

Anna Karenina (Nuova edizione annotata)
Anna Karenina (Nuova edizione annotata)
Lev Tolstoj
Anna Karenina (in russo: Aнна Каренина) è un romanzo di Lev Tolstoj che fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1877. Considerato un capolavoro del realismo, l'autore trasse ispirazione da "I racconti di Belkin" dello scrittore e poeta russo Aleksandr Sergeevi? Pu?kin. Sebbene la maggior parte della critica russa stroncasse il romanzo fin dalla prima pubblicazione, definendolo ?un romanzo frivolo dell'alta società?, secondo lo scrittore russo F?dor Michajlovi? Dostoevskij ?Anna Karenina in quanto opera d'arte è la perfezione... e niente della letteratura europea della nostra epoca può esserle paragonato?. La sua opinione fu condivisa da Vladimir Vladimirovi? Nabokov, che lo definì ?il capolavoro assoluto della letteratura del XIX secolo?.
Huckleberry Finn: Part 1
Huckleberry Finn: Part 1
Mark Twain
Dear Grown-ups! This book has been written for You! Our story is set in the XXXIV century. As we follow the intriguing life of a royal family we gain insight into the future. A new folk is taking shape, its progress unstoppable. The battle against the force of Darkness puts an end to the idyllic if somewhat insipid life they have grown accustomed to and its outcome will determine the faith of planet Earth ...
Aer ?n iarb?
Aer ?n iarb?
Vieru Mihai
Hanna Bota scrie cri ale descoperirii de sine prin Cellalt, prin Ceilali. Aceast mare i veche tem are, n cazul ei, o rezolvare aparte, cci Cellalt este nu doar cel din vecintate, ci i, mai ales, cel de foarte departe, tritor n orizonturi exotice, acolo unde diferena e strident i numai privirea lateral, n mai multele sensuri ale acesteia, poate conduce spre esena uman, spre miezul tare al fiinei. Punnd la btaie, n surprinztoare conexiuni, feluritele instrumente de cunoatere i interpretare pe care le-a acumulat n timp: literatur, etnologie, antropologie cultural, teologie, nu se mulumete cu privirea fix, focalizat, ghidat strict de regulile tiinei sale, ci tenteaz pai lturalnici, sensuri derivate, improvizeaz interdisciplinar, se pune pe sine n locul celuilalt pentru a-i descifra perspectiva, nelinitile, modelul de lume.Ultimul canibal ne purtase n insulele Vanuatu din Pacific. De data aceasta, jurnalul eseistic de cltorie, cu inserii poematice i desfurri epice, rotunjete povestea cutrii de sine prin iubire a Laviniei, tnr muzician romnc, urmrind-o n ara sa, mai nti, n Italia i India, apoi, ntr-o curgere de ntmplri nvolburate, rtcitor-iniiatice, ntre Occident i Orient, cu toate simurile n alert. Apa e motivul central al crii. De la Dunre la Gange, de la lacrim la diluviu, izvor susurnd ori val nfuriat, ea e simbol al vieii, al luptei pentru supravieuire i pentru nchegarea unui orict de firav rost. Tot ea traduce reverii identitare, comaruri negre, tensiuni i crize. Vrtejul explorrii de sine i asum traversarea ntunericului ca singur drum la ndemn spre lumin. Drum desenat n tine ca o hart a direciei ctre comoara de mare pre i ezitnd benefic, n noua i incitanta carte a Hannei Bota, ntre realitate i ficiune, cu irizri fantastice i nenumrate ui (ntre)deschise de-o parte i de cealalt a naintrii destinale.“ – Irina Petra
The Hogmanay Stranger: A Sweetwater Canyon Novelette
The Hogmanay Stranger: A Sweetwater Canyon Novelette
Maggie Lynch
Sweetwater Canyon Book 5?–?A New Year’s Novelette (32 pages plus 20 pages of “sneak peek of Book 3) The Sweetwater Canyon musicians celebrate Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve) in Scotland with Rachel’s father, Gavin Cullen. Since his wife’s death eight years ago, Gavin has never completely been the same. Clearing the cobwebs of the past year in order to begin anew is a tradition with special meaning at the family bed and breakfast inn. When a young, homeless stranger is invited inside he is met with caution by some members of the band. Will he be a source of division or will he help to free the Cullen’s from the past?
宅男大叔感情史: 我是第四人
宅男大叔感情史: 我是第四人
回忆,有时候是一种苦涩中的甜蜜,明知道是回不去的过去; 但,还是会情不自禁慢慢地到那记忆深海里。 认识她的时间不是很久, 就只是那短短的数天…… 今天的她,却不再回应我了,这也发生在没多久之前,就在刚过去的一个星期前开始…..
Dead of Night
Dead of Night
Carlyle Labuschagne
In a dark and desolated After Earth, love still does exist, but the cost of bearing such a flaw is death. World War III has left Earth in utter turmoil. People’s beliefs are said to be the cause of the worldwide destruction. After The Clearing new laws are set about - to show certitude in anything besides the law is weak and chargeable as mutiny. To be illogical and have faith in religion is illegal, to be limitless is dangerous. And Illness is seen as a defect – all flaws that are inexcusable. But to love is the greatest betrayal of all man kind. It is a fault the world has long forgotten and punishable by death, a fatal risk Aecker and Opel are fully prepared to take - because in love there is freedom. But how far can they push back before it claims their lives and those they care about
The Jacq of Spades: Part 1 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
The Jacq of Spades: Part 1 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
Patricia Loofbourrow
A boy vanishes. But not just any boy. 1899 years after the Catastrophe, Bridges is owned by the Mob. As the city's steam-driven infrastructure fails, a new faction rises: the Red Dogs. Jacqueline Spadros is haunted by her best friend Air's death, killed as he tried to stop her sale to the Spadros crime syndicate ten years ago. Now in an unwilling marriage to the city's biggest drug lord, she secretly runs a small-time private eye business to earn enough money to escape. Air's little brother disappears from his back porch. And now someone is following Jacqui. Dark, gritty, psychological, multi-layered Victorian-inspired far future detective noir that keeps the reader guessing to the very end.
By Her Hand, She Draws You Down
By Her Hand, She Draws You Down
Douglas Smith
By Her Hand, She Draws You Down
A Taste Sweet and Salty
A Taste Sweet and Salty
Douglas Smith
A Taste Sweet and Salty
First Love
First Love
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
First Love
Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness
The Black Cat
The Black Cat
Edgar Allan Poe
The Black Cat
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
Oscar Wilde
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
Riders of the Silences
Riders of the Silences
Max Brand
Riders of the Silences
She and Allan
She and Allan
H. Rider Haggard
She and Allan
The Ballad of the White Horse
The Ballad of the White Horse
G.K. Chesterton
The Ballad of the White Horse
A Study in Scarlet
A Study in Scarlet
Arthur Conan Doyle
A Study in Scarlet
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities
An Eye for an Eye
An Eye for an Eye
Clarence Darrow
An Eye for an Eye
Stories from Greek History
Stories from Greek History
Ethelwyn Lemon
Stories from Greek History
Stories from the Iliad
Stories from the Iliad
Jeanie Lang
Stories from the Iliad