

Strategic Series Author: Plan, write and publish a series to maximize readership
Strategic Series Author: Plan, write and publish a series to maximize readership
Crystal Hunt
In this guide translated from the original French version. You advertise on Facebook, but you don't see any results? You'd like to start, but you're lost? Would you like to improve the performance of your ads and pay less ? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then this book is for you! This 35-page guide will teach you everything you need to know. You will learn in particular: - Create a Professional Facebook account?- To create advertising campaigns from A to Z- To create and structure an advertising account as professionals do- Install the "Facebook pixel" to track everything that happens on your site- The TIPA? method used by advertising professionals to reduce the price of their ads by half, and multiply their effectiveness And the best part?? This guide is dedicated to people who leave ZERO! The only thing you need is your computer. We explain everything step by step.? This guide is accessible to everyone, even if you have never advertised on Facebook! This guide was written by professional advertisers who have spent millions of euros on Facebook advertising.
Before The Lucy Walker Chronicles
Before The Lucy Walker Chronicles
Michael Lee Ables Jr.
Two separate stories leading to the upcoming "The Lucy Walker Series" ?find out?their stories a week before they met.Find out what happened to Lucy and her brother when they tried to get help in town. Learn what led Lee and his family to move from their home, and hide.
The Lucy Walker Chronicles Book 1
The Lucy Walker Chronicles Book 1
Michael Lee Ables Jr.
The Lucy Walker Chronicles Book #1 The Beginning: ?Follows a young girl in the midst of a thing(zombie) outbreak. ?She meets,?and falls in love with her neighbor Lee. ?Being the daughter of a man who worked for the government. She offers Lee and his family a place to live, and the technology to keep them safe. Will they be able to fight the hordes of things? ?Will Lucy be able to circumvent her uncle’s attempts at stealing her father’s technology? Will help come? Find out in this three book series .
The Day I Will Never Forget
The Day I Will Never Forget
Sharon Abimbola Salu
Ezekiel's homework assignment is quite simple: write an English composition, otherwise known as an essay, on the topic "The Day I Will Never Forget." There's only one problem: Ezekiel has no idea what to write. Why? Because the life of this 6 year old boy has been a series of very ordinary, forgettable days. But when his class teacher, the meticulous, rabbit-loving Miss Agbo announces that a prize will be awarded to the student with the best essay, the homework becomes a competition, which Ezekiel and his classmates are determined to win at all costs. As the deadline approaches, Ezekiel's life is visited by an array of dramatic episodes. Caught in the middle of all the drama is his teacher, Miss Agbo, who despite being a keen romantic has been unlucky in love. Will Ezekiel win? Will Miss Agbo finally find love? This heartwarming tale of primary school life in 1990s Nigeria is witty, nostalgic and unforgettable. This book is perfect for beginning readers, children who love reading funny chapter books and adults who enjoy reading African children's literature.
Japanese Folktales The Spirit of Chrysanthemum Flowers
Japanese Folktales The Spirit of Chrysanthemum Flowers
Xenosabrina Sakura
Many years ago there lived at the foot of the Mountains of Nambu, in Adachi gun, Saitama Prefecture, an old man named Kikuo, which means Chrysanthemum-Old-Man. Kikuo was a faithful retainer of Tsugaru; he was then called Sawada Hayato. Kikuo was a man of great bodily strength and fine appearance, and had much to do with the efficiency of the small fighting force which protected the feudal lord, the castle, and the estates. Nevertheless, an evil day came. The feudal lord's small force was overthrown; the estates and castle were lost. The lord and his faithful retainer, with the few survivors, escaped to the mountains, where they continued to think that a day might come when they would be able to have their revenge. During the enforced idleness Kikuo, knowing his lord's love of flowers (especially of the chrysanthemum), made his mind up to devote all his spare time to making chrysanthemum beds. The feudal lord was greatly pleased; but his cares and anxieties were not abated. He sickened and died in great poverty, much to the sorrow of Kikuo and the rest of his followers. Kikuo wept night and day over the humble and lonely grave; but he busied himself again to please the spirit of his lord by planting chrysanthemums round the tomb and tending them daily. By and by the border of flowers was thirty yards broad—to the wonder of all who saw....
Letras al crucificado
Letras al crucificado
Aarón D. Ruiz
En cierta manera, este libro es una extensión natural del trabajo que hacemos en “Se?or Dios, dirígenos”; pues esta es una colección de textos escritos de manera personal, íntima, y honesta acerca de Jesús, el crucificado. Entre quienes escribimos estas letras, hay estudiantes, prestadores de servicio social, graduados, voluntarios, músicos, misioneros, y empleados que tienen la fortuna de poder experimentar la vida de maneras muy distintas los unos de los otros.Algunos pertenecen al área de las ciencias exactas, otros a las ciencias sociales, y hasta de las ciencias de la salud. Además, somos de escuelas públicas, de escuelas privadas, y hasta de escuela en casa; y todavía más, vivimos en diferentes ciudades de México. En esta peque?a obra, podrás encontrar una increíble variedad de perspectivas y experiencias de vida que están siendo transformadas por una misma persona: Jesús, el crucificado. Además, este libro está compuesto por una colección interesante de tipos de textos... poemas, reflexiones, oraciones, canciones, y otros más. Con mucha emoción, cada uno de nosotros y nosotras quisiéramos invitarte, no sólo a encontrarte con el Maestro en las hojas de esta antología, sino a escribir tú mismo… a escribirle letras al crucificado. Soli Deo Gloria.
Dear Morenike:The Sequel to Dear Obajimi
Dear Morenike:The Sequel to Dear Obajimi
Sharon Abimbola Salu
Set in the '90s, this sequel to Dear Obajimi is told from the perspective of the missing spouse. In 1998, the same year Morenike writes to her husband, Obajimi pens one long letter in response. His letter examines his own point of view of their marriage, dwelling on issues of identity, love, trust and commitment. Ultimately, he answers the question Morenike, his now estranged wife, asked in her final letter. Told in the voice of the husband, this?short story explores the challenges that threaten the fragile relationship of a young African couple. Can there be forgiveness, healing and second chances after abandoning a spouse?
Eroi de Demult (Edi?ia rom?n?): Epopeei Sabia Zeilor (Episod 1x01)
Eroi de Demult (Edi?ia rom?n?): Epopeei Sabia Zeilor (Episod 1x01)
Anna Erishkigal
Colonelul Mikhail Manniki'ili din For?ele Speciale Angelice se treze?te r?nit mortal ?n nava pr?bu?it?. Cea care ?l salveaz? are o putere misterioas? de a vindeca. Dar cine l-a dobor?t pe Mikhail? ?i de ce? Ninsianna a avut ?ntotdeauna o rela?ie special? cu zei?a. Descende dintr-o linie lung? de ?amani ?i vindec?tori. C?nd fuge ?n de?ert pentru a sc?pa de c?s?toria for?at? cu fiul arogant al Conduc?torului, ultimul lucru la care se a?teapt? este s? cad? din cer un om cu aripi. ?n tot acest timp, ?n rai, Primul-ministru Lucifer, fiul adoptat al ?mp?ratului Etern, coace un plan pentru a trece peste dorin?ele tat?lui s?u nemuritor. Este o lupt? pe via?? ?i pe moarte ?n aceast? prim? parte a repovestirii sci-fi Sabia Zeilor despre mitul ?ngerilor c?zu?i. Limba rom?n? - Romanian language
Burhan Bey
Burhan Bey
Halit Fuat Beşik
Mevsim, k?? ortas?yd?! Günlerce ya?murla ?slanm??t? ?stanbul! Bütün hafta f?rt?nayla, karla, so?ukla insanlar?n can?n ??kar. Sonra da insanlara ?ektirdi?ine pi?man olmu? gibi bir sevimlili?e büründü. ?stanbul bu, bir bakm??s?n?z f?rt?na dinmi?, güne? a?m??, bir bakm??s?n?z aniden kar ya?m??. ?stanbul b?yledir i?te… Parlayan güne?i f?rsat bilen binlerce insan sokaklara d?külür. Kimi bo?azda, kimi k?prüde, kimi deniz k?y?s?nda oltas?yla bal?k tutuyor, kimileri vapurla adalara gidiyor, kimi Emin?nü’ne, kimi al?? veri? merkezlerine, ya da kar?n tad?n? ??karmak i?in Belgrat ormanlar?na gidiyor… Bu gün hava karl?yd? ve tipik ?stanbul hali i?te! Zalim bir ?ehirdir ?u ?stanbul! Tehlike ?ok ama, bir o kadar da güzeldir. Sana hep ihanet eder ve sen yine onu sevmeye devam edersin. “?stanbul’u sevmeyen g?nül, a?k? ne anlar!” demi?ler ?airler ve bu s?zü bo?una s?ylememi?ler! Bir bakm??s?n?z güzel bir gün ge?irirken onu bozacak birisi mutlaka ??kar. Sanki ?stanbul’un de?i?mez bir kurald?r bu! Onu o kadar iyi tan?m?? durumday?m ki, hakk?nda ciltler dolusu kitap bile yazabilirim... ? ? ? Halit Fuat Be?ik kimdir? 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir… Yazar?n ?al??malar?; "TALAN MEVS?M?NDE ADAM G?B? YA?AMAK", "SOKRATES’?N ?SYANI", "HA?LILAR ?ANAKKALEDE", "Y?Z ELL? YA?INDAK? ADAM", "TEVRATIN ?OCUKLARI VE KURAN", "AR?F’?N ?L?M?", "???RLE A?LAMAK", "K???K MAHMUT ?LE KOCA BAYRAM", "VEN?S GEZEGEN?NDE ?SYAN", "ADEME MEKTUPLAR" gibi Kur-an ahlak?na dayal?, ama daha cüretk?r ve farkl? konuda yaz?lm?? kitaplard?r. ?Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. “Talan Mevsiminde Adam gibi ya?amak”, “Sokrates’in ?syan?”, “Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de”, “Tevrat’?n ?ocuklar? ve Kur-an”, “Yüz Elli Ya??ndaki Adam”, “?iirle A?lamak”, “Kü?ük Mahmut ile Koca Bayram”, “Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan” ve “Adem’e Mektuplar” isimli kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunaca??na inan?yor... ?imdilik, ya??yor i?te…
Герои на миналото: Новела (Епизод 1x01)
Герои на миналото: Новела (Епизод 1x01)
Anna Erishkigal, Анна Ерешкигал
Ангелски военновъздушни сили, полковник Михаил Маннуки‘или се събужда смъртоносно ранен в разбития си кораб. Жената, която спасява живота му, има невероятната способност да лекува. Но кой е стрелял и e свалил кораба на Михаил? И защо? . Нинсианна винаги е имала специални отношения с богинята. Тя идва от голям род на шамани и лечители. Когато изчезва в пустинята, за да избяга от насилствен брак с арогантния син на вожда, последното нещо, което очаква, е от небето да падне крилат човек! . Междувременно на небето министър-председателят Луцифер, осиновеният син на Вечния император, разкрива план за погазване на желанията на безсмъртния си баща. . Това е животът или смъртта в първата част от епичния научно-фантастичен разказ за мита за падналите ангели – Меч на боговете. . Тази книга НЕ е религиозна измислица! . Български език, български книги -Bulgarian language
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI: terceiras leituras
Fic??o brasileira no século XXI: terceiras leituras
Helena Bonito Pereira
n aceast carte vom vorbi despre acele boli, care ne fac s ne ntrebm: Oare triesc corect, oare am contiina curat, oare nu sunt prea gelos, prea invidios sau prea iritat“ Sursele i mecanismele acestor boli sunt asigurate de defecte ale sferei noastre spirituale i nu de factori externi. Aceste boli se numesc boli karmice. Cum s ne lecuim de acestea i s nvm s trim conform legilor i ritmurilor cosmice Cum s fim n armonie cu noi nine, cu lumea nconjurtoare, cum s avem succes i s devenim oameni sntoin aceast carte: predispoziia zodiacal la anumite boli; legtura dintre Lun i sntate; mecanismul apariiei i tratrii bolilor karmice; legtura dintre boli i strile negative; mbuntirea karmei i ndeprtarea cmpurilor energetice strine.
Interpretarea electrodinamic? a fenomenelor fizice produse de particulele atomic
Interpretarea electrodinamic? a fenomenelor fizice produse de particulele atomic
Negrușa Ilie
Un fost profesor de limbi clasice se treze?te ?ntr-o camer? de hotel din Lisabona, dup? ce, seara precedent?, se culcase, ca de obicei, ?n apartamentul s?u din Amsterdam. Aflat la grani?a dintre realitate ?i vis, Herman Mussert retr?ie?te zilele de pasiune pe care le-a petrecut ?n Portugalia, ?n acela?i pat, cu dou?zeci de ani ?n urm?, c?nd a cunoscut pentru prima dat? pl?cerea erotic?. Trecutul ?i prezentul sunt cuprinse ?n doar dou? secunde, at?t c?t ?ine de fapt monologul final al lui Mussert.
Rongyos királyság
Rongyos királyság
Saláth Barbara
A Blackwater napjaink legrejtélyesebb és legellentmondásosabb vállalata. A korábban a SEAL-nél, az amerikai haditengerészet elit alakulatánál szolgáló Eric Prince által 1997-ben alapított vállalkozás olyan, kül?nleges katonai alakulatoktól leszerelt veteránok és civilek toborzásával és kiképzésével foglalkozott, akik elég képzettek és bátrak voltak ahhoz, hogy elvállalják a világ legveszélyesebb ?rz?-véd? feladatait. A cég hírnevével együtt n?tt a szolgáltatásai iránti kereslet, olyannyira, hogy a Blackwater emberei ?sszesen k?zel százezer küldetést hajtottak végre Irakban és Afganisztánban. A cég a Bush- és az Obama-kormányzat számára is nélkül?zhetetlennek bizonyult. Ezek alapján klasszikus üzleti sikert?rténetnek is t?nhetne a Blackwater sorsának alakulása, csakhogy volt valami, ami beárnyékolta a sikert: a cég ellen zajló világméret? lejárató hadjárat. Az egy kaptafára íródott híradásokban és a valóságot durván elferdít? regényekben és filmekben a Blackwater alkalmazottait hol zsoldosoknak, hol gátlástalan profitvadászoknak, hol pedig primitív, er?szakos vadállatoknak állították be. Mivel a Pentagonnal, a Külügyminisztériummal és a CIA-val k?t?tt szerz?dései titoktartásra k?telezték, Prince kénytelen volt csendben t?rni, ahogy ellenfelei zavartalanul terjesztik a téves információkat róla és a vállalkozásáról. Most azonban végre elmondhatja a cég felemelkedésének és bukásának teljes és gyakran megd?bbent? t?rténetét. Az Amerika szolgálatában Prince kíméletlen ?szinteséggel meséli el a Blackwater-sztori minden részletét. Prince nem próbálja hibátlannak beállítani magát, és nem hallgatja el magánélete néha fájdalmas részleteit sem, ugyanakkor nagy szolgálatot tesz a k?zvéleménynek azzal, hogy tiszta vizet ?nt a pohárba. Az Amerika szolgálatában t?rténete izgalmas, akár egy thrilleré, de valószer?tlenebb, mint amit a képzelet alkothat.
Zsáner-füzetek 1.: Romantikától a thrillerig
Zsáner-füzetek 1.: Romantikától a thrillerig
Zsanna Egri, G.G. Doe, Hallie Nadal, Stephanie Ford, Mária Tiszlavicz, Rita Velencei, Victoria Green
Budai Rebeka élete tizenhat évesen fenekestül felfordult, amikor posztolt a barátja falára egy szemrehányó, egy szál gitáros dalt, a Késtélt. Azóta ? Bexi, aki immár a második lemezén dolgozik, a dal ugyanis óriási sláger lett és országos hírnevet hozott számára. K?rte, a tetoválóm?vészb?l avanzsált menedzser épp egy tévés fellépést szervezett le a Pop/Rock sztár leszek! d?nt?jébe, ahol Beki a legesélyesebb versenyz? duettpartnere lesz. Nagy Márk nemcsak az énekhangjával, hanem külsejével is belopta magát a n?i néz?k szívébe, de Bekivel már nehezebb dolga lesz...
Щоб не забули. Пам'ять про тотал?таризм в ?вроп?
Щоб не забули. Пам'ять про тотал?таризм в ?вроп?
Джиліан Певез
Este manual foi concebido com o objetivo de introduzir alguns conceitos, sistematizar os conhecimentos existentes e nortear o Programa de Vigil?ncia em Saúde da Toxoplasmose Congênita no município de Londrina. [...] [trecho retirado da Apresenta??o do livro]
Ukray Unified Field Theory: "An Approach to Electrogravity Unification"
Ukray Unified Field Theory: "An Approach to Electrogravity Unification"
Murat Ukray
The Virgin of the Sun was written in the year 1922 by Henry Rider Haggard. This book is one of the most popular novels of Henry Rider Haggard, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Jenny Smith
Want to take your business English to the next level? Most textbooks teach the same things; presentations, speaking on the phone etc. This is great at the beginning, but if you are going to succeed, you’ll need more. You need to be able to walk into any business situation and feel seriously confident. That is why I wrote this book; to help you go from good to great. To really master business English. Learn: 90 essential words and phrases that will give you an edge in the business world. Improve by using examples: We have included many examples, so you can get a real feel for how to use these business words and phrases. Master: the language in the following essential business English topics. General business English. Start-ups. Online business. Finance. This book is the perfect stepping stone from ‘textbook’ business English to the ‘real’ language that will help you excel in the business world. If you are ready to truly advance, press the buy button and get started today.
Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Halit Fuat Beşik
Kitap ??in ?ns?z ??lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin pek renkli ge?mi? olmas? ve sonra da Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Anlad?m ki, mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m… Art?k bu ?lemde, benim anlatmam gereken baz? ?eylerin zaman? geldi. Ben ki, en derine g?mülmü?, sesi solu?u kesilmi? bir yazar iken, atm?? ya??mdan sonra benli?im, Kur-an’la yava? yava? uyand? ve onun a??lad??? bir cesaretle yazmaya ba?lad?m… ???lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin, pek renkli ge?mi? olmas?, Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Biz de bu malzemeyi sanatk?rca kullanmaya ?al??t?k. ANLADIM K?, Mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? yeni ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m. Art?k ?nümüzdeki yüzy?llar Kur-an ?a?? olmal?d?r ve dünya kurtulu?u de?i?ik sapk?n y?ntemlerde aramamal?! Yeryüzünde h?kim olan dinsizli?i ?ürütmek, Kur-an ahlak?n?n tüm dünyada a??k?a g?rülmesini sa?lamak ve insanl??? hi?bir zaman olmad??? kadar mutlu edecektir. Ger?ekten buradan yola ??karak Kur-an’daki i? huzura, bar??a, mutlulu?a insanlar? mutlaka tan??t?rmak laz?md?r. Ger?ekten de dünyadaki sapk?nl?klara, dertlere, belalara asla Kur-an’dan ba?ka kimse ??züm bulamaz…
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
David J. Bookbinder
The Battle for Balance is a life and death struggle. Stay balanced, and we enjoy life to the fullest. Lose balance, and life gets hard. In The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World, life coach and psychotherapist David J. Bookbinder shows you how to stay on top of the forces that unbalance us, recover quickly if you get knocked down, and be prepared whenever life's unbalancers throw you a curve ball.? The Art of Balance doesn't just "give a man a fish," so he can eat that day. It teaches you how to fish. Time-tested self-help tools and techniques are integrated into a system that helps you create your own tools, develop your own techniques, refine your own strategies--and thereby become the master of your destiny.This Cheat Sheet is a quick overview of the six-step system for restoring and maintaining life balance described in The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World.
Alligator Jokes
Alligator Jokes
Jeo King
Best?Alligator Jokes?The ten funniest jokes ever according to?science
A haldokló részvényes
A haldokló részvényes
Kondor Vilmos
Ingyenes tartalom - T?ltsd le Kondor Vilmos Szélhámos Budapest k?tetéhez készült el?novellát. Kondor Vilmos nemzetk?zi siker? B?n?s Budapest regényfolyamát már nem kell bemutatni az olvasónak. A szerz? legújabb regénye a Budapest Noir el?zményt?rténete, amelyb?l fény derül Gordon Zsigmond ifjúkorára, a t?zsdekrachok éveire és kedvenc zsurnalisztánk els? pesti ügyére, amelyet a már ismert kalandok sora k?vet. Kondor e-novellája is a korszak hírhedt vagy éppen pitiáner szélhámosainak, svindlereinek, és persze az átverésekhez elengedhetetlen palimadarainak világába vezeti olvasóit, egy igencsak példaérték? ?kopasztás" leírásával, amib?l az ifjú Gordon Zsigmond is kivette a részét. A k?tet ingyenes, let?ltéséhez válaszd az ek?nyv megvásárlását, majd a fizetés tárcáról opciót a fizetés harmadik lépésekor.
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