

Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Erin Hunter
Selecia prozatorilor din comunism se cere ceva mai struitor argumentat dect cea a prozatorilor interbelici (termen uzual, dar neacoperitor, pentru c includem n aceast perioad i vremurile de rzboi). Exemplaritatea, aici, e motivat de valoarea, originalitatea, insolitul, atipicitatea (stranietatea, cu termenul lui Harold Bloom) epicii. Urmresc – o spun riscnd simplificarea – fondul autohton i forma universal. Dau prioritate experimentului, dac nnoirea este substanial, se integreaz n – i face sau ncearc diferena de – epica occidental. Fac o concesie cu M. Preda, prozatorul emblematic al unei epoci istorice ntunecate (cu toate nuanele de ntuneric i rarele ei strfulgerri de lumin). Previn uor reproul de a ocoli n selecie prozatori care abia dac debutau sau publicau primele cri pn n 1989.“ – Marian Victor Buciu
Paradoxul obezit??ii. Kilogramele ?n plus. Avantaje ?i dezavantaje
Paradoxul obezit??ii. Kilogramele ?n plus. Avantaje ?i dezavantaje
Carl Lavie, Kristin Loberg
Am adunat n aceast carte momente din viaa public, ncercnd s refac, din ceea ce a selectat memoria, traseul profesional care m-a adus de la catedra de fizic la ipostaza de candidat pentru preedinie. Am inclus n ea i lucruri personale, dar nu am fcut-o neaprat pentru a rspunde curiozitii celorlali. Am recuperat acele ntmplri, ntlniri sau detalii care au spus ceva despre felul n care m-am format, despre valorile pe care le-am preuit. Identitatea mea personal a umplut, prin intermediul faptelor, dar i prin aceste principii n care am crezut, rolul de persoan public pe care l-am ocupat mai bine de paisprezece ani. Momentele n care am descoperit un adevr, intervalele n care am nvat lucruri importante, despre mine sau despre oamenii din jurul meu, i-au adus de fiecare dat ceva i profilului meu public. Tot ceea ce am dobndit i tot ceea ce am neles de-a lungul unei viei cu destul de multe mpliniri a lucrat n sprijinul profesionistului care am vrut s ajung. Viaa mea privat a fost, pentru cei mai muli, invizibil. De fapt, ca orice om, mi-am folosit n public tot ceea ce am descoperit ca fiind valoros n viaa simpl, de zi cu zi: calmul, discreia, nelegerea. Au fost bunuri preioase, pe care am vrut s le protejez ca s le pot cultiva n continuare. Nu cred c, dezvluindu-le sursa, le pun n pericol.“ Klaus Iohannis
Vindecarea oboselii. Cum s? ?nvingi epuizarea ?i s? te sim?i excelent
Vindecarea oboselii. Cum s? ?nvingi epuizarea ?i s? te sim?i excelent
Sohere Roked
Un limbaj poetic direct, cu mesaje clare, ne?nv?luite ?n v?lurile dense ale figurilor de stil. Totul ?ns? aureolat de o feminitate sensibil?.?Nicoleta Popa scrie pentru c? nu poate altfel. ?i o face ?n regimul urgen?ei, f?r? brizbrizuri, f?r? menajamente, f?r? s?-i pese prea mult de ce zic cei din jur, fiindc? are ceva de m?rturisit. E detectabil chiar un sadism al adev?rului ?n versuri, necesar asemeni oxigenului ca s? r?m?n? un om ?ntreg. ??i analizeaz? condi?ia de femeie, vitupereaz?, se t?nguie, este fireasc?, nu plictise?te. Volumul de fa?? e mai cuminte dec?t anteriorul, sulfurosul Fragmente din inima mea. S? fie o etap? intermediar?, o trecere spre un alt palier al spunerii poetice? Nu m? ?ncumet la un r?spuns. Aceast? pite?teanc? e de re?inut ?n r?ndul poetelor care conteaz? ?n literatura rom?n?.“ (Alexandru Petria)?O seduc?toare feminitate sclipe?te prin versurile din spatele acestei coperte. Nu trebuie dec?t s? deschizi oriunde ?i o s? te sim?i sigur mi?cat. Dar nu trebuie s? deschizi dac? nu te sim?i preg?tit s? te la?i ?mbog??it de efluviile sensibilit??ii… de spiritul acestei poete. Aferim.“ (Stoian G. Bogdan).
O carte pe s?pt?m?n?
O carte pe s?pt?m?n?
Borbély Ștefan
Volumul trateaz? tema exilului ?n literaturile europene (cu predilec?ie cea rom?na, francez?, german? ?i rus?), constituind un manual indirect de literatur? axat, ?n special, pe tema exilului artistic. Scriitori ca, de pild?, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marina ?vetaieva, Nichita St?nescu, Nicolae Breban, Gabriela Melinescu s.a. fac parte – ?n percep?ia autoarei – din confreria ale?ilor meni?i s? reprezinte ?ara tinere?ii lor departe de grani?ele acesteia. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Supravietui?orii. Cartea a III-a - C?derea ?ntunericului
Supravietui?orii. Cartea a III-a - C?derea ?ntunericului
Erin Hunter
n aceast carte, ncerc, de fapt, s-mi schimb instrumentele i felul de a scrie critic literar. Pentru c nsi condiia criticii literare s-a schimbat. Dintr-un gen diurn, care atingea o maxim strlucire – vezi explozia ei, din deceniile ’60 – ’80, cnd devenise genul dominant al literaturii –, critica a devenit o disciplin aproape subversiv, practicat pe ascuns (n Universitate) sau n locuri dosnice (revistele literare, care au – toate – tiraje confideniale). Critica s-a transformat, aadar, fr sa vrea, ntr-un gen nocturn, practicat de lunatici“ i accesibil numai acestora. Tinerii scriitori i refuz diagnosticul, cei mai vrstnici se supr dac nu sunt ludai peste msur, iar presa i d cu tifla, subliniind n orice mprejurare superioritatea (i avantajele) publicitii, n raport cu desueta judecat de valoare. i aceasta, deoarece acea splendid explozie a metodelor de lectur, a formelor i modalitilor critice, din deceniile anterioare, a sectuit de fapt disciplina. i a multiplicat la nesfrit posibilitile interpretrii, pn cnd nelesul textului literar a devenit cu totul obscur i, n fond, chiar facultativ. Totul este pus sub semnul ntrebrii, iar sacrosancta valoare estetic, pe care jura critica modernist, a fost de mult relegat din discursul critic. Care discurs ncepe s semene, astfel, cu o noapte adnc, n care mai plpie, ici-colo, asemenea unor stele palide, rmiele unor certitudini. (Rzvan Voncu)
Experimente privind via?a de dup? moarte
Experimente privind via?a de dup? moarte
Schwartz Gary E., Simon William L.
Homo brucans e o carte interdisciplinar?, multifa?etat?, de ?inut? preponderent hermeneutic?, axat? pe teme legate de interpretarea Vechiului ?i Noului Testament (eseuri pe Decalog, pe personalitatea Sf. Pavel sau pe semnifica?ia mitic? ?i religioas? a cenu?ei), pe R?zboiul Rece, Revolu?ia Rus? ?i Contracultura anilor ‘60 (eseuri despre decantarea mediatic? ?n Rom?nia a revoltelor studen?e?ti din anul 1968, futuri?ti, violen?a lui Lenin sau despre The White Negro al lui Norman Mailer), pe aspecte structurale ale literaturii rom?ne din perioada de dup? Revolu?ia din decembrie 1989 (teme de genul: impactul lui Silviu Brucan asupra mentalit??ii postrevolu?ionare, identitarul rom?nesc difuz pe Internet, dinamica genera?ional? a literaturii rom?ne, rolul dinamizator al lui Marin Mincu ?i Adrian Marino), pe psihoistorie (cu un portret al lui Loyd deMause ?i o radiografie a concep?iilor sale). ?n final, cartea se ?ncheie cu decantarea eseistic? a unei c?l?torii ?n India, prilej de evocare a personalit??ii lui Mircea Eliade.
American Justice
American Justice
Paul Brakke, Gini Graham Scott, PhD
American Justice
The Spiral Staircase
The Spiral Staircase
Karen Armstrong
A raw, intensely personal memoir of spiritual exploration from one of the world’s great commentators on religion.
The Man Who Created the Middle East: A Story of Empire, Conflict and the Sykes-P
The Man Who Created the Middle East: A Story of Empire, Conflict and the Sykes-P
Christopher Simon Sykes
At the age of only 36, Sir Mark Sykes was signatory to the Sykes-Picot agreement, one of the most reviled treaties of modern times. A century later, Christopher Sykes’ lively biography of his grandfather reassesses his life and work, and the political instability and violence in the Middle East attributed to it. The Sykes–Picot agreement was drawn by the eponymous British and French diplomats in 1916 to determine the divide of the collapsing empire in the event of an allied victory in World War I. Excluding Arab involvement, it negated their earlier guarantee of independence made by the British – and controversy has raged around it ever since. But who was Mark Sykes? A century on, Christopher Simon Sykes reveals new facets of a misremembered diplomatic giant. Using previously undisclosed family letters and cartoons by his grandfather, he delivers a comprehensive and humbling account of the man behind one of the most impactful policies in the Middle East.
Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth
Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth
John Garth
A biography exploring J.R.R. Tolkien’s wartime experiences and their impact on his life and his writing of The Lord of The Rings. “To be caught in youth by 1914 was no less hideous an experience than in 1939 … by 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead.” So J.R.R. Tolkien responded to critics who saw The Lord of the Rings as a reaction to the Second World War. Tolkien and the Great War tells for the first time the full story of how he embarked on the creation of Middle-earth in his youth as the world around him was plunged into catastrophe. This biography reveals the horror and heroism that he experienced as a signals officer in the Battle of the Somme and introduces the circle of friends who spurred his mythology to life. It shows how, after two of these brilliant young men were killed, Tolkien pursued the dream they had all shared by launching his epic of good and evil. John Garth argues that the foundation of tragic experience in the First World War is the key to Middle-earth’s enduring power. Tolkien used his mythic imagination not to escape from reality but to reflect and transform the cataclysm of his generatuion. While his contemporaries surrendered to disillusionment, he kept enchantment alive, reshaping an entire literary tradition into a form that resonates to this day. This is the first substantially new biography of Tolkien since 1977, meticulously researched and distilled from his personal wartime papers and a multitude of other sources.
Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ
Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ
Rik Mayall
In this electrifying autobiography, Rik stands naked in front of his vast legions of fans and disciples and invites them to take communion with the blood he has spilled for them during his thirty year war on show business. He invented alternative comedy with The Young Ones, he brought down the Thatcher administration with The New Statesman and he changed the face of global culture with his masterpiece Bottom. Not only was his number one single ‘Living Doll’ the saviour of rock 'n' roll but he also rescued the British film industry with the vast revenues created by his legendary movie Drop Dead Fred. In 1998, he survived an assassination attempt and spent five days in a coma before he literally came back from the dead. Having completed countless phenomenal feature films, TV series, live extravaganzas and radio voice-overs since then, Rik Mayall is now poised on the brink of a whole new epoch-shattering revolution. For the first time ever, Rik reveals in print the deep inner truth behind his gargantuan ascent to the pinnacle of international light entertainment – the mental hospitals he has broken out of, the television executives he has assaulted, the drugs he has definitely not taken, the charities he has bankrupted, the countless pregnancies he has engendered, and so much more.
My Life As a Medium
My Life As a Medium
Betty Shine
The inside story of the ‘reluctant medium’, finally available in a mass-market A-format edition Betty Shine was originally an opera singer, but studied all forms of alternative healing, becoming a vitamin and mineral therapist. Guided by spirit voices from the age of two, she became a world-famous medium. This is the story of how she became the best known medium and healer in the UK. Through her books, tapes and absent healing service, she is in touch with thousands of people worldwide. The hardback publication of her book produced a tremendous response from both the media and the general public and this A-format edition will bring her story to an even wider audience.
The Puppy Listener
The Puppy Listener
Jan Fennell
An indispensible guide to raising your new puppy from the author of The Dog Listener. From teething to training, this book follows the development of your puppy from new pet to best friend. In The Puppy Listener Jan Fennell presents a simple-to-follow yet detailed handbook for puppy owners. Whether this is your first pup or you are a seasoned dog-owner, the hints and tips in this concise guide are valuable and well informed. This handy guide follows the life of your puppy from weaning to walking. Jan Fennell covers every aspect of caring for your new best friend – from introducing a puppy into its new home and handling it in public, to dealing with behavioural problems. With detailed sections on everything from exercise to diet, there are problem-solving guides dealing with worries such as biting or anxiety. Once again Jan illustrates her points with entertaining and inspiring real-life cases from her own work with damaged and delinquent dogs. Her love of animals is contagious and she inspires owners to persevere with their pups and show them who is boss. The book contains photographs and plate sections which accompany the text.
Lewis Hamilton: My Story
Lewis Hamilton: My Story
Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton’s explosive arrival on the Formula 1 scene has made front-page headlines. In My Story, for the first time Lewis opens up about his stunning debut season in grand prix racing, as well as his dad Anthony, his home life and his early years. The only book with the real story, as told by Lewis. In his first season in F1, Lewis Hamilton thrilled the world of motor racing by finishing on the podium in his first nine consecutive races – the first driver to do so in the sport's 57-year history – and drove to victories in Canada, America, Hungary and Japan. But bare statistics alone do scant justice to the amazing impact Lewis Hamilton has had on the sporting landscape. My Story gives the real account from Lewis himself, as he sets the record straight about his colourful life on and off the track. Given a grounded upbringing by his dedicated father in unremarkable Stevenage, Lewis tells about how he first tried out go-karting while on a cut-price family holiday in Ibiza. In his book he gives the real version of events at a motor sport dinner where, as a nine-year-old wearing a borrowed suit, he approached McLaren team boss Ron Dennis with the immortal words that were to change his life forever. He rose rapidly through the Junior and Formula ranks, dominating every series with his raw speed and canny race craft. Here Lewis candidly recalls those key moments that shaped his career and went some way towards compensating for the sacrifices made by his father Anthony in getting his son to the top. Lewis also charts how he got into the sport and was signed up by Ron Dennis, what motivates him, who are his closest friends, how he copes with the constant travelling, and the physical and mental challenges of driving a state-of-the-art Formula 1 car. He looks back in detail at the 2007 World Championship – the race wins, the frightening crash in Germany, his intense rivalry with team-mate Fernando Alonso, his special relationship with Ron Dennis, and the furore over the Ferrari allegations – right up to the dramatic last race of the season in Brazil.
Ma’am Darling: 99 Glimpses of Princess Margaret
Ma’am Darling: 99 Glimpses of Princess Margaret
Craig Brown
WINNER OF THE SOUTH BANK SKY ARTS LITERATURE AWARD 2018 A GUARDIAN BOOK OF THE YEAR ? A TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR ? A SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR ? A DAILY MAIL BOOK OF THE YEAR ‘A masterpiece’ Mail on Sunday ‘I honked so loudly the man sitting next to me dropped his sandwich’ Observer She made John Lennon blush and Marlon Brando clam up. She cold-shouldered Princess Diana and humiliated Elizabeth Taylor. Andy Warhol photographed her. Jack Nicholson offered her cocaine. Gore Vidal revered her. John Fowles hoped to keep her as his sex-slave. Dudley Moore propositioned her. Francis Bacon heckled her. Peter Sellers was in love with her. For Pablo Picasso, she was the object of sexual fantasy. “If they knew what I had done in my dreams with your royal ladies” he confided to a friend, “they would take me to the Tower of London and chop off my head!” Princess Margaret aroused passion and indignation in equal measures. To her friends, she was witty and regal. To her enemies, she was rude and demanding. In her 1950’s heyday, she was seen as one of the most glamorous and desirable women in the world. By the time of her death, she had come to personify disappointment. One friend said he had never known an unhappier woman. The tale of Princess Margaret is pantomime as tragedy, and tragedy as pantomime. It is Cinderella in reverse: hope dashed, happiness mislaid, life mishandled. Combining interviews, parodies, dreams, parallel lives, diaries, announcements, lists, catalogues and essays, Ma’am Darling is a kaleidoscopic experiment in biography, and a witty meditation on fame and art, snobbery and deference, bohemia and high society. ‘Brown has been our best parodist and satirist for decades now … Ma’am Darling is, as you would expect, very funny; also, full of quirky facts and genial footnotes. Brown has managed to ingest huge numbers of royal books and documents without losing either his judgment or his sanity. He adores the spectacle of human vanity’ Julian Barnes, Guardian
The Genius of Jane Austen: Her Love of Theatre and Why She Is a Hit in Hollywood
The Genius of Jane Austen: Her Love of Theatre and Why She Is a Hit in Hollywood
Paula Byrne
Paula Byrne is the author the bestselling biographies ‘Perdita’, ‘Mad World’, ‘The Real Jane Austen’, ‘Belle’ and ‘Kick’. She is founder and chief executive of ReLit, the Bibliotherapy Foundation, a charity devoted to the mental health benefits of reading. She is married to Sir Jonathan Bate and lives in Oxford.
The Duchess: The Untold Story – the explosive biography, as seen in the Daily Ma
The Duchess: The Untold Story – the explosive biography, as seen in the Daily Ma
Penny Junor
THE #2 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ‘The last untold account of the biggest crisis to hit the royals since the abdication … Explosive biography by Britain’s top royal author … A gripping story of human frailty, love, loss, sadness, and tragedy’ Daily Mail In her relationship with Charles that has survived for more than forty years, Camilla’s story has seen a great many myths. This book is the definitive account. The relationship between Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, is one of the most remarkable love stories of the age. It has endured against all the odds, and in the process nearly destroyed the British monarchy. It is a rich and remarkable story that has never been properly told – indeed, it is one of the most extraordinary, star-crossed love stories of the past fifty years.
What She Ate: Six Remarkable Women and the Food That Tells Their Stories
What She Ate: Six Remarkable Women and the Food That Tells Their Stories
Laura Shapiro
‘If you find the subject of food to be both vexing and transfixing, you’ll love What She Ate’ Elle Dorothy Wordsworth believed that feeding her poet brother, William, gooseberry tarts was her part to play in a literary movement. Cockney chef Rosa Lewis became a favourite of King Edward VII, who loved her signature dish of whole truffles boiled in Champagne. Eleanor Roosevelt dished up Eggs Mexican – a concoction of rice, fried eggs, and bananas – in the White House. Eva Braun treated herself to Champagne and cake in the bunker before killing herself, alongside Adolf Hitler. Barbara Pym's novels overflow with enjoyment of everyday meals – of frozen fish fingers and Chablis – in midcentury England. Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown's idea of “having it all” meant having almost nothing on the plate except a supersized portion of diet gelatin. In the irresistible What She Ate, Laura Shapiro examines the plates, recipe books and shopping trolleys of these six extraordinary women, casting a new light on each of their lives – revealing love and rage, desire and denial, need and pleasure.
One Direction:Where We Are (100% Official):Our Band, Our Story
One Direction:Where We Are (100% Official):Our Band, Our Story
One Direction
Calling all One Direction fans! This is the only official book from 1D, charting their journey over the last year and a half – from the places they’ve visited and fans they’ve met, to their thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams, highs and lows. It has been a phenomenal year – and this is a phenomenal story. This Christmas, there will be no other book that true One Direction fans will want! They’ve won dozens of awards. They’ve had a bigger US debut than the Beatles. They’ve played Madison Square Garden, the Royal Variety Show, and sold-out venues across the globe. One Direction – just five young guys from small British towns – has truly gone global. Now the lives of Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Niall are changing beyond recognition. This year, with their own movie hitting theatres and a 133-date tour stretching across the globe, the 1D star is shining brighter than ever. How did they feel when they debuted twice at no. 1 in the US – and in 37 countries around the world? How have they kept themselves grounded? And now that they’ve come so far, what are their dreams for the future? In Where We Are, the boys offer you a chance to find out about this breathtaking chapter of their story, straight from the heart and in their own words. Packed with exclusive beautiful photos, backstage snapshots, hand-written annotations and brand new insights into the boys’ world, Where We Are is a unique book that no fan’s life is complete without – bringing the 1D story right up to date.
Edmund Burke:The Visionary Who Invented Modern Politics
Edmund Burke:The Visionary Who Invented Modern Politics
Jesse Norman
Longlisted for the Orwell Prize and the Samuel Johnson prize for non-fiction; both conservative and subversive, Burke’s beliefs have never been more relevant, as MP Jesse Norman explains. Philosopher, statesman, and founder of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke is both the greatest and most under-rated political thinker of the past three-hundred years. Born in Ireland in 1729, and greatly affected by its bigotry and extremes, his career constituted a lifelong struggle against the abuse of power. Amid the 18th century’s golden generation that included his companions Adam Smith, Samuel Johnson and Edward Gibbon, Burke’s controversial mixture of conservative and subversive theories made him first a marginal figure, and finally a revered theorist – a hero of the Romantics. He warned of the effects of British rule in Ireland, the loss of the American colonies, and most famously, he foresaw the disastrous consequences of revolution in France. This he predicted, would trigger extremism, terror and the atomisation of society – a profound analysis that continues to resonate today. In this absorbing new biography Conservative MP Jesse Norman gives us Burke anew, vividly depicting his dazzling intellect, imagination and empathy against the rich tapestry of 18th century Europe. Burke’s wisdom, Norman shows, applies well beyond the times of empire to the conventional democratic politics practised in Britain and America today. We cannot understand the defects of the modern world, or modern politics, without him.
Uggie, the Artist:My Story
Uggie, the Artist:My Story
Chronicling Uggie’s life and that of his humans in intimate detail, Uggie: My Story is the hilarious and heart-warming life story of Hollywood’s favourite dog. The undisputed canine star of multiple-award-winning movie The Artist tells all. From his humble beginnings as a pound-bound hound, Uggie confesses to his youthful misdemeanours including Cat-Gate and Goat-Gate, before taking the reader on a page-turning journey through his career as a Jack Russell pin-up, star of numerous commercials, and bit-part player in several B-list movies. Aged almost seventy in human years, Uggie finally made it to the Oscars in the silent movie that set the world talking before being forced to retire at the peak of his career through ill health. Uggie’s memoir offers an entertaining romp through his encounters with celebrity actors (animal and human) as well as directors, politicians, journalists and vets. It also covers his disastrous dalliance with alcohol and his squirrel obsession. As well as a love letter to his acting coach Omar Von Muller, Uggie: My Story is revealingly frank about Uggie’s enduring crush on his one-time co-star Reese Witherspoon, which was finally sealed with a kiss at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. Everyone loves a happy ending, especially a dog. ‘Uggie’s the catch of the day!’ Katy Perry ‘That was the best action I’ve had in years!’ Whoopi Goldberg, after being kissed by Uggie ‘You have no idea how star struck I am!’ Gerard Butler ‘Uggie was my shadow and my friend’ Jean Dujardin Warm, funny and totally absorbing, this is the perfect Christmas gift for film and dog fans alike.