Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Egyszer emlékezet, elbb el kell mesélnem neki, kitalálni a részleteket, hogy legyen mire visszaemlékeznie. Legkisebb dolgok is megzavarhatják, elhangolják az egészet, elborítják, lefedik szépen. Akad azért mindig, ami már jól megy, újra meg újra elbukkan, mint a télikabát bélése, ha egyszer flfeslett a varrás. Visszatmkdd, kibújik megint. A fldrengés például eléggé megy, az be van rendesen gyakorolva. Egyetlen, jókora lendülés. Ha nem mese, nem csak képzelem, hogy emlékszem rá, hanem igazából volt. Nem azért emlékszem, mert annyiszor elmondták ugyanúgy. A csillár kilendült, mint a harang nyelve, a karácsonyfa végigkorcsolyázott a parketten a gyerekszoba sarkáig, aztán megindult visszafelé” – olvasható Kukorelly Endre TündérVlgy c. új regényében, ami az író eddigi legnagyobb vállalkozása. Nemcsak abban az értelemben, hogy a szerz kilenc évig írta knyvét, hanem a regény szintézis jelleg alkotás. rvényesülnek benne Kukorelly írásmódjának legfbb erényei: a nyelvi pontosság és szigorúság, irónia és gyngéd humor, az emlékezet mkdésének állandó felülvizsgálata, az elbeszéli n oszcilláló mozgása a múlt és jelen kztt, a lírai hangoltság. Tematikusan a regény az apa alakja kré szervezdik, és ezáltal felleli az elmúlt fél évszázad trténéseit. Metaforikusan szólva: a regény beszélje mintegy az apa hallgatását próbálja megérteni, aki horthysta katonatisztként megjárta a Don-kanyart, megsebesült, majd a kommunista diktatúrában banktisztviselként másodosztályú élet”-re kényszerült. A család deklasszálódását és saját szenvedését néma beletrdéssel elvisel apa mindvégig hallgat a múltjáról: a regény melankolikus nyomozása ennek a lehetséges okait és trténéseit rekonstruálja. Minden egyes fejezete az emlékezet próbája: kísérlet arra, hogy mítoszok és ráfogások nélkül férjen hozzá az élet legszemélyesebb tapasztalataihoz. Túlzás nélkül állítható, hogy a TündérVlgy az író legautentikusabb knyve.

A Hamupip?ke-gyilkosság
Belenéztél már a párod mobiljába? Tényleg ezt akarod? Felkészültél a k?vetkezményekre? Minden egy e-maillel kezd?d?tt. Rachel meg sem akarta nézni. Szereti Jacket, és k?z?s gyermeküket hordja a szíve alatt. Megbízik a férfiban. Most azonban, miután látta, már nem tudja meg nem t?rténtté tenni azt a percet. Sem az események láncolatát, amelyet elindított. Vajon miért hazudik Jack a múltjáról? Mi az, amit rejteget? ?s Rachelnek van joga hozzá, hogy mindenáron megtudja az igazat? Te mit tennél, ha úgy gondolnád, hogy a párod titkol valamit? A Bármit, csak ne az igazat Gillian McAllister leny?g?z?, átüt? thrillere csalásról, árulásról és egy asszony megszállottságáról, hogy kiderítse az igazságot. " Ahogy elkezdtem olvasni, t?bbé nem volt er?m abbahagyni. Bámulatos, okos és életszer?. Imádtam." Jill Mansell "Csodálatos írás, és egy brilliáns sztori.Bámulatos debütálás." B.A. Paris, a Zárt ajtók m?g?tt bestseller szerz?je

A magyar népi mozgalom t?rténete
Márton László új regénye, A mi kis k?ztársaságunk a t?kéletes állam megalapításának groteszk-tragikus kísérletét jeleníti meg. 1944 végén, amikor a felszabadító és egyben megszálló szovjet csapatok megérkeztek a Viharsarokba, az ott él? agrárproletárok létrehozták a saját kis k?ztársaságukat. A regényben a t?rténelmi tények és az írói képzelet t?rténetei keverednek – a keser? szatírában tegnapi-mai ?nmagunkra ismerhetünk és saját kisszer?ségünk?n nevethetünk.

A Sweetwater Canyon Holiday Trio
This holiday trio contains three stories featuring beloved characters from the Sweetwater Canyon series. Thanks for Love – A Thanksgiving Novella Is faith and forgiveness enough to make a family of four survive and thrive? After Sarah’s horrific ordeal with Amanda, all she wanted was to be in Tom’s arms forever. But now she’s not sure she is the best person to bring this family together. When it looks like the wedding is off, Connor and Grady put together a plan to get the family they’ve always wanted. A Thanksgiving Day wedding, with all of Broken Bow in attendance is in jeopardy. Can the boys get the bride to show up? Christmas Courage – A Christmas Novelette A week before Christmas, Kat’s father turns up on their doorstep and wants to be a part of her life. As far as Theresa is concerned, when Doug walked out fifteen years ago, leaving her with a two-year-old child and a mountain of debt, he forfeited all claims to Kat’s life. He does not get to waltz in like Santa Claus and re-claim her. Kat needs more than courage to navigate this Christmas season. She needs a miracle. The Hogmanay Stranger – A New Year’s Novelette The Sweetwater Canyon musicians celebrate Hogmanay in Scotland with Rachel’s father, Gavin Cullen. Since his wife’s death eight years ago, Gavin has never been the same. Running the bed and breakfast inn is what has kept him going. When a young, homeless stranger is given a room in the inn on New Year’s Eve, he’s met with great caution. Clearing the cobwebs of the past in order to begin anew is a tradition at Hogmanay, but can the Cullen family let go?

A Cruel Reckoning
Alexandra Lansing is looking forward to a vacation from her job as an operative with the Commonwealth’s counterterrorist task force.? She has three blissful weeks off, and plans to spend the entire time in France. After all, everyone needs a break from stress and worry. But when she’s snatched from the Left Bank in Paris she isn’t sure if her kidnapping is a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time or a direct plot against the task force. When she discovers Praed has also been abducted, the vacation is officially over, and the possibility of an informer at task force headquarters becomes a very real, very frightening possibility. The pair manages to escape, and flees to Praed’s family home where they are forced to defend his brother’s wife and children from armed terrorists determined to recapture the operatives. With no clue as to who is behind the plot, or even a motive to explain why someone wants to take Praed and Alex prisoner, and the identity of the informant at HQ is a complete mystery. While Henry Davison races to eliminate suspects at headquarters, Praed offers himself as bait to draw out the kidnappers, hoping to discover the mastermind behind the plot. ? Alex is in hot pursuit, but will she be able to reach him before his captors extract the information they want and execute him?

Egy ?rállomás-takarító naplója
Az Uralom Koronája egy ?si, egyedülálló varázser?vel rendelkez? elveszett ereklye. A civilizációtól távol, az elhagyatott Felejtés-sivataggal k?rülvett, misztikus Piramisf?ld?n nyugszik titkos rejtekhelyén. A legendák szerint megszerz?je Erabon világának urává válhat. A tolvajfiú Antor, tanítványa Morghan, a varázslón? Kyranda, a szerencsevadász Monteris és az íjászn? Elvana kapják azt az életveszélyes kényszerfeladatot, hogy megszerezzék ezt a fenséges varázstárgyat a rettegett Birodalom császárának. A k?z?s cél a viszontagságokkal teli utazás során elszánt és lelkes csapattá kovácsolja ?ket ?ssze. Egy ármányos és velejéig romlott rosszakaró, valamint a fondorlatos alvilág jelenléte miatt azonban a folytonos kihívások mellett ellenségekb?l sincs hiány. A konfliktusok során szerepet kap a hagyományos küzdelem, a kül?nféle harcm?vészetek, a mágia szinte minden iskolája és formája, továbbá a pusztán beavatottak által használt titokzatos kozmikus er?. A megpróbáltatások folyamán el?térbe kerülnek birodalmak, népek, kultúrák, vallások, világi és titkos rendek, szokások és kivételes világcsodák; mindek?zben változatos helyszíneken igaz barátságok és szenvedélyes szerelmek születnek. Az igazi meglepetéseket mégis az ismert világ peremvidékén túli, lakatlannak vélt vidék tartogatja. Vajon képes lesz-e a csapat megküzdeni minden nehézséggel? A k?nyvben ?tv?z?dik a páratlan részletességgel kidolgozott háttérvilág a rendkívül precíz ?sszefonódású, egymásra utaló eseményekkel, és mindezt életh?en színes leírások, filmszer? jelenetek, valamint hangulatos párbeszédek tarkítják. Nem mindennapi terjedelmét, színvonalas tartalmát és kimagasló mélységét tekintve e m? egyike a valaha megírt legnagyobb eredeti alkotásoknak. www.aholdsarlofenye.hu

A Tale of Two Cities: Illustrated
Cirilla, a cintrai trón?r?k?s a Fecske-toronyban elt?nik saját világáról, és olyan útra indul, ahová sem védelmez?je, a fehér hajú vaják, sem mentora, a fekete hajú varázslón? nem k?vetheti. Olyan útra, amelynek a végén a végzet várja – az a végzet, amelyr?l már oly sok látomás kísértette. Minden a helyére kerül, a kígyó a saját farkába harap, valami véget ér, és valami elkezd?dik… A Vaják-saga befejez? k?tetében Sapkowski még magához képest is elképeszt? bravúrral ábrázol nagyszabású háborút és ugyanakkor az egyes ember drámai sorsát. Képzeletének és érzékletes leírásainak hatására megelevenednek el?ttünk az országok, városok és falvak, a t?le megszokott néz?pontváltások pedig gondoskodnak róla, hogy a sorssz?tte t?rténet végét a lehet? legalaposabb, legmélyebb módon kapjuk meg. A sagát átsz?v? fekete humor pedig tükr?t tart nemcsak a társadalom, de az egyes ember kicsinyessége és nagysága elé. ??

Rajtad a szemem
"Imádsz írni? Szeretnéd, ha olvasnák is? Még jobb lenne, ha megvennék, amit írsz?Gondolj csak bele, rajtad kívül még milliónyian akarnak írók lenni, s még t?bben blogszerz?k, cikkírók. ?riási a kínálat, mennyi az esély, hogy téged észrevesznek? ?s ha észrevesznek, mennyien fognak olvasni? S, ha olvasnak elegen, hogyan éred el, hogy vegyenek is t?led? S, ha még ezt el is éred, tudod, honnan veszed mindehhez az id?t? Ha elgondolkodtál ezeken, akkor máris tudod, milyen értékes, ha valaki helyetted már elgondolkodott ezeken a kérdéseken, megkereste a megoldásokat, és számodra id?t, fáradtságot spórolva a ?kezedbe adja”." Van egy bizonyos pszichológiai folyamat, amin az olvasó átmegy,amikor megismeri az írásaidat. Ha ennek ismeretében és figyelembevételével építed fel a kommunikációdat, az nagyon jól fog m?k?dni. Biztosan azt szeretnéd, ha egyre t?bb olvasód és/vagy vev?d lenne. Ha alkalmazod a k?nyvben bemutatott lépéseket, az olvasókat k?nnyen eléred, majd lépésr?l-lépésre végigviszed azon a folyamaton, amely érdekl?d?b?l visszatér? olvasót és lelkes vásárlót alakít. Ez a világ egyik legcsodálatosabb folyamata: Te egyre lelkesebben írsz és az olvasók egyre jobban várják, az új munkáidat. Mindezt úgy, hogy nem nyomulsz, hanem ellenkez?leg, olyan szimpatikusan csinálod, hogy ?r?m?t okoz újra és újra visszatérni, olvasni és megvásárolni a m?veidet.

Brooklyni balgaságok
Ez volt ám az ember, ha kellett, a gáton, Nem terem ma párja hetedhét országon; Ha most feltámadna s elj?ne k?zétek, Minden dolgát szemfényvesztésnek hinnétek. Hárman sem birnátok súlyos buzogányát, Parittyak?veit, ?klel? kopjáját; Elhülnétek, látva rettenetes pajzsát, ‘?s, kit a csizmáján viselt, sarkantyúját.’ […] He was brave and fearless, always ready for fight, There’s nobody like him here and there and world-wide; If he would rise from dead and would come to your ranks, You’d believe all his things to be fancies and cranks. Neither three of yours could raise his ponderous mace And his sling-stones and pike and his iron sword-lace; You’d be well dumbfounded looking at his grand shield, ‘And at spurs he had on his boots in battle-field.’ ?

The Mike Resnick Boxed Set
Mike Resnick is, according to Locus , the all-time leading award winner for short fiction, having won 5 Hugos, a Nebula, and other major awards from around the world. This boxed set includes four novels and 41 of his best science fiction short stories Race through pages filled with the Dark Lady, the Moby Dick of space, robot basketball, tall tales, and galaxy-hopping assassins for the ride of your life. This boxed set includes six volumes— First Person Peculiar, Away Games, The Dark Lady, The Soul Eater, The Outpost, and Walpurgis III.

Poetry V: Welcome Dear Guest
Inspirational Poetry. Touches The Places Words Rarely Reach Poetry: there are times in life when nothing else will do. At such times, you need a certain kind of poem, the kind of poems that are contained in Orna Ross's poetry pamphlet series. The kind of poems that tell the truth about life while providing consolation and inspiration. Here are some of the things that are being said about this short book of inspirational poems: - "Reaches into the corners of your soul and pulls out all that is beautiful." - "Masterfully crafted poetry". - "These poems' many beauties are at the service of elusive truths." - "A little book of very big poems." If you never read poetry, this little pamphlet is a great place to start. Without ever straying into superficiality, Orna Ross's poetry is compelling and accessible. If you are a poetry lover, then you're sure to appreciate these poems about love, poems about life. poems about loss, and faith, and redemption — all delivered in simple, yet achingly beautiful, words. Poetry this powerful and profound is rarely so simple and compelling, which is why inspirational quotes from these poems are turning up all over the Internet, people drawn to their wise and uplifting insights.

Kevin J. Anderson’s Selected Stories Boxed Set
Award-winning, #1 international bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson has published over 160 books, which have appeared in 30 languages worldwide, in genres ranging from science fiction, epic fantasy, humorous horror, gritty suspense, steampunk, and mystery. He has published over half a million words of short fiction, the best of which are gathered in this boxed set. This volume features Anderson's wide-ranging imagination in the genres of fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, and science fiction. These diverse stories range from flash fiction to novella length, written solo or with collaborators. Step inside these pages to greet stories of clones and combat cyborgs, enchanted loincloths, a nightmarish Wisconsin small town, nanotechnology experiments, bumbling knights in shining armor, rock stars raised from the dead, super-sentient lab rats, and vampires, werewolves, zombies . . . and the heroes who battle them. These tales showcase the breadth of Anderson’s talent and demonstrate why he has tens of millions of readers worldwide and has won or been nominated for numerous awards. This boxed set includes 90 stellar short stories in four volumes: Selected Stories: Science Fiction , volumes 1 and 2; Selected Stories: Fantasy ; and Selected Stories: Horror and Dark Fantasy .

Second Chances
Written for young adults, the Urban Underground series confronts issues that are of great importance to teens, such as friendship, loyalty, drugs, gangs, abuse, urban blight, bullies, and self-esteem to name a few. More than entertainment, these books can be a powerful learning and coping tool when a struggling reader connects with credible characters and a compelling storyline. The highly readable style and mature topics will appeal to young adult readers of both sexes and encourage them to finish each eBook. Harriet Tubman HS Series - Kevin had been talking about how much he wanted some real money, and that he'd do almost anything to get it. Jaris could sympathize with Kevin wanting to help his grandparents out, but wanting--needing--money that desperately was dangerous. It led to getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Jaris always thought Cory Yates had drug connections in Los Angeles. He was a two-bit hustler, and he spent way too much time hanging around high schools.

To Die For
Written for young adults, the Urban Underground series confronts issues that are of great importance to teens, such as friendship, loyalty, drugs, gangs, abuse, urban blight, bullies, and self-esteem to name a few. More than entertainment, these books can be a powerful learning and coping tool when a struggling reader connects with credible characters and a compelling storyline. The highly readable style and mature topics will appeal to young adult readers of both sexes and encourage them to finish each eBook. Cesar Chavez HS Series - Local homeless man, Griff Slocum, has been found dead. Murdered. Rod and Clay, Chavez High seniors, fall under suspicion--as well as a few other school bullies including Humberto Gomez, who suddenly has money to throw around. Ernesto is on the case because he can’t let the police handle things--Griff was someone he saw frequently, and he feels that he must help. And after all, it was Ernesto who witnessed Rod harassing Griff. Rod’s student ID was found near the body--a dark cloud of suspicion hangs over his head. Rod’s parents retain a lawyer, Ernesto’s uncle, to help their son. Humberto Gomez, Rod’s cousin, Rick Alanzar, Humberto’s best friend, and Clay Aguirre are also implicated. It turns out that Griff traded baseball cards. Some were valuable. Very valuable. Lacey Serrano, a freshman bully and Humberto’s girlfriend, is suddenly getting lavish gifts. Humberto is questioned. Did Griff possess something to die for?

Out of Control
High-Low, supernatural teen fiction--Apartment 4A follows a struggling teen, Bree, who has to take care of herself in a less than ideal situation. Bree is an orpan living with her aunt who is suffering from dimentia. She also has a dodgy brother that drinks too much. She has no one to count on but herself, until she starts hearing noises from a nearby empty apartment. Written at a 2.0 reading level, each book contains approximately 2500 words. Books are not sold separately. Bree knew her boss was dealing drugs. But she needed the job. Her brother only came home to steal. And her aunt was ill. “Just one last job,” Bree thought.

Scream Loud/Quiet Strength
The Lockwood Lions’ crosstown rivals, the Grovehill Giants, seem to have it all. Or do they? When the cheer squad and the ballers get together, it always gets intense. But there are two sides to every story—whose side are you on? Each novel in the flip is approximately 30,000 words–170 pages. The ladies of Savvy Girl—Skylar, Ariel, Vanessa, Victoria, and Yaris—have their ups and downs. But they won’t let their drama interfere with the state title. The ballers of Fresh Guy—Ford, Ryder, Emerson, Stone, and Hagen—are tough athletes and grand showboaters. But can they take it to the Dome? Scream Loud: Vanessa House has a lot on her mind. She’s not perfect like her shy half-sister Victoria. Plus living with her father and his new wife in a cushy lifestyle makes her feel guilty about the struggles her mom and siblings have to endure. Hooking up with a wild friend, she gets out of control. Quiet Strength: After GHH loses their star kicker to the rival high school, Emerson thinks that he’s the best guy to take ER Stone’s place. But the coach won’t give him any play time because the season has already started. Emerson has another reason for wanting to make the team. Her name is Vanessa House.

Vikings: A History of the Norse People
“From the fury of the Northmen, good Lord deliver us.” – Anonymous monk, Noirmoutier, France, 9th century AD Beginning in 789AD, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked cities and invaded western Europe. They looted and enslaved their enemies. But that is only part of their story. In long boats they discovered Iceland and America (both by accident) and also sailed up the Seine to Paris (which they sacked). They settled from Newfoundland to Russia, founded Dublin and fought battles as far afield as the Caspian Sea. A thousand years after their demise, traces of the Vikings remain all the way from North America to Istanbul. They traded walruses with Inuits, brought Russian furs to Western Europe and took European slaves to Constantinople. Their graves contain Arab silver, Byzantine silks and Frankish weapons. In this accessible book, the whole narrative of the Viking story is examined from the eighth to the eleventh centuries. Arranged thematically, Vikings: A History of the Norse People examines the Norsemen from exploration to religion to trade to settlement to weaponry to kingdoms to their demise and legacy. But today questions remain: what prompted the first Viking raids? What stopped their expansion? And how much of the tales of murder, rape and pillage is myth? Illustrated with more than 200 photographs, maps and artworks, Vikings: A History of the Norse People is an expertly written account of a people who have long captured the popular imagination.

Manhunt: The Art and Science of Tracking High Profile Enemy Targets
A manhunt can involve helicopters, hounds and hundreds of military or police personnel, but it can also turn on the evidence of one broken spider’s web. Manhunts today might involve the technology of infrared cameras and surveillance devices such as powerful satellite technology, but they may also rely on examining the width, depth, tread and intervals of footprints, or observing minute changes in the natural environment. From searching for high-value enemy targets such as Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to finding soldiers caught behind enemy lines, from escaped prisoners and serial killers to a missing child, SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Manhunt explores just how the military and police forces track people down. Including many case studies of high-value targets, suspected criminals and fugitives from justice, and with extensive background on the different techniques in tracking used, from traditional Native American trackers’ skills to the latest high-tech methods, Manhunt brings together the history and science of tracking. Illustrated with 150 maps and photographs, SAS and Elite Forces Guide: Manhunt is an authoritative examination of tracking from footprints to forensics and a must for anyone interested in the latest military practices, true crime and survival skills.

After The Rising: (The Irish Trilogy Book 1)
Twenty years ago Jo Devereux fled Mucknamore, the small Irish village where she grew up, driven away by buried secrets and hatreds, swearing never to return? Now she is back and wants to uncover the truth about what really went on between her family and their friends, the O’Donovans, during Ireland’s bitter Civil War. The consequences of that division in the 1920s carried down into Jo’s own life, shattering her relationship with Rory O’Donovan, the only man she ever loved and driving her to leave Ireland. Now, Jo’s estranged mother has died, leaving her a suitcase full of letters and diaries that may answer questions about the past.? Was her great-uncle really murdered by Dan O’Donovan, his best friend?? What would drive somebody to do that?? And what part did her beloved grandmother play in this conflict? Jo's happy life in San Francisco has been unraveling since her friend Richard died last year. So now, much to her own surprise, she decides to stay on in Mucknamore and see if the letters and diaries bequeathed by her mother might provide the key to unlock the truth. Over the course of a long hot summer, Jo draws close again to Rory, who still lives in Mucknamore and is mired in an unhappy marriage. As she tells him about their shared family past, they realize their love affair was doomed long before they were born. Now that they know, can there be a second chance at happiness? Rory is urging her to rebel, to forget the past and start over again.? But reading their shared history has made Jo cautious. The strength of her feelings frightens her. Is there any way she can be true to Rory and herself, but also to the family she rejected when she was young and headstrong? After The Rising is a sweeping, multigenerational tale set in the 1920s and 1990s Ireland and 1980s San Francisco. It is the first book in The Irish Trilogy, followed by Before the Fall.? This is perfect for fans of Barbara Erskine, MJ Lee or Anne Griffin.

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Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
The Instant Pot is a new cooking appliance that is taking the market… and the internet… by storm. This unique little device that is able to handle seven different primary kitchen functions, all wrapped into one. It sounds too good to be true, and definitely overwhelming.