关于权力概念,仍然存在理论上的混乱。这一现象如此不言而喻,概念本身却如此晦暗不明,二者形成了鲜明对比。对一些人来说,权力意味着压制。对另一些人来说,权力是一种建构性的交往要素。法学、政治学和社会学的权力概念不可调和地相互对立。权力有时关乎自由,有时与胁迫相连。有人认为,权力建立在集体行动之上。其他人认为,它与斗争相结合。有人把权力和暴力截然分。对其他人来说,暴力仅仅是一种强化的权力形式。权力有时与法律相关,有时与专断相结合。 鉴于这种理论上的混乱,应当寻找一个灵活的权力概念,能够把不同的权力观念统一起来。需要制定一种权力的基本形式,通过转变内部的结构要素,从而产生出不同的表现形式。本书正是基于这一理论预设。 在对卢曼、卡内蒂、福柯、海德格尔、施米特、阿伦特、哈贝马斯等人逐一行检阅和辨析后,作者提请我们注意尼采权力意志的另一面向:“它不为自己谋求任何东西,却奉献了自己的一切。” -------------------- 韩炳哲作品(第2辑) 《山寨:中国式解构》(2023年1月出版) Shanzhai. Dekonstruktion auf Chinesisch. 《超文化:文化与全球化》(2023年1月出版) Hyperkulturalität. Kultur und Globalisierung. 《妥协社会:今日之痛》(2023年1月出版) Palliativgesellschaft. Schmerz heute. 《不在场:东亚文化与哲学》(2023年7月出版) Abwesen. Zur Kultur und Philosophie des Fernen Ostens. 《禅宗哲学》(2023年8月出版) Philosophie des Zen-Buddhismus. 《什么是权力?》(2023年7月出版) Was ist Macht? 《仪式的消失:当下的世界》(2023年8月出版) Vom Verschwinden der Rituale.Eine Topologie der Gegenwart. 《资本主义与死亡驱力》(2023年8月出版) Kapitalismus und Todestrieb. 《沉思的生活,或无所事事》(2023年7月出版) Vita contemplativa.oder von der Untätigkeit. 韩炳哲作品(第3辑) 《大地颂歌:花园之旅》(2024年1月即将出版) Lob der Erde. Eine Reise in den Garten. 《时间的香气:驻留的艺术》(2024年1月即将出版) Duft der Zeit. Ein philosophischer Essay zur Kunst des Verweilens. 《叙事的危机》(2024年1月即将出版) Die Krise der Narration.

“滚动着,像石头一样滚动着,按照愚蠢的机械定律。”——我们正在成为这样一群行动者。我们对生活的感知只剩工作和绩效,“无所事事”也就成了我们想尽快清除的赤字。人的存在被行动榨干,变成可以被剥削的对象。我们失去了对无所事事的感知。无所事事不是无力行动、拒绝行动,也不是简单地在行动中缺席,而是一种独立的能力。它有自身的逻辑和语言,有其自身的时间性,有自身的结构与气势,甚至有其自身的魔力。 无所事事是人性的构成部分。它参与到“做”中来,让“做”实实在在具有了人性。倘若没有迟疑和中止,行动将沦为盲目的活动与反应。缺失了安宁,就会出现一种新的野蛮。 假若失去无所事事的能力,我们就会像一部只会运转的机器。对生存的忧虑和纯然属于生命的困苦终止之处,便是真正生命的起。无所事事是人努力的最终目标。在来临中的和平国度里,人不过是“生命体共和国”的公民,与植物、动物、石头、云、星无异。 -------------------- 韩炳哲作品(第2辑) 《山寨:中国式解构》(2023年1月出版) Shanzhai. Dekonstruktion auf Chinesisch. 《超文化:文化与全球化》(2023年1月出版) Hyperkulturalität. Kultur und Globalisierung. 《妥协社会:今日之痛》(2023年1月出版) Palliativgesellschaft. Schmerz heute. 《不在场:东亚文化与哲学》(2023年7月出版) Abwesen. Zur Kultur und Philosophie des Fernen Ostens. 《禅宗哲学》(2023年8月出版) Philosophie des Zen-Buddhismus. 《什么是权力?》(2023年7月出版) Was ist Macht? 《仪式的消失:当下的世界》(2023年8月出版) Vom Verschwinden der Rituale.Eine Topologie der Gegenwart. 《资本主义与死亡驱力》(2023年8月出版) Kapitalismus und Todestrieb. 《沉思的生活,或无所事事》(2023年7月出版) Vita contemplativa.oder von der Untätigkeit. 韩炳哲作品(第3辑) 《大地颂歌:花园之旅》(2024年1月即将出版) Lob der Erde. Eine Reise in den Garten. 《时间的香气:驻留的艺术》(2024年1月即将出版) Duft der Zeit. Ein philosophischer Essay zur Kunst des Verweilens. 《叙事的危机》(2024年1月即将出版) Die Krise der Narration.

在物质生活高度繁荣的今天,人们时常被外物所累,“想”回到相对贫乏的过去,重回人与物的和谐关系。 为什么柴火灶比煤气灶烧菜更香? 为什么自行车比汽车似乎更能承载? 为什么炉子比暖气更暖人心? 这种对过去生活的罗曼蒂克的想法值得玩味。作者王小伟琢磨了一种恰当的、刻画生活的手段,从怀旧的影像中梳理内心,透过自身的经验和长辈的回忆,回顾*十年代以来我们熟悉的技术人工物(俗称“东西”)是如何生灭的,试图解释为什么在之前的岁月物件是如此金贵,仿佛家庭成员,而现在的物件变成了纯粹的商品,不再需要人花心力照顾,只剩下干瘪的使用价值。这或许反映了人们生活底层的逻辑发生了不小的变化。 本书中所谈论的诸多技术物是“70后”“80后”和“90后”共同的回忆,有些是比较单纯的设备,比如电视、手机,有些是直接和生活相关的技术产品,比如住房和穿衣,还有饮食。王小伟以技术哲学为基,打破学术和文学的壁垒,写下这本以日常用品为主角的小书,刻画一段我们共同走过的集体历史。


如今的时间危机并非加速。加速的时代早已过去。目前我们认为的加速,只是时间涣散的症状之一。今日的时间危机源于一种导致各类时间障碍和错误感知的时间紊乱。时间缺乏有序的节奏,陷失调状态。这种紊乱让时间仿佛在飞驰。 这种时间紊乱并非强制加速的结果,其首要原因是时间的原子化,这也是为什么人们感觉时间的流逝比以往快得多。时间涣散导致人们不可能去经验何为持存。没什么能让时间驻足。生命不再被嵌能创建持存的秩序体或坐标系中。 本书通过回顾历史提请人们注意,必须换一种方式理解日常生活,以避免陷时间危机。作者缅怀的并非“讲述的时间”。讲述的终结,或故事的终结,并不一定意味着时间上的空白。它有可能启一种无关神学和目的论的、散发自己独特香气的生命时间。它的前提是让“沉思的生活”复苏。 -------------------- 韩炳哲作品(第2辑) 《山寨:中国式解构》(2023年1月出版) Shanzhai. Dekonstruktion auf Chinesisch. 《超文化:文化与全球化》(2023年1月出版) Hyperkulturalität. Kultur und Globalisierung. 《妥协社会:今日之痛》(2023年1月出版) Palliativgesellschaft. Schmerz heute. 《不在场:东亚文化与哲学》(2023年7月出版) Abwesen. Zur Kultur und Philosophie des Fernen Ostens. 《禅宗哲学》(2023年8月出版) Philosophie des Zen-Buddhismus. 《什么是权力?》(2023年7月出版) Was ist Macht? 《仪式的消失:当下的世界》(2023年8月出版) Vom Verschwinden der Rituale.Eine Topologie der Gegenwart. 《资本主义与死亡驱力》(2023年8月出版) Kapitalismus und Todestrieb. 《沉思的生活,或无所事事》(2023年7月出版) Vita contemplativa.oder von der Untätigkeit. 韩炳哲作品(第3辑) 《大地颂歌:花园之旅》(2024年5月出版) Lob der Erde. Eine Reise in den Garten. 《时间的香气:驻留的艺术》(2024年5月出版) Duft der Zeit. Ein philosophischer Essay zur Kunst des Verweilens. 《叙事的危机》(2024年5月出版) Die Krise der Narration.


Eugenie Grandet
Eugenie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance. However, he is very miserly, and he, his wife, daughter and their servant Nanon live in a run-down old house which he is too miserly to repair. His banker des Grassins wishes Eugenie to marry his son Adolphe, and his lawyer Cruchot wishes Eugenie to marry his nephew President Cruchot des Bonfons, both parties eyeing the inheritance from Felix.

Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime is the opening story in this volume of Oscar Wilde tales and this collection will delight the reader with slightly darker undertones of Wilde's hugely enjoyable humorous tales. Also included in this collection: The Canterville Ghost, The Sphinx Without a Secret, The Modle Millionaire, The Protrait of Mr. W.H.

Categories is a text from Aristotle's Organon that enumerates all the possible kinds of things that can be the subject or the predicate of a proposition. They are considered the single most heavily discussed of all Aristotelian notions.

The African Wars: English and Latin Language
Caesar, advancing by moderate journeys, and continuing his march without intermission, arrived at Lilybaeum, on the 14th day before the calends of January. Designing to embark immediately, though he had only one legion of new levies, and not quite six hundred horse, he ordered his tent to be pitched so near the sea-side that the waves lashed the very foot of it. This he did with a view that none should think he had time to delay, and that his men might be kept in readiness at a day or an hour's warning. Though the wind at that time was contrary, he nevertheless detained the soldiers and mariners on board, that he might lose no opportunity of sailing; the rather, because the forces of the enemy were announced by the inhabitants of the province, to consist of innumberable cavalry not to be numbered; four legions headed by Juba, together with a great body of light-armed troops; ten legions under the command of Scipio; a hundred and twenty elephants, and fleets in abundance. Yet he was not alarmed, nor lost his confident hopes and spirits. Meantime the number of galleys and transports increased daily; the new-levied legions flocked in to him from all parts; among the rest the fifth, a veteran legion, and about two thousand horse.

The Crito seems intended to exhibit the character of Socrates in one light only, not as the philosopher, fulfilling a divine mission and trusting in the will of heaven, but simply as the good citizen, who having been unjustly condemned is willing to give up his life in obedience to the laws of the state . . .

The Alexandrian Wars
When the war broke out at Alexandria, Caesar sent to Rhodes, Syria, and Cilicia, for all his fleet; and summoned archers from Crete, and cavalry from Malchus, king of the Nabatheans. He likewise ordered military engines to be provided, corn to be brought, and forces dispatched to him. Meanwhile he daily strengthened his fortifications by new works; and such parts of the town as appeared less tenable were strengthened with testudos and mantelets. Openings were made in the walls, through which the battering-rams might play; and the fortifications were extended over whatever space was covered with ruins, or taken by force. For Alexandria is in a manner secure from fire, because the houses are all built without joists or wood, and are all vaulted, and roofed with tile or pavement.

Some dialogues of Plato are of so various a character that their relation to the other dialogues cannot be determined with any degree of certainty. The Theaetetus, like the Parmenides, has points of similarity both with his earlier and his later writings. The perfection of style, the humour, the dramatic interest, the complexity of structure, the fertility of illustration, the shifting of the points of view, are characteristic of his best period of authorship. The vain search, the negative conclusion, the figure of the midwives, the constant profession of ignorance on the part of Socrates, also bear the stamp of the early dialogues, in which the original Socrates is not yet Platonized.

There are no descriptions of time, place or persons, in the Sophist and Statesman, but we are plunged at once into philosophical discussions; the poetical charm has disappeared, and those who have no taste for abstruse metaphysics will greatly prefer the earlier dialogues to the later ones. Plato is conscious of the change, and in the Statesman expressly accuses himself of a tediousness in the two dialogues, which he ascribes to his desire of developing the dialectical method.

Of all the works of Plato the Symposium is the most perfect in form, and may be truly thought to contain more than any commentator has ever dreamed of; or, as Goethe said of one of his own writings, more than the author himself knew. For in philosophy as in prophecy glimpses of the future may often be conveyed in words which could hardly have been understood or interpreted at the time when they were uttered.

On the Gait of Animals
We have now to consider the parts which are useful to animals for movement in place (locomotion); first, why each part is such as it is and to what end they possess them; and second, the differences between these parts both in one and the same creature, and again by comparison of the parts of creatures of different species with one another. First then let us lay down how many questions we have to consider.

In the Meno, Anytus had parted from Socrates with the significant words: 'That in any city, and particularly in the city of Athens, it is easier to do men harm than to do them good;' and Socrates was anticipating another opportunity of talking with him. In the Euthyphro, Socrates is awaiting his trial for impiety. But before the trial begins, Plato would like to put the world on their trial, and convince them of ignorance in that very matter touching which Socrates is accused. An incident which may perhaps really have occurred in the family of Euthyphro, a learned Athenian diviner and soothsayer, furnishes the occasion of the discussion.

This Dialogue begins abruptly with a question of Meno, who asks, 'whether virtue can be taught.' Socrates replies that he does not as yet know what virtue is, and has never known anyone who did. 'Then he cannot have met Gorgias when he was at Athens.' Yes, Socrates had met him, but he has a bad memory, and has forgotten what Gorgias said. Will Meno tell him his own notion, which is probably not very different from that of Gorgias? 'O yes—nothing easier: there is the virtue of a man, of a woman, of an old man, and of a child; there is a virtue of every age and state of life, all of which may be easily described.'

The African Wars
Caesar, advancing by moderate journeys, and continuing his march without intermission, arrived at Lilybaeum, on the 14th day before the calends of January. Designing to embark immediately, though he had only one legion of new levies, and not quite six hundred horse, he ordered his tent to be pitched so near the sea-side that the waves lashed the very foot of it. This he did with a view that none should think he had time to delay, and that his men might be kept in readiness at a day or an hour's warning. Though the wind at that time was contrary, he nevertheless detained the soldiers and mariners on board, that he might lose no opportunity of sailing; the rather, because the forces of the enemy were announced by the inhabitants of the province, to consist of innumberable cavalry not to be numbered; four legions headed by Juba, together with a great body of light-armed troops; ten legions under the command of Scipio; a hundred and twenty elephants, and fleets in abundance. Yet he was not alarmed, nor lost his confident hopes and spirits. Meantime the number of galleys and transports increased daily; the new-levied legions flocked in to him from all parts; among the rest the fifth, a veteran legion, and about two thousand horse.

The Spanish Wars: English and Latin Language
On the defeat of Pharnaces and reduction of Africa, those who escaped from those battles fled to young Cn. Pompey, who had taken possession of Further Spain, while Caesar was detained in Italy in exhibiting games. Pompey began to throw himself on the protection of every state, in order the more readily to establish the means of defense against him. Accordingly, with a considerable force which had been collected, partly by entreaty, partly by force, he began to lay waste the province. Under these circumstances some states voluntarily sent him supplies, others shut the gates of their towns against him. If any of these chanced to fall into his hands by assault, although some citizen in it had deserved well of Cn. Pompey (his father), yet some cause was alleged against him on account of the greatness of his wealth, so that, he being dispatched, his fortune might become the reward of the soldiers.

Discourse on Inequality
Rousseau first exposes in this work his conception of a human state of nature, presented as a philosophical fiction, and of human perfectibility, an early idea of progress. He then explains the way, according to him, people may have established civil society, which leads him to present private property as the original source and basis of all inequality.