

49元5本 近思录
(宋)朱熹 吕祖谦 编 叶采等注 , 程水龙整理
49元5本 论人类不平等的起源和基础
《论人类不平等的起源和基础》因其学术地位和内容影响,成为国内各大本科院校社会学、法学、伦理学专业的名著。 本书被称为法国大革命的灵魂,是法国著名启蒙思想家、哲学家卢梭整个政治学说的导言。奠定了西方社会形态的著作《社会契约论》正是在本书的基础上深论而写成。在《论人类不平等的起源和基础》一书中,卢梭一方面借助当时有关野蛮人的人类学资料,一方面展辩证的想象,回顾了人类从自然状态向社会状态过渡的历史程,为社会学研究、法学发展研究、伦理学研究提供了基础,是学术名著中公认的不朽经典,也是人文科学爱好者*值得收藏的作品之一。
(德)舍勒 著,倪梁康 译
49元5本 卢卡奇研究指南:*卷 艺术与生活:早期卢卡奇的资本主义批判理论
卢卡奇研究指南:*卷 艺术与生活:早期卢卡奇的资本主义批判理论
张亮 主编 张亮;刘健;谢瑞丰 编
49元5本 卢卡奇研究指南:第二卷 物化与革命:?历史与阶级意识?中的马克思主义
卢卡奇研究指南:第二卷 物化与革命:?历史与阶级意识?中的马克思主义
张亮 主编 孙乐强;李乾坤 编
49元5本 了凡四训(果麦经典)
49元5本 论人类不平等的起源和基础
《论人类不平等的起源和基础》因其学术地位和内容影响,成为国内各大本科院校社会学、法学、伦理学专业的名著。 本书被称为法国大革命的灵魂,是法国著名启蒙思想家、哲学家卢梭整个政治学说的导言。奠定了西方社会形态的著作《社会契约论》正是在本书的基础上深论而写成。在《论人类不平等的起源和基础》一书中,卢梭一方面借助当时有关野蛮人的人类学资料,一方面展开辩证的想象,回顾了人类从自然状态向社会状态过渡的历史进程,为社会学研究、法学发展研究、伦理学研究提供了基础,是学术名著中公认的不朽经典,也是人文科学爱好者值得收藏的作品之一。
49元5本 海德格尔的政治时刻(“经典与解释”第32辑)
49元5本 社会改造原理
维特根斯坦文集 第7卷 心理学哲学笔记
维特根斯坦文集 第7卷 心理学哲学笔记
49元5本 卢卡奇研究指南:第三卷 审美与本体论:后期卢卡奇的理论体系构建
卢卡奇研究指南:第三卷 审美与本体论:后期卢卡奇的理论体系构建
张亮 主编 孙建茵;刘健;谢瑞丰 编
马克思恩格斯思想比较研究 (马克思主义研究论库)
马克思恩格斯思想比较研究 (马克思主义研究论库)
49元5本 梁启超修身三书:节本明儒学案(全三册)
      二十世纪初,梁启超(任公)先后编纂了三种关于传统的修身方面的书。此三书既是梁启超本人用以自修的随身札记读本,也是任公用以推行公民德育的指导书。考虑到梁氏编纂这三种书思路的连贯性和紧密性,取名“梁启超修身三书”。           其中《节本明儒学案》是节录《明儒学案》中的修身言论而成,但此书绝非是原书的简略本。《明儒学案》现在学界和读者一般是把它当做学术史著作,或者是资料的汇编来使用,而黄宗羲原来的目的之一“示读者以道之门”(梁氏语)则湮没不彰,梁氏编这本书的用意正是将原书变成一部修身指导书,可以说,已经是与《明儒学案》面目不同的另一本书。另外,节本只有二十七八万字,与原书的卷帙浩繁相比,也大大增强了可读性。    
49元5本 心灵的宇宙
本书是坎贝尔本人写作、选编的zui后一本书,收录了他1981—1984年间在旧金山发表的4篇演讲文章,概括了坎贝尔在科技高速发展、人类已经实现航天登月、普遍不相信神话的现代社会,对神话的全新诠释和理解。是zui贴近现今读者所处时代和心理特征的一本书,也是坎贝尔的哲思精华“心学”之作:以神话连内心与外界、过去与未来,对“天人合一”理念的深刻阐释。 坎贝尔通过三章的内容,论证了神话与科技的关系、人类心理与外太空法则的关系;书写了属于我们这个时代的新的神话,为技术与科技提供新的解读视角。读者可以认识到,人的内心与外在时代、境遇密不可分,而艺术作为现代生活中的神话形式,就是一面处在内外交界处的镜子。透过这面镜子,我们可以参透过去,预测未来。
49元5本 回到列宁——关于“哲学笔记”的一种后文本学解读
Il mago di Oz
Il mago di Oz
L. Frank Baum
Nietzsche despre filologia clasic? – iat? un subiect cu adev?rat pasionant, prilej de satisfac?ii unice pentru amatorul de a urm?ri fascinantul spectacol al form?rii ?i al cunoa?terii de sine. C?ci acest subiect ?nseamn?, de fapt, Nietzsche despre el ?nsu?i ?i ?n acest sens pledeaz? chiar propria sa m?rturie – ?Filologii sunt asemenea oameni care folosesc sentimentul ap?s?tor pe care ?l provoac? infirmitatea proprie omului modern pentru a c??tiga cu el bani ?i p?ine. ?i cunosc, eu ?nsumi sunt unul dintre ei“ (Noi, filologii, fr. 170). Mai precis, este vorba despre o ipostaz? a personalit??ii spirituale nietzscheene considerat? din unghiul evolu?iei sale interioare; dar, nu o ipostaz? oarecare, ci una esen?ial?. ?i aceasta nu pentru simplul motiv c? este cea dint?i, ci pentru c? este cea mai profund?, cea care i-a marcat definitiv orizontul de cultur? ?i de g?ndire ?i a l?sat o amprent? durabil? ?n desf??urarea destinului personal al omului. (Vasile Musc?)
Inigo: a play about Ignatius of Loyola
Inigo: a play about Ignatius of Loyola
Jonathan Moore
Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola) begins as a hot-headed, street-fighting sensualist, in this action-packed play but due to serious injury in a sword-fight, he has to spend time recovering and reassessing his dissolute life. This stage version of his life follows his transformation to become the co-founder of the Jesuits in the sixteenth century, battling the powers of the day and the Inquisition. In Moore's bold, funny play, he asserts Inigo's position as a radical figure bent on changing the Catholic Church.?? This play is not only for those interested in Inigo and the Jesuits. It is also about individuals who fight for change against an implacable Establishment and it is ideal for performing in schools, colleges and theatres. Of special interest to schools and colleges, many of which are named after Inigo (Ignatius de Loyola).?Inigo's spiritual tools for change have informed other self-development programs such as the 12 step program for recovering drug and alcohol addicts. As Pope Francis is a Jesuit, this is a timely exploration of one of history's major spiritual leaders and reformers. "This is the most interesting play text to have reached me for a while... Ignatius of Loyala, founder of the Jesuits is not the most obvious choice for a play subject until you remember that he was effectively a counter-cultural radical fighting an implacable establishment suddenly it s both topical and relevant. I hope this thoughtful, engaging and very funny in places eight-hander will get more outings very soon. If not read the text anyway." --Susan Elkin, The Stage"Brilliantly written... a great evening of thoughtful and dynamic theatre." --Mark Lawson, arts correspondent"The structure and dynamism of the play, the art with which Jonathan Moore makes Ignatius accessible to us, capturing much of the drama of the Spiritual Exercises themselves, would also make I?igo an excellent discovery for schools and colleges." --James Hanvey SJ, Master of Campion Hall, University of Oxford, Thinking Faith Jonathan Moore is an award-winning actor, writer and director. As an actor he has played leading roles at the Royal Shakespeare Co, Royal Court, Donmar, the Royal Exchange and on BBC TV. He has directed theatre and opera world premieres at the Almeida, Donmar, West End, Royal Exchange, Gate, English National Opera, Covent Garden, La Fenice in Venice and on TV among many others. He has directed world premieres by composers such as Turnage, MacMillan, Henze, Schnittke, Nyman, Copeland and more, and his early work was sponsored by Joe Strummer of The Clash. He has collaborated with members of punk band Killing Joke and on several projects with Industrial group Test Dept. A published playwright and librettist, his work has been performed at leading theatres including the Donmar, Royal Exchange, Gate, BBC TV, radio and internationally. Jonathan was asked by Mark Rylance to direct the large-scale immersive project for over fifty performers What You Will, a co-production for Shakespeare s Globe, The Cultural Olympiad and Mayor s Office and several subsequent Shakespeare projects. He is due to direct a large-scale site-specific immersive project for Ludovico Einaudi in Italy and a new opera project with Stewart Copeland. He is on the Artistic Advisory Committee of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He has had a Who s Who entry since 2007. A collection of Moore's plays has been previously published by Aurora Metro Books. www.jonathanmooreuk.com
Dream Finder: An independent novel of good and evil set in the world of "The Chr
Dream Finder: An independent novel of good and evil set in the world of "The Chr
Roger Taylor
The city of Serenstad has never been stronger, and superstitions are waning in the light of reason and civilization. For the Guild of Dream Finders this has proved disastrous, until Duke Ibris, troubled by mystifying and unsettling dreams, orders Antyr, leader of the Guild, to become the Dream Nexus. Dream Finder is an independent novel set in the world of The Chronicles of Hawklan". --------------- "This is good grown-up stuff; more please." -- Interzone "Big meaty fantasy." -- Darlington Northern Echo "This is wonderful stuff." -- Brum Group News "
Despre via?? ?i moarte
Despre via?? ?i moarte
Atkins Peter
Urm?nd acela?i tipar de p?n? acum (Logica elefan?ilor, Editura All, 2012), Ciprian V?lcan ?i Dana Percec au selectat c?te dou?zeci de eseuri care formuleaz?, ?ntr-o manier? doar aparent lejer?, un r?spuns la tot at?tea pretexte, culese cu ochiul colec?ionarului de caricaturi din presa rom?neasc? ?i interna?ional? sau din tomuri mai mult sau mai pu?in colbuite. Autorii inspecteaz? cu lupa ?i curiozitatea entomologului numeroase ?nt?mpl?ri, mesaje ?i personaje contemporane, ?ndemn?ndu-i pe cititori, prin stilul degajat ?i tonul convivial, s? se amuze pe seama absurdului din via?a de zi cu zi. Fie c? este vorba de politic?, sport, mod?, mass-media sau tribunale, de gastronomie sau vr?jitorie, eseurile demonteaz? adev?ruri mici, truisme, precum ?i pl?smuiri de tot felul. Fiec?rei p??anii evocate ?n pretext – unele ilare, cu miros de b?lci, altele aproape detestabile – autorii Metafizicii bicicli?tilor ?i r?spund ?n manier? diferit?, dar convergent?, contur?nd o nevoie de a r?scoli excesele lumii pentru a o ?ndemna s? se rea?eze.
Spre binele t?u. Mici crime ?n numele iubirii
Spre binele t?u. Mici crime ?n numele iubirii
Schelotto Gianna
Alchimia fericirii, publicat? ?n persan? (Kimiya?yi sa’adat), spre sf?r?itul vie?ii autorului, urm?re?te atenuarea tensiunilor dintre filosofii ?i misticii Islamului ?i scoate ?n eviden?? importan?a autodisciplinei ?i a ascetismului. Traducerea de fa?? are la baz? traducerea publicat? ?n 1910, ?n englez? de Claud Field (The Alchemy of Happiness) ?i este structurat? ?n opt capitole, aproximativ egale ca ?ntindere. Cartea de fa?? reune?te o serie de interpret?ri ale unor pilde cu con?inut religios evocate ?n Coran ?i ale unor idei exprimate de Mahomed, de al?i profe?i sau ?nv??ati musulmani. Chestiunile abordate de Al-Ghazali aduc ?n prim-plan ideea unei vie?i religioase exemplare. Astfel, el prezint? mai multe sfaturi pentru musulmanii pio?i. Raportul omului cu divinitatea, cu semenii s?i, cu rudele apropiate, dar ?i implica?iile religioase ale institu?iei c?s?toriei sau ale muzicii ?i dansului sunt printre cele mai importante subiecte din lucrarea lui Al-Ghazali. S? ?tii, o, preaiubite, c? omul nu a fost creat ?n glum? sau la ?nt?mplare, ci a fost f?cut ?ntr?un fel minunat ?i pentru un ?el ?nalt. Chiar dac? nu a existat dintotdeauna, el tr?ie?te ve?nic; ?i chiar dac? trupul s?u este slab ?i p?m?ntesc, spiritul ?i este m?re? ?i dumnezeiesc. ?i cu c?t este mai ales subiectul cunoa?terii noastre,cu at?t mai mare va fi ?nc?ntarea sim?it? ?n studierea acestuia; de exemplu, ne?ar face mai mult? placer s? ?tim secretele unui rege dec?t dac? am afla secretele unui ministru. V?z?nd c? Dumnezeu este cel mai ?nalt obiect posibil pentru cunoa?terea noastr?, cunoa?terea Sa trebuie s? ne d?ruiasc? mai mult? desf?tare dec?t oricare alta.
Cine a fost Isaac Newton?
Cine a fost Isaac Newton?
Janet B. Pascal
Cartea de fa??, pe care cititorul o ?ine acum ?n m?n?, reprezint? o form? – literar vorbind, foarte complex?, fiindc? ea evolueaz? pe mai multe voci narative, dintre care doar unele ?i apar?in ?n mod direct autoarei – de exorcism. Geniul inimii e r?spunsul unui poet la o experien?? personal? plenitudinar?, ?n care bucuria ?i suferin?a se ?ntrep?trund reciproc pentru a exprima, ?mpreun? ?i tensionat, starea de gra?ie. Exist? o voce a experien?ei biografice ?n aceast? carte scris? febril, o alta de martor sau de participant la istorie, tot a?a cum exist? o voce a puterii ?i una a victimei. Deasupra tuturor st?, ?ns?, nu neap?rat triumf?toare, dar lucid-cerebral?, chemarea celor dou? credin?e pentru care merit? s? tr?ie?ti ?i s?-?i rememorezi via?a atunci c?nd ai ajuns cu ea la r?sp?ntie: credin?a ?n cultura modelelor care te-au precedat ?i credin?a deloc ingenu?, ci ivit? din cunoa?tere, ?n sacralitatea profund? a celor tr?ite ?i ?n transcenden??. (?tefan Borbély) A considera un text drept ?carte a ilumin?rilor mele“ ?i a a?eza ca titlu al primei p?r?i a volumului sintagma Povestea subteranei ne plaseaz? sub semnul aproape imposibil al drumului c?tre Sine, al cuprinderii, al denud?rii ?i al efortului de a ?n?elege un obiect al c?rui adev?r se va afla ?ntotdeauna ?n proximitatea pe?terii lui Platon. E un demers perpetuat, dar niciodat? epuizat ?i aproape exclus din plasma comunic?rii, care – ?n situa?ia ?romanului“ Aurei Christi – nu are coresponden?e, nu se apropie de experien?a budhist?, nici de prerogativele ocultismului de New Age, ci ne aduce ?n vecin?tatea ?ndemnului de pe frontispiciul templului lui Apollo din Delphi, preluat apoi, ca solu?ie ?ntre a fi ?i a p?rea, de c?tre Socrate: ?Cunoa?te-te pe tine ?nsu?i!“. Po?i ?nt?lni, pe acest drum, ?i acel daimonion care a str?juit g?ndirea aceluia?i ?n?elept atenian ca alt? fa?? a ?subteranelor“ fiin?ei, acolo unde lumina se ?ngem?neaz? cu ?ntunericul, stare ?poetizat?“ de Goethe, dar pr?bu?it? ?n tragic de Dostoievski. E o cobor?re spre ?n?elegere prin cuprindere ?i, implicit, prin atingerea nelimitatului. (Mircea Braga) Cartea Aurei Christi Geniul inimii pare o st?nc? masiv?, singuratic?, ?ntr-un peisaj ?mioritic“. Geniul inimii are originalitate ?i for??. Prima parte e liric?, a doua (?ntr-un fel) – o comedie negru-satiric?, a treia – predominant epic-narativ?. Prima parte este excelent?; mi-am ?nsemnat un num?r de poezii memorabile. A doua, ?n centrul ei mai ales, are sec?iuni, pasaje extrem de interesant-pl?cute-amuzante, ?n pofida tonului, uneori, foiletonistic. A treia e impresionant? ?n ansamblu, armonios-coerent?, de o sinceritate sf??ietoare. ?n tot volumul, istoricul, religiosul, subiectivul se leag? foarte frumos ?ntre ele. Nu-mi plac laudele la adresa lui Nietzsche! De fapt, cum se leag? acest autor de Biblie, de Evanghelii?! Aura Christi poate fi m?ndr? de o realizare major?, cu totul original?. Probabil, nu l-a citit pe romanticul britanic Wordsworth; dar el e cel care a scris (sau a ?nceput s? scrie) o memorabil? autobiografie ?n versuri. Pu?ini l-au continuat. Am putea spune c? Aura se num?r? printre cei pu?ini. (Virgil Nemoianu)