

Discipline Children
Discipline Children
Joseph R. Parker
Have you wondered if you're making the right decisions when it comes to raising your child? Over the last years, there has been a lot of confusion about the role of boys and girls in our society. It's easy to see why parents are left with lots of unanswered questions when they're raising their children.Using positive discipline methods can significantly help them become responsible and balanced adults later in life.Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: ·Learn how to avoid common discipline mistakes that parents make that can end up harming their child's development in the long-term. ·Setting healthy boundaries that your kids will always respect. ·Learn the best methods to handle conflicts and arguments. ·Effective communication with yout child or teenager. ·Teaching self-control, handling aggressive behaviors, and more! Would you like to enjoy going through every stage of your child's development without worrying if you're doing the right thing or not?The earlier you manage to give proper guidance, the easier it is for them to grow into healthier adults.However, there is no such thing as being too late, and even the most damaging of behaviors and habits can be helped.Do not leave anything to chance. Start by guiding them towards the best possible path towards a healthy and responsible adulthood today!
Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Robin Marvel
Framing A Family will guide you to giving your children a childhood they do not need to recover from! This book will strengthen your family, inspiring you to build your home with encouragement, empowerment, forgiveness, and most important love. You will: ·Gain proven tips and tools to empower, encourage, and strengthen your family ·Let go of your expectations and embrace the hard times and the good times with an open mind ·Build your confidence as you raise the self esteem of each family member creating an unshakable unit ·Forgive, heal and move forward in the present moment with action steps that build family ·Learn tried and true methods to build a foundation, raising confident children "Robin's wonderful stories illustrate her challenges and how she has been able to turn these challenges into personal victories and inspirational nuggets of hope for other people. I am happy to recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement, hope, and direction to take their lives to the next level, to live life to the fullest with love, empowerment, and integrity." --Stacey Toupin, Life and Career Coach "Framing a Family teaches parents around the world the value of family, union, and unity. She both guides us and gives us tools and skills. The way she raises her children is a inspiration and we can all learn valuable lessons from her experiences. Robin is a hardworking, fun-loving, wise mother. I have found all of Robin's books and talks to be empowering and uplifting." --Mia Bredenkamp, Bultfontein, FS, South Africa Robin Marvel is a multi-published author and speaker in the field of self-development. Despite a childhood filled with abuse, homelessness, and teen pregnancy, Robin has overcome many challenges to make her life one of purpose. Today she has devoted her life to show others how to do the same. Using her story, books, and workshops as tools, she is inspiring others to break cycles and choose to live the life they desire. Learn more at www.RobinMarvel.com Another empowering book from Marvelous Spirit Press
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Bernie Siegel
Recovering the Self: A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1) April 2017 Recovering The Self is a quarterly journal which explores the themes of recovery and healing through the lenses of poetry, memoir, opinion, essays, fiction, humor, art, media reviews and psycho-education. Contributors to RTS Journal come from around the globe to deliver unique perspectives you won't find anywhere else! The theme of Volume VI, Number 1 is "Focus on Grief & Loss." This issue includes a special tribute to author Jewel Kats. Inside, we explore physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of this and several other areas of concern including: ·Pet loss and animal companionship ·Eldercare ·Loving yourself ·Soul mates ·Art Therapy ·Happiness ·Living alone with confidence ·Partnership ·Narcissism ·...and more! This issue's contributors include: Ernest Dempsey, Brittany Michelson, Gerry Ellen Avery, Dave Roberts, Craig Kyzar, Natalie Jeanne Champagne, Erin Ergenbright, Martha M. Carey, Kyle Torke, Mrrinali Punj, Janet Grace Riehl, Marjorie L. Faes, Claire Luna-Pinsker, Diane Wing, Candy Czernicki, Allison Ballard, Valerie Benko, Diana Raab, Maureen Andrade Montague, by Sam Vaknin, Sarah Conteh, Katrina Wood, Bernie Siegel, Max Skinwood, Nora Trujillo, Sherry Lynn Jones, Janet Grace Riehl, Steve Sonntag, Patrick Gere Frank, Peter MacQuarrie, Christy Lowry and others. "I highly recommend a subscription to this journal, Recovering the Self, for professionals who are in the counseling profession or who deal with crisis situations. Readers involved with the healing process will also really enjoy this journal and feel inspired to continue on. The topics covered in the first journal alone, will motivate you to continue reading books on the subject matter presented. Guaranteed." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views Visit us online at www.RecoveringSelf.com Published by Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com
The Home Workout Plan for Seniors:How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days
The Home Workout Plan for Seniors:How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days
Dale L. Roberts
Are you concerned about your balance, building strength and maintaining independence? Wouldn’t it be nice having a simple step-by-step exercise plan to do on your own at home? Most importantly, won’t you have a better piece of mind knowing it’s a safe and proven fitness routine specifically for senior citizens? Then, The Home Workout Plan: How to Master Chair Exercises in 30 Days has your answer in a short, concise book you can read in less than an hour. That way you can get your information, exercise today and maintain a great quality of life! In this health and fitness short read, you’ll get: -34 seated exercises with additional modifications -Exercises ideal for the unconditioned to the active senior -Brief and straightforward instructions of each exercise -A reliable and tested 30-day workout plan -Helpful guidelines and tips to get the most from your workouts -Over 34 full-color pictures for a better understanding -And, so much more! Get Your Copy Today!
Three Best Friends
Three Best Friends
Robbin Miller
Max and his two best friends, Sophia and Max, are excited that a new community playground is opening up. They have not played together in a playground since meeting in preschool. The ribbon is cute and Max suddenlty cries out, " My wheelchair is stuck in the wood chips." Feeling humiliated that Max can't play with his friends, ?he struggles to find a way to belong despite being bullied by two kids. Max learns the true meaning of friendship as fathoms on why playgrounds are built for not all children with abilities.?
Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
Ο Παρδαλ?? καμηλοπ?ρδαλο? και η Σκουληκαρδο?λα
Κατερίνα Κατσάπη
λοι εμαστε ξιοι να αγαπηθομε, ταν μπορομε να αγαπσουμε...Να αγαπσουμε χαρζοντα την ομορφι που κρβουμε μσα μα!Aυτ η ομορφι μπορε να αλλξει, χι μνο τον κσμο μα, αλλ και ολκληρο το σμπαν! Everyone deserves to be loved, if they can love…Love by giving our internal beauty, because only this kind of beauty can change not only our world, but the whole universe!
Sister Carrie
Sister Carrie
Theodore Dreiser
In Sister Carrie, Dreiser portrayed a changing society, writing about a young woman who flees rural life for the city (Chicago) and struggles with poverty, complex relationships with men, and prostitution. It sold poorly and was considered controversial because of moral objections to his featuring a country girl who pursues her dreams of fame and fortune through relationships with men. The book has since acquired a considerable reputation. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels." It was adapted as a 1952 film by the same name, directed by William Wyler and starring Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones.??"..When Caroline Meeber boarded the afternoon train for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imita-tion alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap of paper with her sister's address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money. It was in August, 1889. ??She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. Whatever touch of regret at parting characterised her thoughts, it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken.."
Fic?iuni secunde
Fic?iuni secunde
Mircea Băduț
Vremurile s-au schimbat, ?i la fel ?i ideea despre ce ?nseamn? s? fii mam?. Costurile vie?ii ?i presiunile acesteia nu mai fac posibil modul de odinioar? de a fi mam?. Femeile de azi trebuie s? aib? mai multe ocupa?ii ?n acela?i timp ?i s? fie ?i mame bune. Cartea de fa?? ??i arat? cum s? procedezi. ?ncepe cu sarcina ?i cum s? fi?i am?ndoi s?n?to?i. Apoi ??i ofer? sfaturi despre via?a ?n familie, cum s? ??i p?strezi bebelu?ul fericit, s? te ?ntorci la munc?, s? ?i modelezi comportamentul, s? ?i alegi ?coala potrivit?, s? ai un adolescent fericit ?i s? mearg? totul bine.
R?zboiul nu are chip de femeie
R?zboiul nu are chip de femeie
Svetlana Aleksievici
Cum s? dezvolt?m poten?ialul real al copiilor no?tri ?Strategii pentru a ne ajuta copiii s? interac?ioneze cu succes cu al?i copii, cu profesorii ?i cu membrii familiei.“ – Kirkus Reviews Dezvoltarea motiva?iei Construirea rela?iilor Gestionarea sensibilit??ii Gestionarea cooper?rii ?i a competi?iei Atitudinea fa?? de autoritate Copiii no?tri, de?i inteligen?i, pot avea dificult??i la ?coal? ?i ?n via?? din diverse motive: fie sunt perfec?ioni?ti, fie se tem de efort, fiind obi?nui?i cu succesele imediate, fie au dificult??i ?n a se ?n?elege cu cei de v?rsta lor. Cartea de fa?? reprezint? o solu?ie concis? ?i plin? de idei practice, pe care le putem folosi pe m?sur? ce copiii cresc ?i se dezvolt?. Strategiile descrise de autori, psihologi cu experien??, pot fi puse ?n aplicare ?n via?a de zi cu zi, ajut?ndu-i pe copii s? ??i gestioneze sentimentele, s? le plac? ?nv???tura ?i s? ??i construiasc? rela?ii armonioase, pentru o via?? ?mplinit?.
The End Of The World: "A Love Story"
The End Of The World: "A Love Story"
Edward Eggleston
"I don't believe that you'd care a cent if she did marry a Dutchman! She might as well as to marry some white folks I know."Samuel Anderson made no reply. It would be of no use to reply. Shrews are tamed only by silence. Anderson had long since learned that the little shred of influence which remained to him in his own house would disappear whenever his teeth were no longer able to shut his tongue securely in. So now, when his wife poured out this hot lava of argumentum ad hominem, he closed the teeth down in a dead-lock way over the tongue, and compressed the lips tightly over the teeth, and shut his fingernails into his work-hardened palms. And then, distrusting all these precautions, fearing lest he should be unable to hold on to his temper even with this grip, the little man strode out of the house with his wife's shrill voice in his ears.Mrs. Anderson had good reason to fear that her daughter was in love with a "Dutchman," as she phrased it in her contempt. The few Germans who had penetrated to the West at that time were looked upon with hardly more favor than the Californians feel for the almond-eyed Chinaman. They were foreigners, who would talk gibberish instead of the plain English which everybody could understand, and they were not yet civilized enough to like the yellow saleratus-biscuit and the "salt-rising" bread of which their neighbors were so fond. Reason enough to hate them!Only half an hour before this outburst of Mrs. Anderson's, she had set a trap for her daughter Julia, and had fairly caught her."Jule! Jule! O Jul-y-e-ee!" she had called.And Julia, who was down in the garden hoeing a bed in which she meant to plant some "Johnny-Jumpups," came quickly toward the house, though she know it would be of no use to come quickly. Let her come quickly, or let her come slowly, the rebuke was sure to greet her all the name."Why don't you come when you're called, I'd like to know! You're never in reach when you're wanted, and you're good for nothing when you are here!"
Nevelés és iskola: A nevelés pedagógiai antropológiai és ?sszehasonlító megk?zel
Nevelés és iskola: A nevelés pedagógiai antropológiai és ?sszehasonlító megk?zel
Mrázik Julianna
A F?ld más tájain is élnek tépázott idegzet? és gondterhelt szül?k – err?l hajlamosak vagyunk megfeledkezni, mik?zben probléma- és pelenkahegyeken verekedjük át magunkat nap mint nap… Szül?k, akik pont ugyanannyit aggódnak és bosszankodnak, és persze ugyanolyan büszkék is szemük fényére, mint mi! Mark Woods lebilincsel?en alapos és sziporkázóan szellemes k?tete, a Szül?k bolygója világ k?rüli utazásra hív, hogy F?ldünk kül?nb?z? nevelési módszereivel, hiedelmeivel és szokásaival ismertessen meg. Mit keres a méhlepény a kambodzsai újszül?tt mellett? Mindenhol válogatósak a gyerekek, vagy csak a mienk k?pi a falra a t?kf?zeléket? Tényleg eminensebbek a skandináv és délkelet-ázsiai gyerekek? Hogyan és miért válik feleslegessé oly korán a pelenka egyes helyeken? Valóban csak dicsérettel lehet ?ntudatos és magabiztos porontyokat nevelni? ?s akkor még nem ejtettünk szót a kamaszokról: létezik szül? a F?ld bolygón, aki képes megbirkózni ezekkel a kis ?sz?rnyetegekkel”? Hipermodern tudományos módszerek és ?si rítusok, divattrendek és hagyományok ? mindenki másképp csinálja! Végs? soron mégis mindannyian ugyanazt szeretnénk: életre való és sikeres feln?tteket nevelni gyermekeinkb?l. A paletta széles és sokszín?: szemezgessünk a világ legjobb gyereknevelési módszereib?l, fogadjuk meg más népek jó tanácsait – és ismerjünk ?nmagunkra! Mark Woods újságíró, három gyermek édesapja. Els? fia születése alkalmából két k?nyvet írt az apáknak, felkészítve ?ket gyerekük születésére és a korai id?szakra. Ezt k?vet?en jelent meg a Szül?k bolygója, egy izgalmas barangolás anyák és apák számára egyaránt!
The Vampire Diaries: The Hunters: Moonsong
The Vampire Diaries: The Hunters: Moonsong
Smith, L. J.
Evil never dies. . . . After escaping the horrors of the Dark Dimension, Elena and her friends can’t wait to attend Dalcrest College, the beautiful ivy-covered campus where Elena parents met. Life with Stefan is better than ever, and with her closest friends Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt by her side, Elena knows it will be their best year yet. Even Damon seems genuinely changed and is getting along with everyone. But for Elena, moving away from Fell Church doesn’t mean she has left her dark past behind. When students start to disappear from campus, every new acquaintance is suddenly a potential enemy. Panic soon spreads and the friends struggle to protect each other. Then Elena uncovers a long-hidden secret, one that shocks her to the core, and realizes tragedy may be unavoidable. Will Elena outrun her fateAnd will it be Stefan or Damon who catches her if she falls?
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
John Gray
The legendary relationships guide that mothers recommend to their daughters, friends give as gifts and brothers steal from their sisters, MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS is inarguably the definitive book on having a happy relationship. ‘A treasure’, ‘a bible’ and ‘an heirloom’ are some of the words used to describe the book that has saved countless relationships and improved innumerable others. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, this phenomenal book continues to carry its legacy of understanding and trust into the world. Since its first publication, over a staggering 15 million copies of MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS have sold globally to single men and women looking for guidance on how to find the perfect partner, married couples seeking to strengthen their bond, and divorcees hoping to fathom where it all went wrong. Gray’s insights into how to allow your other half to “pull away” like an elastic band, prevent your emotional baggage from polluting your current relationship, and translate the phrases of the opposite sex are as relevant now as when they were first published. With straightforward, honest writing from that precious male perspective, Gray unlocks the secrets hidden in your partner’s words and actions to enable you both to reach true mutual understanding and a lifetime of love. Discover for yourself why thousands believe that MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS should be mandatory reading for everyone.
It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life
It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life
Greg Behrendt,Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt
A fabulous new guide to dating co-authored by Greg Behrendt, former writer on Sex and the City, who won women's hearts with his three million copy bestseller He's Just Not That Into You. What ever happened to dating? Used to be that a guy would ask a girl out. He'd pick her up at her house and take her out for dinner, a movie, or a cup of coffee and some conversation. Then both parties would decide if they wanted to do it again next week. There was protocol. A standard set of guidelines to follow for this age-old ritual. These days who even knows what dating is? It's Just a Date gives you tools, not rules that you can use, while also opening you up to new ideas about how to date and who might be right for you. The book shows us how things have changed on the dating scene and what we need to do to adapt, including – ? How the digital age has changed dating, from texting (the new not calling) to online dating. ? The compromise: hooking up, booty calls and quasi dates – was it or wasn't it a date? ? Exit strategies – how to pull the plug when the dating isn't working out. Dating doesn't have to be hard – in fact, if not taken so seriously, it can be seriously fun.
Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed
Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed
Stuart Howarth
Stuart just wanted his father to love him, but he was made to believe he was too naughty to be loved. Finally David Howarth was sent to prison for abusing Stuart's young sisters. Nobody knew the truth about Stuart's abuse until one fateful day when his father tried it again and Stuart fought back in the only way he knew how. Stuart Howarth spent the first thirty years of his life in mental and physical hell. After years of emotional torment and despair, at the age of 32 Stuart felt an overwhelming urge to see his father (who he now knows was actually his stepfather), then living in Wales. Seeking reconciliation, Stuart was only to be met by the same old abusive man. The rage, pain and confusion boiled over in Stuart and he fought back, killing his stepfather. When Stuart's story came to light in the courtroom, it was so terrible that he received the minimum possible sentence for his crime and only served thirteen months in Strangeways prison in Manchester. But while in prison, the cruel system compounded the crimes of his evil abuser, and he suffered at the hands of the prison guards. What happened to him during those months led to him suing the Home Office and Strangeways on his release and winning his case. This is the story of a sweet-natured boy who grew into a brave young man and refused to allow himself to be a victim any longer.
Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later
Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later
Dr. Robin Berman
With so many parenting styles to choose from, when it comes to giving your child the best start in life it can be difficult to know which way to turn. Psychiatrist and mother Robin Burman’s brilliant new book shows you the way: Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later is the definitive guide to helping your child grow with both love and discipline. Whilst in years gone by children were seen and not heard, too often nowadays their every whim and tantrum is pandered to. As much as the former is unthinkable, the latter can also be damaging to a child’s later life: over praised children allowed to set their own limits often become anxious and are unable to deal with the negative emotions they will eventually encounter. Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later finds the perfect balance between the outdated old and the unfortunate new. Through helpful guidance based on Robin’s extensive experience as both a certified psychiatrist and mother, it will teach you to be comfortable setting boundaries whilst maintaining a loving connection; fostering confidence, respect and emotional maturity in your child as a result. Packed with practical advice alongside plenty of sympathetic anecdotes, Hate Me Now, Thank Me Later is the warm, relatable guide to parenting which you can come back to again and again. Robin Berman, MD, is a psychiatrist; associate professor at UCLA; and a founding board member of the UCLA Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital.
It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken: The Smart Girl’s Breakup Buddy
It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken: The Smart Girl’s Breakup Buddy
Greg Behrendt
The latest book by Greg Behrendt, author of the multi-million plus copy bestseller ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’, is another hilarious, wry and wise take on relationships and how to move on when one goes sour. ‘He's Just Not That Into You’ is more than a book. It's a revolution. The phrase, coined by Behrendt for an episode of ‘Sex and the City’, has now entered the language: it features in ads, it’s referred to in newspaper headlines and it has spawned spin-off spoof books and more. ‘It's Called A Break-up Because It’s Broken’ promises to do this and more. It will help you get over anyone and move on. Behrendt's voice is unique – combining tell-it-like-it-is advice with humour and the 'guy's eye view'. The book is filled with solid advice to help you let go of your ex – for example: 'It's 3 am, the bottle of wine is empty, do you really want to make that call?' Each insightful chapter is complemented with a Q-and-A with Greg on what he's thinking, case studies, and games. Greg and Amiira tackle tough issues such as break-up sex, how not to lose your friends during a break-up, and 10 great places to cry. It's the ultimate read and reference for anyone who has ever been in a relationship.
A Spoonful of Sugar
A Spoonful of Sugar
Liz Fraser
Timeless wisdom for modern mothers. It all began with a conversation with my grandmother… When Liz Fraser spent a month with her grandmother, she was at her wits' end as a parent, fed up with crop-tops, pester power and the pressure to consume. So she asked her grandmother - what works? What helps make a good childhood? The answers were surprisingly simple - and stunningly effective. From early bedtime to giving your child room to play, the old-fashioned common sense of her grandmother's generation changed Liz's family life for good. Liz reveals the traditional rules that allow you to give your children back their childhood, while adding her own experience as a modern mum, aware we have to work with the world we live in now. The result is a book that reminds us how precious and short childhood is, and delivers practical solutions that every parent can employ. Comforting, friendly and reassuringly traditional, this is all everyone needs for a happier, simpler family life.
The Baby Sleep Book
The Baby Sleep Book
William Sears,Martha Sears
Drawing on considerable experience as both parents and professionals in the paediatric profession, the best-selling parenting experts Dr. William and Martha Sears have produced the definitive guide to the frequently fraught and troublesome topic of sleep. The Sleep Book is designed as a practical and contemporary guide to parenting, ensuring you can get your child to sleep and making sure night time isn’t dreaded. Containing the latest medical research, and providing informed and considered advice on all the issues, this book offers guidance and support to keep you and your child rested and refreshed. Includes advice on all aspects of sleep such as: ? 8 infant sleep facts every parent should know ? 31 ways to get your baby to sleep and stay asleep ? Bedwetting ? Hidden medical causes of night waking ? Sleep trainers ? Night weaning – 12 alternatives for the all-night nurser ? Night terrors ? 5 reasons why high need infants sleep differently ? Sleep safety ? SIDS: the latest research on how sleeping with your baby is safe ? Co-sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes An invaluable resource for parents of young children, The Baby Sleep Book provides guidance on how to get your baby to sleep, what to do if he wakes up to often, what to do if he sleeps to much. It also helps with moving the place of sleep, sleepwear, managing the sleep time of more than one child, and night time feeding.
The Ultimate Cold Reading Manual
The Ultimate Cold Reading Manual
Nicky J. Westen
The Ultimate Cold Reading Manual
Are You the One for Me?
Are You the One for Me?
Barbara De Angelis
From Barbara De Angelis, author of 14 bestselling relationships titles and internationally-recognised relationship psychologist, comes the definitive book on compatibility. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationships you deserve. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationship you deserve. World-renowned relationship counsellor Barbara De Angelis reveals everything you need to know about compatibility. You’ll learn: ? Why you’ve chosen the partners you have – and how to make better choices, ? How much sexual chemistry you and your partner really have, ? The ten types of relationships that won’t work, ? How your childhood memories may be affecting your love life, ? The six essential qualities to look for in a mate, ? How to spot fatal flaws in a partner, ? Why you may be falling in love for the wrong reason. If you’re single or divorced: read this book to understand why your past choices weren’t right for you and how to get it right this time. If you’re in love: learn how to be 100% certain that this relationship is the one for you. If you’re married: discover how to understand and balance your differences so that you can live happily together every day. Repackaged and redesigned for the modern reader with an iconic new cover, Are You The One For Me? is the last word in finding the right type of companionship for you.
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