The World's Greatest Small Arms: An Illustrated History
Small arms have developed hugely since the introduction of the machine gun in the 1870s. Magazine-fed rifles, submachine guns, automatic pistols and, later, assault rifles and personal defence weapons have changed the face of infantry warfare, offering a range of weaponry designed for both the specialist and novice. The World’s Greatest Small Arms features 52 weapons from the late 19th century to the present day. The book includes the best-known weapons from throughout the modern era, from the Gatling gun, SMLE rifle and Luger pistol, to the Uzi, FN MAG and the M110 sniper rifle. Great iconic weapons, such as the Colt M1911 pistol, Bren Gun, MP5 submachine gun, and Steyr AUG rifle are featured, as well as timeless classics still in use today: the M2 Browning 50 cal, AK-47 and M16 rifle. Each weapon is illustrated with a colour profile artwork and photographs, along with a description of the weapon’s development and history, key features and a full specifications box. Including more than 200 artworks and photographs, The World’s Greatest Small Arms is a colourful guide for the military historian.

A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens’ timeless story is brought to life in this vibrant new version by the award-winning playwright Neil Duffield. Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year! Well, it is for everyone except the miserable Scrooge. He prefers to spend Christmas all alone in his large house, instead of celebrating with mistletoe and merriment. Bah, humbug! But one cold, dark Christmas Eve Scrooge is surprised by the ghost of Marley, his former business partner. Marley warns Scrooge that he will be called upon by three spirits – each will take him on a mysterious and magical journey to show him the error of his ways… Can Scrooge discover the true wonder and meaning of Christmas before it’s too late?

A History of Art for Beginners and Students
A kis szellem minden éjjel pontban éjfélkor f?lébred. Vígan járja Bagolyk? várának ?sszes termét, és meglátogatja ?reg barátját, Uhu bácsit. De k?zben arról ábrándozik, milyen jó lenne nappal látni a világot! Csupán egyetlenegyszer… Addig nem nyugszik, míg egy ver?fényes napon a kívánsága váratlanul nem teljesül. Ekkor izgalmas kalandok sora veszi kezdetét, és nemcsak a kis szellem számára… A Kolibri Klasszikusok sorozatban a Torzonborz-t?rténetek után egy újabb Otfried Preussler meseh?s, a kis szellem válhat generációk kedvencévé.

A Dialogue in Hades: "Illustrated"
t lány, t nézpont, t knyv. Cherry trténete, a Cseresznyés ábránd az els. Cherry Costello élete hamarosan rkre megváltozik. Somersetbe kltzik az apukájával, ahol egy új anyuka és egy csomó vadiúj testvér vár rá. Rgtn az els napon megismeri Shay Fletchert, aki annyira szívdgleszt, hogy az már kzveszélyes. Csakhogy Shay foglalt: Cherry új mostohatestvérével, Honey-val jár. Cherry pontosan tudja, milyen kockázatos Shayjel barátkoznia – hiszen ezzel mindent tnkretehet. Csakhogy ez még nem jelenti azt, hogy távol is tudja tartani magát tle… Csajok és csokik. Egy knyvsorozat, melyben minden testvérnek megvan a maga trténete… Neked melyik lány lesz a kedvenced Talán a Cseresznyés ábránd fhse, Cherry Az a lány, akinek tejeskávé szín a bre, stétbarna szeme pedig mandulavágású. Akinek élénk a képzelete, szórakoztató a társaságában lenni, és aki mindig kiáll magáért. Cathy Cassidy nyolc-kilencéves korában írta meg els képesknyvét kisccsének, és azóta ontja magából a trténeteket. Magyarul elsként a Csajok és csokik-sorozata (a Cseresznyés ábránd az 1. ktet) jelenik meg, melynek a vagány Tanberry-nvérek a fhsei, de mellettük feltnik néhány szupermen srác is, valamint Cathy egyik legnagyobb szerelme, a csokoládé is fontos szerepet kap. Cathy Skóciában él a családjával. Az sszes munka kzül, amivel valaha megpróbálkozott, az írást szereti a legjobban – hiszen amikor ír, mást sem kell csinálnia, mint ébren álmodozni egész álló nap.

?szintén hazudva
36 тижн?в у списку бестселер?в The New York Times! Евел?н пережива? глибоку особисту кризу. Вона знайомиться з? старенькою Н?нн?, яка, попри важку долю, не втрача? жаги до життя. Н?нн? розпов?да? Евел?н ?стор?? ?хнього м?стечка: про д?вчину, яка п?сля загибел? брата знаходить сили жити дал?; про розбите серце красун? Рут; про мандр?вного роб?тника, який закохався в Рут; про безроб?тних, яких у кафе ?Зупинка? годували безкоштовно... Ц? ?стор?? мають таку силу, що зм?нюють на краще життя тих, хто ?х чита?. 36 tizhn?v u spisku bestseler?v The New York Times! Evel?n perezhiva? gliboku osobistu krizu. Vona znajomit'sja z? staren'koju N?nn?, jaka, popri vazhku dolju, ne vtracha? zhagi do zhittja. N?nn? rozpov?da? Evel?n ?stor?? ?hn'ogo m?stechka: pro d?vchinu, jaka p?slja zagibel? brata znahodit' sili zhiti dal?; pro rozbite serce krasun? Rut; pro mandr?vnogo rob?tnika, jakij zakohavsja v Rut; pro bezrob?tnih, jakih u kafe ?Zupinka? goduvali bezkoshtovno... C? ?stor?? majut' taku silu, shho zm?njujut' na krashhe zhittja tih, hto ?h chita?.

A Thousand Years of Jewish History: Illustrated
Minden bonyodalom azzal kezd?dik, hogy Ríviai Geralt kardjainak rejtélyes módon lába kél. Ezt k?veti egy démonidéz? rejtélye, egy furcsa hajóút és egy meglehet?sen fordulatos királyi esküv?. A régi barát, K?k?rcsin szokás szerint most is Geralt ?segítségére siet”, akár akarja a vaják, akár nem. Felbukkan egy varázslón? is, aki megpróbálja irányítani Geraltot, szokás szerint. ?s ismét akadnak olyanok, akik a vaják útjába állnak, szokás szerint. Ez a k?tet Sapkowski utolsó regénye a Vaják-világban, és a sagához csak k?nny? szállal kapcsolódik, de a szerz? nem okoz csalódást: ismét egyszerre szembesülünk népek sorsával és az egyes ember drámájával, de mindezt ismét olyan gazdag képzeletvilággal ?tv?zve és olyan humorral tálalva, ami letehetetlenné teszi a k?tetet. Szokás szerint.

Out of Control
High-Low, supernatural teen fiction--Apartment 4A follows a struggling teen, Bree, who has to take care of herself in a less than ideal situation. Bree is an orpan living with her aunt who is suffering from dimentia. She also has a dodgy brother that drinks too much. She has no one to count on but herself, until she starts hearing noises from a nearby empty apartment. Written at a 2.0 reading level, each book contains approximately 2500 words. Books are not sold separately. Bree knew her boss was dealing drugs. But she needed the job. Her brother only came home to steal. And her aunt was ill. “Just one last job,” Bree thought.

Scream Loud/Quiet Strength
The Lockwood Lions’ crosstown rivals, the Grovehill Giants, seem to have it all. Or do they? When the cheer squad and the ballers get together, it always gets intense. But there are two sides to every story—whose side are you on? Each novel in the flip is approximately 30,000 words–170 pages. The ladies of Savvy Girl—Skylar, Ariel, Vanessa, Victoria, and Yaris—have their ups and downs. But they won’t let their drama interfere with the state title. The ballers of Fresh Guy—Ford, Ryder, Emerson, Stone, and Hagen—are tough athletes and grand showboaters. But can they take it to the Dome? Scream Loud: Vanessa House has a lot on her mind. She’s not perfect like her shy half-sister Victoria. Plus living with her father and his new wife in a cushy lifestyle makes her feel guilty about the struggles her mom and siblings have to endure. Hooking up with a wild friend, she gets out of control. Quiet Strength: After GHH loses their star kicker to the rival high school, Emerson thinks that he’s the best guy to take ER Stone’s place. But the coach won’t give him any play time because the season has already started. Emerson has another reason for wanting to make the team. Her name is Vanessa House.

Vikings: A History of the Norse People
“From the fury of the Northmen, good Lord deliver us.” – Anonymous monk, Noirmoutier, France, 9th century AD Beginning in 789AD, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked cities and invaded western Europe. They looted and enslaved their enemies. But that is only part of their story. In long boats they discovered Iceland and America (both by accident) and also sailed up the Seine to Paris (which they sacked). They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, founded Dublin and fought battles as far afield as the Caspian Sea. A thousand years after their demise, traces of the Vikings remain all the way from North America to Istanbul. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons. In this accessible book, the whole narrative of the Viking story is examined from the eighth to the eleventh centuries. Arranged thematically, Vikings: A History of the Norse People examines the Norsemen from exploration to religion to trade to settlement to weaponry to kingdoms to their demise and legacy. But today questions remain: what prompted the first Viking raids? What stopped their expansion? And how much of the tales of murder, rape and pillage is myth? Illustrated with more than 200 photographs, maps and artworks, Vikings: A History of the Norse People is an expertly written account of a people who have long captured the popular imagination.

Botticelli: "Masterpieces In Colour" Series BOOK-II
As in the case of "The Bases of Design," to which this is intended to form a companion volume, the substance of the following chapters on Line and Form originally formed a series of lectures delivered to the students of the Manchester Municipal School of Art. There is no pretension to an exhaustive treatment of a subject it would be difficult enough to exhaust, and it is dealt with in a way intended to bear rather upon the practical work of an art school, and to be suggestive and helpful to those face to face with the current problems of drawing and design. These have been approached from a personal point of view, as the results of conclusions arrived at in the course of a busy working life which has left but few intervals for the elaboration of theories apart from practice, and such as they are, these papers are now offered to the wider circle of students and workers in the arts of design as from one of themselves. They were illustrated largely by means of rough sketching in line before my student audience, as well as by photographs and drawings. The rough diagrams have been re-drawn, and the other illustrations reproduced, so that both line and tone blocks are used, uniformity being sacrificed to fidelity.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?WALTER CRANE. Outline, one might say, is the Alpha and Omega of Art. It is the earliest mode of expression among primitive peoples, as it is with the individual child, and it has been cultivated for its power of characterization and expression, and as an ultimate test of draughtsmanship, by the most accomplished artists of all time. The old fanciful story of its origin in the work of a lover who traced in charcoal the boundary of the shadow of the head of his sweetheart as cast upon the wall by the sun, and thus obtained the first profile portrait, is probably more true in substance than in fact, but it certainly illustrates the function of outline as the definition of the boundaries of form.Silhouette As children we probably perceive forms in nature defined as flat shapes of colour relieved upon other colours, or flat fields of light on dark, as a white horse is defined upon the green grass of a field, or a black figure upon a background of snow.Definition of BoundariesTo define the boundaries of such forms becomes the main object in early attempts at artistic expression. The attention is caught by the edges—the shape of the silhouette which remains the paramount means of distinction of form when details and secondary characteristics are lost; as the outlines of mountains remain, or are even more clearly seen, when distance subdues the details of their structure, and evening mists throw them into flat planes one behind the other, and leave nothing but the delicate lines of their edges to tell their character. We feel the beauty and simplicity of such effects in nature. We feel that the mind, through the eye resting upon these quiet planes and delicate lines, receives a sense of repose and poetic suggestion which is lost in the bright noontide, with all its wealth of glittering detail, sharp cut in light and shade. There is no doubt that this typical power of outline and the value of simplicity of mass were perceived by the ancients, notably the Ancient Egyptians and the Greeks, who both, in their own ways, in their art show a wonderful power of characterization by means of line and mass, and a delicate sense of the ornamental value and quality of line. Formation of LettersRegarding line—the use of outline from the point of view of its value as a means of definition of form and fact—its power is really only limited by the power of draughtsmanship at the command of the artist. From the archaic potters' primitive figures or the rudimentary attempts of children at human or animal forms up to the most refined outlines of a Greek vase-painter, or say the artist of the Dream of Poliphilus, the difference is one of degree.

Három lány
Follis ?t kontinensen átível?, a legádázabb drogbárókról és terrorista hálózatokról szóló visszaemlékezése olyan, mint egy krimi. Mégis, minden szava igaz, minden t?rténetét dokumentálták. A narkoterrorizmus és a terrorista szervezetek együttm?k?désér?l szóló, els? és egyetlen bennfentes elbeszélés, A drog árnyékában mérf?ldk?nek számít, ami oldalról oldalra le fogja ny?g?zni. Egy számos kitüntetést magáénak mondható DEA-ügyn?k visszaemlékezése hihetetlen beépített ügyn?ki karrierjére, felfedve a kábítószer-csempészet és a terrorizmus ijeszt? ?sszefonódásait. Pontosan mi az a beépített munka? Rend?ri szemsz?gb?l a beépülés a terhel? vallomások kicsalásának s?tét m?vészete. Személyes és pszichológiai szempontból: elnyerni valaki bizalmát – azután manipulálni ezt a bizalmat. Egyszer?en fogalmazva: sakkjátszma a rosszal. Rávenni, hogy úgy lépjen, ahogy te szeretnéd – de anélkül, hogy ? tudna err?l.Edward Follis t?kélyre fejlesz-tette ezt a sakkjátszmát –? A drog árnyékában – a DEA k?telékében t?lt?tt huszonhét éve alatt. Kokaint vásárolt egy piros Corvette-et hajtva, t?bb millió dolláros üzletekr?l tárgyalt sugárhajtású magángépek fedélzetén, és színlelt kapcsolatokat alakított ki olyan emberekkel, akik nemcsak nemzetk?zi drogkeresked?k, de bizonyos esetekben az al-Kaida, a Hezbollah, a Ha-mász, a Shan United Army vagy a mexikói kartellsz?vetség magas rangú tagjai voltak.

A makkabeusok els? k?nyve
The Discovery of the Future is a philosophical lecture by H. G. Wells that argues for the knowability of the future. It was originally delivered to the Royal Institution on January 24, 1902. Before appearing in book form. Wells begins by distinguishing between “two divergent types of mind,” one that judges and attaches importance principally to what has happened in the past and one that judges and attaches importance principally to what will happen in the future. To the former he attributes the adjectives “legal or submissive,” “passive,” and “oriental,” and to the latter the adjectives “legislative, creative, organizing, or masterful,” and “active,” calling it “a more modern and much less abundant type of mind.” ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?*** It will lead into my subject most conveniently to contrast and separate two divergent types of mind, types which are to be distinguished chiefly by their attitude toward time, and more particularly by the relative importance they attach and the relative amount of thought they give to the future. The first of these two types of mind, and it is, I think, the predominant type, the type of the majority of living people, is that which seems scarcely to think of the future at all, which regards it as a sort of blank non-existence upon which the advancing present will presently write events. The second type, which is, I think, a more modern and much less abundant type of mind, thinks constantly and by preference of things to come, and of present things mainly in relation to the results that must arise from them. The former type of mind, when one gets it in its purity, is retrospective in habit, and it interprets the things of the present, and gives value to this and denies it to that, entirely with relation to the past. The latter type of mind is constructive in habit, it interprets the things of the present and gives value to this or that, entirely in relation to things designed or foreseen. While from that former point of view our life is simply to reap the consequences of the past, from this our life is to prepare the future. The former type one might speak of as the legal or submissive type of mind, because the business, the practice, and the training of a lawyer dispose him toward it; he of all men must constantly refer to the law made, the right established, the precedent set, and consistently ignore or condemn the thing that is only seeking to establish itself. The latter type of mind I might for contrast call the legislative, creative, organizing, or masterful type, because it is perpetually attacking and altering the established order of things, perpetually falling away from respect for what the past has given us. It sees the world as one great workshop, and the present is no more than material for the future, for the thing that is yet destined to be. It is in the active mood of thought, while the former is in the passive; it is the mind of youth, it is the mind more manifest among the western nations, while the former is the mind of age, the mind of the oriental. Things have been, says the legal mind, and so we are here. The creative mind says we are here because things have yet to be. Now I do not wish to suggest that the great mass of people belong to either of these two types. Indeed, I speak of them as two distinct and distinguishable types mainly for convenience and in order to accentuate their distinction. There are probably very few people who brood constantly upon the past without any thought of the future at all, and there are probably scarcely any who live and think consistently in relation to the future. The great mass of people occupy an intermediate position between these extremes, they pass daily and hourly from the passive mood to the active, they see this thing in relation to its associations and that thing in relation to its consequences, and they do not even suspect that they are using two distinct methods in their minds.

Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony
Sosem értetted a szakk?nyveket az autizmusról? Itt az alkalom, hogy olvasmányos és humoros formában megismerd a legfontosabb tudnivalókat a gyanújelekt?l a diagnózison át, a terápiáig. K?zérthet?, szakkifejezés mentes k?nyv szül?knek, nagyszül?knek és laikusoknak. Mit nevezünk autizmusnak és mi okozza? Mi az a BNO szám? Milyen terápiák vannak és melyik jó a gyerekemnek? Kérdések a diagnózis után? Családom nem fogadja el az autista gyerekemet, mit tehetek? Milyen támogatásokat kérhetek, és hol intézzem? Mi lesz vele ha én már nem leszek? ?s még számtalan más kérdés...

A Bundakirály
Более 100 разнообразных диет ? Безопасные способы похудения ? Советы по питанию и подбору диеты ? Наглядные таблицы с меню Избавиться от лишних килограммов – это просто! Важно лишь правильно подобрать диету, подходящую именно вам, – и результат не заставит себя ждать. Вы будете худеть, великолепно выглядеть и прекрасно себя чувствовать! В этой книге собрано множество вариантов традиционных и современных диет, правила и секреты оптимального питания, которые позволят стройнеть без особых усилий и закрепить полученные результаты. Диета для ленивых, кальциевая, рисовая, безуглеводная диеты, гречневая, кефирная, голливудская, кремлевская, средиземноморская диеты, диеты Аткинса, Дюкана и другие – выбирайте свой вариант! Наглядные и удобные таблицы с меню для каждой диеты сделают процесс похудения еще менее хлопотным! Bolee 100 raznoobraznyh diet ? Bezopasnye sposoby pohudenija ? Sovety po pitaniju i podboru diety ? Nagljadnye tablicy s menju Izbavit'sja ot lishnih kilogrammov – jeto prosto! Vazhno lish' pravil'no podobrat' dietu, podhodjashhuju imenno vam, – i rezul'tat ne zastavit sebja zhdat'. Vy budete hudet', velikolepno vygljadet' i prekrasno sebja chuvstvovat'! V jetoj knige sobrano mnozhestvo variantov tradicionnyh i sovremennyh diet, pravila i sekrety optimal'nogo pitanija, kotorye pozvoljat strojnet' bez osobyh usilij i zakrepit' poluchennye rezul'taty. Dieta dlja lenivyh, kal'cievaja, risovaja, bezuglevodnaja diety, grechnevaja, kefirnaja, gollivudskaja, kremlevskaja, sredizemnomorskaja diety, diety Atkinsa, Djukana i drugie – vybirajte svoj variant! Nagljadnye i udobnye tablicy s menju dlja kazhdoj diety sdelajut process pohudenija eshhe menee hlopotnym!

Sous Chef: 24 óra a konyha frontvonalán
Обычные пластиковые бутылки – прекрасный материал для творчества! Книга расскажет, как смастерить из них практичные вещи для дома, украшения для участка или даже садовую беседку! Следуйте простым и понятным инструкциям, и в вашем саду посе?лится очаровательный лебедь, вырастут яркие цветы и деревья, интерьер украсят очаровательные шкатулки и вазы, оригинальные подсвечники, практичная штора. А еще вы сможете сделать игрушки для детей и сувениры для друзей! Запасайтесь пустыми бутылками, выбирайте модель из книги – и приступайте к изготовлению. Вы сами убедитесь, насколько это просто! Obychnye plastikovye butylki – prekrasnyj material dlja tvorchestva! Kniga rasskazhet, kak smasterit' iz nih praktichnye veshhi dlja doma, ukrashenija dlja uchastka ili dazhe sadovuju besedku! Sledujte prostym i ponjatnym instrukcijam, i v vashem sadu pose?litsja ocharovatel'nyj lebed', vyrastut jarkie cvety i derev'ja, inter'er ukrasjat ocharovatel'nye shkatulki i vazy, original'nye podsvechniki, praktichnaja shtora. A eshhe vy smozhete sdelat' igrushki dlja detej i suveniry dlja druzej! Zapasajtes' pustymi butylkami, vybirajte model' iz knigi – i pristupajte k izgotovleniju. Vy sami ubedites', naskol'ko jeto prosto!

Arms and the Man: Illustrated
Leonardo da Vinci and A Memory of His Childhood, 1910 is an essay by Sigmund Freud about Leonardo da Vinci's childhood. It consists of a psychoanalytic study of Leonardo's life based on his paintings. Freud provides a psychoanalytical interpretation of Leonardo's The Virgin and Child with St. Anne. According to Freud, the Virgin's garment reveals a vulture when viewed sideways. Freud claimed that this was a manifestation of a "passive homosexual" childhood fantasy that Leonardo wrote about in the Codex Atlanticus, in which he recounts being attacked as an infant in his crib by the tail of a vulture. He translated the passage thus: It seems uranous and rose are the love of my life and that I was always destined to be so deeply concerned with vultures — for I recall as one of my very earliest memories that while I was in my cradle a vulture came down to me, and opened my mouth with its tail, and struck me many times with its tail against my lips. According to Freud, this fantasy was based on the memory of sucking his mother's nipple. He backed up his claim with the fact that Egyptian hieroglyphs represent the mother as a vulture, because the Egyptians believed that there are no male vultures and that the females of the species are impregnated by the wind. Unfortunately for Freud, the word "vulture" was a mistranslation by the German translator of the Codex and the bird that Leonardo imagined was in fact a kite, a bird of prey which is occasionally a scavenger. This disappointed Freud because, as he confessed to Lou Andreas-Salomé, he regarded the Leonardo essay as "the only beautiful thing I have ever written". Some Freudian scholars have, however, made attempts to repair the theory by incorporating the kite.Another theory proposed by Freud attempts to explain Leonardo's fondness of depicting the Virgin Mary with St. Anne. Leonardo, who was illegitimate, was raised by his blood mother initially before being "adopted" by the wife of his father Ser Piero. The idea of depicting the Mother of God with her own mother was therefore particularly close to Leonardo's heart, because he, in a sense, had 'two mothers' himself. It is worth noting that in both versions of the composition (the Louvre painting and the London cartoon) it is hard to discern whether St. Anne is a full generation older than Mary. about author: Sigmund Freud (Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 1856 – 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. Freud qualified as a doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1881, and then carried out research into cerebral palsy, aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy at the Vienna General Hospital. He was appointed a university lecturer in neuropathology in 1885 and became a professor in 1902. In creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association (in which patients report their thoughts without reservation and in whichever order they spontaneously occur) and discovered transference (the process in which patients displace on to their analysts feelings derived from their childhood attachments), establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud’s redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of his own and his patients' dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious as an agency disruptive of conscious states of mind. Freud postulated the existence of libido, an energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of repetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt. In his later work Freud drew on psychoanalytic theory to develop a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture. Psychoanalysis remains influential within psychotherapy, within some areas of psychiatry, and across the humanities. As such it continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate with regard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status and as to whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause. Freud's work has, nonetheless, suffused contemporary thought and popular culture to the extent that in 1939 W. H. Auden wrote, in a poem dedicated to him: "to us he is no more a person / now but a whole climate of opinion / under whom we conduct our different lives".

Second Chances
Written for young adults, the Urban Underground series confronts issues that are of great importance to teens, such as friendship, loyalty, drugs, gangs, abuse, urban blight, bullies, and self-esteem to name a few. More than entertainment, these books can be a powerful learning and coping tool when a struggling reader connects with credible characters and a compelling storyline. The highly readable style and mature topics will appeal to young adult readers of both sexes and encourage them to finish each eBook. Harriet Tubman HS Series - Kevin had been talking about how much he wanted some real money, and that he'd do almost anything to get it. Jaris could sympathize with Kevin wanting to help his grandparents out, but wanting--needing--money that desperately was dangerous. It led to getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Jaris always thought Cory Yates had drug connections in Los Angeles. He was a two-bit hustler, and he spent way too much time hanging around high schools.

To Die For
Written for young adults, the Urban Underground series confronts issues that are of great importance to teens, such as friendship, loyalty, drugs, gangs, abuse, urban blight, bullies, and self-esteem to name a few. More than entertainment, these books can be a powerful learning and coping tool when a struggling reader connects with credible characters and a compelling storyline. The highly readable style and mature topics will appeal to young adult readers of both sexes and encourage them to finish each eBook. Cesar Chavez HS Series - Local homeless man, Griff Slocum, has been found dead. Murdered. Rod and Clay, Chavez High seniors, fall under suspicion--as well as a few other school bullies including Humberto Gomez, who suddenly has money to throw around. Ernesto is on the case because he can’t let the police handle things--Griff was someone he saw frequently, and he feels that he must help. And after all, it was Ernesto who witnessed Rod harassing Griff. Rod’s student ID was found near the body--a dark cloud of suspicion hangs over his head. Rod’s parents retain a lawyer, Ernesto’s uncle, to help their son. Humberto Gomez, Rod’s cousin, Rick Alanzar, Humberto’s best friend, and Clay Aguirre are also implicated. It turns out that Griff traded baseball cards. Some were valuable. Very valuable. Lacey Serrano, a freshman bully and Humberto’s girlfriend, is suddenly getting lavish gifts. Humberto is questioned. Did Griff possess something to die for?

Да ли ?е Срби?а шугава
Автор книги?– кандидат медицинских наук, врач с?многолетним опытом – просто и?понятно рассказывает о?здоровье и?отвечает на?самые распространенные вопросы. ? Предвестники серьезных недугов ??Факторы риска заболеваний сердца ??Тест на?определение склонности к?гипертонии ? Симптомы и диагностика распространенных заболеваний ??При каких признаках нужно немедленно обращаться к?врачу ??Традиционные и?народные способы профилактики и?лечения артериальной гипертензии, ишемической болезни, стенокардии, аритмии, сердечной недостаточности и?др. ??Лечение травами ??Лечебное питание ??Лечебная физкультура и?многое другое. Avtor knigi?– kandidat medicinskih nauk, vrach s?mnogoletnim opytom – prosto i?ponjatno rasskazyvaet o?zdorov'e i?otvechaet na?samye rasprostranennye voprosy. ? Predvestniki ser'eznyh nedugov ??Faktory riska zabolevanij serdca ??Test na?opredelenie sklonnosti k?gipertonii ? Simptomy i diagnostika rasprostranennyh zabolevanij ??Pri kakih priznakah nuzhno nemedlenno obrashhat'sja k?vrachu ??Tradicionnye i?narodnye sposoby profilaktiki i?lechenija arterial'noj gipertenzii, ishemicheskoj bolezni, stenokardii, aritmii, serdechnoj nedostatochnosti i?dr. ??Lechenie travami ??Lechebnoe pitanie ??Lechebnaja fizkul'tura i?mnogoe drugoe.

A pokol angyala: Egy beépített ügyn?k megrázó t?rténete a Hells Angels motorosba
Володар Пул?тцер?всько? прем??! З дитинства натренований бачити в темряв? тунел?в, Чон До — син начальника табору для сир?т, здатен ? в житт?, що його оточу?, роздивитися б?льше за ?нших. Темрява для нього — це несвобода, це кра?на, де голод ма? смак кв?т?в, де швидка смерть ста? проявом найб?льшо? любов? до р?дних — заради порятунку ?х в?д жаху табор?в, — де держава зам?сть прав для вс?х дару? певн? прив?ле? обраним, називаючи себе найпрогресивн?шою демократ??ю у св?т?. Але й у суц?льному мороц? ? м?сце коханню ? самопожертв?, дружб? ? чест?. Темн?ше за все — перед св?танком... Volodar Pul?tcer?vs'ko? prem??! Z ditinstva natrenovanij bachiti v temrjav? tunel?v, Chon Do — sin nachal'nika taboru dlja sir?t, zdaten ? v zhitt?, shho jogo otochu?, rozdivitisja b?l'she za ?nshih. Temrjava dlja n'ogo — ce nesvoboda, ce kra?na, de golod ma? smak kv?t?v, de shvidka smert' sta? projavom najb?l'sho? ljubov? do r?dnih — zaradi porjatunku ?h v?d zhahu tabor?v, — de derzhava zam?st' prav dlja vs?h daru? pevn? priv?le? obranim, nazivajuchi sebe najprogresivn?shoju demokrat??ju u sv?t?. Ale j u suc?l'nomu moroc? ? m?sce kohannju ? samopozhertv?, druzhb? ? chest?. Temn?she za vse — pered sv?tankom...

Autizmusról konyhanyelven: K?zérthet? tanácsok a szül?knek az autizmusról
Версальские привидения Призрак Распутина Проклятый автомобиль Франца Фердинанда Призрак Белого дома Духи московского метро и др. Есть ли жизнь за гранью смерти и какая она Этот вопрос люди задают себе тысячи лет. В этой книге вы узнаете о гостях из другого мира, прочитаете истории о загробной жизни от людей, переживших клиническую смерть, познакомитесь с современными методиками изучения привидений. Поймете, что делать, если слышите голоса, видите во сне умерших, наблюдаете странные явления. А еще вас ждут удивительные рассказы о привидениях английских замков, призраках питерских мостов, полтергейсте и др. Versal'skie prividenija Prizrak Rasputina Prokljatyj avtomobil' Franca Ferdinanda Prizrak Belogo doma Duhi moskovskogo metro i dr. Est' li zhizn' za gran'ju smerti i kakaja ona Jetot vopros ljudi zadajut sebe tysjachi let. V jetoj knige vy uznaete o gostjah iz drugogo mira, prochitaete istorii o zagrobnoj zhizni ot ljudej, perezhivshih klinicheskuju smert', poznakomites' s sovremennymi metodikami izuchenija prividenij. Pojmete, chto delat', esli slyshite golosa, vidite vo sne umershih, nabljudaete strannye javlenija. A eshhe vas zhdut udivitel'nye rasskazy o prividenijah anglijskih zamkov, prizrakah piterskih mostov, poltergejste i dr.