

Szeret?k és egyéb családtagok - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Szeret?k és egyéb családtagok - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Helen Brooks, Amanda Browning, Ruth Jean Dale
Szeret?k és egyéb családtagok - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Színlelt szerelem - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Színlelt szerelem - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Kim Lawrence, Sandra Marton, Liz Fielding
Színlelt szerelem - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Váratlan gyermekáldás - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Váratlan gyermekáldás - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Catherine Spencer, Cathy Williams, Val Daniels
Váratlan gyermekáldás - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Kiszolgáltatva - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Kiszolgáltatva - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Penny Jordan, Cathy Williams
Kiszolgáltatva - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Van nálad esélyem? - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Van nálad esélyem? - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Lucy Gordon, Penny Jordan, Liz Fielding
Van nálad esélyem? - 3 t?rténet 1 k?tetben
Leszek, mint ?z?tt vad
Leszek, mint ?z?tt vad
Nemere István
Leszek, mint ?z?tt vad
Man and Superman
Man and Superman
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26th, 1856 in Synge Street, Dublin. His career began modestly initially working for some years in an Estate office but a thirst for reading and knowledge moved his career to writing several novels, none of which were published for several years. He wrote as a critic for several years, mainly on the theatre where his campaigning helped moved Victorian theatre towards a more realistic form. Shaw also took up his fervent socialist views at this point, a cause he would be indelibly linked with throughout his long and productive life. An initial foray into writing a play in 1885 only came to fruition in 1892 and with it his path as one of the leading playwrights of the 20th century was set. Shaw was also a fervent Fabian and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. Saint Joan in 1923 gained Shaw yet another international success. This led in 1925 to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his contributions to literature. The citation praised his work as "e;... marked by both idealism and humanity, its stimulating satire often being infused with a singular poetic beauty"e;. In 1938 he added an Academy Award for his work on Pygmalion. Shaw remains the only person ever to win a Nobel Prize and an Oscar. He refused all other awards, even a knighthood. George Bernard Shaw died on November 2nd, 1950 at the age of 94, of renal failure precipitated by injuries incurred by a fall whilst pruning a tree.
Notre Dame De Paris - To think of shadows is a serious thing
Notre Dame De Paris - To think of shadows is a serious thing
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo was born on 26th February 1802 and is revered as the greatest of all French writers. A poet, novelist, dramatist and painter he was a passionate supporter of Republicanism and made a notable contribution to the politics of his Country.His life was paralleled by the immense political and social movements of the 19th Century. When he was two Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor but before he was eighteen the Bourbon Monarchy was restored.It was only with his Mother's death in 1821 that he felt confident enough to marry Adele Foucher, a relationship he had kept secret from his mother. Their first child was born inside a year but died in infancy. Leopoldine was born the following year, followed by three further siblings.Hugo published his first novel the year following year, Han d'Islande, (1823). Three years later his second, Bug-Jargal (1826).Between 1829 and 1840 he would publish five further volumes of poetry solidifying his reputation as one of the greatest elegiac and lyric poets of his time. His reputation was growing not only in France but across Europe.In 1841 he was elected to the Academie Francaise, cementing his position in the world of French arts and letters. Hugo also now began to turn his attention to an involvement in French politics.Elevated to the peerage by King Louis-Philippe in 1841 he spoke eloquently and at length against the death penalty and social injustice as well as passionately in favour of freedom of the press and self-government for Poland.When Napoleon III seized power in 1851, and established an anti-parliamentary constitution, Hugo openly declared him a traitor to France and began a long exile, based mainly in Guernsey.In exile, Hugo published his famous political pamphlets; Napoleon le Petit and Histoire d'un crime. Although the pamphlets were banned in France, they nonetheless made a strong impact there. His exile also seemed to have a creative impetus. He composed or published some of his greatest work including Les Miserables, and three widely honoured collections of poetry (Les Chatiments, 1853; Les Contemplations, 1856; and La Legende des siecles, 1859).In 1870 the Third Republic was established and Hugo finally returned home, where he was elected to the National Assembly and the Senate. That same year War erupted between France and Prussia and the French were badly beaten.With the end of the War Hugo began his campaign for a great valuation and protection for the rights of artists and copyright. He was a founding member of the Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale, which led to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.Victor Hugo's death on 22nd May 1885, at the age of 83, generated intense nation-wide mourning. Revered not only as a towering figure in literature, he was a statesman who had helped to shape the Third Republic and democracy in France.
Les Miserables - Perseverance, secret of all triumphs
Les Miserables - Perseverance, secret of all triumphs
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo was born on 26th February 1802 and is revered as the greatest of all French writers. A poet, novelist, dramatist and painter he was a passionate supporter of Republicanism and made a notable contribution to the politics of his Country.His life was paralleled by the immense political and social movements of the 19th Century. When he was two Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor but before he was eighteen the Bourbon Monarchy was restored.It was only with his Mother's death in 1821 that he felt confident enough to marry Adele Foucher, a relationship he had kept secret from his mother. Their first child was born inside a year but died in infancy. Leopoldine was born the following year, followed by three further siblings.Hugo published his first novel the year following year, Han d'Islande, (1823). Three years later his second, Bug-Jargal (1826).Between 1829 and 1840 he would publish five further volumes of poetry solidifying his reputation as one of the greatest elegiac and lyric poets of his time. His reputation was growing not only in France but across Europe.In 1841 he was elected to the Academie Francaise, cementing his position in the world of French arts and letters. Hugo also now began to turn his attention to an involvement in French politics.Elevated to the peerage by King Louis-Philippe in 1841 he spoke eloquently and at length against the death penalty and social injustice as well as passionately in favour of freedom of the press and self-government for Poland.When Napoleon III seized power in 1851, and established an anti-parliamentary constitution, Hugo openly declared him a traitor to France and began a long exile, based mainly in Guernsey.In exile, Hugo published his famous political pamphlets; Napoleon le Petit and Histoire d'un crime. Although the pamphlets were banned in France, they nonetheless made a strong impact there. His exile also seemed to have a creative impetus. He composed or published some of his greatest work including Les Miserables, and three widely honoured collections of poetry (Les Chatiments, 1853; Les Contemplations, 1856; and La Legende des siecles, 1859).In 1870 the Third Republic was established and Hugo finally returned home, where he was elected to the National Assembly and the Senate. That same year War erupted between France and Prussia and the French were badly beaten.With the end of the War Hugo began his campaign for a great valuation and protection for the rights of artists and copyright. He was a founding member of the Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale, which led to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.Victor Hugo's death on 22nd May 1885, at the age of 83, generated intense nation-wide mourning. Revered not only as a towering figure in literature, he was a statesman who had helped to shape the Third Republic and democracy in France.
The Hungarian Revolution, 1956
The Hungarian Revolution, 1956
Rupert Colley
The Hungarian Revolution, 1956
The Battle of the Somme: World War One's Bloodiest Battle
The Battle of the Somme: World War One's Bloodiest Battle
Rupert Colley
The Battle of the Somme: World War One's Bloodiest Battle
Un Corazón de Ranita. 6° volumen. Las estrellas nunca mueren
Un Corazón de Ranita. 6° volumen. Las estrellas nunca mueren
George Vîrtosu
Cea mai inconfortabil? carte a anului editorial 2009. (?tefan Borbely)Tr?darea criticii este o excelent? nara?iune eseistic?, o nara?iune subiectiv?, inevitabil iritant? (fiind vorba de via?a literar? ?i de opiniile radicale ale unui prozator care nu ezit? s? scrie ceea ce crede despre colegii s?i), cu portrete ce se ?in minte, uneori foarte crude, alteori luminoase, dominate de superlative… Meritul ei, dincolo de calit??ile literare, este acela de a deschide o dezbatere real? despre via?a noastr? literar? ?n care grupurile se confrunt? ?i ??i confec?ioneaz? propria istorie ?i propria mitologie. Nicolae Breban vine ?i tulbur? apele, enerv?nd, probabil, pe mul?i, dac? nu pe to?i. (Eugen Simion)Cartea lui Breban e una puternic?, neconcesiv?, sulfuroas?, emo?ionant? prin miza ei optimist?, prin militantismul ei pa?optist ?i prin dorin?a autorului de a ?nfrunta prejudec??ile ?i ridicolul ?n numele idealului tinere?ii lui, care era idealul autonomiei esteticului, ?n numele marii crea?ii – spre care a aspirat continuu – ?i ?n numele na?iunii romane, de care nu ?i e ru?ine s? vorbeasc?. Dar e o carte greu de clasat. Surprinz?toare prin oralitatea ei debordant?, prin colocvialitatea ei dezl?n?uit?. (…) Seam?n? cu un aeropag al destinelor tr?date, preschimbat ?n pledoarie ?i discurs de ?mb?rb?tare. ?i, totu?i, ceva, ?n ?inuta de condotier a autorului m? ?ndeamn? s? asociez discursul acestei c?r?i cu acela al unui general rom?n dup? o b?t?lie pierdut? sau indecis?, undeva ?n Nordul germanic, sau ?n fa?a altei b?talii care ar trebui cu orice pre? c??tigat?. (…) ?ntregul discurs se ?ntemeiaz? pe ideea de dec?dere a spiritului ofensiv, pe ideea de pierdere a vechilor virtu?i; ?i aser?iunile par a veni din partea celui care a cunoscut ?n tinere?e o glorie ?i o m?re?ie greu de egalat. (…) Enun?ul patetic, ?nvolburat, al discursului lui Breban – marcat de furie, de candoare, de dezn?dejde ?i de speran?? – este capabil s? absoarb? portrete, minunatele lui portrete, ?nso?ite de celebrele jerbe de epitete brebaniene. ?n aparteu sunt limpezite situa?ii literare (de exemplu, rolul Europei Libere ?i al Grupului de Dialog Social este foarte atent ?i nemilos analizat); ne sunt oferite amintiri nepre?uite pentru istoria literar?, cu nu pu?ine idei. Pe unele dintre ele le-am adoptat deja pentru c? m-au convins. (Eugen Negrici)Crea?ia literar?, spiritul critic au fost profund afectate de polarizarea etica ?i politic?, dup? sf?r?itul comunismului rom?nesc. Etica ?i politica ?i-au dep??it limitele, chiar f?r? ca ele s? ajung? la o reala putere ?i autonomie. Publicul literar, sub?iat de noile interese proprii unei lumi deschise, s-a risipit ?i asist?nd la luptele fratricide ale scriitorilor ?i criticilor care, sub tiranie, fraternizaser? ?n numele impunerii sau cel pu?in al men?inerii criteriilor de art? ?i valoare. Prozatorul scrie o carte de cunosc?tor, g?ndit? cu o ?n?elegere vie, o carte necesar? realit??ii noastre literare, de ultima or?, dar ?i pentru un timp foarte larg, despre o literatur? ?i o critic? ?tr?date“ ?i mai pu?in traduse. Pentru c? ?tr?dare“ a fost, o ?tim bine, doar nu e vreun secret fer(m)ecat. (Marian Victor Buciu)
Un vis al inteligen?ei libere
Un vis al inteligen?ei libere
Cassian Maria Spiridon
Apreciat? la vremea ei pentru angajamentul ?i talentul de a media ?ntre culturi, Regina Elisabeta a Rom?niei (1843-1916) este considerat? p?n? ?n zilele noastre drept una dintre cele mai importante mediatoare ale literaturii ?i culturii rom?ne?ti ?n spa?iul de limb? german? de la sf?r?itul secolului al XIX-lea. Prin apari?ia sa neconven?ional? ca scriitoare, sub pseudonimul literar Carmen Sylva, angajat? ?n prop??irea dinastiei rom?ne, prima regin? a Rom?niei, Elisabeta, a demonstrat ?n fa?a publicului semnifica?ia modern? a ?profesiei“ de so?ie de monarh, un exemplu pe care succesoarea sa, Regina Maria a Rom?niei ?l va des?v?r?i.
A távolság relatív
A távolság relatív
Kasie West
A távolság relatív
A Bárka születésnapja
A Bárka születésnapja
Gerald Durrell
A Bárka születésnapja
Gaismas vēsture
Gaismas vēsture
Jans Ņemecs
Gaismas vēsture?ir biogrāfisks romāns par slaveno ?ehu fotogrāfu Franti?eku Drtikolu. Grāmatas autors Jans ?emecs (Jan Němec, 1981) dzimis Brno, ?ehijā. Strādā par redaktoru ikmēne?a literatūras ?urnālā Host. Masarika universitātē (Brno) mācījies reli?ijas un sociālās zinātnes, savukārt Jana?eka Mūzikas un tēlotājmākslas akadēmijā apguvis dramatur?iju. ?emeca pirmā grāmata “Pirmā dzīve” (První ?ivot) iznāca 2007.gadā. Tai sekoja “Spēlē ?etras rokas” (Hra pro ?ty?i ruce, 2009).? 2013. gadā iznākusī “Gaismas vēsture” (Dějiny světla) ir biogrāfisks romāns par slaveno ?ehu fotogrāfu Franti?eku Drtikolu.? Par ?o romānu autors sa?ēmis vairākas balvas: ?ehijas grāmata 2014, Magnesia Litera 2014 (prozas kategorija) un Josefa ?kvorecka balvu, un Eiropas Savienības Literatūras balvu. Grāmata tulkota 13 valodās. Grāmatu latvie?u valodā tulkojis Jānis Krasti??, bet tās redaktore ir Aija Lāce. Fotogrāfs Ainārs Mazjānis par ?o Jana ?emeca romānu saka ?ādi:?Tas, ko grāmatas varonis darīja fotomākslas jomā 20.gs. sākumā ir kas neaptverams un jebkur? eso?ais vai topo?ais fotogrāfs var daudz no vi?a mācīties. Gaismas, ēnu un formu spēle padara vi?a darbus ?oti at??irīgus no tīras fotogrāfijas un pietuvina tos mākslai - savā zi?ā tā ir kā glezno?ana ar gaismu. Lai arī cik ironiski tas būtu, pa ?iem gadiem strādājo?a fotogrāfa dzīves modelis nav nemaz tik ?oti mainījies. Tāpēc topo?ajiem fotogrāfiem būtu ?oti vērtīgi ielūkoties cita fotogrāfa dzīvē, lai sparastu, kas tas ir un vai tas ir domāts tev. ?oti interesants romāns ikvienam, kuru interesē foto un māksla. Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Savienības programma “Rado?ā Eiropa”. Grāmatas izdo?anu līdzfinansējusi Latvijas Republikas Kultūras ministrija un ?ehijas Kultūras ministrija.
Krisztus bevonulása Brüsszelbe
Krisztus bevonulása Brüsszelbe
Dimitri Verhulst
Krisztus bevonulása Brüsszelbe
Pete: My Story
Pete: My Story
Pete Bennett
When Pete Bennett exploded into the Big Brother house, and into everyone's living rooms, he instantly became an icon. Weird, unpredictable, involuntarily foul-mouthed, beautiful and endlessly entertaining, from day one he was the favourite to win. As a small, sensitive boy, Pete struggled with the bullies and gangs of thugs in some of the hardest housing estates and schools in South London. Despite a tough start, he showed prodigious creative talents in art, music and performance. When Tourette's exploded in his head at puberty, he lost control of his mouth, his body and his face. Unable to finish his education or follow any normal career path, he was led to living the high life and low life on the streets of Brighton. He cheerfully experimented with hard drugs and perverse sexuality, happy to find himself in a world where being beautiful and weird made you a star, not a victim. After witnessing the death of his close friend, he came crashing down to earth. As he battled on with the effects of depression and drug addiction, poverty and Tourette's, a visionary trip to heaven convinced him that the only way he could survive and save his family from penury was by winning Big Brother. After a euphoric victory in August 2006, he is now one of the most famous faces and voices in the country.
I Should Have Been at Work
I Should Have Been at Work
Des Lynam
First published in 2005 and now available as an ebook. Des Lynam’s autobiography gives a frank and opinionated insight into the man behind the myth. Des Lynam is one of Britain's best-loved and most successful personalities. Famously guarded about his private life, Des will attempt to set the record straight and talk about the ladies in his life, his childhood days in Ireland, as well as his early marriage and life in 70s London. Des takes us through his 30 years at the BBC from a reporter on local radio to the drama of his top-secret move to ITV which was front page news on every national newspaper. The World Cups, the Olympic Games including his reporting of the Israeli shootings in Munich. Following Muhammad Ali to his fights in Zaire, Malaysia and the USA. The Grand National that never was, the IRA threatened race. The programmes he turned down, the ones he wished he had! Des offers a candid account of life behind the scenes at the national broadcaster, the people he has met, the triumphs, the disasters. In the unique role of top presenter on both main channels, he tells of his 5 years at ITV, his reasons for going there and why his decision was justified but in other ways disastrous.
Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel
Marshall Fine
Originally published in 1997 and now available as an ebook. It has not been possible to include the illustrations in the electronic edition. Perhaps the bravest and most inspiring actor of his generation, Harvey Keitel has made his menacing presence felt in some of the greatest cult movies ever, from Scorsese's Mean Streets and Taxi Driver to Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. With over fifty films to his name, a dozen of them since 1992, Keitel is one of the most ubiquitous and sought-after actors in Hollywood. Yet unlike so many of his contemporaries, he constantly surprises with daring and risk-taking performances in ground-breaking films such as Bad Lieutenant, The Last Temptation of Christ, The Piano and Smoke. Since his tough childhood in Brooklyn, Keitel's life has been a dramatic and unconventional as his screen roles. 'Harvey Keitel: The Art of Darkness 'tells, for the first time, the story of the rollercoaster career and turbulent personal life of this most powerful performer.
Life in Rewind
Life in Rewind
Terry Weible Murphy,Michael A. Jenike,Edward E. Zine
‘Time equals progression. Progression equals death.’ This is a thought that consumes Ed Zine, a handsome, athletic, twenty-four year old. The victim of a debilitating form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Ed's illogical mind tells him that if going forward in time moves him closer to death, reversing an action will carry him away from it. The youngest of four children, Ed Zine's life was thrown into turmoil when his mother, the centre of his universe, died from ovarian cancer when he was just eleven years old. Not warned by his family that his mother was sick, and beaten and screamed at by his father on the night of his mother's death for leaving the lid off a jam jar, Ed was shell-shocked when his mother died and, for years, kept quiet about the fact that he witnessed his mother's last breath and never truly grieved her death. Ed's trauma over the loss of his mother manifested itself in bizarre physical affectations and as he became less able to articulate his sorrow and his pain he became more and more isolated from other humans. Thirteen years on, Ed Zine lived alone in a basement, meticulously counting and rewinding any action he made in an obsessive and illogical attempt to prevent his loved ones from moving towards death. All efforts to help him, from members of his family, and numerous medical professionals, had been in vain, until Dr Michael Jenike, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and one of the world's leading experts in research and treatment of OCD made the long drive to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This was just the beginning of the extensive and difficult journey the two were to endure together…