

每满80减40 The Norsemen in the West(I) 斯堪的纳维亚的西部传奇(英文版)
The Norsemen in the West(I) 斯堪的纳维亚的西部传奇(英文版)
R. M. Ballantyne
The Norsemen in the West is a tale of adventure and evangelism by Robert Michael Ballantyne (24 April 1825 – 8 February 1894) , a Scottish author of juvenile fiction who wrote more than 100 books, an accomplished artist who exhibited some of his water-colours at the Royal Scottish Academy.Norsemen , common name for the Scandinavians when they spoke the Old Norse language Norse.
每满80减40 A Changed Man and Other Tales(V) 短篇小说集 一个变了的人(英文版)
A Changed Man and Other Tales(V) 短篇小说集 一个变了的人(英文版)
Thomas Hardy
Known primarily for his novels and poems, Thomas Hardy also wrote a number of short stories, originally published in serial form. The book Supper and Other Tales concluding with The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid.
每满80减40 Armadale(II) 阿马达尔(英文版)
Armadale(II) 阿马达尔(英文版)
Wilkie Collins
The novel is a 19th-century semi-epistolary one. Armadale is a novel by Wilkie Collins, first published in 1864–66. Some linking passages consist of letters between the various characters, or of extracts from Lydia's journal, but the great majority of the text narrates the events as they occur.
每满80减40 Basil(III) 贝锡尔(英文版)
Basil(III) 贝锡尔(英文版)
Wilkie Collins
Basil (1852) is the second novel written by British author Wilkie Collins, after Antonina. The story explains a young naive man of a noble family who falls in love at first sight with a poor but beautiful young lady. After falling head-over-heels in love with this mysterious young woman, Basil decides he must have her at all costs, despite the fact that the decision may bring ruin to his high-society family.
每满80减40 The Virginians (IV) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians (IV) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
The Virginians is a novel by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia,It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington. The novel follows the trials and tribulations of the twin brothers whose personal lives intrude on their decision to fight in the war effort.
每满80减40 The Virginians (V) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians (V) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
The Virginians is a historical novel by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond and is also loosely linked to Pendennis. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia, it tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington. The novel follows the trials and tribulations of the twin brothers whose personal lives intrude on their decision to fight in the war effort.
每满80减40 一个青年艺术家的画像:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(英文版)
一个青年艺术家的画像:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man(英文版)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man?is the?first novel?of Irish writer?James Joyce. It is the semi-autobiographical portrayal of James Joyce’s early upbringing as an Irish Catholic in late 19th century and early 20th century Dublin. In his first and still most widely read novel, James Joyce makes a strange peace with the traditional narrative of a young man’s self-discovery by respecting its substance while exploding its form, thereby inaugurating a literary revolution. The novel begins with the confidence, ease and innocence of a story told to a child and ends with a tone that is hesitant, suspicious, fragmented and estranged. Between the two comes the education of one Stephen Dedalus, as the nets of race, religion and family attempt to ensnare his tender soul and complex imagination. The publication of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and the short story collection Dubliners earned Joyce a place at the forefront of literary modernism.
每满80减40 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland爱丽丝漫游奇境记(英文原版)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland爱丽丝漫游奇境记(英文原版)
《爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland》是十九世纪英国作家刘易斯·卡罗尔创作的长篇传奇小说。故事讲述了一个名叫爱丽丝的英国小女孩为了追逐一只揣着怀表、会说话的兔子而不慎掉入了兔子洞,从而进入了一个神奇的国度并经历了一系列奇幻冒险的故事。
每满80减40 The Selfish Giant 自私的巨人 (英文原版)
The Selfish Giant 自私的巨人 (英文原版)
《自私的巨人 The Selfish Giant》是英国唯美主义作家奥斯卡·王尔德创作的暖心童话作品,讲述了一个巨人因受到孩童美好情感触动从自私到慷慨的转变过程。巨人拥有一个美丽的花园,但是他不愿意和喜欢花园的孩童分享花园,然后他的花园就不再有春天,直到有一天,春天又再一次回到了他的花园,巨人也发生了改变……
每满80减40 共产党宣言-英文原版
本书作为我社“*经典英语文库”第13辑中的一种《共产党宣言》(又译《共产主义宣言》),是马克思和恩格斯为共产主义者同盟起草的纲领,全文贯穿马克思主义的历史观,马克思主义诞生的重要标志。由马克思执笔写成 。1848年2月21日在伦敦*次以单行本问世。2月24日,《共产党宣言》正式出版。宣言*次全面系统阐述科学社会主义理论,指出共产主义运动将成为不可抗拒的历史潮流。2015年11月,被评为*影响力的20本学术书之一。2020年,《共产党宣言》发表172周年,回望《共产党宣言》诞生以来的172年,人类社会见证种种思潮的激荡,经历无尽的风云变幻,始终不变的是对和平幸福美好的追求。
每满80减40 时尚休闲读物:老外想和你聊的101个英语话题·流行名人篇
不流行的话不说,不地道的英语不讲!   奥巴马有什么趣事你不知道?影坛重量级的新星是谁?如果你不知道这些流行名人,当老外想和你分享交流时,你又该如何应对?   阅读本书,让你了解当下流行的欧美文化名人。本书从世界范围内挑选出议论范围广、影响力的名人,覆盖政治、经济、娱乐、商业、艺术等多方面,每个话题都包括背景介绍、常用句子、重点词汇以及一段情景对话。对话涵盖生活的方方面面,语言通俗易懂,所介绍的人物生动而不失深刻。   本书以对话为主,注重口语,让读者不必死记硬背、死啃书本,后导致“哑巴英语”,在遇到外国人时仍旧张不开嘴。这本书每节都有大量地道的、原汁原味的句子,读者可以在与外国人的日常交流中直接运用。
每满80减40 心灵深戏
奇克森特米海伊曾經提出「神馳」的說法,意指沈思冥想下的「狀態」(或譯「阿爾發狀態」),也就是人類體驗經歷下,為圓滿適切的心理情境。美國令人著迷的作者黛安.艾克曼(DianeAckerman)運起如椽大筆,探索多種人類活動的內在關連,深入我們的精神層面,挖掘出人類多種日常活動的內在聯繫紐結,靠著內在關連,把自己從「時間」的約束下解放出來,而臻於狂喜化境。 艾克曼直指核心,把生命中「deepplay」的特殊質性,從日常生活中萃煉,讓讀者了解這樣的狂喜為何指,並揭櫫多種臻於化境,永保一生喜樂、創造及自我實現的途徑。
每满80减40 晨读夜诵.每天读一点经典希腊神话故事(英汉对照、附赠音频)
每满80减40 零基础英语入门:新手自学,一本全掌握
每满80减40 The Little Prince小王子(英文原版)
The Little Prince小王子(英文原版)
《小王子The Little Prince》是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里于创作的短篇小说,是一本写给大人看的童话。故事以人称“我”——一个坠落撒哈拉沙漠的飞行员的视角讲述了来自外星球的金发小王子的故事,小王子来自B612星球,因为他所爱的玫瑰花他离开了自己的小小星球,地球是他太空漫游的·后一站,在此之前他已经去过了住着国王的星球、住着自负的人的星球、住着点灯人的星球、住着商人的星球等六个星球,故事记录了属于小王子独特的冒险记忆。
每满80减40 The Happy Prince 快乐王子(英文原版)
The Happy Prince 快乐王子(英文原版)
《快乐王子The Happy Prince》是英国唯美主义作家奥斯卡·王尔德创作的暖心童话作品,讲述了生前无比快乐的王子,因死后被树立为华丽雕像而目睹了不同阶层的人民所过着的截然不同的生活,为城民充满苦难的生活感到痛心难过。而这时他遇见了一只即将飞往印度过冬的燕子,在燕子的帮助下他开始救助自己的城民……
每满80减40 The Norsemen in the West(IV) 斯堪的纳维亚的西部传奇(英文版)
The Norsemen in the West(IV) 斯堪的纳维亚的西部传奇(英文版)
R. M. Ballantyne
The Norsemen in the West is a tale by Robert Michael Ballantyne (24 April 1825 – 8 February 1894) , a Scottish author of juvenile fiction who wrote more than 100 books, an accomplished artist who exhibited some of his water-colours at the Royal Scottish Academy.
每满80减40 Samson Agonistes 力士参孙(英文版)
Samson Agonistes 力士参孙(英文版)
John Milton
Samson Agonistes is a tragic closet drama by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It originally appeared with the publication of Milton's Paradise Regained in 1671, A Poem In IV Books To Which Is Added Samson Agonistes.
每满80减40 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(III)海底两万里(英文版)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(III)海底两万里(英文版)
Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel(1870) by French writer Jules Verne. It is about the fictional Captain Nemo and his submarine, Nautilus, as seen by one of his passengers, Professor Pierre Aronnax. It was inspired by a model of the French submarine Plongeur was displayed at the 1867 University Expo, where it was studied by Jules Verne.
每满80减40 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(V)海底两万里(英文版)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(V)海底两万里(英文版)
Jules Verne
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne, published in 1870. It is about the fictional Captain Nemo and his submarine, Nautilus. It was inspired by a model of the French submarine Plongeur (launched in 1863) was displayed at the 1867 University Expo, where it was studied by Jules Verne.
每满80减40 The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(I) 三万元遗产(英文版)
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(I) 三万元遗产(英文版)
Mark Twain
“Had I never loved, I never would have been unhappy.” -Mark Twain. This collection of thirty comic short stories captures the many facets of Mark Twain's work. These stories contained span the course of his career, from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904.