

The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
One of the true classics of American literature, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz has stirred the imagination of young and old alike for over four generations.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing over 100 gorgeous illustrations.?The story chronicles the adventures of a girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz. As Baum says in the introduction "It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out." And it succeeds wonderfully. It is one of the best-known stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
Gulliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the “travellers’ tales” literary sub-genre. It is Swift’s most celebrated work, as well as one of the indisputable classics of English literature.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing many gorgeous illustrations.?
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes
Miss Parloa
One of the great novelist’s most popular works, Oliver Twist is also the purest distillation of Dickens’s genius. Like most of Dickens’ work, the book is used to call the public’s attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals. The novel is full of sarcasm and dark humour, even as it treats its serious subject, revealing the hypocrisies of the time. This tale of the orphan who is reared in a workhouse and runs away to London is a novel of social protest, a morality tale, and a detective story. Oliver Twist presents some of the most sinister characters in Dickens: the master thief, Fagin; the leering Artful Dodger; the murderer, Bill Sikes…along with some of his most sentimental and comical characters. Only Dickens can give us nightmare and daydream together. According to George Orwell, “in Oliver Twist…Dickens attacked English institutions with a ferocity that has never since been approached. Yet he managed to do it without making himself hated, and, more than this, the very people he attacked have welcomed him so completely that he has become a national institution himself.” The novel has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations, and the basis for a highly successful British musical, Oliver!
Picture of Dorian Gray
Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
Tanara Oriana moare intr-un accident, chiar in ziua nuntii ei. Pentru oricine, acesta ar parea sfar?itul. Nu si pentru ea. Se intoarce ca recuperator de suflete, insa nu la vechea viata ?i familie, pentru care trebuie sa ramana moarta, ci la una cu totul noua. Rasfatul si confortul, considerate garantate mai inainte, se duc acum pe Apa Sambetei. Va trebui sa lupte pentru a-i salva pe ceilalti, dar si pe sine. Apar noi prieteni, noi dusmani si… prima iubire? Exista viata dupa moarte? Unii vor spune ca da, altii ca nu. Dar exista un raspuns la care cu siguranta nu v-ati gandit. Exista recuperatorii de suflete. Smulsi din existentele lor, sunt aruncati in altele, neintrebati de nimeni, fara sa li se ceara acceptul. Trebuie doar sa se supuna legilor celor de Dincolo. Iar unii aleg razvratirea… In acest al patrulea volum al seriei Am murit, din fericire, o gasim pe Oriana in Purgatorio, dupa o goana nebuna in urma careia si ea, dar si cei ce o insotesc cad victimele unor noi incercari. Cu Abel ranit de moarte si Marc pierdut in Chaos, incertitudinile devin mai zdrobitoare ca oricand. Acest volum, la fel ca precedentele, te va tine cu sufletul la gura si nu-l vei lasa din mana pana cand nu vei intoarce si ultima pagina
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Karina Baldin, o tanara balerina ce promite sa lumineze cele mai cunoscute scene ale lumii cu talentul sau, se indragosteste de noul fotograf al Academiei de balet. Pentru inima ei neincercata pana atunci de astfel de sentimente, emotiile acestei iubiri se dovedesc covarsitoare, mai ales ca legatura dintre cei doi nu este dintre acelea pe care societatea sa le vada cu ochi buni. Scriitoarea Raluca Andreea Chiper, un talent indiscutabil al literaturii contemporane, ne poarta cu a sa maiestrie magica in manuirea cuvantului scris, in lumi care ne captiveaza in totalitate. Intre pamant si apa este o lectura la care cititorul se va gandi multa vreme dupa ce a intors si ultima pagina.
The Original Fables of La Fontaine
The Original Fables of La Fontaine
Jean de La Fontaine
Atunci cand afli ca viata pe care ai trait-o nu iti apartine, ce ai de gand sa faci? Intr-o lume in care oamenii se ghideaza dupa 5 coduri, sunt condusi de 5 Supremi, iar visele sunt interzise, Cehel Ynue, o tanara ce porneste in viata ca fiind un copil prodigy, se zbate sa descopere adevarul, incalcand regulile. Pe parcursul calatoriei sale, Cehel se intalneste de mai multe ori cu termenul necunoscut?I.R.En., care ii obsedeaza subconstientul si care o impinge spre aflarea adevarului. O singura lume, fenomene bizare greu de explicat, un Healer si un Mediator care refuza sa accepte realitatea oferita de catre sistem. I.R.En., romanul care impinge cititorul sa se indoiasca de propria realitate in care traieste, facandu-l sa intoarca pagina dupa pagina pentru a afla raspunsul la toate intrebarile pe care este constrans sa si le puna.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
William Shakespeare
Ana Simion este fiica unor imigran?i romani pe taramul tuturor posibilita?ilor. In urma unei intalniri pe nevazute, aranjata de o prietena, cunoaste un barbat pe care il antipatizeaza, fara drept de apel, inca din primele minute. Dorind sa puna capat serii dezastruoase, il refuza categoric. Insa individul face parte din tagma celor ce nu accepta un NU din partea sexului slab. Ranit in orgoliu, isi iese din fire, si o ataca pe Ana in toaleta localului. ?ipetele ei atrag aten?ia unui necunoscut care o salveaza in ultimul moment.Mason Hart face parte dintr-o familie buna, insa pu?in cam ciudata. Atrasa in mijlocul acestui grup pestri? de sentimentele pe care incepe sa le aiba fa?a de Mason, via?a banala a Anei este data peste cap..
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Viata de student la psihologie a lui Leinad se imparte intre sesiuni si baute ocazionale cu prietenii. Nimic iesit din comun. Pana intr-o zi cand, accidental, intra in posesia unui stick USB. Din curiozitate si, din nefericire pentru el, verifica fisierele stocate pe micul obiect. Afla informatii incredibile despre o societate secreta care facea experiente medicale pe oameni, fara ca acestia sa-si fi dat acceptul. Faptul ca ajunge sa cunoasca o tanara, studenta si ea, genul de fata peste care nu dai in fiecare zi, sufletista si inimoasa, complica si mai mult situatia tanarului, mai ales dupa ce afla ca noua lui cunostinta sufera de o boala ce ii poate fi fatala. Santaje, urmariri, situatii tragi-comice, din loc in loc, si un umor proaspat va vor determina sa deveniti fanii acestei serii.
Gulliver's Travels: Into Several Remote Regions of the World
Gulliver's Travels: Into Several Remote Regions of the World
D.D Jonathan Swift
Dragostea este otrava, iar otrava ucide. Ceea ce unul simte, celalalt neaga cu vehementa.? Ea nu crede in iubire, el nu se poate satura de acest concept. Aleg sa se descopere cu ajutorul pianului, se resping prin acordurile viorii, se predau unul celuilalt prin muzica.? Oare exista speranta pentru el si incredere pentru ea? Ethan si Charlotte sunt protagonistii unei povesti despre o iubire imposibila in termeni morali si atat de posibila in lumea lor.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Eram ?n Her?str?u, la parcul de distrac?ii, ?Luna-parc“, cum i se spunea pe atunci, ?ase b?ie?i ?i o fat?: Vintil? Iv?nceanu, Virgil Mazilescu, Daniel Turcea, Mihai Teclu, George Almosnino, Iulian Neac?u ?i Nora Iuga. Infatua?ii, arogan?ii, scandalagii, cosmopoli?ii – ONIRICII. B?ie?ii trecuser? un pic de dou?zeci, ?fata“ trecuse bini?or de treizeci, important era c? nu se vedea. Ne d?deam ?n ma?inu?e; caramboluri ?i chiote! Pe urm?, la bere, Pur?i – a?a ?i spuneam eu lui Vintil? – se ia de Iulian: ?Da’ neagra ta, cum ?i zice, dactilografa de noapte, te mai viziteaz??“... ?i urechea mea p?lnie se f?cu ?i la dou? noaptea, la ma?ina mea, am b?tut eu mai departe ce-mi dicta ea. (Nora Iuga, iulie 2010)
A Book of Natural History
A Book of Natural History
David Starr Jordan
Te mit tennél, ha kiderülne, hogy már csak másfél éved van hátra? Magadba roskadva jajveszékelnél, és hagynád, hogy pocsékba menjen minden napod, vagy ?sszeszednéd tartalék er?idet, amit arra használnál, hogy tartalmasan éld hátralév? napjaidat? Nos, én az utóbbit választottam. ?gy d?nt?ttem, belevágok e k?nyv megírásába, hátha okul a hibáimból valaki. Akárki. Vajon beválik az a kísérleti gyógyszer, amely talán visszafordíthatja a betegségemet, vagy ez a k?nyv lesz minden, amit ?r?kül hagyhatok az utókornak? ...és vajon képes vagyok megbocsátani annak, aki t?nkretette az életemet – vagyis magamnak?
The Last of the Mohicans
The Last of the Mohicans
James Fenimore Cooper
Kedves olvasó, ha már kezedben tartasz, elkalauzollak olyan világba, amely számodra is érdekes és felkelt?. Mai társadalmi helyzetünk elég cudar állapotban van, ahol még a faji kül?nb?ztetésénél tartunk és még mindig nem fogadtuk el egymást. Ezért nem is tudunk tovább lépni. Nem tudunk ?sszefogni és kilépni a rengetegbe, az ismeretlenbe, hogy aztán szétszóródjunk újra és benépesítsük az olyan réteget ahol esetleg mással, de ha nem, akkor egymással harcoljunk az új helyekért. K?nyvemet megosztva egy olyan fantázia szemsz?gb?l mutatom be, elképzelt világomat, melyben t?bb dolog rendbe j?tt, de helyette j?tt más, csak, hogy az élet mozogjon. Ha velem tartasz, végén ráj?ssz, lehet van benne logika, fantázia, és realizáció. Ez a világ olyan utakon jár melyben a fajok megbékéltek, elfogadták egymást, de helyette j?ttek a nemi kül?nbségek, melyet az emberek biológiai okokból nem fogadtak el, de akik elfogatták, úgy vélik ez természetes és lehetséges. Ha ódzkodsz a másságtól, óva intelek a t?rténetét?l, de egyben ajánlanám nagy szeretettel, hátha máshogy fogod látni a világot, vagy találsz benne olyan dolgot, darabot mely hiányzott a puzzle-?db?l, és kiegészíti a te kicsiny világodat.
Ninu Oana Cătălina
Volumul ?n c?utarea tinere?ii sau C?nd paralelele se ?nt?lnesc, cuprinz?nd nuvele ?i schi?e, s-a n?scut din setea de trecut a autorului, din atrac?ia acestuia fa?? de tinere?ea etern? a omului, din amintirile tezaurizate de el de-a lungul anilor.
The New York Subway
The New York Subway
Interborough Rapid Transit Company
Krimi, kaland, líra, utazás id?ben és térben a ’30-as évekt?l napjainkig, Argentínától Kanadáig négy ?nálló t?rténetben. Vajon, ha ugyanaz az elk?vet?, miért nem gyilkolt t?bb, mint 30 évig? Hogyan állít csapdát a csend?rkapitány és a rend?rkapitány az aranykez? tolvajnak? Mit keres egy üzletasszony a farkasok k?z?tt? Klaudia felfedi titkát Valentinnak? Kíváncsi vagy? Olvasd el!
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Man in the Iron Mask
Alexandre Dumas
This novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the United States, so much in the latter case that the novel intensified the sectional conflict leading to the American Civil War.Uncle Tom's Cabin was the best-selling novel of the 19th century, and the second best-selling book of that century, following the Bible. It is credited with helping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s. In the first year after it was published, 300,000 copies of the book were sold in the United States alone.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing over 90 gorgeous illustrations.?
All Around the Moon
All Around the Moon
Jules Verne
Adored by readers of all ages, The Jungle Book tells the story of young Mowgli’s unforgettable adventure. Rudyard Kipling's beloved stories of the boy Mowgli, rescued and raised by a wolf pack in the heart of the jungle. The tales feature such unforgettable creatures such as Bagheera, the graceful black panther; Baloo, the kindly brown bear; and Kaa, the snake with the hypnotic stare.
The Beginner's American History
The Beginner's American History
D. H. Montgomery
A strange and terrible tale of the battle between good and evil within a man's soulThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has been a part of modern consciousness since it's publication and smashing success. The split personality of Jekyll and Hyde has disturbed audience and been retold in countless forms. Stevenson's short novel became an instant classic. It was a Gothic horror that originated in a feverish nightmare, whose hallucinatory setting in the murky back streets of London gripped a nation mesmerized by crime and violence. The respectable doctor's mysterious relationship with his disreputable associate is finally revealed in one of the most original and thrilling endings in English literature.
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works
Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works
Edgar Allan Poe
The subject of the world s longest-running musical and the recent Academy Award nominated and BAFTA-winning film starring Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway, "Les Miserables"is a genuine literary treasure. Victor Hugo s tale of injustice, heroism, and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean, an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him, and has been a perennial favorite since it first appeared nearly 150 years ago. This exciting ebook will be a gift both to readers who have already fallen for its timeless story and to new readers discovering it for the first time.?
A Doll's House: Illustrated
A Doll's House: Illustrated
Henrik Ibsen
Tárna Barni tizenkettedik születésnapja nem kezd?dik valami jól. Reggel zuhogó es?ben kell megsétáltatnia a kutyát. Egy újabb rémes iskolai nap vár rá, mert a suliban gonosz osztálytársa, Ged? meg az a hátborzongató Ostoros igazgatón? folyton megkeseríti az életét. Ráadásul nyomtalanul elt?nt apukájától sem kap még egy képeslapot sem. Nem csoda, ha Barni bánatában azt találja mondani: ?Bárcsak macska lennék!”. De vigyázz, mit kívánsz! Mert bizony a macskalét sem fenékig tejf?l... Ez a regény olyan izgalmas, hogy ha elkezded, a házi feladatra már biztos nem marad id?d! Amennyiben ez t?rténne, az óra el?tt jelentsd az esetet tanárodnak, és add k?lcs?n neki a k?nyvet! Matt Haig (1975) számtalan díjnyertes feln?tt- és ifjúsági regény szerz?je, forgatók?nyvíró, újságíró. K?nyvei k?zel 30 nyelven olvashatók. Feleségével és két gyermekével Yorkban él, és azt állítja, a pletykákkal ellentétben soha életében nem volt macska. (V?r?s kandúr meg aztán végképp nem!) Stacey Curtis díjnyertes amerikai karikaturista, képregényrajzoló, illusztrátor. Számos sikeres gyerekk?nyvh?z készített illusztrációt. Chicagoban él feleségével, lányával és a kutyájukkal. Egyáltalán nem tartja kizártnak, hogy élt már macskatestben. (Szerencsére a kutyájuk nem emlékszik erre.)
Drilling Deep
Drilling Deep
Kevin J Anderson
A fascination with science and paleontology can lead to a sense of wonder . . . or something else entirely.
Escape Hatch
Escape Hatch
Kevin J. Anderson
It came from beneath the sea! The hideous alien “sluggos” have arrived, bloodthirsty tentacled aliens that infest the oceans of Earth, and it will take the best military minds of the Planetary Navy to defeat them. Admiral Bruce Haldane has faced the sluggos in engagement after engagement, and the humans are slaughtered each time. Fortunately for Haldane, though, because of his high rank, he has an “escape hatch”—at the last moment of a military defeat when his own death is certain, he can swap his consciousness with another safe body, a “cannon fodder” recruit who exists only to be ready in case he needs to make the ultimate sacrifice. Paulson Kenz is one of those cannon-fodder recruits, too weak and wimpy to be appropriate for the battlefield, but he doesn’t want to go down without a fight. Knowing that at any moment he might find himself transported into a horrific last stand against slavering aliens, he has to become an even greater military genius than Admiral Haldane himself.