

每满100减50 多元和谐的中国宗教(英文)
  In rational and objective language, this book makes avivid tour of development of religions in China over acouple of miillennia seen in the context of her ideologicalclashes with the West. It takes a systematic look back at thehistorical traditions of China's religions, distilling the basiccharacteristics of ancient Chinese religions into one soocinctconcept-pluralistc harmony-which includes four specificaspects: revering heaven and emulating ancestors, harmonyof multiple creeds, letting religion play a supplementary roleto government, and exalting virtue in society. It sorts outthe history and status quo of Christeanity and Islam in Chinaand describes the development of religion Tibet, Xin-jiang, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as the historyand current circumstances of China's contact with foreignreligious circles, and also offers insight into controversialtopics in the contemporary world, such as religious extrem-ism, terrorism and cults.   The book expoumds on the concept of Harmony,the phiiosophical marrow of the Chinese Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist cultural traditions. From the standpoint of com-bining theory and practice, it systematically answerS the questions of how the atheistic Communist Party of China is able to enact policies of freedom of religious belef,unite vast numbers of religious adherents and non-believers to the greatest extent possible, be dedicated to reform, opening up and socialist modernization,and be an inpetus for realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
Delphi Complete Works of Walt Whitman (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Walt Whitman (Illustrated)
Walt Whitman
This is the fifth volume of a new series of publications by Delphi Classics, the best-selling publisher of classical works. Many poetry collections are often poorly formatted and difficult to read on eReaders. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature’s finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the complete poetical works of Walt Whitman, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version: 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Whitman’s life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes two collections of Whitman’s letters – spend hours exploring the poet’s personal correspondence * Also includes Whitman’s scarce novel FRANKLIN EVANS, appearing here for the first time in digital print * Features the complete prose works * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections LEAVES OF GRASS, 1855 LEAVES OF GRASS, 1892 OLD AGE ECHOES UNCOLLECTED AND REJECTED POEMS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Novel FRANKLIN EVANS Other Prose Works LIST OF PROSE WORKS The Letters THE WOUND DRESSER THE LETTERS OF ANNE GILCHRIST AND WALT WHITMAN
Despre prostie
Despre prostie
Musil Robert
Volumul cuprinde o culegere de eseuri scrise de un filosof despre c?teva teme fierbin?i ale actualit??ii. Este un exerci?iu de ?angajare“ ?n cotidian, explor?nd statutul ?i ?utilitatea“ abord?rii filosofice ?ntr-o lume care pare s? -?i fi pierdut direc?ia. Valentin Mure?an scrie despre criza filosofiei, despre felul ?n care ar trebui reformat sistemul de ?nv???m?nt, despre anomaliile culturale ale dragostei ori despre secretul construirii unor institu?ii morale. Reflec?iile, amare ?n constat?ri, dar entuziaste ?n construirea solu?iilor, sunt completate de c?teva portrete sentimentale ale unor colegi.
Delphi Complete Works of Juvenal (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Juvenal (Illustrated)
Juvenal’s ‘Satires’ are a vital source for the study of Latin literature, offering a lurid, comic and fascinating window into the world of ancient Rome. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin and Greek texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Juvenal’s complete extant works, with beautiful illustrations, rare texts and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Juvenal's life and works * Features the complete works of Juvenal, in both English translation and the original Latin * Concise introduction to the ‘Satires’ * Includes Ramsay’s translations, which previously appeared in Loeb Classical Library editions of Juvenal’s works * Excellent formatting of the texts * Easily locate the Satires you want to read with individual contents tables * Includes line numbers in both the English and Latin texts – ideal for students * Provides a special dual English and Latin text, allowing readers to compare each Satire paragraph by paragraph – ideal for students * Features a bonus biography – discover Juvenal's ancient world * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Translations THE SATIRES The Latin Text CONTENTS OF THE LATIN TEXT The Dual Text DUAL LATIN AND ENGLISH TEXT The Biography THE LIFE OF JUVENAL by G. G. Ramsay Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Saemtliche Werke von Franz Kafka (Illustrierte)
Saemtliche Werke von Franz Kafka (Illustrierte)
Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka ist eine wichtige Figur der moderne Literatur. Jetzt k?nnen Sie das Gesamtwerk von Kafka auf Ihrem E-Reader, mit vielen Bonus-Features, genie?en. Dies ist das erste deutsche eBook von Delphi Classics, erfolgreicher Verleger klassischer Fiktion. (Version: 2) * Alle Romanfragmente, jedes mit einem Inhaltsverzeichnis * Kurze Einführungen zu den Romanen und anderen Texten * Viele Bilder mit Bezug zu Franz Kafka, seinem Leben und seinen Werken * Alle Kurzgeschichten, darunter seltene Erz?hlungen * Spezielle alphabetische Inhaltsverzeichnisse für die Geschichten * Kafkas seltenes Drama DER GRUFTW?CHTER * Kafkas Tagebücher — Erkunden Sie des Schriftstellers unruhige Gedanken * Weitere Werke von Kafka * Enth?lt jetzt auch FRANZ KAFKA: EINE BIOGRAPHIE von Max Brod – die erste Biographie über das Leben von Kafka! INHALT: Romanfragmente DER PROZESS DAS SCHLOSS AMERIKA (DER VERSCHOLLENE) Kurzgeschichten BETRACHTUNG BESCHREIBUNG EINES KAMPFES HOCHZEITSVORBEREITUNGEN AUF DEM LANDE DIE AEROPLANE IN BRESCIA EIN DAMENBREVIER GESPR?CH MIT DEM BETER GESPR?CH MIT DEM BETRUNKENEN AM FENSTER EIN ROMAN DER JUGEND IN DER NACHT EINE ENTSCHLAFENE ZEITSCHRIFT GROSSER L?RM AUS MATL?RH?ZA DAS URTEIL DIE VERWANDLUNG DER HEIZER IN DER STRAFKOLONIE DER DORFSCHULLEHRER BLUMFELD, EIN ?LTERER JUNGGESELLE EIN LANDARZT DER J?GER GRACCHUS EIN BERICHT F?R EINE AKADEMIE DIE ABWEISUNG EIN HUNGERK?NSTLER BEIM BAU DER CHINESISCHEN MAUER FORSCHUNGEN EINES HUNDES DER BAU PARABELN Erz?hlungen in Alphabetischer Reihenfolge Drama DER GRUFTW?CHTER Tagebücher LISTE DER TAGEBUCHEINTR?GE TAGEBUCH EINER REISE NACH FRIEDLAND UND REICHENBERG Weitere Werke BRIEF AN DEN VATER BETRACHTUNGEN ?BER S?NDE, LEID, HOFFNUNG UND DEN WAHREN WEG DIE ACHT OKTAVHEFTE Biographie FRANZ KAFKA. EINE BIOGRAPHIE von Max Brod Besuchen Sie bitte www.delphiclassics.com für weitere Informationen und unsere anderen eBooks durchsuchen.
Bergson Henry
Publicat? ini?ial, ?n trei articole, ?n 1861, o lucrare fundamental?, cu o influen?? de necontestat ?n domeniul ?tiin?elor sociale, Utilitarismul lui J.S.Mill cuprinde o serie de discu?ii despre principiile care stau la baza doctrinei filosofice a utilitarismului. Structura lucr?rii, cu cinci capitole clare ?i concise (Considera?ii generale, Ce este utilitarismul, Despre sanc?iunea fundamental? a principiului utilit??ii, De ce fel de demonstra?ie este susceptibil principiul utilit??ii, Despre leg?tura dintre dreptate ?i utilitate), este elegant? ?i faciliteaz? ?n?elegerea ideilor aprofundate de g?nditorul englez. ?ntr-un sens, Utilitarismul reprezint? o rafinare a ideilor lui Jeremy Bentham despre ceea ce ar trebui s? constituie m?sura binelui ?i a r?ului: exigen?a de a ob?ine cea mai mare fericire pentru un num?r c?t mai mare de oameni. ?ntr-un alt sens, mai larg ?i mai important, cartea de fa?? formuleaz? ?i analizeaz? ?n profunzime toate implica?iile, pentru moral?, ale principiului utilit??ii. John Stuart Mill aduce etica ?n vecin?tatea economiei (maximizarea fericirii, ierarhizarea pl?cerilor ?n func?ie de profit, decizia bazat? pe calcularea utilit??ii alternativelor etc.) ?i ?ncearc? s? rezolve toate dificult??ile rezultate din acest mod de a trata problema drept??ii. Mill ofer? r?spunsuri la c?teva ?ntreb?ri esen?iale precum: ,,?n ce const? fericirea?“, ,,Ce urm?rim, de fapt, atunci c?nd alegem o anumit? conduit??“, ,,Ce pl?ceri sunt preferabile?“, ,,Cum trebuie s? arate legile (?i sanc?iunile inerente) dac? morala se ?ntemeieaz? pe utilitate?“, ,,De ce este preferabil principiul utilit??ii, at?t din perspectiva binelui personal, c?t ?i din aceea a binelui public?“
Delphi Complete Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (Illustrated)
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
One of the most influential and important figures of the Renaissance, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey was the first poet to use blank verse in English literature, later influencing the works of Shakespeare, Spenser and Milton. This new edition of the bestselling Delphi Poets Series offers superior formatting of the complete surviving works of Surrey, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Surrey's life and works * Concise introduction to the influential early Renaissance poet * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Includes line numbers ? ideal for students * Features a bonus biography - explore Surrey's literary life Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Poetry of Surrey BRIEF INTRODUCTION: HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Biography HENRY HOWARD by Sidney Lee Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Delphi Complete Works of W. B. Yeats (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of W. B. Yeats (Illustrated)
W. B. Yeats
This is the seventh volume of a new series of publications by Delphi Classics, the best-selling publisher of classical works. Many poetry collections are often poorly formatted and difficult to read on eReaders. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the poetical works and plays of W. B. Yeats, with illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version: 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Yeats' life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Ten poetry collections – the most poems possible due to US copyright restrictions * Images of how the poetry books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the poems and plays * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * 19 plays, including rare dramas appearing for the first time in digital print * Features two autobiographies - discover Yeats' literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: to comply with US copyright restrictions, poetry collections, plays and autobiographical works published after 1922 cannot appear in this volume. Once these later works enter the US public domain, they will be added as a free update to the eBook. CONTENTS The Poetry Collections The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics The Wind Among The Reeds Poems from the Shadowy Waters Two Narrative Poems In the Seven Woods The Green Helmet and Other Poems Responsibilities The Wild Swans at Coole Michael Robartes and The Dancer The Poems List of Poems in Chronological Order List of Poems in Alphabetical Order The Plays The Countess Cathleen The Land of Heart’s Desire Diarmuid and Grania Where There is Nothing Cathleen ni Houlihan The Hour-Glass The Pot of Broth The King’s Threshold On Baile’s Strand Deirdre The Unicorn from the Stars The Green Helmet The Shadowy Waters The Hour-Glass (verse version) At the Hawk’s Well The Dreaming of the Bones The Only Jealousy of Emer Calvary The Player Queen The Autobiographies Reveries over Childhood and Youth The Trembling of the Veil
Mill John Stuart
De La Boétie ofer? una dintre primele ?i cele mai clare explica?ii privind servitutea voluntar?, starea care define?te supunerea majorit??ii fa?? de minoritatea care de?ine puterea politic?. Este ?i va r?m?ne acela?i lucru, indiferent de scurgerea timpului: un eseu memorabil despre m?re?ia ?i micimile naturii umane, slujit exemplar de g?ndul ?i de pana unui geniu cu care timpul nu a avut prea mult? r?bdare.,,Dar, Dumnezeule mare, ce ?nseamn? asta? Cum s? numim aceast? nenorocire? Ce viciu ?ngrozitor e ?sta, s? vezi nenum?ra?i oameni, nu doar c? se supun, ci c? slujesc, nu c? sunt guverna?i, ci c? sunt tiraniza?i, neav?nd nici bunuri, nici p?rin?i, nici copii, nici m?car propria lor via???“ ?tienne de LA Boétie
Distracted by Disaster: How to Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities
Distracted by Disaster: How to Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities
Warren Archer
Bogged down by an endless onslaught of stumbling blocks and disasters that keep pushing you farther away from fulfilling your purpose and achieving your goals? ? This book could radically change all that. ? This simple, clear, and highly practical step-by-step guide will show you: ? How to manage all the problems and disasters that come your way while still making progress on all your goals—short-term and long-term—without sacrificing the important things in life. How to turn obstacles into an advantage that will propel you along the path to fulfilling your goals and achieving your purpose. How to shift your thinking so that all you see are opportunities that will open doors to great possibilities you may have never imagined before.
本书是费希特依据他的知识学原理,系统地研究道德哲学的专著。这项工作是他在耶拿大学讲授道德学说的过程中进行的,开始于1796年夏季,完成于1797年秋季。全书以《以知识学为原则的伦理学体系》为标题,发表于1798年复活节。   一、本书在近代欧洲伦理学史中的地位   二、本书的逻辑结构和主要观点   三、公众对于本书的各种评论
每满100减50 老子学堂
  《老子学堂》参透了老子思想体系中丰富、精妙的智慧,以观察其对现代人思想的许多固有影响,明了现代人的思想轨迹,又从老子智慧的言论中觉悟出许多具体的做法。这些哲学思想即使经过两干多年岁月的洗礼依然熠熠生辉,对于我们而言,依然是有着非同一般的影响和启迪。   生活在21世纪的我们是幸运的,因为能享受丰富的精神和物质财富;但生活在21世纪的我们又是疲惫的,因为竞争始终存在,容不得你做停歇。无法停止的脚步和思维使我们的精神压力越发沉重,心情越发糟糕,为了“比别人多得到一点”,我们卷入了忙碌与勾斗之中,不断冲杀,伤痕累累。这种时候,我们真应该多向老子学习一些人生的智慧。
每满100减50 应用伦理学前沿问题工作坊·第1辑
主编 王露璐;副主 编 张燕;陶涛
【内容简介】 应用伦理学是当前伦理学发展*为迅速的研究领域。在一定程度上,正是得益于应用伦理学与社会现实的紧密结合,伦理学在解决各种纷繁复杂的道德疑难问题中显现了自身的学术魅力和学科价值。《应用伦理学前沿问题工作坊》是南京师范大学公共管理学院王露璐教授发起并主持的“应用伦理学前沿问题研究”小型开放式工作坊的成果展示。工作坊每年春季开坊,一般为10期,每期以一个应用伦理学热点案例或思想实验为切入点,深入到应用伦理中的某个或某些重要问题展开讨论。第1辑收录2021年工作坊10期学术沙龙活动的主要内容,涉及乡村伦理、网络伦理、生命伦理、医学伦理、政治伦理、环境伦理、科技伦理等专题。
每满100减50 论语说什么
每满100减50 梁启超讲读王阳明心学(与阳明先生、梁启超跨时空交流,体悟心学的现实意义。)
每满100减50 《哥达纲领批判》导读
张晓 编著
每满100减50 同感与人格
本书是汉语学界*部专论施泰因特别是施泰因对于交互主体性现象学的研究的专著。自胡塞尔的现象学发生所谓的“超越论的转向”以后,对其现象学是一种“唯我论”的批评就不绝于耳。本书尝试表明,施泰因(以及其他早期现象学家)恰恰是借“同感”来讨论对他人的通达,以避免“唯我论”的困扰,并借此发展交互主体性现象学的。 在此问题脉络中,施泰因有关同感和交互主体性现象学研究的特殊意义与价值主要体现在:(1)她将同感问题置自赫尔德以来的整个思想史传统之中来考察;(2)她在精神科学的总体视域下对同感行现象学的研究;(3)她将同感现象学运用到具体的精神科学领域(比如伦理学、美学和社会政治哲学等)中,并*终成为勾连现象学和中世纪经院哲学的核心基础之一。
每满100减50 应用伦理学前沿问题工作坊·第2辑
主编 王露璐;副主 编 张燕;陶涛
【内容简介】 应用伦理学是当前伦理学发展*为迅速的研究领域。在一定程度上,正是得益于应用伦理学与社会现实的紧密结合,伦理学在解决各种纷繁复杂的道德疑难问题中显现了自身的学术魅力和学科价值。《应用伦理学前沿问题工作坊》是南京师范大学公共管理学院王露璐教授发起并主持的“应用伦理学前沿问题研究”小型开放式工作坊的成果展示。工作坊每年春季开坊,以一个应用伦理学热点案例或思想实验为切入点,深入到应用伦理中的某个或某些重要问题展开讨论。本书收录2022年工作坊学术沙龙活动的主要内容,涉及乡村伦理、网络伦理、生命伦理、医学伦理、政治伦理、环境伦理、科技伦理等专题。
一周特价11.9-11.22 读老庄之道悟生活智慧
观察水的态势可以从中领略人生的厦智慧,老子和庄子都是深谙水之道的智者,也因此而领略了人生与众不同的风景。 气球再大,里面也是空的,风筝再美,也不可能飞得比鹰更高,智慧的人生是不需要大过张扬和显摆的。 任何烦恼都是沧海一粟,甚至是连细小的尘埃都不如,又怎么能企正触动我们,让我们痛苦呢? 道家认为,人的本性是无拘无束的,是近天道的。可是因为法世有大多的纷扰羁绊,所以我们才会渐渐迷失自己的本性,渐温看不清自己的真心。
每满100减50 中国人心态智慧书(套装全3册)
杨立朋 等
包括:求人不如求已 跟易经学变通,有舍才有得 菜根谭的心理平衡术,放下即是拥有 庄子的智慧
每满100减50 西安周易研究(*辑)
张茂泽 郑熊