

The Keto Crock Pot Cookbook: Quick, Simple & Delicious Ketogenic Crock Pot Recip
The Keto Crock Pot Cookbook: Quick, Simple & Delicious Ketogenic Crock Pot Recip
Rachel Silverline
The Keto Crock Pot Cookbook: Quick, Simple & Delicious Ketogenic Crock Pot Recipes For Beginners
Sous Vide CookBook: The Complete Sous Vide Cooking Guide For Beginners
Sous Vide CookBook: The Complete Sous Vide Cooking Guide For Beginners
Arthur Rodriquez
Sous Vide CookBook: The Complete Sous Vide Cooking Guide For Beginners
Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Meals: 75 Simple Homemade Recipes with 5 Ingredients
Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Meals: 75 Simple Homemade Recipes with 5 Ingredients
Lisa Webster
Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Meals: 75 Simple Homemade Recipes with 5 Ingredients or Less
Vegan Soups and Stews Recipes
Vegan Soups and Stews Recipes
Raymond James
Vegan Soups and Stews Recipes
The Essential Ketogenic Diet CookBook For Beginners
The Essential Ketogenic Diet CookBook For Beginners
Maria Wright
The Essential Ketogenic Diet CookBook For Beginners
Meal Prep: Beginners Meal Prep Cookbook
Meal Prep: Beginners Meal Prep Cookbook
Courtney Morales
Meal Prep: Beginners Meal Prep Cookbook
Spice Mixes Recipes
Spice Mixes Recipes
Naomi Braeden
Spice Mixes Recipes
Vegan Keto Cookbook.
Vegan Keto Cookbook.
Nicole Arnaldo
Vegan Keto Cookbook.
Mushroom Recipes: 219 Delicious Mushroom Recipes
Mushroom Recipes: 219 Delicious Mushroom Recipes
My Ebook Publishing House
Mushroom Recipes: 219 Delicious Mushroom Recipes
Science in the Kitchen
Science in the Kitchen
Mrs. E. E. Kellogg
Science in the Kitchen
Basic Vegan Recipes:For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
Basic Vegan Recipes:For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
Lewis Haas
Cheap Yet Delicious Vegan Recipes in Under 30 Minutes! Basic Vegan Recipes is a plant-based cookbook that will bring you tasty dishes to satisfy any appetite. With over 30 vegan recipes, you will have plenty of vibrant, flavorful meals that will fill you up, keep you healthy and excited for your next meal. Basic Vegan Recipes?includes: ·Cheap ingredients with tantalizing flavors·Quick hacks the best chefs use but won't share·Ways to cut corners on meals without sacrificing the taste·Vegan adaptations of meat-based dishes (HINT: no meat necessary)·Use of raw ingredients that actually improve your health·Scientific data to support the benefits of veganism·So much more! Start Cooking on the Cheap TODAY! Scroll Up & Click the Buy Button RIGHT NOW!
Breakfast Recipes:Delicious Breakfast Cookbook
Breakfast Recipes:Delicious Breakfast Cookbook
Jacob Mills
In this breakfast cookbook, you’ll find only the very best and most delicious breakfast recipes the world over. Get ready to discover some stunning breakfast dishes. These breakfast recipes are mouth wateringly delicious. You will revisit these wonderful recipes time and again. All these recipes are tried, tested and perfectly adapted for home cooking. Eating a nutritious and tasty breakfast every day will surely put a spring in your step! This book was written especially for those who would like to enjoy their mornings with a different breakfast meal every day. It was also written for those who would like to start living a healthy lifestyle and not skip the most important meal of the day anymore. In this book you will learn the importance of eating a healthy breakfast and how to make healthy breakfast choices. You will also get plenty of breakfast ideas to last you for weeks! There are breakfast ideas for those who are following the gluten-free diet, energizing recipes for those who live an active lifestyle, tasty options for vegetarians, unusual yet popular breakfast ideas, and recipes for breakfast smoothies and shakes for people who are on the go. All of these recipes are easy to follow and can be done in any amateur kitchen. You do not have to worry about what to put in your meal plan anymore because everything that you need is here! The best part about all of these recipes is that even kids will love them. All of the ingredients are natural and can easily be found in any grocery store, plus you will not have a problem finding substitutes depending on your diet or taste.
But Why Vegan? Seeing Veganism from Beyond the Surface
But Why Vegan? Seeing Veganism from Beyond the Surface
JR MacGregor
But Why Vegan?' is not a cookbook and it has no recipes. What it is is a deep dive into Veganism and how it not only?transforms your mind, body, and spirit, but did you know?it also positively impacts all of humanity, too? If you are thinking about making the transition to Veganism this book will push you over the edge. Becoming vegan makes you a trendsetter and that is a heavy burden to carry. Trendsetters are the ones that brave the tornado of dissent and yet change the world in their path. If this is you, then let's get moving.?Being vegan is a decision that you make for the long term. It's not a fad diet, and it's not a fleeting fancy because becoming vegan says that you are serious about being healthy and you are determined to go far in this world and that is why you are preparing your body for the long haul.Becoming vegan takes guts. You have to push against dissenters around you and a craving mindset within you. Being vegan is as much about the recipes as weight lifting is about the brand of barbells you use. No, being vegan is not about changing recipes, it's about changing minds. It's about blazing trails and heading out west because you know there is a better life awaiting you once the hardship of change subsides.?That's what this book is about. It tells you what the real deal is when it comes to considering veganism and goes two steps further in cleaning up your food source. It dives into Vegan Plus, where it's not just about the meat and dairy that you stop, it's also about the cessation of processed foods. In essence, it's about taking back your life. If you're ready to transform your mind, body, and spirit (while helping all of humanity) then scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to begin understanding what Veganism is all about!
?nceputul ?i sf?r?itul
?nceputul ?i sf?r?itul
Kant Immanuel
Suntem f?cu?i s? fim ferici?i! Programul ?n patru pa?i pentru fericire de lung? durat?Cu to?ii am tr?it, ?ntr-un moment sau altul al vie?ii noastre, un sentiment de fericire extatic?, de euforie provocat? de simpla senza?ie de a fi viu.Te-ai ?ntrebat vreodat? de ce aceast? stare este at?t de rar? ?i de efemer??R?spunsul este c? nu trebuie s? fie a?a!Toate afirma?iile, g?ndirea pozitiv?, terapia prin dialog ?i produsele farmaceutice din lume nu vor fi de ajuns ca s? ne fac? ferici?i a?a cum am fost crea?i s? fim, afirm? renumi?ii psihologi clinicieni dr. George Pratt ?i dr. Peter Lambrou. Asta deoarece abord?rile sus-men?ionate nu reu?esc s? valorifice un al treilea aspect al organismului uman, unul care construie?te o punte peste golul dintre minte ?i corp: bioc?mpul.Combin?nd ?ase decenii de experien?? clinic? ?i cercet?ri de ultim? or?, autorii au dezvoltat un program revolu?ionar cu ajutorul c?ruia ??i vei redescoperi fericirea ?nn?scut? ?n patru pa?i simpli ?i demonstra?i clinic.Programul conceput de Pratt ?i Lambrou a schimbat deja vie?ile a peste 45 000 de clien?i, printre care s-au num?rat sportivi profesioni?ti, conduc?tori ai unor firme de top ?i celebrit??i. Con?in?nd toate instrumentele bazate pe ?tiin?? ?i sfaturile necesare pentru a putea s? devii mai concentrat, mai puternic ?i mai ?mplinit, Codul fericirii ??i va schimba via?a.?Una dintre marile descoperiri ale secolului XX a fost conexiunea intim? dintre corp, minte ?i spirit. Doctorii Pratt ?i Lambrou au f?cut o munc? de pionierat, transform?nd aceast? descoperire ?n tehnici care func?ioneaz?. Dac? vre?i s? ave?i parte de mai mult? fericire ?i ?mplinire, citi?i Codul fericirii. V-ar putea schimba via?a.“ – Dr. Larry dossey, autorul c?r?ilor Puterea premoni?iilor ?i Cuvinte t?m?duitoare (Editura Lifestyle Publishing)
El libro del ayuno - La guía completa para conocer el milagro del ayuno
El libro del ayuno - La guía completa para conocer el milagro del ayuno
Kyle Faber
El ayuno no se trata de tener hambre, y ciertamente no se trata de morir de hambre. El ayuno se trata de cambiar su vida para que pueda hacer más con menos tiempo. El ayuno consiste en sobrecargar los sistemas de regeneración de tu cuerpo y lucir más joven. Se trata de alterar su mente y trazar un curso hacia adelante que resulte en la capacidad de convertirlo en una nueva disciplina y claridad.Puede considerar ayunar con el propósito de perder peso, pero obtendrá mucho más. Si tiene sobrepeso, entonces su cuerpo le está diciendo algo. Le está diciendo que su cuerpo está en peligro. Está sobrecargado de trabajo y no está quemando tantas calorias como debería. Debe prestar atención a esa advertencia. Debe revertir el da?o que se está infligiendo en el cuerpo debido a las malas decisiones nutricionales.Este libro le muestra los beneficios que puede esperar y traza una guia del día a día, de qué hacer y qué esperar cuando hace un ayuno completo y simplemente sale adelante con agua. Lo que es más importante que los días de ayuno, y cuántos días lo puede hacer, es la preparación previa para el ayuno y la devolución del ayuno a los alimentos.Este libro lo guía meticulosamente de un paso al siguiente en la preparación de días antes de ayunar para que obtenga el mayor beneficio de él, y le muestra cómo romper el ayuno para que no estrese su sistema digestivo después de días de ayuno.?
Essential Oil for Beginners: The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide for Beginners
Essential Oil for Beginners: The Ultimate Essential Oils Guide for Beginners
Olivia Banks
Essential Oil for Beginners is your ultimate one-stop shop to diving in to the world of aromatherapy and essential oils. Olivia Banks takes you through the most important aspects of essential oils that all beginners need to know. **Here's a preview of what you will learn** The history of essential oilsThe benefits of essential oilsHousehold uses of essential oilsSafety tips for beginnersHow to pick out your first set of essential oilsEssential oils for energyEssential oils for anxietyEssential oils for sleepEssential oils for headachesand so much more!? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to join the millions of people who are already using these oils for natural health and loving every minute of it!
Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Becoming Vegan: The Beginner’s Guide to Vegan Cooking
Brittany Boykin
Are you thinking of making the switch and going all out Vegan? Are you unsure of what it means to be Vegan? Having trouble figuring out what you can and can't eat when you're a Vegan?This book is the perfect introduction to being Vegan and is guaranteed to answer any beginner's questions about Vegan cooking and is a must have for anyone thinking of going Vegan.? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Fundamentals of Cooking Vegan Food the Correct WayAn Outline of Typical Ingredients Used in Vegan CookingHow To Stock Your Vegan PantryBasic Cooking Methods to Create an Assortment of Satisfying Vegan MealsHow to Create a Complete Vegan Meal That Contains the Proper Balance of Vitamins, Minerals, and NutrientsHow to Handle Special Nutritional Needs like Diabetes or High Cholesteroland 10 Recipes to Get You Started! Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start living a healthier life the Vegan way!
Pat Gray
Un reputat oftalmolog explic? pe ?n?elesul tuturor cum putem preveni ?i inversa evolu?ia bolilor de ochi. Peste 180 de milioane de americani au probleme cu vederea. Majoritatea cred c? nu pot face nimic singuri pentru a vedea mai bine. Dar iat? c? acum exist? speran??. ?n ultimul deceniu, foarte multe studii clinice au ar?tat c? introducerea ?n alimenta?ie a unor nutrimente specifice ajut? la p?strarea unei vederi bune p?n? la o v?rst? ?naintat?, la ameliorarea afec?iunilor oculare ?i chiar la inversarea evolu?iei unor boli. Solu?ia este simpl?: trebuie s? consum?m numai alimente ob?inute din produse naturale ?i care con?in nutrimente despre care s-a demonstrat clinic c? ?intesc componentele ochiului afectate de boli ?i/sau de v?rst?. De asemenea, cartea explic? modul cum func?ioneaz? ochiul ?i ce alimente ajut? la buna lui func?ionare, oferind, in plus, instruc?iuni personalizate, u?or de ?n?eles, privind alimentele ?i nutrimentele utile. ?Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, ?n?elegerea modului de func?ionare a ochiului este mai pu?in important? dec?t identificarea cauzelor care duc la deteriorarea vederii. ?n prima parte a c?r?ii, sunt prezentate aceste cauze ?i mijloacele prin care pot fi prevenite afec?iunile oculare. ?n partea a doua, voi descrie, dintr-o perspectiv? foarte larg?, cele ?ase boli principale care afecteaz? ochii (degenerescen?a macular?, retinita pigmentar?, diabetul, glaucomul, cataractele ?i sindromul de ochi uscat). Vom vorbi despre tratament, preven?ie, minimizarea factorilor de risc ?i – mai important – vom ar?ta c?, dac? ?n?elegem cum apar aceste boli, vom putea s? ne ?mbun?t??im sau s? ne protej?m vederea.“ - Neal Adams
Nourishing No Fuss Soup Recipes: A Collection of Simple, Easy and Delicious Home
Nourishing No Fuss Soup Recipes: A Collection of Simple, Easy and Delicious Home
Sophia Stevens
Nourishing No Fuss Soup Recipes: A Collection of Simple, Easy and Delicious Homemade Soup Recipes
The Hearty Breakfast with Oatmeal: Cookbook: 25 practical recipes.
The Hearty Breakfast with Oatmeal: Cookbook: 25 practical recipes.
Daniel Hall
The Hearty Breakfast with Oatmeal: Cookbook: 25 practical recipes.
Instant Pot
Instant Pot
Kevin Gise
Instant Pot