A nevem: Jack Reacher
A nevem: Jack Reacher

Elveszett holnap
Elveszett holnap


Macskákkal suttogó
Macskákkal suttogó

Codul Jefferson
Al Doilea R?zboi Mondial nu va ajunge niciodat? s?-?i dezv?luie ?ntreaga groz?vie. ?n spatele faptelor de arme, al atrocit??ilor ?i al crimelor monstruoase comise ?mpotriva civililor se ascunde o alt? realitate. Aceea a miilor de femei sovietice trimise pe front ?mpotriva inamicului nazist. Svetlana Aleksievici ?i-a dedicat ?apte ani din via?? colect?rii m?rturiilor unor femei care, multe dintre ele, la momentul acela erau abia ie?ite din copil?rie. Dup? primele sentimente de euforie, asist?m la o schimbare radical? de ton, pe m?sur? ce ajungem la ?ncercarea fatal? a luptei, ?nso?it? de partea sa de ?ntreb?ri ?i de suferin??. Abandon?nd t?cerea ?n care ?i-au g?sit refugiul, aceste femei ?ndr?znesc, ?n sf?r?it, s? prezinte r?zboiul a?a cum l-au tr?it. ?Svetlana Aleksievici este unul dintre cei mai valoro?i scriitori ai vremurilor noastre. Proza ei nu este feminin?, ci aspr? precum r?zboiul […], dar, prin expresivitatea ei, devine artistic?, palpabil?, profund emo?ionant?.” – Vladimir Voinovici

Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
This book gives us an in depth look at the court of Queen Elizabeth I from birth to death. Widely acclaimed to be one of the most accurate accounts, it features letters, quotes and even sonnets from all the leading people of the day. The intrigues and deceits are written about in great detail - A gripping classic read from AUK's Revisited series.

Ronnie Biggs - The Inside Story
Ronnie Biggs: The Inside Story, written by two of Ronnie Biggs's closest friends and most ardent supporters, delivers exactly what it says on the label, giving a very personal, unique and yet disturbing insight into the mind and subsequent treatment by the judicial and penal systems of the man that became a legendary household name for his role in one of Britain's most notorious crimes, the Great Train Robbery of 1963, and his subsequent life on the run upon his escape from prison in 1965. Raising pointed questions and dispelling many myths, the story makes one wonder who is the greater criminal: the carpenter that played a bit part in an unarmed robbery 45 years ago, who has remained incarcerated since his return to the UK in 2001 despite the fact that he is now a frail, wheelchair-bound 79-year-old grandfather who is no threat to society, is fed via a tube to his stomach and can only communicate by pointing to letters on a laminated sheet; or the justice and prison systems that have allowed him to rot in jail for so long. One thing's for sure, although Ronnie Biggs's body is letting him down after a series of strokes and other illnesses, his legal team, campaign supporters, underworld friends and devoted family certainly aren't, and neither is his own fighting spirit or his humanity in the face of inhumanity. All he wants now is to be able to die a free man rather than suffer "e;a slow crucifixion on the Home Office cross"e;, and once all the facts have been digested one can only be moved to ask: "e;How could anyone deny him that?"e;

Planning for Learning through ICT
Planning for Learning through ICT aims to introduce young children to what ICT is, and provides over six weeks worth of activities that explore a range of technologies suitable for children 3-5. The book provides ideas for helping children learn about the different purposes of ICT and explores how to use ICT to create, to find information, to play, to shop. The book focuses in particular on how to use ICT creatively as well as outdoors. Whatever your daily learning, this book aims to show how ICT can be easily and appropriately included in your everyday play and learning.

Planning for Learning through Numbers
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of numbers. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of numbers. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: finding numbers outdoors, musical numbers, cooking with numbers, arty numbers, shopping with numbers, and we love numbers. This book is a great way to bring numbers and early problem solving and numeracy skills into all areas of the curriculum so children learn about them in a fun and unpressured way.

Planning for Learning through Where I Live
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of where I live. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of the local area and where children live. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together.The weekly themes in this book include: on the high street; people where I live; parks and gardens; safe and strong; getting around and big buildings.

Planning for Learning through Nursery Rhymes
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of nursery rhymes. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of nursery rhymes. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffet, Jack and Jill, The Grand Old Duke of York, Hickory Dickory Dock and Little Bo Peep.

Just Jill
Just Jill is an inspirational and moving account of one woman's triumph over adversity and how she used her own experience of disability to benefit others.When she was growing up during the 1940s very few people were aware that Jill Allen-King had lost one eye as the result of measles when she was a baby. Her disability was a taboo subject and she attended a normal school, progressed to catering college and secured employment as a cook. However, tragedy struck for the second time when glaucoma rendered her completely blind at the age of 24 on what should have been one of the happiest occasions of her life - her wedding day.For the next seven years Jill barely left the house, too scared to go outside unaccompanied and afraid that she would never again be able to participate in the activities she loved, such as dancing. The birth of her daughter, Jacqueline, gave her renewed purpose but could not give her back the thing she desperately needed - her independence. It was only when Jill got her first guide dog that she began to rediscover the world outside her front door and take those first giant steps towards regaining her confidence and freedom. Jill's autobiography charts her journey from partially sighted child to totally blind adult and beyond, a process of readjusting and learning through grit and determination and then using her knowledge and experience to do everything in her power to help others and to campaign for reforms to secure a safer, fairer and more disability-aware environment. It is a story that will provide encouragement to those that are struggling to cope with disabilities and also educate people from all spheres of life about the challenges and needs of disabled people. At the age of 70, Jill continues to fight for the cause, and hopefully her story will inspire others to take up the baton.

Respect and Reputation
In this increasingly violent and troubled world, people demand to be respected. But what is exactly is respect? Is it learned or earned? How do you go from being a 'nobody' to a 'somebody'? How do you respect others and equally how can you get other people to respect you? Can you only be truly respected if you have a reputation? There is probably no one more qualified to talk about respect and reputation in prison than Charles Bronson. Tagged one of the most violent prisoners in the UK, Charlie has spent over thirty years in solitary confinement, is respected by both prisoners and wardens alike and has a fearsome and frightening reputation. In complete contrast, although he has spent much of his life surrounded by violence, former bouncer and bodyguard Robin Barratt would now prefer to take a passive path away from any conflict. In this fascinating book, Barratt and Bronson examine in detail respect and reputation including how to behave in prison, how to treat other prisoners, how to be a great door supervisor, when to show respect, how to gain the respect of others and ultimately how to develop an awesome reputation both in prison, on the doors and in life generally. With lots of real life anecdotes as well as contributions from many other hard men (and a few women), this gripping book takes its reader into the psychology of a world rarely explored.

Just Jill
Just Jill is an inspirational and moving account of one woman's triumph over adversity and how she used her own experience of disability to benefit others.When she was growing up during the 1940s very few people were aware that Jill Allen-King had lost one eye as the result of measles when she was a baby. Her disability was a taboo subject and she attended a normal school, progressed to catering college and secured employment as a cook. However, tragedy struck for the second time when glaucoma rendered her completely blind at the age of 24 on what should have been one of the happiest occasions of her life - her wedding day.For the next seven years Jill barely left the house, too scared to go outside unaccompanied and afraid that she would never again be able to participate in the activities she loved, such as dancing. The birth of her daughter, Jacqueline, gave her renewed purpose but could not give her back the thing she desperately needed - her independence. It was only when Jill got her first guide dog that she began to rediscover the world outside her front door and take those first giant steps towards regaining her confidence and freedom. Jill's autobiography charts her journey from partially sighted child to totally blind adult and beyond, a process of readjusting and learning through grit and determination and then using her knowledge and experience to do everything in her power to help others and to campaign for reforms to secure a safer, fairer and more disability-aware environment. It is a story that will provide encouragement to those that are struggling to cope with disabilities and also educate people from all spheres of life about the challenges and needs of disabled people. At the age of 70, Jill continues to fight for the cause, and hopefully her story will inspire others to take up the baton.

Cele cinci trepte ale s?n?t??ii
Poeziile lui Giorgio Baffo (1694-1768), mentor al lui Casanova, sunt de o sinceritate dezarmant?. Un limbaj poetic picant, cu un efect direct asupra cititorului. Erotismul abund? ?n rostogoliri de imagini fierbin?i, iar sonetele autorului italian par o petrecere ?n rime, care iau peste picior bunele moravuri ale epocii.?F?r? Baffo, n?am avea idee de decaden?a voluptuoas? a Serenissimei Republici. Prin el, cunoa?tem via?a sexual? a Vene?iei, cu serb?ri, cu osterii, cu cazinouri, cu jocuri de noroc, cu dansatoare ?i cu c?lug?ri?e liber?tine“ – Guillaume Apollinaire

Puterea chakrelor. Deblocheaz?-?i cei ?apte centri energetici ai vindec?rii
Volumul lui Cornel Mihai Ungureanu cuprinde interesante interviuri cu mari personalit??i ale culturii rom?ne?ti, din sfere multiple. Printre al?ii, Ana Blandiana, Gabriel Andreescu, Liviu Antonesei, Gellu Dorian, Bogdan Suceav?, Lucian Dan Teodorovici sau Daniel Cristea?Enache. Cititorul va g?si ?n paginile c?r?ii comentarii provocatoare privind operele ?i biografiile intervieva?ilor, precum ?i pagini din istoria tulbure din perioada comunist? ?i din cea contemporan?.

Dieta de 17 zile. Rezultate rapide cu un plan medical special conceput
Poemele lui Marius Aldea sunt inteligent-fanteziste i dau o senzaie de prospeime, dei refolosete, frecvent, i mijloace de seducie inventate de Nichita Stnescu, Emil Brumaru, Mircea Dinescu. Marius Aldea are o plcere de a scrie care face ca tot ce mprumut s devin al lui.“ – Alex tefnescu Marius tefan Aldea face parte din plutonul tinerilor poei crora li se flfie de generaia imediat anterioar, ns nu li se deloc de generaiile vechi. Vd i prevd o promoie de poei lucizi i cultivai printre care compozitorul Simfoniei frnei va strluci. Pentru c are umor, deci i permite s fie cinic, i pentru c izbutete nite metafore trsnite, dar fluente, nu rscutate. Apoi ochiul su este flmnd i precis, nu hoinrete pe firmament pn se ntoarce cu albul n sus. Viteza, claritatea i subtilitatea artei lui monteaz un spectacol inteligent – un deliciu pentru durii ca el, care, de fapt, ascund un suflet sensibil n spatele rictusului sceptic. Un romantic de factur excelent este Marius, adic dintre aceia cu witz, care muc tot, iar apoi se muc pe ei nii. Irezistibil poezia asta ca un roman scris la col de strad de un designer care tie exact ce vrea de la manechinele lui.“ – Felix Nicolau Marius tefan Aldea are atta energie poetic, nct exist riscul s supratensioneze Sistemul Naional de Distribuie a Literaturii. Dar cum SNDL nu exist dect n imaginaia noastr, nu v rmne, dragi cititori, dect s v conectai singuri la aceast surs de energie. E simplu: deschidei cartea lui Marius i citii puin. Dac nu suntei purttori de mnui izolante i cizme de cauciuc, ar trebui ca n secunda a doua s fii scuturai zdravn, iar minile s vi se ncleteze pe carte. E doar unul dintre efectele pe care l are poezia bun asupra omului.“ – Robert erban

Supravie?uitorii. Cartea a IV-a - Un drum primejdios
Cartea reprezint? o minimonografie spectaculoas? despre proza, publicistica ?i poezia unuia dintre cei mai mari poe?i interbelici, Tudor Arghezi. M.V. Buciu are un instrumentar critic adus la zi, ca ?i bibliografia de altfel, aten?ia exegetului fiind focalizat? asupra operei acestui mare scriitor, contestat vehement ?n perioada post-decembrist?. ?n esen??, monografia lui M.V. Buciu, constituie o temeinic? tentativ? de rea?ezare a lui Tudor Arghezi ?n actualitatea literar?, readuc?nd ?n discu?ie, dar nu mai pu?in ?n actualitate, complexitatea personalit??ii argheziene, un urma? al poetului na?ional, Mihai Eminescu.

Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Selecia prozatorilor din comunism se cere ceva mai struitor argumentat dect cea a prozatorilor interbelici (termen uzual, dar neacoperitor, pentru c includem n aceast perioad i vremurile de rzboi). Exemplaritatea, aici, e motivat de valoarea, originalitatea, insolitul, atipicitatea (stranietatea, cu termenul lui Harold Bloom) epicii. Urmresc – o spun riscnd simplificarea – fondul autohton i forma universal. Dau prioritate experimentului, dac nnoirea este substanial, se integreaz n – i face sau ncearc diferena de – epica occidental. Fac o concesie cu M. Preda, prozatorul emblematic al unei epoci istorice ntunecate (cu toate nuanele de ntuneric i rarele ei strfulgerri de lumin). Previn uor reproul de a ocoli n selecie prozatori care abia dac debutau sau publicau primele cri pn n 1989.“ – Marian Victor Buciu

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