

Dreaming in Darkness
Dreaming in Darkness
Jessica Kristie
Dreaming in Darkness
A Música em Portugal: O que os Músicos Portugueses Precisam Saber para ter Suces
A Música em Portugal: O que os Músicos Portugueses Precisam Saber para ter Suces
Daniel Marques
A Música em Portugal: O que os Músicos Portugueses Precisam Saber para ter Sucesso
Amar a Vida: Os Poemas Mais Populares de Noel Dignity
Amar a Vida: Os Poemas Mais Populares de Noel Dignity
Noel Dignity
Amar a Vida: Os Poemas Mais Populares de Noel Dignity
Stendhal Syndrome
Stendhal Syndrome
J.M. Donellan
Stendhal Syndrome
Susan Glaspell
How to Tell a Story and Other Essays
How to Tell a Story and Other Essays
Mark Twain
How to Tell a Story and Other Essays
Az akasztott király: kortárs dráma
Az akasztott király: kortárs dráma
Diana Soto
Az akasztott király: kortárs dráma
The Sea’s Secret Song: (Consonance or Dissonance)
The Sea’s Secret Song: (Consonance or Dissonance)
Linda Imbler
The Sea’s Secret Song: (Consonance or Dissonance)
The Trial of William Shakespeare
The Trial of William Shakespeare
J. Ajlouny
Few men have endured the indignity of having their very existence challenged as thoroughly as William Shakespeare, late of Stratford-upon-Avon. From scholars to amateur enthusiasts, many cannot bring themselves to believe he wrote his own body of work. Playwright J. Ajlouny presents the arguments for and against, all statements and proofs drawn from the historical record. Everybody must decide for himself, but The Trial of William Shakespeare makes the controversy both intriguing and fun.
The Curious Lives of Shakespeare & Cervantes
The Curious Lives of Shakespeare & Cervantes
Asa Palomera
It is the 400th anniversary of the deaths of two of the world’s most famous authors: William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. This comic romp charts the influences of these literary giants on the modern world and contrasts the vastly different fortunes of two contemporaries whose countries – England and Spain – went from alliance to enmity in a short space of time.
Playlist (pentru sf?r?itul lumii)
Playlist (pentru sf?r?itul lumii)
Blidariu Mihnea
Ac?iunea informativ? Nichita Smochin? reprezint? rezultatul cercet?rii ?n Arhiva CNSAS.Documentele publicate sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne au ca subiect urm?rirea informativ? a lui Nichita Smochin? de c?tre Securitate ?n perioada 1952-1962. Dup? abandonarea Rom?niei ?n sfera de influen?? sovietic?, activitatea academic?, publicistic? ?i umanitar?, desf??urat? ?n perioada interbelic? ?i ?n timpul celui de al Doilea R?zboi Mondial, dar mai ales calitatea de consilier al mare?alului Ion Antonescu, l-au plasat pe cel mai important militant pentru afirmarea spiritului rom?nesc ?n Transnistria ?n fruntea listei du?manilor URSS.FragmentDin nota privind ?nt?lnirea agentului ?Speran?a“ cu Nichita Smochin?: ?n ziua de 17 octombrie 1952, informatorul ?Speran?a“, sub pretextul c? vrea s? primeasc? lec?ii de limba rus? ?n scris, s-a dus la Smochin? Nichita, din str. N. Golescu nr. 14. La intrare ?Speran?a“ a fost ?nt?mpinat? de fiica lui Smochin?, care nu prea vroia s? o primeasc? ?n?untru. Dup? ce a fost primit? ?n?untru, a venit ?i Smochin?, cu care a ?nceput discu?ia. Din discu?ii a rezultat c? Smochin? ?n prezent traduce din limba rus? ?n limba rom?n? diferite c?r?i, pe care le prime?te de la o redac?ie din apropiere de locuin?a sa. A mai rezultat c? el, p?n? ?n anul 1938, a locuit ?n Ia?i, dup? care s-a mutat ?n Bucure?ti. Este v?duv, locuie?te ?mpreun? cu fiica sa, ginerele s?u ?i un nepot. Este o fire ?nchis?, necomunicativ?, ?ns? fa?? de ?Speran?a“ s-a ar?tat foarte binevoitor, mai ales v?z?nd c? ?tie la perfec?ie s? vorbeasc? limba rus?. Toat? conversa?ia a fost dus? ?n limba rus?. Sursa: ?Speran?a“. Valoarea: serioas?. Nota biroului: S-au trasat instruc?iuni informatorului s? se mai duc? la Smochin? ?i s? primeasc? lec?ii ?n scris, iar deocamdat? s? nu deschid? discu?ia despre trecutul s?u, pentru a putea c?p?ta ?ncrederea lui Smochin?, iar la a treia vedere s? deschid? discu?ia. Nota superiorului: ?S? se urm?reasc? ?n continuare ac?iunea lui Smochin?, p?n? vom primi noi dispozi?iuni de la Cabinet. Informatorului s? i se dea bani pentru a pl?ti medita?ia pe care o prime?te de la Smochin? (ss)“.
Delphi Complete Works of Mark Twain (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Mark Twain (Illustrated)
Mark Twain
This is the COMPLETE WORKS of America's favourite storyteller Mark Twain. The eBook contains every novel, short story - even the very rare ones ? essay, travel book, non-fiction text, letter and much, much more! . (Current Version: 3) Features: * ALL 12 novels, with concise introductions and contents tables * images of how the books first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * includes Twain's rare unfinished novel 'The Mysterious Stranger', often missed out of collections * ALL of the short stories, with quality formatting * the short stories have their own chronological and alphabetical contents tables - find that special story easily! * Twain's 20 short story contributions to "The Library of Humor", with their own contents table * even INCLUDES Twain's complete letters, essays and satires - with their own special contents tables * ALL of the travel writing, with contents tables * includes Twain's "Chapters from My Autobiography" * SPECIAL BONUS texts, including three contemporary Twain biographies - explore the great man's amazing life in Paine's and Howells' famous biographies! * UPDATED with a special literary criticism section, with various works exploring Twain's contribution to literature * UPDATED with Archibald Henderson's critical study MARK TWAIN * UPDATED with the complete speeches * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Twain's immense oeuvre. Welcome to hours upon hours upon hours of reading one of literature's most famous storytellers! CONTENTS The Novels THE GILDED AGE: A TALE OF TODAY THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN and many more! The Short Stories (too many to list!) CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SHORT STORIES MARK TWAIN'S LIBRARY OF HUMOR The Essays and Satires LIST OF TWAIN'S ESSAYS AND SATIRES The Travel Writing THE INNOCENTS ABROAD ROUGHING IT A TRAMP ABROAD FOLLOWING THE EQUATOR SOME RAMBLING NOTES OF AN IDLE EXCURSION The Non-Fiction OLD TIMES ON THE MISSISSIPPI and many more! The Letters THE COMPLETE LETTERS OF MARK TWAIN The Speeches THE COMPLETE SPEECHES The Criticism MARK TWAIN BY ARCHIBALD HENDERSON MARK TWAIN BY BRANDER MATTHEWS THE AMERICANS BY DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY MARK TWAIN BY FREDERICK WADDY NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLES The Biographies CHAPTERS FROM MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY M.TWAIN MY MARK TWAIN BY WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS MARK TWAIN A BIOGRAPHY BY A.B. PAINE THE BOYS' LIFE OF MARK TWAIN BY A. B. PAINE
Delphi Complete Works of James Joyce (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of James Joyce (Illustrated)
James Joyce
This is the definitive digital edition of James Joyce’s complete works. At last the great modernist writer joins the scholarly range of Delphi Classics. (Version 6) * CONCISE introductions to the novels and other texts * every novel, poetry collection and play has its own contents table to allow easy navigation – you won’t get lost! * the rare unfinished novel STEPHEN HERO * COUNTLESS images related to Joyce and his works * special images of the original first editions, giving your eReader a flavour of the original texts * ALL of the short stories and poems * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order * ‘Ulysses’ has special introductions to all eighteen episodes of the epic novel. Finally you can finish and understand the novel! * includes the rare children’s short story THE CAT AND THE DEVIL * introductory chapters for each part of FINNEGANS WAKE, aiding your understanding of this abstruse text * includes the rare prose poem GIACOMO JOYCE, first time in digital print * boasts a special non-fiction section with essays, letters and newspaper articles The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Joyce’s oeuvre. Welcome to hours upon hours upon hours of reading one of literature’s most experimental writers! CONTENTS The Novels A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN ULYSSES FINNEGANS WAKE STEPHEN HERO The Short Stories DUBLINERS THE CAT AND THE DEVIL Other Prose Works EPIPHANIES GIACOMO JOYCE The Play EXILES The Poetry Collections EARLY POETRY CHAMBER MUSIC POMES PENYEACH LATER POETRY The Poetry LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction LIST OF ESSAYS, LETTERS AND ARTICLES
Chenguang Li
This is an erotic short story about loving hot wives that clocks in at 2982 words. This story, Veronica, is very naughty and potentially shocking. We can't say too much. But, here is a sentence or two to sample: At the exit of the church, my best friend, Lucia Fernandez, gave me a comforting hug. My dark glasses hid my eyes red and full of tears. The damp handkerchief in my hands was a witness to the pain that still lived inside me.
Meet William Shakespeare: A superbly entertaining one-person play starring The B
Meet William Shakespeare: A superbly entertaining one-person play starring The B
J. Ajlouny
Much has been explored about Shakespeare and his life, but little is known about how this small-town boy with a grammar-school education came to pen masterworks like Hamlet and King Lear. In Meet William Shakespeare, playwright J. Ajlouny creates authentic and plausible explanations that answer centuries-old questions about the man and his work. The result is an educational and fun portrait of Shakespeare, as told by The Bard himself.
Delphi Complete Works of J. M. Synge (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of J. M. Synge (Illustrated)
J. M. Synge
The playwright J. M. Synge was a key figure in the Irish Literary Revival and was one of the co-founders of the Abbey Theatre. Today he is best known for his controversial play ‘The Playboy of the Western World’, which caused riots in Dublin during its opening run. Synge's writings are chiefly concerned with the world of the Roman Catholic peasants of rural Ireland and with what he saw as the essential paganism of their world view. He was a poetic dramatist of great power, whose modern plays are celebrated for their sophisticated craftsmanship. For the first time in digital publishing, this eBook presents Synge’s complete works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Synge’s life and works* Concise introductions to the plays* All 6 plays, with individual contents tables* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the texts* Rare poetry available in no other collection* Includes Synge’s prose, featuring many essays and reviews– available in no other collection* Features two biographies, including Yeats’ seminal work ‘Synge and the Ireland of His Time’ – discover Synge’s literary life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The PlaysIn the Shadow of the GlenRiders to the SeaThe Well of the SaintsThe Playboy of the Western WorldThe Tinker’s WeddingDeirdre of the Sorrows The Poetry CollectionsCollected Poems The ProseThe Aran IslandsIn Wicklow and West KerryMiscellaneous Essays and Reviews The BiographiesSynge and the Ireland of His Time by W. B. YeatsBrief Biography of John Millington Synge by William Kirkpatrick Magee Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks
Delphi Complete Works of Plautus (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Plautus (Illustrated)
Titus Maccius Plautus
The Roman playwright Plautus wrote comedies that are the earliest Latin literary texts to have survived in their entirety. Loosely adapted from lost Greek plays, the works of Plautus helped establish a truly Roman drama in the Latin language for the first time. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Plautus’ complete extant works, with relevant illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Plautus’ life and works* Features the complete extant works of Plautus, in both English translation and the original Latin* All 20 extant plays* Concise introductions to the plays* Features translations by Henry Thomas Riley * Excellent formatting of the texts* Easily locate the acts you want to read with individual contents tables* Includes Plautus’ rare plays, first time in digital print* Features a bonus biography – discover Plautus’ ancient world* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to explore our range of Ancient Classics titles or buy the entire series as a Super Set CONTENTS: The TranslationsAMPHITRYONASINARIAAULULARIABACCHIDESCAPTIVICASINACISTELLARIACURCULIOEPIDICUSMENAECHMIMERCATORMILES GLORIOSUSMOSTELLARIAPERSAPOENULUSPSEUDOLUSRUDENSSTICHUSTRINUMMUSTRUCULENTUS The Latin TextsLIST OF LATIN TEXTS The BiographyINTRODUCTION TO PLAUTUS by Paul Nixon Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
The Value of Nothing
The Value of Nothing
Kim Wiltshire
Welcome! Come on in! Take part in the project launch of ArtWorks, the new back to work initiative created and run by your friend and ours, the one, the only, the most fantastic… Vince Fine! And so begins the project launch from hell… Exploring issues of how society views those living on benefits, the ‘creative industries’ and what we should value in life, this dark comedy (running in real time) charts the fall from grace of the central comedic hero, Vince Fine, as he watches everything he’s ever dreamed of slip from his fingers. Includes some audience participation and interaction.
No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume V: No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume V
No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume V: No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume V
Giacomo Giammatteo 
I know you've witnessed your child use their or there when they meant they're. Or the other way around. The same goes for to, too and two. I've even see adults mix it up. Heck, I've even seen it in published books. But that's understandable because they are some of the most misused words in the English language. Don't let your child suffer those mistakes. Let Queen Shinobi teach your child how to use those words properly. ?
Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (Illustrated)
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll was a prominent figure of the Victorian age, having not only written the Alice novels, but also varied works such as mathematical treatises, poetry and short stories. This eBook gives readers the unique opportunity of exploring Carroll’s work in a manner never before possible. This is the complete and fully illustrated literary works of Lewis Carroll, with a selection of mathematical works too. (Version 3) * illustrated with hundreds of images relating to Carroll’s life and works * annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works * ALL the novels have their original Victorian illustrations – spend hours exploring the original Alice images and rarer images available nowhere else * the original version of ALICE’S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND, with Carroll’s unique illustrations * includes Sir John Tenniel’s original illustrations for ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND * includes rare poetry collections available in no other eBook * special alphabetical list of poems – find that special poem quickly and easily! * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your EReader a taste of the Victorian texts * includes a selection of Carroll’s mathematical works * SPECIAL BONUS section of three biographies on Carroll – explore his fascinating life in detail! * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Carroll’s diverse oeuvre Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels ALICE’S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS SYLVIE AND BRUNO SYLVIE AND BRUNO CONCLUDED The Short Stories A TANGLED TALE BRUNO’S REVENGE AND OTHER STORIES WHAT THE TORTOISE SAID TO ACHILLES The Poetry Collections EARLY VERSE PROLOGUES TO PLAYS COLLEGE RHYMES AND NOTES PHANTASMAGORIA AND OTHER POEMS THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK THREE SUNSETS AND OTHER POEMS PUZZLES FROM WONDERLAND ACROSTICS, INSCRIPTIONS AND OTHER VERSES The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Selected Mathematical Works SYMBOLIC LOGIC THE GAME OF LOGIC THE ALPHABET CIPHER FEEDING THE MIND The Biographies LIFE AND LETTERS OF L.CARROLL BY S.D.COLLINGWOOD LEWIS CARROLL IN WONDERLAND BY BELLE MOSES THE STORY OF LEWIS CARROLL BY ISA BOWMAN Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Trusts a Practical Guide
Trusts a Practical Guide
Terence O'halloran
Within the genre of financial selfhelp, ‘Trusts A Practical Guide’ is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirtyfive years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of wellorganized and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.Using famous historical characters, placing them in recognizable situations and using real life case histories, he explains the organization and procedure of Trusts simply and easily bringing his subject alive by putting it in a perspective that is easily assimilated by the layman. Terry O'Halloran clearly explains the intricacies of Trusts and confronts their realities with reallife examples such as a family case involving a number of exwives, a business partnership that goes very expensively wrong and even the attempted murder of a director and removal of the wouldbe assassin (as a Trustee). Building the full picture from simple steps, the author explains the merits or otherwise of trusts and their uses with life assurance and pension products. “Trusts are the most important adjunct to life assurance, business protection, estate planning and pension provision. A basic understanding is essential,” he insists. After searching in vain for a book for his own use, the need for a reference book on this subject was clear. “I needed a reference book that I could refer to during the working day but which would also be simple enough for any of my clients to understand. So I wrote one – in fact I had to write it because there was simply nothing suitable in existence. Moreover, I use it all the time. My own copies are dogeared from use.” “I believe,’ Trusts’ is a practical tool for the professional’s everyday use and a good guide for the layman.