Ruins of Ancient Cities: (Volume - I)
"UKRAY" - UNIFIED FIELD THEORY - - A New Unification Theory on Electromagnetic Gravitation- PREFACE ? ?“This study which aims to prove that all forces and laws of physics exist in a single unified structure at the Starting and Ending moment of the Universe analyzes all laws of physics within the framework of a unified structure from Newton Mechanics to Quantum Theory, Einstein Relativity to modern 11-dimensional Super string theory. The study may also be considered as a "MODERN ERA PRINCIPIA" since it was started to be written in about 300 years (early 2007) after the publication of the great study of Newton named "PRINCIPIA" (1703-1707) on the topic of gravity theories. The volume includes SEVEN CHAPTERS in the form of SEVEN different articles which follow each other and make clear the subject when they are read consecutively. In addition, FOUR additional chapters in the form of APPENDIXES in nature of FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS were also included at the end of the volume for readers who have a less degree of technical knowledge about the topic… THIS THEORY, GETS THESE QUESTIONS INTO; - A CHANGE into Gravitational field and field equations, STATIC AND UNIVERSAL GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANTS, - THE DYNAMICS OF Gravitational field with Combining the Electromagnetics Theory. - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT COULD BE EXCEEDED? THIS THEORY WAS PREPARED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF APPROXIMATELY 16 YEARS STUDY, - WHOLE "666" PAGE- INCLUDES ABOUT 100 THEOREMS, - AND 1000 ILLUSTRATED DRAWINGS, - ASSERTS THE NEW PHYSICS OF THE UNIVERSE. AND MUCH MORE… "I imagined the situation of a mass falling towards the singularity point in a blackhole singularity in electrodynamic gravity conditions for some relative structures in the electromagnetic theory which is the most important and understandable theory in the classical physics I had comprehensive knowledge in my last years of my undergraduate term of the academic life (in about 2000) in an article of Faraday on the topic of the law of induction I had incidentally seen while I was examining the existing physics literature in the faculty's library. I wondered if the law of induction in a circular conducting wire differently perceived according to an observer in the train and the one on the land in the special relativity of Einstein may occur by the increase and decrease of mass during the course of falling to singularity in this blackhole and may create an electromagnetic gravity wave and a magnetic charge current which would decrease the impact of gravitation in parallel to this. This oriented me to a series of researches to study and create this theory for years and then directed me to create a unified electromagnetic gravity theory composed of SEVEN ARTICLES in total I will submit here in order and step by step. Even though the theory includes a deductive mathematical approach, tensor calculation and geometric modellings, I will give solutions of Einstein-Maxwell Equations with a different mathematical 4x4 Pauli-Dirac Spinors and Tensor calculation construction in direction of closed extra dimension of the space (5 Dimension Effect) What Does the Theory Tell? {Short Abstract and Philosophy of the Theory} The THEORY summarizes the general and simple mathematical description of the universe in the form of general conclusion items and forecasts the followings; Basic Projections of the Theory? - NEW MODEL OF AN ATOM, - NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE, - CHANGE IN GALILEO Inertia Principle, - A Fundamental Change in the Structure of MAXWELL's EQUATIONS, AN ADDITIONAL TERMS AND ADDITIONS, - A CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEORY, - A NEW ATOMIC MODEL, - A NEW UNIVERSE MODEL, - CHANGE IN GALILEO'S PRINCIPLE OF INERTIA, - A FUNDEMENTAL CHANGE AND AN ADDITIONAL TERM IN THE STRUCTURE IF MAXWELL EQUATIONS, - A CHANGE IN STATIC FIELD EQUATIONS OF THE GRAVITY FIELD AND IN THE UNIVERSAL GRAVITY CONSTANT. - CHANGE IN POYNTING ENERGY THEOREM, - HOW CAN THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT BE EXCEEDED?

Az ?rd?ng?s?k
A ?libertas optima rerum” jelentése: ?szabadság mindenek felett”. A k?tet els? részében megismert f?h?s – e jelmondat jegyében – nem is adja fel: kitartóan keresi tovább az egyén, az alkotó, a haza, az emberiség szabadsága felé vezet? utat. Azonban szabad-e egy szétszórt, megbízhatatlan fiúnak maga m?g?tt hagynia mindent, és szerencsét próbálnia egy ismeretlen nagyvárosban? Szabad-e egy vészterhes korszakban harsányan bírálni az elnyomást és a fennálló rendszer igazságtalanságát? Szabad-e egy szárnypróbálgató írónak a saját feje után mennie, és azt írnia, amit ? akar, úgy, ahogyan ? akarja? A szabadság drága kincs. De vajon mennyire az? Mekkora árat kell fizetni érte?

Sea Rovers
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 6, 1599 – August 6, 1660) was a Spanish painter who was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV and one of the most important painters of the Spanish Golden Age. He was an individualistic artist of the contemporary Baroque period, important as a portrait artist. In addition to numerous renditions of scenes of historical and cultural significance, he painted scores of portraits of the Spanish royal family, other notable European figures, and commoners, culminating in the production of his masterpiece Las Meninas (1656). From the first quarter of the nineteenth century, Velázquez's artwork was a model for the realist and impressionist painters, in particular ?douard Manet. Since that time, famous modern artists, including Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí and Francis Bacon, have paid tribute to Velázquez by recreating several of his most famous works. Early lifeBorn in Seville, Andalusia, Spain, Diego, the first child of Jo?o Rodrigues da Silva and Jerónima Velázquez, was baptized at the church of St Peter in Seville on Sunday, June 6, 1599. This christening must have followed the baby's birth by no more than a few weeks, or perhaps only a few days. Velázquez's paternal grandparents, Diego da Silva and Maria Rodrigues, had moved to Seville from their native Porto, Portugal decades earlier. As for Jo?o Rodrigues da Silva and his wife, both were born in Seville, and were married, also at the church of St Peter, on December 28, 1597. They came from the lesser nobility and were accorded the privileges generally enjoyed by the gentry. Velázquez was educated by his parents to fear God and, intended for a learned profession, received good training in languages and philosophy. Influenced by many artists he showed an early gift for art; consequently, he began to study under Francisco de Herrera, a vigorous painter who disregarded the Italian influence of the early Seville school. Velázquez remained with him for one year. It was probably from Herrera that he learned to use brushes with long bristles. After leaving Herrera's studio when he was 12 years old, Velázquez began to serve as an apprentice under Francisco Pacheco, an artist and teacher in Seville. Though considered a generally dull, undistinguished painter, Pacheco sometimes expressed a simple, direct realism in contradiction to the style of Raphael that he was taught. Velázquez remained in Pacheco's school for five years, studying proportion and perspective and witnessing the trends in the literary and artistic circles of Seville.To Madrid (early period) By the early 1620s, his position and reputation were assured in Seville. On April 23, 1618, Velázquez married Juana Pacheco (June 1, 1602 – August 10, 1660), the daughter of his teacher. She bore him two daughters—his only known family. The elder, Francisca de Silva Velázquez y Pacheco (1619–1658), married painter Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo at the Church of Santiago in Madrid on August 21, 1633; the younger, Ignacia de Silva Velázquez y Pacheco, born in 1621, died in infancy. Velázquez produced notable works during this time. Known for his compositions of amusing genre scenes (also called bodegones), such as Old Woman Frying Eggs, his sacred subjects include Adoración de los Reyes (1619, The Adoration of the Magi), and Jesús y los peregrinos de Emaús (1626, Christ and the Pilgrims of Emmaus), both of which begin to express his more pointed and careful realism.

Gorkij elbeszélései :Cselkas, Elzüll?ttek, Huszonhat és- egy
rk élet! Az emberiség si vágya. Mely megvalósíthatatlan - vagy mégsem Nathaniel Delinger, a látnok zseni a csillagok kztt találja meg ennek lehetségét. A neve: Endümión. Mert ugyan sokaknak vágya az rk élet - de van, aki nem akarja, hogy bárki rkké éljen. s ezért akár az rklétet is képes elpusztítani. Owen, a fiatal nyomozó, egy gyilkossági ügy kapcsán 8 feladvánnyal szembesül, mely egyre kzelebb visz Endümión titkához - és kzelebb egy hazugság leleplezdéséhez. Az elkvetk célja, hogy elutazhassanak Endümiónra, ahol az rk élet várja ket, hogy megszabaduljanak a Fld haláltól terhes világától. Vajon Endümión tényleg az az eszményi hely s mi az a szilánk, és hogyan kerül a Fldre GARZ LSZL fantáziájának sem a tér, sem az id nem szabhat határokat. A szerz fordulatokban gazdag kalandos sci-fi trténete új izgalmas világokba repíti az olvasót.

The Castaways: "An Open Sea Story"
The Native Born was written in the year 1910 by Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. This book is one of the most popular novels of Ida Alexa Ross Wylie, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.

Плетем из газет, бумаги, картона (Pletem iz gazet, bumagi, kartona)
Rū?ītis ?ī skaistā pasaka ir mazā elfa dzīves stāsts. Vi?? mitinājās bagāta tirgotāja mājā un vienmēr bija pārticis.? ?ajā mājā dzīvoja arī kāds trūcīgs students, kur? bie?i cieta badu, jo visu naudu tērēja grāmatām. Kādu dienu Rū?ītis ieskatījās studenta istabi?ā pa atslēgas caurumu. Ko vi?? tur ieraudzīja? Kas notika tālāk? Lasiet pa?i! ?ajā burvju pasakā ir daudzas svarīgas patiesības un morāles vērtības. Tās saturs, noska?a un krāsainās ilustrācijas noteikti iepriecinās visus bērnus

The Lost World
Leonardo's views of aesthetic are all important in his philosophy of life and art. The worker's thoughts on his craft are always of interest. They are doubly so when there is in them no trace of literary self-consciousness to blemish their expression. He recorded these thoughts at the instant of their birth, for a constant habit of observation and analysis had early developed with him into a second nature. His ideas were penned in the same fragmentary way as they presented themselves to his mind, perhaps with no intention of publishing them to the world. But his ideal of art depended intimately, none the less, on the system he had thrown out seemingly in so haphazard a manner. The long obscurity of the Dark Ages lifted over Italy, awakening to a national though a divided consciousness. Already two distinct tendencies were apparent. The practical and rational, on the one hand, was soon to be outwardly reflected in the burgher-life of Florence and the Lombard cities, while at Rome it had even then created the civil organization of the curia. The novella was its literary triumph. In art it expressed itself simply, directly and with vigour. Opposed to this was the other great undercurrent in Italian life, mystical, religious and speculative, which had run through the nation from the earliest times, and received fresh volume from mediaeval Christianity, encouraging ecstatic mysticism to drive to frenzy the population of its mountain cities. Umbrian painting is inspired by it, and the glowing words of Jacopone da Todi expressed in poetry the same religious fervour which the life of Florence and Perugia bore witness to in action. Italy developed out of the relation and conflict of these two forces the rational with the mystical. Their later union in the greater men was to form the art temperament of the Renaissance. The practical side gave it the firm foundation of rationalism and reality on which it rested; the mystical guided its endeavour to picture the unreal in terms of ideal beauty.The first offspring of this union was Leonardo. Since the decay of ancient art no painter had been able to fully express the human form, for imperfect mastery of technique still proved the barrier. Leonardo was the first completely to disengage his personality from its constraint, and make line express thought as none before him could do. Nor was this his only triumph, but rather the foundation on which further achievement rested. Remarkable as a thinker alone, he preferred to enlist thought in the service of art, and make art the handmaid of beauty. Leonardo saw the world not as it is, but as he himself was. He viewed it through the atmosphere of beauty which filled his mind, and tinged its shadows with the mystery of his nature. From his earliest years, the elements of greatness were present in Leonardo. But the maturity of his genius came unaffected from without. He barely noticed the great forces of the age which in life he encountered. After the first promise of his boyhood in the Tuscan hills, his youth at Florence had been spent under Verrocchio as a master, in company with those whose names were later to brighten the pages of Italian art. At one time he contemplated entering the service of an Oriental prince. Instead, he entered that of Caesar Borgia, as military engineer, and the greatest painter of the age became inspector of a despot's strongholds. But his restless nature did not leave him long at this. Returning to Florence he competed with Michelangelo; yet the service of even his native city could not retain him. His fame had attracted the attention of a new patron of the arts, prince of the state which had conquered his first master. In this his last venture, he forsook Italy, only to die three years later at Amboise, in the castle of the French king.

Fiice perfecte: Fiicele adulte ale alcoolicilor
A Dunnottar kastélyban ?rzik a legendás skót király, Robert Bruce kardját. Ezt az értékes kincset most mutatják meg el?sz?r a nagyk?z?nségnek, ám a megnyitóünnepségen a vendégek titokzatos álomba merülnek. Mire felébrednek, a kardnak már csak h?lt helyét látják. Régi legendák és szellemek k?z?tt ezúttal is a Mistery unokatestvérek oldják meg a rejtélyt.

Улучшаем зрение народными средствами
Die Hirtin und der Schornsteinfeger Die Helden des M?rchens sind Porzellanfiguren: eine Hirtin, ein Schornsteinfeger und ein alter? Chinese, der will, dass die hübsche Hirtin einen geschnitzten Feldwebel heiratet. Das M?dchen ist damit nicht einverstanden, weil sein kleines Herz schon lange für den?? Schornsteinfeger schl?gt. Was passiert weiter?? Das k?nnt ihr hier erfahren. Die Erz?hlung ist sch?n und farbig illustriert.

?jjeli vadászat
Nemzeti t?rténelmünk dics?séges helyszíne az egri vár, amelynek 1552-es ostroma során kétezer hazaszeret? ember gy?zedelmeskedett kétszázezer k?ny?rtelen idegen támadó felett. Hiába a múló id?, Bornemissza Gerg?ék legendája minduntalan b?vk?rébe vonja az épp feln?vekv? nemzedékeket. ?m az Egri csillagok nem csupán a magyar emberek kedvenc olvasmánya: Gárdonyi Géza is a legjobb m?vének tartotta a sodró lendület? regényt. A Manó K?nyvek Klassz!-sorozatában Nógrádi Gergely az eredeti cselekményt k?vetve, ám r?videbb formában meséli újra a klasszikus irodalom gy?ngyszemeit, azzal a céllal, hogy a remekm?vek a mai fiatalok számára is érthet? és szerethet? olvasmányok legyenek. Ugyanakkor a kiadó nemcsak a nagy nemzeti legendák megismertetéséért, de az értékes írói ?r?kség megóvásáért is síkra száll: a sorozat k?teteit számos, az eredeti regényekb?l kiemelt sz?vegrészlet gazdagítja.

The Valley of Fear: Illustrated
Darwin, ?nsan dahil tüm canl? türlerinin do?al se?i-lim yoluyla bir ya da birka? ortak ata-dan evrildi?ini ?ne sürmü? ve o günün ?artlar?na g?re bu teoriyi destekleyen pek ?ok kan?t sunmu?tur. Darwin'in fikirleri üzerine in?a edilen modern evrim teorisi, bugün biyoloji biliminin temeli ve birle?tirici ??esidir. Evrimin ger?ekle?ti?i ger?e?i Charles Darwin'in ya?ad??? d?nemde, do?al se?ilim teorisinin evrimin ana a??klamas? oldu?u ise 1930'lu y?llarda bilim dünyas? taraf?ndan kabul g?rmü?tür. Darwin'in orijinal teorileri modern evrimsel biyolojinin temelini olu?turmakta, hayat?n ?e?itlili?i üzerine birle?tirici bir mant?ksal a??klama sunmaktad?r. Darwin'in Hayat? da dahil Evrim teorisi ve türlerin k?keni eserini tüm y?nleriyle ele alan bu ba?ucu eserini mutlaka okuman?z? ?neriyoruz.. DARW?N K?MD?R? ?nsan dahil tüm?canl??türlerinin?do?al se?ilim?yoluyla bir ya da birka??ortak atadan?evrildi?ini??ne sürmü? ve o günün ?artlar?na g?re bu teoriyi destekleyen pek ?ok kan?t sunmu?tur.?Darwin'in fikirleri üzerine in?a edilen modern?evrim teorisi, bugün?biyoloji?biliminin temeli ve birle?tirici ??esidir. Evrimin ger?ekle?ti?i ger?e?i Charles Darwin'in ya?ad??? d?nemde, do?al se?ilim teorisinin evrimin ana a??klamas? oldu?u ise 1930'lu y?llarda bilim dünyas? taraf?ndan kabul g?rmü?tür.?Darwin'in orijinal teorileri modern evrimsel biyolojinin temelini olu?turmakta, hayat?n ?e?itlili?i üzerine birle?tirici bir mant?ksal a??klama sunmaktad?r. Darwin'in?do?a tarihine?duydu?u ilgi, ?nce?Edinburgh ?niversitesi'nde?t?p, sonra?Cambridge ?niversitesi'nde?teoloji?okurken geli?ti. Beagle?gemisinde yapt??? be? senelik yolculuk s?ras?nda, zaman?n me?hur jeolo?u?Charles Lyell'?n ortaya att???, ge?mi?teki jeolojik süre?lerin bugünkülerle ayn? oldu?unu savunan teoriyi destekleyecek pek ?ok g?zlem yapt? ve iyi bir jeolog olarak ünlendi.?Ayn? yolculukta, canl?lar?n co?rafi da??l?m? ve?fosiller?üzerine yapt??? dikkatli g?zlemler sonucunda, türlerin birbirine d?nü?ümüyle ilgilenmeye ba?lad? ve 1838'de?do?al se?ilim?fikrini geli?tirdi.?Daha ?nce benzer fikirlerin "sapk?nl?k" olarak nitelendirildi?ini ve bast?r?ld???n? g?rmü? oldu?undan, uzun süre fikirlerini en yak?n arkada?lar? d???nda kimseye a?mad?.?Olas? itirazlara en iyi ?ekilde cevap verebilmek i?in ara?t?rma yapmaya ve kan?t toplamaya ba?lad?.?1858'de?Alfred Russell Walla-ce'dan ald??? bir mektubu okuyunca, Wallace-'?n da kendisininkine benzer bir teori geli?tirdi?ini anlad?, ve nihayet teorisini yay?mlamaya karar verdi. 1859'da yay?mlad????On the Origin of Speci-es?(Türlerin K?keni ?zerine) adl? kitab?, canl?lar?n ortak atalardan evrilerek ?e?itlendi?i fikrinin geni? kabul g?rmesini sa?lad?. Daha sonra yay?mlad????The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex?(?nsan?n Türeyi?i, ve Cinsiyete Mahsus Se?ilim) kitab?nda insan evrimini ve cinsel se?ilim fikrini inceledi.?The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (?nsan ve Hayvanlarda Duygular?n ?fadesi) adl? kitab?nda ise insanlar?n ve hayvanlar?n duygular?n? ifade edi? ?ekilleri aras?ndaki benzerlikleri ortaya koydu.

The Man in the Iron Mask
Jonas Lie is sufficiently famous to need but a very few words of introduction. Ever since 1870, when he made his reputation by his first novel, "Den Fremsynte," he has been a prime favourite with the Scandinavian public, and of late years his principal romances have gone the round of Europe. He has written novels of all kinds, but he excels when he describes the wild seas of Northern Norway, and the stern and hardy race of sail-ors and fishers who seek their fortunes, and so often find their graves, on those dangerous waters. Such tales, for instance, as "Tremasteren Fremtid," "Lodsen og hans Hustru," "Gaa Paa!" and "Den Fremsynte" are unique of their kind, and give far truer pictures of Norwegian life and character in the rough than anything that can be found elsewhere in the literature. Indeed, Lie's skippers and mates are as superior to Kjelland's, for instance, as the peasants of Jens Tvedt (a writer, by the way, still unknown beyond his native land) are superior to the much-vaunted peasants of Bj?rnstjerne Bj?rnson. But it is when Lie tells us some of the wild legends of his native province, Nordland, some of the grim tales on which he himself was brought up, so to speak, that he is perhaps most vivid and enthralling. The folk-lore of those lonely sub-arctic tracts is in keeping with the savagery of nature. We rarely, if ever, hear of friendly elves or companionable gnomes there. The supernatural beings that haunt those shores and seas are, for the most part, malignant and malefic. They seem to hate man. They love to mock his toils, and sport with his despair. In his very first romance, "Den Fremsynte," Lie relates two of these weird tales (Nos. 1 and 3 of the present selection). Another tale, in which many of the superstitious beliefs and wild imaginings of the Nordland fishermen are skilfully grouped together to form the background of a charming love-story, entitled "Finn Blood," I have borrowed from the volume of "Fort?llinger og Skildringer," published in 1872. The re-maining eight stories are selected from the book "Trold," which was the event of the Christmas publishing season at Christiania in 1891. Last Christmas a second series of "Trold" came out, but it is distinctly inferior to the former one. TALES: THE FISHERMAN AND THE DRAUGJACK OF SJOHOLM AND THE GAN-FINNTUG OF WAR."THE EARTH DRAWS"THE CORMORANTS OF ANDVAERISAAC AND THE PARSON OF BRONOTHE WIND-GNOMETHE HULDREFISHFINN BLOODTHE HOMESTEAD WESTWARD IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS"IT'S ME."

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