

The Absence Addiction Program
The Absence Addiction Program
Delia Armstrong Busby
The Absence Addiction Program
Op kot met Jentel in het laatste jaar: Op Kot 5
Op kot met Jentel in het laatste jaar: Op Kot 5
Bjorn Peeters
Op kot met Jentel in het laatste jaar: Op Kot 5
Surviving Toxic In-Laws: The Big Bullies: The Big Bullies
Surviving Toxic In-Laws: The Big Bullies: The Big Bullies
Miriam Davids
Surviving Toxic In-Laws: The Big Bullies: The Big Bullies
Crea?ie ?i putere
Crea?ie ?i putere
Drăgan Simona
Biblioteca pentru toi copiii“ cuprinde cele mai preuite opere ale scriitorilor clasici ai literaturii romne i universale. Crile de neuitat ale copilriei sunt disponibile astzi si in format e-book.Cu sufletul lui plin de contraste, mincinos, crud i poltron, naiv, rafinat i mojic totodat, resemnat i rebel, i totui plin de fermectoare elanuri de sinceritate, de tandree i de altruism, omuleul acesta nghesuie n inima lui pirpirie o ntreag umanitate [...] Romanul lui Jules Renard nchide ntr-o suit de ntmplri, ingenios construite i pline de naturalee, una dintre cele mai sfietoare drame omeneti: drama copilriei nefericite.“ – Modest Morariu
The Jikaida Cycle: The sixth Dray Prescot omnibus
The Jikaida Cycle: The sixth Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
Four hundred light years from Earth, Kregen is a marvelous world, peopled by wonderful beings, filled with light and clamor and furor of life lived to the hilt. But Kregen has its darker side, where horror and terror bind innocent people, where sorceries rend reason, where injustice denies light. Here, in the unforgiving yet rewarding world of Kregen, struggling through disaster and triumph, Dray Prescot has made his home. He has acquired a number of titles and estates but now the people of the island empire of Vallia, which has been ripped to shreds by ambitious and mercenary invaders, have called on him to lead them to freedom as their emperor. Reluctant to accept the imperium, he shoulders the burden because, rightly or wrongly, he sees this as the lesser evil... Containing four novels: A Life for Kregen A Sword for Kregen A Fortune for Kregen A Victory for Kregen This edition contains a glossary to the Jikaida cycle.
The Havilfar Cycle I: The second Dray Prescot omnibus
The Havilfar Cycle I: The second Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
Together, the three books in this volume make up the first part of the Havilfar Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen. Dray Prescot is launched headlong into a brand-new series of adventures upon the planet of Kregen, that marvelous and beautiful, mystical and terrible world four hundred light-years away beneath the Suns of Scorpio. A new life opens for Dray, but that new life is cruelly different from all he expected and dreamed, hurling him into fresh adventure and danger among peoples and places far removed from those he knows and loves. Dray Prescot's saga has been aclaimed as the best planetary adventure series since Burroughs stopped writing about Barsoom. Manhounds of Antares: Will Dray Prescot be able to remain a prince of proud Vallia or will he become just another human victim of the hunters and manhounds of the mysterious Southern Continent? For that is the enigmatic fate that the Star Lords have suddenly confronted him with. They want someone freed from the terrified pack of human prey among whom Prescot finds himself. But who it is and how it is to be done, they have left to Dray to work out... Arena of Antares: Never a man to leave something half done, Dray Prescot knows his task on the mysterious continent of Havilfar is far from complete. There are cruel conquerors to be overthrown, the pursuit of the manhounds and their masters to continue, and there is the dreaded arena. Can he survive the life of a gladiator against the killers and monsters of a spoiled queen while the Star Lords wait for his mission to continue? Fliers of Antares: Dray Prescot confronts his most baffling task while he is a hunted and harried wanderer of the continent of Havilfar. That task is to discover the means by which the aircraft of that continent's most advanced civilization operate. Prescot is no scientist, but fulfill his task he must or he will never return to the princess and homeland he has won. So, for Dray Prescot there is but one course. With a whole continent against him, with time itself conspiring to balk him, the secrets of an unknown science must be made his...
The Hounds of Annwn (1-2):A Virginian in Elfland
The Hounds of Annwn (1-2):A Virginian in Elfland
Karen Myers
Book Bundle for The Hounds of Annwn: Books 1 & 2. ---- NEW JOB, NEW FAMILY, AND IN TWO WEEKS THE END OF A WORLD HE’S JUST DISCOVERED, IF HE CAN’T RISE TO THE CHALLENGE. To Carry the Horn: Book 1 of The Hounds of Annwn. George Talbot Traherne is just doing his job on a fine autumn morning, keeping the hounds together for the huntsman of the Rowanton Hunt in Virginia along the Blue Ridge Mountain. Doesn’t pay to get distracted by a white stag in unfamiliar territory, though. Next thing you know, you might find yourself… somewhere else. The land is the same but not the people. Their huntsman has just been murdered, and George is tapped for the job. It’s an emergency -- the Wild Hunt is only two weeks away, and if it doesn’t happen on schedule, the antlered god Cernunnos will take the realm from its ruler Gwyn ap Nudd and find someone who can mete out justice with the Hounds of Hell in his place. George throws himself into the task, finding strength in the mission and resources he never knew he had. The more he comes to feel at home, settling into his new responsibilities, the more he wants to stay and make a life for himself. He’s finally met someone worth spending his life with, even if she’s just a bit older, a mere fifteen hundred years or so. Can he keep the Wild Hunt on track despite the attempts to thwart it? Will he be accepted by those he wants to defend who view his timely presence and his human blood with suspicion? Above all, what does Cernunnos want of him and how far will he go? Can he survive the attention of a god? Readers who are familiar with the sources of Arthurian literature such as the Mabinogion will recognize many of the characters, flourishing still in the world we cannot quite reach. ---- TRAPPED BEHIND ENEMY LINES, CAN HE FIND THE STRENGTH TO DEFEND ALL THAT HE VALUES MOST, OR EVEN JUST TO SURVIVE? The Ways of Winter: Book 2 of The Hounds of Annwn. It’s the dead of winter and George Talbot Traherne, the new human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is in trouble. The damage in Gwyn ap Nudd's domain reveals the deadly powers of a dangerous foe who has mastered an unstoppable weapon and threatens the fae dominions in both the new and the old worlds. Secure in his unbreachable stronghold, the enemy holds hostages and has no compunction about using them in deadly experiments with newly discovered way-technology. Only George has a chance to reach him in time to prevent the loss of thousands of lives, even if it costs him everything. Welcome to the portrait of a paladin in-the-making, Can he carry out a rescue without the deaths of all involved? Will his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, help him, or just write him off as a dead loss? He has a family to protect and a world to save, and little time to do it in.
Translating Libya: In Search of the Libyan Short Story
Translating Libya: In Search of the Libyan Short Story
Ethan Chorin
Part anthology and part travelogue,?Translating Libya?presents the country through the eyes of sixteen Libyan short story writers and one American diplomat. Translating Libya, published in 2008, was one of the first books to introduce Libyan literature to an English-speaking audience. The updated 2014 revision includes a foreword by Ahmed Ibrahim Fagih, one of Libya's most recognised authors, and a new introduction by the author, in light of the Libyan Revolution and its aftermath, which he witnessed firsthand.? Intrigued by the apparent absence of 'place' in modern Libyan short fiction, Ethan Chorin, one of the first U.S. diplomats posted to Libya, resolved in 2004 to track down and translate stories that specifically mentioned cities and landmarks in Libya - and then to visit those places, and describe what he encountered there. The result is a mixture of travelogue and memoir that sheds light on the social factors that fed the 2011 Revolution and its aftermath. The collection includes pieces from the 'sixties generation' of writers, as well as a newer generation of Libyan writers, including several women, writing in a variety of styles, "twisted" 1001 nights, to allegory, fictionalized memoir and overt satire.? Chorin explains how the stories, under cover of anonymity, distorted place-names and double-meanings reveal the depth of anger and despair that precipitated and fed the Arab Spring - and serve as a reminder to those who fought heroically for their freedom, that true courage springs from isolating, not repeating the mistakes of the past.
The Cowboy and the Rancher's Daughter:The Complete Boxed Set
The Cowboy and the Rancher's Daughter:The Complete Boxed Set
Kari Mackenzie
This book is the complete series of The Cowboy and the Rancher's Daughter?including:? Book One - A new beginning for a budding female ranch owner and her father's foreman. What happens when the neighboring ranch owner puts prevents all other livestock from the local watering hole?? Book Two - Clara Fuller has her hands full trying to keep her father’s ranch running. When cattle rustlers hit the county, they seem to be focused on her livestock. Her foreman, Jake Talley, and the sheriff think they have things under control when someone is shot.? Jake is suspicious when a man is seriously injured while guarding the ranch. His curiosity leads him to clues and possibly a premature grave. As Jake’s feelings grow for the rancher’s daughter, he vows to do all he can to keep her safe.? Book Three - While in town, Jake Talley stumbles onto a secret that could expose the man responsible for causing the rancher’s daughter so much grief. Determined to put an end to the bad luck plaguing the Fuller Ranch, he sets out to find answers. Will taking time away from his duties to investigate the issue endanger the very woman he vows to protect?? Alone on the ranch, Clara Fuller must face her greatest nightmare and come to grips with the past. When a new crisis darkens her door, she learns who she can really trust. When truths too dark to believe come to light, they will both have to work together to learn what it is they value most.? Book Four - The long awaited cattle drive is finally here, and Clara is ready to finish her first year as the sole owner of the Fuller Ranch. A lot is riding on getting the herd to market, but she and her men are prepared for just about anything.? The drive is going well, and Jake couldn’t be prouder of all the rancher’s daughter has accomplished. She’s all woman but tough as any cowhand. When unexpected trouble strikes, Jake learns what happens when you’re too trusting. If the enemy has his way, they stand to lose it all. Can Jake and the woman he loves overcome the heartache ahead?? Book Five - With their problems behind them, Jake Talley and Clara Fuller can finally start planning for the future. Or so it seems. From behind the bars of his jail cell, their adversary still plots to destroy them and all they hold dear. A newcomer who appears to be above suspicion joins the team. Soon the love birds learn the hard way that when greed secretly corrupts innocence, no one wins. Edward Sinclair plays his last trump card to put an end to the rivalry once and for all. Will his plan work or will true love win once and for all?? Catch the entire Western Historical Romance Series to read the whole story about the budding romance of Clara Fuller and Jake Talley, the hardships the Fuller Ranch endures and if Edward Sinclair dominates the entire ranching area.
The Balkans, Italy & Africa 1914–1918: From Sarajevo to the Piave and Lake Tanga
The Balkans, Italy & Africa 1914–1918: From Sarajevo to the Piave and Lake Tanga
David Jordan
The History of World War I series recounts the battles and campaigns that took place during the 'Great War'. From the Falkland Islands to the lakes of Africa, across the Eastern and Western Fronts, to the former German colonies in the Pacific, the series provides a six-volume history of the battles and campaigns on land, at sea and in the air. The assassination in Sarajevo of the Austro-Hungarian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand lit an explosive mixture of ethnic tensions, nationalism, political opportunism, and the quest for power within the Balkans to plunge Europe into a conflict that would cost millions of lives. Austro-Hungary faced both Serbia and Russia during the opening phase of the war, but Bulgaria's decision to join the Central Powers in October 1915 led to the opening of the Salonika front in Greece, where 150,0000 British and French troops saw little fighting until the disastrous 1918 Doiran campaign. At the war's outbreak, the British authorities in Africa were totally unprepared, with few forces available to attack the German colonies, who themselves were effectively left isolated from help. The German commander in East Africa, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, launched a brilliant guerrilla campaign with scant resources, conducting lightning attacks on Allied targets, particularly the Uganda Railway. He was opposed by the South African General Jan Smuts and his mixture of Boer, British, Rhodesian, Indian, African, Belgian and Portuguese soldiers: fighting continued until November 1918. Italy entered the war against the Central Powers in April 1915. For two years, Austro-Hungarian forces were kept at bay on Italy's northern borders, until a combined German and Austro-Hungarian defeated?the Italian forces at the Battle of Caporetto in October 1917. Revenge came with the Allied victory at Vittorio Veneto in November 1918, which led to Austro-Hungary's collapse. With the aid of over 300 photographs, complemented by full-colour maps, The Balkans, Italy & Africa provides a detailed guide to the background and conduct of the war in the Balkan, Italian and African theatres from the assassination in Sarajevo to the surrender of the Central Powers.
The Spectre Cycle: The fifteenth Dray Prescot omnibus
The Spectre Cycle: The fifteenth Dray Prescot omnibus
Alan Burt Akers
Dray Prescot has been chosen by the Star Lords to be the so-called Emperor of All Paz. Together, the countries of Paz must resist the deadly Shanks who raid from over the curve of the world. Delia and Dray Prescot have abdicated the throne of Vallia and now seek to make the dream of a united Paz come true. Shadows over Kregen Whether Prescot is battling slavers and freeing slaves with the Kroveres of Iztar, or fighting Fish-heads in the land of the Shanks, he is certain to be thrown into more headlong adventures under the streaming mingled lights of the Suns of Scorpio. Murder on Kregen A new page turns in the unruly life of Dray Prescot, and all his strengths and inner resources will be required to confront fresh problems and perils. Join Dray Prescot as he rides south from the port city of Zandikar on the inner sea of the continent of Turismond, the Eye of the World, with his blade comrade Seg Segutorio and the Princesses Velia and Didi of Vallia. Of course, as is the nature of Kregen, they face unexpected peril... Turmoil on Kregen The undead monster called the Spectre has been destroyed. Didi herself lies seriously injured in Zandikar in the Eye of the World, lovingly tended by her cousin, Princess Velia. Ulana Farlan, the governor of Didi's province of Urn Vennar, has been removed from office. Now the rogue and schemer Nath Swantram, Nath the Clis, rules. But the Spectre, dead and animate, is about to terrorize Gafarden again as Tralgan Vorner, the wronged Elten of Culvensax, seeks vengeance on those who betrayed him. Within Vorner the Spectre lives. Including a glossary to the Spectre cycle.
T?rténetek az innen is túlról
T?rténetek az innen is túlról
Konok Péter
T?rténetek az innen is túlról
Kevin J. Anderson’s Selected Stories Boxed Set
Kevin J. Anderson’s Selected Stories Boxed Set
Kevin J. Anderson
Award-winning, #1 international bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson has published over 160 books, which have appeared in 30 languages worldwide, in genres ranging from science fiction, epic fantasy, humorous horror, gritty suspense, steampunk, and mystery. He has published over half a million words of short fiction, the best of which are gathered in this boxed set. This volume features Anderson's wide-ranging imagination in the genres of fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, and science fiction. These diverse stories range from flash fiction to novella length, written solo or with collaborators. Step inside these pages to greet stories of clones and combat cyborgs, enchanted loincloths, a nightmarish Wisconsin small town, nanotechnology experiments, bumbling knights in shining armor, rock stars raised from the dead, super-sentient lab rats, and vampires, werewolves, zombies . . . and the heroes who battle them. These tales showcase the breadth of Anderson’s talent and demonstrate why he has tens of millions of readers worldwide and has won or been nominated for numerous awards. This boxed set includes 90 stellar short stories in four volumes: Selected Stories: Science Fiction , volumes 1 and 2; Selected Stories: Fantasy ; and Selected Stories: Horror and Dark Fantasy .
Four Unpublished Novels: High-Opp, Angel’s Fall, A Game of Authors, A Thorn in t
Four Unpublished Novels: High-Opp, Angel’s Fall, A Game of Authors, A Thorn in t
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert will forever be known as the “author of Dune,” the science fiction masterpiece that made his career and made his name. But he was an exceptionally diverse author who wrote in numerous genres. Even at the beginning of his writing career, Frank Herbert wrote whatever inspired him, irrespective of genre, market, or audience tastes. After the success of his first novel The Dragon in the Sea (1955), Herbert wrote numerous novels and short stories that failed to find a market. He persevered until finally, seven years later, he wrote the most unpublishable novel of all, Dune—which, once it finally found a home with an obscure publisher, finally made Frank Herbert a household name synonymous with science fiction. This volume collects four of those complete, never-before-published novels written before Dune: High-Opp, a dystopian science fiction novel; Angels’ Fall, a jungle survival adventure; A Game of Authors, a Cold War thriller; and A Thorn in the Bush, a mainstream novel based on some of Herbert’s experiences in Mexico.
The Mike Resnick Boxed Set
The Mike Resnick Boxed Set
Mike Resnick
Mike Resnick is, according to Locus , the all-time leading award winner for short fiction, having won 5 Hugos, a Nebula, and other major awards from around the world. This boxed set includes four novels and 41 of his best science fiction short stories Race through pages filled with the Dark Lady, the Moby Dick of space, robot basketball, tall tales, and galaxy-hopping assassins for the ride of your life. This boxed set includes six volumes— First Person Peculiar, Away Games, The Dark Lady, The Soul Eater, The Outpost, and Walpurgis III.
The World's Greatest Battleships: An Illustrated History
The World's Greatest Battleships: An Illustrated History
David Ross
For more than 400 years, the big-gun warship stood as the supreme naval war machine. It was not only a major instrument of warfare, but a visible emblem of a nation’s power, wealth and pride. The World’s Greatest Battleships features 52 of the greatest warships to have sailed in the last 500 years. Beginning with English king Henry VIII’s flagship, Henry Grace a? Dieu , the book covers all the main periods of battleship development, including the great sail ships, such as Sovereign of the Seas, Santissima Trinidad and HMS Victory . The advent of steam-driven warships provides the core of the book, beginning with the introduction of Gloire in 1859, and continuing through all the major pre-Dreadnoughts, such as Inflexible, Maine and Tsessarevitch . There is detailed coverage of the great battleships of the two world wars, including Derfflinger , Yamato and Iowa , while the book closes with the last new battleship to be commissioned, Vanguard , in 1946. Each entry includes a brief description of the battleship’s development and history, a colour profile artwork, key features and specifications. Packed with more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Battleships is a colourful guide for the military historian and naval warfare enthusiast.
DJing for Beginners
DJing for Beginners
Matt Anniss
Have you pictured yourself spinning the decks and mixing records? Do you want to create new sounds but are unsure where to start? From hip-hop to trance, DJing for Beginners tells you everything you need to know about the equipment and the techniques behind mixing records and sounds in rap, dance, reggae and other styles. If you’re undecided whether you want to work with vinyl or be a digital DJ, the book shows you the advantages and disadvantages of each. In addition, becoming a DJ involves a great deal of equipment and can be costly, but the book advises on where savings can be made, such as which pieces are best bought second hand and which pieces you won’t need until you’re a lot more advanced. From matching the tempo and keys of songs to scratching, blending intros and outros, drags and looping, the book guides you through the essential steps to becoming a DJ. Each chapter also includes a special feature about a major DJ, from Grandmaster Flash in the 1980s to Paul Oakenfield in the 1990s to deadmau5 and Nina Kraviz today. With clear diagrams, photographs and instructions, DJing for Beginners is the ideal book for the first-time DJ.
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Martin J Dougherty
Here lies entombed the renowned King Arthur in the island of Avalon. – Inscription found at Glastonbury in the late 12th century King Arthur most probably never existed and if he did we know precious little about him, and yet he is one of the most famous Britons, while Excalibur and Camelot are perhaps the world’s best known sword and castle, and Hollywood doesn’t tire of returning to the world of Arthurian romance – another major movie is to be released in 2016. So, what’s the truth behind King Arthur? How did the legends take hold? And why have they endured for so long? Long before the Marvel Universe there was the universe of Arthurian romance and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table examines the fact and the fiction behind Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin, Guinevere, Galahad, among others, as well as the quest for the Holy Grail. Beginning in the 12th century, the book explores what factual basis there is for the tales and how the characters, stories and motifs developed through histories, epic poems and prose tellings. The book also charts the revived interest in Arthurian romance in the 19th century and considers how the tales still hold the popular imagination today. Illustrated with more than 180 colour and black-and-white artworks and photographs and maps, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is an expertly written account of where literature, mythology and history meet.
Vikings: A History of the Norse People
Vikings: A History of the Norse People
Martin J Dougherty
“From the fury of the Northmen, good Lord deliver us.” – Anonymous monk, Noirmoutier, France, 9th century AD Beginning in 789AD, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked cities and invaded western Europe. They looted and enslaved their enemies. But that is only part of their story. In long boats they discovered Iceland and America (both by accident) and also sailed up the Seine to Paris (which they sacked). They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, founded Dublin and fought battles as far afield as the Caspian Sea. A thousand years after their demise, traces of the Vikings remain all the way from North America to Istanbul. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons. In this accessible book, the whole narrative of the Viking story is examined from the eighth to the eleventh centuries. Arranged thematically, Vikings: A History of the Norse People examines the Norsemen from exploration to religion to trade to settlement to weaponry to kingdoms to their demise and legacy. But today questions remain: what prompted the first Viking raids? What stopped their expansion? And how much of the tales of murder, rape and pillage is myth? Illustrated with more than 200 photographs, maps and artworks, Vikings: A History of the Norse People is an expertly written account of a people who have long captured the popular imagination.
The World's Greatest Small Arms: An Illustrated History
The World's Greatest Small Arms: An Illustrated History
Chris McNab
Small arms have developed hugely since the introduction of the machine gun in the 1870s. Magazine-fed rifles, submachine guns, automatic pistols and, later, assault rifles and personal defence weapons have changed the face of infantry warfare, offering a range of weaponry designed for both the specialist and novice. The World’s Greatest Small Arms features 52 weapons from the late 19th century to the present day. The book includes the best-known weapons from throughout the modern era, from the Gatling gun, SMLE rifle and Luger pistol, to the Uzi, FN MAG and the M110 sniper rifle. Great iconic weapons, such as the Colt M1911 pistol, Bren Gun, MP5 submachine gun, and Steyr AUG rifle are featured, as well as timeless classics still in use today: the M2 Browning 50 cal, AK-47 and M16 rifle. Each weapon is illustrated with a colour profile artwork and photographs, along with a description of the weapon’s development and history, key features and a full specifications box. Including more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Small Arms is a colourful guide for the military historian.
Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 1
Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 1
Kevin J. Anderson
Ever since the Big Uneasy, Dan Chambeaux worked as a human private investigator in the Unnatural Quarter. Even being murdered doesn't keep a good detective down, and zombie Dan "Shamble" is back from the dead and back on the case! And what strange cases they are. Shamble is faced with mummies suing their museums, living-undead political tensions, defending a mixed race couple (he's a vampire, she's a werewolf) from housing discrimination, a serial scalper targeting werwolves, and a standard lost dog case with a hellhound. And above all, he's got to figure out a very personal question: who killed him? Shamble must team up with his ghost girlfriend Sheyenne, a bleeding-heart human lawyer named Robin Deyer, and his BHF (Best Human Friend) Officer Toby McGoohan to seek justice for the denizens of the Unnatural Quarter. In these four volumes— Death Warmed Over, Unnatural Acts, Working Stiff, and Hair Raising —Dan Shamble puts the P.I. back into R.I.P.