

党的二十大报告指出,“持续抓好党史、新中国史、改革放史、社会主义发展史宣传教育”。党史、新中国史、改革放史、社会主义发展史这“四史”,是党员干部的必修课。 作者李忠杰是著名的理论家和党史学家,对党史、党代会有深独到的创新性研究。本书分“党史”“新中国史”“改革放史”“社会主义发展史”四个单元,每个单元以专题“公课”的形式集中介绍了“四史”的“精要”,主题突出,线索明晰,叙述简明,既强调“四史”间的联系性、统一性,又注重彼此之间的差别和侧重,同时在史料选择和叙述上做到了权威性、严谨性与可读性、趣味性的统一,对于广大党员干部深刻领会党的建立、领导、创新、发展、决策、组织和推动工作的百年光辉历程,能起很好的帮助、梳理和解疑释惑作用。

此次收录杨照作品集有以下9部作品: 1.《史记的读法:司马迁的历史世界》——以“历史式读法”还原当时的社会背景,解释重大事件的因由,以“文学式读法”去接近司马迁的视角、态度与理念,把经典带入今天的时空。 2.《呼吸:音乐就在我们的身体里 》——走进那个时代,走进音乐家的人生,知晓那些让音乐变得如此有魅力的秘密,从而能更好地感受乐曲中的动人之处。 3.《打造新世界:费城会议与<美国宪法> 》——讲解美国宪法的条款,讲解了以这套宪法为依据的美国政治制度是怎样、如何运作,并讲述美国宪法制定背后的思想渊源、历史情境、现实利益考量和斗争妥协。 4.《以平等之名:托克维尔与 论美国的民主》——走入文本的世界,深入讲述清教徒精神如何塑造美国民主,美国的公民自由又如何与法国的天然自由不同。 5.《寻路青春》——一本“记忆地志”,文笔细腻又朴实的杨照先生通过重新梳理自己的青春往事,带领读者回到了三十多年前的台湾,展现了那一代人在成长中对人生和未来的思考。 6.《想乐:聆听音符背后的美丽心灵》——杨照介绍了自己喜爱的100首西方古典乐曲,包括晶莹清响的钢琴独奏曲、深沉隽永的大提琴曲、层次丰盈的小提琴协奏曲等等。 7.《我想遇见你的人生》——以类似对话、日记、独白的散文诗形式抒写父女俩日常生活中的点点滴滴和人生感悟。 8.《迷路的诗》——《迷路的诗》以忏情开始,回忆作者在高中时代的浪漫与叛逆。 9.《故事照亮未来:通往开放社会的100个观念》——杨照从千头万绪的故事和现实中提取出一百个关键概念,如协商、和解、法律、制度、身份、记忆、媒体……

OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on problems. About This Book Explore all the new features of OpenStack's Mikata, Ocata, and Newton releases and get up to speed with OpenStack in no time Learn something new each day to successfully build a private cloud platform A fast-paced guide filled with best practices that will help you manage your virtual private cloud efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with OpenStack's supporting technologies. It's ideal for cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to a cloud environment. Prior knowledge of cloud computing platforms and virtualization would be beneficial. If you are a system or cloud engineer, this is your go-to book! What You Will Learn Understand the functions and features of each core component of OpenStack and a real-world comparison Develop an understanding of the components of IaaS and PaaS clouds built with OpenStack Get a high-level understanding of architectural design in OpenStack Discover how you can use OpenStack Horizon with all of the OpenStack core components Understand network traffic flow with Neutron Build an OpenStack private cloud from scratch Get hands-on training with the OpenStack command line, administration, and deployment In Detail OpenStack is developed by a thriving community of individual developers around the globe and is backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. OpenStack is a free and open source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This book begins with the design principles of OpenStack and the available OpenStack distributions. You'll start by getting a fundamental understanding of the core concepts and then move on to a comparison of OpenStack components with real-life examples. Then, we'll show you the typical architecture of OpenStack clouds, how to configure each OpenStack component, and debugging techniques. Later, we focus on the latest releases of OpenStack: Mikata, Newton, and Ocata. You'll be introduced to identity, image, networking, and the compute service. You'll also get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and administrate your entire virtual private cloud. You will also be provided with hands-on exercises to unleash the power of each component in OpenStack. Finally, you'll see an overview of all the optional projects available under the Openstack umbrella. Style and approach This fast-paced book delivers comprehensive hands-on training, so you can jump straight into the practical exercises along with in-depth coverage of OpenStack technologies. It also provides hands-on exercises, analysis of real-world cloud use cases and operation scenarios, covering design, customization and optimization.

Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimi
Get More from your Network with Automation tools to increase its effectiveness. About This Book Get started with network automation (and different automation tasks) with relevant use cases Apply software design principles such as Continuous Integration and DevOps to your network toolkit Guides you through some best practices in automation Who This Book Is For If you are a network engineer looking for an extensive guide to help you automate and manage your network efficiently, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn Get the detailed analysis of Network automation Trigger automations through available data factors Improve data center robustness and security through specific access and data digging Get an Access to APIs from Excel for dynamic reporting Set up a communication with SSH-based devices using netmiko Make full use of practical use cases and best practices to get accustomed with the various aspects of network automation In Detail Network automation is the use of IT controls to supervise and carry out every-day network management functions. It plays a key role in network virtualization technologies and network functions. The book starts by providing an introduction to network automation, SDN, and its applications, which include integrating DevOps tools to automate the network efficiently. It then guides you through different network automation tasks and covers various data digging and reporting methodologies such as IPv6 migration, DC relocations, and interface parsing, all the while retaining security and improving data center robustness. The book then moves on to the use of Python and the management of SSH keys for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, all followed by practical use cases. The book also covers the importance of Ansible for network automation including best practices in automation, ways to test automated networks using different tools, and other important techniques. By the end of the book, you will be well acquainted with the various aspects of network automation. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will enable you to automate networks and improve performance.

套装包括:《中国共产党纪律处分条例十讲 图解版》《推进作风革命加强机关效能建设工作法》《自我革命 时刻保持解决大党独有难题的清醒和坚定》《党内法规必修课(图解导读版)》《读懂党章》《纪律和规矩的底线:党员干部负面言行提醒手册(修订版)》《纪律和规矩的红线:党员干部负面言行再提醒》《吏治公开课:中国历史上的廉政与反腐》《共产党员要勇于自我革命》


本书从观念、组织、制度等方面全景式展现了19世纪英美两国的政党政治和民主运作过程。在工业革命与思想变革不断行、旧统治阶级与新兴势力持续博弈、利益集团互相勾结之下,政党组织、大会与代表制度、选举制度等民主政治的要素不断形成和发展。在这样一种政治演中,政党组织利用公民精神的疲软和人们对政党的狂热,操纵选民从而攫取权力,成为最大赢家。 作者在书里批判了渗透在英美民主制中的政治形式主义,认为政党政治下的民主,以对政党的虔诚取代个人良知,释放出普遍的依赖心理,束缚了公共精神,让懦弱裹挟了民主政府的生命。他提出,如果民主制有未来,那么应该将其建立在理性与自由之上,而不是在情绪与煽动之上。 由于例证扎实、论述详尽、分析透彻,本书成为民主与政党制度研究领域的奠基性巨著,并对后来马克斯·韦伯和罗伯特·米歇尔斯的研究产生了深远影响。

套装包括:《世界大变局 中国新机遇》《一本书读懂前沿科技》《金句点亮新时代》《变革与复兴:百年中国现代化新征程》《接续奋斗和中华民族伟大复兴》《“十四五”大战略与2035远景(新版)》《全球粮食危机:人口大国如何应对》《开启现代化国家新征程》《开辟马克思主义中国化时代化新境界》《中国共产党与马克思主义中国化时代化》

中国价值(少儿版) 图说社会主义核心价值观“公正”的根与源

本书是国务院学位委员会历史学科评议组召集人、北京大学世界史研究院院长、著名学者钱乘旦主持的*重大攻关项目的终极成果,是中国学界现代化研究的重大收获。总结世界各地区的现代化模式,叙述各地区现代化的轨迹,分析现代化过程的成败得失,指出各地区现代化的机遇与挑战。分为总论卷、东亚卷、北美卷、拉美卷、中东卷、西欧卷。各卷主编和作者都是在各自学术领域成就卓著的学者。 《世界现代化历程(北美卷)》为北美卷,供相关读者阅读参考。


中国价值(少儿版) 图说社会主义核心价值观“和谐”的根与源

贵阳市白云区志. 2001-2015