

Swaard van die Gode (Afrikaanse uitgawe): (Afrikaans Edition)
Swaard van die Gode (Afrikaanse uitgawe): (Afrikaans Edition)
Anna Erishkigal
Van die begin van tyd, is twee antieke te?standers in ? stryd vir beheer van die aarde. Een man het opgestaan om by die mensdom te staan. 'n Soldaat wie se naam ons steeds vandag onthou... . Engelagtige Magte Kolonel Mikhail Mannuki'ili word wakker, noodlottig gewond, in sy skip wat neergestort het. Die vrou wat sy lewe red het vermo?ns wat bekend lyk, maar met geen geheue van sy verlede, kan hy nie onthou hoekom nie! . Ninsianna se mense het profesie? van 'n gevlerkte Kampioen, 'n swaard van die gode wat haar mense teen 'n Bose Een sal verdedig. Mikhail dring aan dat hy geen demi-god is nie, maar sy geheimsinnige vermo? om dood te maak vertel ‘n ander storie. . Intussen, in die hemele, fluister boosheid vir 'n stuurse prins. 'n Sterwende spesie probeer om uitsterwing te verhoed. Twee keisers, gevestig in hulle antieke ideologie?, kan nie die groter bedreiging sien nie. Alles in hierdie wetenskapfiksie oorvertelling van die mensdom se mees epiese verhaal oor die stryd tussen goed en kwaad, die botsing van keiserryk en ideologie?, en die grootste superheld op die aarde, die Aartsengel Mikhail. . Hierdie boek is NIE godsdienstige fiksie nie! . Boek 1 van die "Swaard van die Gode" saga . Spesiale BONUS: sluit die reeks se oorsprong storie in, 'Helde van Ouds 'n Novella.' . "?'n Kreatiewe alternatief vir die geskiedenis van wat ons noem ons engele. Dit voel soos... Star Trek ontmoed Mythos." —Leser hersiening . "?'Mikhail word wakker—' soos die voorblad sê '—noodlottig gewond in sy skip wat neergestort het' ... maar dit is net die begin van sy dilemma." —Cape Cod Times Koerant . "Ek was lief vir die samesmelting van die bitter wetenskapfiksie en fantasie genres. Dit is verskriklik moeilik om die twee saam te voeg. Die skrywer doen dit naatloos..." —Leser hersiening . * Afrikaanse taal, Afrikaanse boeke, Afrikaanse uitgawe - Afrikaans language, Afrikaans edition
Zegarmistrz nowela (Edycja polska): (Polish Edition)
Zegarmistrz nowela (Edycja polska): (Polish Edition)
Anna Erishkigal
— Zapytaj, jak zyska? dodatkow? godzin? czasu — . Mary O’Connor ma wi?ksze problemy, ni? to, ?e jej zegarek zatrzyma? si? o 15.57. Kiedy zanosi go do poczciwego zegarmistrza, dowiaduje si?, ?e wygra?a osobliw? nagrod?, szans? ponownego prze?ycia jednej godziny swojego ?ycia. Ale Los ma surowe zasady dotycz?ce cofania si? do przesz?o?ci, w tym ostrze?enie, ?e nie mo?na stworzy? paradoksu czasowego. Czy Mary jest w stanie pogodzi? si? z przesz?o?ci? i b??dem, którego ?a?uje najbardziej na ?wiecie? . ?Krótkie acz przejmuj?ce opowiadanie z tematyki mitologii nordyckiej. Czas jest darem, a niekiedy ostatni? szans?." — Dale Amidei, pisarz . ?Bardzo poruszaj?ca i dramatyczna historia... Czy gdyby?my mieli szans? zmieni? nasz? przesz?o??, zrobiliby?my to?" — Recenzja czytelnika . ?Mo?liwo?? zrobienia ponownie czego?, czego ?a?uje si? najbardziej, zdarza si? raz na milion!" — Recenzja czytelnika . A co, gdyby? to ty dosta? tak? szans?? * J?zyk polski - Polish language
Harlequin's Riddle
Harlequin's Riddle
Rachel Nightingale
When Mina joins a troupe of travelling actors, her aim is to find her missing brother, but her search unlocks a series of secrets that will change the world she knows forever. Tarya, the mystical realm spoken of in tales, is real, and her gift for story telling opens a way to it. But Tarya has a shadow side, and someone in the troupe of actors is using it to harm people. Mina soon realises she may be the only one with the power to stop them. Harlequin’s Riddle is the first book in a Young Adult fantasy trilogy about the gift of creativity and where it can take you.
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
Douglas Smith
Aurora Award Finalist The year is 1999. The world awaits a new millennium with a mixture of anticipation and dread. The fear stems from the much-hyped Y2K computer problem, the so-called millennium bug, which could cause uncorrected programs to fail all over the world. PCWare is the world’s largest software company. John Dunne is team leader for the company’s newest operating system, the first with a virtual reality user interface, complete with virtual human agents. But on Millennium Eve, John has problems. A Y2K bug has been discovered in the software…and John’s virtual girlfriend has become far too real. "The story deals with the Y2k bug, and although that might seem dated now, the story is not, since its ideas continue to be relevant today." —Bibliopolis
Radio Nowhere
Radio Nowhere
Douglas Smith
Aurora Award Finalist. On the anniversary of his wife’s death, Liam makes a startling discovery. The particle accelerator experiments that he is conducting for the university are capable of opening a window back in time. Can he tune that window to the night his wife died? Can he actually go back in time to save her? But what of the strange radio broadcasts he keeps hearing? Broadcasts that warn that changing the past could produce a very dark future for the world—or no future at all. How much is Liam willing to risk to bring back the only woman he ever loved? "A very human story of a man hung up on the past for far too long, and a woman who can't make him realize her true feelings. ... The resolution is a key moment of personal growth for our protagonist, and that's really what I ask for in a story." —Scientifically Bookish "This is a great story, that connects [the reader} with the emotional pain and trauma [of the characters]." —Contemplating the Cosmos
State of Disorder
State of Disorder
Douglas Smith
Aurora Award Finalist When James Mackaby, respected scholar, husband and father, accepts a dinner invitation from an old rival who has fallen on hard times, he has no idea that revenge is on the menu. During this singular evening, three very separate and very different dinners will take place, all at the same time, all in the same place, all with the same guests. And by the end of the last course, no one’s life will ever be the same again. "Another standout is the masterful "State of Disorder," which contemplates the flexibility and fluidity of time." —Ideomancer Magazine "A neat twist on time travel and quantum physics." —Publishers Weekly "The claustrophobic atmosphere of this tale heightens its devilish suspense and draws favorable comparisons to Poe’s tales of trapped, desperate protagonists." —Tangent Online "A chilling story of three dinners in the same place and time, and a very satisfying ending made this another A++ story [in Chimerascope]." —Fantasy Book Critic "A stunning piece of work." —Kim Mohan, editor, Amazing Stories
Chaucer Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 120+ Works
Chaucer Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 120+ Works
Geoffrey Chaucer, Grace Eleanor Hadow, Sir Adolphus William Ward, Walter William Skeat
Geoffrey Chaucer Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Chaucer collection, including the most complete set of Chaucer’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the Father of English literature, considered one the greatest English poets and a dominant figure in developing the legitimacy of the common Middle English as literature at a time when the dominant literary languages in England were French and Latin The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Chaucer’s work, with more than 100 different works - All Chaucer’s poetry, All his tales and stories, All major and minor works Plus Complete annotations and explanations for all of Chaucer’s work. And a full length biography. As well as Free Bonus material, including other Chaucerian works. Works Included: Chaucer And His Times -?A biography of Chaucer’s intriguing life, in historical context. The Canterbury Tales -?The complete set of all Chaucer’s magnificent tales and stories, including, among many others: The Knight’s Tale The Miller’s Tale The Cook’s Tale The Monk’s Tale The Romaunt Of The Rose The Minor Poems-?A complete set of all of Chaucer’s smaller poems, written in his inimitable style, including among others: Troilus And Criseyde The Hous Of Fame The Legend Of Good Women Boece – Chaucer’s Rare Translation Of Boethius’s “The Consolation Of Philosophy” A Treatise On The Astrolabe The Flower And The Leaf Other Chaucerian Works & Bonus material included in this collection -?These are other works either sometimes attributed to Chaucer or works of the same or later period, imitating his style. Not only poetic and beautiful in their own right, historically, these other Chaucerian works are important to any study of or interest in Chaucer. Notes And Annotations on Chaucer’s Works And On Other Chaucerian Works Notes On Chaucer’s Use Of ‘E’ Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Chaucer collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!
Robert Burns Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Robert Burns Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Robert Burns, Principal Shairp, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Allan Cunningham, Charles Kingsley
Robert Burns Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world's best Robert Burns collection, including the most complete set of Burns' works available plus many free bonus materials. Robert Burns Robert Burns, also known as the Scotland's Favorite Son, the Bard of Ayrshire and the Ploughman Poet, was a Scottish poet and lyricist, widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland. He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement, and after his death he became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both liberalism and socialism The ‘Must-Have' Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Burns' work, with more than 300 works - All his poems, All poetry, All his songs, ballads, rarities, epigrams; and a full length biography. Plus a rare collection of his letters and bonus extra material. There are countless must reads, ranging from the well-known pieces to fantastic and startling new works to discover.. Works Included: Poetical Works -?Over 300 Poems, songs, epigrams and ballads, including among others: A Red, Red Rose A Man's A Man for A' That To a Louse To a Mouse The Battle of Sherramuir Tam o' Shanter Ae Fond Kiss Full Collection Of Burns' Letters Life Of Robert Burns -?A fascinating, ful length biography of Scotland's favourite son, detailing his life from childhood. Your Free Bonuses Glossary?- A glossary of all the terms, phrases and words used in Burns' work Burns And His School?- Literary essay from Charles Kinglsey Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Regency Era and Romanticism, written specially for this collection Robert Burns?- the poem about Burns written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Burns collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his words like never before.
El Arbol de Drago
El Arbol de Drago
Isobel Blackthorn
Ella quería olvidar, permitir a este ambiente de tremendo aislamiento consumirla. Perseguida por los demonios del pasado y el presente, la geóloga Ann Salter busca refugio en la exótica isla de Lanzarote. Allí conoce al carismático escritor Richard Parry y al alfarero nativo Domingo y juntos explorar la isla. Ann se encuentra con tesoros ocultos de la isla que caen en un viaje profundo dentro de ella misma, se esfuerza para comprender quién fue ella, quién es ella, y quién ella quiere ser. El ?rbol de Drago es una anécdota intrigante de traición, conquista y amor en todas sus formas, establecida en contraste al panorama dramático de la isla y la historia colonial espa?ola.
Alexander Pope Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Alexander Pope Complete Works – World’s Best Collection
Alexander Pope, Leslie Stephen
Alexander Pope Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Alexander Pope collection, including the most complete set of Pope’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Alexander Pope Alexander Pope was an 18th-century English poet, best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer. After Shakespeare and Tennyson, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Pope’s work, All his poems, All his plays, All his legendary translations, Famous satires, Rarities and all his other works. Plus a bonus biography. Works Included: An Essay On Criticism An Essay On Man Moral Essays To Several Persons Satires Poems?Including: The Rape Of The LockOde On Solitude The Temple Of Fame Translations From Ovid Sappho To Phaon The Dying Christian To His Soul Elegy To The Memory Of An Unfortunate Lady Messiah To A Lady, With The Temple Of Fame The Looking-Glass Poems Suggested By Gulliver Epitaphs On Two Lovers Struck Dead By Lightning Universal Prayer Longer Works?Including: The Dunciad The Iliad The Odyssey Three Hours After Marriage Your Free Special Bonus Alexander Pope Biography - a full length biography about Pope’s intriguing and fascinating life. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Pope collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world like never before!
William Wordsworth Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 300+ Works
William Wordsworth Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 300+ Works
William Wordsworth, FWH Myers, AC Bradley
William Wordsworth Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world's best William Wordsworth collection, including the most complete set of Wordsworth's works available plus many free bonus materials. William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet. He, together with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the entire Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads. In addition, Wordsworth was Britain's poet laureate from 1843 until his death The ‘Must-Have' Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Wordsworth work, with more than 300 works - All his poems, All poetry, All his prose works, and a full length biography. Plus Free Bonus material. Works Included: Poetical Work?Including, among many others: The Recluse The Excursion All Sonnets All Minor And Major Poetry. Including: I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud She Was A Phantom Of Delight Strange Fits Of Pasion Have I Known The Idiot Boy The Russian Fugitive The Prelude - Wordsworth's Magnum Opus, Autobiographical Poem Prose Work?Including works such as: Apology For The French Revolution Advice For The Young Poetry As A Study Of Poetic Diction Your Free Special Bonuses Selections From Oxford Lecture Series On Poetry?- An intriguing selection of a an Oxford lecture series. These selections cover Wordsworth and his poetry in detail. Wordsworth?– Comprehensive biography written by F W H Myers Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Regency Era and Romanticism, written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Wordsworth collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his words like never before.
George Eliot Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 50+ Works - All Books, No
George Eliot Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 50+ Works - All Books, No
George Eliot, John Crombie Brown, George Willis Cooke
George Eliot Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best George Eliot collection, including the most complete set of Eliot’s works available plus many free bonus materials. George Eliot Mary Anne (alternatively Mary Ann or Marian) Evans (22 November 1819 – 22 December 1880), known by her pen name George Eliot (as was the convention of the time) was an English novelist, journalist, and translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get all of George Eliot’s work, with All her books, All her novels, and All her rare poems. This collection also in includes a biography so you can experience the life of the woman behind the words. Plus this collection also includes bonus materials. Works Included: Novels Silas Marner The Weaver Of Raveloe Middlemarch The Mill On The Floss Impressions Of Theophrastus Such The Lifted Veil Romola Scenes Of Clerical Life Felix Holt, The Radical Daniel Deronda Brother Jacob Adam Bede The Poetry Of George Eliot?Inlcuding: How Anna Loved The King O May I Join The Choir Invisibile All The Essays Of George Eliot Your Free Special Bonuses Ethics Of George Eliot’s Work By John Crombie Brown George Eliot: A Critical Study Of Her Life, Writings And Philosophy by George Willis Cooke Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Victorian Era and Victorian Literature written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best George Eliot collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by her world like never before!
Bob's Blanket gets a wash
Bob's Blanket gets a wash
Ibiere Addey
“A cuddle item is a thing of comfort to little ones, and so there is usually the need to take it everywhere! It’s simply a child’s best friend and confidant. Bob’s blanket is a series written for children aged 1 to 5 and their parents. Series one takes both parent and children through the journey of getting the items cleaned.”? A good book for bedtime stories. Hardcopy comes with a free cuddle item for promotion while it last.
Going Harvey in the Big House
Going Harvey in the Big House
Douglas Smith
Aurora Award Finalist. The Builders had made the House generations ago, to shelter the remnants of humanity from the poisons of the Outside. The Inners, the direct descendants of the Builders, now rule the House. The House protects the People, and the Inners protect the House. And Smoothers are the arms and legs of that protection. Big G is a Smoother, ensuring that the daily activities of the House are not interrupted by "Harveys," citizens who suffer violent mental breakdowns in the claustrophobic House. But when Big G discovers a strange photograph of blue and white swirls of nothingness during a Harvey call, it leads him to world within the world he thought he knew—and a world outside it as well. "I first read this story in a workshop nearly a decade ago. Since then, Doug sold it to a number of different markets and it was a finalist for Canada’s prestigious Aurora Award. Now it’s out in e-book format. I read a lot, as you can tell, and I don’t remember most stories the next day, let alone decades later. The images and the power of the story have stayed with me all this time. That’s one of the strongest recommendations I can give."—Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Recommended Reading List, Aug 2011 "Hands down, my favourite story … I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of a city that encompasses what we know of the known world. … Smith’s version, the ‘House,’ is well conceived, but as always, it’s his characters that drive the story. Big G is pitch perfect. Every aspect of his personality is just spot on. Though he’s not a completely accessible character, portrayed as being not as intelligent as a more usual protagonist, he is completely there and three-dimensional and his reactions and motivations are plausible. It works! The ending is just right. It couldn’t have been any other way..." —SF Crowsnest Reviews "Going Harvey in the Big House" fed into my natural fears, suspicions, and all-round disillusionment with authority. Thereafter, I began an inquiry. I read Orwell’s 1984, Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Zamyatin’s We, Huxley’s Brave New World… "Going Harvey in the Big House" led me to places I thought I’d never be, culminating eventually in sweat-soaked nightmares about a post-apocalyptic world." —Cicada
Memories of the Dead Man
Memories of the Dead Man
Douglas Smith
Mary and her teenage son, Jase, survive by their own wits in a post-plague Earth. On the run from a vicious gang, they are saved by Bishop, a man with mysterious powers who just may be the Dead Man, the legendary hero of the Fall of Earth. But Bishop’s dark past catches up with them all, forcing Bishop to choose between his love for Mary and Jase, or revenge against the men who killed his family. "All that you want in a sf short story is here from powerful characters, to action, mysterious happenings, and a dark, violent, but excellent tale. … A bittersweet ending adds to the power of the story. (A++)" —Fantasy Book Critic "…again shows off Smith's flair for the cinematic. … In his preface to the story, Smith announces his plan to write a novel about the Dead Man…I do look forward to reading it." —Strange Horizons "…has echoes of Stephen King wandering about its post-apocalyptic narrative." —Quill and Quire "…a wonderful example of the places this author is unafraid to go." —SF Crowsnest Reviews "…would make a great movie…a unique, post-apocalyptic blend of The Road Warrior and X-Men. … It was very well done." —Tangent Online "I liked the style and subtleties of the storytelling that kept me firmly on the edge of my seat. … The characters were what really impressed me, though—by a few lines into meeting each one you had a clear and definable presence in your mind." —SF Crowsnest Reviews
Through Forest and Fire
Through Forest and Fire
Edward Ellis
Classic adventure novel. According to Wikipedia: "Edward Sylvester Ellis (April 11, 1840 – June 20, 1916) was an American author who was born in Ohio and died at Cliff Island, Maine. Ellis was a teacher, school administrator, and journalist, but his most notable work was that that he performed as author of hundreds of dime novels that he produced under his name and a number of noms de plume. Notable works by Ellis include The Huge Hunter, or the Steam Man of the Prairies and Seth Jones, or the Captives of the Frontier. Internationally, Edward S. Ellis is probably best known for his Deerhunter novels widely read by young boys up to the 1950s (together with works by James Fenimore Cooper and Karl May). In the mid-1880s, after a fiction-writing career of some thirty years, Ellis eventually turned his pen to more serious works of biography, history, and persuasive writing."
The Mysterious Key and What It Opened
The Mysterious Key and What It Opened
Louisa May Alcott
Classic children's novel by the author of "Little Women". According to Wikipedia: "Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888) was an American novelist. She is best known for the novel Little Women, published in 1868. This novel is loosely based on her childhood experiences with her three sisters."
The Heptameron, Volume 2
The Heptameron, Volume 2
Queen Marguerite of Navarre, Marguerite de Navarre
With 29 illustrations. According to Wikipedia: "The Heptameron is a collection of 72 short stories written in French by Marguerite of Navarre (1492-1549), published posthumously in 1558. It has the form of a frame narrative and was inspired by The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. It was originally intended to contain one hundred stories covering ten days just as The Decameron does, but at Marguerite’s death it was only completed as far as the second story of the eighth day. Many of the stories deal with love, lust, infidelity and other romantic and sexual matters. One was based on the life of Marguerite de La Rocque, a French noblewoman abandoned, as punishment, with her lover on an island off Quebec... Marguerite de Navarre (French: Marguerite d'Angoulême) (April 11, 1492 – December 21, 1549), also known as Marguerite of Angouleme and Margaret of Navarre, was the queen consort of King Henry II of Navarre. As patron of humanists and reformers, and as an author in her own right, she was an outstanding figure of the French Renaissance. Samuel Putnam called her "The First Modern Woman"."
The Heptameron, Volume 3
The Heptameron, Volume 3
Queen Marguerite of Navarre, Marguerite de Navarre
With 37 illustrations. According to Wikipedia: "The Heptameron is a collection of 72 short stories written in French by Marguerite of Navarre (1492-1549), published posthumously in 1558. It has the form of a frame narrative and was inspired by The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. It was originally intended to contain one hundred stories covering ten days just as The Decameron does, but at Marguerite’s death it was only completed as far as the second story of the eighth day. Many of the stories deal with love, lust, infidelity and other romantic and sexual matters. One was based on the life of Marguerite de La Rocque, a French noblewoman abandoned, as punishment, with her lover on an island off Quebec... Marguerite de Navarre (French: Marguerite d'Angoulême) (April 11, 1492 – December 21, 1549), also known as Marguerite of Angouleme and Margaret of Navarre, was the queen consort of King Henry II of Navarre. As patron of humanists and reformers, and as an author in her own right, she was an outstanding figure of the French Renaissance. Samuel Putnam called her "The First Modern Woman"."
Chronicles of Avonlea
Chronicles of Avonlea
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Classic children's novel. According to Wikipedia: "Lucy Maud Montgomery, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montgomery, (1874-1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908. Anne of Green Gables was an immediate success. The central character, Anne, an orphaned girl, made Montgomery famous in her lifetime and gave her an international following. The first novel was followed by a series of sequels with Anne as the central character. The novels became the basis for the highly acclaimed 1985 CBC television miniseries, Anne of Green Gables and several other television movies and programs, including Road to Avonlea, which ran in Canada and the U.S. from 1990-1996."
The Brown Fairy Book
The Brown Fairy Book
Andrew Lang
Classic collection of fairy tales. According to Wikipedia: "Andrew Lang (1844 - 1912) was a prolific Scots man of letters. He was a poet, novelist, and literary critic, and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales." With the active (hyperlinked) table of contents, click on a story title to go to that story.