

Victor Hugo
Roman historique classique mis en place pendant la Révolution fran?aise, dans le fran?ais original. Selon Wikipedia: "Quatre-vingt-treize (Quatrevingt-treize) est le dernier roman de l'écrivain fran?ais Victor Hugo, publié en 1874, peu après le bouleversement sanglant de la Commune de Paris, le roman concerne la révolte de la Vendée et de la Chouannerie. révolte contre-révolutionnaire en 1793 pendant la Révolution fran?aise, divisée en trois parties, mais pas chronologiquement, chaque partie raconte une histoire différente, offrant une vision différente des événements généraux historiques. Toujours selon Wikipedia: "Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge, romancier, essayiste, artiste visuel, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et représentant du mouvement romantique en France. La renommée littéraire de Hugo vient d'abord de sa poésie, mais repose aussi sur ses romans et ses réalisations dramatiques Parmi les nombreux volumes de poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles sont particulièrement estimés et Hugo est parfois identifié comme le plus grand poète fran?ais. En dehors de la France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connu aussi en anglais sous le nom de Le Bossu de Notre Dame), bien que royaliste conservateur engagé quand il était jeune. Il est devenu un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps: il est enterré au Panthéon.
限时折扣 In the Reign of Terror
In the Reign of Terror
G. A. Henty
Classic historical novel set in the French Revolution. According to Wikipedia: "George Alfred Henty (8 December 1832 - 16 November 1902), referred to as G. A. Henty, was a prolific English novelist, special correspondent, and Imperialist born in Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England. He is best known for his historical adventure stories that were popular in the late 19th century. His works include Out on the Pampas (1871), The Young Buglers (1880), With Clive in India (1884) and Wulf the Saxon (1895)."
Little Women
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Little Women
A Bird in the Hand
A Bird in the Hand
Douglas Smith
A Bird in the Hand
A Journal of the Plague Year: "Illustrated"
A Journal of the Plague Year: "Illustrated"
Daniel Defoe
A háború el?szele már mindenütt érezhet?: az utakat másfajúak renegát csapatai tartják rettegésben, a városok utcáin rejtélyes halálesetek t?rténnek. A királyok nem bíznak t?bbé a varázslókban, akik azt képzelik, varázshatalmuk feljogosítja ?ket, hogy beleártsák magukat a politikába. Némelyikük a szabad országok javáért cselekszik, mások ?n?s érdekb?l, de a varázslók álságos mosolya és felszínes csevegése m?g?tt sorsd?nt? játszmák zajlanak. Ríviai Geralt mindig is büszke volt semlegességére. A vaják korábban úgy gondolta, elegend?, hogy a saját sorsáról d?nts?n… csakhogy akkor még nem kellett mások miatt aggódnia. Egyedül k?nny? semlegesnek maradni, de ha egy kislány élete a tét, már nem annyira. Geralt igyekszik mindent megtenni Ciri védelmében.  
Spitalul manechinelor
Spitalul manechinelor
Iuga Nora
Snt fericit de aceast regsire n literatur a lui InimRea, cum snt bucuros c, din ntmplare, i-am fost cumva un martor privilegiat, publicnd acum aproape patru ani n Timpul primele pagini din Cas pe pmnt i susinnd publicarea celor Cteva idei despre fericire la Editura T. Iar acum, Adenium i reediteaz unul din romanele deja publicate, care va fi, cum am scris deja c sper, urmat de altele. Cum nc mai trim n era Navigatorului, i urez lui InimRea vnt bun la pup!“ – Liviu Antonesei
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Howard Pyle
Aviatoarea Sure Vanay porneste in cea mai importanta misiune a vietii sale, care o poate propulsa spre un nivel mai inalt in randul aviatorilor din Naram. Misiunea stranie pe care o primeste, de a livra un mesaj la o adresa nestiuta de nimeni, aflata la baza muntelui Histo, o trimite pe Sure intr-o calatorie de neuitat. Curiozitatea si curajul o imping spre limitele dintre spatiu si timp, facand-o sa se piarda chiar inainte de a ajunge la destinatie. Locurile pe care le vede, oamenii pe care ii intalneste si speranta nebuna de a-si revedea fratele disparut, o poarta intr-o lume cu totul noua si misterioasa. Incepe o aventura de neuitat alaturi de Sure Vanay, aviatoarea neinfricata si decopera o lume plina de emotie, in care razboiul sta sa inceapa la fiecare pas, in care dragostea pare imposibila si timpul devine relativ.
George Alexander Fischer
This is a literary gem that has inspired many for years, and a must for any book collection. Allow yourself to be transported to other worlds and take part in one of the greatest tales ever told.Baron Munchausen was a real German adventurer known for his fondness for tall tales and exaggeration. But the exploits that Rudolf Erich Raspe attributed to him in his book quite clearly drew on folklore and on Raspe's own whimsical inventiveness. The Baron's escapades include a balloon expedition to visit the King of the Moon, an encounter with the goddess Venus, a battle with the Turkish army, and an enormous sea creature who swallows him up in the South Seas.
Cinderella: Illustrated Edition
Cinderella: Illustrated Edition
Henry W. Hewet
The Original - The Prince and the Pauper - Mark Twain. Classic Historical Fiction. Top 100 Historical Fiction. The Prince and the Pauper is a novel by American author Mark Twain. On the same day in 16th century London were born Tom Canty, destined to become a street beggar, and Edward Tudor, son of Henry VII, a future king. Several years later, young Canty invades the royal precincts hoping to see the Prince. The boys discover they are identical in appearance and exchange clothes. Mistaken for the beggar boy, Prince Edward is thrown into the streets. Tom Canty, too frightened to confess his true identity, assumes the mantle of the Prince of Wales.
The Little Lame Prince
The Little Lame Prince
Miss Mulock
One of the true classics of literature, Pinocchio - The Story of a Puppet has stirred the imagination of young and old alike for over four generations.?This is a multi touch version, specially designed for the iPad, a unique experience and probably the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story. It contains gorgeous illustrations.?The book is enhanced with audio for all chapters, read by Phil Chenever.This is the wonderful story of Pinocchio, the puppet who must learn many lessons before he can become a real boy. Carved by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a small Italian village, he dreamed of becoming a real boy but strays from the path of goodness many times and is very willing to listen to temptation. He has also been used as a character who is prone to telling lies and fabricating stories for various reasons. The story has appeared in many adaptations in other mediums. Pinocchio has been called an icon of modern culture, and one of most reimagined characters in the pantheon of children's literature. Listen to his many adventures, scrapes, misdeeds and pranks followed by bouts of sincere repentance and remorse. But these last only until the next enticing adventure or misdeed presents itself. Of course he does finally learn his lesson and does become a real boy when finally understanding that love and duty come first before pleasure and play.
The Tale Of Peter Rabbit
The Tale Of Peter Rabbit
Beatrix Potter
Tanara Oriana moare intr-un accident, chiar in ziua nuntii ei. Pentru oricine, acesta ar parea sfarsitul. Nu si pentru ea. Se intoarce ca recuperator de suflete, insa nu la vechea viata si familie, pentru care trebuie sa ramana moarta, ci la una cu totul noua. Rasfatul si confortul, considerate garantate mai inainte, se duc acum pe Apa Sambetei. Va trebui sa lupte pentru a-i salva pe ceilalti, dar si pe sine. Apar noi prieteni, noi dusmani si… prima iubire? Exista viata dupa moarte? Unii vor spune ca da, altii ca nu. Dar exista un raspuns la care cu siguranta nu v-ati gandit. Exista recuperatorii de suflete. Smulsi din existentele lor, sunt aruncati in altele, neintrebati de nimeni, fara sa li se ceara acceptul. Trebuie doar sa se supuna legilor celor de Dincolo. Iar unii aleg razvratirea…In volumul 2, relatia ei cu Marc, dar si cu ingerii, se aprofundeaza si o determina sa reevalueze tot ce simtea fata de fiecare dintre ei.Aventura se inteteste, atragand cititorul intr-un vartej din care nu mai poate, si nu mai vrea, sa iasa.
Treasure Island
Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tanara Oriana moare intr-un accident, chiar in ziua nuntii ei. Pentru oricine, acesta ar parea sfarsitul. Nu si pentru ea. Se intoarce ca recuperator de suflete, insa nu la vechea viata si familie, pentru care trebuie sa ramana moarta, ci la una cu totul noua. Rasfatul si confortul, considerate garantate mai inainte, se duc acum pe Apa Sambetei. Va trebui sa lupte pentru a-i salva pe ceilalti, dar si pe sine. Apar noi prieteni, noi dusmani si… prima iubire? Exista viata dupa moarte? Unii vor spune ca da, altii ca nu. Dar exista un raspuns la care cu siguranta nu v-ati gandit. Exista recuperatorii de suflete. Smulsi din existentele lor, sunt aruncati in altele, neintrebati de nimeni, fara sa li se ceara acceptul. Trebuie doar sa se supuna legilor celor de Dincolo. Iar unii aleg razvratirea…In volumul 3, lucrurile iau o intorsatura la care nimeni nu s-ar fi gandit. Ce este Dincolo? Indiferent cu ti-ai imaginat tu, cititorule ca e, nimic din ce ai trait pana acum ne te-a pregatit pentru ce vei afla.Ai curaj? Atunci, continua aventura alaturi de Oriana si ingerii ei.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne
The Last of the Mohicans is a historical novel written by James Fenimore Cooper. The book, which is set during the French and Indian War, was made into an award-winning film starring Kevin Costner.?James Fenimore Cooper's most famous character, Hawkeye, and his Mohican companions, Uncas and Chingachook, are tasked with rescuing the daughters of a British colonel, who have been abducted by the very man entrusted to keep them safe.?This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.?
Save Point
Save Point
Dumitru Vlad
n secolul XXI, omenirea, devastat de cium, se afl n pragul extinciei. i, pentru c nu exist leac, evenimentele se precipit, iar protagonitii, n ncercarea de ai salva vieile, pleac n cutarea unui trm iluzoriu, a unui nou eden care s prezerve umanitatea. n final, rmas singur, naratorul triete cu sperana c undeva, ntrun col al planetei, exist mcar un supravieuitor i pornete n cutarea lui.
How To Camp Out
How To Camp Out
John M. Gould
The fables were written and first published in the 17th century. They portray humans' behaviour in the society.The subject of each of the Fables is often common property of many ages and races. What gives La Fontaine's Fables their rare distinction is the freshness in narration, the deftness of touch, the unconstrained suppleness of metrical structure, the unfailing humor of the pointed the consummate art of their apparent artlessness.?
A Dialogue in Hades: "Illustrated"
A Dialogue in Hades: "Illustrated"
James Johnstone
t lány, t nézpont, t knyv. Cherry trténete, a Cseresznyés ábránd az els. Cherry Costello élete hamarosan rkre megváltozik. Somersetbe kltzik az apukájával, ahol egy új anyuka és egy csomó vadiúj testvér vár rá. Rgtn az els napon megismeri Shay Fletchert, aki annyira szívdgleszt, hogy az már kzveszélyes. Csakhogy Shay foglalt: Cherry új mostohatestvérével, Honey-val jár. Cherry pontosan tudja, milyen kockázatos Shayjel barátkoznia – hiszen ezzel mindent tnkretehet. Csakhogy ez még nem jelenti azt, hogy távol is tudja tartani magát tle… Csajok és csokik. Egy knyvsorozat, melyben minden testvérnek megvan a maga trténete… Neked melyik lány lesz a kedvenced Talán a Cseresznyés ábránd fhse, Cherry Az a lány, akinek tejeskávé szín a bre, stétbarna szeme pedig mandulavágású. Akinek élénk a képzelete, szórakoztató a társaságában lenni, és aki mindig kiáll magáért. Cathy Cassidy nyolc-kilencéves korában írta meg els képesknyvét kisccsének, és azóta ontja magából a trténeteket. Magyarul elsként a Csajok és csokik-sorozata (a Cseresznyés ábránd az 1. ktet) jelenik meg, melynek a vagány Tanberry-nvérek a fhsei, de mellettük feltnik néhány szupermen srác is, valamint Cathy egyik legnagyobb szerelme, a csokoládé is fontos szerepet kap. Cathy Skóciában él a családjával. Az sszes munka kzül, amivel valaha megpróbálkozott, az írást szereti a legjobban – hiszen amikor ír, mást sem kell csinálnia, mint ébren álmodozni egész álló nap.
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
Emily Bronte
Kedves Feln?ttek! ?Ez a k?nyv Nektek készült! T?rténetünk a XXXIV. században játszódik. Egy királyi család nem épp szokványos életén keresztül betekintést nyerhetünk a j?v?be. ??j faj k?rvonalazódik, aminek fejl?dése megállíthatatlan. ?Unalmasnak t?n?, idillikus életüket felváltja a S?tétség er?ivel folytatott harc, aminek kimenetele végleg meghatározza a F?ld bolygó sorsát...
The Queen of Diamonds: Part 2 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
The Queen of Diamonds: Part 2 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
Patricia Loofbourrow
What if your best friend were working with your worst enemy? All is not well in Bridges. The Four Families accuse each other of spying while Red Dog attacks escalate. Aristocratic jewel merchant Dame Anastasia Louis, styling herself "The Queen of Diamonds," hires her long-time friend, private eye Jacqueline Spadros, to collect from her debtors so she can leave the city. But Jacqui can't leave David Bryce's kidnapping and the murders of her teenage informants unpunished. Convinced that her mortal enemy, the madman "Black Jack" Diamond, was complicit in the crimes, she pursues ways to prove it. The scoundrel and his crew, however, seem to be one step ahead: the terrifying man in white is seen outside David's home, forged letters are appearing across the city, and merchants in the Spadros quadrant report threats from a man who fits his description.? ? Jacqui is warned of a plot against her life. Those who try to warn Jacqui are murdered, and evidence emerges that Jacqui's mother is next on the list.? With time running out, Jacqui is forced to make a horrifying choice. Someone will surely die. Will it be Jacqui, or her mother?
The Book of Five Rings
The Book of Five Rings
Musashi Miyamoto
The Book of Five Rings
The Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers
The Slaughter Sisters: When the Dead Walk the Earth
The Slaughter Sisters: When the Dead Walk the Earth
Greg Alldredge
Strange world: creatures are more civilized than men. Set in the Helena Brandywine universe, this story follows the adventures of The Slaughter Sisters. Humans have become more monstrous than the legendary creatures the women are hired to seek out. How is a monster hunter meant to survive? The Slaughter Sisters are premier monster hunters in the North East, the only problem the legendary creatures are blending in with the human denizens of the world, while the human charlatans take their place. After a brush with the dreaded New Jersey devil, the sisters must flee their home of Yonkers, to escape the dreaded local matchmaker. Fearing for their independence, they escape to New York City to search for any job available. They uncover a series of disappearances around the notorious Five Points. Who is behind the missing people, monsters, or humans? The Slaughter Sisters will discover who is behind it all!