

Business Etiquette
Business Etiquette
Richard Duffy
The polished gentleman of sentimental fiction has so long served as the type of smooth and conscienceless depravity that urbanity of demeanor inspires distrust in ruder minds. On the other hand, the blunt, unpolished hero of melodrama and romantic fiction has lifted brusqueness and pushfulness to a pedestal not wholly merited. Consequently, the kinship between conduct that keeps us within the law and conduct that makes civilized life worthy to be called such, deserves to be noted with emphasis.
The Book of Business Etiquette
The Book of Business Etiquette
Nella Braddy Henney
A comprehensive guide into the intricacies of business etiquette. In today's fast paced world of technology and chronic shortages of time and attention such concepts as business courtesy, morals and manners could not be more relevant. The book covers everything from personality to table manners and business travel etiquette.
The Golden Goose
The Golden Goose
Josh Verbae
There was once a man who had three sons, the youngest of whom was called the Simpleton. He was laughed at and despised and neglected on all occasions. Now it happened one day that the eldest son wanted to go into the forest, to hew wood, and his Mother gave him a beautiful cake to take with him, so that he might not suffer from hunger...
Framley Parsonage
Framley Parsonage
Anthony Trollope
Mark Robarts, is a young vicar, settled in the village of Framley in Barsetshire with his wife and children. Mark has ambitions to further his career and begins to seek connections in the county's high society. Another plot line deals with the romance between Mark's sister Lucy and Lord Lufton. The couple are deeply in love and the young man proposes, but Lady Lufton is against the marriage.
G. K. Chesterton
A new tenant arrived at Beacon House, a London boarding establishment. He is identified by lodger Arthur Inglewood as an ex-schoolmate named Innocent Smith. During his first day in residence the eccentric Smith creates the High Court of Beacon; arranges to elope with Mary Gray, paid companion to heiress Rosamund Hunt; inspires Inglewood to declare his love for Diana Duke, the landlady’s niece; and prompts a reconciliation between jaded journalist Michael Moon and Rosamund.
A Princess Runs Away
A Princess Runs Away
Barbara Cartland
The beautiful Princess Vasila, an orphan, who has been looked after by Baroness von Bergstein in a Grace and Favour house, is astonished when an Equerry arrives to take her to Windsor Castle to see the Queen. ??????????? She is not told until she arrives that Prince Gadelov of Saralovia, which is a small Balkan State, has appealed to Queen Victoria to give him a Royal British wife so that he can be protected from the grasping Russians. ??????????? When the Queen tells Vasila that she is to marry Prince Gadelov immediately, she is horrified and very frightened. ??????????? Without really thinking she runs away down a passage and out through a side door of The Castle. She then jumps into a parked van and its driver agrees to take her wherever she wants to go. ??????????? As they are leaving Windsor Castle, the van is stopped by Prince Gadelov arriving in an open carriage.? When she sees the man who is to marry her, she knows that she would rather die than allow him to touch her. ??????????? The van driver puts her down at a nearby circus, as she loves circuses, and here she goes to look at the Helter-skelter, which she has never seen before. ??????????? As she wants one thing to remember in case she is taken back and married before she can prevent it, she asks a stranger who is standing by her to take her on the Helter-skelter. ??????????? The man is Kelvin Ridge, who has just arrived from India.?? He is in disguise because, having discovered a dastardly Russian plot to murder the Viceroy, his life is in danger. ??????????? How the two of them, who are both running away from danger, ride on the Helter-skelter and how Kelvin Ridge finds it difficult, as Vasila clings desperately to him, to be rid of her as she has nowhere to go. ??????????? How she saves his life and he inevitably falls in love with her is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.
Can??o da escócia
Can??o da escócia
Barbara Cartland
Assim que a carruagem atravessou os imensos port?es de ferro, Sona teve a sensa??o de entrar num cenário mágico de contos de fadas. ? sua frente, estava o Castelo medieval dos McChad, onde guardava o mistério e a magia que se insinuavam nas can??es tocadas pelas gaitas de fole. Encantada com toda a beleza da Escócia, ela mal imaginava que logo em breve, ouviria um sinistro rufar de tambores. Era um sinal, anunciavam a morte do homem que ela iria amar perdidamente! Na encruzilhada do destino, ela estava comprometida com outro homem, mas era impossível resistir aos desígnios do amor…?
From the Dangers of Russia To Love
From the Dangers of Russia To Love
Barbara Cartland
The beautiful Alvita who had lost both her parents, was living quietly in her family home in Southern Russia. Her father had been Russian and her mother had been English. ??????????? Alvita was pleased to receive a visit from her brother, Ivor, but shocked when he told her that they must leave Russia immediately, as a Revolution was inevitable and would start very soon. ??????????? He had brought with him his friend, Nicholas, who said that he would help them pack up as many of their treasures as they could and make their way to England. ??????????? Alvita felt a little unsure of Nicholas, but thought that perhaps she might be mistaken. ??????????? Ivor insists that he should be a Russian Prince and Alvita a Princess as the English are always impressed by grand titles, although Alvita is none too sure about the deception. ??????????? After packing her mother’s jewellery, some valuable pictures and silver, they know that they must avoid the dangerous Revolutionaries and travel as fast as possible to the nearest Port to find a ship to take them to England. ??????????? This Nicholas arranges for them and, when they arrive in England, Ivor by chance meets an old friend, Charles, the Marquis of Harrington, who he was friends with when they were at Oxford University. ??????????? Charles takes them to his impressive house in London and, when he learns that they want to sell their treasures, he arranges for them to be displayed in the ballroom and the stables. ??????????? It is when Alvita sees a valuable painting being removed from its frame that she knows that Nicholas is attempting to cheat the Marquis. ??????????? How she warns Charles of what is happening in his house ??????????? And how she and her brother find the love that they both sought but believed would never be theirs is all told in this unusual romance by BARBARA CARTLAND. ?
Marchizul de Rio-Santo
Marchizul de Rio-Santo
Paul Féval
Strategii verificate pentru succes profesional Dac? ne na?tem to?i cu un creier ?n esen?? asem?n?tor, atunci cum se face c?, ?n istorie, doar pu?ini oameni par s? exceleze cu adev?rat ?i s? ?i ?mplineasc? aceast? putere care exist? latent? ?n to?i? Robert Greene analizeaz? vie?ile mae?trilor pentru a spulbera miturile privind geniul ?i a demonstra c? s?rguin?a, r?bdarea, perseveren?a ?i ?ncrederea joac? un rol mult mai mare ?n ob?inerea succesului dec?t simplele capacit??i intelectuale. Cu ajutorul strategiilor de urmat pentru ?mplinirea poten?ialului ?i respect?nd pa?ii descri?i ?n carte, pa?i pe care i-au urmat, ?n evolu?ia lor profesional?, personalit??i ca Goethe, Einstein, Darwin sau Mozart, ne arat? autorul, ne putem dezvolta talentele cu care am fost ?nzestra?i la na?tere, astfel ?nc?t s? ne g?sim propria chemare ?i s? devenim lideri ?n orice domeniu de activitate.
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. IV
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. IV
Alexandre Dumas
Economia american? modern? este crea?ia a patru oameni: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould ?i J.P. Morgan. Ei au fost gigan?ii epocii de aur, un moment de dezvoltare f?r? precedent care a f?cut din America cea mai bogat?, mai inovatoare ?i mai productiv? ?ar? a planetei. Charles R. Morris ?i readuce la via?? pe magnatul o?elului Carnegie, regele petrolului Rockefeller ?i vr?jitorul c?ilor ferate Gould, cei obseda?i de progres, experimentare ?i vitez?, precum ?i pe finan?istul Morgan, omul de afaceri gentleman, care a luptat pentru o ?ncredere global? ?n afacerile americane. Magna?ii este incredibila poveste a oamenilor hot?r??i care au cl?dit economia american?, cre?nd un colos industrial – ?i o ?ntreag? ?ar? de consumatori din clasa de mijloc.
An Ordinary Dude's Guide to Habit
An Ordinary Dude's Guide to Habit
John Weiler
Geile Milfs Die komplette Serie 200 Seiten geile Hausfrauen! Dieser Sammelband enth?lt 15 bereits einzeln ver?ffentlichte Geschichten: Die Milf und der junge Spargeltarzan?? Milf bei der Arbeit vernascht?????? Unterricht bei der Altkatze????????? Zwei junge M?nner für die Milf? Die Nachbarin bringt es ihm bei Ich mag die Mutter meines besten Freundes? Geliebte Milf, ich vermisse dich? Die Mutter meiner Freundin ist geil????? Eine unsanfte ?berraschung für die Milf????????? Cabriofahrt mit der Milf??? Die Freundin meines Vaters ist hei?????? Mit der Nachbarin wollte ich immer???? Meine hei?e Nachbarin??? Hausfrauen sind unschlagbar????? Eine willige Schlampe??????? ?ber die Autorin Anna Wolf ist eine Hausfrau aus einer Kleinstadt in Süd-Deutschland. Im Alltag lebt sie ein ganz normales Leben. Mit ihrem jüngeren Liebhaber John teilt sie aber ihre gro?e Leidenschaft: Sex in allen Varianten. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren besuchen die beiden Swingerclubs im In- und Ausland und probieren immer wieder neue Clubs aus. Und natürlich fehlt nicht das j?hrliche Gro?ereignis aller Swinger: Der Urlaub im Südfranz?sischen FKK-Paradies Cap d?Agde. Vor einiger Zeit begann Anna ihre Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben. Daraus entsteht nach und nach die Anna Wolf-Reihe, in der sie ausführlich von ihrem Swingerleben erz?hlt.
Presenting (Collins Business Secrets)
Presenting (Collins Business Secrets)
Martin Manser
The presenting secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Presenting. Includes how to: ? Enjoy presenting and approach it with confidence ? Assess your audience and their reactions ? Prepare presentations for maximum impact ? Use your voice and body to make your point ? Use visual aids and handle questions
People Management (Collins Business Secrets)
People Management (Collins Business Secrets)
Rus Slater
The people management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of People Management Includes how to: ? Build a business-like relationships with your direct reports ? Set clear targets and monitor them ? Understand different personality types and how to manage them ? Deliver criticism and compliments in the right way ? Mentor your employees to produce fantastic results
Mindpower (Collins Business Secrets)
Mindpower (Collins Business Secrets)
Martin Manser
The secrets that experts and top professionals use to stay at the top of their game. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Mind Power Includes how to: ? Produce creative and innovative ideas ? Remember names, numbers and concepts ? Sharpen your mental reflexes, whatever your age ? Ask the right questions and understand other points of view ? Make good decisions and stick to them
Hillary Scholl
Step-By-Step Guide Makes It Easy To Get Targeted Traffic That Converts For Pennies Per Click With YouTube Advertising… YouTube is the 2nd BIGGEST search engine ?on the? internet?? has over 1 Billion users with hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube videos being watched daily with full engagement? YOUTUBE? ADS? for MAXIMUM? PROFITS Although often overlooked, YouTube advertising is one of the fastest, easiest ways to get affordable traffic flowing quickly… Engagement on YouTube is MASSIVE, and growing, with a 60% year over year increase in the number of hours people spend watching video… this means your ads get clicked It’s pretty obvious that YouTube is big and getting BIGGER… which means the advertising opportunity is MASSIVE! But, To See Success With YouTube Ads, You Must Know What You’re Doing… You can’t just throw up an ad and expect to start making big profits… Although YouTube ads is a very user-friendly platform, there are some details that you must pay attention to if you want to see success… If you do things the right way, you can find yourself raking in profits like crazy… in many cases right out of the gates… But if you do things wrong, you could find yourself wasting time, spinning your wheels, and ultimately wasting money… And it gets worse… Sadly, Many People That Try To Generate Traffic With YouTube Advertising Fail… That’s because they don’t fully understand what must be done to see success with YouTube ads. The KEY to success with YouTube is to pay attention to the details, and in order to do that, you really need to learn from someone that’s seen massive results from advertising on YouTube. Pay close attention, because today I’m going to show you a system that will take you by the hand and show you how to generate as much targeted traffic as you could ever want with YouTube advertising… This step-by-step guide will show you how to harness the power of YouTube’s ads platform to get fast results and traffic that generates a positive return on your marketing investment… How to get started with YouTube ads even if you’ve never made a video or logged into YouTube in your entire life… Step-by-step instructions to get your YouTube ads setup and ready to start generating traffic within just a few minutes… Creating your first video campaign the right way… Do this right, and you’ll find yourself getting massive ROIs…?? The tools of the trade… You’ll discover exactly which tools you need to get started… I’ll even show you how to start with little to no budget if you’re trying to do this on a shoestring… No camera? No problem… this book reveal the fastest way to create a professional looking video WITHOUT a video camera… using this simple method, you can get started today, even if you don’t have any high-tech equipment… The types of ads that work the best and generate the highest ROI are broken down… you’ll be a YouTube ads expert when you finish this training… The best way to track the success of your campaigns so you know when to call it quits on a campaign and when to scale things up to the next level… What if you could just cut to the chase and start making money right out of the gates? Wouldn’t that make a whole lot more sense? This guide to YouTube advertising was created by someone with experience creating and profiting from winning campaigns… Doesn’t it make more sense to learn from an expert and take a shortcut to success?
D?? Ticarette Alternatif Para Kazanma Yollar?
D?? Ticarette Alternatif Para Kazanma Yollar?
Hakan Akın
D?? ticaret ?ok basit anlat?m? ile bir ülkede üretilen mal?n o malla ihtiya? duyulan bir ba?ka ülkeye sat?lmas?d?r. Mal?n bir ülkeden sat?lmak suretiyle bir ba?ka ülkeye g?nderilmesi süreci gerek ilgili ülke mevzuatlar? gerekse uluslararas? ticaret uygulamalar? nedeniyle bazen son derece karma??k bir hal alabilir. Hele bu sürece dahil olan al?c? ve sat?c?lar süre? hakk?nda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip de?ilse o d?? ticaret i?lemi ne yaz?k ki hukuki baz? müdehaleler gerektirebilir. Baz? üretici ve mü?teriler d?? ticaret konusunda yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmamalar?na ra?men ?o?u zaman gerek zorunluluktan gerekse d?? ticaretin sa?layaca?? faydalar? bilerek ihracat ve ithalat yapmak isterler. B?yle durumlarda esas i?i al?m sat?m olmayan ancak üretici ve mü?terilerin bir d?? ticaret i?ini ger?ekle?tirebilmelerini sa?layan ki?i ve yap?lar devreye girer. ??te kitab?n konusu bu; d?? ticarette üretici ve son kullan?c?lar d???nda para kazanan bu di?er ki?i ve yap?lar?n tan?t?lmas?, i? planlar?n?n anlat?lmas?, risk ve kazan? oranlar?n?n incelenmesi, tavsiyeler, uyar?lar. Elinizde tuttu?unuz kitab?n dünyada bir e?i yok. Ge?mi?te olmad?. Belki gelecekte de olmayacak. Peki ben neden b?yle bir kitap yazd?m ve kitap neden 8 bask? yapt? ? E?itimlerimden mezun olan giri?imcilerin s?k s?k "hocam e?itimi ald?k, ?ok iyiydi ancak bu bilgileri biz ?imdi nerede ve nas?l kullanaca??z?" diye sorular geliyordu. Yani giri?imcilere olta ve yemi veriyordum ama yemi i?neye nas?l takacaklar?n?, nerede avlanacaklar?n? ve oltay? suya nas?l atacaklar?n? ??retmiyordum. ??te bu kitap bu eksikli?i gidermek i?in yaz?ld?; d?? ticaret bilgisinin sahada nas?l kullan?laca??n? ve nas?l para kazan?laca??n? anlatmak i?in. Umar?m size de faydal? olur...
Mlădin Emil
Demersul este unul curajos. n ara cu cei mai muli experi i cea mai puin expertiz, ca s citez o coleg de-a mea, cineva are curajul s scrie. Minunat. i-a asumat curajul de a fi criticat. i asta pentru a fi de folos, n definitiv. i este. Cartea de fa este un bun ndrumar pentru cineva care se gndete s fie copywriter sau care a apucat-o deja pe acest drum i nu s-a umplut nc de sine. Pentru oricine consider c mai are de nvat.“ – Felix Ttaru, Global VP. International Advertising AssociationPrimul manual romnesc de copywriting. O lectur obligatorie pentru cei care vor s intre n publicitate.“ – Marius Cristea, IQadsD-mi banii ti este un ghid pe care vor trebui s-l poarte n buzunar, de acum ncolo, deopotriv cei care i doresc o carier n meseria de copywriter, ct i cei responsabili de comunicarea mrcilor.“ – Iulian Toma, AdPlayersGabriel Brnescu este un copywriter veteran, trecut prin multe i uns cu toate alifiile. Dar dincolo de tezaurul experienei, cartea dezvluie o nelegere profund att a psihologiei consumatorului, ct i a imperativelor de business ale advertiserului.“ – Conf. univ. dr. Dan Petre, SNSPA
Trade Size Management
Trade Size Management
Jimmy Putnik
Your trading strategy is Great; But your money management is Failing you. We all know that 95% of traders lose money. The truth is that this has nothing to do with their strategy, Its all about money and trade size management. An avarage profitable trader has a win rate of only 50-55% . They have Mastered the skill of money management and so should you. In this course you will learn: - The difference between Profitable traders and Losers; The simple secret you should know Trading is a 50/50 chance game; How to make that work in your favor. Allign your trading to your goals; to eliminate guess work and panic trading. And of course, in all this we will handle the math of trade sizing and management. This is the Bridge to your future profitability.... get your copy now!
Erelem: eszetlen szerelem
Erelem: eszetlen szerelem
Robin O'Wrightly
Vannak ügyfelei??Vev?i??Vásárlói??Akkor erre a k?nyvre szüksége van!?A Királyok vagy zsarnokok? ?gyfélpanasz 2.0 cím? k?nyv??sszefoglalja az ügyfélpanaszok kezelésének jó gyakorlatát. Jellegzetes esetpéldákon keresztül dolgozza fel az ügyfélpanasz kezelés buktatóit, bemutatja a legfontosabb kutatásokat is.? Egy k?nyv a vev?visszajelzések fontosságáról és a panaszkezelésr?l.?Amit megtudhat a Királyok vagy zsarnokok? ?cím? k?nyvb?l: Miért olyan fontosak a vásárlók d?ntéseiben a korábbi vásárlók visszajelzései? Tényleg mindig a vev?nek van igaza? Hogyan lesz kommunikációs krízishelyzet egyetlen ügyfélpanaszból? Mit tanulhatsz meg mások hibáiból, nevezetes ügyfélpanaszokból? Hogyan használható a szájreklám és a social listening a panaszkezelésben? Mire jók az ügyfélszolgálati chatbotok? Hogyan segít a mesterséges intelligencia a panaszkezelésben? Mi a social media ügyfélszolgálat? A k?nyv szerz?je Vas Dóra, kríziskommunikációs szaktanácsadó, online kommunikációs szakember.
Vladimir Tism?neanu - ieri ?i azi
Vladimir Tism?neanu - ieri ?i azi
Rodica Smaranda Vulcănescu
Spre deosebire de celelalte c?r?i ale sale, constituite ca ni?te a?a-zise ?fabule“ (sfaturile de business fiind oferite sub forma unor pove?ti moralizatoare), Avantajul-De ce s?n?tatea organiza?ional? este cel mai important atu ?n afaceri este o lucrare teoretic? (de?i pres?rate cu exemple concrete din practica de consultan?? a autorului ?i a echipei sale) ?i care sintetizeaz? principiile expuse ?n alte lucr?ri ale sale.La baza strategiei sale pentru echipele de conducere st? conceptul de ?s?n?tate organiza?ional?“, de care, din p?cate, mul?i lideri nu mai ?in cont atunci c?nd ?ncearc? s? ob?in? avantajul ?n fa?a competi?iei. Ei se axeaz? pe tehnologie de ultim? or?, strategii de marketing imbatabile sau planurile de afaceri complexe. Nu exist?, ?ns?, sus?ine Lencioni pe parcursul c?r?ii sale, o cale mai bun? de a ajuta o companie s? progreseze ?i s? se dezvolte s?n?tos dec?t elimin?nd cauzele care stau la baza intrigilor de culise, a confuziei, a fluctua?iei de personal ?i ?n general a tuturor disfunc?iilor. ?n acest scop, autorul propune patru ?discipline“ esen?iale, pe care le explic? ?n detaliu: 1. Construirea unei echipe de conducere bine ?nchegate (ceea ce presupune stabilirea unei rela?ii de ?ncredere, ?ncurajarea conflictelor productive, angajamentul asumat, responsabilizare reciproc? ?i concentrarea pe ob?inerea de rezultate);2. Crearea clarit??ii (toat? lumea trebuie s? fie pe aceea?i lungime de und? privind motivul existen?ei companiei, valorile specifice ale acesteia, strategiile de afaceri etc., ?n vederea atingerii scopurilor comune); 3. Supracomunicarea clarit??ii (liderii le explic? ?i le amintesc constant angaja?ilor aspectele clarit??ii) 4. Consolidarea clarit??ii (selectarea personalului pe baza valorilor comportamentale ?i integrarea lor corect? ?n organiza?ie). Ni?te reguli simple, de bun-sim?, pe care to?i liderii ar trebui s? le cunoasc? ?i s? le respecte, pentru ca organiza?ia pe care o conduc s? ating? succesul la care au visat ?ntotdeauna.
How To Raise An Entrepreneur
How To Raise An Entrepreneur
Cynthia Lyne
You're in the right place if you have a kid asking about how to make money. In this lesson will show to raise an entrepreneur. Maybe you have an older elementary child a tween or teen asking about starting a business or trying to make extra money, about 72%t of current high schooler want to own their own business and 76% hope they can turn their hobbies into a full-time job. I will show you how to recognize entrepreneur skills like money management and people skills. How to support and grow the entrepreneurial mindset and ideas on how to get this done on your own. This is a short course, hope you enjoy and learn.
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