The World’s Best Football Jokes
Sick as a parrot becasue the big match has been cancelled or the TV’s broken down? Then this brilliant collection of the very best football jokes ever will soon have you over the moon – and rolling in the aisles.A group of flies were playing football in a saucer, using a lump of sugar as a ball. One of them said, ‘We’ll have to do better than this, lads – we’re playing in the cup tomorrow!’Whether you are a football widow or a fanatical follower of the game, an aspiring World Cup star or a part-time referee, this book contains all you ever need to know about the trials, tribualations – and hilarities – of this great British sport.
Holiday Jokes
At a small seaside hotel, a young lady on holiday was sunning herself on the flat roof, clad only in a tiny bikini. Deciding that she might as well get an all-over tan, she glanced round to make sure that the roof was not overlooked and then removed her bikini. As she lay there on her stomach, the hotel manager suddenly appeared and said, ‘We don’t allow nude sunbathing up here, miss!’
The World’s Best Skiing Jokes
‘Why the hell did you write that insurance policy for a 96-year-old man going on a skiing holiday?’ shouted the manager at the travel clerk.‘Well,’ said the clerk, ‘I checked the records and no one of that age has ever had a skiing accident.’The skier came to a stop at the end of the run and threw his poles, hat and gloves to the ground as he snorted in disgust, ‘I’ve never skied so badly before!’‘Oh,’ probed an interested instructor, ‘you mean to say you’ve skied before?’
Ketogenic Diet Beginner's Guide Your Weight Loss Journey is About to Begin!
Have you tried endless diets in the past and always found they simply didn’t work for you? You were probably hungry, right? Who wants to be hungry when they don’t have to be? Nobody! The bottom line is that a diet should be a lifestyle change, and in order to make that change you need some guidelines and structure – enter the Keto Diet. This low carbohydrate diet is a fantastic way to achieve a healthier lifestyle overall, whilst losing a significant amount of weight, and not being hungry! Yes, you heard that right, no hunger!The Beginner’s Guide to the Ketogenic Diet takes you through the beginning of your Keto Diet journey, giving you all the information you need to not only understand the mechanics of the diet, but also giving you ideas and hints and tips, making kick-starting your new lifestyle much easier than it would be otherwise. Packed with useful advice, consider this book your Keto Diet buddy!
Mindful Eating
Common sense tells us that to lose weight, we must eat less and exercise more. But somehow we get stalled. We start on a weight loss program with good intentions but we cannot stay on track. Neither the countless numbers of fad diets, nor the annual spending of $50 billion on weight loss efforts are helping us feel better or lose weight. With Mindful Eating, world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung join together to show us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all.
A Brief History of Crisps
A tasty trip down memory lane, perfect for crisp fanatics. A colourful, witty and irreverent encyclopedia of all the crisps of your youth. The authors have been given access to the archives, factories and warehouses of some of the leading crisp manufacturers in the country and have delivered a book that is packed full of fascinating historical research… … and lots and lots of crisps. A ‘Brief History of Crisps’ originally featured in ‘The Great British Tuck Shop’, the ultimate book of sweetie nostalgia.
A Brief History of Chocolate
An illustrated guide to chocolate that every self-respecting chocoholic should read. Do you remember when a Snickers was a Marathon? And when you could burst in to a sweet shop and ask for ‘an Oliver Twist, two Tiffins and a Big Wig, please!’ and keep a straight face? Those were the good days: when a Dairy Milk bar was 22p and you’d never seen anything as big as a Wagon Wheel. Revisit some of your forgotten favourites and current addictions, as Steve Berry and Phil Norman take you on a tour of cocoa’s finest moments. Fully illustrated with hundreds of wrappers, ads and pack shots, ‘A Brief History of Chocolate’ brings together research from the archives, factories and warehouses of some of the leading chocolate manufacturers in the country to create a book that is packed full of fascinating historical research… … and lots and lots of chocolate. Warning: may contain nuts A ‘Brief History of Chocolate’ originally featured in ‘The Great British Tuck Shop’, the ultimate book of sweetie nostalgia.
The Holocaust: History in an Hour
Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour. The Holocaust, in which 11 million people died, was the largest atrocity of the 20th century and perhaps the hardest to understand. Approximately 6 million Jews and 5 million others including Roma people, Poles, Russian prisoners of war, political prisoners, homosexuals, people of colour, Jehovah's Witnesses, and various other minorities were first persecuted and then murdered. How, both morally and logistically, had this came to happen? From received sentiments of anti-Semitism at the beginning of the 20th century, through the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party, to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 and finally Second World War, the victimisation of these minorities intensified beyond precedent. With the complicity of a nation hatred became policy. Under the control of sadists, bureaucrats and even ordinary soldiers, irrational acts were then enacted on an industrial scale, and with the use of concentration camps, Western Europe witnessed its most shocking treatment of humanity in modern history. Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour…
Хроники Атлантиды. Книга первая - Фантастика. Роман
По причине колонизации планеты Доринго оккупационными силами принц Энилот Атлантис с горсткой приближенных вынужден навсегда покинуть свою родину. Найдя пристанище на задворках галактики, на планете под названием Земля, он основывает новую цивилизацию, имя которой Атлантида. Но судьба играет с ним по своим правилам, и, сам того не подозревая, Атлантис становится пешкой в большой политической игре, которая длится уже миллионы лет. Молодой американец по имени Моузли Гук случайно находит древние артефакты, оказавшиеся архивными документами атлантов, и раскрывает всему миру правду о легендарном острове Атлантида, который вот уже несколько тысяч лет будоражит умы человечества. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Унция Роман-фантазия. Музыкальное фэнтези Иллюстрованное издание
Пражский математик Якоб Пуп открывает формулу эфира, дающего возможность путешествовать по сердцам людей. Там он встречает воплощение вселенской любви и пытается создать из её лучей средство от страха и темноты в человеческой душе. История гениального ученого и мифической дриады в ?Унции? переплетается с романтическим приключением двух подростков, которым угрожает смертельная опасность. Волшебное действие с участием невероятных существ, полное чудесных превращений, раскрывает перед читателем невидимый мир, более значимый, чем зримый повседневный. Написанная с юмором и пронизанная музыкой и светом, эта книга для тех, кто нуждается в любви и надеется на бесконечное путешествие Жизни. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Представляем вам сборник сказок для детей, сочетающий в себе как традиционное (увлекательный текст и красочные иллюстрации), так и современное мультимедийное содержание. В книге собраны десять поучительных и волшебных историй о приключениях жителей Дружного леса, прочитанных великолепным голосовым актером Александром Водяным. Главной задачей автора при написании этой книги было научить детей дружбе, гуманному отношению друг к другу, умению создавать хорошее настроение себе и окружающим. И все это без лишнего морализаторства. Каждая сказка — это короткая и смешная история. Книга будет интересна и взрослым читателям, которые с ее помощью смогут вернуться в мир детства, из которого мы все вышли. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Действие первой книги романа ?Рок? разворачивается в Сицилии и далее на ?чёрном континенте?, в Африке, в период столкновения двух мегаполисов Древнего мира – Рима и Карфагена. Читателя ждут невероятно увлекательные приключения, где судьбы главных героев переплетаются паутиной войны и паутиной тайны, которую они пытаются раскрыть, борясь с невидимыми врагами. Развёрнутые красочные описания сражений, морских битв, быт, нравы того времени – все это доставит, пытливому, думающему человеку не только удовольствие от прочтения, но и повод задуматься о происходящем в мире в наше время. Этот динамичный роман написан для самой широкой читательской аудитории. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Чудо в перьях - Сказки для подростков
Свою новую экзотическую повесть о зверях и людях ?Чудо в перьях? ее автор адресовал тинейджерам. Именно в этом возрасте многие из них впервые задумываются над такими извечными вопросами, как: кто я? для чего живу? что такое любовь? Этими вопросами озабочен и главный герой повествования — неизвестный науке птицезверь по имени Хрум, обитающий в джунглях одной из далеких стран Юго-Восточной Азии. Он не желает жить ?по законам джунглей?, потому что окружающая его действительность наполнена насилием и кровожадностью. Хруму больше нравятся законы доброты, взаимной помощи и уважения, по которым живут дикие слоны, повстречавшиеся ему по пути к Большой Мутной реке. Главными героями повести выступает также троица юных представителей человеческого сообщества — Элиз Смит, Майк Питерс и Рэй Картер, которые приходят на помощь попавшему в беду странному зверенышу. Хрум вновь оказывается в своем привычном мире, где встречает похожее на него самого ?чудо в перьях?. Встреча с незнакомкой впервые пробуждает в нем неведомое ему ранее чувство… Повесть ?Чудо в перьях? написана в стиле экшен, с присущими автору мягким юмором и ?киношной? калейдоскопичностью построения сюжета. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
More of the World’s Best Drinking Jokes
A wife decided she would leave her drunken husband, but a neighbour persuaded her to give him one more chance. ‘Instead of nagging him,’ she was advised, ‘treat him nicely. Maybe he’ll feel so ashamed, he’ll stop drinking so heavily.’ So the next night when he staggered home, she did not rant as usual. She made him a cup of tea, warmed his slippers, loosened his collar and tie and stroked his head. ‘Shall we go to bed now?’ she suggested.‘Might as well,’ he replied. ‘If I go home, there’ll only be a row.’
The World’s Best Sailing Jokes
An Irishman went out alone in a small skiff and ran into bad weather. His craft foundered on a reef and he waited several hours before he was finally spotted and rescued. When they saw his radio, the rescuers asked why he hadn’t sent out an S.O.S. ‘I would have done,’ he replied, ‘but I didn’t know how to spell it.’
Camping Blues Book 3:The Extraordinarily Ordinary Life of Cassandra Jones
Excited for her first camping trip with her Girls Club, Cassandra buddies up with her friend Riley and hopes their friendship will become even stronger. It only takes a few hours for her to realize Riley doesn't have Cassie's best interests at heart. Frustrated, wet, and cold, Cassie decides it's time she figured out who her true friends are once and for all.
Inventions and their inventors 1750-1920
Our everyday lives are continually influenced by inventors whose ideas have led to commercial products available in most high streets across the civilised world. For the most part these creative individuals have remained relatively unknown. Yet some of the companies set up by the successful inventors survive to this day albeit with company names no longer associated with the original idea. Volume 1 of this two volume set documents some of the key inventions from the ‘Spinning Jenny’ invented by Hargraves in the late eighteenth century, to some of the most commercially successful ideas of the early 20th century.
A Packhorse Called Rachel
A story of courage, fear and defiance based on the authors own personal experience. A Pack Horse Called Rachel is the remarkable tale of a young woman, half Jewish, caught in the extraordinarily brutal world of France in 1944. Rachel moves through the pages of the book with her faithful dog Nourse, touching lives as her work with the Maquis based in the Auvergne takes her perilously close to danger on a day to day basis.The story is based on personal experience, the de*ion of historical events is as true as memory will allow, it is an elegantly written story capturing first hand Kellermann’s painful and lonely life as a resistance fighter within the ‘Maquis’, amidst the harsh beauty of the Auvergne. Beset by the freezing cold climate prevailing in winter, the Vichy traitors amongst the normal French Population and the hostility of ordinary people afraid for their own lives. Rachel overcomes the initial animosity and mistrust of the lecherous and alcoholic farmer Raboullet on whom she comes to rely; the wrath of the Gestapo, the betrayal of St Pré, a full and passionate love affair, tragic loss and yet she survives. Marcel Kellermann notes, with de*ive talent, and intricate detail that only someone especially observant could recall. From the opening raid to the closing trial, the book gives an incisive view, as we understand the mind and soul of the resistance better with each page. This is the story of a young woman paralleled with the struggle of a nation as it regains its courage to fight back.
Kiss from a Stranger
Horrified when her beloved dog, Rufus, is caught in a cruel snare while out walking in the estate of Arrow Castle, local Parson’s daughter Shenda is at first relieved when a handsome stranger comes to poor Rufus’s rescue and then at once she is abashed and confused when he claims a kiss – Shenda’s very first – as his reward. But then she is told that her father has been killed by a savage bull and that she must leave the family’s Vicarage forthwith. Penniless Shenda is obliged to take a job at Arrow Castle as a seamstress, where she stumbles across a letter from one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s spies to Society beauty Lucille Gratton, ‘the most beautiful Lady in England’, who is staying at The Castle. Reporting the discovery to the Earl, she finds that he is no other than her ‘gentleman stranger’ and just as she realises that she is falling in love with the heroic Earl of Arrow, she is embroiled in a counter-espionage plot that puts her young life – and her love for the Earl – in deadly peril.
Double the Love
The beautiful Ariana Dancer is orphaned and has led a cheerless life in London with her disagreeable Guardian, Uncle Konstantin Bardici. He has shown little interest in his niece and she has been left very much to her own devices. One day Uncle Konstantin suggests that Ariana marry an Albanian Prince – one who is seeking an English wife and who claims to have fallen in love with her portrait – and it does not take much to persuade her to agree. Even before she sets out for Albania, she begins to dream of romance and her lonely heart ensures that she quickly fancies herself in love with a man she has never seen. She is sure in her heart that she will find everlasting happiness with Prince Stefan of Dukka in the depths of Albania.! But the journey she must take to fulfil her dreams is longer and more treacherous than she could ever have imagined. When she and her hapless maid are kidnapped en route to Castle Dukka by brigands, the rosy future she dreamed of becomes bitterly compromised. Soon life in the wild mountains begins to exert an unexpected pull, while the King of the Brigands turns out to possess an irresistible charm. Ariana discovers that love can have a double meaning and that image is not all that it seems. Forced to choose between honour and passion and faced with the responsibility of deciding life or death for the man she loves, she bravely makes the ultimate sacrifice. Even then Ariana’s torment is not over – Find out how Ariana unexpectedly finds all that she has been seeking, and more, in this exciting and unusual romantic tale by BARBARA CARTLAND
The Viscount's Revenge
The handsome Viscount Trent finally makes up his mind to accede to the pleadings of his family and get married. He is twenty-seven and for a long time they have been begging him to take a wife and produce an heir to his illustrious title, his famous stately home and his vast estate. On the whole he finds debutantes extremely boring and has enjoyed a number of affaires-de-coeur with older married women. However there is one girl, Marigold Marlow, he considers outstanding and she is the acknowledged great beauty of the Season. As she is so beautiful, the Viscount is convinced that Marigold will make him a perfect wife, but he is astonished when, having proposed to her, she tells him that she has not quite made up her mind. She will let him know on Wednesday if she accepts his proposal of marriage. As the Viscount expects her to fall immediately into his arms, he is surprised, but content to wait until Wednesday for her answer, which he is certain will be ‘yes’. As he drives away from Marigold’s house, a young girl holding a white Pekingese in her arms begs him to give her a lift to London. He sees no reason to refuse and finds as they drive off that she is Salvia, a cousin of the beautiful Marigold. He then learns that Marigold has her eyes on the son of the Duke of Northerncliff, who is seriously ill. In fact if he dies as expected, she intends to marry his heir as one day soon he will be a Duke. Feeling surprised and angry, he is even more astonished to learn that Marigold is cruel to animals and that Salvia is running away because she is so unkind to her dog as well as to her. How the Viscount dreams up a way to avenge himself on Marigold and, if the Duke does recover, how he can escape marrying her as he has now changed his mind. How the Viscount’s plan succeeds. And how Salvia takes London by storm, faces appalling danger and finally finds the love of her life is all told in this unusual story by BARBARA CARTLAND.