
tiin?a ?i experien?ele ?n pragul mor?ii.
Rstimp de douzeci de ani, sub egida acestui prestigios Club de Dialog – Ideea European – au fost organizate numeroase dezbateri, turnee, lecturi publice, conferine, ntruniri, simpozioane, att n ar, ct i peste hotare. M refer, n aceast ordine de idei, la Conferinele Modele Europene. Friedrich Nietzsche, Marx i Nietzsche. Vinovai fr vin, Modele europene. Ion Ianoi, Eugen Negrici. Iluziile literaturii romne sau Nicolae Breban. Trdarea criticii (...) in deopotriv la toate. Unele dintre acestea, multe – majoritatea! – au fost gndite de subsemnata mpreun cu romancierul Nicolae Breban, fiind rodul unei prietenii, al unei compliciti de litere rare – a spune, citnd-o de fapt pe Magda Ursache, unice – cum sunt, de pild, dezbaterile dedicate crilor-eveniment: Iluziile literaturii romne de Eugen Negrici i Trdarea criticii de Nicolae Breban, ca s citez exclusiv dou, oprindu-ne aici. Dar, m ntreb, iar i iar, de ce ne-am opri Nu spunea Blaga, oare, ntr-un vers memorabil: Orice nceput se vrea fecund“ Douzeci de ani sunt un nceput!Destinul nostru este literatura, spuneam ani de-a rndul, parafrazndu-l pe Napoleon, repetnd, iar i iar, aceast afirmaie gnomic, nu rareori, c pe o rugciune, ca pe o litanie, cu smerenie, iar, uneori-adeseori, cu spaim, ntruct – iubindu-l atroce pe sihastrul de la Torino, da, pe Nietzsche cel unic, cel hamletian – tiam, da, tiam, cine se joac de-a destinul... devine destin.“ – Aura Christi

100 de remedii naturale pentru copilul t?u
La Zürich, c?nd intri ?ntr-un magazin, spui ?Grüetzi“, la Berlin, ?Hallo“, la Buenos Aires, ?Ola“, un ?Hallo“ ?ntors pe dos, poate unde-i pe emisfera cealalt?, la Viena, ?Grüss Gott“, dar ?i la Sibiu, acum 60 de ani, se spunea tot ?Grüss Gott“. Timi?oara nu cred c? f?cea opinie separat?, c? unde-i unu’ nu-i putere, o ?tie tot rom?nu’, dar nici Budapesta n-avea de ce s? fac? mofturi, de vreme ce Sisi, superba ?mp?r?teas? a Austriei, devenise regina Ungariei, datorit? unui foarte cool conte maghiar... cam a?a se ?ncruci?eaz? ?i limbile. ?Grüss Gott“ ?nseamn?: ?Salut?-l pe Dumnezeu“ sau ?Domnul s? te aibe ?n paz?“. Din binecuv?ntare a ajuns marcaj de grani?? a fostului imperiu habsburgic. Gata. Mi-am f?cut intrarea ?n scen?. De fapt n-am vrut dec?t s? v? spun ?Bun? ziua“. (Nora Iuga 29 decembrie 2009)

Fruit Art for Children
Fruit Art for Children

The Art of War
The Art of War

Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss
Breaking Free from Bias: Preventing Costly Complaints, Conflict and Talent Loss

Beyond Interviews:: Changes in Women’s Lives and Politics (1970-2008)
Beyond Interviews:: Changes in Women’s Lives and Politics (1970-2008)

Cei care se ?ntorc
Volumul de fa?? din seria Eminescu, poem cu poem ne dezva?? de toate vechile obiceiuri de interpretare care au prezentat ?n limbaj de lemn poeziile eminesciene. Alex. ?tef?nescu ne face din nou cuno?tin??, de data aceasta ?n cuvinte simple ?i idei proaspete, cu unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii din literatura rom?n?. Analiza sa cuprinde observa?ii fresh ?i referin?e culturale pe gustul elevilor, tinerilor ?i iubitorilor de literatur? care (re)descoper? ast?zi crea?ia eminescian?.

Emlékek b?rt?nében
Emlékek b?rt?nében

Halálos ?sz
Halálos ?sz

Divergent - Vol. III - Experiment
E textul pe baza cruia am fcut spectacolul Habemus bebe, n primvara lui 2014, mpreun cu soul meu, regizorul Robert Blan. Iniial nu-l voiam publicat, apoi m-am rzgndit, publicarea i d o via textului pe care scena nu i-o poate da (i invers cred c e la fel de valabil). Non Stress Test va fi un poem mai lung, pe o tem care nu a fost i nici nu este la mod: maternitatea. E nsoit i de un set de fotografii, sper s fie o carte mito. i de data asta m-am jucat cu limitele genului: o variant a textului a aprut deja n traducere (n bulgar i n maghiar) ca text de teatru”. (Elena Vldreanu)

Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza
Falling Kingdoms - Lázadók tavasza

Az éj leple alatt
Az éj leple alatt

Street workout mindenkinek
Street workout mindenkinek

Divergent - Vol. II - Insurgent
Volumul reune?te interviuri din 1997 (Pana mea), 2008 (chat cu scriitori rom?ni – Observator cultural), 2010 (Rom?nia literar?), un chestionar, un dialog inedit (2016) ?i extrase din dou? din documentarele ?n care autoarea a fost prezent? (Aici Nora Iuga ?i Nino al meu). ?n cazul Norei, c?r?ile nu s?nt totul ?i, a?a cum nu avem prea multe exemple literare actuale, omul ?ncununeaz? opera. De-aceea ne-am permis s-o coment?m ?mpreun? ?n dialoguri mai vechi sau mai noi, ?n filme documentare ?i-ntr-un blog audio, pentru a mai trage de timp cu Operele complete. (un cristian)

Bébi. Bumm!: Jesszus, szülni 40 f?l?tt?
Bevándorlás Magyarországra, kitelepítés Németországba, málenkij robot Oroszországban, küzdelmes napok újra Magyarországon, a hazában. Világos, Hódmez?vásárhely és Elek. Itt kezd?d?tt családunk élete. 1856-ban született Josef Schwarz anyai dédnagytatám Világoson, katolikus sváb családban. Hódmez?vásárhely az apai ág születési helye. Kerekes Sándor nagyapám 1871-ben született katolikus magyar családban.A sváb parasztok Eleken találkoztak a magyar iparosokkal. Itt találták meg a munkalehet?séget, amivel családjukat el tudták tartani.Családunk t?rténete egyszer? hétk?znapi emberek életér?l szól, akik átéltek két világháborút, ukrajnai kényszermunkát és németországi kitelepítést. Unokáim családunk leszármazottainak ?t?dik generációja. Tudniuk kell, hogy a t?bb mint 150 év alatt családunk t?rténete hogyan alakult, milyen életet éltek ük- és dédszüleik.Elégtételt kell kapnia a nagyszüleimnek és a szüleimnek, hogy az emlékezet nem engedi elfelejteni az életüket.

A n?: Csajsziknak
A n?: Csajsziknak

Sven-Goran Eriksson
A major in-depth biography of Sven-Goran Eriksson - the first foreign manager of the England football team - which chronicles his time in the hot seat, from taking over from Kevin Keegan, the story of the 2002 World Cup Finals in Japan and South Korea, through to the 2004 European Championships. Reserved - some would say introvert - by nature, he has so far dismissed as intrusive almost all questions about anything other than the England team. There is a fascinating story to be told about the moderate full-back who failed in his own country, retired from playing at 27, then went on to become one of the best coaches in the world. The son of a truck driver from a small provincial town in Sweden, Eriksson left school early and worked in a social security office. He went to college to study PE and played football as an amateur before being persuaded by an older teammate Tord Grip (now his assistant with England) that his career lay elsewhere in management. Modest success at Roma and Fiorentina was followed by a renewal of Sampdoria's fortunes. It wasn't long before Lazio came knocking - but not before an acrimonious fallout with Blackburn when his surprise about-turn left the Lancashire club without a new manager. He enjoyed phenomenal success in Rome, however, where he led Lazio to the scudetto, and this eventually paved the way to the England manager's job. Since then Eriksson has come under the microscope from the English press, as much for his private affairs as for his team's stuttering performances. Despite his achievements in leading England to the quarter-finals of the World Cup in 2002, his methods, formations and team selections are the subject of fierce debate up and down the country. Joe Lovejoy's book captures the essence of the man and goes some way to explaining his influence behind England. This paperback edition explores his thoughts about his captain playing his football in Spain and documents England's rocky road to the 2004 European Championship finals.

C. S. Lewis: A Biography
This acclaimed biography charts the progress of the brilliant, prolific writer, C. S. Lewis. C. S. Lewis was a deeply complex man, capable of inspiring both great devotion and great hostility. This acclaimed biography charts the progress of the clever child from the ‘Little End Room’ of his Ulster childhood and adult life, exploring Lewis’s unwilling conversion to Christianity, the genesis of his writing, and the web of his relationships.

Sentimental Murder: Love and Madness in the Eighteenth Century (Text Only)
On an April evening in 1779, a woman is shot on the steps of Covent Garden. Her murderer is a young soldier and Church of England minister; her lover, the Earl of Sandwich, one of the most powerful politicians of the day. This compelling account of murder, love and intrigue brings Georgian London to life in a spellbinding historical masterpiece. On an April evening in 1779, Martha Ray, mistress of the Earl of Sandwich, was shot on the steps of Covent Garden by James Hackman, a young soldier and minister of the Church of England. She died instantly, leaving behind a grief-stricken lover and five small children. Hackman, after trying to kill himself, was arrested, tried and hanged at Tyburn ten days later. The story was to become one of the scandals of the age. It seemed an open-and-shut case, but why had Hackman killed Ray? He claimed he suffered from ‘love’s madness’ but his motives remained obscure. And as Martha Ray shared the bed of one of the most powerful and unpopular politicians of the day (and one of Georgian London's greatest libertines), the city buzzed with the story, as every hack journalist sharpened his pen. John Brewer has written an account of this violent murder that is as thrilling and compelling as the best crime novel. Atmospheric, beautifully written, and alive with the characters and bustle of 18th-century London, the book examines in minute detail the events of a few crucial moments and gives an unforgettable account of the relationships between the three protagonists and their different places within society. However, the interest in Martha's murder did not end with the Georgians, and ‘Sentimental Murder ‘ranges over two centuries, populated by journalists, biographers and historians who tried to make sense of the killing. And so it becomes an intriguing exploration of the relations between history and fiction, storytelling and fact, past and present. John Brewer has transformed a tragic tale of murder into an historical masterpiece.

David Beckham: My Side
David Beckham is one of the world's foremost media icons, his popularity transcending sport and cultural divides. This is his own in-depth account of his career to date, for Manchester United and England, and of his childhood, family and personal life. This is Beckham's fascinating life story in his own words. His rise through the ranks at the biggest club side in the world. His complex relationship with United boss Alex Ferguson. The England story, from being vilified by the nation before returning as the prodigal son to eventually captaining his country. His acrimonious falling-out with his manager and departure from Old Trafford in June 2003. And starting a new chapter of his life on foreign soil in the glare of the world’s press. Now from Beckham himself, we gain a vivid and eye-opening insight into the family man behind the famous footballer, the international model and fashion leader. He describes how he first met and then married ex-Spice girl Victoria Adams, and the upbringing of their two children Brooklyn and Romeo. How his family's every step is monitored by a posse of newshounds and paparazzi. Also, the influence of his parents, growing up as a shy youngster in the family home, and how their subsequent split affected him. Intimate and soul-searching, this is the real David Beckham like we have never seen before.

A Great Task of Happiness: The Life of Kathleen Scott
This is a biography of Kathleen Scott based on her diaries, and Bruce's brother and the Grand Postleniks of Wallachia. In Paris in 1901, she learnt to sculpt with Rodin and made friends with Isadora Duncan - whose illegitimate baby she later delivered - and enagaged in a long and silent flirtation with Edward Steichen and rebuffed Alistair Crowley. A formidable woman, Kathleen was a sculptor, a confidante of Asquith during his years as prime minster, and was loved and admired by men as diverse as Max Beerbohm, George Bernard Shaw, Lawrence of Arabia and the Norwegian explorer Nansen. In 1908 she married Robert Falcon Scott and after bearing Peter, the son she had longed for, helped Captain Scott to prepare for his ill-fated Antarctic expedition. She learnt of her husband's death 18 months after it had happened, in mid-ocean on her way to meet him. In 1910 she started to keep diaries for Scott to read on his return; after his death she continued writing them, covering politics, exploration, art and her friends and family. Eleven years after Captain Scott's death she married again, to Edward Hilton Young (later Lord Kennet), who was to become a cabinet minister, and had another son, Wayland. She was always independent, energetic and fond of men and babies, though her spirit was considered masculine - Shaw said that his friendship with her was the nearest he came to homosexuality.