

New Head Teacher
New Head Teacher
Jones, Sally
The 'Creative Writing Tutor' scheme provides a lively series of themed booklets that will stimulate your child's imagination and inspire him or her to write in a more interesting way and to achieve better results. The booklets provide 'a tutor' for the child, fun features and stories to read, follow up activities to complete, harder vocabulary to prepare children for more advanced writing and many helpful tips and techniques to improve writing style.Written by an experienced teacher, they are recommended for use at school or at home by children aged 9-13 years, of all abilities. They are excellent for stretching fast workers and able writers or preparing for writing tasks in 11+ examinations. The New Head Teacher helps to encourage non-fiction writing through reports, letters and e-mails.
Computer Game
Computer Game
Jones, Sally
The 'Creative Writing Tutor' scheme provides a lively series of themed booklets that will stimulate your child's imagination and inspire him or her to write in a more interesting way and to achieve better results. The booklets provide 'a tutor' for the child, fun features and stories to read, follow up activities to complete, harder vocabulary to prepare children for more advanced writing and many helpful tips and techniques to improve writing style.Written by an experienced teacher, they are recommended for use at school or at home by children aged 9-13 years, of all abilities. They are excellent for stretching fast workers and able writers or preparing for writing tasks in 11+ examinations. In this book we learn to write interesting fiction pieces around the subject of shopping and computer games.
One Direction: The Official Annual 2016
One Direction: The Official Annual 2016
One Direction
One Direction are: Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and, Niall Horan. Formed in The X Factor’s Bootcamp stage in 2010, they’ve since gone on to win over 140 awards, smash records in both the UK and the US and sell over 20 million records worldwide.
Cinderella (Best-loved Classics)
Cinderella (Best-loved Classics)
Sarah Gibb studied Graphic Design at St Martins and then did an MA in Sequential Illustration at the University of Brighton. She illustrates the incredibly popular children’s fiction series, The Tiara Club, and novels such as The Nanny Diaries. As well as illustrating books, Sarah works on greetings cards and packaging for clients including Crabtree and Evelyn, Marks and Spencer and Harrods. She lives in London with her husband and young son.
Winter Story (Read Aloud) (Brambly Hedge)
Winter Story (Read Aloud) (Brambly Hedge)
Jill Barklem
Jill Barklem was born in Epping and led a quiet childhood enjoying being close to nature. On leaving school, she studied illustration at St Martin’s in London. The inspiration for Brambly Hedge appeared during Jill’s daily train journey between Epping and London: shutting herself off from the outside world, she became obsessed with the way of life of a band of hedgerow mice, later to be developed as the world of Brambly Hedge.
As They Say In Zanzibar
As They Say In Zanzibar
David Crystal
David Crystal, one of the world’s leading commentators on language, tackles the proverbs of the world. A new anthology of global proverbs has not been compiled for over 70 years. Crystal brings his customary commercial eye and linguistic expertise to this wonderfully rich topic. Proverbs are fascinating in what they tell us about a culture's view of everyday life: whether it be the importance of animals or the significance of the weather, proverbial wisdom is a key factor in understanding different peoples and cultures. Here David Crystal, the world's leading commentator on language, takes us on a global tour of the world's proverbs. Whether you are in Andorra, China or Tierra del Fuego, there is a nugget of local wisdom to inform and entertain. Some proverbs to entertain: When two elephants struggle, it is the grass which suffers. (Zanzibar) One must chew according to one's teeth (Norway) Admiration is the daughter of ignorance (Spain) A blind man needs no looking glass (Scotland) Never bolt your door with a boiled carrot (Ireland) Don't call the alligator a big-mouth till you have crossed the river (Belize) An untouched drum does not speak. (Liberia) Do not try to borrow combs from shaven monks. (China)
One Direction: The Official Annual 2014
One Direction: The Official Annual 2014
One Direction are: Liam Payne, 19, Harry Styles, 19, Louis Tomlinson, 21, Niall Horan, 19, and Zayn Malik, 20. The band were formed in The X Factor’s Bootcamp stage in 2010, and left the competition in its final round. They went on to break several records, top the charts internationally, and sell over 20 million records worldwide.
Why I Love Alberta
Why I Love Alberta
Daniel Howarth
Daniel Howarth is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. He lives near Exeter, with his wife and family, and works from his garden studio. www.danielhowarth.com
Why I Love British Columbia
Why I Love British Columbia
Daniel Howarth
Daniel Howarth is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. He lives near Exeter, with his wife and family, and works from his garden studio. www.danielhowarth.com
Why I love my Grandma
Why I love my Grandma
Daniel Howarth
Daniel Howarth is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. He lives near Exeter, with his wife and family, and works from his garden studio. www.danielhowarth.com
Ismay Line
Ismay Line
Oldham, Wilton J
The Ismay Line charts the rise and fall of one of the most eminent British shipping companies - and tells the story of the family behind it. The founder of the White Star Line, T H Ismay, pioneered a revolutionary design of iron steamships, built for him by Harland & Wolff of Belfast. By the time of his death in 1899 he had become the most successful steamship owner in the world. He was succeeded by his son, Bruce Ismay, who in April 1912 was aboard his latest ship, Titanic, when it collided with an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Ismay survived by boarding the last lifeboat to leave the starboard side of the sinking liner: and thus began one of the greatest witch-hunts of modern times. The Ismay Line draws on many previously unpublished family diaries and correspondence and offers a robust defence of Bruce Ismay's conduct. Originally published in 1961, the book has been out of print for many years and is now a sought-after collector's item.
Night They Blitzed The Ritz
Night They Blitzed The Ritz
Bull, John
This is the Blitz story from a fresh new perspective - through the eyes of a small boy and his gang of streetwise Bomb Alley Kids. It was the worst of times for adults, thrust into the front line of the war by relentless night-bombing, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. It was maybe the best of times for children, with every bombsite, aeroplane and wailing siren holding a promise of pleasurable terror. In this personal memoir, John Bull - a former News of the World columnist - perfectly captures the tragicomic, often farcical, events of everyday survival and the tribal stubbornness that stopped the Brits from 'chucking it in'.
Chin Up, Head Down
Chin Up, Head Down
Tym, Helena
On 2nd June 2009, two men knocked on our door, bringing with them the news that our nineteen-year-old son, Cyrus, had been killed that morning by an IED while serving with 2 Rifles in Afghanistan. Our family as we knew it was destroyed in an instant. I had three sons, a job as a manager in a day centre for people with acquired brain injuries - and suddenly this had changed for ever.People ask me how I've coped, and my answer is that I have written it all down - partly for fear of losing those memories too, and also to tryto make some sense of what has happened. This process of madness continues to be part of what has become my new 'normal'.I have a new life now, which I'm trying desperately to come to terms with - and follow Cyrus's words from his last letter to us.
GAA Quiz Book 2: Another 2,000 Gaelic Football and Hurling Questions
GAA Quiz Book 2: Another 2,000 Gaelic Football and Hurling Questions
Christy O’Connor
Another 2,000 Gaelic football and hurling questions to test your knowledge of Ireland's best-loved sports. Think you know everything there is to know about Gaelic football and hurling? Think again! The GAA Quiz Book 2 is packed with a further 2000 of the most brain-teasing Gaelic football and hurling questions ever. With 200 ready-to-ask quizzes ranging from the very easy to the very hard, there's something to challenge every Irish sports fan. All aspects of both games will be covered including who won and lost, what records have been set, historic moments, players, teams, awards, significant rulings, competition changes and much more. Prepare for pub quiz success or impress your friends time and time again with your in-depth sports knowledge with the most up-to-date, comprehensive, fascinating on Gaelic sports quiz book around.
Guía espa?ol-rumana para una comunicación eficaz
Guía espa?ol-rumana para una comunicación eficaz
Dana Oprică
Aceast? lucrare, rezultat al unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, este un instrument care vine s? completeze cu ?i mai multe aspecte de limb? ?i de cultur? cuno?tin?ele celor care studiaz? limba rom?n? sau c?l?toresc ?n Rom?nia. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural care prezint? c?teva orient?ri legate de formulele de salut, de realizarea unei vizite, de obiceiurile rom?nilor de s?rb?tori, de normele de circula?ie s.a. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care nu dep??e?te limitele decen?ei ?i care ajut? la cunoa?terea unor formule familiare. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile vorbitorilor de limb? spaniol?, precum studen?ii no?tri, care au c?l?torit ?i c?l?toresc frecvent ?n Rom?nia ?i care ne-au prezentat diverse situa?ii reale pe care le-am explicat prin intermediul acestui ghid. ?ntr-una dintre vizitele f?cute ?ntr-un sat din Bistri?a, un spaniol ne-a povestit c? a fost salutat cu s?rut m?na de un grup de copii care treceau pe uli??. Am inclus aceast? situa?ie sociolingvistic? la capitolul corespunz?tor. Farmecul limbii rom?ne const? ?i ?n varietatea lexical? adecvat? diferitelor contexte sau registre de limbaj. Este trabajo, resultado de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, es un instrumento que viene a completar con más aspectos de lengua y cultura los conocimientos de los que estudian la lengua rumana o viajan a Rumanía. Cada tema está precedida por algunos datos de interés cultural que presentan unas orientaciones relacionadas con las fórmulas de saludo, con la realización de una visita, con las costumbres de los rumanos en fiestas, con las normas de circulación, etc. Como novedad hemos introducido glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que no sobrepasa las límites de la decencia y que ayuda a conocer algunas fórmulas familiares. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de los hablantes de lengua espa?ola, como nuestros estudiantes, que han viajado y viajan frecuentemente a Rumanía y que nos han presentado varias situaciones reales que explicamos a través de esta guía. Para poner un ejemplo, durante una de sus visitas en un pueblo recóndito de Bistri?a, un espa?ol nos contó que fue saludado con s?rut m?na (le beso la mano) por un grupo de ni?os, que pasaban por la calle. Incluimos esta situación sociolingüística en el capitulo correspondiente. El encanto de la lengua rumana consta también en la variedad lexical adecuada a los diferentes contextos y registros lingüísticos.
Ghid rom?n-spaniol pentru o comunicare eficient?
Ghid rom?n-spaniol pentru o comunicare eficient?
Dana Oprică
Aceast? lucrare este rezultatul unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, care a hot?r?t s? adune ?ntr-o carte tot materialul prezentat de nativi referitor la limba ?i cultura spaniol?. Astfel apare acest ghid ca un instrument u?or, modern ?i rapid de comunicare ?n limba spaniol?, cu aspecte culturale menite s? eviden?ieze tradi?iile spaniole. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural, astfel apar titluri precum: Organizarea teritorial?, Forma de guvern?m?nt, Partide politice, Structura organelor de justi?ie, ?nv???m?ntul, Meniuri, S?rb?tori etc. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care, f?r? a dep??i limitele decen?ei, ajut? la realizarea de conversa?ii informale. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile unui vorbitor de limb? rom?n? prezent ?n Spania pentru un sejur temporar sau de lung? durat?. Lucrarea se adreseaz? oric?rei persoane interesate de limba ?i cultura spaniol?. Registrele de cuvinte utile, grupate la finalul fiec?rei teme, diverse expresii uzuale pot fi de folos at?t traduc?torilor de literatur?, c?t ?i participan?ilor la comunicarea oral? sau scris?. Ne-am bucura s? v? fim de ajutor! Presentación: Este trabajo es fruto de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, quien ha decidido agrupar en un libro todo el material presentado por nativos acerca de la lengua y cultura espa?olas. Así se presenta esta guía como un instrumento fácil, moderno y rápido de comunicación en espa?ol, con matices culturales para poner de manifiesto las costumbres espa?olas. Cada tema está precedida por datos de interés cultural, así figuran capítulos como: Organización territorial, Sistema de gobierno, Partidos políticos, Sistema judicial, La ense?anza, Menús, Fiestas, etc. Como novedad hemos introducidos glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que, sin sobrepasar los límites de la decencias, ayuda a realizar conversaciones informales. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de un hablante de lengua rumana que se encuentra en Espa?a para estancias temporales o de larga duración. El trabajo se dirige a cualquier persona interesada en lengua y cultura espa?ola. Los registros de palabras útiles, agrupadas al final de cada tema, varias expresiones usuales pueden servir tanto a los traductores de literatura como a los implicados en la comunicación oral o escrita. ?Nos encantaría poderles servir de ayuda!
Copilul m?rii. Aventura transform?rii l?untrice ?i a descoperirii de sine
Copilul m?rii. Aventura transform?rii l?untrice ?i a descoperirii de sine
Mihai Marius Lungu
Exerci?ii de Traducere gramatical? ?i Teste pentru examenele de admitere ?i orele de englez?, cu rezolvare.
Mog and Me and Other Stories
Mog and Me and Other Stories
Judith Kerr
Judith Kerr was born in Berlin, but left Germany with her family in 1933 to escape the Nazis. They arrived in England in 1936, having spent the intervening years in Switzerland and France. She met her husband Nigel Kneale at the BBC and they had two children together; Judith wrote ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ for them, which has gone on to become a much-loved classic, in print for over forty years. She was awarded an OBE in 2012 for services to children’s literature and holocaust education, and celebrated her 90th birthday in 2013. She continues to write and illustrate children’s books at her home in London.
The Pocket Guide to the Popes
The Pocket Guide to the Popes
McBrien, Richard P.
This pocket edition of Richard McBrien's acclaimed Lives of the Popes is a practical quick reference tool for scholars, students, and anyone needing just a few concise facts about all the popes, from St. Peter to Benedict XVI.
How Do They Do That?
How Do They Do That?
Sutton, Caroline
HOW DO THEY DO THATHow do they make mirrorsHow do sword swallowers swallow swordsHow does a Polaroid picture develop in broad daylightHow do camels go without waterHow do they splice genesHow do they create spectacular fireworksHow indeed?Ever found yourself wide-eyed at the wonders of scienceAwestruck by the artsMystified by the miracles of nature or the marvels of technology?Relief is at hand. Within these pages answers abound. How Do They Do Thatclarifies what used to mystify. It explains the inexplicable and makes known the unknown.Here is a book for both the mildly curious and the grand inquisitor. Take a few hours or take a few minutes to browse through this repository of riddles revealed. You'll discover that it's not hocus-pocus that put the whole pear in the bottle of pear brandy or sorcery that suspends a suspension bridge. But if not by magic, how do they do that?The answer awaits within. A questioner's cure, an anodyne of answers, How Do They Do Thatis a puzzler's paradise.Caroline Sutton, a graduate of Wesleyan University, fives in New York City, where she writes and edits for the Hilltown Press.
More How Do They Do That?
More How Do They Do That?
Sutton, Caroline
Have you ever wondered:- How do they know how much an aircraft carrier weighs?- How do they get music onto a CD?- How does an electric eel generate electricity?- How do they know how long a second is?- How do penguins stay warm in Antarctica?- How do they teach guide dogs to cross at a green light?The answers to these and many other everyday wonders are explained.Here, in simple and easy-to-understand terms, are solutions to the riddles of everyday life. How exactly does a thief break into your car and drive off with it in less than a minuteAnd how do they get Hostess Twinkies to stay fresh for so longMore How Do They Do Thatalso reveals aspects of modern science and the natural world that are often taken for granted. How do they measure the heat of distant starsHow do they measure the ozone layerAnd how do they know there's going to be another ice age in two thousand yearsThe answers await within. . .