

Sam Tanaka
Author Freedom Guidebook
Author Freedom Guidebook
Robert C. Worstell
Author Freedom Guidebook
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Eric J Scott
Social Media Marketing
TOEFL iBT90点を100点にするための単語?熟語(リーディング?リスニング対応)リストDL付
TOEFL iBT90点を100点にするための単語?熟語(リーディング?リスニング対応)リストDL付
Sam Tanaka
TOEFL iBT90点を100点にするための単語?熟語(リーディング?リスニング対応)リストDL付
Sam Tanaka
Sam Tanaka
JLPT(日本語能力試験)N4:単語(vocabulary)漢字(kanji)Free list
JLPT(日本語能力試験)N4:単語(vocabulary)漢字(kanji)Free list
Sam Tanaka
JLPT(日本語能力試験)N4:単語(vocabulary)漢字(kanji)Free list
Sam Tanaka
Mastering Plotto
Mastering Plotto
William Wallace Cook
Mastering Plotto
The Selected Lyric Poetry Of Maksym Rylsky
The Selected Lyric Poetry Of Maksym Rylsky
Maksym Rylsky
Maksym Rylsky (1895-1964) is one of the most outstanding Ukrainian poets of the the 20th century and master of the genres of the modern sonnet and the long narrative poem. He was closely associated with the Neoclassicist group of Ukrainian poets, who employed traditional poetic forms with rhyme and meter, wrote in a clear and accessible contemporary idiom, and often referenced Ancient Greek and Roman mythology as well as numerous other authors from world literature in their poetry. Rylsky was also a prolific translator from English, French, German, and Polish as well as a folklore and literary scholar, who worked most of the earlier part of his life as a teacher of philology. He published his first book of poetry at the precocious age of fifteen—On White Islands in 1910. His other early books of poetry include The Edge of the Forest: Idylls (1918), Under Autumn Stars (1918), The Blue Distance (1922), Long Poems (1924), Through a Storm and Snow (1925), Beneath Autumn Stars (1926), Thirteenth Spring (1926), Where Roads Meet (1929), and Echo and Re-echo (1929). Rylsky gained considerable popularity among the Ukrainian reading public for his neo-romantic contemplative musings and intimate lyrical poetry that focused on love, life and nature. While his poetry was completely apolitical, at the end of the Ukrainian cultural renaissance in the 1920s that was crushed by Stalin, Rylsky was sternly rebuked in the state-controlled press for focusing on the personal and not writing in service to the state. In 1931 the Soviet secret police, the NKVD, arrested and publicly humiliated him. He was released in 1932 after he agreed to write in the style of socialist realism and was one of the few prominent Ukrainian writers to survive the Stalinist purges of the 1930s. During the wartime period he wrote two masterful long poems that deviated from socialist realism—“Thirst” (1942) and “Journey to Youth” (1941-4), for which he was again publicly chastised. In 1942 he became Director of the Institute of Fine Arts, Folklore and Ethnography in Kyiv, a post that he held until his death in 1964. The Institute now bears his name. He published some 30 collections of original poetry during his lifetime as well as numerous translations and scholarly works. By 1974 almost five million copies of his works in the original or in translation had appeared in the USSR. In his last two books—In the Shadow of the Lark (1961) and Winter Notes (1964) published during The Thaw, a period of relaxed censorship during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev, Rylsky’s poetic voice returned to the stature of his early poetry. This selected works edition includes poetry from virtually all of Rylsky’s early collections of poetry, with selection primarily based on esthetic principles; the powerful long poem “Thirst,” penned during the darkest days of World War II for Ukraine; and other poems from various periods of his life. Translated by Michael M. Naydan. With a guest introduction by Maria Zubrytska
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume VII: Farther and Further, and Onto, On, and On
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume VII: Farther and Further, and Onto, On, and On
Giacomo Giammatteo
Guaranteed Not to Be Confusing Don't Ever Be Confused by Grammar Again. Take a "bite" out of Grammar with No Mistakes Grammar Bites. It seems as if many dictionaries and books on grammar do their best to confuse people. Words and explanations are defined using grammatical terminology that is difficult to understand; in fact, if you knew that terminology, you probably wouldn't have to look up the words to begin with. We're aiming to get rid of that and explain things in plain English, using language that is easy to understand. Try it out and see for yourself. If you find these books confusing, write to me and get a refund; they're guaranteed.
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume X: Could've and Should've, and Irony and Coinc
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume X: Could've and Should've, and Irony and Coinc
Giacomo Giammatteo
Guaranteed Not to Be Confusing Don't Ever Be Confused by Grammar Again. Take a "bite" out of Grammar with No Mistakes Grammar Bites. It seems as if many dictionaries and books on grammar do their best to confuse people. Words and explanations are defined using grammatical terminology that is difficult to understand; in fact, if you knew that terminology, you probably wouldn't have to look up the words to begin with. We're aiming to get rid of that and explain things in plain English, using language that is easy to understand. Try it out and see for yourself. If you find these books confusing, write to me and get a refund; they're guaranteed.
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume III: That, Which, and Who, and There Is and Th
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume III: That, Which, and Who, and There Is and Th
Giacomo Giammatteo
Guaranteed Not to Be Confusing Don't Ever Be Confused by Grammar Again. Take a "bite" out of Grammar with No Mistakes Grammar Bites. It seems as if many dictionaries and books on grammar do their best to confuse people. Words and explanations are defined using grammatical terminology that is difficult to understand; in fact, if you knew that terminology, you probably wouldn't have to look up the words to begin with. We're aiming to get rid of that and explain things in plain English, using language that is easy to understand. Try it out and see for yourself. If you find these books confusing, write to me and get a refund; they're guaranteed.
Your Strength, Your Passion & Your Courage
Your Strength, Your Passion & Your Courage
Dale L. Roberts
A Collection of Quotes Packed with Motivation & Inspiration This book of 176 powerful quotes is specific to anyone looking to gain strength, hone passion or develop courage. Your Strength, Your Passion & Your Courage?is packed with?success quotations for every occasion, including:? ·Motivational quotes from business leaders and entrepreneurs·Quotes on strength to keep you going when you want to give up·Thoughts on what?character truly is·Words on the importance of?integrity·Quotations?on being passionate·Quotes on getting motivated and staying inspired·Inspirational quotes for every occasion·Quotes on courage and bravery·And so much more! Download now and start getting inspired TODAY!
Pavlo Tychyna: The Complete Early Poetry Collections
Pavlo Tychyna: The Complete Early Poetry Collections
Pavlo Tychyna
Pavlo Tychyna (1891-1967) is arguably the greatest Ukrainian poet of the twentieth century and has been described as a “tillerman’s Orpheus” by Ukrainian poet and literary critic Vasyl Barka. With his innovative poetics, deep spirituality and creative word play, Tychyna deserves a place among the pantheon of his European contemporaries such as T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Rainer Maria Rilke, Federico Garcia Lorca, and Osip Mandelstam. His early collections Clarinets of the Sun (1918), The Plow (1920), Instead of Sonnets and Octaves (1920), The Wind from Ukraine (1924), and his poetic cycle In the Orchestra of the Cosmos (1921) mark the pinnacle of his creativity and poetically document the emotional and spiritual toll of the Revolution of 1917 as well as the Civil War and its aftermath in Ukraine. Tychyna coined the term “Clarinetism” to describe his earliest works, which intrinsically exhibit the clarity and the haunting sound of a clarinet. He harkens back to ancient Greek literature to form what has been called the “tragic lyric” in his short collection Instead of Sonnets and Octaves, which gives a personal, humanistic understanding to the tragic events of the Revolution. John Fizer has noted Tychyna’s close affinity with Walt Whitman’s cosmism, particularly in his cycle In the Orchestra of the Cosmos. While Tychyna in may ways displays the moral conscience of his times in his early works, later in his life he acquiesced to Soviet authorities in order to survive the horrors of Stalin’s regime. He was forced by authorities to refuse a nomination for the Nobel Prize, the only reason for which would have been his Ukrainian ethnicity. This edition of Tychyna’s complete early works includes translations of all his major early collections as well as his poetic masterpieces “Mother was Pealing Potatoes,” “Funeral of My Friend,” and his highly patriotic “In Memory of the Thirty.” The volume includes a guest introduction by eminent Ukrainian poet Viktor Neborak. Translated by Michael M. Naydan.
Uneducated: 37 People Who Redefined the Definition of ‘Educated’
Uneducated: 37 People Who Redefined the Definition of ‘Educated’
Giacomo Giammatteo
Did you ever find yourself at a dead—end, not knowing where to go, or which way to turn? I’m sure Steve Jobs did, or Bill Gates, or Leonardo da Vinci, or Ben Franklin, or any of our twelve presidents who didn’t have degrees. But that didn’t stop them. They didn’t give up. They gathered their wits, made a plan, and persevered. And look where it got them!? Not everyone becomes a billionaire, obviously, but it *is* achievable. Many of the people in this book did it. You can too. ?
How to Publish an eBook: No Mistakes Publishing, Volume I
How to Publish an eBook: No Mistakes Publishing, Volume I
Giacomo Giammatteo 
Finished writing, and wondering where to go from there? The publishing world is in a state of flux, and you probably need help navigating it. Learn how to upload your book, step-by-step. Learn which retailers you should use, and whether you should use distributors. Learn which distributors to use, and why. Do you need an ISBN? How about a copyright or a barcode? Get the answers to these and many other questions from the first in a series of publishing books. And you get it for the price of a few cups of coffee. You'll save ten times that in a heartbeat.?
More Misused Words: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume III
More Misused Words: No Mistakes Grammar, Volume III
Giacomo Giammatteo
More Misused Words contains a lot of the same words that Misused Words I and II did, but so much more. In More Misused Words, we address even more redundancies, absolutes, capitals, eponyms, flat adverbs (everybody’s favorite), initialisms and acronyms, Latin abbreviations, mispronunciations, a couple of sticklers like lie/lay/laid/lain, and poisonous/venomous, plurals of compound words (is it mothers-in-law or mother-in-laws? Isn’t one sufficient?), time-consuming phrases, and punctuation. We’ll have fun tackling these words (they’re not that big), and we’ll address more than just words—we’ll hit on eponyms, odd punctuation, and even a few Latin expressions, such as e.g., ergo, etc., and i.e. (Did I just say ‘ergo’? If I do that again, smack me.) I know you think you are familiar with these, but despite their ubiquitousness (Smack me for that also.), there might be a few odd rules that pertain to using Latin expressions that you’re not familiar with. It’s worthwhile to learn them (especially if you intend to write).?
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume IV: Affect and Effect, and Accept and Except
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume IV: Affect and Effect, and Accept and Except
Giacomo Giammatteo
Guaranteed Not to Be Confusing Don't Ever Be Confused by Grammar Again. Take a "bite" out of Grammar with No Mistakes Grammar Bites. It seems as if many dictionaries and books on grammar do their best to confuse people. Words and explanations are defined using grammatical terminology that is difficult to understand; in fact, if you knew that terminology, you probably wouldn't have to look up the words to begin with. We're aiming to get rid of that and explain things in plain English, using language that is easy to understand. Try it out and see for yourself. If you find these books confusing, write to me and get a refund; they're guaranteed.
Imaginea t?m?duitoare. Curs avansat de transformare
Imaginea t?m?duitoare. Curs avansat de transformare
Vladimir Lermontov
Prefa?? de Andrei Vochin Pe mul?i dintre ei i-a comentat pe viu! Pe al?ii i-a v?zut juc?nd, iar despre ceilal?i a aflat citindu-i pe marii cronicari ai acelor vremuri... Avand ?n spate o experien?? de peste 2000 de meciuri comentate la cel mai ?nalt nivel, Bogdan Socol a ?ncercat s? prezinte, a?a cum a fost, via?a ?i cariera a "100 de fotbali?ti legendari". Dupa o munc? minu?ioas?, mig?loas?, dar ?i foarte frumoas?, comentatorul Digi Sport a reu?it s? adune ?n 400 de pagini 100 de pove?ti speciale ale unor oameni care au marcat nu doar istoria fotbalului, dar ?i a omenirii prin impactul lor. ?n "100 de fotbali?ti legendari", ve?i afla cum un meci de fotbal i-a salvat via?a unui viitor campion mondial, cum cel mai mare atacant italian al tuturor timpurilor se motiva cel mai bine ?naintea meciurilor petrec?nd o noapte ?ntreag? lang? ni?te doamne de companie sau care a fost primul juc?tor care a f?cut o schimbare, f?r? ca antrenorul s? mai aib? vreun cuv?nt de spus. Pe parcursul lecturii acestei c?r?i, ve?i ajunge, prin intermediul celor 100 de eroi, din epoca interbelic? p?n? ?n zilele noastre, trec?nd ?i prin dramele din preajma celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial, prin comunismul care a obstruc?ionat at?tea cariere m?re?e, prin dictaturile militare din America Latin? ?i prin toat? perioada de incertitudini a R?zboiului Rece. Fotbalul a ?nvins toate problemele, ?ns?, ?i a mers mai departe cu pove?tile sale. "100 de fotbali?ti legendari" ?i cinste?te a?a cum se cuvine ?i pe cei mai mari juc?tori rom?ni care ne-au marcat existen?a, Nicolae Dobrin, Ilie Balaci, Gic? Hagi, Gic? Popescu ?i Miodrag Belodedici. Bogdan Socol a ?capturat” ?ntre coper?ile noii sale lucr?ri 100 de fotbali?ti legendari din istoria acestui sport. Nu m? pot aventura s? spun c? ei sunt cei mai mari, pentru c? ?n orice astfel de anchet? nici un argument nu este mai puternic dec?t altul. Poate a mai sc?pat unul, poate c? noi, cei mai vechi, i-am prins ?i pe al?ii juc?nd ?i i-am v?zut pe viu, motiv pentru care am putea spune c? au fost mai buni ca al?ii care au prins un loc ?n volumul de fa??. De fapt, nici nu mai conteaz?. Ceea ce va r?m?ne atunci c?nd ve?i termina de citit ?i ultima poveste din acest volum va fi sentimentul acela de prea plin de informa?ie, de pl?cut? sa?ietate, pe care orice consumator de sport o dore?te. Cu at?t mai mult unul care e ?i el prizonier pe via?? ?n aceast? minunat? ?nchisoare a pasiunii numit? fotbal. (Andrei Vochin)
How to Write a Bestseller: No Mistakes Writing, Volume II
How to Write a Bestseller: No Mistakes Writing, Volume II
Giacomo Giammatteo 
So you've written a book. Big deal. Did you write one good enough to sell? Will it sell? There are millions of books out there. Why should readers buy yours? Before you put your book up for sale, before you even finish writing, you should read this book. Find out what you're doing wrong, and what you're doing right. Discover why character development and editing are everything. And learn to make your readers laugh and cry. ?
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