Mansfield Park
This Point Blank Classics edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents. Mansfield Park is a novel by Jane Austen, written at Chawton Cottage between February 1811 and 1813. It was published in May 1814 by Thomas Egerton, who published Jane Austen's two earlier novels, Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. When the novel reached a second edition in 1816, its publication was taken over by John Murray, who also published its successor, Emma. The main character, Fanny Price, is a young girl from a large and relatively poor family, who is taken from them at age 10 to be raised by her rich uncle and aunt, Sir Thomas, a baronet, and Lady Bertram, of Mansfield Park. She had previously lived with her own parents, Lieut. Price and his wife, Frances (Fanny), Lady Bertram's sister. She is the second child and eldest daughter, with seven siblings born after her. She has a firm attachment to her older brother, William, who at the age of 12 has followed his father into the navy. With so many mouths to feed on a limited income, Fanny's mother is grateful for the opportunity to send Fanny away to live with her fine relatives. Mansfield Park is the most controversial of Austen's major novels. Regency critics praised the novel's wholesome morality, but many modern readers find Fanny's timidity and disapproval of the theatricals difficult to sympathise with and reject the idea (made explicit in the final chapter) that she is a better person for the relative privations of her childhood.

The Shoven Elect
Aliens have landed on the moon. The war for Earth has begun. Can we stop fighting each other long enough to save the planet!

The Last Tenant
This Housemartin Classics edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.

The Time Machine
This Housemartin Classics edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.

Moll Flanders
Space and Time are pleased to bring you this classic presented as a wonderfully presented edition with a fully interactive table of contents.

The Mysterious Stranger
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.

Space and Time are pleased to bring you Samuel Johnsons Rasselas. This classic is presented as a wonderfully presented edition with a fully interactive table of contents.

The Island of Doctor Moreau
Space and Time are pleased to bring you The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells. This classic is presented as a wonderfully presented edition with a fully interactive table of contents.

The Scarlet Letter
One of the true classics of American literature, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz has stirred the imagination of young and old alike for over four generations.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing over 100 gorgeous illustrations.?The story chronicles the adventures of a girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz. As Baum says in the introduction "It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out." And it succeeds wonderfully. It is one of the best-known stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Gulliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the “travellers’ tales” literary sub-genre. It is Swift’s most celebrated work, as well as one of the indisputable classics of English literature.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing many gorgeous illustrations.?

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes
One of the great novelist’s most popular works, Oliver Twist is also the purest distillation of Dickens’s genius. Like most of Dickens’ work, the book is used to call the public’s attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals. The novel is full of sarcasm and dark humour, even as it treats its serious subject, revealing the hypocrisies of the time. This tale of the orphan who is reared in a workhouse and runs away to London is a novel of social protest, a morality tale, and a detective story. Oliver Twist presents some of the most sinister characters in Dickens: the master thief, Fagin; the leering Artful Dodger; the murderer, Bill Sikes…along with some of his most sentimental and comical characters. Only Dickens can give us nightmare and daydream together. According to George Orwell, “in Oliver Twist…Dickens attacked English institutions with a ferocity that has never since been approached. Yet he managed to do it without making himself hated, and, more than this, the very people he attacked have welcomed him so completely that he has become a national institution himself.” The novel has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations, and the basis for a highly successful British musical, Oliver!

Picture of Dorian Gray
Tanara Oriana moare intr-un accident, chiar in ziua nuntii ei. Pentru oricine, acesta ar parea sfar?itul. Nu si pentru ea. Se intoarce ca recuperator de suflete, insa nu la vechea viata ?i familie, pentru care trebuie sa ramana moarta, ci la una cu totul noua. Rasfatul si confortul, considerate garantate mai inainte, se duc acum pe Apa Sambetei. Va trebui sa lupte pentru a-i salva pe ceilalti, dar si pe sine. Apar noi prieteni, noi dusmani si… prima iubire? Exista viata dupa moarte? Unii vor spune ca da, altii ca nu. Dar exista un raspuns la care cu siguranta nu v-ati gandit. Exista recuperatorii de suflete. Smulsi din existentele lor, sunt aruncati in altele, neintrebati de nimeni, fara sa li se ceara acceptul. Trebuie doar sa se supuna legilor celor de Dincolo. Iar unii aleg razvratirea… In acest al patrulea volum al seriei Am murit, din fericire, o gasim pe Oriana in Purgatorio, dupa o goana nebuna in urma careia si ea, dar si cei ce o insotesc cad victimele unor noi incercari. Cu Abel ranit de moarte si Marc pierdut in Chaos, incertitudinile devin mai zdrobitoare ca oricand. Acest volum, la fel ca precedentele, te va tine cu sufletul la gura si nu-l vei lasa din mana pana cand nu vei intoarce si ultima pagina

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Ana Simion este fiica unor imigran?i romani pe taramul tuturor posibilita?ilor. In urma unei intalniri pe nevazute, aranjata de o prietena, cunoaste un barbat pe care il antipatizeaza, fara drept de apel, inca din primele minute. Dorind sa puna capat serii dezastruoase, il refuza categoric. Insa individul face parte din tagma celor ce nu accepta un NU din partea sexului slab. Ranit in orgoliu, isi iese din fire, si o ataca pe Ana in toaleta localului. ?ipetele ei atrag aten?ia unui necunoscut care o salveaza in ultimul moment.Mason Hart face parte dintr-o familie buna, insa pu?in cam ciudata. Atrasa in mijlocul acestui grup pestri? de sentimentele pe care incepe sa le aiba fa?a de Mason, via?a banala a Anei este data peste cap..

Grimm's Fairy Stories
Viata de student la psihologie a lui Leinad se imparte intre sesiuni si baute ocazionale cu prietenii. Nimic iesit din comun. Pana intr-o zi cand, accidental, intra in posesia unui stick USB. Din curiozitate si, din nefericire pentru el, verifica fisierele stocate pe micul obiect. Afla informatii incredibile despre o societate secreta care facea experiente medicale pe oameni, fara ca acestia sa-si fi dat acceptul. Faptul ca ajunge sa cunoasca o tanara, studenta si ea, genul de fata peste care nu dai in fiecare zi, sufletista si inimoasa, complica si mai mult situatia tanarului, mai ales dupa ce afla ca noua lui cunostinta sufera de o boala ce ii poate fi fatala. Santaje, urmariri, situatii tragi-comice, din loc in loc, si un umor proaspat va vor determina sa deveniti fanii acestei serii.

Gulliver's Travels: Into Several Remote Regions of the World
Dragostea este otrava, iar otrava ucide. Ceea ce unul simte, celalalt neaga cu vehementa.? Ea nu crede in iubire, el nu se poate satura de acest concept. Aleg sa se descopere cu ajutorul pianului, se resping prin acordurile viorii, se predau unul celuilalt prin muzica.? Oare exista speranta pentru el si incredere pentru ea? Ethan si Charlotte sunt protagonistii unei povesti despre o iubire imposibila in termeni morali si atat de posibila in lumea lor.

Volumul ?n c?utarea tinere?ii sau C?nd paralelele se ?nt?lnesc, cuprinz?nd nuvele ?i schi?e, s-a n?scut din setea de trecut a autorului, din atrac?ia acestuia fa?? de tinere?ea etern? a omului, din amintirile tezaurizate de el de-a lungul anilor.

Dead Men's Money
A GREAT MURDER MYSTERY! There may be folk in the world to whom the finding of a dead man, lying grim and stark by the roadside, with the blood freshly run from it and making ugly patches of crimson on the grass and the gravel, would be an ordinary thing; but to me that had never seen blood let in violence, except in such matters as a bout of fisticuffs at school, it was the biggest thing that had ever happened, and I stood staring down at the white face as if I should never look at anything else as long as I lived. I remember all about that scene and that moment as freshly now as if the affair had happened last night. The dead man lying in the crushed grass--his arms thrown out helplessly on either side of him--

The Paradise Mystery
A rather interesting and quite complex classic mystery encompassing a murder which occurs in a quiet cathedral town and involving a myriad of characters all of which keep the reader quite puzzled throughout...

Rolling Stones
William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) was the most popular short story writer of his time. His stories typically revolved around two of his favorite themes, the situation of the impostor and fate as the one unavoidable reality of life. Another device he used was the surprise ending, usually coming about through coincidence. He was the founder of the humorous weekly The Rolling Stone. When the weekly failed, he joined the Houston Post as a reporter and columnist. He was convicted of embezzling money, although there's much debate over his actual guilt, and while in prison he started to write short stories. His first work, Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking appeared in McClure's Magazine. After emerging from prison Porter changed his name to O. Henry. He then moved to New York and wrote a story a week for the New York World, also publishing in other magazines. This volume of O'Henry's work gets its title from his early newspaper venture of the same name.

Japanese Fairy Tales
Yei Theodora Ozaki?was an early 20th-century?translator?of?Japanese?short stories and?fairy tales. Her translations were fairly liberal but have been popular, and were reprinted several times after her death. According to "A Biographical Sketch" by?Mrs. Hugh Fraser, included in the introductory material to?Warriors of old Japan, and other stories, Ozaki came from an unusual background. She was the daughter of Baron Ozaki, one of the first Japanese men to study in the West, and Bathia Catherine Morrison, daughter of William Morrison, one of their teachers. Her parents separated after five years of marriage, and her mother retained custody of their three daughters until they became teenagers. At that time, Yei was sent to live in Japan with her father, which she enjoyed. Later she refused an arranged marriage, left her father's house, and became a teacher and secretary to earn money. Over the years, she traveled back and forth between Japan and Europe, as her employment and family duties took her, and lived in places as diverse as Italy and the drafty upper floor of a Buddhist temple. All this time, her letters were frequently misdelivered to the unrelated Japanese politician?Yukio Ozaki, and his to her. In 1904, they finally met, and soon?

After an unspecified family disaster, the protagonist Lucy Snowe travels from England to the fictional French-speaking city of Villette to teach at a girls' school, where she is drawn into adventure and romance. ? Villette was Charlotte Bront?'s fourth novel. It was preceded by the posthumously published The Professor, her first, and then by Jane Eyre and Shirley. ? The novel is set in the English countryside, in London, and (mainly) in the fictional city of Villette (based upon Brussels) in the fictional Kingdom of Labassecour (based upon Belgium). "Labassecour" is French for farmyard. ? Villette begins with its famously passive protagonist, Lucy Snowe, age 14, staying at the home of her godmother Mrs. Bretton in "the clean and ancient town of Bretton", in England. Also in residence are Mrs. Bretton's son, John Graham Bretton (whom the family calls Graham), and a young visitor, Paulina Home (who is called Polly). Polly is a peculiar little girl who soon develops a deep devotion to Graham, who showers her with attention. But Polly's visit is cut short when her father arrives to take her away.