

101 Frases legais de parachoque de caminh?o
101 Frases legais de parachoque de caminh?o
Fernando Bragança
101 Frases legais de parachoque de caminh?o
10 Maneiras de organizar a sua vida financeira
10 Maneiras de organizar a sua vida financeira
Murilo Bisco
10 Maneiras de organizar a sua vida financeira
The Book of Dragons
The Book of Dragons
Edith Nesbit
Un b?ie?el singuratic ?i f?r? prieteni Un b?rbat secretos care a petrecut ani de zile ?ncerc?nd s? transforme metalele ?n aur Unul dintre cele mai mari genii ale tuturor timpurilor Toate cele de mai sus! ? Afl? mai multe despre adev?ratul Isaac Newton ?n aceast? biografie amuzant? ?i minunat ilustrat?!
10 Basic Manners for Facebook
10 Basic Manners for Facebook
James Fries
10 Basic Manners for Facebook
10 Maneiras de controlar o cart?o de crédito
10 Maneiras de controlar o cart?o de crédito
Murilo Bisco
10 Maneiras de controlar o cart?o de crédito
Encontros no parque
Encontros no parque
Britney Salles
Encontros no parque
Ensaios de um escritor frustrado
Ensaios de um escritor frustrado
Garibaldo Barreiros
Ensaios de um escritor frustrado
A Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
A Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
Charles Dickens
Soii Claudia i Haruya Sumiya sunt modele de buntate i sensibilitate. Au parcurs zeci de mii de kilometri n drumurile lor din Japonia pn n Ro-mnia, pentru salvarea cinilor fr stpn, n timp ce 90% dintre romni, spre ruinea lor, au asistat pasivi la mcelrirea a peste 300.000 de cini. Etalon pentru iubitorii de animale, cartea se adreseaz tuturor vrstelor; are i candoare, i caracter educativ, i mult nelepciune. Dac au inim, n paginile ei se regsesc oameni din toate categoriile socia-le. Judecata de valoare a doamnei Claudia Sumiya este imbatabil: ntr-adevr, toi cei care se ocup s omoare cinii, de la preedinte pn la hingherul de rnd, sunt oameni cu mintea contorsionat”. Devotai unei cauze nobile, soii Sumiya i-au salvat de la un sfrit iminent i ngrozitor pe celua Fetia din Romnia, pe motanul Sultan i pe ci-nele Sheba din Japonia. Grija lor i a iubitorilor de animale s-a ndreptat i spre eroul Ta-keshi Koizumi, condamnat la moarte pentru vina de a-i fi rzbunat cel mai loial prieten, cinele Chiro, ucis de hingheri, cu bestialitate. Cu siguran, familia Sumiya este binecuvantat cu mult fericire, pentru c iubirea revrsat ctre un animal se ntoarce nze-cit spre cel care-l iubete necondiionat. nchei prin a-i felicita pe cei doi autentici iubitori de animale i scriitori remarcabili, care ne dau permanent lecii de via: Iubim oamenii, de aceea cei mai inteligeni dintre ei spun c noi suntem cei mai buni prieteni ai lor. V mulumim c existai!“ – Marius Marinescu
101 Pérolas do enem
101 Pérolas do enem
Fernando Braga
101 Pérolas do enem
10 Perguntas básicas de entrevista de emprego e como respondê-las
10 Perguntas básicas de entrevista de emprego e como respondê-las
Maurício Luz
10 Perguntas básicas de entrevista de emprego e como respondê-las
101 Piadas
101 Piadas
Fernando Braga
101 Piadas
10 Condutas básicas que você deve ter no trabalho
10 Condutas básicas que você deve ter no trabalho
João Orlando Matos
10 Condutas básicas que você deve ter no trabalho
Gormenghast - Reviews & Commentary
Gormenghast - Reviews & Commentary
B. Allen
Gormenghast - Reviews & Commentary
10 Condutas básicas que você deve ter no Facebook
10 Condutas básicas que você deve ter no Facebook
James Fries
10 Condutas básicas que você deve ter no Facebook
Ami csak a tiéd: D.A.C. special edition
Ami csak a tiéd: D.A.C. special edition
Kalapos Éva
Ami csak a tiéd: D.A.C. special edition
Ramseyer's Ghost
Ramseyer's Ghost
Manu Herbstein
2050. The global village has disintegrated. The Third World War, ending in a stalemate, has left the planet split between two hostile powers, each with a captive sphere of influence. The Atlantic Ocean has become an American sea. West Africa is a desert of failed states and anarchy, dotted with mines and oil rigs, stockaded and armed by U. S. corporations. From their island outpost of St. Thomas, the Americans dispatch expeditions of geologists and mining engineers into the dangerous interior of the Dark Continent to search for untapped mineral resources. One such expedition has gone missing. Ekem “Crash” Ferguson, born in the U.S. in 2008 of African parents and abandoned to the care of foster parents, is a Captain in the Marine Corps. His career blocked and his marriage failing, he accepts an offer to proceed to Ghana on a one-man mission to find the missing experts. Unknown to his handlers, he has another mission. His arrival in Africa is inauspicious: in a shack amongst the coconut palms he comes across two human skeletons. This is only the first incident in what turns out to be a journey of discovery and self-discovery. “Magnificently crafted political fiction.” Andre Vltchek, author of Aurora and Exposing the Lies of the Empire.
Rebel Without a Clue: Planet Hyman
Rebel Without a Clue: Planet Hyman
Kerrie Noor
Mex is looking forward to a well-earned retirement for saving planet Hy Man from men. Instead she has been sent on a mission that will ruin her career with a robot who rubs her up the wrong way... Beryl is the leader of planet Hy Man and fighting to remain so. She is the reason that Mex is where she is trying to understand the Scottish accent, the Scottish weather and why everything they eat is covered in batter. Beryl is desperate, the planet’s energy is on its last legs and chapping at her heels to take over is the ruthless Hilda. A woman with a personality as bad her haircut and will do anything to get her way...
Olga Gibbs
With the power to end the world, would you protect humanity when it broke you or would you take revenge? Meet Ariel: a quiet, unnoticeable girl with an incredible gift… Ariel never had an easy or pleasant life, but the arrival of three gorgeous strangers meant her measured life is turned upside down, as she discovers that angels exist.Now against her will, she’s drawn into an ancient celestial conflict, where her powers will decide the fate of humanity. Deceived, threatened, hunted and now on the run, who can she trust? It's fantastically written using highly descriptive languagethroughout allowing me to feel like I was transported into the story - I couldalmost smell and feel what the characters are experiencing. (Melanie from "Frasier's Fun House"/Book blogger) From the first chapter I found this book scarily addicting.I just wanted more. I was consumed and intrigued. I didn't know where it wasgoing or what was going to happen and was pleasantly surprised. (Emma from "Emma's Chapter"/Book blogger)Once I'm started, I just can't stop myself from reading itand almost constantly think about it while awake, torturing me. Stranger tothis genre, I wasn't aware this book would make my heart race so much and thatmy little imagination wheels in my brain would be on fire! (Kristina from "Books and Dachshunds"/Book blogger)Holy, that was great...I'm speechless by how amazing the story is. (Deekay from "Life of Deekay"/Book blogger)Heavenward by Olga Gibbs was an interesting read. I thoughtthe idea was brilliant. I have not read that many books dealing with angels butI find that I enjoy them. Gibbs took the story of the angels and definitely puther own spin on it. The scenery that she describes in the second half of thebook is just amazing. (Stephanie from "Books in the Skye"/Book blogger)Fantastic page turner! 150 pages were gone in a flash and Ijust wanted more! (Amazon reviewer)Addictive book with a fantastic and vivid world-building! Iwould definitely continue with this series. I need to know what happens next!Well written, well planned out. Reminded me a little of Hush, Hush, so if youlike things like that then you should definitely check this out. (Book blogger)Olga Gibbs has a talent for world-building. From the schoolyard to the heavenly architecture and natural surroundings, her settings andimagery are so vivid and cater to all five senses; it would be hard to tire fromher rich descriptions. (Kelsey from "There's something about KM"/Book blogger)
President Michelle, or Ten Days that Shook the World: A Subversive Political Fan
President Michelle, or Ten Days that Shook the World: A Subversive Political Fan
Manu Herbstein
The 2012 presidential election campaign is well under way when Barack Obama succumbs to a sudden heart attack. Vice-president Biden is sworn in as President and the Democratic Party recalls its convention. Jesse Jackson makes a powerful speech proposing that the party adopt Michelle Obama as its candidate. What happens next?
Pancho Finds A Home
Pancho Finds A Home
Karen Cogan
Pancho Finds A Home is about a little dog who wanders into a small Mexican village that is preparing for a feast. He befriends a burro, hen and goat and prepares a special surprise for them.
Faerie Fruit
Faerie Fruit
Charlotte E. English
When the centuries-barren orchards of Berrie-on-the-Wyn suddenly bear fruit, it is clear that something strange is afoot — and something fey, for this is no ordinary harvest. To partake of the fruits of Faerie is to be changed for good, but not necessarily for the better. From whence come the golden apples, the moonlit silver pears? Who is the motley piper who walks the streets of Berrie, drawing forth magic and mayhem with his music? And how can half of the town vanish into thin air? There may be chaos aplenty in Berrie, but all that's needed to set things straight is a touch of the right light — and maybe just the right pair of Boots...