

City Kid: Part 1 of 3
City Kid: Part 1 of 3
Mary MacCracken
City Kid can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. From the author of international bestsellers A Circle of Children and Lovey comes an inspiring true story of a gifted teacher’s determination to understand the ‘rotten’ city kid everyone has given up on. Sitting quiet and withdrawn at a battered school desk, Luke had the looks of a shy angel – and a past that special needs teacher Mary MacCracken could barely believe. Already Luke had been picked up 24 times by the police. He’d set over a dozen major fires, and had a staggering record of thefts. No adult could reach him, no teacher could control him, and no policeman could cow him. All this – and Luke was only seven and a half years old. Trying to help Luke was Mary MacCracken’s job – and a seemingly impossible challenge. This is the remarkable story of how the impossible came true.
(唐)义净著 王邦维校注
本书依作者在中央电视台《百家讲坛》所做讲座的讲稿整理润色而成。 爱情以其纯洁和神圣,让诗人着迷,让世俗痴狂,所以描述爱情的诗歌,往往是动人而又能反映人性的。古典诗词中对诸如游子思妇、青年男女热恋、婚姻破裂、妇女被弃等爱与情,都有真实、精彩的描写,活跃在诗中的男女各色人物的形象也极为鲜活而生动。央视《百家讲坛》受观众喜爱的美女主讲人杨雨教授以女性的细腻,从独特的视角,倾情讲述中国古代美的爱情诗,以华丽的文字、朴素的情怀,在超越现实与空间的美妙境界里,让读者深切感受古代爱情诗里的爱恨情仇。
Why You Should Believe in Me
Why You Should Believe in Me
Daniel Marques
Why You Should Believe in Me
Conseguir Emprego
Conseguir Emprego
Samuel River
Conseguir Emprego
Team Building inside: Exercícios de quebra-gelo: Criar e viver o espírito de equ
Team Building inside: Exercícios de quebra-gelo: Criar e viver o espírito de equ
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Team Building inside: Exercícios de quebra-gelo: Criar e viver o espírito de equipe!
Whimsical Words and Dramatic Affairs
Whimsical Words and Dramatic Affairs
Katrina Joyner
Whimsical Words and Dramatic Affairs
Scrappy Rough Draft: Use science to strategically motivate yourself & finish wri
Scrappy Rough Draft: Use science to strategically motivate yourself & finish wri
Donna Barker
The canonical Gospels stand very differently, as respects origin, character and reception, with the Gospels, Acts and Apocalpyses known as ‘Apocryphal.’ These apocryphal writings began to be produced (so far as known) in the second century, mostly in Ebionitic and Gnostic circles, and, with few exceptions, were repudiated and condemned by the Church. Only later, and in modified and expurgated forms, did their stories pass into the general Catholic tradition. The second century seems to have been a perfect hot-bed for the production of this class of writings. The heretical Gospel of the Egyptians is already quoted in 2 Clement (circa a.d. 140). Iren?us speaks of the sect of the Marcosians as adducing ‘an unspeakable number of apocryphal and spurious writings, which they themselves had forged, to bewilder the minds of the foolish,’ and instances the story, found in the Gospel of Thomas, of Jesus confounding the schoolmaster who sought to teach Him His letters (Adv. Haer. i. 20). Later tradition attributed the composition of many of the apocryphal writings (Pseudo-Matthew, Acts of Apostles) to a mythical Leucius, a disciple of the Apostles (cp. art. ‘Leucius,’ Dict. of Christ. Biog.). Eusebius gives a list of spurious and disputed books: ‘That we may have it in our power to know both these books (the canonical) and those that are adduced by the heretics under the name of the Apostles, such, viz., as compose the Gospels of Peter, of Thomas, and of Matthew, and certain others beside these, or such as contain the Acts of Andrew and John, and of the other Apostles, of which no one of those writers in the ecclesiastical succession has condescended to make any mention in his works; and, indeed, the character of the style itself is very different from that of the Apostles, and the sentiments, and the purport of those things that are advanced in them, deviating as far as possible from sound orthodoxy, evidently proves they are the fictions of heretical men; whence they are not only to be ranked among the spurious writings, but are to be rejected as altogether absurd and impious’ (H. E. iii. 25). Only a small part of this extensive literature remains to us, and in no case in its original form, but solely in later, and often much-altered recensions. CrossReach Publications
Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Eileen Cook
Eine unsanfte ?berraschung für die Milf Hat sie überhaupt eine Ahnung was für einen Sohn sie hat? ?ber die Autorin Anna Wolf ist eine Hausfrau aus einer Kleinstadt in Süd-Deutschland. Im Alltag lebt sie ein ganz normales Leben. Mit ihrem jüngeren Liebhaber John teilt sie aber ihre gro?e Leidenschaft: Sex in allen Varianten. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren besuchen die beiden Swingerclubs im In- und Ausland und probieren immer wieder neue Clubs aus. Und natürlich fehlt nicht das j?hrliche Gro?ereignis aller Swinger: Der Urlaub im Südfranz?sischen FKK-Paradies Cap d?Agde. Vor einiger Zeit begann Anna ihre Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben. Daraus entsteht nach und nach die Anna Wolf-Reihe, in der sie ausführlich von ihrem Swingerleben erz?hlt.
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to
Jay Hamilton
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to Vote
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired
Daniel Marques
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired Teacher
Letras al crucificado
Letras al crucificado
Aarón D. Ruiz
En cierta manera, este libro es una extensión natural del trabajo que hacemos en “Se?or Dios, dirígenos”; pues esta es una colección de textos escritos de manera personal, íntima, y honesta acerca de Jesús, el crucificado. Entre quienes escribimos estas letras, hay estudiantes, prestadores de servicio social, graduados, voluntarios, músicos, misioneros, y empleados que tienen la fortuna de poder experimentar la vida de maneras muy distintas los unos de los otros.Algunos pertenecen al área de las ciencias exactas, otros a las ciencias sociales, y hasta de las ciencias de la salud. Además, somos de escuelas públicas, de escuelas privadas, y hasta de escuela en casa; y todavía más, vivimos en diferentes ciudades de México. En esta peque?a obra, podrás encontrar una increíble variedad de perspectivas y experiencias de vida que están siendo transformadas por una misma persona: Jesús, el crucificado. Además, este libro está compuesto por una colección interesante de tipos de textos... poemas, reflexiones, oraciones, canciones, y otros más. Con mucha emoción, cada uno de nosotros y nosotras quisiéramos invitarte, no sólo a encontrarte con el Maestro en las hojas de esta antología, sino a escribir tú mismo… a escribirle letras al crucificado. Soli Deo Gloria.
Arif'in ?lümü
Arif'in ?lümü
Halit Fuat Beşik
Ardma baktmda, yaadm hibir nemli eyi unutmadm grüyorum! Bakyorum da, gerek duygularm yaayacak kadar oyuncu olmuum. Ama olsun! Gemii bu güne tamakla, ondan dersler alp temiz bir gelecek yaratabiliriz... Ben, tanmadklar insanlar ldüren ve yok eden, onlar kahraman sayan dünyada dodum ama, iimden byle bir dünyada yaamak istemiyorum. Yaradln hakikatini grmek istiyorum ve bakalarnn dayattna gre yaamak istemiyorum.... Yeter artk bu kadar hayalperestlik! Alk, yoksulluk, savalar, tecavüz, terr, hayvan katli, doa tahribat grmek istemiyorum… Nefes almak istiyorum… Karamsarlk kaplyor iimi bütünüyle… Karanln, fkenin, nefretin ve lümlerin iinde yaamak istemiyorum… Gerek kahramanlk can almak deil, can vermektir! Sen kimsin de, Allah’n verdii can alyorsun Senin kendi cann bile alma lüksün yok… Yaam sahnesi tek kiilik olmadna gre, en azndan yaananlardan ders alp kendimizi insanlk konusunda gelitirmek zorundayz. nsanlk sadece var olmak, yaamak, nefes alp vermek deil, paylamaktr. Kendi yaam alanmz korurken, bakalarnn yaam alann ihlal etmemektir… Yazar Hakknda Halit Fuat Beik: 1952 ylnda Fatsa'da dodu. lk ve orta renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite renimini ise stanbul'da tamamlad. Kapal arda ticaret hayatna atld. Bu arada dünyann pek ok ülkesini gezme frsat buldu. nceleri rezaletten kamayan ve "Hep ben" mantyla maceral bir hayat yaad. Okumay ve not almay ok sevdii iin pek ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz yllk bir emek vermesine ramen, bu konuda daha pek ok ey yapmas gerektiine inanyor. 2003 ylnda "Talan MevsimindeAdam gibi yaamak.” 2010 ylnda, ”Sokrates’in syan., Hallar anakkale’de, Yüz Elli Yandaki Adam, Tevrat’n ocuklar ve Kur-an” adl kitaplar yaynlanmtr. nan, Adalet, nsan sevgisi ve Kur-an ahlakna dayal o muhteem denge iinde eserler vermeye alyor.u anda sizler iin deiik konularda pek ok kitaplar daha hazrlamaktadr. Gerek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunacana inanyor...
Burhan Bey
Burhan Bey
Halit Fuat Beşik
Mevsim, k?? ortas?yd?! Günlerce ya?murla ?slanm??t? ?stanbul! Bütün hafta f?rt?nayla, karla, so?ukla insanlar?n can?n ??kar. Sonra da insanlara ?ektirdi?ine pi?man olmu? gibi bir sevimlili?e büründü. ?stanbul bu, bir bakm??s?n?z f?rt?na dinmi?, güne? a?m??, bir bakm??s?n?z aniden kar ya?m??. ?stanbul b?yledir i?te… Parlayan güne?i f?rsat bilen binlerce insan sokaklara d?külür. Kimi bo?azda, kimi k?prüde, kimi deniz k?y?s?nda oltas?yla bal?k tutuyor, kimileri vapurla adalara gidiyor, kimi Emin?nü’ne, kimi al?? veri? merkezlerine, ya da kar?n tad?n? ??karmak i?in Belgrat ormanlar?na gidiyor… Bu gün hava karl?yd? ve tipik ?stanbul hali i?te! Zalim bir ?ehirdir ?u ?stanbul! Tehlike ?ok ama, bir o kadar da güzeldir. Sana hep ihanet eder ve sen yine onu sevmeye devam edersin. “?stanbul’u sevmeyen g?nül, a?k? ne anlar!” demi?ler ?airler ve bu s?zü bo?una s?ylememi?ler! Bir bakm??s?n?z güzel bir gün ge?irirken onu bozacak birisi mutlaka ??kar. Sanki ?stanbul’un de?i?mez bir kurald?r bu! Onu o kadar iyi tan?m?? durumday?m ki, hakk?nda ciltler dolusu kitap bile yazabilirim... ? ? ? Halit Fuat Be?ik kimdir? 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir… Yazar?n ?al??malar?; "TALAN MEVS?M?NDE ADAM G?B? YA?AMAK", "SOKRATES’?N ?SYANI", "HA?LILAR ?ANAKKALEDE", "Y?Z ELL? YA?INDAK? ADAM", "TEVRATIN ?OCUKLARI VE KURAN", "AR?F’?N ?L?M?", "???RLE A?LAMAK", "K???K MAHMUT ?LE KOCA BAYRAM", "VEN?S GEZEGEN?NDE ?SYAN", "ADEME MEKTUPLAR" gibi Kur-an ahlak?na dayal?, ama daha cüretk?r ve farkl? konuda yaz?lm?? kitaplard?r. ?Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. “Talan Mevsiminde Adam gibi ya?amak”, “Sokrates’in ?syan?”, “Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de”, “Tevrat’?n ?ocuklar? ve Kur-an”, “Yüz Elli Ya??ndaki Adam”, “?iirle A?lamak”, “Kü?ük Mahmut ile Koca Bayram”, “Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan” ve “Adem’e Mektuplar” isimli kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunaca??na inan?yor... ?imdilik, ya??yor i?te…
Jocurile Daniei
Jocurile Daniei
Holban Anton
Cartea de fa surprinde momente de libertate, arcuiri de libertate, zvcniri libere, explozii spre frumos, notate n fragmente lirice. n esen ei ncape i mulumirea pentru aceste momente, pentru minunea coninut n ele. Iar bucuriei acestei liberti i dau o orientare n sus i spre rsrit, c mrturisire i c recunotina pentru putin de a o fi trit-o.Din punct de vedere muzical, poeziile se acordeaz i cu muzica pe care o interpretez i studiez – muzica psaltic – prelund multe din elementele ntlnite n acest gen muzical. sub aspectul formei, n multe situaii am pstrat varianta cea mai brut, considernd c pstreaz cel mai bine culoarea momentului poeziei.“ –Cristian Boro
Strategic Series Author: Plan, write and publish a series to maximize readership
Strategic Series Author: Plan, write and publish a series to maximize readership
Crystal Hunt
In this guide translated from the original French version. You advertise on Facebook, but you don't see any results? You'd like to start, but you're lost? Would you like to improve the performance of your ads and pay less ? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then this book is for you! This 35-page guide will teach you everything you need to know. You will learn in particular: - Create a Professional Facebook account?- To create advertising campaigns from A to Z- To create and structure an advertising account as professionals do- Install the "Facebook pixel" to track everything that happens on your site- The TIPA? method used by advertising professionals to reduce the price of their ads by half, and multiply their effectiveness And the best part?? This guide is dedicated to people who leave ZERO! The only thing you need is your computer. We explain everything step by step.? This guide is accessible to everyone, even if you have never advertised on Facebook! This guide was written by professional advertisers who have spent millions of euros on Facebook advertising.
Autism Goes to School: Book One of the School Daze Series
Autism Goes to School: Book One of the School Daze Series
Dr.Sharon A. Mitchell
After suddenly receiving custody of his five year old son, Ben must learn how to be a dad. The fact that he'd even fathered a child was news to him. Not only does this mean restructuring his sixty-hour workweek and becoming responsible for another human being, but also Kyle has autism. Enter the school system and a shaky beginning. Under the guidance of a gifted teacher, Ben and Kyle take tentative steps to becoming father and son. Teacher Melanie Nicols sees Ben as a deadbeat dad, but grudgingly comes to admire how he hangs in, determined to learn for his son’s sake. Her admiration grows to more as father and son come to rely on Melanie being a part of their lives. When parents receive the news that their child has autism, they spend countless hours researching the subject, usually at night, after an exhausting day. Teachers, when they hear that they'll have a student with an autism spectrum disorder, also try to learn as much as they can. This novel was written for such parents and teachers - an entertaining read that offers information on autism and strategies that work. Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked in schools as a teacher, counselor, psychologist and consultant for decades. Her Master's and Doctorate degrees focused on autism. She has delivered workshops and seminars to thousands participants including at national conferences. She continues to write and teaches university classes about students who learn differently.
A Single Step: Book 1 of The Grayson Trilogy
A Single Step: Book 1 of The Grayson Trilogy
Georgia Rose
A woman wracked with grief. A man with a troubled past. Will trust build a bridge between them or will it be destroyed by dark secrets? Shattered by her daughter's death and tormented by her husband's infidelity, Emma Grayson seeks refuge in solitude. As she slowly re-enters the real world, she takes on work at the sprawling Melton Estate’s stables. Initially distracted by her painful healing process, she realizes that the property’s handsome manager carries his own sadness… When Emma is thrown from her horse and badly injured, Trent provides tender, selfless care. She doesn’t want to appear ungrateful for the lonely ex-RAF man’s support, but her anxiety keeps her silent. After his secretive past surfaces and events take a dramatic turn at the estate, she can't help but feel violently unsaddled all over again. Will Emma ever find inner peace and love again, or is she destined to live with only heartache and pain? A Single Step is the first book in the Grayson Trilogy, a dark romantic suspense series. If you like wounded characters, slow-building romance, and page-turning twists, then you'll love Georgia Rose’s powerful novel. Download A Single Step to uncover a heart breaking tale today!
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