Inversarea procesului de ?mb?tr?nire. Revitalizarea celulelor. Refacerea vigorii corporale?n cartea deschiz?toare de drumuri Enzima miracol, dr. Shinya ??i prezenta teoria enzimelor surs? ?i modul ?n care acestea influen?eaz? longevitatea. ?n cartea de fa??, autorul introduce ideea unei noi categorii de enzime, capabile s? inverseze deterior?rile produse de ?naintarea ?n v?rst? prin cur??area celulelor senescente sau ?zombi“, pe care ultimele cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice le arat? ca fiind cauza principal? a ?mb?tr?nirii. ?n paginile c?r?ii de fa?? vei afla:cum reu?esc enzimele ?ntineririi s? distrug? celulele zombi;de ce alimentele de culoare vi?inie contribuie la ?mbun?t??irea vederii ?i a memoriei; de asemenea, este prezentat un plan complet cu ajutorul c?ruia po?i s?-?i activezi enzima ?ntineririi ?i s?-?i revitalizezi s?n?tatea.totul despre comutatorul cancerului;de unde ?tiu celulele ce trebuie s? fac?.?tim c? un num?r tot mai mare de oameni sufer? de demen??, de Alzheimer sau de efectele unui atac cerebral. Celulele ?mb?tr?nite pot s? ne fac?, de asemenea, mai sensibili la bolile infec?ioase. Aceste celule pot chiar s? duc? la cancer. Esen?a vitalit??ii ?i s?n?t??ii noastre este dat? de buna func?ionare a celulelor organismului.
San-Antonio. Lupul travestit ?n bunicu??
Secretele c?mpului energetic uman sunt ?n sf?r?it dezv?luite! ?Pentru oricine dore?te s? examineze c?ile de integrare a cuno?tin?elor despre chakre ?n propria via?? ?i s?n?tate, cartea constituie un ghid valoros.“ – Dr. Larry Dossey, autorul c?r?ii Cuvinte t?m?duitoare ?n Puterea chakrelor, Susan Shumsky studiaz? am?nun?it literatura tantric? ?i vedic? antic?, pentru a ne pune la dispozi?ie cele mai autentice informa?ii despre cele ?apte chakre, cele ?apte sub-chakre ?i sistemul de energii subtile. P?n? acum, o mare parte din aceast? comoar? de ?n?elepciune a fost ?inut? ascuns? ?n p?durile ?i pe?terile Indiei ?i Tibetului. Citind aceast? carte de referin?? ?n domeniu, elogiat? de mae?trii spirituali din India precum ?i de mii de cititori recunosc?tori: ??i vei descoperi corpul subtil ?i c?mpul de energie ?i vei afla cum s? vindeci blocajele; vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? kundalini ?i sistemul de chakre; vei ?nv??a cum s?-?i men?ii s?n?tos c?mpul de energie.
San-Antonio. Splin? ?n suc propriu
Cre?te-?i energia ?n mod spectaculos pentru a nu te mai sim?i obosit niciodat?. Oboseala tinde s? devin? o adev?rat? epidemie. Oameni altfel s?n?to?i, cu v?rste ?ntre 30 ?i 50 de ani, se simt epuiza?i f?r? vreun motiv clar ?i totu?i, c?nd merg la doctor, li se spune c? nu e nimic ?n neregul? cu ei. Sim?i nevoia s? bei ceai sau cafea ca ?s? te treze?ti“? Te sim?i epuizat f?r? vreun motiv aparent? E?ti complet stresat vineri sau extenuat la sf?r?itul unei zile de munc?? Dac? ai r?spuns DA la oricare dintre aceste ?ntreb?ri, atunci a sosit momentul s? preiei controlul asupra s?n?t??ii tale cu ajutorul c?r?ii de fa??. Acest ghid practic pentru ?nvingerea oboselii, scris de unul dintre pu?inii medici generali?ti din Marea Britanie av?nd preg?tire at?t ?n medicina conven?ional?, c?t ?i ?n cea holistic?, te va ajuta: s? alegi regimul alimentar ?i tipul de exerci?ii fizice corecte pentru a-?i reface nivelurile de energie; s? descoperi cele mai bune suplimente care s? te ajute s? te sim?i excelent ?i s? ar??i mai t?n?r; s? atingi un echilibru hormonal ?i s?-?i ?mbun?t??e?ti func?ionarea intestinelor pentru o stare general? bun?. Citind aceast? carte, vom ?n?elege mai bine leg?tura dintre nutri?ie, exerci?ii fizice, mediu ?i s?n?tate precum ?i faptul c? trebuie s? ne asum?m responsabilitatea pentru propria noastr? stare de bine. ?Am scris Vindecarea oboselii pentru a eviden?ia un concept foarte important care este uitat adesea: nim?nui nu ar trebui s?-i pese de s?n?tatea ta mai mult dec?t ?ie. TU trebuie s? devii specialistul ?n tine ?i TU e?ti persoana responsabil? de s?n?tatea ta. Da, TU! Medicul generalist ?i al?i profesioni?ti din domeniul medical te pot ?ndruma, dar, ?n esen??, controlul depinde de tine ?i de alegerile pe care le faci. Nu?i a?a c? asta ??i d? putere?“ - Autoarea
Ce sunt Marile Piramide?
The saber was the weapon of the soldiers and dueling heroes here in the Carpathian Basin for more than a thousand years. During this time it became more than a simple tool of fighting. It became a loyal companion and a symbol of valor of the wielder. This weapon and the valiant spirit of its wielders became known in Western Europe and North American via Hungarians. At the time of our settlement Western Europe feared the sight of the saber, it became a worthy opponent of the Turkish and later, after the civil war of Rákóczi it brought us honor in the wars fought at the side of foreign countries. Maybe there is no other sword type like this which reserved its significance for so long time. ?The saber is not only an antique weapon of a past era, but much like a sports tool as a foil which is used at the Olympic Games. ?This book contains an elaborated practical curriculum. With the help of it, the saber fencing can be learned from the basics to master level. The book guides the reader through hundreds of exercises with the help of more than a hundred photographic illustrations. These can help anyone to learn the basic moves, the more complex exercises and even the trick-cuts or disarmament. ?We prove with this book that the saber fencing is a living sport and martial art.
Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook Vol. 4 Dessert And Side Dish Recipes
Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook Vol. 4 Dessert And Side Dish Recipes
Healthy Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes: Favorite Tried & True Low Fat Chicken Recip
Healthy Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes: Favorite Tried & True Low Fat Chicken Recipes
34 Muffin Tin Meals: Easy Muffin Tin Recipes For Your Family and Guests
34 Muffin Tin Meals: Easy Muffin Tin Recipes For Your Family and Guests
Amazingly Hearty Slow Cooker Soups
Amazingly Hearty Slow Cooker Soups
35 Delicious Cupcake Recipes
35 Delicious Cupcake Recipes
56 Low Fat Salads, Dips And Dressings: For Faster Weight Loss
56 Low Fat Salads, Dips And Dressings: For Faster Weight Loss
60 Delicious Dash Diet Recipes
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Easy Low Carb Living Cast Iron Cookbook
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Easy Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Healthy, Super-Tasty, Fix-And-Forget Vegan
Easy Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Healthy, Super-Tasty, Fix-And-Forget Vegan Recipes
Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook: Vol.1 55 Electric Pressure Cooker Dinner Reci
Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook: Vol.1 55 Electric Pressure Cooker Dinner Recipes
cast-iron skillet recipes for busy families
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Clean Eating 4-Week Meal Plan
Clean Eating 4-Week Meal Plan
The Canned Soup Cookbook
The Canned Soup Cookbook
Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook: Insanely Amazing and Finger-Licking Meals at the T
Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook: Insanely Amazing and Finger-Licking Meals at the Touch of a Button
A to Z Canning and Preserving for Total Beginners The Essential Canning Recipes
Food that last forever Includes links to 50 Healthy Mexican Recipe Videos Preserving food to last through the cold months or packaging or bottling it to travel long distances has long been a concern. Napoleon stated, "An army travels on its stomach." He was referring to the problems involved with transporting sufficient food to keep his men fed. The Napoleonic soldiers were often hungry, thanks to the difficulty of transporting fresh food. Just to show that he was serious about solving this problem, he offered a reward of 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with a solution. The award was given to Nicholas Appert in 1810. After trying a variety of methods – including attempting to remove air from his glass jars – he devised a method that worked. The food was placed in a glass bottle, then corked and sealed with wax. The glass bottles were then wrapped in canvas, and boiled in water. The result was bottled foodstuffs that could be transported, even though the jars were breakable. Appert published a book titled, The Art of Preserving Animal and Vegetable Substances. Two years later, Brian Donkin found a way to substitute tin for the fragile glass, and the canning industry was born. It made its way to American, where Gail Borden used the technique to preserve milk so it could be transported to the inner cities. There were problems along the way with this journey toward portable food preservation. The first was the sealant used on the cans. The early ones were soldered closed using lead solder. Of course, if you are on a battlefield where you could be shot down at any minute, lead poisoning probably isn't high on your list of worries. Second, it took forty years before anyone invented a can opener. Napoleon's men were forced to use their swords to open the cans, a process that probably didn't do the sword any good, and no doubt was less than satisfactory for getting those cans opened without spilling the contents. Readers might be wondering at this point why modern home canning is usually done in glass jars, following methods that are similar to the ones Appert developed. The answer is somewhat complex. Canning in metal requires more specialized equipment than canning in jars. Once the cans are filled, the lids must be sealed on. The cans will then need to be heated to destroy bacteria. (The first ones were made fifty years before Louis Pasteur did his ground-breaking work, so neither Appert or Donkin knew why it was that some cans would be just fine, while others would spoil. In early canning efforts, if the can was sealed and did not bulge, it was presumed to be safe to eat. No one knew about botulism, that hidden killer that can lurk in an improperly bottled jar of green beans. The equipment for canning in tins is more expensive than that needed to can in glass bottles. It is also easier to see if the food is still good when it is preserved in transparent glass. Incidentally, "can" is short for "canister." As we all know, canisters can be made from all sorts of materials, so if you've ever wondered why foodstuffs preserved in glass jars was said to the "canned," rather than "bottled", that is the explanation. Since this is a book about the very basics of home canning, it only addresses putting up your food in glass. Preserving food in metal cylinders requires a specialized sealer is a technique for experienced food preservers.