Szívhang 364. (Dr. Haramia)
Szívhang 364. (Dr. Haramia)
Júlia 430. (Elloptad a szívem)
Júlia 430. (Elloptad a szívem)
Szívhang 369. (Lagziszex)
Szívhang 369. (Lagziszex)
Bianca 216. (Behavazva)
Bianca 216. (Behavazva)
Romana 441. (Meg?r?k?lt szerelem)
Romana 441. (Meg?r?k?lt szerelem)
Szívhang 372. (Nem orvosi titok)
Szívhang 372. (Nem orvosi titok)
Inheritors - I go about in the world - free, busy, happy
Susan Keating Glaspell was born on July 1st, 1876 in Davenport.Glaspell, a precocious child was an active student at Davenport High School where she took an advanced course of study. By age eighteen she was earning a regular salary at the local newspaper as a journalist, and by twenty she was the author of a weekly 'Society' column.At twenty-one Glaspell enrolled at Drake University. A philosophy major, she also excelled in debate competitions, and represented Drake at the state tournament in her senior year.The day after her graduation, Glaspell again worked as a reporter, still a rare position for a woman. She was assigned to cover the state legislature and murder cases.At twenty-four, after covering the conviction of a woman accused of murdering her abusive husband, Glaspell abruptly resigned and moved back to Davenport, and with it, a hoped for career writing fiction.Her stories were published by many periodicals, including Harper's and Munsey's.Moving to Chicago she wrote her first novel, The Glory of the Conquered, in 1909. It was a best-seller.As was Glaspell's second novel, The Visioning, published in 1911 and her third, Fidelity in 1915. Each novel also received glowing reviews.With her husband Glaspell founded the Provincetown Playhouse devoted to plays that were more able to reflect contemporary American issues. Her first play, Trifles (1916), was based on the murder trial she covered as a young reporter in Des Moines. She wrote twelve groundbreaking plays over seven years for the company. By 1918 Glaspell was considered one of America's most significant new playwrights.However, the impact and critical success of Glaspell's theatre work did not unfortunately make financial sense. Therefore she continued to submit short stories in order to support her and her husband during their years with the theater.In 1931 she wrote the excellent play, Alison's House, for which she received the Pulitzer Prize.In 1936 Glaspell moved to Chicago as the Midwest Bureau Director of the Federal Theater Project. When that finished she returned to Cape Cod using the Mid-West experience in her last three novels which were increasingly focused on the region, on family life, and on theistic questions; The Morning is Near Us (1939), Norma Ashe (1942), and Judd Rankin's Daughter (1945).Susan Keating Glaspell died of viral pneumonia in Provincetown on July 28, 1948.
Júlia 580 (Kísértetek kíméljenek!)
Júlia 580 (Kísértetek kíméljenek!)
Romana 569 (N?faló a lakótársam)
Romana 569 (N?faló a lakótársam)
Romana 568. (Leszel a királyn?m?)
Romana 568. (Leszel a királyn?m?)
Júlia 578. (Natalia, a botrányhercegn?)
Júlia 578. (Natalia, a botrányhercegn?)
Romana 570 (Gyanús jegyesség)
Romana 570 (Gyanús jegyesség)
H. K. Andersena PASAKAS
Am c?utat timp s? citesc cartea ta cu aten?ie, de?i unele dintre fragmente mi-erau cunoscute. Te exprim? foarte bine: este polemic?, are energia de care am mai zis ?i pe care ai contestat-o, este o asumare sincer? ?i urmând chemarea ta, felul t?u de a vedea lucrurile, de a fi al?turi de „oamenii mari” ?i de a duce împreun? lupta pentru valorile în care crezi. Este vital? ?i, ca la Marino, repeti?ia este motivat? de (?i exprim?) intensitate. A o citi în afara caracterului ei polemic ?i a sensului de afirmare a solidarit??ii cu comunitatea de care te sim?i ata?at? înseamn? a o rata. Cred c? a fost foarte bine s? începi cu cazul Marino, c?ci este exponen?ial, dar ?i mai clar decât altele. (Gabriel Andreescu) Concluzia central? care ascunde chiar miza întregii c?r?i: „Nu cred c? fenomenul globaliz?rii, r?spândit pe mapamond, a cl?tinat identitatea francezilor, a nem?ilor, spaniolilor sau r?d?cinile altor na?iuni. Oricât de straniu ori deplasat ar suna pentru urechile unor comentatori români, adep?i ai politicii corecte, voi spune un adev?r familiar na?iunilor mari ale lumii. Exist? lucruri ce nu pot fi negociate. Între acestea sunt ?ara, familia, limba, identitatea ?i neamul”. Or, în România aceste dimensiuni ale fiin??rii noastre se „negociaz?” de peste dou? decenii, în condi?ii mistificatorii de intimidare, amenin?are c? nu po?i fi „în rândul lumii”, „european” ?i globalist, dac? nu renun?i la propria identitate, la propriile resurse umane, naturale, spirituale. Or, scriitorul român, de la cronicari la ?coala Ardelean?, pa?opti?ti, marii clasici, genera?ia Marii Uniri, cea interbelic? au fost p?zitori ai fiin?ei române?ti prin for?a crea?iei ?i a ethosului lor, cu întrerupere în deceniul proletcultist, pentru a se revigora cu genera?iile lui Nicolae Labi?, a lui Nichita St?nescu, a lui Nicolae Breban, Ioan Alexandru, a lui Cezar Iv?nescu ?i a Aurei Christi, de îndat? ce o parte dintre optzeci?ti s-a trezit din torpoarea simulacrelor postmoderniste. Sintagma din expresia tr?darea scriitorului are, acum, o dubl? trimitere: scriitorul român a fost tr?dat de elitele politice postdecembriste, dup? cum scriitorul, la rându-i, ?i-a uitat menirea de p?zitor al fiin?ei na?ionale. Solu?ia, crede Aura Christi, este, pe de o parte, heideggeriana p?zire a fiin?ei de c?tre poe?i, pe de alta, întoarcerea la vechea tabl? a valorilor europene ?i române?ti, toate abandonate de mentalitatea postmodernist?. (Theodor Codreanu) Ce sunt aceste polemice? O seam? de arabescuri excesive, radiografia patetic? ?i lucid? a unei sfâ?ieri, o serie de tentative de a în?elege, e?uate în neîn?elegere, reportajul unor revolte aneantizate în albia dezn?dejdii ?i a refuzului de a accepta s? asi?ti – redus la mu?enie, deci, vinovat din start – la comercializarea, trivializarea infernului comunist. Proces culminat, incredibil, cu un masacru al inocen?ilor regizat într?un stil de extrac?ie neostalinist?. Cum s? califici altfel vân?toarea de oameni mari, prin care s?a perpetuat europenitatea culturii române în anii dictaturii stalinisto?dejiste? Vân?toare organizat? sub ochii no?tri, în s?rmana noastr? democra?ie. Ce sunt aceste polemice? Poate, un semn al speran?ei c? nu e vândut chiar totul. Nu e terfelit chiar totul. Nu e pierdut chiar totul. (Aura Christi)
Romana 567. (Nem kell mindig szenzáció)
Romana 567. (Nem kell mindig szenzáció)
Júlia 577. (Titkos viszony)
Júlia 577. (Titkos viszony)
Come- Travel with me: Ten Droplets
Come- Travel with me: Ten Droplets
The Road to Wigan Pier
The Road to Wigan Pier
My Mam Shirley - Part 3 of 3
My Mam Shirley can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 3 of 3. You can read Part 3 one week ahead of the full-length eBook and paperback.
Our Vinnie - Part 3 of 3
Our Vinnie can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 3 of 3. You can read Part 3 one week ahead of the full-length eBook and paperback. The infamous Canterbury Estate in Bradford, a hotbed of crime, drink and drugs, was a law unto itself in the ’70s. So when one of their own was wronged in any way, the community always had its own way of dealing with it. The first title in a series of gritty family sagas, Our Vinnie accounts the dramatic true story of a brother’s determination to avenge his younger sister’s rape. Josie was just 11 when her Vinnie, then 14, was taken away to a detention centre. Distraught by his absence and left alone with indifferent parents, when she escapes from one of their rows she naively enters the house of a neighbour, Melvin, who – horrifically – leads her upstairs and overpowers her. Convinced by her friend Carol, Josie tells her sister Lyndsey about the rape but, with Vinnie out of the picture, Lyndsey uses the information for her own ends. When Vinnie returns, hardened by years inside the system, his outrage on discovering the truth is severe. And with new abuses continually coming to light, a cataclysmic series of violent events begins to spiral out of control… Dramatic and shocking, Our Vinnie is an unbelievable page-turner, documenting a community forsaken by society, and one brother’s unrelenting determination to take justice into his own hands.
My Mam Shirley - Part 2 of 3
My Mam Shirley can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 2 of 3. You can read Part 2 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback.
Our Vinnie - Part 2 of 3
Our Vinnie can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 2 of 3. You can read Part 2 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. The infamous Canterbury Estate in Bradford, a hotbed of crime, drink and drugs, was a law unto itself in the ’70s. So when one of their own was wronged in any way, the community always had its own way of dealing with it. The first title in a series of gritty family sagas, Our Vinnie accounts the dramatic true story of a brother’s determination to avenge his younger sister’s rape. Josie was just 11 when her Vinnie, then 14, was taken away to a detention centre. Distraught by his absence and left alone with indifferent parents, when she escapes from one of their rows she naively enters the house of a neighbour, Melvin, who – horrifically – leads her upstairs and overpowers her. Convinced by her friend Carol, Josie tells her sister Lyndsey about the rape but, with Vinnie out of the picture, Lyndsey uses the information for her own ends. When Vinnie returns, hardened by years inside the system, his outrage on discovering the truth is severe. And with new abuses continually coming to light, a cataclysmic series of violent events begins to spiral out of control… Dramatic and shocking, Our Vinnie is an unbelievable page-turner, documenting a community forsaken by society, and one brother’s unrelenting determination to take justice into his own hands.