas Hoobler, Jerry Hoare
The saber was the weapon of the soldiers and dueling heroes here in the Carpathian Basin for more than a thousand years. During this time it became more than a simple tool of fighting. It became a loyal companion and a symbol of valor of the wielder. This weapon and the valiant spirit of its wielders became known in Western Europe and North American via Hungarians. At the time of our settlement Western Europe feared the sight of the saber, it became a worthy opponent of the Turkish and later, after the civil war of Rákóczi it brought us honor in the wars fought at the side of foreign countries. Maybe there is no other sword type like this which reserved its significance for so long time. ?The saber is not only an antique weapon of a past era, but much like a sports tool as a foil which is used at the Olympic Games. ?This book contains an elaborated practical curriculum. With the help of it, the saber fencing can be learned from the basics to master level. The book guides the reader through hundreds of exercises with the help of more than a hundred photographic illustrations. These can help anyone to learn the basic moves, the more complex exercises and even the trick-cuts or disarmament. ?We prove with this book that the saber fencing is a living sport and martial art.
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Melanie Weaver
The Instant Pot is a new cooking appliance that is taking the market… and the internet… by storm. This unique little device that is able to handle seven different primary kitchen functions, all wrapped into one. It sounds too good to be true, and definitely overwhelming.
Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
Chris McNab
You can train all you like, but when it comes to the crunch, do you have the mental endurance to see yourself through combat situations, being held hostage or finding yourself at the mercy of the elements? SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance examines what it takes to be as mentally fit as a special forces soldier. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on push-ups, sit-ups and other physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book will have helpful and practical advice for you. Exercises such as positive thinking and visualisations and memory games are explored as ways of dealing with solitude, depression, anger management and torture when in crisis situations. Using 300 instructive artworks, SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance shows you how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally.
?nceputul ?i sf?r?itul
?nceputul ?i sf?r?itul
Kant Immanuel
Suntem f?cu?i s? fim ferici?i! Programul ?n patru pa?i pentru fericire de lung? durat?Cu to?ii am tr?it, ?ntr-un moment sau altul al vie?ii noastre, un sentiment de fericire extatic?, de euforie provocat? de simpla senza?ie de a fi viu.Te-ai ?ntrebat vreodat? de ce aceast? stare este at?t de rar? ?i de efemer??R?spunsul este c? nu trebuie s? fie a?a!Toate afirma?iile, g?ndirea pozitiv?, terapia prin dialog ?i produsele farmaceutice din lume nu vor fi de ajuns ca s? ne fac? ferici?i a?a cum am fost crea?i s? fim, afirm? renumi?ii psihologi clinicieni dr. George Pratt ?i dr. Peter Lambrou. Asta deoarece abord?rile sus-men?ionate nu reu?esc s? valorifice un al treilea aspect al organismului uman, unul care construie?te o punte peste golul dintre minte ?i corp: bioc?mpul.Combin?nd ?ase decenii de experien?? clinic? ?i cercet?ri de ultim? or?, autorii au dezvoltat un program revolu?ionar cu ajutorul c?ruia ??i vei redescoperi fericirea ?nn?scut? ?n patru pa?i simpli ?i demonstra?i clinic.Programul conceput de Pratt ?i Lambrou a schimbat deja vie?ile a peste 45 000 de clien?i, printre care s-au num?rat sportivi profesioni?ti, conduc?tori ai unor firme de top ?i celebrit??i. Con?in?nd toate instrumentele bazate pe ?tiin?? ?i sfaturile necesare pentru a putea s? devii mai concentrat, mai puternic ?i mai ?mplinit, Codul fericirii ??i va schimba via?a.?Una dintre marile descoperiri ale secolului XX a fost conexiunea intim? dintre corp, minte ?i spirit. Doctorii Pratt ?i Lambrou au f?cut o munc? de pionierat, transform?nd aceast? descoperire ?n tehnici care func?ioneaz?. Dac? vre?i s? ave?i parte de mai mult? fericire ?i ?mplinire, citi?i Codul fericirii. V-ar putea schimba via?a.“ – Dr. Larry dossey, autorul c?r?ilor Puterea premoni?iilor ?i Cuvinte t?m?duitoare (Editura Lifestyle Publishing)
?ngerul ?ntunecat: Ora?ul ?ngerilor - vol. 1
?ngerul ?ntunecat: Ora?ul ?ngerilor - vol. 1
Mihaela Strenc
Pentru a avea o s?n?tate optim? trebuie ?n primul r?nd s? ne aliment?m s?n?tos. Alimenta?ia pe baz? de crudit??i ?nseamn? a tr?i altfel, ?ntr-un mod cu totul nou, inedit, ?nseamn? a te bucura pe deplin de via??, de alimente, de roadele gr?dinii, de natur?, de rela?ii frumoase, da, pentru c? faci economie mare de timp, e?ti mai s?n?tos, iar timpul respectiv ?l po?i petrece ?mpreun? cu cei dragi. S?n?tatea ta va avea numai de c??tigat. Ce perspectiv? promi??toare pentru via??!Lucrarea cuprinde 400 de re?ete din crudit??i, de la salate, supe, paste, sosuri p?n? la b?uturi ?i deserturi, toate preparate din legume ?i fructe proaspete ?i nuci ?i semin?e.La sf?r?itul c?r?ii exist? ?i un supliment – o sec?iune de re?ete preparate termic care pot completa un meniu alc?tuit ?n cea mai mare parte din crudit??i.
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
Gary Kaplan, Donna Beech
12 principii pentru a supravie?ui ?i a fi eficient la serviciu, acas? ?i la ?coal?Cei mai mul?i dintre noi nu au habar de ceea ce se ?nt?mpl? cu adev?rat ?n capul lor. Totu?i, oamenii de ?tiin?? care studiaz? creierul au descoperit detalii pe care orice lider din domeniul afacerilor, p?rinte ?i ?nv???tor ar trebui s? le ?tie – cum ar fi faptul c? trebuie s? facem mi?care dac? vrem s? avem un creier care s? func?ioneze la parametri maximi.Cum ?nv???m? Ce efecte au somnul ?i stresul asupra creierului? De ce nu se recomand? s? facem mai multe lucruri deodat?? De ce e at?t de u?or s? uit?m ?i de ce e at?t de important s? repet?m cuno?tin?ele noi? Este adev?rat c? b?rba?ii ?i femeile au creiere diferite??n fiecare capitol al c?r?ii, autorul prezint? c?te o regul? a creierului – ce ?tiu sigur oamenii de ?tiin?? despre felul cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman – ?i ofer? apoi idei care ne pot transforma via?a de zi cu zi. Astfel, cititorii vor descoperi c?:* fiecare creier este condi?ionat diferit* activitatea fizic? ?mbun?t??e?te cogni?ia* nu ?ncet?m niciodat? s? ?nv???m ?i s? explor?m* unele amintiri sunt efemere* ?ntre somn ?i capacitatea de a ?nv??a exist? o leg?tur? puternic?* stresul schimb? modul ?n care ?nv???m?n final, vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman ?i cum poate fi exploatat la maximum.??Autorul reu?e?te s? prezinte func?ionarea creierului pe ?n?elesul tuturor, explic?nd care este rolul acestuia la locul de munc? sau ?n s?lile de clas?… ?ntr-un stil care d? via?? cuvintelor.“ - USA Today?Regulile creierului este una dintre cele mai informative, antrenante ?i utile c?r?i ale vremurilor noastre.“ - Garr Reynolds, autor al c?r?ii Presentation Zen?
Scorned, Torn And Reborn
Scorned, Torn And Reborn
Rebecca Donovan
Scorned, Torn & Reborn is written for women who are undergoing a divorce that has been initiated by their husbands. The author’s purpose is to help women in this group work through the changes that are occurring in their lives with dignity and grace. The goal is to come out on the other side of the transition whole and ready to embrace life and happiness. The book begins with guidance and support for the raw emotions the reader may be experiencing after having learned that their marriage is ending. The author discusses grief, betrayal, the need for self-care, and ways to start rebuilding lost self-esteem. The book then follows chronologically as the divorce process continues, giving practical advice for legal representation, financial awareness, and dividing households. Scorned, Torn & Reborn offers tools for supporting the children through the changes,communicating with the ex, finding support from friends and family, and dealing with loneliness. The last section of the book focuses on moving forward, establishing co-parenting strategies, various aspects of dating, finding what the reader truly wants, and building a better life and a happier self.
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
The Extraordinary Man: Reconnect to Your Masculine Power To Achieve Purpose, Fre
Arthur Magoulianiti
If You Don’t Claim Extraordinary, Ordinary Claims You!?What does it mean to be an Extraordinary Man? What does it mean to live an extraordinary life, and why should you care to find out?? The simple answer is that becoming an Extraordinary Man is the only way to achieve true joy and happiness. That process of becoming involves living passionately, feeling excited about life and prioritizing a life of abundance, meaning and deep fulfillment.? But what is at stake if you do not pursue an extraordinary life? If you don’t claim Extraordinary, ordinary claims you!? An ordinary man lives a mediocre life defined by surviving instead of?thriving, where things maybe?just OK, but are hardly ever great. Ordinary is where work is an emotionally-draining necessity, where relationships are a challenge and where finances are never too far away from going flat.? At the heart of creating and living an extraordinary life is the process of becoming an Extraordinary Man. The good news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think! In order to have more, we must first become more and?The Extraordinary Man?lays out the principles and practices that can change your life - literally overnight.? Each new habit, each new strategy applied changes your life for the better. Adopting these time-tested and proven principles will create extraordinary results for you and, just as importantly, those around you like your family and loved ones.? All men know deep down that they have more to give, they know that deep down they are powerful. But on the surface, anything that blocks our masculine power prevents us from accessing our innate powers to create, to love, and to live life to the fullest.? It’s time to leave behind the ordinary and become your best self; to fully become?The Extraordinary Manthat has always lived inside of you!
Jewish Manual
Jewish Manual
Montefiore, Judith Cohen
A fantastic collection of hundreds of traditional Jewish recipes from the 19th century.
Domestic Cookery
Domestic Cookery
Lea, Elizabeth Ellicott
Hundreds of useful recipes: soups, meats, fish, cakes and many more, all written with economy and self-sufficiency in mind.
Dressed Game and Poultry a la Mode
Dressed Game and Poultry a la Mode
de Salis, Harriet A.
Fantastic classic recipes for cooking game and poultry, from classic favourites like chicken, to more outlandish like quail.
Healthy Life Cook Book
Healthy Life Cook Book
Daniel, Florence
Hundreds of traditional healthy recipes, from casseroles to curries to cakes, as well as useful advice on beverages and snacks.
Eating Out - By Staying In
Eating Out - By Staying In
Taylor, Keith
This entertaining and humourous book is laid out in twelve country chapters - each chapter detailing recipes and suggesting menus, from that country, thus effectively giving you a choice of twelve ethnic restaurants to imitate. The countries are: Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Greece, Turkey, Goa, India, Thailand, China and North America. Within each chapter are detailed recipes using that country's local ingredients, allowing the choice to construct a one, two or three course ethnic meal - Firstly a soup and starter, then a choice between fish or shellfish in a seafood section. For the main course choice recipes are provided using the following as their dominant ingredient: Beef, Lamb, and Pork (where permitted) Chicken, Game, Offal and a Veggie option. Finally a pudding recipe is offered. Penned by a retired grumpy Old Man as a guide for fellow harassed males allowing them to transport and manufacture their favorite cuisine to their own dining room - instead of traveling miles to find an ethnic restaurant in which to spend a fortune on grub they can easily cook themselves - saving a good few quid and allowing them to do their impression of the late and much lamented Keith Floyd, without worrying about the boys in blue on the way home, also putting them on their bride's team, providing they clean up after themselves in HER kitchen...
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
Parloa, Maria
This excellent book, specifically formatted for today's e-readers, is a wonderful treasure-trove of recipes involving chocolate. Despite being first published before the second world war, the sweets, cakes, desserts and dishes contained within these pages are as tasty now as when they were first concocted. Allow your taste-buds to experience the wonder of chocolate, cocoa and candy, and be amazed at the variety that you can cook!
365 Foreign Dishes
365 Foreign Dishes
Author, Traditional
Are you ever stuck for a fascinating new dish to try? This amazing cookbook contains 365 regional dishes from around the world - one for every day of the year. From Egyptian Cabbage to Scotch Scones and French Spiced Venison, this amazing list of recipes will have you trying new foods in no time! Each recipe is presented in a simple way, with easy-to-understand instructions. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Eales, Mrs Mary
120 fantastic recipes for all sorts of confectionary, from dried fruits to candies to preserves and jellies to biscuits and cakes, taken from the cookbook of Mrs Mary Eales, confectioner to Queen Anne. It even contains the very first instance of a recipe for ice cream to be included in an English cookbook.
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower Blood Pressure
25 Superfoods that Naturally Lower Blood Pressure
Russ Chard
High blood pressure is often referred to as 'the silent killer'. High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of people all around the world. It can be as a result of lifestyle, genetic or happen for no apparent reason at all. The medical profession has to deal with high blood pressure issues on a daily basis doing their best to stope people from having a heart attack or stroke. Drugs are often prescribed to combat hypertension and keep it under control. Some of these drugs have unpleasant side effects and can make a person feel unwell. Author Russ Brandon suffered with pre-hypertension with a BP reading over 145/90. He was given a couple of months to try and bring his blood pressure down and chose to do everything he could to ensure that blood pressure drugs would not become part of his daily routine. Exercise and a sensible diet were the start but then he decided to research food types that had lowering blood pressure level benefits for people who suffered from hypertension. His levels are now normal even though he suffers from a bit of 'white coat syndrome' - a nervous and anxious reaction to seeing a medical professional. '25 Superfoods That Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure' is the result of his research. Each food type has blood pressure lowering constituents and the research to back it up. A sensible diet, not smoking, low alcohol consumption all help with lowering blood pressure to health and normal levels ,but, so does having the right sort of diet. Discover the superfoods that could stop you having to take blood pressure drugs or prevent you from ever being prescribed them in this short book packed with useful evidence and facts. If in doubt about any of the 'superfoods' and what effect they may have on your body you should always consult a medical professional.
Emeril at the Grill
Emeril at the Grill
Lagasse, Emeril
If you know Emeril, you know that he always takes cooking to the next level. And when it comes to grilling, that means that instead of hamburgers he's making Pork and Chorizo Burgers with Green Chile Mayo. Instead of corn on the cob, he's got Grilled Corn with Cheese and Chile. Anyone can grill a chicken, but only Emeril would come up with Northern Italian–Style Chicken Under a Brick (yes—a brick!). And while we all love peach pie, how about Grilled Peaches with Mascarpone and Honey?You've never grilled like this before. The 158 recipes in this book are easy, fast, and make every meal a party. And why should grilling happen only in the summerEmeril at the Grill is full of techniques for both indoor and outdoor cooking, so you can keep the party going all year round. From drinks (Watermelon Margaritas) to meats (Grilled Marinated Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce, anyone?), from salads (Watercress, Avocado, and Mango Salad) to desserts (ever grill a banana split?), this is a grilling book like no other.
Healthy Cooking for the Jewish Home
Healthy Cooking for the Jewish Home
Levy, Faye
Thanks to the ever-increasing number of kosher products available to home cooks, it's never been easier or more satisfying to prepare delicious, wholesome, and healthful kosher meals. In this new collection of exciting recipes, acclaimed journalist, cooking teacher, and cookbook author Faye Levy presents a progressive, upbeat approach to nutritious kosher cuisine that highlights the pleasure of preparing and eating mouthwatering dishes that promote well-being. Kosher foods are being used in more and more American homes, and their abundance and diversity is increasing at an impressive rate. From the traditional to the exotic, from extra-virgin olive oil to tasty cheeses, from spicy condiments to Asian-style sauces, from Latin flavors to Indian, Levy introduces both novice and seasoned cooks to a grand array of international ingredients. By showcasing them in such dishes as Poached Turkey with Mushrooms, Wheat Berries, and Dill; Diced Vegetable Salad with Pepitas and Papaya; Marseilles-Style Fish with Saffron and Fennel; and Turkish Autumn Vegetable Casserole with Chicken, she shows how they will add zest to any menu while maintaining solid nutritional value. With a focus on foods with substantial health benefits, such as nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, Levy revamps old favorites, turning them into updated wholesome creations, including Springtime Chicken Soup with Asparagus, Fava Beans, and Whole Wheat Matzo Balls; Passover Haroset with Pistachios and Pomegranate Juice; Rosh Hashanah Chicken with Dates and Almonds; and Apple Apricot Whole Wheat Noodle Kugel. She introduces new classics to the festive Jewish kitchen, such as Cucumber, Jicama, and Orange Salad with Black Olives; Buckwheat Blintzes with Goat Cheese and Ratatouille; Spicy White Bean Soup with Kale; Purim Baked Turkey Schnitzel with Sweet-Sour Onion Compote; and Macadamia Orange Cake with Red Berry Sauce. Whether you're cooking for yourself and your family any day of the week or preparing a holiday feast for friends and relatives, Healthy Cooking for the Jewish Home is bound to satisfy all your culinary needs. Variety is not only the spice of life; it's also the spice of nourishing menus. The two hundred healthful, tasty, innovative kosher recipes in this book are sure to add inspiration to your menus and variety to your daily eating, as well as zest to the lives of those who share your table.
Guy on Fire
Guy on Fire
Fieri, Guy
When it comes to cooking and eating outdoors, I take it to the extreme. I'm a huge fan of monster-size camping trips and full-tilt backyard parties. Whether you're hosting a poolside barbecue, relaxing around the campfire, or tailgating on game day, my favorite outdoor recipes are guaranteed to get your grill going. Deliver a taste of Flavortown in your own backyard with Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs with Spicy Fruit Relish or Crispy Zucchini Planks with Parmesan and Aioli. Take your tailgating party to the extreme with Asian-Style Fried Chicken and Spicy Cracked Chile Crab. Turn up the heat at the lake with Chorizo and Polenta Casserole and Chipotle Corn Salad with Grilled Bacon. Rock the campground with Smoked Salmon Hash and Old School Baked Beans with Molasses. And celebrate the holidays with Fire-Roasted Margherita Pizza and Brandied Green Peppercorn Hanger Steak.
Against the Grain
Against the Grain
Kochilas, Diane
Healthy food doesn't have to be boring and bland. Look to the Mediterranean for innovative, fresh, and nutritious ideas. In Against the Grain, award-winning cookbook author Diane Kochilas offers up a collection of satisfying, good-for-you recipes inspired by the exotic dishes of the Mediterranean.Whether you're trying to lose weight or simply improve you're eating habits, sticking to a good carb diet is a great idea. The Mediterranean diet isn't all breads, grains, and pasta -- it includes plenty of fish, chicken, lamb, vegetables, and fruits. Against the Grain includes recipes for everything from light bites, such as tapas, soups, and salads, to hearty entrees and sides. The ingredient lists are supermarket-friendly and prep time is minimal, so busy home cooks can whip up healthy meals in minutes, every night of the week.In addition to classics like Fresh Tomato Soup with Moroccan Spices, Chicken Cacciatore, and Pan-Seared Shrimp with Romesco Sauce, there are innovative, exotic new dishes like Grilled Skewered Lamb with Mint and Garlic Pesto, Pork Medallions Marinated with Olives and Orange, and Roasted Red Pepper and Feta Soufflé.One of the basic principles of the Mediterranean lifestyle is that everything should be enjoyed in moderation. In Against the Grain, no foods are forbidden or totally off limits. Instead, you'll find formerly "sinful" ingredients like rich cheeses, potatoes, rice, fragrant nuts and oils, and wine incorporated into savory meals. Yes, the recipes are healthy and nutritious, but, more important, the dishes in Against the Grain are hearty, satisfying, and flavorful.