

Alkaline Diet Cookbook:Delicious Alkaline Diet Recipes To Kick-Start Your Weight
Alkaline Diet Cookbook:Delicious Alkaline Diet Recipes To Kick-Start Your Weight
Bethany Annear
This book not only provides step-by-step dieting information but also endless meal recipes that you need. Are you ready to lose weight and reclaim your health? If you want to follow Acid Alkaline Diet, you should focus on your regular eating habits. Alkaline diet has lots of benefits, and The Alkaline Diet Cookbook will help you to manage the pH level of your body. In this book, you will find about delicious recipes. These recipes are given with complete instructions, and your work will be easy. This book has 25 delicious recipes with images and easy instructions. You can try any recipe without any trouble and get desired benefits. You can reduce weight, chances of cancer and decrease chances of various health problems. This book can be a quick guide for you so download this book and follow its recipes. You have to use fresh ingredients to get maximum advantage of recipes of this book. Every recipe is carefully planned to improve your health and protect your body from toxic elements. This book offers: * Alkaline Breakfast Recipes * Alkaline Lunch Recipes * Alkaline Dinner Recipes * Alkaline Snacks for Evening Tea * Alkaline Dessert Recipes You Will Learn The Following: What is An Alkaline Diet? What is PH? Benefits of an alkaline diet Examples of Acidic, Alkaline and Neutral Foods Alkaline foods to eat and those to avoid Installing Apps and backing up with SD card Breakfast Recipes Lunch Recipes Dinner Recipes And much more! Download this book and learn about Alkaline Food List and healthy recipes for everyone. You can prepare healthy and filling meals for your family members. Get your copy today! You'll be surprised to see how easy it is to stay healthy, feel energized, and keep on track!
Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
Amintiri din copil?rie. Pove?ti, povestiri, nuvele
Creangă Ion
“Dragi mi-erau tata ?i mama, fra?ii ?i surorile ?i b?ie?ii satului, tovar??ii mei de copil?rie, cu cari, iarna, ?n zilele geroase, m? desf?tam pe ghea?? ?i la s?niu?, iar vara ?n zile frumoase de s?rb?tori, c?nt?nd ?i chiuind, cutreieram dumbr?vile ?i luncile umbroase, ?arinele cu holdele, c?mpul cu florile ?i m?ndrele dealuri, de dup? care ?mi z?mbeau zorile, ?n zburdalnica v?rst? a tinere?ii! Asemenea, dragi mi-erau ?ez?torile, cl?cile, horile ?i toate petrecerile din sat, la care luam parte cu cea mai mare ?nsufle?ire.
Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship A hilarious sci fi action and adventure book for kid
Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship A hilarious sci fi action and adventure book for kid
John Arthur Nichol
The audiobook of Sascha Martin’s Rocket-Ship is free when you download this Kindle book! Eight year old Sascha Martin is always inventing things, so he knows how they work. Mostly. For class news time he brings in a rocket that towers over everyone, including the teacher … but he's written "Don't touch!" on the rocket, so what could possibly go wrong? "The story is 'poetry in motion' for rocket ships! Manuela Pentangelo has visually interpreted John's verse with all the best icons from rocketry and science in the gorgeous illustrations." Samantha Ridgway, scientist, mother, and record-holding Australian rocketeer. This children’s picture book is ideal for kids age 8-10, but readers of all ages, from beginners to preteens to adults, will love this wild, funny, deliciously silly adventure wrapped in verse that rhymes and Manuela Pentangelo’s beautiful full colour artwork. Inside, you’ll find a link to the free audiobook, so if you lose your voice reading Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship aloud, the audiobook can take over. "Delightful, rhyming story that keeps your fingers turning the pages." E. C. Kraeft, author of White Castle (Book One in her Elf Kingdoms series of children’s books). "I am the mother to an energetic young reader that loves all things books. I am constantly looking for new titles that we can read together and I believe I have struck gold with this one! … I was pleasantly surprised to discover the book rhymed throughout (we love rhymes!) and I must add that they are very well done! This book does a great job at turning an already fun story into one that you can practically sing together (which does wonders with a toddler!!)." Thomai Dion, author of the Think-a-Lot Tots early science readers. Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship is the first in a fun new series of children’s science fiction action and adventure books, about a kid who knows just enough to be really, really dangerous! Author Q&A Why do you write stories in verse? Well I’m compelled to write them. I don’t decide to write stories in verse. It’s something my mind does in the background. I’ll suddenly realise there’s this rhyming couplet in my mind and that it’s been there for a while, and it’s the start of a story. Then I have to work out the rest of that story, all in verse, and that’s just hard work. But it begins unconsciously. Mind you, I do love rhythm and rhyme and poetry. Kids do, too. There’s a poetry-shaped hole in everyone, as an Australian poet once said, and I think that’s right. What draws you to science fiction? I’ve always loved scifi. It’s what I read as a kid, as a teen, what I read now. Along with mystery and suspense. Scifi sets kids free so their imagination is the only limit. Monsters, aliens, dinosaurs, time travel, travel to the stars, portals to other worlds; you can have all that. With science fiction, kids are free to go anywhere in the universe - in any ‘verse, and it seem there might be lots of universes out there. As many universes as there are kids, at least. It’s a bit like magic. Kids love magic, and there are lots of kids who love sci fi. It’s cool. Sci fi is cool. What’s coming up in the Series? Time Travel next, and lots of kids humor. Book 2 is Sascha Martin’s Time Machine. Sascha invents a machine to take his class back in time, and of course there’s a glitch. Other books in the series have bizarre balls, zombies, aliens, dinosaurs, space-ships and portals, a bit of an apocalypse. So much action and adventure. But one of the books is really embarrassing, super-embarrassing, so kids will cringe even as they’re laughing. Illustrating books takes time, but there’ll be plenty of free sneak previews along the way so kids can get a glimpse of what's to come.
Adrienne Woods
Lots of Harry Potter-like qualities to this book. And a book any fan of the aforementioned series should check out! Jamie E. Amazon Reviewer Sometimes a "Young Adult" book is a great all around story. This is one of those books. By Barbara McKinley Amazon Reviewer This book is the BEST dragon book I've ever read! (After Eragon) THE BEST! I COULDN'T STAND THE AWESOMENESS!? Goodreads Reviewer With almost 1000 5star reviews on Goodreads, now is your chance to find out what makes Firebolt the next best read. Download your copy now and tell your friends all about it. Dragons. Right. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales, and sixteen-year old Elena Watkins was no different. Until the night a fairy tale killed her father. Now Elena’s in a new world, and a new school. The cutest guy around may be an evil dragon, a Prince wants Elena’s heart, and a long dead sorcerer may be waking up to kill her. Oh. And the only way Elena’s going to graduate is on the back of a dragon of her own. Teenage girls don’t believe in fairy tales. Now it’s time for Elena to believe – in herself.
A megoldóember
A megoldóember
Roger Hobbs
Las Vegas, 1974. Kaszinók, szerencselovagok és a sivatag. Itt kezd?d?tt minden Jack Delton életében. Az els? kísértés, az els? b?n, az els? nagy kaszálás. A kamasz fiú itt tanulja meg, hogyan kell megfigyelni az embereket, hogyan kell a b?rük alá bújni, hogyan kell senkivé válni – hogy aztán évekkel kés?bb mint profi b?n?z? kamatoztathassa kül?nleges képességét az FBI ügyn?keivel és az alvilággal szemben. Jack Delton ugyanis nem létezik. A szakmában csak úgy ismerik: a Szellem. Nincs bankszámlája, nem használ útlevelet, nincs nyoma egyik nyilvántartásban sem. Nem lehet megfogni… Roger Hobbs huszonnégy évesen megírta els? nemzetk?zi bestsellerét. A Ghostman egy évvel kés?bb minden jelent?s kriminek járó irodalmi díjat bes?p?rt, huszon?t országban vették meg a kiadás jogait, és nagyszabású film készül bel?le. A rajongók kérésére Hobbs megírta Jack Delton el?t?rténetét, amelyben felfedi a Szellem valódi kilétét.
Successful Self-Publishing:How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and
Successful Self-Publishing:How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and
Joanna Penn
Do you want to successfully self-publish? There are thousands of new books being published every day, but many self-published books quickly sink to the bottom of the pile. Many authors are frustrated because there are so many options for self-publishing, and they don't know which one to choose or what will be best for their book. Others spend thousands of dollars to publish and end up broken-hearted with the result.? But it doesn't have to be this way.? I've spent the last ten years self-publishing bestselling fiction and non-fiction books and in 2011, I left my day job to become a full-time author-entrepreneur. I've made lots of mistakes along the way, but through the process of self-publishing 27 books, I've learned the most effective way to publish and market your books. In this book, I'll share everything with you.
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
Jenny Smith
The secret to speaking English perfectly This is book one of the very popular series ‘150 Everyday Uses of English Prepositions’.In this final book we take you from intermediate to advanced usage. Do you sometimes worry if your English sounds broken? If you do then you should definitely? concentrate on improving your use of prepositions. Why? Because prepositions are literally the glue that stick English together. If you are not using them properly then your English will sound broken. This book will:Help you get a higher score in TOEFL and other tests.Help you sound more fluent.Improve your listening skills.Teach you real everyday English.Give you confidence that you are using English correctly. So if you are an elementary or intermediate English learner and want to take your language skills to the next level please get a copy today and never speak ‘broken English’ again.
Kral Serseri
Kral Serseri
Halit Fuat Beşik
Kriz yaratan bir insan! Anlataca??m ya?am?n? Kral Arkada??m?n! Ki?iliksiz, a?ks?z, ruhsuz bir adam?n kendine ve topluma yabanc?la?mas?na sebep olan günah dolu bir hakikatini! Uyumsuz aray??lar i?inde beyhude ??rp?nan bir insan! ?nsani hedeflerden sapm?? bir gen?! S?zde bat?l? bir ya?am sürüyor gencimiz. Gen? adam bu dü?ünce i?inde ya?amaya ?al??an ama karanl???n, ?fkenin ve nefretin i?inde do?mu? biri. Adam?n g?revi adeta ?nce bir yang?n ??karmak, sonra da kendini ve ba?kalar?n? o ate?te yakmak gibi bir ?ey! Tesellisi de yok bu i?in… ?Rica ederim bu kitab? okuyun! Okuyun! ?nan?n ben o kadar deh?etli bir katil de?ilim. Okuduk?a ger?ekleri g?receksiniz. ?stelik bunu size kibirle s?ylüyorum. Bir dü?ünün! Bat?l? gibi ya??yor adam… Bat? dünyas?n?n ve Siyonizm’in geri kalm?? ülkelerde hedefledi?i insan modelidir bu! Bilirsiniz o bat?l? devletler i?in hay?rl? taraf?n? g?receklerine, her veriyi kendi menfaati do?rusunda g?rmedik?e her eylemi kendilerine y?nelik bir sald?r? olarak g?rürler. Siyonistler yeryüzünü fitne ve fesatlarla kar??t?r?p dünyay? kana bularken, Birinci, ?kince Cihan Harpleri ??kar?p milyonlarca masum insanlar? ac?mas?z bir ?ekilde ?ldürdüler. Buna bütün dünya ?ahittir... ?O menfaat felsefesine g?re hareket eden bu Burjuvalar?, Kapitalizm’i ve Sosyalizmin adaletini yak?n zamanda g?rdük ve ya?ad?k i?te. Bat?n?n bin y?ld?r ?slam’a kar?? yap?lan Ha?l? Seferlerini ve sebep olduklar? Dünya Sava?lar?n? da ?ldürülen milyonlarca insanlar? da g?rdük. Ney az?k ki, günümüzde de Bat?l?lar taraf?ndan yap?lan katliamlar sürdürülerek devam ediyor. Günümüzde o kadar ileri gitmi?lerdir ki, yirmi birinci Yüzy?l? ?slam’? yok etme yüz y?l? ilan etmi?lerdir. G?rdü?ünüz gibi günümüzde bunu “Arap Bahar?” projesiyle k?smen bunu ba?arm??lard?r da… Kahraman?m?za gelince! Bat? dünyas?n?n ve Siyonizm’in geri kalm?? ülkelerde hedefledi?i insan modelidir bu! Bilirsiniz Bat?l? devletler i?in hay?rl? taraf?n? g?receklerine, her veriyi kendi menfaati do?rusunda g?rmedik?e her eylemi kendilerine y?nelik bir sald?r? olarak g?rürler. O zaman da, dünya harpleri ??kar?p, insanlar? ?ldürürler i?te...
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Reynold A. Panettieri, Jr., MD, Michael E. Wechsler, MD, MMSc
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Japanese Folklore The Legend of Princess Kwan Yin
Japanese Folklore The Legend of Princess Kwan Yin
Xenohikawa Sabrina
Japanese Folklore The Legend of Princess Kwan Yin
Sugar Detox Diet
Sugar Detox Diet
Samantha Adams
Sugar Detox Diet
Kü?ük Mahmut ve Koca Bayram
Kü?ük Mahmut ve Koca Bayram
Halit Fuat Beşik
Ger?ekten de, ben ?uyum demek ?ok zor, benim i?in! Hep yolday?m i?te… Hem ??renciyim, hem ??retmen! Ya? atm?? be?… Yapt???m bu i?i a?kla yap?yorum… Payla?may? seviyorum… Bu yapt???m?, sanat ve ilim olarak g?rüyorum… Her ?eyden ?nce, ruhumu doyuruyor yazmak… ?Gen?lik y?llar?mda dolu dizgin bir ya?am?n ard?ndan, belli bir doygunlu?a ula?man?n ard?ndan insan, ya?amdaki; “Adam olman?n!” fark?ndal???n? iyi g?rüyor… ?Ancak bizler kafam?z? duvarlara vurarak hayat? ??rendik! ?anss?z bir nesildik biz… Bilgi bizden ?ok uzakt?, o zamanlar… Nerde oturaca??m?z? ve kalkaca??m?z? dahi bilemiyorduk… ??kinci Dünya Harbi yeni bitmi?, ?ileli y?llar o y?llar… ?Ama bir ger?ek var ki, “Yokluk” varl???n de?erini ortaya ??kar?yor. Bunlar? yak?ndan g?rdük biz... Bizimkisi kadim bir bilgelik olmasa da, gen?ler gelece?e sa?lam baks?nlar diye bu kitab? yazmak zorunda hissettim kendimi! Hakikat birdir ancak ve bunu do?ru yola koymak gerekir. Gelecek nesil, hayattan ve ya?amdan korkmas?n istedim! Korkmak korkanad?r… ?Gen?lerin derdine derman olup biraz olsun hakikatlerine inmek istedim. Zaten duygu dolu hat?ralar?n canl? kitapl??? ile her zaman gen?lerin hizmetindedir bu fakir... ??stiyorum ki, onlar, dünyan?n derinliklerinde kaybolmas?nlar ve hakikati g?rüp güzel ?eyler ya?as?nlar. Aldat?lmas?nlar ve yan?lt?lmas?nlar yeter ki! Bat? destekli g?rünen dünyadaki b?lünmü?lük i?inde siyasi gelece?i olmayan Ortado?u ülkeleri gibi olmayal?m! Erken gelen yalanc? bahara kan?p, ?i?ek a?an, sonra da donup telef olan o zavall?lara d?nmeyelim! Arap bahar?n? hep birlikte g?rdük i?te… ?Zulüm edenlere, ??kar pe?inde silah tutanlara kar?? koymay? bilirsek, ne ?ok s?rl? güzellikler a???a ??kmakt?r! Ah bir bilseniz? Siz gen?ler, güzel ad?mlar at?n yeter… ?Yüzle?in ger?eklerle... ? ? Yazar Hakk?nda ?Halit Fuat Be?ik : 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. 2003 y?l?nda "Talan Mevsiminde?Adam gibi ya?amak.” 2010 y?l?nda, ”Sokrates’in ?syan?., Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de, Yüz Elli Ya??ndaki Adam, Tevrat’?n ?ocuklar? ve Kur-an” adl? kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kur-an ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor.??u anda sizler i?in de?i?ik konularda pek ?ok kitaplar daha haz?rlamaktad?r. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunaca??na inan?yor...
Estudos linguísticos e literários: aplicados ao ensino
Estudos linguísticos e literários: aplicados ao ensino
Elisa Guimarães
Roase de singurtate i strivite de idealuri de normalitate sunt personaje din prima parte – Singur pe drum – a povestirilor Anci Goja. Nu cele cincisprezece minute de celebritate le caut eroii ei anacronici i cronic aparintori unei provincii, ei tnjesc, n schimb, dup cteva zile de normalitate. Dup ele, nu vine neaprat potopul – dei sfritul lumii apare obsesiv printre temele i temerile acestor proze –, dar vine mai mereu surparea, vine resemnarea, vine eecul, somnul ori moartea, vine prea-trziul i, de aceea, ca-n versuri de mult vreme uitate, pentru ei, e totuna. (…) n aceast prim parte a volumului, Anca Goja alege, deci, doar s rein, n treact, mici episoade n care prin fisurile realitii dense se iete fantasticul. n partea a doua ns, exact crruile neprevzutului, ale coincidenelor tlcuitoare, ale semnelor de (alt) rost prevestitoare sunt, cu pruden, ncercate.“ – Crina Bud
Travessias pela literatura portuguesa: estudos críticos de Saramago a Vieira
Travessias pela literatura portuguesa: estudos críticos de Saramago a Vieira
Aldinida Medeiros
Dup? ce a pus s?-i fie ucis? prima so?ie, Ludovic al X-lea Ar??gosul se c?s?tore?te cu frumoasa ?i cucernica prin?es? Clémence a Ungariei. Viitorul coroanei pare ?n sf?r?it asigurat, iar onoarea regelui, reparat?. Un r?zboi dezastruos ?mpotriva flamanzilor, ambi?iile puternicilor nobili ?i incapacitatea regelui de a guverna amenin?? ?ns? stabilitatea regatului. ?n cele din urm?, nimeni nu este imun la otrav?… Pentru prima dat? dup? trei sute de ani, un rege al Fran?ei moare f?r? a l?sa un mo?tenitor de sex masculin.
T?nase Scatiu
T?nase Scatiu
Duiliu Zamfirescu
Fluturele este o insect din ordinul Lepidoptera, termen ce provine din termenii grecesti lepis (coaj) si pteron (arip). Mai mult coaj dect miez. Acest ordin are aproximativ 165.000 de specii cunoscute care, n ciuda unei mari varieti de forme si culori, au o structur similar, mai toi fiind nscrii n uniunile scriitoriceti de pretutindeni. Printre azteci, fluturii sunt un simbol al sufletului sau ultima suflare a unui muribund. Un fluture care zboar printre flori reprezint sufletul unui rzboinic czut pe un cmp de lupt. ntr-adevr, rzboinicii se ntorc pe pmnt sub form de colibri sau fluturi care, de data aceasta, se apuc imediat de scris i nu mai suport vederea armelor. Eventual sapa o mai tolereaz, pentru a-i spa pe cei care nu le laud culorile, stilul i fandoselile. Curcanul, ns, este o pasre de talie mare, originar din America, domesticit cu premii literare nc din timpul aztecilor. n timpul mperecherii n vederea formrii gtilor literare, culoarea pielii capului i gtului devine albastru i rou aprins, masculul desfurnd coada n form de evantai. Femelele desfoar doar sunete guturale: glu-glu-glu! i recit cu gravitate ce le vine la ndemn, pe sub aripi. Specie hipersensibil, curcanii pot s sufere atacuri de cord sau de panic. n timpul unor teste ale avioanelor U.S. Air Force s-a constatat decesul a mai multor curcani din zon din cauza atacurilor cardiace. Remediul este aplicarea de laude i aplauze n zonele tumefiate. Fluturele-curcan este o specie ncruciat ce, paradoxal, nu tolereaz fluturii i curcanii pur-snge. Exist zvonuri c unele exemplare modificate genetic pot rezista fr s scrie chiar i 6 luni. Timp n care clocesc citind pe rupte. (tiri despre fluturi, curcani i hibrizi/stirileprotv.ro)“
Maidanul cu dragoste
Maidanul cu dragoste
Zamfirescu George Mihail
Organizarea, activitatea ?i orientarea ?n coresponden?? diplomatic? rom?n? ?i note ale SSIVolumul are ca subiect principal organizarea, activitatea ?i orientarea emigra?iei politice din fostul Imperiu Rus ?n Europa, considerat? ca un pericol permanent la adresa regimului comunist, emigra?ie ai c?rei lideri au f?cut obiectul ?ncerc?rilor permanente de terorizare, lichidare sau discreditare.Documentele selectate, ?n cea mai mare parte, din Arhiva Diplomatic?, reprezint? rapoarte ale lega?iilor ?i oficiilor consulare rom?ne din Atena, Belgrad, Berlin, Berna, Bratislava, Budapesta, Istanbul, Lisabona, Madrid, Paris, Praga, Roma, Rusciuk, Skopje, Sofia, Stockholm, Vichy sau Zagreb, precum ?i note ale Serviciului Special de Informa?ii, c?tre Ministerul Afacerilor Str?ine, ?n timpul campaniei germano-rom?ne ?mpotriva Uniunii Sovietice. Sursele reflect? nu doar starea de fapt ?i de spirit a emigran?ilor, for?a?i s? aleag? ?ntre regimul totalitar comunist ?i cel nazist, dar ?i pozi?ia Bucure?tiului fa?? de problemele rus? ?i ucrainean?, cu profunde implica?ii geopolitice.
Mo? Teac?
Mo? Teac?
Anton Bacalbașa
Publica?ii, documente, scrisori ?i fotografii?n anul 1920, ?ntr-o lupt? inegal? cu trupele bol?evice, ?n fruntea Brig?zii a 2-a de Mitraliere a Armatei Na?ionale Ucrainene, locotenent-colonelul Hnat Porohivski s-a retras pe malul drept al Nistrului. Participant la Primul R?zboi Mondial, lider al emigran?ilor ucraineni care s-au salvat din fostul Imperiu Rus ?n Rom?nia, ?n anul 1931 absolv? ?coala Superioar? de ?tiin?e Administrative din Bucure?ti, iar ?n 1940 devine comisar al guvernului ucrainean ?n exil pentru statele balcanice.Din anul 1930 lucreaz? pentru Serviciul Secret de Informa?ii al Armatei Rom?ne, sub numele conspirativ Ciobanu, loialitatea sa fiind determinat? nu doar de orientarea antisovietic?, dar ?i de ospitalitatea oferit?. Lu?nd parte la lupte din primele zile ale r?zboiului rom?no-sovietic, sub numele conspirativ Dobrescu, ?n calitate de ofi?er superior al Agenturii Frontului de Est, a condus Biroul de Studii, Documentare ?i Centralizare.Volumul reprezint? un prim pas de recuperare a memoriei celui c?ruia i se datoreaz?, ?n mare parte, renumele de care s-a bucurat emigra?ia politic? ucrainean? din Rom?nia, rezisten?a acesteia ?n fa?a asaltului de distrugere ?i divizare, men?inerea pozi?iei de ostilitate fa?? de comunism ?i de imperialism.
Сто рок?в боротьби
Сто рок?в боротьби
Володимир В’ятрович
Esta publica??o é eminentemente didática e útil aos vários profissionais da área da saúde. A obra está organizada em duas partes. A primeira, dedicada à teoria da Psicologia da Saúde, visa dar ao leitor um panorama geral dos aspectos que embasam a compreens?o da Segunda parte do livro voltada aos trabalhos de pesquisa desenvolvidos pelos pesquisadores da Psicologia da Saúde, aqui reunidos.
Travel eGuide: Prague & its region: Discover the pearl of the Czech Republic and
Travel eGuide: Prague & its region: Discover the pearl of the Czech Republic and
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Travel eGuide: Prague & its region: Discover the pearl of the Czech Republic and Central Europe!
Clare Kauter
2345: A Letter from the Future
2345: A Letter from the Future
Brandon Goldentree
2345: A Letter from the Future