

Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in WWII
Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in WWII
Michael E Haskew
The Second World War saw elite units take a prominent role on the battlefield for the first time. The Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in World War II is a wide-ranging guide to the excellent units on land, sea or in the air whose success was usually hard-won against the odds, and whose actions had an impact on the course of the fighting around them. The best units from both sides of the fighting are represented, as are the two main theatres of war. Arranged by combatant nation, the book covers such famous units as the US Rangers, British SAS and German Waffen-SS, as well as some of the less well-known units like Popski’s Private Army, the LRDG and Merrill’s Marauders. Not all the units featured in the book were officially designated as elite forces – indeed, some of those involved were only ordinary soldiers – but they achieved elite status through their deeds. Illustrated with action photographs, The Encyclopedia of Elite Forces in World War II is a comprehensive guide to the elite forces of both sides during the 1939-45 war. Each entry describes the unit’s strength, date of formation and gives a brief overview of its combat record during the war. Covering all aspects of warfare and both the European and Pacific theatres in World War II, the book will appeal to anyone with an interest in either World War II or elite units at war.
Chameleon: The Awakening
Chameleon: The Awakening
Maggie Lynch
Book 1 of the Forest People Series – The Awakening Camryn Painter is a 16-year-old freak of nature. Or possibly the savior of a civilization that isn’t supposed to exist. She’s a human chameleon… one who transforms into the image of whoever sees. Escaping from a medical research facility, Camryn discovers a magical forest world. Not that she’s welcome. Her new home is filled with faeries and beasts set on destroying her. Striking a tribal alliance between what she once believed were mythical beings is her only chance of survival… if she can just control her power and figure out who to trust.
Chameleon: The Choosing
Chameleon: The Choosing
Maggie Lynch
Book 2 of the Forest People Series – The Choosing Camryn Painter’s powers come at a steep price. It’s one thing to master her chameleon abilities in the ancient forest world she now calls home, but another to use her abilities wisely. With the life or death of an entire civilization in her hands, Camryn must bond with a thunder dragon and join a battle she has little chance of winning… unless she can face down her own inner demons without destroying those she loves.
Vulnerable: A Prequel to the Red Dog Conspiracy
Vulnerable: A Prequel to the Red Dog Conspiracy
Patricia Loofbourrow
In the far future domed city of Dickens, no mercy is given. So when Eleanora Bryce finds her husband dead at his own hand, she finds herself trapped between the truth and his mountain of debt. Eleanora faces debtor’s prison — or worse — unless she can find a way out of Dickens. But can she return to the city which ruined her husband and murdered her son? A 6,000 word short story.
Pataki Emma naplója
Pataki Emma naplója
Gombos Tünde
Восстановление зрения без вмешательства врачей! Здесь детально описаны самые действенные методики улучшения зрения Э. Аветисова, М. Норбекова, П. Брэгга, У. Бейтса. Книга расскажет, как избавиться от проблем со зрением, а тесты позволят выявить различные заболевания глаз на ранней стадии. Также вы узнаете о проверенных веками способах восстановления зрения с помощью йоги, аюрведы, цигуна и др. Средства народной медицины, упражнения и рекомендации по лечебному питанию помогут излечить глаукому, катаракту и др. Vosstanovlenie zrenija bez vmeshatel'stva vrachej! Zdes' detal'no opisany samye dejstvennye metodiki uluchshenija zrenija Je. Avetisova, M. Norbekova, P. Brjegga, U. Bejtsa. Kniga rasskazhet, kak izbavit'sja ot problem so zreniem, a testy pozvoljat vyjavit' razlichnye zabolevanija glaz na rannej stadii. Takzhe vy uznaete o proverennyh vekami sposobah vosstanovlenija zrenija s pomoshh'ju jogi, ajurvedy, ciguna i dr. Sredstva narodnoj mediciny, uprazhnenija i rekomendacii po lechebnomu pitaniju pomogut izlechit' glaukomu, kataraktu i dr.
Sajter Gizella
Он обошел на яхте ?Спрей? вокруг земного шара, оставаясь один на один с морской стихией. On oboshel na jahte ?Sprej? vokrug zemnogo shara, ostavajas' odin na odin s morskoj stihiej.
Az erd? vándorai
Az erd? vándorai
Derenkó Dániel
Шанувальниця врятувала письменника в?д смерт?. Але ?? захоплення перетворю?ться на?одержим?сть... Shanuval'nicja vrjatuvala pis'mennika v?d smert?. Ale ?? zahoplennja peretvorju?t'sja na?oderzhim?st'...
A pillangó útja
A pillangó útja
Kun Mia
Все советы даются для выращивания винограда в нашем климате! Особое внимание уделяется формированию куста с помощью обрезки, позволяющей регулировать его плодоношение. В книге представлено: ? Описание современных сортов винограда: сроки созревания, урожайность, устойчивость к болезням и др. ? Методы ускоренного формирования винограда ? Размножение и посадка: подготовка участка, укоренение черенков ? Уход за виноградником: полив, удобрение, укрытие на зиму, борьба с заморозками, защита от вредителей ? Прививка различными методами ? Сбор урожая ? Осенняя, весенняя и летняя обрезка: преимущества и способы проведения. Vse sovety dajutsja dlja vyrashhivanija vinograda v nashem klimate! Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja formirovaniju kusta s pomoshh'ju obrezki, pozvoljajushhej regulirovat' ego plodonoshenie. V knige predstavleno: ? Opisanie sovremennyh sortov vinograda: sroki sozrevanija, urozhajnost', ustojchivost' k boleznjam i dr. ? Metody uskorennogo formirovanija vinograda ? Razmnozhenie i posadka: podgotovka uchastka, ukorenenie cherenkov ? Uhod za vinogradnikom: poliv, udobrenie, ukrytie na zimu, bor'ba s zamorozkami, zashhita ot vreditelej ? Privivka razlichnymi metodami ? Sbor urozhaja ? Osennjaja, vesennjaja i letnjaja obrezka: preimushhestva i sposoby provedenija.
Довгий шлях до свободи
Довгий шлях до свободи
Nelson Mandela
Quaranta anni di storia di Damanhur, raccontati da chi li ha vissuti di persona. Il racconto della giornata di un damanhuriano, per comprendere come si vive, si pensa, si cresce in quella che oggi è la comunità spirituale laica più grande in Italia.
First Person Peculiar
First Person Peculiar
Mike Resnick
Some writing classes caution their students to avoid first-person stories—too traditional, too dated, too difficult to sell. We’ve convinced 5-time Hugo Award winner Mike Resnick to show you how it’s done with two dozen of his best first-person stories. You want Hugo nominees? We got ’em. Humor? Them, too. Award winners and nominees? Yep. Fantasy? But, of course. Science fiction? Absolutely. Sherlock Holmes? We’ve even got one of them. Mike Resnick is, according to Locus magazine, the all-time leading award winner, living or dead, for short fiction. First Person Peculiar will explain why.
Five by FIve
Five by FIve
Kevin J. Anderson, B.V. Larson, Aaron Allston, Michael Stackpole, Loren L. Coleman
It's a war out there. In these pulse-pounding tales, the best (or worst) soldiers in the galaxy are pitted against powerful aliens on distant battlefields. Never before published stories about monsters, deadly combat tech, treachery, and honor: Big Plush by Aaron Allston (a novella from the Action Figures series)—The Dollgangers, artificial people made in mankind's image, take up arms in a desperate bid to win their freedom. Comrades in Arms by Kevin J. Anderson—A damaged cyborg soldier and an enemy alien fighter turn their backs on the war and try to escape. But the human and alien governments can't tolerate the two deserters working together, so they join forces to hunt them down. Shores of the Infinite by Loren L. Coleman (a novella from the ICAS File series)—Separated from command & control, Combat Assault Suit troopers force a beachhead to liberate a new planet from the cyborg threat. The Black Ship by B.V. Larson (a mech novella from the Imperium Series)—A human settlement on the deadliest planet ever colonized clings to life … but today new invaders are coming down from the stars. Out There by Michael A. Stackpole—The Qian have discovered humanity and welcomed them into their star-spanning empire. The benefits they offer humanity are many, and they don't want much in return: just the best human pilots available to take apart a most diabolical enemy.
Four Unpublished Novels: High-Opp, Angel’s Fall, A Game of Authors, A Thorn in t
Four Unpublished Novels: High-Opp, Angel’s Fall, A Game of Authors, A Thorn in t
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert will forever be known as the “author of Dune,” the science fiction masterpiece that made his career and made his name. But he was an exceptionally diverse author who wrote in numerous genres. Even at the beginning of his writing career, Frank Herbert wrote whatever inspired him, irrespective of genre, market, or audience tastes. After the success of his first novel The Dragon in the Sea (1955), Herbert wrote numerous novels and short stories that failed to find a market. He persevered until finally, seven years later, he wrote the most unpublishable novel of all, Dune—which, once it finally found a home with an obscure publisher, finally made Frank Herbert a household name synonymous with science fiction. This volume collects four of those complete, never-before-published novels written before Dune: High-Opp, a dystopian science fiction novel; Angels’ Fall, a jungle survival adventure; A Game of Authors, a Cold War thriller; and A Thorn in the Bush, a mainstream novel based on some of Herbert’s experiences in Mexico.
Frank Herbert: Unpublished Stories
Frank Herbert: Unpublished Stories
Frank Herbert
Even the author of DUNE—the best-selling science fiction novel of all time—had trouble getting published. At first. Frank Herbert wanted to be a writer, and though today his name is practically synonymous with world-building and epic science fiction, Herbert didn’t start out with a particular genre in mind. He wrote mainstream stories, mysteries, thrillers, mens’ adventure pieces, humorous slice-of-life tales. And, yes, some science fiction. For the first time, this collection presents 13 completed short stories that Frank Herbert never published in his lifetime. These tales show a great breadth of talent and imagination. Readers can now appreciate the writing of one of the field’s masters in a kaleidoscope of new stories.
Witches Protection Program
Witches Protection Program
Michael Okon
Wes Rockville, a disgraced law-enforcement agent, gets one last chance to prove himself and save his career when he’s reassigned to a 232-year-old secret government organization. The Witches Protection Program. His first assignment: uncover a billion-dollar cosmetics company’s diabolical plan to use witchcraft for global domination, while protecting its heiress Morgan Pendragon from her aunt’s evil deeds. Reluctantly paired with veteran witch protector, Alastair Verne, Wes must learn to believe in witches…and believe in himself. Filled with adventure and suspense, Michael Okon creates a rousing, tongue-in-cheek alternate reality where witches cast spells and wreak havoc in modern-day New York City.
Shadow Warriors: Retaliation: Book 3 in the Shadow Warriors Series
Shadow Warriors: Retaliation: Book 3 in the Shadow Warriors Series
Nathan B. Dodge
Cal, Letty, Tony, Opi, and Sasha were thrust together when they were kidnapped by the Molethian civilization and forced to become a fighter crew to battle against The Horde, the most vicious, predatory enemy in all the Milky Way galaxy. At first, only Letty could get along with the rest of them, and they basically hated each other. However, due largely to Letty’s efforts, they became not only the top fighting crew in the Shadow Warriors, but also a close family that love and support each other. Due to Opi’s amazing strategic thinking, Letty’s organizational skills, Sasha’s unparalleled ability as a weapons officer, Tony’s crack talent as a navigator, and Cal’s icy nerve as a battle leader, they have found a way to defeat two major Horde invasions. Opi, already becoming the chief strategist for an entire wing of the Molethian space forces, decides that an entirely new way of fighting Horde forces must be put in place. Her audacious plan is to search a central volume of the Milky Way through which the Horde always travels, discover the military bases they have no doubt established, and destroy them all. She is convinced that a huge base has been built by The Horde on the opposite side of the galaxy, very near The Horde’s own small galactic home, the Dwarf Spheroidal Sagittarius Galaxy. In the meantime, a third Horde invasion of about 40,000 ships nears Molethan’s home planet. Using Opi’s old strategies, Molethian forces manage to destroy it, but the new, highly capable Horde fighters make this victory far more difficult. In addition, Tony is reported missing and presumed lost. Grieving over Tony, whom she loved, Opi refuses to succumb to her grief, immediately commissioning the search for the other Horde home bases in the Milky Way. A search party finds the monstrous Horde base almost 70,000 lightyears across the galaxy. Molethan appeals to the other Alliance systems, and a major attack on the base is started, with Cal the attack leader. Things seem to be going well when suddenly, in the midst of the battle, a new enemy strikes, heavily damaging not only Shadow Warriors fighters but also many of the Alliance carriers. The fate of the battle hangs on a razor’s edge. Can the Alliance, led by Cal, Opi, and the rest of their team, manage to win over two opponents, or are they destined to be destroyed by the combined forces of two enemies?
Gamearth: Book 1
Gamearth: Book 1
Kevin J. Anderson
Gamearth: It was supposed to be just another Sunday night fantasy role-playing game for David, Tyrone, Scott, and Melanie. But after years of playing, the game had become so real that all their creations—humans, sorcerers, dragons, ogres, panther-folk, Cyclops—now had existences of their own. And when the four outside players decide to end their game, the characters inside the world of Gamearth—warriors, scholars, and the few remaining wielders of magic—band together to keep their land from vanishing. Now they must embark on a desperate quest for their own magic—magic that can twist the Rules enough to save them all from the evil that the players created to destroy their entire world.
Együgy? lexikon
Együgy? lexikon
Frigyes Karinthy
Együgy? lexikon
Eltitkolt származás
Eltitkolt származás
József Budai
Eltitkolt származás
László Cholnoky
László Cholnoky
Drámák ecetben és olajban
Drámák ecetben és olajban
Frigyes Karinthy
Drámák ecetben és olajban