

Learn German Effortlessly in No Time–Beginner’s Vocabulary and German Phrases Ed
Learn German Effortlessly in No Time–Beginner’s Vocabulary and German Phrases Ed
Prolific Language Audiobooks
Learn German Effortlessly in No Time–Beginner’s Vocabulary and German Phrases Edition
Spanish Tales for Beginners: Revised Edition With Direct Method Exercises
Spanish Tales for Beginners: Revised Edition With Direct Method Exercises
Elijah Clarence Hills, Various
IN selecting these Spanish Tales for Beginners, three objects have been kept in view: ? (1) that they be good literature, ?(2) that they portray modern Spanish life, and ?(3) that they be interesting and not too difficult in language and thought. Some of the stories do not conform to all three rules,—the first two, for instance, do not portray modern Spanish life; but I hope that most of them will be found to conform fully. A few short lyric poems have also been included, since poetry forms an integral part of literature. Verse, moreover, is better for oral work and memorizing than prose.? Spain has a rich and varied literature, from which other nations have freely drawn,—a literature that gives true expression to the life and aspirations of the Spanish people. The selections in this volume are taken from literary works that have been written in the past fifty or sixty years, and although they are inferior in some respects to the great master-pieces of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, I believe that they have literary excellence, and they have, besides, the advantage of being written in the language of today and of describing present-day life.? It is my greatest wish that this volume may awaken the students' interest in the civilization of Spain, and that it may serve as an introduction to the study of Spanish literature. The integrity of the texts has been preserved so far as the exigencies of a beginners' book permit, but the following changes have been made: ? (1) Some words or passages have been omitted, chiefly in the earlier stories. The parts thus omitted are, for the most part, digressions or uninteresting descriptive passages. Omissions have generally been marked by four suspensive points, or by three at the beginning of a story. Except at the beginning of a story, three suspensive points form a part of the punctuation of the several authors. ?(2) The orthography has been made to conform to that now prescribed by the Royal Spanish Academy. ?(3) In the earlier stories, le has been substituted for the feminine indirect object-pronoun la, and los for the masculine plural direct object-pronoun les.
Leslie Kona
Valaki azt mondta nekem, hogy az állatoknak nincs kultúrt?rténete. Ez a k?nyvecske a bizonyíték rá, hogy téved. A kutyák és macskák históriája a régmúltba nyúlik és nagyon izgalmas. Személyes t?rténeteik színesek, h?ségük megható, sokoldalúságuk megd?bbent?. Remélem a Kedves Olvasó hasonló szeretettel fogadja t?rténeteiket, mint amilyen szeretettel én gy?jt?gettem.
Million Plus One
Million Plus One
Hughes, David
Doctors called him 'the amazing man', consultants called him 'one in a million' and many others called him 'a blooming miracle'! On 4 August 2005 David Hughes fell while pruning a tree, and a scaffold pole fractured the side of his skull, causing serious damage to his brain. He wasn't expected to live. But David has been astounding people all his life. As cyclist, marksman, archer, designer and engineer he has always been a high achiever. Now with the same energy and drive David has disproved medical opinion and rewritten the text books. He is overcoming his injuries and his life is as full of achievement as it ever was.
French Restoration
French Restoration
Kristen, Clive
When David and Doris Johnson restored a French mini-chateau, they learnt new skills, solved the mysteries of septic drainage, and excavated not only the ancient foundations, but the chequered history of the house itself. And through all this, and through new friends, they also rediscovered themselves. French property expert, Clive Kristen, records their adventures.
Keeping Company with the Bishop
Keeping Company with the Bishop
Ruff, CJ
I began writing this book as an outlet for the grief I was feeling over the loss of my dear friend Auxiliary Bishop Robert W. Donnelly. By utilizing the journal I had kept for eight years, I created a story of our times together. After devoting almost a year to writing this story, I realized I had something that was valuable to me and could be to others who might find themselves in similar situations. It is a significant story for anyone who has ever known and/or experienced the loss of someone through Alzheimer's. It is also a story that I hope will rekindle society's love for all of humankind whether it be the unborn with unknown possibilities or the oldest who have made countless and often untold contributions to society.
Caravan Revisited
Caravan Revisited
Lancaster, Annie
Two years have passed since Annie closed the last page of her journal, The Caravan of Love. In The Caravan Revisited her journal continues. But what became of that family living on the edge of madness? Did they turn their back on The Emerald Isle and go back to Newcastle after all? There's only one way to find out. Put the kettle on, stoke the fire and take some time out to peep inside the pages of Annie's Journal where you'll find the answers to your questions. Wherever they did end up, be assured it's a laugh-a-minute in Annie and Tom's house. Not! There's a brand new business venture on the horizon - followed closely by a worldwide recession, a multitude of mounting bills and debts, a few more nervous breakdowns, two Antarctic winters... and we mustn't forget the terrorists! But don't feel too downhearted. Annie doesn't. She's a fighter, a survivor with a dream of becoming a great writer one day! Will she ever save up enough change in that bottle to enrol on a writing course? There are some new additions to the family and loved ones aren't the only people to come and stay. There are also some visitors from the other side!Read 'The Caravan Revisited' and find yourself transported into the often deranged mind of Annie, who shares the good, the bad and the hilarious aspects of her daily life. Oh, and I forget to mention... there's even a new caravan!
Paul Andrews Presents - THE UFOs are Real
Paul Andrews Presents - THE UFOs are Real
Andrews, Paul
This gripping read is based on an original report by Donald Keyhoe a former USA serviceman, charged by a magazine to investigate the reports of UFO activity. It documents the unexplained encounters between aircraft and military personnel in the mid and late forties. The book explores whether aliens have been visiting the Earth for centuries and if the military was actively investigating and covering up these visits. Newly edited, and with some new illustrations added, this is a must have book for the person interested in Unidentified Flying Objects.
Caravan of Love
Caravan of Love
Lancaster, Annie
It's the winter of 2003. Annie and Tom have itchy feet. Living and dying in the same small area of Newcastle, England, and never seeing any other part of the world doesn't appeal to them one bit. But where, on this great big planet, would they be happy? New Zealand or Australia: too far away.Scotland or Yorkshire: not far enough.Spain or France: Too dumb to learn a language!So when Tom is offered a position as a tattoo artist, working in a brand new studio in Cork city, Ireland, the decision is made and their adventure unfolds.Travelling by ferry in their trusty camper van Tom is first to arrive. While he is getting settled into his new job and looking for somewhere to live, Annie is up the walls dealing with everything back in Newcastle. One sunny morning in July Annie waves goodbye to family, friends and the place she's called home since the day she was born, and sets off for her new life in Ireland with Tom and their three sons: seventeen-year-old Jack, sixteen-year-old Jamie and Robin who is seven.Each member of the family shares a different level of excitement and enthusiasm as they settle into the mouse and ant infested bungalow they rent from a local farmer for a year.Eventually their goal is in sight when they spot their dream house: an almost derelict farmhouse in the beautiful countryside of West Cork. With no building experience, some very laid back local tradesmen and a budget about half of what they need to complete the work, they begin the renovation.The building schedule goes nowhere according to plan and family life is strained to say the least.Have Annie and Tom made the biggest mistake of their lives, uprooting their whole family only to end up living in a dilapidated caravan in the middle of building site? Or, will their dream of a self-sufficient existence in their beautiful country farmhouse materialise. Read Annie's journal and experience the laughter, the tears and the many nervous breakdowns that ensue as the family's re-location story unfolds.
Summary: The Magic of Thinking Big
Summary: The Magic of Thinking Big
Brian Scott
Summary: The Magic of Thinking Big
Summary Of The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
Summary Of The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
Brian Scott
Summary Of The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
Summary Of How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger
Summary Of How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger
Joe Robinson
Summary Of How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger
Summary Of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck
Summary Of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck
Brian Scott
Summary Of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck
Summary : How To Win Friends And Influence People
Summary : How To Win Friends And Influence People
Brian Scott
Summary : How To Win Friends And Influence People
Summary: Never Split The Difference:  Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Summary: Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Adam Fox
Summary: Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Summary Of Educated: A Memoir By Tara Westover
Summary Of Educated: A Memoir By Tara Westover
Lynn Smith
Summary Of Educated: A Memoir By Tara Westover
Summary of A Nantucket Wedding
Summary of A Nantucket Wedding
Paul Adams
Summary of A Nantucket Wedding
Summary And Analysis:  12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Summary And Analysis: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Lynn Smith
Summary And Analysis: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Summary And Analysis: Factfulness
Summary And Analysis: Factfulness
Lynn Smith
Summary And Analysis: Factfulness
Summary: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Liv
Summary: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Liv
Adam Fox
Summary: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
Summary of You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Livin
Summary of You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Livin
Brian Scott
Summary of You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
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