

Le scommesse di Jack
Le scommesse di Jack
Wirton Arvel
Racconto di Halloween liberamente ispirato alla leggenda di Jack O' Lantern e alla festa celtica di Samhain SinossiSecondo un'antica leggenda celtica si racconta che durante la notte di Samhain, posta al di fuori del ciclo del tempo, perché non appartenente né all'anno passato appena trascorso, né all'anno nuovo ancora da iniziare, si possa scorgere fra le nebbie che separano il mondo dei vivi da quello degli spiriti, un uomo che vaga alla ricerca della strada del paradiso, con la sua lanterna ricavata da una zucca e al cui interno ci sarebbe un tizzone ardente delle braci dell'inferno. Quell'uomo è Jack!Jack O' Lantern. Ma chi era Jack?L'unico uomo comune a cui è dedicata una festività che si celebra ormai in tutto il mondo! Perché durante la notte di Halloween lo festeggiamo? Quasi nessuno conosce la sua storia, "dannati loro!", direbbe Jack. IncipitL'autunno aveva già iniziato ad addobbare di nebbia e di silenzio le pianure e il mare, le pendici delle montagne e le rive dei fiumi.Jack!Un altro anno stava per finire per chi ancora conservava nella memoria i ricordi dell'antico calendario di quelle terre, quando ancora i mesi avevano i nomi degli alberi o delle lune e i nuovi giorni iniziavano subito dopo il tramonto...
Egy milliomos b?rében
Egy milliomos b?rében
Egri Zsanna
Видано 45 мовами! Донна Тартт — лауреат Пул?тцер?всько? прем?? № 1 у списку 100 видатних книжок за верс??ю The New York Times Отямившись п?сля вибуху в музе?, тринадцятир?чний Тео ще не розум??, що там, п?д уламками, залишилися його мат?р ? його дитинство. Пробираючись до виходу, повз кам?ння та т?ла, в?н п?дбира? безц?нну картину фламандського майстра, яку так любила його мати. Дивний старий, вмираючи, в?дда? йому свого персня та просить винести картину зв?дси... Тео буде кидати ?з родини в родину, ?з Нью-Йорка до Амстердама, ?з глибин в?дчаю до ейфор??. Викрадений ?Щиголь? стане його прокляттям та над??ю на порятунок... Vidano 45 movami! Donna Tartt — laureat Pul?tcer?vs'ko? prem?? № 1 u spisku 100 vidatnih knizhok za vers??ju The New York Times Otjamivshis' p?slja vibuhu v muze?, trinadcjatir?chnij Teo shhe ne rozum??, shho tam, p?d ulamkami, zalishilisja jogo mat?r ? jogo ditinstvo. Probirajuchis' do vihodu, povz kam?nnja ta t?la, v?n p?dbira? bezc?nnu kartinu flamands'kogo majstra, jaku tak ljubila jogo mati. Divnij starij, vmirajuchi, v?dda? jomu svogo persnja ta prosit' vinesti kartinu zv?dsi... Teo bude kidati ?z rodini v rodinu, ?z N'ju-Jorka do Amsterdama, ?z glibin v?dchaju do ejfor??. Vikradenij ?Shhigol'? stane jogo prokljattjam ta nad??ju na porjatunok...
A t?kéletes randi: D.A.C. special edition
A t?kéletes randi: D.A.C. special edition
Kalapos Éva
A baltimore-i tüzérklub a béke bek?sz?ntével a fenyeget? tétlenség el?l példátlan vállalkozásba menekül: ágyúl?vedéket akar fell?ni a Holdba. Egy kalandos fantáziájú francia utasnak jelentkezik az ?rl?vedékbe – s tüstént akad két amerikai útitársa is. A nagy kísérlet átmeneti izgalmak után sikerrel jár, ha nem is az elképzelés szerint: leszállniuk ugyan nem sikerül – mai ismereteinkkel hozzátehetjük: szerencséjükre –, hanem a Holdat megkerülve páratlan tapasztalatokkal gazdagon térnek vissza a F?ldre.
Donnefar Skedar
A Casa
A Casa
Donnefar Skedar
A Casa
Alrededor de la Luna
Alrededor de la Luna
Julio Verne
Alrededor de la Luna
No Wedding Night
No Wedding Night
Neale Sourna
A wedding, a reception brawl, and the bride and groom’s wedding night will be in jail. Or will it? _866 words Romance
A Rendíthetetlen ?lomkatona és más Andersen mesék
A Rendíthetetlen ?lomkatona és más Andersen mesék
Hans Christian Andersen
Acest roman este un covor zbur?tor, care ne poart? pe deasupra luptelor duse ?ntre Nicolae Ceau?escu ?i Iarba Fiarelor, c?petenia unui grup de t?lhari.. Acest r?zboi e unul de gheril?. ?apte sunt locurile lui de desf??urare. Fiecare comunitate ?nf??i?at? e captivant?, precum explorarea unei insule necunoscute: via?a printre brancardierii de la Morg?, printre t?lhari, printre criminali, printe c?lug?ri ?i printre vr?jitoare. (Autorul) (3) Desigur, aceast? carte nu e chiar ?cel mai bun roman al tuturor timpurilor“.Dar sunt bune ?anse ca ea s? fie unul dintre cele mai bune romane scrise ?n Rom?nia, ?n ultimii cincizeci de ani.Paul Lupa?cu
O ator e a figurinista
O ator e a figurinista
Renata Del Anjo
O ator e a figurinista
A lenda da loira do banheiro e sua garganta profunda
A lenda da loira do banheiro e sua garganta profunda
Dado Moraes
A lenda da loira do banheiro e sua garganta profunda
Bloqueio de escritor
Bloqueio de escritor
Rodolfo Campos
Bloqueio de escritor
The Freelancer
The Freelancer
Neale Sourna
Annie’s new temp, Ryan, with the fascinating ass ... and mind, is great at his job, even on his first day; but, he’s driving her to distraction and she can’t get anything done! When Annie works late and alone, to catch up on work, gorgeous Ryan returns in order to show her what he’s really freelancing in; loving Annie. _1602 wds
Thérèse Raquin
Thérèse Raquin
Emile Zola
Thérèse Raquin is a novel by ?mile Zola, first published in 1867. It was originally published in serial format in the journal L'Artiste. It was published in book format in December of the same year. In 1873, Zola turned Thérèse Raquin into a play. Thérèse Raquin tells the story of a young woman, unhappily married to her first cousin by a well-intentioned and overbearing aunt. Her cousin, Camille, is sickly and selfish, and when the opportunity arises, Thérèse enters into a tragic affair with one of Camille's friends, Laurent. In his preface, Zola explains that his goal in this novel was to "study temperaments and not characters" and he compares the novel to a scientific study. Because of this detached and scientific approach, Thérèse Raquin is considered an example of Naturalism.
Captain Burle
Captain Burle
Emile Zola
It was nine o'clock. The little town of Vauchamp, dark and silent, had just retired to bed amid a chilly November rain. In the Rue des Recollets, one of the narrowest and most deserted streets of the district of Saint-Jean, a single window was still alight on the third floor of an old house, from whose damaged gutters torrents of water were falling into the street. Mme Burle was sitting up before a meager fire of vine stocks, while her little grandson Charles pored over his lessons by the pale light of a lamp.
The Fat and the Thin
The Fat and the Thin
Emile Zola
The third novel in Zola's twenty-volume series entitled "Les Rougon-Macquart," this story revolves around and within the 21-acre market Les Halles Centrales of Paris. The starving scholar Florent has escaped his unwarranted exile on Devil's Island, and he is alternately entranced and disgusted by his refuge in 'the belly of Paris.' Zola describes the market and Florent's experiences in the midst of it with his characteristically captivating comprehension, foreshadowing the total mastery of working-class speech in his later works. Florent makes a friend of Claude Lantier, a painter who explains the battle being waged in the vast Central Markets between the 'fat' burghers and 'thin' lower class, in which Florent is soon embroiled. He is a man caught between the fat and the thin, and this lack of allegiance leads to painful condemnation and Florent's ultimate disintegration. Presented here is the somewhat expurgated 1895 translation of Ernest Alfred Vizetelly, entitled "The Fat and the Thin".
Emile Zola
Nana is a novel by the French naturalist author ?mile Zola. Completed in 1880, Nana is the ninth installment in the 20-volume Les Rougon-Macquart series, which was to tell "The Natural and Social History of a Family under the Second Empire." The novel was an immediate success. Le Voltaire, the French newspaper that was to publish it in installments from October 1879 on, had launched a gigantic advertising campaign, raising the curiosity of the reading public to a fever pitch. When Charpentier finally published Nana in book form in February 1880, the first edition of 55,000 copies was sold out in one day. Flaubert and Edmond de Goncourt were full of praise for Nana. On the other hand, a part of the non-reading public, spurred on by some critics, reacted to the book with outrage. While the novel is held up as a fine example of writing, it is not especially true to Zola's touted naturalist philosophy; instead, it is one of the most symbolically complex of his novels, setting it apart from the earthy "realism" of L'Assommoir or the more brutal "realism" of La Terre (1887). However, it was a great deal more authentic than most contemporary novels about the demimonde. Nana is especially noted for the crowd scenes, of which there are many, in which Zola proves himself a master of capturing the incredible variety of people. Whereas in his other novels -- notably Germinal (1885) -- he gives the reader an amazingly complete picture of surroundings and the lives of characters, from the first scene we are to understand that this novel treads new ground. Flaubert summed up the novel in one perfect sentence: Nana tourne au mythe, sans cesser d'être réelle. (Nana turns into myth, without ceasing to be real.)
Emile Zola
L'Assommoir (1877) is the seventh novel in ?mile Zola's twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. Usually considered one of Zola's masterpieces, the novel—a harsh and uncompromising study of alcoholism and poverty in the working-class districts of Paris—was a huge commercial success and established Zola's fame and reputation throughout France and the world.
Yo Acuso
Yo Acuso
Emile Zola
Alegato en favor del capitán Alfred Dreyfus, dirigido por ?mile Zola mediante una carta abierta al presidente de Francia, M. Félix Faure, y publicado por el diario L'Aurore el 13 de enero de 1898 en su primera plana.
The Miller's Daughter
The Miller's Daughter
Emile Zola
At dawn a clamor of voices shook the mill. Pere Merlier opened the door of Francoise's chamber. She went down into the courtyard, pale and very calm. But there she could not repress a shiver as she saw the corpse of a Prussian soldier stretched out on a cloak beside the well.
The Death of Olivier Becaille
The Death of Olivier Becaille
Emile Zola
It was on a Saturday, at six in the morning, that I died after a three days' illness. My wife was searching a trunk for some linen, and when she rose and turned she saw me rigid, with open eyes and silent pulses. She ran to me, fancying that I had fainted, touched my hands and bent over me. Then she suddenly grew alarmed, burst into tears and stammered: "My God, my God! He is dead!"
The Fortune of the Rougons
The Fortune of the Rougons
Emile Zola
The novel is partly an origin story, with a huge cast of characters swarming around - many of whom become the central figures of later novels in the series - and partly an account of the December 1851 coup d'état that created the French Second Empire under Napoleon III as experienced in a large provincial town in southern France.
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