

The Stone Bridge
The Stone Bridge
Alexander Terekhov
On June 3, 1943 at the Stone Bridge in Moscow a tragedy took place that shocked the political elite of that time and became the starting point of an investigation into other historical and political facts. Nina Umanskaya, the daughter of a Soviet diplomat, was murdered by her classmate and admirer, Volodya Shakhurin, son of a People's Commissar. After that the young man shot himself. The search for truth of the Stone Bridge incident requires the reader’s patience: the historical authenticity of this work is supported by testimonies of witnesses trying to avoid an uncomfortable interrogation, supported by illustrations, documents and chronicles.
(美)约翰·戈特曼(John Gottman),娜恩·西尔弗(Nan Silver)
《人的七张面孔》是“婚姻教皇”、人际关系大师、著名心理学家约翰?戈特曼经典作品。来自西雅图人际关系研究所的心理学报告,研究跨度长达20年,参与人员超过3000人。人际关系领域 价值的一本书。 真实的数据、卓有成效的练习工具,全面改善你身边所有的人际关系。中国 商学院名师联袂推荐。 《培养高情商的孩子》是“婚姻教皇”、人际关系大师、著名心理学家约翰?戈特曼经典作品。中国教育风云人物孙云晓主编推荐,情商之父丹尼尔?戈尔曼专文推荐。细致入微的访问、真实的夫妻互动实况、客观科学的生理测量,揭开男女长期相处之道。《爱的博弈》由著名经济学家、北京大学教授 汪丁丁鼎力推荐 由于人类的特殊性质,夫妻关系的核心是情感而不是博弈,《爱的博弈》概括的是“爱情实验室”里的夫妻关系研究,浓缩了几十年的数据,得到了许多有益的教训。
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