Havelok the Dane
Havelok the Dane

Anne's House of Dreams
Anne's House of Dreams

For The Defense
For The Defense

The Big Bow Mystery
The Big Bow Mystery

The Road
The Road

A Doll's House
A Doll's House

The Outlaw of Torn
The Outlaw of Torn

The People of the Black Circle
The People of the Black Circle

Stories from Hans Andersen
Stories from Hans Andersen

The Crimson Cryptogram
The Crimson Cryptogram

The Bet and Other Stories
The Bet and Other Stories

Making His Mark
Making His Mark

First Love
First Love

The Mystery of Angelina Frood
The Mystery of Angelina Frood

The Root of all Evil
The Root of all Evil

Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park

Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey

Philip Dru Administrator
Philip Dru Administrator

A Horse's Tale
Long humorous story. It begins: "I am Buffalo Bill's horse. I have spent my life under his saddle - with him in it, too, and he is good for two hundred pounds, without his clothes; and there is no telling how much he does weigh when he is out on the war-path and has his batteries belted on. He is over six feet, is young, hasn't an ounce of waste flesh, is straight, graceful, springy in his motions, quick as a cat, and has a handsome face, and black hair dangling down on his shoulders, and is beautiful to look at; and nobody is braver than he is, and nobody is stronger, except myself. Yes, a person that doubts that he is fine to see should see him in his beaded buck-skins, on my back and his rifle peeping above his shoulder, chasing a hostile trail, with me going like the wind and his hair streaming out behind from the shelter of his broad slouch. Yes, he is a sight to look at then - and I'm part of it myself."

The Prussian Terror
Historical novel set in 1866, during the Austro-Prussian War. According to Wikipedia: "Alexandre Dumas, born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (24 July 1802 – 5 December 1870) was a French writer, best known for his historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. Many of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte de Bragelonne were originally serialized. He also wrote plays and magazine articles and was a prolific correspondent."

Long short story, first published in 1877. According to Wikipedia: "Herodias is the retelling of the beheading of John the Baptist. It starts slightly before the arrival of the Syrian governor, Vitellius. Herodias holds a huge birthday celebration for her second husband, Herod Antipas. Unknown to him, she has concocted a plan to behead John. According to Flaubert, this plan entails making her husband fall in love with her daughter, Salomé, leading to him promising her whatever she wants. Salomé, obviously in line with the instructions of her mother, will ask for John's head. Everything goes as planned. John has been repeatedly insulting the royals, so the king does not think long before granting Salomé's wish. The crowd gathered for the party waits anxiously while the executioner, Mannaeus, kills John. The story ends with some of John's disciples awaiting the Messiah."