

Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Harry Stewart
Are you still choosing between healthy and tasty food?Here is solution for youYou shouldn’t have to go out to expensive restaurants just to eat perfectly cooked food. Whether you’re a sous vide enthusiast seeking to add new recipes to your repertoire, or just getting into the technique, this book will show you how easy it is to make restaurant quality food in your very own home.Sous Vide attracts people all over the world. This method can cook the wide variety of the meals; especially this thing makes the technology in-demand nowadays. The restaurant method of cooking attracts not only chefs but a housewife and just food lovers.
Successful Self-Publishing:How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and
Successful Self-Publishing:How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and
Joanna Penn
Do you want to successfully self-publish? There are thousands of new books being published every day, but many self-published books quickly sink to the bottom of the pile. Many authors are frustrated because there are so many options for self-publishing, and they don't know which one to choose or what will be best for their book. Others spend thousands of dollars to publish and end up broken-hearted with the result.? But it doesn't have to be this way.? I've spent the last ten years self-publishing bestselling fiction and non-fiction books and in 2011, I left my day job to become a full-time author-entrepreneur. I've made lots of mistakes along the way, but through the process of self-publishing 27 books, I've learned the most effective way to publish and market your books. In this book, I'll share everything with you.
Egri Zsanna, Victoria Green
Hat kül?nleges t?rténet az egzotikus utazásoktól a szívfájdító szerelemig. Sok-sok kül?nb?z? ember, rendkívüli párok és szerelmek. Egy mexikói luxus prostituált erotikus t?rténete, akit a kegyetlen sors, az átok sem tud megakadályozni abban, hogy rátaláljon az igaz szerelemre. A sivatagban eltévedt fiatal orvosn?, az elkényeztetett maffiaf?n?k lánya, és az ?r?kké bizonytalan magyar Kathy egzotikus világokba viszi el az olvasókat Jement?l Mexikóig. Mindezek mellett két fiatalt, egy testvér szíve, sok-sok fájdalom, és csodálatos érzelmek vezérelnek, hogy szem ne maradjon szárazon. A t?rténetekben megtalálható a kaland, rejtély, izgalom, de mindenekel?tt a romantika.
The Faerie Guardian
The Faerie Guardian
Rachel Morgan
Enter a hidden world of magic, mystery, action and romance ... Seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale has one job: protect humans from dangerous magical creatures. It's a job she's good at—until her latest assignment, a cute human guy who can somehow see through her faerie glamour, follows her into the fae realm. Now she's broken Guild law and risked her future as the top graduate of her class. The last thing Vi wants to do is spend any more time with the guy who got her into this mess, but the Guild requires that she return Nate to his home and make him forget everything he's discovered of the fae realm. Easy, right? Not when you factor in evil faeries, long-lost family members, and inconvenient feelings of the romantic kind. Vi is about to find herself tangled up in a dangerous plot—and it'll take all her training to get out alive. Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments, The Iron Fey, and Graceling. Readers' reviews:? "The most addictive series I have ever read!" "Seriously so amazing!" "I adored this book, devoured it! A very talented author, who works magic with words and scenes." If you enjoyed The Faerie Guardian, check out the other Creepy Hollow books! Next in the series is?The Faerie Prince.
Cheyenne & The Witches
Cheyenne & The Witches
Michael Lee Ables Jr.
Join Cheyenne as she sets out on a new adventure: Cheyenne befriends?Wendy, who is a curious girl and seems to have no friends; dresses and talks funny; eats strange things, and wears pointed shoes. Who is this new girl? ?Join Cheyenne as she makes friends with Wendy and joins up with some of her old friends to stop the evil witches.
joke bank - Popular Jokes
joke bank - Popular Jokes
Sea Rider
For adults we have the adult jokes section, the dirty jokes, and the Yo Mama jokes categories. Of course the classic celebrity characters, like Chuck Norris, Bill Clinton, Al Bundy and Barney Stinson, are all in there too. To tease your friends or your foes, we recommend the professional categories. Whether they're a civil servant, a farmer, a graduate, a student, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a broker, a footballer or a schoolboy, we have just the thing. The classical knock knock jokes and light bulb jokes are also included. A separated clean jokes section is available.
Soup Cookbook:Delicious Soup And Stews Recipes
Soup Cookbook:Delicious Soup And Stews Recipes
Andy Rhodes
There's no better way to cultivate community, foster friendship, or simply nourish family than over heartwarming bowls of homemade soup. If you're looking for delicious everyday soup recipes to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. If you're looking for delicious everyday soup recipes to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. This book is a compilation of a wide variety of soup recipes from different countries in the world. It represents the culinary culture of each place of origin with the use of different tastes and combinations of ingredients, although these recipes are flexible and can be adjusted to your likes. Have any of these statements ever crossed your mind? I don't have enough time to cook. I don't know where to start or what to do. It just takes too long to make my own food. Cooking is just too complicated! (This is a myth Your Problems Have Been Solved --gt; EASY, STEP-BY-STEP RECIPES This simple and easy recipe book will help you... Save time and money Have more Homemade soups Learn how to make food and cook with 'how-to' recipes and instructions
Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
Creangă Ion
“Dragi mi-erau tata ?i mama, fra?ii ?i surorile ?i b?ie?ii satului, tovar??ii mei de copil?rie, cu cari, iarna, ?n zilele geroase, m? desf?tam pe ghea?? ?i la s?niu?, iar vara ?n zile frumoase de s?rb?tori, c?nt?nd ?i chiuind, cutreieram dumbr?vile ?i luncile umbroase, ?arinele cu holdele, c?mpul cu florile ?i m?ndrele dealuri, de dup? care ?mi z?mbeau zorile, ?n zburdalnica v?rst? a tinere?ii! Asemenea, dragi mi-erau ?ez?torile, cl?cile, horile ?i toate petrecerile din sat, la care luam parte cu cea mai mare ?nsufle?ire.
Ketogenic Cookbook:Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes For Fasting
Ketogenic Cookbook:Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes For Fasting
Tom Prescott
Be Happier and Healthier Starting Today! Are You Tired of Feeling Out Of Shape? Want to Start A Diet That Will Allow You to Change Your Life Forever? This Ketogenic Cookbook: Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes you can easily prepare is an excellent guide to those who want to lose weight and get slim over the small period of time. In today’s world where one’s figure is the first thing that represents him or her, one should take care extra care of it not only because of the impression that it leaves on others but also because of the sake of having healthy and quality wiseexcellent life. We will get into detail in the book but for now take a general look on what this book offers: Ketogenic diet and its unlimited benefits Ketogenic diet recipes: For the breakfast Ketogenic diet recipes: For the lunch time Ketogenic diet recipes: For dinner Get the jumpstart to a newer you and a better life by grabbing this book.
Yüzelli Ya??ndaki Adam: Roman
Yüzelli Ya??ndaki Adam: Roman
Halit Fuat Beşik
Hep a??k s?zlü olmaktan yanay?m. Bir gün bu felaket asr?n?n ac?l? ve ?a?k?n insan? haline gelece?imi hi? dü?ünmemi?tim. E?lencenin sonsuza kadar sürece?ini sanm??t?m. Ama ?u anda ?yle dü?ünmüyorum. Evet ya?amak! Ger?eklerle ya?amak gerek, yalanlar? de?il… Dün unuttu?umu sand???m bir s?z? yoklad? beynimi. Evet, ba??mdan ge?en o yalanc? a?klar?, aldatmalar?m? i?imden birer birer hat?rlay?p saymaya ?al??t?m. Kader ne ?ok ilk ac?lardan ya?atm??t? bu son y?llarda bana! Hayatta o kadar ac? ?ektim ki, ya??m?n henüz k?rk olmas?na ra?men kendimi, yüz elli y?l kadar ya?am?? ve bir o kadar da kendimi ya?l? hissediyorum… Asl?na bakarsan?z ama ben hi? ya?amad?m ki! Nas?l olur da ben bu gen? ya?ta kendimi yüz elli y?l ya?am?? gibi yorgun ve ihtiyar hissediyorum b?yle? Hayat?m?n en güzel y?llar?n? ya?amam gerekirken ne yaz?k ki, i?imdeki aynan?n üzerine kara bir ?rtü ?rtülmü?tü. ?mrüm boyunca inan?lmaz ini? ve ??k??lar ya?ad?m. ?nsan?n ya?am? ne garip olaylara gebeymi? me?er! Ke?ke! Ke?ke… ?stiyorum ki, g?zlerimi kapay?p derin uykuya dalay?m. Yada birileri beni ?ldürseydi de, birilerinin elinde kalsayd?m. ?ekilseydim ke?ke ?u dünya sahnesinden ve perde tamamen kapansayd?! Bir an evvel sevdiklerimin yan?na gitseydim… Son y?llarda a?k? tutkuyu, ihaneti, k?skan?l???, korkuyu o kadar yüksek dozda ya?am??t?m ki, k?rkl? y?llar?n ba??nda, kendimi yüz elli ya??nda gibi hissetmek, gibi bir ?eydi bu! Bu ya?ananlar filmlerde, dizilerde olurdu ancak, diye zannederdim. Ama benim hayat?mda da olmu?tu i?te… Pek ?yle ah?m ?ah?m bir adam olmasam bile, gene de yak???kl?, sportmen bir i? adam? say?l?rd?m ve ?zgürlü?üm bu sayede hi? bir s?n?r tan?m?yordu. Gen? ya??mda ne paraya ba??ml?yd?m, nede mutsuz bir ya?ama! ?stedi?im her ?eyi yapabiliyordum. O zamanlar, ?ok gen? oldu?um i?in her türlü hayat mücadelesine hi? taviz vermeden kat?l?yordum ve ?eytandan bile korkmaz bir halim vard?. En az?ndan i?lerim fevkalade yolunda ve iyi gidiyordu… Kendimden ba?ka hi? kimseyi ?nemsemiyordum! ?lüm veya onun e? anlaml?s? ayr?l?k korkusu falan nedir hi? ya?amam??t?m ve bilmezdim pek. Pek ?ok keyifli mücadeleden sonra ve okul y?llar?m?n arkas?ndan, hayat?mda en ufak bir leke olmadan evlendim... Ya?am?mda o zamanlar her ?ey o kadar kolayd? ki, anlatamam! ?ocuklu?umun ilk seneleri, okul y?llar?m, ailemin korumas? alt?nda olduk?a güzel ge?mi?ti. Evlili?imin ilk y?llar?nda da, i?lerim fevkalade yolundayd?. Bu evlili?imden bir o?lum Alihan ve arkas?ndan da k?z?m Ceren dünyaya gelmi?ti... Nas?l oldu bilmiyorum, zenginle?tik?e, gü?lendik?e evli olmama ra?men son zamanlarda müthi? bir ?apk?nl?k krizine dü?mü?tüm. ??kili bir e?lencenin gecesinde ilk ad?m? att?m. Birlikte i? yapt???m?z Bursal? bir ipek kuma? üreten firman?n sahibesiyle i?kili bir gece yeme?inden d?nerken dekolte ipek elbisesinin ask?lar? omzundan dü?mü?tü. Soy ad? gibi ye?il ipek giysileri daha da ??ld?rt?yordu beni! G??üsleri neredeyse d??ar? f?rlamak üzereydi. Sarho? bir kad?n? otel odas?na b?rak?rken tam bir gece ?apk?n? gibi onun yata??na girmi?tim. Bu gen? evli bayanla her hafta ayn? otelde birlikte olmaya ba?lam??t?k… Halbuki ben zengin olmadan ve evlenmeden ?nce hi? de b?yle de?ildim. Bekarken bile hi?bir kad?n beni kolay elde edemiyordu. ?imdi ne olmu?tu bana? Kendime ?a??yor ve hayret ediyorum, nedense evlendikten sonra kad?n konusunda doyumsuz bir adam olmu?tum. Ve pe? pe?e gelen hatalar zincirleriyle i?imi ve aile ya?am?m? iyice bir fel? etmi?tim. Bekar ya?arken bile bundan daha edepli bir ya?ant?m vard?. Di?er yandan evli olmama ra?men, korumam alt?nda olmas? gereken ve i? arkada??m olan olduk?a ho? bir bayanla da birliktelik ya??yordum. Günübirlik ya?ad???m maceralar ise, daha da i?ren? bir ?eydi... ?ylesine maddi bir zenginlik ya??yordum ki, hi?bir krize sürüklenece?imi dü?ünmeden, asr?m?zdaki zenginlerine mahsus bir ?ekilde bolluk ve lüks i?inde ya?ay?p gitmeye ba?lam??t?m. Uysal, sab?rl?, merhametli, mütevaz?, insanca ya?amam gerekirken ben, Firavun gibi kibirlenip yüre?imi küstah?a hareketlere kapt?rm??t?m… YAZAR HAKKINDA: 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. 2003 y?l?nda "Talan Mevsiminde?Adam gibi ya?amak.” 2010 y?l?nda, ”Sokrates’in ?syan?.” Ve son olarak ta, Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de.” adl? kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor.??u anda sizler i?in de?i?ik konularda pek ?ok kitaplar daha haz?rlamaktad?r. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra sunaca??na inan?yor...
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
Jenny Smith
The secret to speaking English perfectly This is book one of the very popular series ‘150 Everyday Uses of English Prepositions’.In this final book we take you from intermediate to advanced usage. Do you sometimes worry if your English sounds broken? If you do then you should definitely? concentrate on improving your use of prepositions. Why? Because prepositions are literally the glue that stick English together. If you are not using them properly then your English will sound broken. This book will:Help you get a higher score in TOEFL and other tests.Help you sound more fluent.Improve your listening skills.Teach you real everyday English.Give you confidence that you are using English correctly. So if you are an elementary or intermediate English learner and want to take your language skills to the next level please get a copy today and never speak ‘broken English’ again.
Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship A hilarious sci fi action and adventure book for kid
Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship A hilarious sci fi action and adventure book for kid
John Arthur Nichol
The audiobook of Sascha Martin’s Rocket-Ship is free when you download this Kindle book! Eight year old Sascha Martin is always inventing things, so he knows how they work. Mostly. For class news time he brings in a rocket that towers over everyone, including the teacher … but he's written "Don't touch!" on the rocket, so what could possibly go wrong? "The story is 'poetry in motion' for rocket ships! Manuela Pentangelo has visually interpreted John's verse with all the best icons from rocketry and science in the gorgeous illustrations." Samantha Ridgway, scientist, mother, and record-holding Australian rocketeer. This children’s picture book is ideal for kids age 8-10, but readers of all ages, from beginners to preteens to adults, will love this wild, funny, deliciously silly adventure wrapped in verse that rhymes and Manuela Pentangelo’s beautiful full colour artwork. Inside, you’ll find a link to the free audiobook, so if you lose your voice reading Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship aloud, the audiobook can take over. "Delightful, rhyming story that keeps your fingers turning the pages." E. C. Kraeft, author of White Castle (Book One in her Elf Kingdoms series of children’s books). "I am the mother to an energetic young reader that loves all things books. I am constantly looking for new titles that we can read together and I believe I have struck gold with this one! … I was pleasantly surprised to discover the book rhymed throughout (we love rhymes!) and I must add that they are very well done! This book does a great job at turning an already fun story into one that you can practically sing together (which does wonders with a toddler!!)." Thomai Dion, author of the Think-a-Lot Tots early science readers. Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship is the first in a fun new series of children’s science fiction action and adventure books, about a kid who knows just enough to be really, really dangerous! Author Q&A Why do you write stories in verse? Well I’m compelled to write them. I don’t decide to write stories in verse. It’s something my mind does in the background. I’ll suddenly realise there’s this rhyming couplet in my mind and that it’s been there for a while, and it’s the start of a story. Then I have to work out the rest of that story, all in verse, and that’s just hard work. But it begins unconsciously. Mind you, I do love rhythm and rhyme and poetry. Kids do, too. There’s a poetry-shaped hole in everyone, as an Australian poet once said, and I think that’s right. What draws you to science fiction? I’ve always loved scifi. It’s what I read as a kid, as a teen, what I read now. Along with mystery and suspense. Scifi sets kids free so their imagination is the only limit. Monsters, aliens, dinosaurs, time travel, travel to the stars, portals to other worlds; you can have all that. With science fiction, kids are free to go anywhere in the universe - in any ‘verse, and it seem there might be lots of universes out there. As many universes as there are kids, at least. It’s a bit like magic. Kids love magic, and there are lots of kids who love sci fi. It’s cool. Sci fi is cool. What’s coming up in the Series? Time Travel next, and lots of kids humor. Book 2 is Sascha Martin’s Time Machine. Sascha invents a machine to take his class back in time, and of course there’s a glitch. Other books in the series have bizarre balls, zombies, aliens, dinosaurs, space-ships and portals, a bit of an apocalypse. So much action and adventure. But one of the books is really embarrassing, super-embarrassing, so kids will cringe even as they’re laughing. Illustrating books takes time, but there’ll be plenty of free sneak previews along the way so kids can get a glimpse of what's to come.
Adrienne Woods
Lots of Harry Potter-like qualities to this book. And a book any fan of the aforementioned series should check out! Jamie E. Amazon Reviewer Sometimes a "Young Adult" book is a great all around story. This is one of those books. By Barbara McKinley Amazon Reviewer This book is the BEST dragon book I've ever read! (After Eragon) THE BEST! I COULDN'T STAND THE AWESOMENESS!? Goodreads Reviewer With almost 1000 5star reviews on Goodreads, now is your chance to find out what makes Firebolt the next best read. Download your copy now and tell your friends all about it. Dragons. Right. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales, and sixteen-year old Elena Watkins was no different. Until the night a fairy tale killed her father. Now Elena’s in a new world, and a new school. The cutest guy around may be an evil dragon, a Prince wants Elena’s heart, and a long dead sorcerer may be waking up to kill her. Oh. And the only way Elena’s going to graduate is on the back of a dragon of her own. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales. Now it’s time for Elena to believe – in herself.
A megoldóember
A megoldóember
Roger Hobbs
Las Vegas, 1974. Kaszinók, szerencselovagok és a sivatag. Itt kezd?d?tt minden Jack Delton életében. Az els? kísértés, az els? b?n, az els? nagy kaszálás. A kamasz fiú itt tanulja meg, hogyan kell megfigyelni az embereket, hogyan kell a b?rük alá bújni, hogyan kell senkivé válni – hogy aztán évekkel kés?bb mint profi b?n?z? kamatoztathassa kül?nleges képességét az FBI ügyn?keivel és az alvilággal szemben. Jack Delton ugyanis nem létezik. A szakmában csak úgy ismerik: a Szellem. Nincs bankszámlája, nem használ útlevelet, nincs nyoma egyik nyilvántartásban sem. Nem lehet megfogni… Roger Hobbs huszonnégy évesen megírta els? nemzetk?zi bestsellerét. A Ghostman egy évvel kés?bb minden jelent?s kriminek járó irodalmi díjat bes?p?rt, huszon?t országban vették meg a kiadás jogait, és nagyszabású film készül bel?le. A rajongók kérésére Hobbs megírta Jack Delton el?t?rténetét, amelyben felfedi a Szellem valódi kilétét.
The World of Angels (Malaikah) In Islam Faith
The World of Angels (Malaikah) In Islam Faith
Muham Sakura Dragon
Angels or malaikah in arabic are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Quran and hadith. Unlike humans or jinn, they have no free will and therefore can do only what God orders them to do. An example of a task they carry out is testing individuals by granting them abundant wealth and curing their illness. Believing in angels is one of the six Articles of Faith in Islam. Just as humans are made of clay, and jinn are made of smokeless fire, angels are made of light.Muslims believe in the existence of angels.  In Islam there are six pillars of faith; belief in God, the One and Only, the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists, belief in His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day and divine predestination.Angels are part of the unseen world, but Muslims believe in their existence with certainty because God and His messenger, Muhammad, have provided us with information about them.  The angels were created by God in order to worship and obey Him..“They, (angels) disobey not, the Commands they receive from God, but do that which they are commanded.” (Quran 66:6)God created angels from light.  Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said, “The angels are created from light,”  We have no knowledge of when the angels were created, however, we do know that it was before the creation of humankind.  Quran explains that God told the angels of His intention to create a vicegerent on earth. (2:30)Muslims know that angels are beautiful creations.  In Quran 53:6 God describes the  angels  as  dhoo mirrah, this is an Arabic term that renowned Islamic scholars  define as,  tall and beautiful in appearance.Angels have wings, and can be very large.  There is nothing in either the Quran, or the traditions of Prophet Muhammad that indicate that angels are winged babies or have any form of gender.   We do know however, that angels are winged and some are extremely large.  From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad we know that the angel Gabriel’s great size filled “the space between heaven and earth”  and that he had six hundred wings.
A Mother Scorned
A Mother Scorned
Michele Bardsley
I didn’t intend to kill Teddy. Sure, I had motive (hated him), means (trusted to my care), and opportunity (no one else in the house), but really and truly, it was an accident...
Alkaline Diet Cookbook
Alkaline Diet Cookbook
Albert Rowland
Healthy Alkaline Food Recipes for You & Your Family! If you're trying to get healthy or lose weight, then following a diet focusing on alkaline foods may be just what you need. Alkaline foods, the vast majority of which are fruits and vegetables, are among the healthiest types and are frequently associated with the prevention and treatment of many diseases. We have collected over delicious and best selling recipes from around the world including soup recipes, salads, main dishes, side dishes, and much more. Enjoy! Eating foods that have an alkaline effect can lead to… Healthy Weight Better Digestion Clearer Skin More Energy Reducing Your Risk of Developing Diseases This diet helps cleanse your body of the harmful effects of an acidic diet. Alkalinity is the worst foe of acidity and this is just basic chemistry. In this book, you will learn how to counter acidity and excessive acidic environment present in the body with simple, yet very tasty recipes. In the course of the book, you will learn: What the alkaline diet is? The benefits of alkaline diet Alkaline foods checklist A wide variety of tasty yet easy to cook alkaline recipes. Don’t wait… Get this book now & enjoy the benefits for yourself!
Amazon Echo Dot:The Ultimate User Guide
Amazon Echo Dot:The Ultimate User Guide
Danielle Kinley
This book is a great guide for you to get started if you are a fan of getting the latest technologies at your house. The Echo Dot device looks like a dot, and there are a lot of benefits which it can bring to your life. You will see how it changes the lifestyle and help you out with keeping you updated with the external world and fixing your internal matters such as reminding you of important things. Echo Dot speaks to you when you set it up with different features which are present in this awesome device. If you have bought this device, then it is a must have to get this eBook. It will help you step by step to learn about the little device and the various features which are involved in it. You can make use of all the devices and enjoy your life without any worries or stress. If you are someone who does not know about Amazon Echo Dot then you should surely get this eBook because once you go through it, you won’t be able to resist getting the actual device. The more you learn about it, the more you would want to get it because of the ease it gives in your life. Especially if you are someone working and handling the house chores at the same time, then this can be best help for you to get done with the day without any obstacles or forgetting any important event. With this device, you will be remembering your events and won’t miss out of your loved ones.
Vegan Diet Vegan Diet Cookbook
Vegan Diet Vegan Diet Cookbook
Jason Clint
Vegan Diet has always been something superb. Whatever your reasons are for integrating vegan food to your life, Love Vegan will inspire you to cook beautiful authentic and traditional Mexican meals for all occasions, every night of the week. All recipes are designed to take no longer than 30 minutes preparation time No ‘artificial vegan meat’ or hard to find ingredients. All recipes are made up of ingredients that you would commonly have in your pantry or can easily find at your local supermarket. Authentic and traditional dishes which have been carefully refined to not include animal products yet still retain the taste, texture and flavor of your favorites.
Ketogenic Vegan:50 Healthy & Delicious Recipes For A Ketogenic Vegan Diet
Ketogenic Vegan:50 Healthy & Delicious Recipes For A Ketogenic Vegan Diet
Mark Routh
Vegan and ketogenic diets make for a surprisingly good pairing. It may not seem like it first, if you look at their contrasting carb and fat intake requirements. But by following the core principles of each, you get a program that’s much healthier and more effective.Specifically, the vegan keto program combines the no-animal-derived-food-products rule of the vegan diet and the low-carb-high-fat foundation of a ketogenic diet. A Ketogenic Vegan diet, is becoming more popular, not only among celebrities, but common people who want to lose weight without putting their bodies in a starvation mode. The fusion between Ketogenic and Vegan is the perfect deal for anyone who is conscious about their health. Based on thorough research, the contents of the book have been designed to help you reach an overall well being through healthy weight loss. While other "quick" weight loss methods end up being harmful, Ketogenic diet helps you keep your meals balanced and healthy. So, what are you waiting for? You'll find: Chapter 1 - Introduction To Ketogenic DietChapter 2 - Main Benefits Of A Ketogenic Diet Chapter 3 - Some Basic Principles Of Vegan Ketogenic Diet Chapter 4 - How To Lose Weight Faster Than Ever Before? Chapter 5 - Nutrient Rich Vegan Foods Chapter 6 - Balance Of Nutrients In A Ketogenic Diet Chapter 7 - Recipes Order your copy and start your journey today!
150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
Jenny Smith
Do you want to become more fluent in English?Do you want to understand everyday language and not just ‘textbook’ English?I taught English for many years and saw that many students get stuck at the high beginner/intermediate stage. They learn the basics and then can't move forward. This problem used to really frustrate me because I had lots of excellent students who were just stuck and eventually they would give up. I thought for a long time about what was wrong and then decided that it wasn't that the student didn't have ability but that what they were studying and how they were studying was not effective.I saw that even though they had good basic English they would read textbooks full of their native language (not English). I used to think 'why are they reading all this German etc about English and not just reading English instead. I decided to see if I could fix this problem. I started assigning students homework like 'watch this English drama with subtitles and then without' or 'read a? short article every night for a month'. I found the results were amazing. My students started becoming much more fluent and confident. This convinced me that the best way to become fluent was to read or watch real English that was interesting to the students. So I started writing short stories using easy to understand English mixed with idioms and phrasal verbs that native English speakers use all the time.In this book I have added explanations in English so you don't mix up English and German in your mind. I have also included easy to understand examples which I recommend you note down in your notebook so you can remember them easily. In my opinion, learning idioms, phrasal verbs and useful phrases is the best way to move your English forward as you will be using the vocabulary that English speakers use every day. If you would like to become more fluent and understand everyday English phrases then get stated today and press the button on the top right.