

Apropria??o social da ciência e da tecnologia: contribui??es para uma agenda
Apropria??o social da ciência e da tecnologia: contribui??es para uma agenda
Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini Hayashi
Minden, ami 6. Minden, ami megforgatja az észkerekeidet, minden, ami el?csalogat6ja a benned szunnyadó b?lcs tudást. 666 kvízkérdés, amelyek valamilyen úton-módon kapcsolódnak a 6-hoz. Hol a kérdésben, hol a válaszban lapul a 6-os szám vagy a hat, mint szótag; hol pedig 6 válasz k?zül kell kiválasztani vagy éppen 6 segítséggel kell megtalálni a helyes megoldást. A kérdések mégis szerteágazóak, éppúgy megtalál6óak k?ztük a t?rténelemmel, a f?ldrajzzal, a sporttal, a képz?m?vészettel, a zenével és a filmekkel, mint a bulvárral vagy éppenséggel a Fenevaddal kapcsolatosak is. Olvasd magányosan vagy játszd társaságban, most megmutat6od, hogy milyen m?velt vagy!
Sous Chef: 24 óra a konyha frontvonalán
Sous Chef: 24 óra a konyha frontvonalán
Michael Gibney
Обычные пластиковые бутылки – прекрасный материал для творчества! Книга расскажет, как смастерить из них практичные вещи для дома, украшения для участка или даже садовую беседку! Следуйте простым и понятным инструкциям, и в вашем саду посе?лится очаровательный лебедь, вырастут яркие цветы и деревья, интерьер украсят очаровательные шкатулки и вазы, оригинальные подсвечники, практичная штора. А еще вы сможете сделать игрушки для детей и сувениры для друзей! Запасайтесь пустыми бутылками, выбирайте модель из книги – и приступайте к изготовлению. Вы сами убедитесь, насколько это просто! Obychnye plastikovye butylki – prekrasnyj material dlja tvorchestva! Kniga rasskazhet, kak smasterit' iz nih praktichnye veshhi dlja doma, ukrashenija dlja uchastka ili dazhe sadovuju besedku! Sledujte prostym i ponjatnym instrukcijam, i v vashem sadu pose?litsja ocharovatel'nyj lebed', vyrastut jarkie cvety i derev'ja, inter'er ukrasjat ocharovatel'nye shkatulki i vazy, original'nye podsvechniki, praktichnaja shtora. A eshhe vy smozhete sdelat' igrushki dlja detej i suveniry dlja druzej! Zapasajtes' pustymi butylkami, vybirajte model' iz knigi – i pristupajte k izgotovleniju. Vy sami ubedites', naskol'ko jeto prosto!
A pillangó útja
A pillangó útja
Kun Mia
Все советы даются для выращивания винограда в нашем климате! Особое внимание уделяется формированию куста с помощью обрезки, позволяющей регулировать его плодоношение. В книге представлено: ? Описание современных сортов винограда: сроки созревания, урожайность, устойчивость к болезням и др. ? Методы ускоренного формирования винограда ? Размножение и посадка: подготовка участка, укоренение черенков ? Уход за виноградником: полив, удобрение, укрытие на зиму, борьба с заморозками, защита от вредителей ? Прививка различными методами ? Сбор урожая ? Осенняя, весенняя и летняя обрезка: преимущества и способы проведения. Vse sovety dajutsja dlja vyrashhivanija vinograda v nashem klimate! Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja formirovaniju kusta s pomoshh'ju obrezki, pozvoljajushhej regulirovat' ego plodonoshenie. V knige predstavleno: ? Opisanie sovremennyh sortov vinograda: sroki sozrevanija, urozhajnost', ustojchivost' k boleznjam i dr. ? Metody uskorennogo formirovanija vinograda ? Razmnozhenie i posadka: podgotovka uchastka, ukorenenie cherenkov ? Uhod za vinogradnikom: poliv, udobrenie, ukrytie na zimu, bor'ba s zamorozkami, zashhita ot vreditelej ? Privivka razlichnymi metodami ? Sbor urozhaja ? Osennjaja, vesennjaja i letnjaja obrezka: preimushhestva i sposoby provedenija.
Tiltott gy?zelem
Tiltott gy?zelem
T. H. Fabling
Пошаговые рекомендации и иллюстрации Варианты стрижек и причесок в разных стилях Идеи для всех возрастов С этим пособием вы без труда научитесь стричь, окрашивать волосы и делать прически в домашних условиях! Узнайте, как подбирать стрижку с учетом особенностей формы лица, структуры, типа волос и их длины. Освойте тонкости создания женских повседневных и вечерних причесок. Женские стрижки: классическое каре, лесенка, авангард, асимметрия, французская и др. Мужские стрижки: полубокс, молодежная, удлиненная, спортивная и др. Стрижки для мальчиков: гарсон, стиляга и др. Для девочек: Ассоль, воздушная и др. Уход за волосами Подбор парикмахерских инструментов Методы и правила стрижки Мелирование, колорирование и окрашивание: блики, брондирование, омбре, растяжка, фламбояж, трафаретное окрашивание, шатуш и др. Poshagovye rekomendacii i illjustracii Varianty strizhek i prichesok v raznyh stiljah Idei dlja vseh vozrastov S jetim posobiem vy bez truda nauchites' strich', okrashivat' volosy i delat' pricheski v domashnih uslovijah! Uznajte, kak podbirat' strizhku s uchetom osobennostej formy lica, struktury, tipa volos i ih dliny. Osvojte tonkosti sozdanija zhenskih povsednevnyh i vechernih prichesok. Zhenskie strizhki: klassicheskoe kare, lesenka, avangard, asimmetrija, francuzskaja i dr. Muzhskie strizhki: poluboks, molodezhnaja, udlinennaja, sportivnaja i dr. Strizhki dlja mal'chikov: garson, stiljaga i dr. Dlja devochek: Assol', vozdushnaja i dr. Uhod za volosami Podbor parikmaherskih instrumentov Metody i pravila strizhki Melirovanie, kolorirovanie i okrashivanie: bliki, brondirovanie, ombre, rastjazhka, flambojazh, trafaretnoe okrashivanie, shatush i dr.
George Hannmer
Позаботьтесь о хорошем урожае уже сегодня! Календарь работ в саду и огороде составлен с учетом фаз Луны, что поможет разобраться, когда можно сеять и пересаживать, а когда лучше воздержаться от активной работы. Pozabot'tes' o horoshem urozhae uzhe segodnja! Kalendar' rabot v sadu i ogorode sostavlen s uchetom faz Luny, chto pomozhet razobrat'sja, kogda mozhno sejat' i peresazhivat', a kogda luchshe vozderzhat'sja ot aktivnoj raboty.
Végzetes ?r?kség
Végzetes ?r?kség
Chevy Stevens
Автор книги — основатель клуба автономного выживания. Его советы проверены на личном опыте, приобретенном в ходе экспедиций. Он убежден, чтобы спасти себя и близких нужны знания, уверенность в себе и желание выжить. Как действовать во время аварий и вооруженных конфликтов. Что делать во время лесного пожара, урагана, пурги. Как ориентироваться на местности. Как найти воду, добыть пищу и создать временное укрытие. Как развести костер. Как подать сигнал и др. Avtor knigi — osnovatel' kluba avtonomnogo vyzhivanija. Ego sovety provereny na lichnom opyte, priobretennom v hode jekspedicij. On ubezhden, chtoby spasti sebja i blizkih nuzhny znanija, uverennost' v sebe i zhelanie vyzhit'. Kak dejstvovat' vo vremja avarij i vooruzhennyh konfliktov. Chto delat' vo vremja lesnogo pozhara, uragana, purgi. Kak orientirovat'sja na mestnosti. Kak najti vodu, dobyt' pishhu i sozdat' vremennoe ukrytie. Kak razvesti koster. Kak podat' signal i dr.
P. C. Harris
Az 5 tornacsuka mesés gyerek útik?nyve a Balaton-felvidékre kalauzolja ifjú olvasóit. Ebben a mesében lilába borul minden és a végén még ürgét is találunk. Mert a Balaton t?bb, mint fürd?ruha, sokkal inkább tornacsuka. Tartsatok velünk, kalandra fel!
Come, Tell Me How You Live:An Archaeological Memoir
Come, Tell Me How You Live:An Archaeological Memoir
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie’s personal memoirs about her travels to Syria and Iraq in the 1930s with her archaeologist husband Max Mallowan, where she worked on the digs and wrote some of her most evocative novels. Think you know Agatha Christie? Think again! To the world she was Agatha Christie, legendary author of bestselling whodunits. But in the 1930s she wore a different hat, travelling with her husband, renowned archaeologist Max Mallowan, as he investigated the buried ruins and ancient wonders of Syria and Iraq. When friends asked what this strange ‘other life’ was like, she decided to answer their questions by writing down her adventures in this eye-opening book. Described by the author as a ‘meandering chronicle of life on an archaeological dig’, Come, Tell Me How You Live is Agatha Christie's very personal memoir of her time spent in this breathtaking corner of the globe, living among the working men in tents in the desert where recorded human history began. Acclaimed as ‘a pure pleasure to read’, it is an altogether remarkable and increasingly poignant narrative, a fascinating, vibrant and vivid portrait of everyday life in a world now long since vanished.
Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History
Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History
Malam, John
Yorkshire is well known for its miners, pudding and cricket, but 'Yorkshire, A Very Peculiar History' scrapes beyond the surface and past the cliches. Featuring a host of characters from Yorkshire past and present, it's not all grit and grime! Tracing Yorkshire's history back through Roman and Viking rule, to the various tribes which populated the area in prehistoric times, this book covers the largest county in England from all angles. Featuring quirky tales of Yorkshire's crucial role in the industrial revolution, and detailed stories about the famed Wars of the Roses, it tells the astonishing tale of this large and historic county and its people and culture.
Brighton, A Very Peculiar History
Brighton, A Very Peculiar History
Arscott, David
Brighton: that curious master of reinvention - whether it's considered 'London-by-the-Sea' or 'England's San Francisco', it's certainly a city with a reputation for being on the edge. Delve deep into the weird and wonderful history of 'Brighthelmstone', and find out how this dreary fishing village became a dazzling playground for the louche and wealthy: from the fashionable Regency period to the age of DJs, Brighton has always been home to the proudly quirky. But it's not all sun, sea and a fish supper! Be sure to avoid the sleazy world of gang fights and murders as portrayed in Graham Greene's 'Brighton Rock', whilst ducking to miss the bottles hurled between the mods and the rockers during the famous beach battles. Fully exploring the ups and downs of a seaside town, it's 'Brighton - A Very Peculiar History'...with a bit of Hove on the side.
London, A Very Peculiar History
London, A Very Peculiar History
Pipe, Jim
Charting the quirky past of one of the most important cities in the world, 'London, A Very Peculiar History' will challenge what you thought you knew about this great capital and blow your mind with things you most certainly didn't. From Roman roads to the congestion charge, this title takes a whistlestop tour of iconic London landmarks and eras, whilst poking its head round the corner of the back alleys to see what's really been going on behind the scenes. Alongside the Top Ten Tourist Attractions you'll find curious recipes for cockney food (such as jellied 'iwz'), descriptions of London's 'lost buildings', and lists of royal residences, famous markets and classic film scenes featuring London landmarks. With humourous cartoon-style illustrations and amusing captions and speech bubbles, 'London: A Very Peculiar History' tells the untold tale of Britain's greatest tourist attraction, busiest commercial district and home to the Royals.
Earthy Realism
Earthy Realism
Midgley, Mary
GAIA, named after the ancient Greek mother-goddess, is the notion that the Earth and the life on it form an active, self-maintaining whole. By its use of personification it attacks the view that the physical world is inert and lifeless. It has a scientific side, as shown by the new university departments of earth science which bring biology and geology together to study the continuity of the cycle. It also has a visionary or spiritual aspect. What the contributors to this book believe is needed is to bring these two angles together. With global warming now an accepted fact, the lessons of GAIA have never been more relevant and urgent.
Leiner Laura
Борис Бублик многие годы изучает и практикует способы ?разумного земледелия?, которые облегчают труд на земле и улучшают урожай. К его советам уже прислушались более 1 000 000 последователей! Весь многолетний опыт автора – в одной книге! Узнайте, как организовать работу, чтобы не вредить земле химией, не гробить здоровье и получить достойный урожай. ? Надо ли перекапывать и рыхлить ? Какие растения угнетают рост сорняков ? Как организовать совместную посадку растений ? Как заставить сорняки работать на благо огорода ? Чем отпугнуть колорадского жука и др. ? Как изготовить инвентарь для работы в огороде. Бонус! Вкладка ?Таблица совместимости растений?. Boris Bublik mnogie gody izuchaet i praktikuet sposoby ?razumnogo zemledelija?, kotorye oblegchajut trud na zemle i uluchshajut urozhaj. K ego sovetam uzhe prislushalis' bolee 1 000 000 posledovatelej! Ves' mnogoletnij opyt avtora – v odnoj knige! Uznajte, kak organizovat' rabotu, chtoby ne vredit' zemle himiej, ne grobit' zdorov'e i poluchit' dostojnyj urozhaj. ? Nado li perekapyvat' i ryhlit' ? Kakie rastenija ugnetajut rost sornjakov ? Kak organizovat' sovmestnuju posadku rastenij ? Kak zastavit' sornjaki rabotat' na blago ogoroda ? Chem otpugnut' koloradskogo zhuka i dr. ? Kak izgotovit' inventar' dlja raboty v ogorode. Bonus! Vkladka ?Tablica sovmestimosti rastenij?.
In Praise of Savagery
In Praise of Savagery
Warwick Cairns
One man’s journey in the footsteps of a great explorer into the heart of Africa. As a young man, Warwick Cairns met the then elderly explorer Wilfred Thesiger and the two men struck up an unlikely friendship. Invited to visit him at his African home, Cairns decides to make a bit of an adventure of it and do some of the journey on foot. When he himself was a young man, Thesiger led an expedition to explore the course of the Awash river in Ethiopia. Every westerner that had gone before him had been killed by local tribesmen. Needless to say, he survived. Alternating chapters chart Warwick’s journey with that of Thesiger creating a captivating dual narrative that is part travel book, part biography, part autobiography, part history with fair doses of philosophy and humour thrown in for good measure. In Praise of Savagery is a highly original book that defies classification but is always effortlessly readable.
Something Wholesale
Something Wholesale
Eric Newby
Veteran travel writer Eric Newby has a massive following and is cherished as the forefather of the modern comic travel book. However, less known are his adventures during the years he spent as an apprentice and commercial buyer in the improbable trade of women's fashion. From his repatriation as a prisoner of war in 1945 to his writing of the bestselling ‘A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush’ in 1956, Eric Newby’s years as a commercial traveller in the world of haute couture were as full of adventure and oddity as any during his time as travel editor for the Observer. ‘Something Wholesale’ is Newby's hilarious and wonderfully chaotic tale of the disorder that was his life as an apprentice to the family garment firm of Lane and Newby, including hilariously recounted escapades with sudden-onset wool allergies, waist-deep predicaments in tissue paper and the soul-destroying task of matching buttons. In addition to the charming chaos of his work in the family business, it is also a warm and loving portrait of his father, a delightfully eccentric gentleman who managed to spend more energy avoiding and actively participating in disasters than he did in preserving his business. With its quick wit, self-deprecating charm and splendidly fascinating detail, this is vintage Newby - only with a garment bag in place of a well-worn suitcase.
The Hungry Cyclist: Pedalling The Americas In Search Of The Perfect Meal
The Hungry Cyclist: Pedalling The Americas In Search Of The Perfect Meal
Tom Kevill Davies
Over 100,000 miles to cover, one man, one bike and one hungry stomach. Having created his alter-ego, the Hungry Cyclist and with thousands of pedal-powered miles before him, Tom Kevill-Davies pushed off from New York City on one of the most ambitious gastronomic adventures ever undertaken. A ballsy travel memoir The Hungry Cyclist follows Tom's adventure into the hearts and minds of the people he meets. Revealing the diverse cultures of the Americas, Tom’s journey from over the Rockies to Baja California, through Central America down all the way to Brazil via Colombia, gives the real flavour of this truly extraordinary landmass. This is a tale of death-battles with squadrons of mosquitoes, malodorous public toilets, of galloping dysentery one day, to drowning your sorrows with cowboys and dining with beauty queens the next. But above all it is an ambitious story of getting to where you want to be - even if you have to endure cactus-induced punctures, unforgiving desert heat, uphill struggles through never-ending cocaine plantations, or artfully dodge hungry bears, neurotic RV-driving Americans, angry rabid dogs and run-ins with local law authorities in the process. An amazing tale of what can happen when you get on your bike and go.
A Small Place in Italy
A Small Place in Italy
Eric Newby
This book is a lush and beautiful memoir of a very special house and a superb recreation of a bygone era. In 1967, veteran travel writer Eric Newby and his heroic wife Wanda fulfiled their dream of a return to life in the Italian hills where they first met during World War II. But this fulfilment would not come easy. The dream materialised in the form of I Castagni ('The Chestnuts'), a small, decrepit farmhouse with no roof, an abandoned septic tank and its own indigenous wildlife reluctant to give up their home. But in the foothills of the Apuan Alps on the border of Liguria and Northern Tuscany, this ramshackle house would soon become a hub of love, friendship and activity. Whether recounting dangerous expeditions through Afghanistan or everyday life in a country house, Newby's talent shines through as one of the foremost writers of the comic travel genre. Full of Newby's sharp wit and good humour, ‘A Small Place’ in Italy returns, twenty years later, to the life of Newby's much-cherished classic, Love and War in the Apennines. It lovingly recounts the quickly disappearing lifestyle of the idiosyncratic locals, and the enduring friendships they forge, whether sharing in growing their first wine harvest as novices or frying poisonous mushrooms for a feast.
Rekop György
Выращивание однолетних и многолетних трав Сбор, хранение, переработка лекарственных и пряных растений Вырастить мяту, базилик, рукколу, укроп, шалфей, лаванду, эхинацею можно на участке, подоконнике, балконе, в палисаднике! Книга рассказывает о свойствах трав, дает рекомендации по посадке и уходу за ними в домашних условиях или на даче, объясняет, когда и как правильно собирать урожай. Практичное дополнение! Рекомендации по составлению пряных кулинарных смесей и лекарственных сборов! Vyrashhivanie odnoletnih i mnogoletnih trav Sbor, hranenie, pererabotka lekarstvennyh i prjanyh rastenij Vyrastit' mjatu, bazilik, rukkolu, ukrop, shalfej, lavandu, jehinaceju mozhno na uchastke, podokonnike, balkone, v palisadnike! Kniga rasskazyvaet o svojstvah trav, daet rekomendacii po posadke i uhodu za nimi v domashnih uslovijah ili na dache, ob#jasnjaet, kogda i kak pravil'no sobirat' urozhaj. Praktichnoe dopolnenie! Rekomendacii po sostavleniju prjanyh kulinarnyh smesej i lekarstvennyh sborov!
Nagy emberek gyermekcip?ben
Nagy emberek gyermekcip?ben
Szerb Antal
Созданные своими руками яркие коврики сделают ваш дом уютным и теплым, украсят любой интерьер. Все, что вам понадобится для работы, – лоскуты тканей, которые вы получите из ненужных вещей, и толстый вязальный крючок. Sozdannye svoimi rukami jarkie kovriki sdelajut vash dom ujutnym i teplym, ukrasjat ljuboj inter'er. Vse, chto vam ponadobitsja dlja raboty, – loskuty tkanej, kotorye vy poluchite iz nenuzhnyh veshhej, i tolstyj vjazal'nyj krjuchok.
Travel eGuide: Ireland: Discover a charming country, full of history and mystery
Travel eGuide: Ireland: Discover a charming country, full of history and mystery
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Travel eGuide: Ireland: Discover a charming country, full of history and mystery!
The Wild Rover: A Blistering Journey Along Britain’s Footpaths
The Wild Rover: A Blistering Journey Along Britain’s Footpaths
Mike Parker
Mike Parker, bestselling author of Map Addict, offers a very full, intelligent and witty exploration into a glorious and passionate British subject - footpaths and the history of land ownership. Mike discovers how these paths have become part of our cultural landscape and why, at the tender age of 44, he suddenly finds himself at a crossroads. Provocative, funny and personal, this book celebrates Britain’s unique and extraordinary network of footpaths. It examines their chequered and surprisingly turbulent history, from the Enclosures Acts of the eighteenth century to the 1932 Mass Trespass on Kinder Scout in Derbyshire; and from the hard-won post-war establishment of great National Trails like the Pennine Way to the dramatic latter-day battles by the likes of Nicholas van Hoogstraten and Madonna to keep ramblers off their land. The story ranges far and wide, to all corners of the country and beyond, and is filled with the many characters that Mike engages with along the way - the poets and artists, farmers and ramblers, landowners and Rights of Way officers and campaigners, historians, archivists and anyone else who crosses his path (or even tries to block it).
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