

Money Matters  Bitcoin Buzz Report
Money Matters Bitcoin Buzz Report
Hillary Scholl
Money Matters Bitcoin Buzz Report
Travessias pela literatura portuguesa: estudos críticos de Saramago a Vieira
Travessias pela literatura portuguesa: estudos críticos de Saramago a Vieira
Aldinida Medeiros
Dup? ce a pus s?-i fie ucis? prima so?ie, Ludovic al X-lea Ar??gosul se c?s?tore?te cu frumoasa ?i cucernica prin?es? Clémence a Ungariei. Viitorul coroanei pare ?n sf?r?it asigurat, iar onoarea regelui, reparat?. Un r?zboi dezastruos ?mpotriva flamanzilor, ambi?iile puternicilor nobili ?i incapacitatea regelui de a guverna amenin?? ?ns? stabilitatea regatului. ?n cele din urm?, nimeni nu este imun la otrav?… Pentru prima dat? dup? trei sute de ani, un rege al Fran?ei moare f?r? a l?sa un mo?tenitor de sex masculin.
满3件6折 TOPIKI(初级)考纲语法
TOPIK I(初级)考纲语法得到TOPIK考试出题方——韩国国立国语院的官方授权,由TOPIK真题授权机构——韩国教育振兴研究会专门针对中国TOPIK考生开发。语法大纲按照连接语尾、终结语尾、复合表达(惯用型)、先语末语尾、助词、定语语尾、名词型转性语尾和否定副词进行分类。书中,每个语法条目包含对应的释义、语法解释、接续方式、真题例句。本书作为TOPIK I(初级)的考试指南,旨在为TOPIK考生、韩语学习者和韩语教师提供TOPIK语法条目的依据。
满3件6折 N4汉字、词汇:新日语能力考试考前对策
百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。全文翻译,单词标调,扫码听书。200个核心汉字归类记,500个核心词汇,42次自测,6次模拟考。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题的全文翻译;②全部单词标注音调;③外教配音扫码即听。 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第3周彻底掌握N4级200个核心汉字,全部单词标注音调、配英汉翻译,更有反义词、特殊读音等拓展内容。 第4周到第6周彻底掌握N4级500个核心词汇,归类记忆事半功倍,词组短句现学现用,更有错误用法、注意事项等拓展内容。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!
    二年级教学使用。本册共分12课,另设2次复习测试。教材从生活、学 习、工作场景的描述等角度着手,深浅出地传授语音、词汇、句型等 基础语法和相关文化知识。通过本套教材的学习,希望能够逐步培养学 生扎实的葡萄牙语听、说、读、写、译等综合语言能力,并拓展其对葡语国家文化的基础认知。  
From the Wizarding Archive (Volumes 1 & 2)
From the Wizarding Archive (Volumes 1 & 2)
J·K· Rowling
If you've ever wondered why Squibs are never offered a place at Hogwarts, what happened when Vernon Dursley first met James Potter, or how Dumbledore and McGonagall formed their lifelong friendship, From the Wizarding Archive should go straight to the top of your reading list. Containing 80 articles and anecdotes written by J.K. Rowling for the original Pottermore website, Harry PotterTM fans everywhere are in for a treat. If there's one thing Harry Potter fans have in common (apart from impeccably good taste), it's questions... so many questions. From the simple details that perplex us all - was Professor Umbridge always that awful? Why don't wizards just use phones? - to the personal details that bring us closer to J.K. Rowling's writing process - from her least favourite school subject and its impact on Professor Snape's career, to the personal significance of King's Cross and why it's always where the Hogwarts Express departs - this is a veritable treasure trove of answers. With editorial writing linking and exploring the articles in greater depth than ever before, plus an exclusive foreword by Evanna Lynch, this is essential reading for any Harry Potter afficionado. These articles were originally featured on pottermore.com and are still free, and available to read in English, on the official Wizarding World website. Note: This eBook is also available as two separate volumes. The articles in Volume 2 were previously published as three Pottermore Presents eBooks. If you already own those, you might prefer to read From the Wizarding Archive: Volume 1 instead of the combined edition. Pottermore Limited will be donating author royalties to the Lumos Foundation on behalf of J.K. Rowling, expected to be equivalent to a minimum of ?1 (or the local currency equivalent) for each copy of From the Wizarding Archive sold. The Lumos Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales with charity number 1112575.
Mastering Python Regular Expressions
Mastering Python Regular Expressions
Félix López
A short and straight to the point guide that explains the implementation of Regular Expressions in Python. This book is aimed at Python developers who want to learn how to leverage Regular Expressions in Python. Basic knowledge of Python is required for a better understanding.
My Weird School Daze #2: Mr. Sunny Is Funny!
My Weird School Daze #2: Mr. Sunny Is Funny!
Gutman, Dan
A.J.'s family rented a beach house for the summer, and you'll never guess in a million hundred years who rented the house next door. Well, you have to read the book to find out. So nah-nah-nah boo-boo on you!* *Okay, okay, it's Andrea and her family. And she has a monster crush on Mr. Sunny, the hunky (but weird) lifeguard. Ooooh! When are they gonna get married?
Polly's Pride
Polly's Pride
Freda Lightfoot
From Sunday Times bestselling author, Freda Lightfoot. From brief riches to rural rags and ruin… 1920s, Manchester. Living in the deprived area of Ancoats area of Manchester Polly Pride feels more fortunate than most until her husband Matthew loses his job and her life is thrown into turmoil. With no money coming in Polly must act to keep her family from starvation. In a desperate gamble she sells all the family goods and buys a handcart, from which she sells second-hand rugs and carpets. But struggling to deal with poverty and her husband’s hurt pride are only the start of her problems. For when tragedy strikes Polly has to do battle with the bigotry of a sour brother-in-law to keep herself and her family from falling apart. A stirring, heartrending story of love, passion, duty and family, set in the 1920s as the Second World War looms. Praise for Freda Lightfoot ’ Freda's books are a joy to read - her characters are so believable and richly drawn - they’re satisfying page turners!’ – Anne Bennett
满3件6折 超简单法语单词书一学就会
《超简单法语单词书 一学就会》法语单词网络联想速记法,新的法语学习法大公!每单元都有文字引导您由特定的主题,通过互联 网络记忆相关词汇,配合着网络图,可以加深对单词的印象。
Team Management (Collins Business Secrets)
Team Management (Collins Business Secrets)
Rus Slater
The team management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Team Management Includes how to: ? Understand how different personalities interact in a team ? Set up clear structures and goals for your team ? Implement change effectively and as painlessly as possible ? Overcome personality clashes and team difficulties ? Manage your team so that it delivers fantastic results
满3件6折 应急旅游韩语口语:韩国旅游看这本就够了
《应急旅游韩语口语:韩国旅游看这本就够了》陪你畅游韩国7大法宝: 1.内容超全面,出国旅行实用场景全覆盖 登机入境、乘车自驾、酒店住宿、餐饮美食、逛街购物、游览美景、突发应急,涵盖出国旅游会遇到的各种情况 2.开本超实用,零负担畅游韩国口袋书 旅游指南通用小开本设计,方便随身携带,真正实现走到哪儿用到哪儿 3.汉字谐音标注,马上开口说韩语 出国旅行沟通很重要,不懂韩语没关系,汉字谐音来帮忙,认识汉字就能说韩语 4.真正全彩图解,超多实景图片一指就通 重点词汇,配有精美实景彩图,看图就能找到想要说的那个词,动动手指就明白 5.海量旅游口语关键句,一句顶一万句 一句话解决大问题,你想说的那句话&你可能听到的那句话,精准定位,方便查找 6.真实场景模拟对话,和韩国人聊上两句也OK 旅游口语进阶方案,按主题设计真实对话场景, 7.超值附赠旅行攻略,韩国旅行你必须要知道的那些事 图解签证、入境、报关,手把手教你看得懂、填得准;韩国基本印象,让你次迈出国门也胸有成竹
满3件6折 日语入门教程
旨在借助简明实用的内容构建起因人制宜的教程,以利于有志赴日研修的同学通过短期强化具备简单的听说能力。主要特色如下:   ①重“听说”,轻“笔头”。突出言语的交流功能,严防“哑巴”日语。   ②语法讲解简明扼要,通过开门见山、浅显易懂的解释使学生殊途同归地掌握基本句式框架和基本助词用法。   ③将歌谣式课文导入日语入门期,辅以相应听力材料;通过歌曲等多媒体手段激发学生学习热情,有助于学生牢记平、片假名。   ④句型训练时,须有大量例句作支撑。同一句型框架下选用的代替词汇要具有高频性,即突出实用效果。   ⑤循序渐进地推进“简单场景对话练习”,加大口试在复习题中的比重。兼顾日常会话的适用性、词汇句型的简约性和解释分析的明了性。
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Vance, Ashlee
South African born Elon Musk is the renowned entrepreneur and innovator behind PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity. Musk wants to save our planet; he wants to send citizens into space, to form a colony on Mars; he wants to make money while doing these things; and he wants us all to know about it. He is the real-life inspiration for the Iron Man series of films starring Robert Downey Junior. The personal tale of Musk’s life comes with all the trappings one associates with a great, drama-filled story. He was a freakishly bright kid who was bullied brutally at school, and abused by his father. In the midst of these rough conditions, and the violence of apartheid South Africa, Musk still thrived academically and attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he paid his own way through school by turning his house into a club and throwing massive parties. He started a pair of huge dot-com successes, including PayPal, which eBay acquired for $1.5 billion in 2002. Musk was forced out as CEO and so began his lost years in which he decided to go it alone and baffled friends by investing his fortune in rockets and electric cars. Meanwhile Musk’s marriage disintegrated as his technological obsessions took over his life ... Elon Musk is the Steve Jobs of the present and the future, and for the past twelve months, he has been shadowed by tech reporter, Ashlee Vance. Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping our Future is an important, exciting and intelligent account of the real-life Iron Man.
满3件6折 30天韩语入门:漫画图解学韩语
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Thomas Hardy
Classic Hardy novel. According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Hardy, (1840 – 1928) was an English author of the naturalist movement, though he regarded himself primarily as a poet and composed novels mainly for financial gain. The bulk of his work, set mainly in the semi-fictional land of Wessex, delineates characters struggling against their passions and circumstances. Hardy's poetry, first published in his 50s, has come to be as well regarded as his novels, especially after The Movement of the 1950s and 1960s."
The Story of My Life
The Story of My Life
Helen Keller
The Story of My Life
满3件6折 完全掌握.新韩国语能力考试TOPIK:10000单词随身带(初中高级)
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